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The Ideal Trio?Follow

#1 Mar 13 2005 at 9:29 AM Rating: Decent
31 posts
Hey guys, I am playing with 2 family-members of mine, and we are all level 9 about to choose our subclass. I was wondering if anyone had any advice on what the best trio would be? We have a scout, fighter, and priest right now. The scout is pretty much set on swashbuckler, but besides that no one knows who they want to play as. Any input on your opinion would be very helpful! We just want a good combination that can heal well and hold aggro with the swash's AE attacks.

Thank you ^_^
#2 Mar 13 2005 at 9:41 AM Rating: Decent
definitely a priest of some sort... and a fighter of some type no arguement there..

I wonder if the scout is a good addition though...

with a sorcerer class mage (Warlock or Wizard at 20th) you get extreme amounts of damage added to your group.

with a summoner type mage (Conjuror or Necro at 20th) you get a few DMG spells, SOLID DPS through the series of DOT's they get and the pet which does an impressive amount of DPS as well... add to that the pet will allow a limited degree of crowd control..
#3 Mar 13 2005 at 11:05 AM Rating: Decent
31 posts
I chose it because not only are scouts a good utility class (we can track, diarm traps, and with a swashy smuggle), but we also can last longer than a mage in a dire fight where the swashy must take a few blows. I think it is a good choice :)

I just want to know what would be good as far as fighter and healer go for the "perfect" trio...
#4 Mar 13 2005 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
1,885 posts
Your choice of a fighter and priest is good. The fighter class can eventually wear plate armor and taunt to keep agro while the priest heals.

Scouts have the abilities you already know about.

For a fighter subclass, a Crusader (leading to a Paladin) has self-healing spells, although not very powerful. It might keep him alive for just a few more blows. Brawler (leading to a Monk/Bruiser) wears light armor and can't take direct hits, but relies on evading blows.

Clerics have heals and buffs, Druids have heals and damage shields, Shamans have heals and wards.

Most of the classes are balanced, in fact the archtypes have very similiar abilities. You may find that the "perfect" trio comes not from your choice of subclass, but your skill and play-style.

There are some places where you will find you will need more members to add to your party to take down some foes.

Good luck!
#5 Mar 13 2005 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
31 posts
What about the beserker/guardian? How do they come to par with the other tanks? I think we just need a tank that can hold the best aggro with AE taunts and such.
#6 Mar 13 2005 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
I would say Paladin, Cleric, and some sort of DPS (maybe mage of some sort).

#7 Mar 13 2005 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
79 posts
played alot with this idea, and gave up many char including a defiler and sk.

My advice would be Zerker (flawless aggro, good dps,rampage, puls good tank class) Clr (best healer class, can out heal a druid and shammy any day of the week) warlock/wiz (highest dps class, scouts dont even come near him, zerker is the best class for a warlock, due to aggro)

This is what i came to as the best trio, but you will be lacking alot of usefull spells.
Keep the clr at any cost if you want to replace any of the char, and be carefull of crusaders, they hold aggro really bad compared to warriors.

this is my opinion after many hours resaerch and first hand exprince up to lvl 40.

For anyone about the flame me, remember he is asking for the best trio class :)


edit: trioed with the defiler, sk and a random dps'er to lvl 32, untill my friend and I rerolled to zerker and inq, makes the world of difference

Edited, Sun Mar 13 13:42:32 2005 by bukholt
#8 Mar 13 2005 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
I play in a regular trio with two r/l friends and our class makeup has been working well. We are all about to turn 20 and classes/sub-classes include warrior/guardian, druid/warden & preditor/ranger.

This may not be what some folks would consider the *ideal* trio but I think that the design of EQ2 is forgiving enough to allow for structuring a small group from more than one set of options and still ending up with a viable combination.

As we move forward, we will see if this selection continues to be workable but for right now, it's working just fine!
#9 Mar 13 2005 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
79 posts
All trio classes work really great till you hit hit tire 3, the crows in antonica drops fast for 2.5 % exp with vitals, but then you out lvl them and hit tire 3 crows in ts.
This is where things start to change, and as you move up to tier 4 it becomes more ane more impotrant not to have gimped classes in your trio grp, at tier 5 you really are looking for a cutting edge trio to do well and it can be done with the right classes.

The game gets harder and harder as you lvl up, at lvl 20 there are almost no differance between the classes, but at lvl 50 some of them are like night and day.

If you dont have a good trio, you will not be able to kill some blue mobs, and will be stuck hunting greens for little exp.

But that wont happen with his current setup, the basic is there, its just a question on how well you want to do at tier 5.

Edited, Sun Mar 13 15:16:39 2005 by bukholt
#10 Mar 13 2005 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
I play a guardian with a cleric(my wife) and a wizard(a friend from eq1). We can do most anything. Had the AQ1-5 done by 24. Got my DWB at around 26. We did on occasion have people along, but that was the exception rather than the rule. We are all 31 atm and have been duoing and trioing in Zek and EL for a few levels already.
#11 Mar 13 2005 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
What's so bad about having a swashy instead of a wizard/warlock? Is the damage that lacking in its absence in higher tiers? I was thinking it would be great because the guardian/beserker could tank while the swash does his prone abilities... also he could disarm chests.

I wouldn't mind starting over since we are only 9 in favor of a stronger trio, but how sure are you guys just in case, and what are the advantages/disadvantages of a mage over a scout?

How bad do the trapped chests get at higher tiers? Could a guardian or beserker / wizard or warlock / templar die from an armed chest with full life?

Edited, Sun Mar 13 18:55:19 2005 by ellinghad
#12 Mar 13 2005 at 7:19 PM Rating: Decent
79 posts
lag post

Edited, Sun Mar 13 19:37:24 2005 by bukholt
#13 Mar 13 2005 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
79 posts
i can only give you advice up to lvl 40 and since my friend and i play zerker and enq then i'm not that well know in scout and mage classes, can only tell you that my dps parser tell me and that is warlocks do massive amout of dmg, sometimes two to three times as much as the average scout.

My trio design is based on brute force, you got a high dps plate tank, massive healing and massive dps, would like for someone else to join the tread, i dont want to give poor advice.

There are other options than the one i gave, but im fairly sure its among the top 3 best setups.

Would also recomend going to the soe forum and read up on classes and bugs.

In my view the zerker clr warlock team is unlikely to be nerfed and in future expansions they will be playable, who knows which is the best class at lvl 200, maybe the defiler is the key person in a trio, no one really knows.

Just dont want you to be forced to reroll as i had to do, its very painfull, i would go ahead and make a warrior and prist, you may want to rethink the scout, scout have some nice spells that help the grp travle and such.

But in between the zerkers ability to hold aggo and the warlock massive AoE nukes its worth giving some though.

Remember i can only know this game up to lvl 40, if anyone else would join it it would be much appresiated.

As for traps the warlock and clr are in risk of dying from trigger traps, my zerker haven't died yet :) and the clr can cure most trap diseases.

If he were to die the clr would just rez him, not that big of a deal, health lose from traps dont matter, the healer packs alot of healing.

On a side note warlocks are stronger than wizards, this is all suggestions from someone how was looking for the same setup as you, and this is my conclusion, there is no guarantee it suits you and your familys play style.

Hope it helps, good luck :)
#14 Mar 13 2005 at 8:00 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
Zerker, cleric, warlock sounds very tempting, I will see if I can give it a shot :)
#15 Mar 13 2005 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
79 posts
clr comes to two classes, temp and inq, its the general belive that temps are better grp healers and inq better single target healer, so it might have to be fp for you if you are going inq.

Also you might want to have a look here for traits, make sure you pick a class for the zerker that has defence bonus, the site is not up to date, its important to know the differance on skills and and stats, some races you can add 5 points to defence, 5 points will set you a whole lvl above the mob you are fighting and if you add 5 points to wis in just a stack in a lager pool, so any skill you add has a much greater impact than stat points.

Its all the little things that makes the differance :)
#16 Mar 14 2005 at 6:25 AM Rating: Decent
SoE is far from done with class balance.

If your desire is to only play a trio and never be MT/MH on a raid then ANY fighter class and healer class will be just as good.
For the third spot scout or mage is a matter of taste. Atm warlocks has alot more dmg then any scout but it will be more balanced over time.

My dreamteam trio would be Fury/zerker and swashbuckler.

Zerker has VERY good defence but still dash out more damage then a guardian. A fury can be both decent DPS and decent healer, fury also have alot of good buffs for a trio, HoT and better heals then shammy's. swashbuckler is a good utility to have with you and good dps.

Myself trio alot with my brother and girlfriend. Trio is: mystic, fury and guardian. It works and we can trio orange groupencounters. Not the best trio but we play with the goal to be hardcore raiders and thoose classes suits us well in raids.

Edited, Mon Mar 14 06:26:11 2005 by BumbiRagnar
#17 Mar 14 2005 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
79 posts
you forget to tell what lvl of advice you are giving, making it useless.

Not many lvl 45+ furies agree that they are the good healers, read the SoE board for fuires.

But i do agree that class balance is far from done, puls no one knows what future expansions will bring.

As for any fighter is good is flat out worng, my sk (lvl 32) can NOT hold aggro in a high dps trio grp, and will get the grp killed.

When you play a trio the healer and dps'er will spam, which makes aggro controle the key in my view.

Again this i my opinion, there are many roads to take.
#18 Mar 14 2005 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
79 posts
I apologize didn't see you tag, you play at a lvl i know nothing about, so you are lvl 44 fury, would you say that you do better in trio than a clr? our team is now lvl 40 zerker/inq?
#19 Mar 14 2005 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
1,885 posts
For the parser and DPS, would it make a difference regarding damage EACH second?

For example, a Wiz nukes for 600, but has a (lets say) 6 second recast. That's 600 damage in one second, no damage for 5 seconds.

A Conjurer DoT's for 100 damage EACH second for 6 seconds, giving 600 damage over 6 seconds.

Same damage, but spread differently.

Does this make a difference for agro?

With my Conjurer I frequently do 100-150 DPS with DoT's. This is not counting the pet damage that is also 50-150. Don't have a parser so maybe I just get good tanks. :)
#20 Mar 14 2005 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
79 posts
the parser will give stats for your meelee dot/nuke/pet any dmg done by you, but it can not count buffs, if you get an enc you'll see ppls dmg output raise, stuff like that, so be carefull with the logs you get.
#21 Mar 15 2005 at 1:04 AM Rating: Decent
31 posts
Is the dps of a warlock that much greater than the swashbuckler? If the dps is so great, what use is the swashy? Sure, he can take a couple more hits and disarm traps, but are these guys more for utility than dps?
#22 Mar 15 2005 at 4:03 AM Rating: Decent
Any fighter + priest + dps is fine. This is not EQ1 and most setups work pretty good.

This is kind of how it is intended:
Guard + Inq + Warlock = 50 dps + 30 dps + 120 dps = 2 min fight
Zerker + fury + swash = 60 dps + 40 dps + 80 dps = 2.10 min fight
Monk + fury + Warlock = 80 dps + 10 dps + 110 dps = 2 min fight
Zerker + Inq + swash = 60 dps + 20 dps + 100 dps = 2.10 min fight

As you see all trios kills a mob in roughly the same time. How much dps a priest is depends on how much she has to heal tank, how much dps scout/mage is depends on how good tank can hold agro.
Scout will allways do abit less dps then a mage since he has a few more utilitys.
Now this is not really true because classbalance is far from done but if you have this is mind you should not pick a class just because it is semi broken atm, it will be fixed in time.
Pick the classes you find to be most attractive.

When it comes to agro and SK/paladin, they might not be as good as a zerker (zerker are best atm because of taunts and massive dps) at holding agro. But priest dont steal agro because of dps, its not possible. So priests just heal abit less since SK/pal can heal themselfs and that is a good agro controller. That makes the priest class abit more dps, the dps class has to hold back abit etc. But mob dies in rougly the same time.

As I said, this is how it is ment to be and not the actuall case.
But in my experience it holds pretty good.
In a few hour grinds you might have killed a few more or less mobs then another trio but since its not a very big diffrence I suggest you pick the classes you like the most.

Warlock is only there for DPS, sure he can evac at later level and have some buffs. Swash tho is dps and has disarm, track, mezz, medium armor, taunt. So it would be unfair to warlock if he didnt have more dps since he is a pure dps class.

I might be wrong at some point but this is what I have experienced when playing and reading forums.

Edited, Tue Mar 15 04:10:53 2005 by BumbiRagnar
#23 Mar 15 2005 at 5:03 AM Rating: Decent
138 posts
Another benefit to the scout class i.e. swashy is a lower power consumption rate for their dps. A wizzy type can blow his full power bar in one or two fights if he spams. A swashy will do less dps then the wizzy but will have more power left over at the end of a fight allowing for more consecutive pulls. The fights may take a little longer but it would keep the action goin rather then kill 2 then wait a min...kill two then wait a min.

As for the cleric/shammy/druid argument I really don't think it matters. Yes clerics are the best pure healer. A shamman on the flip side has the best damage prevention spells between wards and debuffs. No need to heal big if your tank isnt getting hit. A druid has the best agro management of the 3 due to the regens. This decreases the amount of heals cast on the healer and decreases the tanks need to keep taunting. The end result is that if played correctly the healing classes are very well balanced and any one will do wonders in a trio.

On the tanks, deffinately go with a Berzerker or Guardian. The name of the game in the trio is agro management. Only these two classes are truly gifted at holding ALL of the mobs attention. A crusader type has some nice abilities but doesn't hold agro as well as a warrior. The monk/bruiser type does a pretty good amount of damage and can hold a single mobs attention easily but lacks in group mob control.
#24 Mar 15 2005 at 7:43 AM Rating: Decent
79 posts
BumbiRagnar i dont feel that you have tried a trio with a defiler and sk.

If that is the case be carefull what advice you give a guy asking for The Ideal Trio.

some setups are better on single target some are much better at grp targets.

Any fighter + priest + dps is fine. This is not EQ1 and most setups work pretty good.

And for you advice that any tanks are good in a "trio" <--- keep that in mind, is in my view the worst advice, there are a big differance from a guardian to a monk and which healer is best for them.
This is what happened to me, im an old eq'er and love the sk/shammy combo in in EQ1, and with everyone telling me the same thing as you, thought great lets go down that road only to find it leads to a dead-end.

There is nothing wrong with the sk/defiler on single targets, but when it comes to grp targets it stinks, and not being able to dungeon crawl with you family if you prefer to play way will ruin the game.

As for the fury i will not comment on that since you know the class better than I, can only tell you that sk's has a hard time keeping aggro of a druid/shammy main healer on grp targets in a trio.

For your parser log mine dont show the same numbers as yours i guess.

Edited, Tue Mar 15 08:11:17 2005 by bukholt
#25 Mar 15 2005 at 8:50 AM Rating: Decent
79 posts
kildarner wrote

Another benefit to the scout class i.e. swashy is a lower power consumption rate for their dps. A wizzy type can blow his full power bar in one or two fights if he spams. A swashy will do less dps then the wizzy but will have more power left over at the end of a fight allowing for more consecutive pulls. The fights may take a little longer but it would keep the action goin rather then kill 2 then wait a min...kill two then wait a min.

This is very true, my reason for chosing a warlock over swashy in a trio is that if you take on a yellow ^^ with 6 mob in it, the tank's health will drop fast, i only see the clr doing that kind of raw healing, nor clr shammy and druids have time or the power to debuff/dps, so the faster you can kill the first three mobs the better you'll do, this is where i feel the warlock shines, but as stated before the swashy has a lot of nice stuff, any scout the that matter.
Zerker and scout goes well together with zerker grp hast, but is not gonna out dmg a warlock, as you see the warlock ability to power burn as weakness i see it as plus, and with a high tier drink on him he'll be up on his feet in no time.

My guess is that in later expansion the differance between a swashy's dps and a warlock will be even grater, making the setup less likely to get nerfed, and i do see alot of druids rings and broken wiz spires ;) just guessing, but maybe teleports are comming back at some point, what would not be half bad if you had wiz.

Just cant see replacing any of a zerker/clr/wiz setup with out removing two.

Zsrker/druid/swashy maybe dunno

Edited, Tue Mar 15 09:01:52 2005 by bukholt
#26 Mar 15 2005 at 8:56 AM Rating: Decent
A wizzy type can blow his full power bar in one or two fights if he spams.

True, but a smart wizard shouldn't be spamming unless he wants to die.. add to that they have spells like Consume Ego which converts health to power will GREATLY diminish your downtime on a wizard...

even better.. Coercers get Breeze which will give everyone a power-over-time boost (in and out of combat plus it stacks with any drinks you are using, Illusionist get a similar spell) as well as extreme amounts of crowd control.

I had my coercer in a trio and kept everyone Breezed, we never ran out of power in a controlled situation.. it was non-stop pulling. But one time things got out of control, we cought not one, but two adds during one fight.... I hit one with fasicinate, hit the other with mezmorize.. and kept them both under control until the brawler and wizzy finished fight number one, then they started on one of the adds.. I hit the one they were fighting with daunting gaze to give them a 30-second free window of attacking without any counter attacks from the mob, all the time keeping the other add totally mezzed... after two fights with two yellow cons back to back we decided our power levels were not quite high enough to take the third.. so while it was still mezzed, we broke combat, fell back, let breeze do it's thing.. then went in and got him a few seconds later.

as far as conjurors go (and necro's I assume too), Essence Shift. Your summoned pet heals Health faster than you do (even with food) with an App III essence shift I can use my pet as a battery, taking a little of it's health and adding to my power. After a draining fight with a yellow con and we're both back to an acceptable amount of health / power in about 5 seconds... typically after a fight I'll immediately essence shift.. by the time I find another mob in my hunting area (unless there's one right next to us) I'm ready to go.

Edited, Tue Mar 15 09:00:34 2005 by Iaini
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