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Patch left a bad taste in your mouth ?Follow

#1 Feb 18 2005 at 3:50 AM Rating: Default
#2 Feb 18 2005 at 4:15 AM Rating: Good
74 posts
Nope perfectly fine with it. SOE does stuff to try to better the game. I know and everyone else should know not everyone will be satisfied with patches. Cause everyone once and awhile your gonna get nerfed/screwed. But everyonce and awhile you will get benefits to. You just gatta look at it from different perspectives.
#3 Feb 18 2005 at 5:38 AM Rating: Decent
Sounds like you are fine with the taste, I just do not like to be fed crap and told it is pudding <shrug>.
#4 Feb 18 2005 at 7:32 AM Rating: Good
I'm fine with the patch too. Tradeskilled for hours last night, don't see any problems there. My SK's horse got nerfed, but who cares? (Real SKs stride into battle treading on the skulls of the dead, not riding on 'My Little Pony'.) Items need to be attuned? No problem by me (though almost died first fight when I forget to attune my weapon lol).

This patch might finally get rid of the tradeskill macros, since you can't make money off refines anymore. The folks who got rich off that trick are screwed, and I think that's great. And no more twinking your buddies and alts with your used gear. Gee, people might have to actually EARN their stuff now, how awful.

All in all, best patch Sony has put out for EQ2. If the whiners don't like it, I hear WoW is recruiting players. Ba-bye!
#5 Feb 18 2005 at 8:29 AM Rating: Default
Patch or "Lets change the rules of the game while we are playing it". Imagine a baseball game or card game or whatever if the rules changed while you were playing. Part of the fun is developing a strategy to become successful based on the rules. Once again (as in Everquest1) they have sucked the fun out of the game. You build characters and and develop a plan and - POOF - the world is different. Small changes are ok but not ones that effect the overall strategy.
#6 Feb 18 2005 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
494 posts
Sounds like you are fine with the taste, I just do not like to be fed crap and told it is pudding <shrug>.

I was never told this was "pudding", as a matter of fact - I was told this was a MMORPG. I was also told that it was by SOE. I came into this KNOWING that there would be constant changes. So far there has not been any changes like those that were present in SWG within the first couple of months.

I am an EQ1, a SWG, and a FFXI vet - so I know about changing game environments. You may not like the changes as they are right now, I know there are things I don't like, but aside from some minor changes that I have not fully explored or scrutinized, I love the game. So I just give it time to see what impact the changes really have. More times than not, they have some other plan for the changes that make that noone sees right away.
#7 Feb 18 2005 at 8:56 AM Rating: Decent
98 posts
Toadteeth wrote:
Patch or "Lets change the rules of the game while we are playing it". ... Small changes are ok but not ones that effect the overall strategy.

Welcome to MMOGs.

I'm a little pissed that they nerfed my Pally horse (Just got him a few days ago), as I thought he was slower than hell already. He was DEFINITELY slower than I was expecting him to be, and now he's even slower than that.

But if you're gonna play an MMOG, you have to expect massive change periodically. ESPECIALLY in the beginning of the game. No MMOG is released in a perfect state of balance, because no MMOG ever had 500000 beta testers. If a new MMOG doesn't go through massive change then the devs are either ignoring the balance issues or....or the devs are ignoring the balance issues :)

Take it from an "old school" necromancer from EQ1 who played since release. No one escapes the nerf bat.

#8 Feb 18 2005 at 9:11 AM Rating: Good
So Far I have not seen to much of a difference with the patch. Will have to start playing around to see the full affects. Like most people, I know that this happens in all MMO's. Went trough it with EQ1, AC, AC2, Linage 2, and now EQ2.
#9 Feb 18 2005 at 10:51 AM Rating: Good
85 posts
I know someone is going to call me an SOE fanboy or something else for this comment; but...I know I haven't seen the full effects of the patch, but from what I've seen/read....I kinda like it. As was said in an earlier post weaponsmiths are not in high demand, not too many on my server, which means not a lot of competition, however, the weapons don't sell all to quickly anyway, so hopefully this will open up that market a bit.
#10 Feb 18 2005 at 12:19 PM Rating: Default
I am not happy that all of my gear is now attuned so I can never sell it for what I paid for it when I want to upgrade or even give it to a lower member or an alt.
#11 Feb 18 2005 at 1:02 PM Rating: Default
I have to agree with the last poster. That Attunable thing was )I hope) intended to help the economy. But it'll have the opposite affect.

There's no way in hell that I'm paying for an item that I can't sell later. It's just throwing money away. I'll just be using quested items from now on... sorry smiths, tough break.

(gawd what's next... making player-made food NO-RENT ??)
#12 Feb 18 2005 at 1:38 PM Rating: Good
So, you're saying that you wouldn't get any value out of using a weapon for 5 or 10 levels and that for it to have value you need to be able to use it and then sell it for a profit? You must never have owned a car or a house! Everything of value in the real world loses value over time.

No one said you couldn't re-sell an attuned item... you just can't sell it to another player. If you sell your unwanted gear to an NPC merchant, you will recoup some of your investment. Just chalk up the difference to depreciation and move on!

And as far as giving items to low level alts and friends, your alts and friends are better off questing for low level gear anyway. The quests are simple, don't take a lot of time and when completed, yield the item along with some exp and a bit of coin as a bonus. If you just move items around from ton to toon, you lose out on the cash and the xp.
#13 Feb 18 2005 at 1:49 PM Rating: Default
4,445 posts
I am disgusted with this patch. Every single item I own has to be attuned now. Also now you really have to think about buying a upgrade cause of the fact it will become worthless once you equip it. So now that robe I spend over a gold on will be sold for about 10 silver when I decide to upgrade it. Think about this for a minute, and then tell me this helps people want to buy more.

Ok you got a chest item that you paid 1 gold for that has 150 ac 5 str (this is a example). Ok your a tank class. You do no have a ton of money, but your far from poor. Now your browseing the market and oh whats this?? Here is a chest item with 160 ac 5 str 100 poison resist for about 10 silver more then you paid for your last chest piece. Oh but do you want to buy this?? No not really because now you know your old chestpiece is worth about 5 silver to a merchant and that you just paid good money for it, so you decide to just not buy it and keep what you got. Yes this is so helping to make people buy more!! Now people will not buy anything unless its a major upgrade.

Also tradeskill items are worth practically nothing. I don't appreciate having to pay over double the fuel cost to make tier 2 items even if it is my own tradeskill. Before this patch the average pristine tanned armor was going for 30 to 40ish silver, sometimes higher. Now you have to try and undercut people asking 10 silver each for the stuff.

Also I don't see how they improved tanks any. AFter attuneing my crusader (level 16's) stuff me and my friend went back to duoing the lvl 12 crows in Antonica. We both have all our gear attuned, and in fact I actually upgraded my gear so that I got higher AC and more stats since the night before. Now when we fight the crows I am taking double the amount of damage. So I think the improvement to tanks was a big joke, I take MORE damage now then before.

The only + of this patch that I see is making your own items (is nice to make my own burlap patterns, although it is pointless now since I can make no money with tier 2 armors now), and the solo instanced zones.

The new con system is crappy, but at least you are not forced to use that.

All in all I hate this patch it has completely screwed the game up. I don't mind all your crafted items being attuned, but not dropped items and pretty much every single item in the game!!! A good chunk of my alts armor came from hand me downs from my main, and a good chunk of my money came from selling stuff I was upgrading. Now that is completely gone, and I will no longer be able to afford to buy anything unless it is a huge upgrade for me :/
#14 Feb 18 2005 at 6:19 PM Rating: Default
The purpose of the game is to have fun. Crafting is so much fun I can understand why crafters want more money. I think Sony should add some more changes to the game that would make would be as much fun as this one:

1) Characters now get horrible diseases and the healers can't heal you unless you go through your HMO. The HMO would be a new tradeclass that would take your gold so you could be healed. The HMO might or might not approve healing and then your character would die.

2) Any group of monsters that attack you should be allowed to sue you. A new class of lawyers could be added. The Lawyer class would follow fighters and then bring law suits against them from the people they attack.

3) The politician class. Politicans would give speeches in the town square and then take trips to explore better trade relations in the South Seas of Norrath. Of course all players would be taxed which would supply the politicans with the gold they need.

I'm sure others can think of many other fun changes such as Mortgage companies, Dentists, and even Computer Programmers.
#15 Feb 18 2005 at 8:20 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
Oh yea I forgot, the trade skill writ nerf (gathing X items) being nerfed now makes it about useless to bother doing them. Now the wayfarers will never see level 10 on Grobb server.

It seems SOe is scared to death to let anybody have money, yet the only thing they ever do is find ways to ***** the middle class players out of money. We are not the ones that horde excessive platinum, heck I am 26 and have yet to see more then 15 gold at any one time! I can't even afford to buy my adept 2 and 3 spells. Now it is even harder thanks to this patch. And while tradeskill gear is pretty much worthless, the price of spells is still high.
#16 Feb 18 2005 at 9:09 PM Rating: Decent
64 posts
I'm fine with the patch. But then again i play a wizard so... >>
Man, when i read the patch notes about the wiz changes, I'll freely admit that I got wood. When I took my wizzy for a spin and dominated all I almost creamed my shorts. Can't wait till the summoner patch hits. I'll definately roll one since I loved pet classes in EQ1 and WoW.

Kinda on the fence on the tradeskill changes. I've got a sage and its nice to be able to do subcombines.. but its damn boring. I'll probably still buy all my subs and such. Besides, I'm guilded so only the fuel cost thing effects me, and thats solved with just raising prices to match. Really hate the writ/society quest nerf, but I only did them semi frequently. Hoping that the vastly reduced reward was just a bug that will be fixed. And wth, all these food/drink nerfs and still no stat food? Just BS

On item attuning. Really hated the thing when I first heard it, but now I've mellowed into just not liking it. A vast majority of my cash came from vendor fodder from monsters anyway. Reselling was just a convient bonus. Kinda makes you scared on what they'll break to further "improve" the economy and make carpenters viable.

Edited, Fri Feb 18 21:13:16 2005 by hrrly
#17 Feb 19 2005 at 2:09 AM Rating: Decent
I just wanted to add that I thought that it would be MUCH MORE appropriate to focus on correcting bugs in the game than nerfing items, skills, and class abilities.

#18 Feb 19 2005 at 10:05 AM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
I'm also ok with the patch. I like that things are being changed and tweaked. Keeps me on my toes.
#19 Feb 19 2005 at 12:15 PM Rating: Default
What happened to the SK's little ponies!?
#20 Feb 19 2005 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
I know this is a dumb question... but my... FRIEND.. is wondering what nerf means.
#21 Feb 19 2005 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
Nerf is when the game developers make a detrimental change to something. I.e. Horse speeds were lowered in this last patch. Often this is done to stop an exploit or to take away an ability the developers think is unfair. You used to be able to buy harvested goods to fill your wholesaler quests (and get cash), but they nerfed you have to harvest those quest items yourself.
#22 Feb 19 2005 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
Oh okay. I am so glad I don't get flamed. Thanks for the info!
#24 Feb 20 2005 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
Toadteeth wrote:
Patch or "Lets change the rules of the game while we are playing it". Imagine a baseball game or card game or whatever if the rules changed while you were playing. Part of the fun is developing a strategy to become successful based on the rules. Once again (as in Everquest1) they have sucked the fun out of the game. You build characters and and develop a plan and - POOF - the world is different. Small changes are ok but not ones that effect the overall strategy.

Ever heard of "CalvinBall"?

#25 Feb 20 2005 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
I would like to see them focus on fixing the bugs of the game instead of nerfing everything. I still have my pet going nuts dragging mobs all over the place when I try to solo. I still randomly go blind on a griffon, and I still get hit by invisable mobs while hunting in certain zones. Fix this stuff then worry about the players who might be leveling 5% faster then you think they should.

You would think they would have learned from EQ1 healers are in too much demand, people want some quests solo, and make stuff weaker then add to it. To a extent this is slighty improved, but still when trying to get a group together the healer is the one you are always lacking. I would much rather them make something to start off abit too weak then have them upgrade it, instead they get you used to something then take it away. SOE needs to realize they don't control the MMORPG anymore, people get mad there is more to go to then crappy UO.

At least in Eq2 you can solo with little downtime (trust me, if you played eq1 you will be happy with the downtime in eq2). Even the best solo classes in eq1 had serious downtime after each kill, even with regen/clarity, and the best gear in the game.

I really think if there going to be so strict with this attune crap, they could at least increase the price merchants pay for the stuff. I also see no reason that dropped items should ALL be attuned. Shame they couldn't have just nerfed the new drops, then we could all be sitting on plat mines with pre-nerf gear lol (remembers the pre-nerf gear from EQ1).
#26 Feb 21 2005 at 8:24 AM Rating: Decent
494 posts
From one of the update notes over the weekend, crafted items made AFTER the patch in which it was announced, will resell to NPC vendors for the amount they were crafted for, the only money you will be out (anyone selling to vendors) will be the profit margine the original crafter added on to the sale.

I think THAT made things a lot better in my eyes.
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