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what EQ2 needs to changeFollow

#1 Mar 01 2005 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
19 posts
One of my friends who also plays EQ2 on the Permafrost server was complaining about not being able to revive players he wasn't grouped with or able to heal and so on. Obviously we all know trhis by now. But it doesn't make since and takes away from the game play itself.

When I was a Nekro in EQ1 at lower lvls I appreciated it when higher lvl toons that ran by would heal me or cast some buffs on me when I was having trouble. I never asked for them to but they did it to be helpful and that made a better community. And in return I would set in noob zones and heal low lvl characters when i got higher up.

Getting to my point I think sony needs to change this feature and many more and allow us are freedom. I'll post more later of what I think needs to be changed and feel free to comment on what you think needs to be changed and if you have a link to where we can complain directly to sony please post that to.

Anyxa lvl 22 Ranger - permafrost
Vaniu lvl 12 Summoner - permafrost
#2 Mar 01 2005 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
this is a bit of a double-edge sword..

on the one hand.. it would allow people to be more helpful or friendly, off-the-cuff so to speak.

on the other hand it would allow powerleveling to go rampant, which only helps to create a lot of people who don't know what they're doing.
of course.. someone in trouble could and should simply call for help, the smart thing to do since it allows you to break the encounter, get back your speed buffs, and food and drink heal items kick in. This also allows outsiders the ability to toss them a heal and take hate... they just have to give up the XP for the mob, but that sure beats the debt from dying..

but people don't do a /yell until it's far too late to change the outcome.. :-\

Edited, Tue Mar 1 11:16:05 2005 by Iaini
#3 Mar 01 2005 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
I am not sure how this lends itself to powerleveling.

I agree with the original poster, we should be able to revive players outside our group.

Not while their combat is going on, that would be abused, but why not after the combat is done? I can still heal them if they aren't in combat, why not revive? (my paladin's heal spell works on people outside my group as long as they aren't in combat).

Being able to heal or revive someone outside your group who is not currently engaged in combat isn't that big a boon, and while it certainly allows some PLing its not significant as long as you can't do it while they are in combat.

If you were PLing them, then they could simply invite you to their group between combats and you could revive and heal them anyway, so it really isn't that relevant to that aspect.

You used to be able to revive players outside your group, but they took it out because supposedly people were using it to grief people. Now, how do you grief someone with a revive spell? I have no clue. But they never put it back which is really frustrating.

I played a cleric in EQ1, and I loved throwing a rez to someone, especially a lowbie who would actually appreciate it. Why make it even harder for people to be social and help each other? Makes no sense.
#4 Mar 01 2005 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
I wasn't really thinking about the reviving part, just the healing while in combat part...

I don't see what reviving someone outside of group would harm either since it's obviously a non-combat situation.

healing someone after a fight though helpful doesn't do much since they still have to wait for power regen, so there's no real benefit to it either way.

You used to be able to revive players outside your group, but they took it out because supposedly people were using it to grief people. Now, how do you grief someone with a revive spell?

O.o they removed it.. for that reason.. how.... bizarre.
#5 Mar 01 2005 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
1,885 posts
I can see how a rez right next to an agro mob, resulting in another death and more debt, could be unwanted. Only the worst of players would do that to someone else.

And remember when..."Casting Temp/Virtue/SoW/DMF at bank for donations." I always enjoyed my BST giving out free buffs to everyone.
I was thinking about that, sitting around and dolling out free buffs to help people. But since there is no one central area people gather, it would be difficult. Maybe hang around the SQ gate Griffon Tower.

Corpse (or in this case, shard) dragging would be nice.

Oh, and I miss Levitation.
#6 Mar 01 2005 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
I am not sure how this lends itself to powerleveling.

The primary mechanism for PLing in EQ1 was lvl 65 buffs on a level 10 toon. In my guild it was standard practice to get a new toon up to at least 25 in one 4 hour sitting with a 65 druid's help.

The locking of encounters helps prevent PLing, but also it prevents KSing.

The rezzing thing, I don't get. They made it so you can invite a corpse to your group and rez it, so you sorta can rez lowbies. It is a pain, though, having to negotiate the whole "accept my invite" thing when they might be already in a group.

If they made it so you could randomly rez people as long as they weren't in combat... why not allow that?

The griefing with rez thing is easily solved with a dialog box asking whether you accept the rez, just like in EQ1.

#7 Mar 01 2005 at 3:36 PM Rating: Decent
198 posts
The reason they removed the resurrecting ability is that there is no accept option. When you are resurrected, you are resurrected and stand up where you are. The quick, hack job, fix was to make those not grouped with you to be immune to your resurrect. They did that instead of adding a "Do you wish to resurrect?" option. Which I believe is currently in the works.

Here's an example:

You die from a higher level creature in a high level zone. The griefer would resurrect you on the spot and you would die again. You had no option but to accept the resurrect. Repeat until the griefer had no POWER left or you were fast enough to resurrect at the closest tent.

I really don't understand why there is no option to decline the resurrect. Are they trying to make where "You are dead, you cannot interact with anything or anyone" so you can't say no? In my view, adding a simple accept button or window would have made everyone happy.
#8 Mar 02 2005 at 6:05 AM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
Corpse (or in this case, shard) dragging would be nice.

I also hope they add something like this. They can even put a limit on how far you can drag it. But for those times that you weren't able to get away from a mob spawn point before you died, this would be great.
#9 Mar 02 2005 at 9:24 AM Rating: Default
19 posts
I agree that be able to heal while others are in battle will lead to a lot of power lvling but i think thats not necesarily bad because i helped power lvl some of my friends in eq 1 and in FFXI. They where also very compitent players but yeah there are some that wont know what they are doing and shouldn't have been PL'd.

I still think not allowing it takes away from the gameplay because I find it frustrating when i run by someone who is in need and all u can do is watch them die.

Any ways you guys have great ideas on these subjects and I wanted to add another thing that would be great if they added.(atleast I think) If any of you played FFXI they have an auction house where for a fee based on the price you set you item at will be deducted from your gil (money). and thus you do not have to be online to sell and it makes you more money because know one can see the prices accept for after they have been sold. I think that would be very benificial to all the tradeskillers out there.
#10 Mar 02 2005 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
Next live update you will be able to 'Mentor' lower lvls.
This means you can group with lowbies for xp for both you and the lowbie. lowbie get 5% bonus xp per mentor.
How this will work is kind of cryptic from the post I read. But it sounds like a 'PL delight' and somehow it will not encourage botting.
#11 Mar 02 2005 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
I don't see how it would hurt anything to allow players to be revived if they are not grouped. Also I THINK you can heal a person outside of the group if they are not in combat.

I think its a great thing, I hated going into Paludal Caverns LFG and finding a whole camp taken by a level 60+ druid and a level 15 whatever.

If I was going to suggest some changes in EQ2 it would be the req levels on gear. Im not saying you should be able to wear lavastorm drops at level 1, but the way it is set up now it seems like everybody is wearing the same gear cause, well, thats all that you can wear. I just think they should drop the required levels to use alot of the gear.

Id also like to see less requirements on higher level groups. By the time your level 25+ a group will not fool with ^^ mobs unless you got a healer, heck sometimes they want 2 healers. Its understandable, I mean ^^ mobs hit for insane damage so its obviously required. And much like EQ1 it seems liek your standing around killing low level solo mobs with a group of 3 people waiting for a healer to take you up on a group offer.
#12 Mar 02 2005 at 11:59 AM Rating: Default
Mentoring sounds like a PLers delight. You become the level of the person you are mentoring. I don't know if that means you become the level of the highest member of the group or average or what. Your equipment and spells also downgrade to the appropriate level.

Basically, on the positive side, it will let you group with your buddy who's too low by current level limits. It will let you stick with your guild groups even if you are the highest person in the guild.

On the minus side, for those that have issues with PLing, it will make PLing easy. The way they described it, if you have that uber 50th level RAID drop sword, and you group up with a level 20, your sword will be the equivalent of an uber 20th level raid drop sword. So you will still have superior weapons and armor if the weapons and armor are superior at your normal level. Which means power gamers in power guilds will be able to PL themselves or their friends in some major ways.

I know the Paludal Cavern comment always comes up, but this frustrates me. Did it ever occur to anyone to say "hey Mr. Level 60 druid, would it be possible for me to join up with your level 15 twink, please?" I used to PL at the back wall of PC myself, with my level 55 druid, because I really liked PLing a char to 20 or so. It was fun for me. And if anyone had ever come along and asked to join, in a polite manner, I would have let them. I say if because it never once happened. I did have a few folks ask to share the area and as long as the request was polite, I would stop pulling about half the area, or more if they could handle it, and I would occasionally buff them and heal them up or even rescue them. That was rare.

Usually people would move in like I had no right to be there and try and take over, or try and train my lowbie. LOL. Like I couldn't handle their trains? Usually they got themselves killed, or screamed for help and I wouldn't help them. I realize that many feel I had no right to be there, but frankly, who the f are you to tell me I'm playing the game "wrong"? It was perfectly legit within the rules of the game, while not a socially accepted practice. I was there first, I was polite, and if you were polite in return, I was very helpful.

Yes I was using a semi-choice spot. I finally gave up because of all the idiots that felt they had the right of it, and I was a jerk just for being there, and moved to another spot in PC and got better xp. The bandit camps are nice but not worth the hassles.

90% of game problems would go away if people would simply be polite and communicate in a polite manner.
#13 Mar 02 2005 at 12:46 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
The way I understood mentoring, everyone in the mentoring group becomes the same level as the lowest in the group (as long at the mentoring option is used). The higher levels will still get exp, but of course it will be less than normal. Your gear "downgrades" with you, but you get to keep using any spells and abilities you have.

Don't know if this will be a PL thing or not. Sounds like it's just a way for someone to play with their lower level friends and help them level up some, but not super fast.
#14 Mar 02 2005 at 1:10 PM Rating: Good
1,885 posts
Your gear "downgrades" with you, but you get to keep using any spells and abilities you have.

That spells comment is incorrect. Here is part of the SOE forums message about Mentoring.

"Mentors can use any spell or combat art for their class that is in line with their Apprentice's level."

That means while you are a Mentor, you will lose your higher level spells. This is even more equality and less chance for PL. Uber gear that is leveled down may be uber for the new level range and may help, yet it will not totally or easilly tip the scales.

As with all new systems, I'd expect Mentoring to get adjusted a few times before it finds a happy (nerfed) medium.
#15 Mar 02 2005 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
It wasn't so much I had anything against people pling charactors in EQ1, just there was other places you could go besides heavy camped newbie areas. Unrest is where I would take my friend for a PL. Basement mobs in Unrest give just as much (if not more so) exp then the bandit camps in PC.

Also most of the time when you sent them a tell askign to join you was just ignored cause they didn't want you taking exp.

I look forward to this mentoring thing they got. I have a 30 conjuror and my friend is a 16 scout.
#16 Mar 02 2005 at 3:54 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
tutanbriarpaw wrote:
Your gear "downgrades" with you, but you get to keep using any spells and abilities you have.

That spells comment is incorrect. Here is part of the SOE forums message about Mentoring.

"Mentors can use any spell or combat art for their class that is in line with their Apprentice's level."

Ah, ok. I was going on memory, and since I'm old as dirt, I can't remember anything, heh.
#17 Mar 03 2005 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent
I can see how a rez right next to an agro mob, resulting in another death and more debt, could be unwanted. Only the worst of players would do that to someone else.

That was what was going on, you have to remember that we have alot of people who think that it would be funny to pile debt on people. There are alot of people in this game who need to get a clue, alot more then there where in EQ even tho there are some there also,

And remember when..."Casting Temp/Virtue/SoW/DMF at bank for donations." I always enjoyed my BST giving out free buffs to everyone.

As also I did like to buff when I wanted to, hate all the tells from people wanting me to come to zone X or area X and buff them or there group.

All in all I like the new system , after all you need help just run and hit /yell most people would help you.
#18 Mar 05 2005 at 9:05 AM Rating: Decent
For now, the only reason grief would be caused by a "drive-by" rezing is (as far as I understand it), a person of level, lets say 15, dies inside fallen gate in the tunnel where there are alot of wandering aggro mobs. This person is also by himself. Now take into consideration a level 25 inquisitor (obviously capable of walking the tunnel without aggro) rezes the level 15. What may come of this, especially if the person dead and not in group is afk, a second aggro session this time the player is unable to respond fast enough causing yet more debt. Now put into consideration a sick twisted individual (rare right? pfft!) Now you have a real bad situation where this healer is rezing and re-rezing a person who is oblivious to the debt they are accruing due to out of group rezes. Now the easy fix would be a prompt like in eq1 where you chose to accept of deny the rez. But seriously... when have you know SOE to fix a problem and all of its reprocussions in one giant swoop of a patch?...
#19 Mar 05 2005 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
222 posts
I just want to be able to sell stuff while im out leveling and not have to stay in my house. But i hear rumors that that is coming soon **keeps fingers crossed**
#20 Mar 06 2005 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
Im sick of all the access quests. Seems like every time I turn around I gotta do some annoying access quest. Then you find out in order to get one access quest you have to go back and do another access quest that involves camping grey con mobs. I hope in future expansions they don't have so many zones requireing these quests.
#21 Mar 07 2005 at 9:13 AM Rating: Decent
19 posts
I agree with all the access quest they do get tideous and every time u create another toon you got to do it again but thats life in an MMORPG. Another thing they might reintroduce when ever frogloks are reintroduced is the race specific "Rides" cant think of the proper word this second. But I think it would add a little more variety if u could ride things unique to your race. And I know there are different kinds of horses and that u can ride those stupid towels. Joking Flying carpets.

Also I hope they come out with a bigger variety of armor selections at lower lvls. I see so much of the same armor before lvl 30 ish.

#22 Mar 07 2005 at 9:19 AM Rating: Decent
when have you know SOE to fix a problem and all of its reprocussions in one giant swoop of a patch?...

Hear! Hear! well said :)
#23 Mar 07 2005 at 9:22 AM Rating: Good
Im sick of all the access quests. Seems like every time I turn around I gotta do some annoying access quest. Then you find out in order to get one access quest you have to go back and do another access quest that involves camping grey con mobs. I hope in future expansions they don't have so many zones requireing these quests.

Mmmm I don't know maybe its just me but if I didn't like doing quest's then maybe I wouldn't have picked a game called EVER-QUEST to play? Thats the whole idea behind the game.

There is a nice game called Doungen Siege that all u do is kill mobs and collect tons of money that may be more you speed. Its not only line tho :)
#24 Mar 09 2005 at 8:55 AM Rating: Decent
I kinda have to agree, I like the access quests. I like most quests, except the ones where I camped a rare spawn for literally hours (that's just painful and boring). But I just went back and did several grey quests just for the heck of it (as in, quests with grey mobs). /shrug

I like quests. One of the reasons I like EQ2 more than EQ1.
#25 Mar 09 2005 at 9:07 AM Rating: Good
Honestly I would prefer more access quests. I know this would be unpopular with many people, but I would like to see the bells only open locations up after a quest has been completed. They can gradually make the quests harder as the zones the bells lead to get harder.

This would force people to learn their toons better to complete the quests....or force them to make some long runs.
#26 Mar 09 2005 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
19 posts
Everyone who has played EQ1 has to remeber all those people who opened up gambling areas in the bazaar with the rolling of the dice and stuff. I think it would be cool if they added a casino of some kind in qeynos or freeport. I could spend hours gambling away my hard earned money. Maybe not hours cause i spend lots of money on over priced items. But it would be a cool add on and you wouldn't have to risk someone just taking your money.
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