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Patch left a bad taste in your mouth ?Follow

#27 Feb 21 2005 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
No matter of you like or dislike the patch it has happened.
If you like the patch then good! But if you dont like it you actually have some options:
- Do a /feedback and hope it will have some impact
- Ignore what you dislike and keep playing
- Stop playing

I like most part of the patch.
#28 Feb 21 2005 at 9:26 AM Rating: Decent
so far the only thing I didn't particularly care for was the new /con system, but I just went into my options and changed it back.

#29 Feb 21 2005 at 10:42 AM Rating: Decent
No matter of you like or dislike the patch it has happened.
If you like the patch then good! But if you dont like it you actually have some options:
- Do a /feedback and hope it will have some impact
- Ignore what you dislike and keep playing
- Stop playing

I like most part of the patch.


I don't see why its a big deal, I lost my horse speed and yes that hurt. Will have to spen 5p to get the same speed back. They ain't going to happen Hehehe.

As for soloing.... well I got EL access last night at 31L lost the boat ride 8 times due to ..... stupid players not the game.
First thing I did while in EL was get jumped by a 33L wasp solo mob and guess what I soloed it and came out with 90% of health and 20% power and got good exp off of it.

Sure the patch changed alot of stuff, like no more twinking big deal. No more making tons of gold with macros to sell on ebay good I say. Sure sucks that u payed 2 gold for that BP I got mine as a drop playing the game.

So all and all it only hurts the people who want tons of cash to buy all the stuff they should adventure to get?

As for non healers getting groups I have np with my SK or my summoner. Of the 3 toons I have I get less groups with my Mystic... hell maybe I just suck as a healer hehehehe.

If you want good groups join a good guild then you can group all the time you are on.

All in all the patch fixed more then it broke but I am sure someone will whine even if they gave everyone 200 plats a fast horse and X10 exp for a week.. go figure
#30 Feb 21 2005 at 5:56 PM Rating: Decent
A few people, in various threads, have made the "no more twinking" comment, and frankly, I don't see how this patch changed that even slightly.

You can twink with the gear that drops while you adventure. You can twink by buying gear on the market, or making it yourself.

The only twinking you can't do is handing down your old armor to your twink lowbie. But that was tough anyway, because of the level limits on the armor.

Trust me, twinking is alive and well.

I play a pally (among many other chars) and I find the pally horse nerf painful, but proper. My buddy is a zerker and got a glowing hand, I got a 35% speed horse? Come on, that's not right!

My only problem with the nerf is that they waited so long, let us enjoy it and get used to it and then yanked the rug out. Don't do that! Either nerf it immediately or leave it alone, don't wait 2 months. You cannot tell me they didn't realize it was broken almost immediately. I hate when they do that sort of thing.

I don't like attuned armor, but I don't see it as a game breaker, and yes, like someone else said, I will likely be much more cautious about buying armor upgrades due to this. On the other hand, since I can't hand down or resell the items, overall there should be more items sold, not less. In theory. I'm still questioning that theory, but it almost seems like there has to be more sold because of it, even though I will personally buy less for my main. But probably overall, I'll end up buying a lot more for my alts. And the armor I do upgrade doesn't go back into the market.

Attuned is a thousand times better than item decay, at least that char can wear the armor for as long as its useful to that char, none of that wearing out crap. That would have been a deal breaker for me, I can live with attuning I suppose.

Nothing in this patch seems a huge deal to me, but overall I don't care for it. Maybe its progress, but as both a tradeskiller and adventurer, I find my costs have gone up and my abilities have gone down - I can't make as much stuff as a crafter because I can't get the materials because costs have gone up. I can't kill as much stuff as an adventurer because the mobs seem to hit a lot harder.
#31 Feb 21 2005 at 7:02 PM Rating: Decent
Shadowrealm you hit every point why i dislike not only the patch but the game in general coming from EQ1..There is alot to like about EQ2..but man i can agree with every point you made..its so uncanny how you hit them and my wife are starting to consider other options.we have 2 characters that have both basically stopped at lvl 24..i dont have the time nor the patience to sit at my computer 4 -6 hours a day to accomplish stuff...let alone the need for a group to finish amazed to see people ho hum about this i have no problem with it..blah blah blah...its just like come on you know the patch sucked quit being a prick...thas my 2 cents and a buck.
#32 Feb 21 2005 at 8:22 PM Rating: Good
382 posts

In regards to the patch some people feel very differently about it. Mostly about attuned gear.

Weather you like it or not it’s never going to change. For the most part it seems a majority likes the new patch. I do see why it was implemented. For EQ2 to hold up to the “Standards” something needed to be done.

To me this has affected my game play, even so I’m not leaving but it has taken some joy out of the game for me, and perhaps some others. I could never put my finger on what was so special about this game that made me like it so much. I’ve played a lot of mmo’s out there. But EQ2 is honestly where it is at, just a great game. I’ve pretty much had nothing but fun in the game.

The reason being was I never had to stop playing. I didn’t HAVE to craft or farm for months to earn money to enjoy myself after work. I logged on killed some mobs, joined some parties, did some quests and explored. While not having to stop to grind threw some tedious task to earn money in a video game. Just resell that gear at night and upgrade when you get home form work, rinse and repeat. Now that’s a game!

Every mmo I’ve played it’s like a default you have to earn money. Which is what I expected and surprised coming in to this game how easy it was to maintain yourself. This is coming for a guy that fished in a mmo every day 5+ hours for a month just so he could buy sniper rings not to mention the other items I had to earn which took at least 6 months farming and crafting. I Stared and stared at a monitor screen hitting control 7 every 10 seconds or so fishing, anything was more fun then that but I did it. Looking back and now in the present I have no idea why.

I’ve invested months and months of time earning money so I could buy the gear I needed, or “have to have” to be in a party in all the other mom’s. That’s what made EQ2 so special for me. You could always get great items and they were easy to get. I guess too easy. But that’s what separated EQ2 from all the rest for me.

I’ve never really understood this and I’m not venting here so don’t take me out of context, it’s just I’m really up in arms about having to earn money in a video game. I’ve earned my keep in every mmo I’ve played. Hours after hours, days after days just so I could get a party. Referring to ffxi here - otherwise you would be kicked for not having “the best”.

Why is it necessary to invest all the time when the only reason I think you would buy something is to enjoy your self? I mean a little work is ok but there’s a fine line. I just never understood why all of them have to be that way. Coming to EQ2 after all the months of that earning money dedication was a great blessing.

I’m confused on why SOE went this route. Using exp as an example. In one patch they added bonus exp for the purpose to help those along that can’t invest the time to play a lot. This allows them to feel they accomplished something in their short time.

Now that’s a great idea. But will this person ever own a horse? Sure craft every single day you can play for a few months you’ll get one. That’s fun, really you’ll love it.

This patch I feel affects those that don’t play as much more. It’s like a kick in the face. Here level faster so you can be bored faster and craft. Sure I play a lot as long as she allow’s it. But anyway why make people go through with that?

If I’m going to consider a MMO my 1st question I find my self asking is how easy it to make money? Not what’s it like. By default I need to know if It requires a month of farming, crafting, or some sort of earning just to advance and have fun for a few days vs the time wasted to make what you needed to get there. That ratio is top priority to me.

This kind of patch makes bot’s and ebayers boom. The weekenders (those who can’t play as much as they would like) are not allowed to have a horse, why? Because of these mmo standards that were all subject too.

See you at the crafting table.
#34 Feb 21 2005 at 11:28 PM Rating: Default
42 posts
Blah Blah ... Leave ... Blah Blah ... Quit ... and I don't like this... and I don't like that ... World of Warcraft is better ...

You get the point by now, I hope.

The reasons are:

1) You dont want to put the effort into the game to enjoy it, you want rewards handed to you on platter for little or no effort.

2) You are unable to cope with the changing world and the developers ideas.

3) You enjoy posting about your inabilities on a forum that is supposed to be for game discussion. Take a walk over to FFXI general forum and see what I mean.

Ok, I will admit that I have 80 gold right now, a 21 woodworker, a 21 weaponsmith and a 26 alchemist, ( The woodworker and weaponsmith spawn of the double exp, 16 lvs, 8 on each ), so I am pretty well off for now. My alchemist still gets order for tempers and such and inks because if the need to have lots/be pristine. The whole tradeskill patch was desgined to curtail the selling of components used in finished items such as pommels and studs, and allow the person who will finish the item to make them.

All I can say is leave, when everyone comes back you will need my wares, and I will continue to become richer. This is what i call first wave effect, the first people who join a game tend to be richer due to the fact they have more time to advance and can control lower markets as they advance. Don't you love a higher lv crafter undercutting your lower lv stuff? Thats what I thought, me too!

To sum up, stop whining and leave, stop posting on this forum, heck i dont really care anymore, Alla has become atrophic in the EQ2 department.

I'm an A**hole-e-o-e-o, I'm an A**hole-o-o-o!
#35 Feb 22 2005 at 1:47 AM Rating: Good
well speaking as someone who only plays 1 or 2 hours a night and then digs into the game on weekends.. I can honestly say this latest patch didn't "break" gameplay for the casual gamer.. just tonight I hopped in for about an hour.. got a good bit of XP.. progressed a few quest.. then logged out cause company had arrived.... all with my level 21 conjuror, and very much solo.

firstly.. why are you playing the game? what do you want to do? Is it all about the XP? because it seems to me that for the majority of players XP is all there is to the game.

Honestly from what I've heard from the majority of forums on EQ2 and other games I've played in the past, people complain when they have to form a group to do anything. They complain when they get to a point that they can solo a quest but all the mobs are gray.. so a game is made where there's no reason to group and you always get XP for nearly anything you kill, money is plentiful, and with buffs you're a god, *cough*SWG*cough* and people complain that it's too easy or that it's nothing but a grind.

Simply put if every single quest in the game were solo'able.. easily a VAST majority of the game's population would never group.. why put up with the hassle if you don't have to?

Indeed when I simply want to go out and kill stuff for kicks and drops.. I *NEVER* group for that.. why should I? my main is a Conjuror for goodness sakes, I can easily deal with solo mobs as high as orange and group mobs double arrow green and yes this is AFTER the patch and over 20th level. What few quest I have that are acutally too tough for me to do right now I'm perfectly content to let them sit there until I can storm all over them.. afterall I have lots of other quest I can do just fine right now.

why can I do this? Because I enjoy the fun of the fight.. and the reward of the item.. it's not always just about XP.

build a satisfying, fullfilling solo game then give ADVANTAGES for grouping.

this allready exists.. I've played FFXI where solo play is truly 100% IMPOSSIBLE for ALL classes except Beastmaster. I've played SWG which is 100% solo play.. there is absolutely no reason to group in that game what-so-ever. What possible advantage is there to grouping when it's something you can just go out and do alone and not wait for person X to run 1/2 way across the zone? People are impatient and I'm no exception.. if I can solo it now.. I'm going to solo it now and I'm not going to wait on a group for it unless it's people I actually know IRL.

what more advantages do you want for grouping???

provide more XP for groups? uhh this allready exists in the form of "group" mobs... My conjuror as tough as she is cannot solo a double ^ blue or higher and live to tell the tale.. and a "solo" orange can be a TOUGH fight if it's high enough level (just shy being red con). Grouping Advantage number 1.

better drops for groups? again this is allready in the game tougher group mobs drop better stuff.. grouping advantage number 2.

group only instances?.. once more this allready exists in the game so much so that soloers were complaining and they're developing solo versions of some of them...... grouping advantage number 3.

it's not SOE's fault that you cannot utilize the advantages allready there for joining groups.. they've done everything just short of give you free XP just for clicking "Accept" when an invite pops up.

The only thing wrong with EQ2's solo game is that it's not going to shine like a beacon in the night and guide you by the hand to where you want to go. Personally I have no problems with this since I'm the type to dig in and figure stuff out.. and most of the "tougher" solo quest only require 2 or 3 people tops.

and as far as groups go.. what few times I actually HAVE joined a group.. You know what they were?.. mob grinding. The only quest I've heard LFG for are the Armor Quest.. anytime you're in a group and mention questing you get effectively ignored... which is why I don't group much. I can mob-grind solo very well without the hassle of dealing with the personalities of 5 other people. The basic mentality appears to be "6 people woo hoo let's camp a spot for the next 6 hours".. This is the fault of people who only care about the XP.

EQ2 is VERY casual gamer friendly... however it's not easy gamer friendly in the slightest.

think of it like this.. Ever play DOOM? Did you play it without the cheatcodes? If you used codes and never played it "for real" and claimed to have beaten it.. if that's how you like your games.. steer clear of EQ2.
#36 Feb 22 2005 at 2:58 AM Rating: Decent
47 posts
I'm still getting used to the whole attuned thing. I understand it's to benefit crafters and cut down on circulation of items but jeez now I'm really broke hehe. I hope they implement higher level zones soon (and I don't mean raid zones) or maybe up the level cap so those of us who aren't high level crafters have a way of making money. =P
#37 Feb 22 2005 at 8:18 AM Rating: Decent
494 posts
Post 25... I am still having a blast. I can log in for about an hour and have plenty to do and feel like I have accomplished something when I am done.

So, anyone that whines that there is no game post 20 (or 25, or any number) they don't have a clue what they are talking about.

If there is no game past these levels for someone, then there was no game from the beginning for them.
#38 Feb 22 2005 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
I don't know I play fine with my 31 ShadowKnight, solo and dueo with my son's 24 Fury. Just last night I was killing green and blue ^ ^ mobs. Yes I was a little lower on power then normal but then I just buy better foood and drink :)

I don't see the problem I just want to know where the new solo area in TS is hehehe.

#40 Feb 22 2005 at 6:30 PM Rating: Decent
I like it so far.

They needed to take armor out of circulation by attuning it. The idea is to provide steady markets for all levels and types of artisans. Provisioners got the best food/drink. Crafters got flow of armor/etc. They will want to increase values of potions/poisons, etc to provide alternatives to 'straight' armor.

Flows of goods and services through all phases of the game helps everyone.

The act of wearing armor to kill mobs provides value to it. The sale price needn't be a large fraction of the purchase price, just something 'reasonable', which can be tuned with every patch until they get the flow of armor to where they want it.

They have adjusted prices again to provide break even on combines, which is a net gain as you also acquire xp.

I personally would class it as fun if someone in a group passed out Hot Fizzlepop Moonshine distilled by the renowned provisioner Drizzlefitz.

Or someone shows off their Glowing Chestplate of Eternity made by the famous armorer Samblitz.

Offline (or at least non-apartment) selling is coming to Test.

#41 Feb 22 2005 at 8:26 PM Rating: Decent
186 posts
Allow me to give my 2 cents on this matter. I'm currently a lvl 25 templar. I also have a lvl 21 paladin but I stopped playing since I started my templar because I found it less fun. I love my templar in EQ2 and devote all of my gaming time to him. However once I hit lvl 24/25 I found I was less immersed. I'm in a guild with plenty of people in it and they are very helpful. We grouped together to get xp and do quests. But the problem is I don't have as much time to play as I did when the game was released in Nov. Now my friends lvl passed me and I was left alone. Actually I'm not alone; I have others guildies to group with but generally I don't have much play to play so in a couple of days the people I just know will lvl pass me again. I don't blame them or SOE for this. It's just that I can't devote as much time to a game as before.

This in fact makes me want to solo more and more but SOE makes it somewhat hard for me to do. Yes I can accomplish something in maybe an hour or so playtime but it's quite insignificant compared to what I could've done if I were in a group. Don’t get me wrong I still love EQ2 very much. I love the graphics, the UI, the story, etc. I don't have any problem having to sit in rooms to sell stuff (I don't mind but of course if there is a better AH system that would be even better :P). The con system is fine too. But for the lock encounter I prefer WoW's approach to EQ2's.

Anyways, my druid in WoW just hit lvl 20 so I decided to give EQ2 a break for the moment. I wouldn't cancel the account but I'll wait and see SOE's next few patches to decide where I'll end up to be. I'll see what the post-20 gameplay is like in WoW and if it's better than EQ2 then I'm sorry to say I'll have to do the only logical thing. But if it's worse than EQ2 then for sure I'll come back to the land of Norrath.

P.s. forgot to say that for the first 20 lvls in WoW, it feels like what the first 10 lvls in EQ2 has been. Quest, quest, and quest. Most of them are solo quests - I'll say 80% solo quests and 20% group quests. And for the group quests I can wait for ~2 lvls then I can solo them. Unlike in EQ2 where when the group quests become soloable, the mobs will usually turn gray by then, in WoW these mobs won't turn gray yet which is nice.

Edited, Tue Feb 22 20:34:14 2005 by kanonyuki
#42 Feb 23 2005 at 3:42 PM Rating: Default
Well wish I could have seen the thread over in the SOE forum but unfortunately they are ****'s and cant handle the truth the mod's over there are a bunch of ****'s what a joke what ever you do dont talk about anything other than how nice everything is and how much you love having things shoved down your throat and oh by the way we dont have to answer you your just the customer and paying the bills! sig heil soe mod's big arm in the air sig heil!
#43 Feb 23 2005 at 6:46 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
Just wanted to address the thread. I am not really concerned with what the latest patch did to the equipment and becoming attunable and the changes to crafting. I am very concerned with what they did to the soloing aspect of the game. I died 8 times
tonight in the span of 70 minutes and all of those deaths were to single blue MoBs. This is not satisfactory. I thought they did a good job about 3 weeks ago with the patch that gave double XP, and other bonuses for soloing. In that 3 week
time-frame up to now I had died 2 times. To say this left a bad taste in my mouth would be putting it lightly. I am anxiously waiting for SoE to fix this. Well, maybe I shouldn't hold my breath. Hopefully I can keep my patience..

#44 Feb 23 2005 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent
Nerf as in nerf ball. One that is softer and weaker etc.
#45 Feb 23 2005 at 8:18 PM Rating: Decent
Well I have a 21 Berserker/ 24 Provisioner and I don't mind the patch at all. A friend of mine was all mad about it because of the workshop task nerf (which I hardly done anyway). All my armor is orange and my walls are granite in my apartment. What I'm saying is it's not that hard to make money you just need to pay attention. I personally don't want them to make it easy, I like to have to do a little thinking once in awhile. About WOW a friend of mine plays it and was bragging that there was no penalty for dying, wow now that sounds like a lot of fun(sarcastic),
what's the point if it's easy.
I'm glad I read this forum to see that a lot of people don't mind the nerf and still really like the game. I really like it and am a casual gamer for sure 4-8 hours a week.

#46 Feb 24 2005 at 10:36 AM Rating: Default
That last patch straight up blows I dont care who you are or what you think it was terrible in many ways period its is undisputable if you say otherwise your a fanho straight up and you need to go back to the SOE forums and kiss the mod's ***'s there cause thats who you are that's what you sound like and thats what they like!
#47 Feb 24 2005 at 2:06 PM Rating: Default
As far as soloing, I admit I don't solo a ton, I duo mostly. But I can duo every night of the week and have yet to run out of things to kill, even into the low 30s now.

Sure, it may take some grouping to do the Zek access quest, but even there, there's alternatives. You can craft your way to T4 acess, I believe you have to be 32nd tradeskill level or something. But you don't absolutely have to group to get access.

I don't do pickup groups hardly ever, but I rarely did in EQ1 either. Except in EQ1 you often didn't have a choice, because the game just didn't lend itself to anything but grouping unless you were a class that solo'd well, like necro or druid. So while I can sympathize with pickup group problems, I don't experience them much. When I do a pickup group, I usually form it myself. I have everyone come to the location and then I invite them. I don't invite people before they cross the zone, because of all the xp debt stories. If someone is an idiot, I boot them.

But mostly I only group with friends and duo with one person. And we can do a ton of stuff. Yes there's a lot less quests at level 30 than there were at level 5. Yes, they are harder and take a lot longer, but they are still fun. I don't care for the attuning, but it doesn't really bug me like it seems some people.

I think this game is tremendously friendly towards casual players, I consider myself casual.

And then there's this crapola:

Well wish I could have seen the thread over in the SOE forum but unfortunately they are ****'s and cant handle the truth the mod's over there are a bunch of ****'s what a joke what ever you do dont talk about anything other than how nice everything is and how much you love having things shoved down your throat and oh by the way we dont have to answer you your just the customer and paying the bills! sig heil soe mod's big arm in the air sig heil!

Can't remember the term for this, but I believe that the phrase "SKDude, you have lost at internet" comes to mind.
#48 Feb 24 2005 at 2:10 PM Rating: Good
That last patch straight up blows I dont care who you are or what you think it was terrible in many ways period its is undisputable if you say otherwise your a fanho straight up and you need to go back to the SOE forums and kiss the mod's ***'s there cause thats who you are that's what you sound like and thats what they like!

Nice tantrum. I don't want to pick on any one person but

1) grammar and punctuation might get your message across. Think paragraphs.

2. Nothing is indisputable, this is the internet.

3. The fact that you acknowledge that others say otherwise, certainly implies that is, in fact, in dispute.

4. Are you sure the moderators like that? How do you know? Personal experience?

5. Its a very old argument technique to say that anyone that agrees with SOE is a fanboy. It doesn't make it true. Just because you hate something they did, and someone else isn't bothered by it, or *gasp* actually likes it, doesn't make them a fanboy. They may have different ideas and opinions about the game, they may play differently then you, they may simply have a different view than you. We could all degenerate to calling you a WOW fanboy, but that would be quite immature don't you think?
#49 Feb 24 2005 at 4:22 PM Rating: Default
Goss I got your tantrum right here boy you just proved your a fanboy.

By the way take your political correct puke crap back to SOE forums the mods will love you there.

Edited, Thu Feb 24 16:38:53 2005 by SKdude
#50 Feb 25 2005 at 8:29 AM Rating: Good
Hey SK,

If you jump up and down for a long time they might fall one day.
#51 Feb 25 2005 at 6:05 PM Rating: Decent
LOL, Delvik :)

SK,I knew you'd call me a fanboy. Doesn't really bother me.

I played EQ1 for over 4 years, then I've played EQ2 since release.

I like SOEs products, I've tried some other games and liked them too. I don't like some of the crap they pulled, they keep changing the game in drastic ways. They did that in EQ1 and a few times it totally ruined it for me, until the next giant change and things were better.

I like the worlds they create. I have nothing against WOW or COH or any other game out there. If you enjoy them, great.

I enjoy EQ. I'm not really clear why you think its wrong to like the game I enjoy playing, but then your opinion matters to me, well, not at all quite frankly.

I don't understand people like you. Why can't you accept that other people like things that are not enjoyable to you? Maybe you like vanilla ice cream, but your big sister likes chocolate. Does that make her a bad person? No it just makes her different.

Maybe when you become an adult you will understand these sorts of ideas.

And if you are an adult /sigh
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