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Alts are the devil!Follow

#1 Mar 04 2005 at 3:46 AM Rating: Decent
Being lvl 42 I can tell you people that the game only becomes better and better the higher you get.
My lvl 50 friends tell me that this is true all the way to the level cap. And it dont stop there. The high end raids are supposed to be awesome and really fun.

Whats my point?
Unless your really, really sure you wont get bored dong antonica, commonlands, TS, nek forrest, zek and EL over and over again dont start an alt until you are lvl 50!
I have seen to many friends playing up several chars to around lvl 30 then they are burned out and bored with the game and quit.
Hold your alts til you ding 50!
If you do you will realize that this game is frigging awesome, more so then you ever thought!

Ofcourse its all up to you! Not me.. But I hate to see people leave the game because they are bored with it, especially if they havent gone all the way. They dont know what they are missing.

Happy hunting all!
#2 Mar 04 2005 at 3:58 AM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
I like to play my alt when my vitality hits 0. While I can still get good exp with no vit in a group killing ^^ mobs, I don't get groups very often. Alts give people who are not in the top guild of there server somethign to do when they can't find a group.

#3 Mar 04 2005 at 4:08 AM Rating: Default
People really have trouble finding groups in the lower levels?
Everytime I lfg I get a group within minutes. Has been the same through all levels. I dont lfg alot though, its rare.

You cannot expect to get a group with only /lfg however.
Build a friendslist, send tells, ask in /ooc.
If you have a few hours to spare I suggest you build your own group from friendslist.

Imo, dont bother with vitility. I hardly ever have more then 5% and even that is rare. 95% of my playtime I have no vitility.
Remember its not all about xp, lots of exploration and quests to do at all levels. Just grinding when you have vitality will make you miss out on alot more content then I did.

But if you enjoy the game still sure play your alt but I highly doubt anyone can have fun running through Antonica so many times..
#4 Mar 04 2005 at 6:27 AM Rating: Decent
I love having my alts, i play pretty often, and using the same toon all the time can get boring, adn there are a bunch of classes out there, why not try them all if you want?
#5 Mar 04 2005 at 6:44 AM Rating: Decent
As long as you dont get bored and quit. fine :)

But playing the same char dont get boring for me atleast since its constantly evolving and I constantly get new content and new stuff to explore and new quests etc etc.

My point is that with alts nothing changes really except what buttons you push. Thats alot though I give you that. But you wont be seeing many new places, wont do many new quests etc.
Its mostly a rinse and repeat thing and that can get tidous.

If you stick with one char til he is lvl 50 nothing ever gets boring or tidous!
You get new skills, new spells, new places to explore, new quests etc.
And when you do hit 50 it was so long ago you where killing red stuff in antonica so starting an alt then will not be as boring.

The point with this whole thread is:
1. I dont want you to quit because of boredom.
2. Trying to give you hope for the future by telling you the trouth: The game gets better and better the more levels you get!
#6 Mar 04 2005 at 8:00 AM Rating: Decent

Alts are wonderful... but then again I'm enjoying exploring the different classes I chose for my alts..

I've done a few delets.. maily because I was not quite happy with eye or hair color or style..

except for one in which I was disappointed with the class in a duo situation, since Juri static-duo's with a scout. Sorcerer + scout = dead sorcerer.. so I re-rolled as an enchanter and it's a FAR more capable duo.

and then of course I don't get bored doing quest over, I'm continually amazed at how different classes handle the same situation.
#7 Mar 04 2005 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
Well Im just afraid more people hit the wall one day.
Meaning that one day you realize this game is not fun anymore. This is what happened to a few friends but the thing is it is fun! They just dont know how fun because they have never reached 40+. :(

So if you insist playing alts then you all have to promise me that if you one day get really bored with the game, dont stop playing! Take a week or so off then get your **** back and grind out til you hit the next tier you have never seen! :)
#8 Mar 04 2005 at 6:17 PM Rating: Decent
222 posts
I like playing my alts when I get a bad group and get a bunch of debt and dont feel like getting my shards and going LFG again .
Just log , get an alt on , and forget the other character exists for about 3 days or so :) .
Yes its much slower to level , but it since i enjoy all my characters equally , it really doesnt matter which one i play .
Makes debt and hard-to-recover shards no problem at all .
#9 Mar 05 2005 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
It sounds like you are trying to convince other people that your opinions are the only truth lol. There is no problem with you wanting to not start any alts until you have reached the cap on one, but just because someone else has several alts with none of them above level 25 doesnt mean that they are going to get bored and quit the game. Some people (myself included) find playing as the same class for a long time to be boring, and would rather try out all the different class/race combos. Different stroked for different folks.

EDIT: Also, some people like leveling up, even if it is between the level 10 to 20 range. You are going to be doing a lot more leveling at lower levels, whereas the upper end leveling becomes a grind. Some people love the grind, others will do anyting possible to avoid it. I dont hate it, but would rather keep seeing my advancements, and getting tangible results from shorter play sessions.

Edited, Sat Mar 5 22:11:27 2005 by dacypher
#10 Mar 05 2005 at 10:36 PM Rating: Decent
your so wrong dacypher.

still havent grinded yet as of lvl 43.

and sure it can be fun playing an alt.

I made this thread only because now I have seen probably around 20 people hitting the wall. they stop finding stuff fun and they do it without seeing the higher lvls.

As I stated before, all are free to do what they want. Its just a little warning that many, infact all my friends that has rerolled rerolled and rerolled and playing alts have quit the game before hitting lvl 40.

If you guys needs alts then I suggest you atleast focus on one char if possible.

And stop trying to tell me what I think. This post was made ONLY because I care about all players and I shed a tear for everyone who guits without knowing what they are missing out on.
Post was brought with love only :)

its funny how I keep coming back and give advice etc when all people do here is rate me down for caring and wanting to help... :(

Edited, Sat Mar 5 22:36:53 2005 by BumbiRagnar
#11 Mar 05 2005 at 11:13 PM Rating: Decent
While I see your point (I'm a one character person myself), evidently while you might not think it's a grind, there are alot of people who do....including myself.

With all the changes and seeing less and less people on the server I'm on I want to either quit or start on another server. I've already started another character, but it kills me to think the work I've put into my main character. My friend put it this way, the game is made so you can have multiple characters.

I don't believe in rating threads (nor do I look at them) and it's good advice although anyone who needs to be told to keep going will either guit or try to find another character who will make them happy. There is way too much time involved, along with the monthly charge to grind through something you don't is supposed to be fun after all
#12 Mar 06 2005 at 4:04 AM Rating: Decent
98 posts
I actually switched to a Station All-Access pass for the additional 4 character slots.

It all depends on what you're trying to get out of the game. In my humble opinion, "game content" isn't merely defined by which "level tier" you're currently playing in. It's also defined by class, skills, spells, playstyle, tradeskills, alignment, etc.

There's SO MUCH in this game to discover and enjoy *at every level*, that I have a blast with my alts. But then, I played EQ1 for 5 years and took *that long* to get my very first character to level 65.

I've nearly filled up all 8 of my character slots, and if I could rent 8 more I'd do it in a heartbeat (although I think it's assinine to have to purchase additional slots, if you ask me). Remember that once you hit level 50, there is going to come a time when you've seen nearly everything, and consumed all the "game world" content there is to consume. At that point in time, you'd better be the sort of person who can get something out of playing a different class/race in the exact same location, otherwise you'll end up quitting the game for something new.

I have so many friends from EQ1 who hit the level cap after release extremely fast. That sat around for a YEAR moaning about lack of content, until Kunark came out. By the time Kunark came out, I wasn't even READY for it with my main! So I started an Iksar just to see it :) By the time my main was of a level to do much regularly on Kunark, Velious was already out. Suffice it to say, *I* never ran out of content to explore ;) I could return to EQ1 right now and find that about 80% of Luclin and 100% of all subsequent expansions are brand new to me.

Edited, Sun Mar 6 04:06:05 2005 by RussoEQ
#13 Mar 06 2005 at 5:25 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
I am an alt player myself and I would not just stick with one character, at least not until I played with a couple of alts a fair amount of time. If there is one that is significantly more fun to play, then I would mainly stick with that.

Part of the fun, IMHO, is to try out different classes/jobs/professions and races and see different areas if possible while doing that.

That being said, I think that EQ2 is not as alt player friendly as it could have been. Too few character slots by default, too few areas to go to - at least if you are not grouping most of the time. And merchant mode...
Vitality bonus is beneficial for alt playing though. And XP debt is not that bad if you are fine rotating with characters.

Though the thought by BumbiRagnar is appreciated, different players have different playstyles. It is a challenge for a game like EQ2 to accomodate as many as possible.

As for grinding, my definition of grinding is something that you do just to get XP. Not part of a somewhat interesting quest, not doing something just for the fun of it with other friends/players or something that just happens while you are exploring or travelling.
If you have not done anything like that until level 43, then I am impressed. But your definition might be different and the only thing that people might agree on is that grinding is something that is not fun.

Currently I am on a break from EQ2 myself, because I got into grinding mode with the characters that I had. After a few months I am sure it will be great fun again to continue playing - that has worked with other games.
#14 Mar 07 2005 at 6:59 AM Rating: Decent
Bumbi, I could not dissagree with you more. I currently have 4 characters all just below level 20 and I believe it is the ability to switch from one class to another depending on my mood and which of my friends are playing at any given time that is helping to keep the game fresh for me.

In addition, since I really love several of the tier one zones, running 4 characters through them allowed me to run the quests I enjoyed and kill my favorite mobs for much longer than I would have been able to had I just taken one character through the drill and then moved on.

Beyond that, all 4 of my characters are near or above lvl 20 in their chosen trade skill and being able to stock my trader with finished goods from 4 different disciplines is allowing me the luxury of not having to worry about adventuring income. Between a taylor, a carpenter, a cook and a woodworker, I can make lots of cool stuff for my characters to use and a huge selection of things to sell.

I will soon move on to Thundering Steppes and eventually beyond that and I am excited to be on the verge of that discovery, but with a tier 2 zone as large and complex as Antonica, how could I posibly get bored? Even while working my way through it 4 times, I still discover new areas all the time.

I know you meant well, and I wish you good fortune in your chosen style of play, but it just wouldn't work for me. In fact, limiting myself to one character and slowly grinding my way to 50 without any variety would probably drive me right out of the game!
#15 Mar 07 2005 at 9:06 AM Rating: Decent
Its great to hear you enjoy your alt!
Thing is thats what my friends did aswell til they hit the wall.

BUT if you really are discovering new things all the time and having a blast continue by all means!

I just want you to have this in the back of your head if you ever get bored and feel like you should stop EQ2. Game changes (imo) more when leveling then it does chaning to an alt and it only gets better and better.
I really have to say SoE has done a great job with the higher tiers!
I knew this thread wouldnt stop anyone from playing alts but hopefully someone will remember this thread and my points if they hit the wall so they wont give up..

I have 3 alts myself. a lvl 23 wizard a lvl 8 mage (future enchanter) and a lvl 12(?) warrior.
I have fun playing them once in a while but I focus on my main because to me thats where the most diversity is.. Hitting new zones.

What do I mean I have never grinded?
To me a grind is when you go to a 'camp' and have someone pull mobs to the same spot for xp only.
I have never done that.
My group almost allways have the same quests so we hunt for quest mobs while exploring all the time. When we hit a new zone we explore and get new quests.
Sometimes we dont kill my questmobs but someone else in group to help him. I dont call that a grind either.
The only thing I have done that felt like a grind was in zek.
Got a quest to kill 300 orcs in there so we went to the zl and killed green/grey orcs for an hour or two. Was boring and felt like a grind.
People who only hunts for xp have missed the point with this game and wont get as much xp as a group who allways do quests and explore.
Theese are my thoughts. You can agree or disagree but remember this thread if at one point you start finding this game boring.

And hitting 50 does not mean your 'done'.
After talking to alot of highend raiders they say the game is a blast getting to 50 but it is nothing at all compared to how fun the high end raids are!
I know you meant well, and I wish you good fortune in your chosen style of play, but it just wouldn't work for me. In fact, limiting myself to one character and slowly grinding my way to 50 without any variety would probably drive me right out of the game!

Have to say something about this.. I am 43 as I allready stated. I never ever do the same thing!
Two exceptions, I dont get much variaty and do the same again when:
- I help lowbie guildmates with quests.
- play my alts.

Have a good hunting trip people!

Edited, Mon Mar 7 09:09:01 2005 by BumbiRagnar
#16 Mar 07 2005 at 12:12 PM Rating: Decent
198 posts
One of the reasons (not the main reason mind you) that pushed my hand to quit EQ2 was the limited amount of character slots. I am an Alt player and its not uncommon for me to have up to 10+ alts at one time or another. The limiting 4 character slots was already hard to swallow, offering 4 more slots to those that paid more (All-Access) was a slap in the face.

I quit EQ a long time ago and never found any interest for the Star Wars game. There is nothing in the All-Access pass that is of any benefit to me besides the 4 additional characters. I simply refuse to pay for 4 character slots. If it came down to it, and I really enjoyed EQ2, I would simply get a separate account and dual box rather than pay for 4 additional characters.

I am currently playing WoW (no, I am not hijacking this thread) and I have 10 characters. 3 I no longer play since they are on a different server. Of those 10 my highest character level is 30. I have a 30, 22, 22, 21, 16, 14 and 12. Amazingly enough, each of those characters has crossed paths only a few times. There are so many different zones to level that I haven't really played in the same zone or done the same quests too many times. Of course, there are zones that I really enjoy and I will take the time getting to that zone rather than level up in the races starting zone.

Why so many characters? Well there are 2 main and a few minor reasons for this.

1) There are so many class and race combinations (especially in EQ2) that I refuse to limit myself to 1 character. There is so much thought and work put into each one of those races/classes that I am giving up a lot of the games features by limiting myself to 1 character. I understand that the Fury and Warden are both considered Druids and then they are considered Priests, but their spell lines and abilities are different enough for me to try playing each one. The game states 4 main classes but each one eventually grows up to have 6 choices. By selecting 1, and not playing the rest, I feel I am limiting myself from a lot of the content the game has to offer. Add to this that each class receives their own class specific quests and now there is more content that I am not enjoying.

2) Styles of play. If I were forced to play my Fury or my Enchanter or my Scout all the time, I would get bored of the game. Going from zone X to zone Y and finding a bear type mob with a different name doesn't really scream out NEW to me. There is only so much you can do with a zone to really differentiate it from its neighbors. The quests may be different as well as the creature types, but its pretty much the same thing. Now, killing a bear using a shield and sword and being "in its face" is so much more different than rooting a mob and eradicating it via fire and ice. Or being grouped and having to watch each characters health bar so no one dies to being in that same group and watching the amount of damage you do so you aren't in danger of pulling hate and dying. To me, different styles of play keep the game fresh and fun instead of making it feel like I am grinding.

In my point of view, grinding is not necessarily limited to sitting in one place killing the same creature for XP. Grinding is when I am no longer enjoying the game and doing something just because I have to in order to advance. This is regardless of my Fury going from level 23 to 24 in different zones, doing different quests or killing the same creatures. If I feel I should "stick to it so I can level" it feels like a grind. The way I like to play is, I am not receiving much enjoyment from my Fury, switch over to my warrior and change my play style completely. Now I am more concerned with managing the enemy and who it targets instead of my group and who is dying.

Ultimately its where we each find our enjoyment and what keeps us coming back for more. This may seem like the same type of grind to many of you, but its what keeps me interested in the game. The higher levels come at a slower pace that the characters take longer to receive new abilities and stay fresh. The zones do help a little but its mostly the characters that keep me coming back. Interesting classes and races that are actually different, and not only in name, is where I find my enjoyment.
#17 Mar 07 2005 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
The game states 4 main classes but each one eventually grows up to have 6 choices. By selecting 1, and not playing the rest, I feel I am limiting myself from a lot of the content the game has to offer.

I've heard a lot of people feel that way.... after playing FFXI which gives you one character and you pay for each additional one, 4 per account in EQ2 was like heaven.. but it all depends on what you're accustomed to.

I've had a few times where something I thought I would enjoy turned out not to be the case, like sorcerer...

after 36 levels of white mage in FFXI I was completely, totally, and utterly burned out and turned off on playing a healer class in it's entirety when I got EQ2 (which is sad cause I'm a !#%# good "healing class" player).. so that ruled out that entire tree (I may in the future, but not now. If I do I'll get that station pass thingy). I never play warriors of any sort.. not my thing. When I saw the scout tree and saw "Assassin" all the other options sorta faded away....

mage was a bit more interesting and difficult choice wise. Origionally I had no interest in the enchanter path.... I've ALWAYS loved elemental summoners and as such my Conjuror was the first character to break 20th level (I've no interest in Necro however.. icky. I never play with dead things) and I'm happy to say Conjuror is everything I thought it would be and more.

My duo partner plays a scout going ranger, I thought the Predator / Sorcerer duo would work... well it doesn't. I deleted and re'rolled as an enchanter and was simply amazed by the classes solo'ability, crowd control, and support to my predator partner.. so much so that I created a second enchanter to explore Coercer while my first works toward Illusionist.
#18 Mar 07 2005 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
198 posts
Duchess Iaini,

I agree with you that paying $1 per character is ridiculous (SOE is charging $5 for 4), but I disagree on only playing 1 character. If FFXI did anything right, it was the ability to switch jobs while keeping the current character. With the same 'persona' you can be a RNG, WHM, BLM, WAR, NIN, etc. No need to start a new character, create a new name or go through all of the quests all over again. You simply select it and play it. Add to that the ability to use your previous jobs as subjobs and you have a great system.

But of course, nothing is perfect. This system was killed and butchered by the elitist that demanded only perfection from your job/subjob, equipment and style of play. This all played extremely well with the penalties of dying and the difficulty in coming across gil without farming for hours. The game may have started out fun and refreshing, but it was then turned into the most time consuming sinkhole I have ever played.

Anyhow, back to the topic on hand. If EQ2 allowed me to switch between classes using my current character, I would have no problem with 4 character slots. In fact, I would prefer to use the same persona for all the classes rather than 7. With the current amount of race and class possibilities, I do not enjoy being limited to 4 per account. Its not even 4 per server, but per account. Yes SOE, give us less options so we can have more fun.
#19 Mar 07 2005 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent
truth be told.. I think the BIG failing is not (only) the 4 characters per account thing.. as much as it is the sheer cost of getting more slots. I don't have a large list of things I want to play, so I can deal with 4 characters though I'd be lying if I said I didn't want about 2 more slots.

I looked at the "Station Access" thing and truth be told the only thing I even cared about were the 4 more slots.. if they took away the extra crap, and lowered the price accordingly, it wouldn't be quite as big a deal...

or if they had a plan where two characters were an extra dollar or so per month, 4 characters.. extra 3 dollars per month.. blah blah.. that would be fine too, but the station access does pretty much suck after reading the FAQ.

effectively 22$ a month for four more slots and you can't 2-box or anything like that because the 4 extra slots are on one account.


15$ per month (after the 40 to 50$ initial cost) for four more characters per month AND you can 2-box.

Tocopheryl, I'm not really disagreeing with you per say.. just saying it's not as much a deal breaker to a lot of people who simply haven't experienced anything else. I came from FFXI and SWG... granted FFXI you could change classes on the fly but that game has too many issues to go into here. SWG, one character per server.. :-\ limiting.. and you can't trade between them at all.... :-\. Compared to what I'm used to EQ2 is great.. but WoW is the game of Alt-itis (or so I'm told.. I don't play WoW)
#20 Mar 08 2005 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
198 posts
If we continue with the same train of thought, why pay $22 dollars when you can gain access to the additional 4 characters but have other benefits by paying $30? At this point you would have the ability to dual box if you have a 2nd computer. You would also alleviate one of my other reasons for canceling EQ2 and have a full time vendor when not using one account.

I understand that this is a nonissue to many players. Unfortunately, I have been spoiled by RPGs and I love to 'roll' new characters. Its what keeps me playing a game for so long. I believe it was Wizardry that originally got me hooked to rolling characters during play. I would have high level characters and, depending on the game, have them far or deep in a dungeon. I would then roll a new set of characters and try them out. I would still continue playing the game and attempt to complete it, but I would use new parties to attempt new and different things.

I carry that same style of play to MMORPGs. None of them were too friendly to my style of play. From NeverWinter Nights on AOL to UO to EQ2 today. It takes so long to level up a character, that having Alts feels like a waste of time. I tend to feel punished for my play style and EQ2 is no different in that respect. They give me only 4 character slots to play my way. They have at least sped up leveling a bit so playing an Alt doesn't feel like I am being punished for not sticking to 1 character until they hit the level cap.

I still have an EQ2 account and it will be active until June-July but I no longer log on. There are still parts and pieces of EQ2 that I like but I can no longer bring myself to log in and play through the parts that I do not like. Maybe after a few updates/expansions the game will be more friendly to my play style.
#21 Mar 08 2005 at 3:59 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
I dont think alts are bad. Actually, I think just playing one char can get kinda boring. When I get tired of one char, which by the way...i never seem to really get bored with Tae, I switch to another. Or if I'm at a frustrating stand still, I switch. Not to mention the storage
#22 Apr 15 2005 at 7:50 AM Rating: Decent
178 posts
I'm a noob to the game but already have first and last names picked out for all six slots LOL. I like the idea of trying out different classes/professions and experiencing the game from different vantagepoints.

I can appreciate your concern for keeping the game alive, but a) if someone wants to quit the game, you really can't prevent that and b) what drives one player doesn't drive all

'Alts are the devil'? Didn't they say that about Elvis and that music called rock 'n roll? LOL
#23 Apr 18 2005 at 6:10 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah, my inner-demon when it comes to mmos is insatiable impatience.

I love the rpgness, but I guess Im slow to adapt and still engrained on the NPC for cash... ><! But I am slowly adapting, like when you pour molasses on a board and then slowly change it from flat to 5% when it is almost freezing.

Yes, my analogies are long, sometimes convoluted, often confusing, and don't really apply to the topics I use them in. But they are mine, I own 'em! heehee

I also need to learn how to use proper tense, posession, and punctuation. I shouldn't post drunk anymore.
Edited, Mon Apr 18 19:12:21 2005 by NewGuyxi

Edited, Mon Apr 18 19:13:23 2005 by NewGuyxi
#24 Apr 19 2005 at 2:26 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
Alts are not so bad. Besides, it makes the game more fun when you are away from a character for so long you forget how to play him (yea, like this never happened to you!) I actually think the opposite is true about alts, especially for the experienced gamer. I'm trying to preserve content hehe and besides, I can tell you from personal experience that investing too much time into one character is a big mistake in the long run. I made this mistake in everquest. I had a Bard that I really loved playing but my friends wanted me to level up my healer so I could group with them. Well, I never played my bard again after that. Sure, you'll level faster and have more fun at first if you don't have an alt but eventually you will hit a wall where there is no more game content. I did this very thing with my healer. I simply had no desire to play alts in that game once I achieved a very high level because I knew the game backwards and forwards in almost every zone. Now, I have three characters that progress at more or less the same rate and I'm loving it so far. Besides, there's a reason why you get multiple character slots.
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