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Anybody else have bad group problems?Follow

#1 Feb 23 2005 at 12:17 AM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
Ugg I am so frustrated. I can honestly say that over 3/4 of the groups I get leave me with debt and/or nothing. Am I the only person having trouble getting into a GOOD group? I can understand getting newbs when your level 1 to 15ish, heck maybe up to 20.

Anyways today I am in TS and I get invited to a GOOD EXP group. They wouldn't say what they was going to hunt, only that they was in the griffon fields. So anyways I join and to make it short other members are dieing left and right trying to get to the griffon fields. Then one of them (after dieing once all-ready) pulls 2 ^^ amazon hunters and then dies. Then the tank starts to run and the thing goes after the healer...healer dies. In the mean time I have my pet on one of the ^^, the other chased the tank off. Well after a few minutes I solo the hunter and boom there is a nice big chest. Well funny enough the tank pops back in and opens the chest and takes 2 out of 3 items in the chest. I guess a spell and nice BP is his reward for running away like a coward? Anyways after gaining about 8% debt and seeing the healer disband and one other I disband myself.

Now I go solo for abit and then get a invite to a ROV group. I was excited I love that zone and have plenty of quests to complete in there, so I say Im in. Well I was in the Griffon Fields still so I tell them I am OMW. Well after about a 8 minute journey of constantly talking to the group leader I get inside ROV. I send the group leader a tell and he tells me Sorry to waste your time, but a guild member logged on and I am giving them your spot. I can surely understand the need to put guild above others, but this is just stupid. So I say whatever thanks for nothing and I leave. Well a few minutes later I get another tell from another group member. They said they decided to go ahead and take me. Well at this point I was a good distance away, and I was frustrated and about to log. So I tell them its ok to go ahead and take the guildie cause Im a long ways off.

Then I get another tell from them telling me what a a%^hole I am and they are glad they didn't get me. Heck I was trying to be cool at this point.

Anyways I have never had such a hard time grouping in my MMORPG days. Sure on EQ1 you got a bad group here and there, but seriously Id say over 75% of the groups I get end up with newbs who can't control agression, people dieing trying to run through a reasonably safe area, casters trying to pull adds and tank them, etc etc.
#2 Feb 23 2005 at 5:52 AM Rating: Decent
What you should/could do is add EVERYONE you find to be a decent or good player, add him to friends list.
Shouldnt be long until you have massive friendslist.
When you do have that you have 2 options.

Option No1.
Start your own group. Send tell to people on your friendlist that you know are atleast decent players and set up a group. Remember a good group dont have to have 6 players. Most of the time 6 players equells more screwups. So just get a tank, healer and some dps and start playing and from then on you can continue filling your group while xping/questing.
Also, I dont care what anyone says, a good group might only need one healer but a great group has 2.

Option No2.
Send tells to people that are on your friendslist and ask if they have room for you.

And also joining a guild should help. Dont be fooled, most guilds have bad players but it should fill your friends list faster.

I never have a problem with sucky groups theese days. Im a fury and my brother is a shammy and my girlfriend is a guardian. We allways have the foundation of a good group right there. We start heading to, say for example, feerrott and I got my g/f on autofollow while sending tells to people on friendslist.
When we are in feerrott we start hunting just the 3 of us til the friends catch up. Works like a charm. :)

Hope I helped some.
#3 Feb 23 2005 at 8:26 AM Rating: Good
42 posts
Pretty much given up on the pick-up group, too much time to waste and too much chance to debt.

I only group with ppl from my guild, on my friends list, or that I know are good playersand have not gotten to adding them to FL yet.

Last pickup grp I got invited to, one member and me were separated from 3 others, the seperated member died from aggro as soon as i joined, then the 3 together members got aggro, tried to fight got another aggro and wiped, all without saying anything over grp chat.

The way I see it, I could not get exp from that fight yet I could get debt, so they should not have fought. They should have run.

F*uck Pickup Group!
#4 Feb 23 2005 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
alas yes.. the only character I've truly grouped with more than any other is my assassin (predator at the time) and every time I group with her I log off with debt..

highest debt to date upon logging off: 168%
reason for debt: group in Fallen Gate

I solo a lot these days....

Edited, Wed Feb 23 08:30:39 2005 by Iaini
#5 Feb 23 2005 at 9:29 AM Rating: Decent
405 posts
Goodness, maybe it's a Fallen Gate group thing. I got involved with a group that was absolutely horrible. The leader was the real problem; all he knew how to do was invite people. That's it. He didn't talk, EVER (except to complain about how much he was dying), so he didn't tell us where to go or what to fight, he was constantly pulling aggro, things would pop on him and he didn't speak up, etc etc etc etc.

If it weren't for a couple of good tanks, our time would have been totally wasted. There was about 30 minutes of good, nonstop killing, but it was sandwiched between 2 deaths and 4 deaths. I made some good friends there (one of the tanks and some other guy), but that horrible horrible leader became the first person on my ignore list.

I'd love to stick with guildies, but I just started playing a few weeks ago so I'm not caught up with my guild yet. I'm new to EQ2, but I know how to group well from FFXI. Pickup groups... a necessary evil right now, but hopefully not the norm.
#6 Feb 23 2005 at 10:08 AM Rating: Default
Of course the big problem here is experience debt for group death. While you can mitigate your personal debt through resurrection and shard absorbtion, it doesnt mitigate others group debt. In addition you receive debt while dead but gain no experience from group kills whill dead. Its better to eat a shard death the attempt any rescues at all. Exploring new areas is not feasible because its simply too dangerous. The boring day in day out grind has been fine tuned to an art by EQ2. All and all poor design by EQ2. EQ2 is a game that requires grouping more then ever yet has the largest disincentive to group in any game. That combined with the incredible lag, sparse player population, and incredable drudgery of gameplay make it a true step bacward for EQ. World Of Warcraft is truely the MMRPG of the future!
#7 Feb 23 2005 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent
222 posts
Yeah I have actually had worse groups in Nek and TS than in fallen gate . Kinda strange as that goes against the norm .
But for some reason i seem to get into groups in FG that just always work well together . Mind you these are usually p/u groups .
To avoid group debt , i dont accept invites untill i am with the group and also i try to let people know to disband before a wipe . Makes it easier on the debt for everyone and then we can reform after respawning . I have people make a disband hotkey to aid in doing this . Seems weird to people at first but once they see the result of it they are thankfull . :)
#8 Feb 23 2005 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
405 posts
Disbanding before being wiped out sounds like a great idea. I'll have to give that a try.
#9 Feb 23 2005 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
222 posts
Yeah i just make sure to get everyone on board before hand so that way they dont think you're disbanding because you're angry :)
Seems to work pretty well when everyone gets used to it .
Also if you dont want to have to give a bunch of ppl /tell
to get reformed, just create a chat channel that only the group is in and create a new window for it , that way everyone can communicate efficiently even when not in group .
That makes getting everyone to the same place to reform the group ALOT easier.
#10 Feb 23 2005 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent
1,885 posts
Great Grouping Guide here.

Hate those bad groups, but you don't know until you get in. It's good to make helpful suggestions for improvement, i.e. pull one group at a time, tank taunts, don't go harvesting during a fight, etc...

If there is still no resolution, look for a replacement and announce you must leave. The wise and mature members of that group will remember your cool head and may catch up with you later asking to join you.

Bad Group Story: Joined a group in southwest TS hunting giants. Camp was on a finger of land between wandering skeletons, safe as long as you stayed still. After a bit, the tank had to leave, and we picked up a SK tank. After a few fights, there were some minor disagreements within the group. While everyone was medding from OOM, the SK agro'd a yellow^^ onto us and ran away, leaving us to die.

Yea, he was a jerk and became a member of my ignore list, but we all recovered, and lived to join other groups.

I've accepted that death is part of EQ2 life, although I'd rather die less than more. :)
#11 Feb 23 2005 at 7:50 PM Rating: Decent
138 posts
I have done a whole lot of pickup groups. I am one of the people that really heavily recruited for our guild as we were just getting started so I spent a lot of time out finding good people to join us. I don't mind dying in a group if we go down using solid tactics but were just overmatched. If I join a group and we die in that fashion I accept it, pick up my shard and keep on rolling. Now dying due to some sloppy play such as not assisting, or not taunting, or other of those bad ideas I will try and point out the error (politely). If the problem can't be immediately resolved I will simply thank the group for the invite, wish them luck, and move on. Though I always wait till shards are recovered for everyone before I will take off.

By using this type of technique I still land in a lot of bad groups. However, I limit the amount of time I stay in them by realizing it's a bad group and simply moving on. Dying every 5 minutes is not fun to me. I play this game for fun. So in essence, I look for groups that I won't die in all the time. If I can't find one after a few tries I will solo for a bit and try again.

#12 Feb 24 2005 at 9:39 AM Rating: Decent
329 posts
I don't mind dying in a group if we go down using solid tactics but were just overmatched. If I join a group and we die in that fashion I accept it, pick up my shard and keep on rolling. Now dying due to some sloppy play such as not assisting, or not taunting, or other of those bad ideas I will try and point out the error (politely). If the problem can't be immediately resolved I will simply thank the group for the invite, wish them luck, and move on. Though I always wait till shards are recovered for everyone before I will take off.

I could not have said this any better - /agree 100%.

#13 Feb 25 2005 at 7:49 PM Rating: Good
When you are in a group that is not doing things well or could be doing them better, do you bother to make a suggestion, or do you just stay angry and keep it to yourself? I'm not talking about the players that are jerks, but the ones that may be inexperienced, but trying. I played a little bit of EQ a few years ago, and played EQOA and FFXI for a few months, so I have a little bit of MMORPG experience, but I don't consider myself seasoned player by any means. To be completely honest, I'd be hard pressed to consider myself a "good" group player, maybe "average" at best. It's not for lack of trying though, I've been coming to sites like this one for years and reading various guides, but getting the mechanics down to a smooth opeating machine in a group of other new players, can be challenging, especially when most of us learn how to solo first, and play our characters with that mindset.

I'd love to find a good group, one that I could play with every night, and possibly one day make our own guild. The previous posters are right, it is very hard to find a good group, but for you experienced players who are starting over with low level characters I have this to ask: When you find yourself in another "newb" group that is fumbling things up, do you bother to make suggestions or just get angry, keep it to yourself, then disband?

To everyone else: I'm always looking for a good group, especially to do the Betrayal Quest. Look me up on Neriak Server!

Neriak Server
#14 Feb 26 2005 at 4:22 AM Rating: Decent
31 posts
Unfortunately, most pickup groups do end pretty badly. In my experience, I would say somewhere in the neighborhood of 75% of them, maybe more. This is discouraging, however over time you can do things to reduce your bad pickup groups.

Learn the players on your server. As people have mentioned, the friends list and ignore list are great for this. Anytime your in a good group with a good leader, put him on your friends list. Maybe even make a hand written list with some comments. If you get in a bad group, and you can figure out who screwed things up.. put them on ignore.

Already mentioned, but a great point: Never join a group unless your standing next to them. Also, if your the group leader, never invite someone unless they are standing next to you. Either of those is an invitation to unsolicited debt, which usually means a group breakup.

Another suggestion would be to start with small groups (3-4 players, or even duo with someone). Start slow, with lower level cons (green-blue) and work your way up. Let the group get some time to get going before jumping into the hard mobs.
#15 Feb 26 2005 at 8:55 AM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
I've been pretty lucky. Most of my pick up groups do well. I've only had a couple of groups where my debt was growing faster than my exp.

Now, EQ1... pick up groups were almost always a nightmare.
#17 Feb 26 2005 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
222 posts
Well i think i didnt knock on wood b4 my last post on this thread.
Last night im in FG with my LFG flag up and i get a tell asking me if i want to join a TS group .
So im game , even though its a lil bit of a run .
So when i finally zone into TS , i get the invite immediately and like a dumbarse , i join em (mainly so i could find em easier), and of course , group wipe , theres 9% debt right there . Then another , bam 15% debt and i havent even made it to them yet ... was my own fault for joining up b4 i was actually with em . Lesson re-learned lol
#18 Feb 28 2005 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
Well i think i didnt knock on wood b4 my last post on this thread.
Last night im in FG with my LFG flag up and i get a tell asking me if i want to join a TS group .
So im game , even though its a lil bit of a run .
So when i finally zone into TS , i get the invite immediately and like a dumbarse , i join em (mainly so i could find em easier), and of course , group wipe , theres 9% debt right there . Then another , bam 15% debt and i havent even made it to them yet ... was my own fault for joining up b4 i was actually with em . Lesson re-learned lol

Had that happen 2 times now I just don't group with anyone not in my guild, problem solved.

There where lost of idots in EQ and seem to be even more here in EQ2. I understand there is a learning curve but to this day I swear I see the same noobs doing the same crap.

Anyhow stick to your guild members or just solo that way you are always bound to have the best time. My SK is 32L and has had 28 deaths around 20 of those where from pickup groups 4 from guild groups and 2 where solo deaths.

I spend 90% of my time soloing so I say avoid the pickup groups or start your own that way you have more control over who and what you will be doing. And as far as adding people to group before they get there, don't its better for all if they make there own way to you. If they don't know the way or can not make it there on there own then maybe they really should not be in a group there yet.

#19 Feb 28 2005 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
not dependant on having 2 of the slots in teh group mandatory. EQ1 it is a healer and a slower. in EQ2 it is 2 healers. you spend more time looking for these than actually fighting in a group if you play for less than 2 hours at a time.

EQ1 and EQ2 focus on small group size, and interdependancy of classes. the plus is a more excieting and challenging game play. the down side is, it is VERY time UNFRIENDLY.

EQ1 and EQ2, due to them being group MANDATORY, are awsome games for people who play ATLEAST 3 hours per sitting or longer. if you have the time, you can find or put together a good group.

if you play less than two hours at a time, EQ1 and EQ2 are both a lesson in fustraition. if this is you, my advise would be ot play a more time friendly game. IE any game BUT EQ1 and EQ2. they are all more time friendly.

if you play for 3 hours or more at a time, EQ1 and EQ2 is the one for you. no other game will give you the challenge you get in everquest.

Wow, where do you get this stuff from? 2 healers in a group are mandatory? Say what? 3 hours minimum is mandatory? Huh?

Not sure what game you are playing but it ain't EQ2.

I admit to having the advantage of having someone to duo with, but my tank and her healer can take on a ton of stuff, just the two of us. Giants, gnolls, griffins, almost any double green arrow mob is doable for us. We don't need 2 healers, we don't even need other people.

When we group with more people, it just means we can do harder stuff, and we can do it faster. Sometimes she's the only healer, sometimes we have a second healer. Yes, absolutely, a second healer makes life easier, but its not required by any means.

1 healer? Absolutely, you need one healer, or you are fairly limited in what you can do. Basically limited to mobs you can do while being healed by a paladin (me). But still, I can solo when my duo partner isn't on. My friend's wizard solo'd way beyond my level, easily.

As far as time, I can log in for an hour. Or even 30 minutes, advance a couple of quests, and log out. If I'm going to group up with my friends or guildmates, I will definitely want to dedicate 2 hours or more, but even then, sometimes I hook up with them for 30 minutes and then leave. I have the courtesy to tell them ahead of time.

I realize you hate EQ2 and have to find reasons for hating it, Shadowrelm, but that doesn't mean you should be spreading false information.

I suppose if you made no friends in the game whatsoever and always had to go lfg, and gated after every session so you had to run back to the adventure zone of your choice every single time, then yeah 3 hours might be required. But if you are slightly intelligent about making sure you are set up for several sessions, and stay in the zone of choice (say TS or whatever), if you make some friends or join a guild so you can at least occasionally get a fast group, I just don't see this as an issue.

Even if you do exclusively pickup groups, if you put in the effort to form your own groups and think outside the box (meaning, don't assume you require 2 healers, its just not true, don't assume you HAVE TO have a tank and healer in order to do stuff, don't assume that a group of 4 rangers and a healer and a wizard can't do anything), if you put a minimal amount of effort in, you can play for an hour and stop.

Literally do a shout "forming a short term group, about an hour long from the time we form. We will be killing x (giants, griffins, whatever) and are meeting up at x location (griffin field, whatever). PST if you are interested in this group, you will be invited when you get here, but pst to reserve a spot"

Showing people that you are organized, goal oriented, etc etc, that you will run a decent group and that they won't get the usual xp debt before they ever get there.

You'd be suprised how effective it is.

Don't get me wrong, if WOW is even more casual friendly, great. If you enjoy it more, great. But please don't keep writing false "information" about EQ2 just to make yourself feel better about your choices. If you like WOW better, then play it, have a good time. I haven't even tried WOW because I'm still having a lot of fun with EQ2, and I get real tired of these "omg you can't solo, you can't group for less than 3 hours, you can't even find a group, omg this game sucks" type posts.

Maybe it isn't the game.
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