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Most saught after class?Follow

#1 Feb 14 2005 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
2,574 posts
In all MMOs there is the unspoken thing of there being the one class all groups want. In most its the healer class, in this case templar/inquisitor(if im not mistaken). But in my travels, and so far only to level 10, i have seen a large amount of priests, so im thinking that there is a saturation of that class making them less "rare" as they are in other MMOs to date.

So im wondering, before i spend another night grouping, what is that class thats really rare. Ive always followed that rule of wanting to never have to wait for a group by not going mainstream and making a wizard (which seems to be the 'always around' class of MMOs). I have yet to see a necromancer, nor have i seen a mystiq.

Insight would be nice, im posting in the eq2players board as well incase that means anything to anyone at anytime.
#2 Feb 14 2005 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
I play Illusionist and it seems pretty rare. Not sure how much in demand we are by groups because I don't group that much.

But, I will say that after I've been in a group for a while they always love having me around. The healers say their job gets much easier.

So, to sum up, I think Illusionist is rare and valuable to groups. I just don't know if the groups know this or not so it might not really help you get a group super fast *shrug*
#3 Feb 14 2005 at 2:39 PM Rating: Default
1,885 posts
Concur, Illusionists are far and few between.

Healers are in high demand, but they (blanket statement) are getting on my nerves. Here's why:

The other day, trying to put a group together for a tough dungeon, I start to do /tell's to LFG folks to join. First /tell was to a healer. Then began the interogation...
- How many members?
- How many tanks?
- What class/level?
- What zone?

Feeling mugged like a rich Gnome in Freeport, I answered these questions as a defience was welling inside.

Why should he have to ask these questions, much less me answering them?

One reason: the healer was tired of "bad" groups getting exp debt and was now being selective. But to be selective? Enjoy your solo time, healer-friend. Not all groups are perfect. Some must learn from the bottom up.

What did I learn from all this? Build a balanced group (if possible) THEN call for the healer. You would be surprised how many will join a "pre-fab" group. Those healers I would rather do without - unfortunately, they are sought like free coral at the broker.

Sorry if I soured your thread. :)

#4 Feb 14 2005 at 2:51 PM Rating: Decent
I do not think there is one preferrable class to the next really. It does slightly depend on the situation, but most of the time a group will do really well with simply having one of each of the four archtypes in a group.

Yes, there are less enchanter types, and I honestly haven't seen many bard types either, but those classes are not really needed if you have another archtype to fill that slot.

People need to stop comparing the class system to other mmorpgs such as EQ1 and FFxi. EQ1 had the high demand classes that are pretty much needed such as clerics, chanters, etc. FFxi had maybe two or three useful jobs that guarenteed a party, otherwise you'd wait for hours to do anything in that game.

EQ2's system is pretty much get a fighter, priest, scout and mage archtype and your all set. Then you have the other two slots to fill specific roles or add to the tanking/healing power of your group.

And you can vary what archtypes you have also. I've been in a group with a Warden, four monks, and a Swashy(me) and we worked beautifully down in CoB.

There are jobs out there that are rare to see, but they can be replaced by another job of the same archtype in many situations. Thats the beauty of it, you'll get the same amount of invites as a commonly played class as you would a rarer seen class. I haven't seen this kind of thing yet in a mmorpg.
#5 Feb 14 2005 at 4:20 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
On my server we seem to always be "Looking for Healer". Im only 25 , but I have found so far enchanters do not seem to be as required as they was in eq1. Of course once again I am still 25, perhaps later on they become more important?

I have also found often times getting a tank can be abit of a chore, but still healer seems to be the ones that are in short demand.
#6 Feb 14 2005 at 4:52 PM Rating: Decent
Why should he have to ask these questions, much less me answering them?

One reason: the healer was tired of "bad" groups getting exp debt and was now being selective. But to be selective? Enjoy your solo time, healer-friend. Not all groups are perfect. Some must learn from the bottom up.

I must say as a cleric I agree with what that cleric had done, it seems all i have to do is step into certain zones and i am barraged with tells and invites, and most of the time is one person trying to form a group from scraps that rarely works out other than getting debt.

I know its impossible to get a perfect group everytime, but people should put at least some thought into what they are doing and at least do it politely, just spamming invites to everyone in the zone is not the way to do it.

When someone asks for me to join a group i usually ask about the group to some extant, i dont care if its not the "perfect" group but i want something thats actually going to work for more than 10 minutes before some overly greedy off tank starts pulling random mobs and getting everyone killed, then once everyone is dead every one turns tail and runs off.

So when the healer asks about the group befor eh jouins, dont get mad, he/she is just trying to get some info before he makes a comitment to healing them.
#7 Feb 14 2005 at 6:50 PM Rating: Decent
138 posts
I would also say the saught after class is dependant upon if you are in Freeport or Qeynos. In freeport healers are gold. Maybe 1 out of every 20-25 toons is a healing class. I'm not talking solely about clerics, I'm talking any healer whatsoever. I would also say that the only thing necessary to enjoy a strong successful group is a healer. Not to duo and sometimes even trio but for a full group of 6, one of those MUST be a healer or you will find your group fighting encounters far below the normal difficulty.

When I play as my Defiler I recieve tell after tell and invite after invite for groups. I even get tells asking me to leave group01 and join group02. With my necromancer I have a hard time getting a group. There could be 5 people in a group with 2 healers, a main tank and a chanter, and they might still not let me join. My brawler splits the difference between the to. If there is a dps or tanking spot open I get in with no problems but I am not saught after for groups. No one says, /ooc group looking for a monk.

So, from my experience on the freeport side a healer is the most saught after class. I would say a tank is second and then any dps type such as a scout class or a wizzy/warlock is 3rd. Enchanter types are just so rare that no one knows what one can do. I will say though that as my defiler, the person I want next to me is an enchanter. I still get all the fun of being the main healer while I don't have to worry about power and adds nearly as much.
#8 Feb 14 2005 at 7:49 PM Rating: Decent
2,574 posts
I got my fighter to crusader, gonna turn it Pally, once i get it to 30-ish ill roll a druid/fury.
#9 Feb 15 2005 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
73 posts
I have a 25 Ranger(scout class) that I use mostly though I like the other classes also. I never really have probs finding a group unless I'm specific in what I'm looking for like Armor Quests or I'm specifically looking for gnolls or something. I think thats pretty much with every class. There's always someone looking for a cleric, atleast that I've notice, a chanter, a tank, dps, or a wicked hard hitting caster, a buffer,maybe a pally for backup tanking/healing and maybe less important but not to a who can track or disarm traps or do a group escape cuz everybody's gonna die. Ok... I might be bein just a little I take that part back. Anyway, I dont think it really matters who's in your group as long as they know what they're doing. I've been in groups where people didnt know what they are doing. Either the power hitters or aggroing caster would run and the healer couldnt get heals off (plz dont run unless the healer is dead, there's more chance of dying while runnin than standing there waiting for the healer to heal you)or the healer just or someone would inadvertantly use an area spell in a closed in space or the puller wouldnt pull aggro far enough out of add mob range. So like I said it's really just a matter of knowing what you're doing and why you're char is there.
#10 Feb 15 2005 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
Healers will always be sought after. The shouts I see looking for a person are not that different from other MMORPGs. The group usually is looking for a healer, and if not a healer, then a tank. I mean, that's the basic group anyway, one tank, one healer, some other people. That makes a group.

As far as rare, I would say I've seen a lot less coercers than any other class. Rogues are common, rangers are common, various tanks are very common. Bards are not, so that's another option to think about.

Nothing really new to add I guess, to what other people have said, but I will give you the same advice I give everyone who asks these sorts of questions: play what you enjoy. Nothing worse than being an EQ1 cleric, being desired beyond belief, and realizing you absolutely despise PLAYING the class :)

Just my thoughts.
#11 Feb 15 2005 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
I played with a group last night killing giants in and around the goliath crater. I was VERY impressed with the coercer we had in the group; even when attacked by 6 or more giants, she kept her cool and mezzed and nuked right along with the flow never seeming to miss a beat. It might have been that we had a 26/27 level templar in the group too, but I doubt it. Now I am torn between bringing up my main (templar) or my alt (enchanter/illusionist) because of the display of expertise in her playing.
#12 Feb 16 2005 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
I sort of miss the chanters of old. In EQ1 an enchanter was necessary to make an impossible fight possible. Now they merely make a difficult fight easy. Their pwr-regens (breeze etc) are handy if people are thrifty with their groceries. I haven't noticed a huge dps outpud difference with their hastes, but I still like the pyschological satisfaction of it... (I *feel* faster hehe)

Overall I think healers are the most sought-after. Not because they're better, just because they're necessary and scarce.
Sorry.. to make a long post short:

Chanters: Very rare, very useful, but not necessary
Healers: Rare and necessary

#13 Feb 17 2005 at 9:03 AM Rating: Decent
I guess I wouldn't agree that healers are rare.

They are rare when you can't get one for a group :) But generally, there's a LOT of healers out there. Its nothing like the old EQ1 days, for sure.
#14 Feb 17 2005 at 9:22 AM Rating: Decent
GreatBadger of the Seven Seas wrote:
I got my fighter to crusader, gonna turn it Pally, once i get it to 30-ish ill roll a druid/fury.

Take it easy on the reroll.. Might burn you out.
Getting to 30 takes some time so you will be rather tired of thoose zones so going through thoose zones again with a new char might burn you out before you reach 40+ where most people agree the real fun starts.

Im lvl 37 atm and I have had a blast so far with all quests and such and Im really looking forward to see if it is true what all my guildmates are saying.. that lvl 40+ is where the game begins!
I started playing a wiz up to lvl 21 and rerolled as a fury.. it almost burned me out..
Just entered Feerrott a few days ago and its the best zone so far imo. :)
#15 Feb 26 2005 at 5:02 AM Rating: Decent
1 thing that im really peed off about is the large amount of pld's in eq2 just cuz u get a frikin horse,who gives its a go damn horse for christ sake.
#16 Feb 26 2005 at 5:03 AM Rating: Decent
1 thing that im really peed off about is the large amount of pld's in eq2 just cuz u get a frikin horse,who gives its a go damn horse for christ sake.
#17 Feb 26 2005 at 9:53 AM Rating: Default
Why should he have to ask these questions, much less me answering them?

One reason: the healer was tired of "bad" groups getting exp debt and was now being selective. But to be selective? Enjoy your solo time, healer-friend. Not all groups are perfect. Some must learn from the bottom up.

I know its impossible to get a perfect group everytime, but people should put at least some thought into what they are doing and at least do it politely, just spamming invites to everyone in the zone is not the way to do it.

One question....if you are so concerned about the quality of the group...why don't you create your own group?

#18 Feb 26 2005 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
1 thing that im really peed off about is the large amount of pld's in eq2 just cuz u get a frikin horse,who gives its a go damn horse for christ sake.

Can you explain this? PLd's? As in power leveled? How can you PL someone in this game, the grouping is designed against it.

What does a horse have to do with PLing?

And what does any of that have to do with this thread?

Please, elaborate...
#19 Feb 26 2005 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
PLD is an abbreviation for Paladin
#20 Feb 26 2005 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
222 posts
In responce to the OP

Id say the rarest class ive seen (and one of the most usefull IMO) is the Enchanter lines(coercer or illusionist) .
When we get one in any of my groups , i try and keep em in group cause breeze is SO nice .Also if they are seasoned players they can easily turn a bad pull into no problem with the killer CC they get .
#21 Feb 27 2005 at 1:12 AM Rating: Decent
PLD is an abbreviation for Paladin

thanks Klyia. That makes a whole lot more sense out of that virtually unintelligible post.

If people don't want to be understood, why do they bother posting?

Is it really that hard to come up with an entire sentence, form some sort of structure that is somewhat grammatically correct, and make a slight attempt to spell correctly? I mean, I accept that a certain amount of error creeps in, but why do they post if they can't even form an actual sentence?

So basically he was trying to say "don't make a paladin, there's too many already".

Edited, Sun Feb 27 01:15:29 2005 by gossamer
#22 Feb 27 2005 at 8:24 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
As a healer (Defiler/Warden) I can completely see why you would have many questions when doing a LFM on a healer. I do not follow this rule myself, if a group wants me, I join regardless. It is rare to not make any XP, and even the debt is not that bad as I can log him off and play another toon. Since I have 8 characters I totally enjoy playing them all and most of the time they all have 100% vitality due to spreading them out. Other than paying for gear damage I could care less what group I get into, UNTIL! I am in that group and see the dynamics of the players. I of course may be scared to be in a group of all wizards and just the one healer :). I was however in a group the other day, one druid and 5 summoners it was awesome all the pets and nuking going on. I would have to agree that Illusionist seem to be kinda rare.

As far as saturation of priests, it is only and issue up to level 20, then they appear to split off onto more appropriate rolls for the classes. My warden is very usefull as a healer, ds'es etc but he is more like a Cleric over all, my Defiler is a mob weakening/poisoning healer. But with the lack of spells available to upgrade both have limited issues with healing as a whole. My warden is far better at the roll of healer than my Defiler cause I have more adept version spells for him, I just cannot get any defiler specific heal spells over app2 at the moment very frustrating.

#23 Feb 27 2005 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
LOL Gossamer! As far as I know, these abbreviations started in FFXI and every class had a 3 letter abbreviation there. For anyone that has played FFXI it would be natural to read PLD as "Paladin" but for anyone else I guess it might not make a whole lot of sense!

Take a look at the FFXI site here and you'll see lots of that kind of thing.
#24 Mar 02 2005 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
1,885 posts
Have you considered crafting your own spell upgrades? If you have some extra time, it might be well worth it.

I made an alt Sage Artisan for just that purpose, and have upgraded most of my Druid spells to App3 or App4. That toon also crafts spells for my Conjurer.

If not crafting, you can purchase most spell upgrades from the broker. Just be sure to shop for a good price.
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