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Rare Materials and Market PricingFollow

#1 Feb 13 2005 at 7:33 AM Rating: Decent
Soooo, I thought I would rant just a tinsy tiny bit about the pricing of rare materials on some of the lower population servers.

Topic One: I know the FIRST thing that goes through most peoples heads when they find a rare harvest is, I can make some mad bank off this. I know this, its what happened to me. And I was absolutely exstatic when I put my piece of coral on the market for 2g and got it first selling session. But lately I have noticed on several lower population servers, all the Tier 2 rares are put up for sale at REDICULOUS prices (IMHO). And this isnt something I have just started monitoring either, I have kept an eye on all tier 2 and 3 rares for a full month now. My first question is; Do people REALLY pay such prices for rares when the outcome isnt worth that at all? I have tentatively come up with an answer, which is No, people DONT buy at such prices as I see the same people selling them for the same prices day in night out. This is said, making an exception for Adept Ink materials, since some Adept III's will still sell for some slight profit.

Topic Two: Ever notice a lack of crafted Rare (Attunable) Armor/Weapons on the market? This seems to be because the only reason someone would foot several gold for a rare would be to craft it for themselves. They cant buy the rare, make the gear, then sell it for a profit. As for Adept III's... thats another topic. Basically, sell the Rare for less, and you might find a few nice bits of gear for sale at a decent price.

Topic Three: Adept III's... Sounds so nice to have doesnt it? Problem is that you cant buy one for less than 15g on many servers. And thats level 10-19, quite simple (IMHO) to make. The main reason this happens is that those scholar crafters have to foot 10g+ (rarely do you find them for sale at 10g) for a piece of silver or coral, and over 20g for palladium or jasper. Again this seems to be the case on mostly the lower population servers. Folks let me tell you a fact. If you lower the cost of materials, the cost of goods WILL go down. Imagine being able to buy Adept III for just a bit more than Adept I or Apprentice IV.

I guess mostly I am just looking for feedback, as well as a little clarification, I have heard rummors that tier 2 rares sell from the silver to the 2-3g range. Am I completely out of line or do other folks feel much the same way?


#2 Feb 13 2005 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
You should see our server....tier 2 rares sell for 15-17gp, tier 3 25-30 gp. The economy depends on server population.
Do the prices justify the reward? In my opinion, no, but, people buy them and i sell them :)
#3 Feb 14 2005 at 1:25 AM Rating: Good
silver and coral are around 18-35 gold on my server and jasper is 45 gold man the day i get a rare hehehe
#4 Feb 14 2005 at 2:31 AM Rating: Decent
Man, and I thought my server was bad. I have recently spoke with several people that whine about not being able to sell their rare materials. They say that nobody is buying, blah blah blah. And when I tell them that I think they are charging too much, they flame me. Oh well. If people pick em up for those prices thats great I guess. Anybody able to verify the opposite end? Cheep Rares? I just might kill all my characters and move servers lol.

BTW, love the Fighter avatar Commander :P
#5 Feb 14 2005 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
I know on Grobb right now about all my adept 3 spells are 30 to 50 gold each. I have never had over 6 gold at any time, so I won't be getting those for awhile.

Actually as a 25 conjuror I can't even find alot of my spells. I have only seen fireseed listed once and it was adept 3 at 40 gold. Id like to be able to find at least some app 3's for a reasonable price. I am still useing app 1 and 2 for alot of my spells. I have NEVER seen a upgrade to the spell Dust Blast, would think it would be tier 1 or 2 spell?
#6 Feb 15 2005 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
138 posts
I actually have a silver cluster in my bank that I have been debating on what to do with. On Toxxulia I believe they sell for between 8-10gp. I personally think that is an insane amount however compared to 25-40gp that some of you are talking about, 8gp sounds like a steel. I could see a more realistic price for silver being 4-5gp with the resulting spell selling for 6-7gp tops. That sounds more fair to me. However, I don't set the market I just follow it and I will sell my item for roughly the same amount as the average price.

#7 Feb 16 2005 at 4:02 AM Rating: Decent
Yeah, ive had 2 corals on toxx so far and each has sold within a half an hour at 8gp. Ide drop what I sell a rare for if it would encourage others to do the same. Problem is it never works for me and I just end up being the sucker who undersold the market by too much :)
#8 Feb 16 2005 at 10:23 AM Rating: Default
Would it be fun if everyone was able to buy the best spells and armor? no!
Thats why it is good they are rare and expensive imo.
You have to work alot to be able to aford it.

IMO, it should be even rarer then it is = more expensive.
#9 Feb 16 2005 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
4-5gp with the resulting spell selling for 6-7gp tops. That sounds more fair to me

I have to disagree with you here. If a person who gets lucky and harvests a rare you are saying they sould be able to profit 5gp. I see you so far. Now for someone to invest 5gp plus all the time it takes to level a tradeskiller, plus the cost of the rare book to make the ink (5-10gp for tier 2, book 11) that they should only make a 2gp profit....that is if they make the right spell and it sells....eventually.

I think this is a bit reversed, and the person who lucks into it should make a lesser profit then the person who devoted the time, energy and cost involved in converting a useless sliver cluster/coral into a very usefull spell.

It gets to be an even greater cost once you get to tier 3, where the advanced alchemist book level 20 (which has the ink) goes for nearly 35gp....IF you can even find it for sale. Couple that with an average cost for a palladium/jasper of over 25gp. Once again, who deserves the higher profit percentage those who lucked into it? Or those who earned it?

I would also imagine that most tradeskillers are like me, they are in a guild and spend a large amount of time and money helping guildies out with spell upgrades for no profit and normally a minimal loss......leaving the non-guilded to pay ALL the profits a tradeskiller will earn.

I know anyone in my guild who needs a tier 2 adapt spell upgrade only has to provide me with the silver and I do it at no charge, I would assume most tradeskillers are the same way.

Moral of the story is....join a guild....befriend your tradeskillers......and you no longer have to worry about inflated prices.
#10 Feb 16 2005 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
This is something that I brought up sometime ago as well.
I sold a Silver Cluster to someone for 50sp. And I just made the persons day. I also sold the same person a Bronze Cluster for the same price.

To me, if you want to get a better deal on the Items that are for sale just message the person selling it. You just never now. You might have to message alot of people or you might hit the Jackpot on the first try.

Oh, And for the Tunable Player Made armour, I was seeing getting sold for about 80 sp to 2gp (freeport) on the server that I play on. To Bad I didn't have the money to get the stuff :(.
#11 Feb 16 2005 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
Delvik wrote:
Moral of the story is....join a guild....befriend your tradeskillers......and you no longer have to worry about inflated prices.

Couldn't have said it better. Now only if I can find a Guild to join. *sniff sniff*
#12 Feb 16 2005 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
Great input, thanks folks.

Would it be fun if everyone was able to buy the best spells and armor? no!
Thats why it is good they are rare and expensive imo.
You have to work alot to be able to aford it.

IMO, it should be even rarer then it is = more expensive.

I guess I can KINDA sypathize with the everybody having the best gear idea, thats what ruined EQ1 (again IMHO) But on the same hand, we are talking about a Tier 2 rare, Antonica/Commonlands, selling for 10-35g... thats rediculous. So what does that lucky sucker do if they find/sell for that rate? Go out and by the best attunable gear they can find. So your argument is self defeating. As far as More Rare..... If you can havest from every node, tier 1-4, for 8 hours a day, and not find ONE let alone one of each, thats pretty damn rare. I would have to say 4-5g would be perfect for coral/silver, maybe 1-2 for blackened/unsullied/sisal, etc. As far as Tier 3 resources go, as of yet there arent THAT many people who have the ability/levels to go havest them, thus making rares even rarer lol. And tier 4, well, yeah. You are more likely to get them off a named in CoB or RoV than to harvest them. Anywho, still havent heard about any servers where rares arent so rare... perhaps they dont exist after all :) or MAYBE you just dont want to tell me, mwahahaa... er sorry, thats what happens when the evil AI in my head speaks up. L8er

Edited, Wed Feb 16 12:42:27 2005 by MathiasIV
#13 Feb 16 2005 at 9:34 PM Rating: Good
382 posts
RunnyEye Rough opal = 1pp 20gp.

Was 1pp ago. Seems to keep going up. At anyrate I refuse to pay that much for someone's good luck. I just wont have adept IIIs in this Teir. Besides I only have 15 levels left till 50. They can take that rare and shove it.

#14 Feb 16 2005 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
toxicmoon wrote:

They can take that rare and shove it.

Couldnt agree more :) I threw up an Opal for 50g and was stunned when it sold 10 minutes later. Only reason I didnt keep it was the fact that I would have had to find a tier 4 alchy who could refine it, and that would have cost me an arm and a leg, then I probably would have had the Adept III sitting on my merchant for weeks before a level 50 sybarite came along and ate it up because he/she didnt have anything else to spend a plat on.
#15 Feb 20 2005 at 12:19 PM Rating: Default
In the past two days I have sol

two severed fir at 50g each = 1p

two steel clusters at 20g each = 40g

two bronze clusters at 15g each = 30g

one lapis luzilla at 15g

one silver cluster at 15g

2p... not bad

Oh, I didn't harvest any of those either, bought the off broker.

Cost of two severed fir was 30g, so 70g profit

two steel clusters at 5g each on fence, so 30g profit

two bronze clusters off fence for 2g each, so 26g profit

one lapis luzilla for 1.5g, so 13.5g profit

one silver cluster for 22s on fence, so 14.78g profit

Total profit 154.28g

God I love capitalism!

LOL, and I found the fir when I was looking to buy one to have a bed made. Bought the fir and then noticed 30 seconds later somebody was selling a bed for 15g... so I bought the bed and marked the fir up... took maybe four hours to sell, and I was 25g less on each than the next lowest price.

The way I look at it is this. If there are people with two much gold on their hands... either from rushing to the endgame or buying it from IGE... I am more than happy to take it off their hands!
#16 Feb 21 2005 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
hmm.. well it's interesting since I was discussing this about two days ago..

there are several things we can assume and for the most part be correct in this assumption, the main one being simply this: People are inherently greedy.

the crafter will often complain about the cost of rare materials.. and it is a justified complaint, however, if the going rate for an Adept III high level spell is 60 gold, and the crafter in question somehow manages to get ALL the raw materials and combines needed to make that Adept III for a grand total of 10 gold... I defy you to find the crafter who is NOT going to sell the spell at 60 gold and enjoy a nice fat 50 gold profit margin.

prime example of this: Tuber Strands.. true not a rare harvest in the slightst.. however hear me out. On Oasis Tuber Strands are now down to between 1 and 5 copper... There is literally no point in harvesting them for the adventurer other than increasing harvesting skill.. However, the price for robes and other such items has not dropped one red cent. The ONLY time you will see a price reduction is when someone has done a session of grinding crafting XP and is selling about 10 of them just to get rid of them.

If you lower the cost of materials, the cost of goods WILL go down.

unfortunately no it will not....
in theory if sellers drop the price of raws, crafters drop the price of finished goods.

in reality sellers drop the price of raws, crafters keep the price of finished goods right where they are (or go higher to increase profit margin) because they *KNOW* they can get the current market price on it, and the buyer has NO idea how much or little the crafter paid for raws..... afterall why drop the price and cut into your profit margin if you don't have to? and since the current market will pay say.. 60gold for something it took you 10 gold to make... hello profit.

though this situation is not technically a "fact" it's so blatantly obvious that this is the way of things it might as well be labled a "pseudo-fact" or in the loosest definition an "EXTREME" probability.

this is the reason why crafters have to pay *EXTREME* amounts of money for someone elses "Lucky Strike". They (non-crafters) see the finished product selling for 60+gold and figure well heck, if it sells for that much then these guys are rich and can afford 15gold for this dinky little rock. However the result of this is.....

since the price of the raw is SOOO high, that lowers the profit margin, therefore.. it is the nature of the average individual to pass that extra cost onto the consumer.. so that Adept III spell that WAS selling for 60gold, is now selling for 80 or 90 gold.

and violla.. we have rampant inflation. As the price for the finished good goes up.. people will charge more for the raw because people think the crafter can easily afford it and they eventually would like to be able to afford that 80gold Adept III as well.... Not realizing they themselves are part of the reason why the price is so high to begin with.

solutions or so they seem...:

well obviously.. join a guild and join a big one... the more people the more likely you are to have a guild member who finds that "lucky strike". Since most guild members cut each other a break.. that's your best bet for keeping cost on all production low but your profit margin high.

let person X overcharging for item Y sit on it in his inventory for a while.. after several weeks of no sale *THEN* the price will go down quite likely to something much more resonable... for the average adventurer these trinkets and rocks are nice for possible big money.. but overchargers will get more reasonable after having it sit for a month.

HOWEVER, these are solutions which will help the crafter keep production cost down... which will in turn create an inflated price for the finished goods.. and since crafters will be literally buying low and selling high.. the current price structure in the market will remain unchanged.

as I said, people are inhreently greedy.

the ONLY thing that will alter the price structure for finished goods is competition.. competition that can produce the SAME item at the lowerst cost that is willing to take a hit to the final production numbers and sell that Adept III for 40gold.. Undercutting but still adequately lining the coffers.

will it happen?? Truth be told not likely. It would require someone with enough economic, marketing, and leadership savvy to organize such a guild and make it run smoothly.. However, should a guild named "Wal-Mart" or "Target" suddenly appear then there's hope, until that time.. I suspect the market for finished goods isn't going anywhere anytime soon.. regardless of how little raws may eventually sell for and because of this, the price for rare's are, and will likely always be, extreme.

Edited, Mon Feb 21 10:26:41 2005 by Iaini
#17 Feb 22 2005 at 7:14 PM Rating: Decent
138 posts
Very well put Duchess. However I would like to offer a slite defference to what you are saying. It is the classic example of 1 person can't make a difference. If 1 person on a server normally crafts and sells item x at a lower price then the rest of the server then there is probably not going to be a change in the average price of an item. However if 20 people craft and sell and item at a lower price then the server average that price will come down. The problem is providing the market with a high enough ammount of item x at a particular price to reset the value of that item.

For instance, if you browse the market and find 1 silver cluster for 10gp and 20 of them for 5gp a piece the 10gp one will not sell. And to continue with that, if I browse tonight and find 20 different people selling them for 5gp it will be a long time before I buy one for 10gp again because I know that it is overpriced. The current market value may be 10gp however, and that was just an odd evening. However, I will remember that evening and will only look for 5gp silver clusters.

Now in order for 1 person to affect the market this way it would take a lot of doing. However, if a guild of tradeskillers got together and wanted to force the market prices down they could do so by flooding the market with particular items at a lower cost. It would only take a week or two of doing this that the average price of an item would effectively be reset to the lower value.
#18 Feb 22 2005 at 7:59 PM Rating: Decent
222 posts
Just to give an example for the OP.
On my server silver and coral sell for 15-25 gold... and the adepts of course turn out to sell for 20-40 gold .
Its absurd , ive pretty much quit buying the stuff altogether until people get their greed under control .

#19 Feb 23 2005 at 1:45 PM Rating: Good
One trend I have noticed is that most of the adventures who post do not take into account the other costs tradeskillers get. For example....the tier 3 book needed to make the inks for tier 3 spells runs anywhere from 10-20g. This is a cost taken on by the tradeskiller BEFORE he has realized any profit from making adept 3's. So...if a tradeskiller wants to put an adapt 3 (tier 3) up for sale to the general public they are going to spend around 35 gold up front (note this does not include the price of the book the adapt spell is in).

That is just something to keep in mind.

If you want to save money getting your adapt 3 spells made, there is an easy solution. Purchase the rare component yourself (as well as the inks...ect you need). Send polite tells to various tradeskillers of the craft you requier, and ask them what they would charge you just for the combine.

I guarentee if you do ALL of the leg work yourself, and are only asking for someones time, that you will be able to get your spell made for 2-5 gold. I charge 2 gold if they have all the components (0g for guildies).

Many people want a discount, but how many are willing to front the upfront costs to get it?
#20 Feb 23 2005 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
222 posts
well i disagree with the "cost of the book " factor because people try to make back the cost of the book all in one sale . I dont mind paying for the cost of the book as long as its a fraction of the cost . But the simple fact is that people are pricing in a way to try to get back the cost of their book + time in one sale . That way they can get started on their profit margin sooner .

Another thing is that people should be able to craft adept2s (which i havent even seen in game yet) . that would help out alot .
#21 Feb 23 2005 at 4:36 PM Rating: Good
So I think you would be best served by tryng my idea Geo. Buy your own rare (fronting the money so to speak), and ask a tradeskiller what they would charge you for the adapt. This way the only one making an exhorbanant profit is the adventurer and not the tradeskiller.

I am sure if you ask politely you can keep their profit to a minimum. All it takes is the initiative, and a willingness to front the cash rather then have it fronted by someone else.

Never forget that most tradeskillers make most of there spells on a pre-order basis (for substantially less then you see at the broker). If I KNOW I have a buyer it is worth less profit then if I am just speculating.

#22 Feb 23 2005 at 5:23 PM Rating: Decent
173 posts
As a tradeskiller, I never buy rares for a customer. If a customer wants something rare made, they can buy the rare and bring it to me to make an item with. Heck, I charge the exact same amount to make a rare as a common when you bring me the rare.

I'm really thinking of turning my High Quality Pelt into a sheath for throwing knives for myself just to annoy everyone. Unless I stumble across an oak while harvesting.

And I have to admit, I spent 15g for 2 T1 rares to get adepts made from. But I didn't do that until I hit T3, and found out that those skills never max out and never get replacements. Then it seemed worth it to dump too much money on them. After all, I'll be using them forever.
#23 Feb 23 2005 at 7:35 PM Rating: Decent
138 posts
So it sounds to me like some people think it is fair to charge 40gp for a spell made with a rare component that cost 15gp. That's just silly IMO. As the seller of whatever item, the rare or the spell, you obviously have the right to sell it for whatever price you want. However, being realistic about that price is a different story.

Rock - 15gp
Book - 15gp
Other stuff - TOPS 2gp
Spell price - 40gp???!?!?!?!?

How is that fair? Is that the only reason you bought the book was to make ONLY that 1 spell out of that 1 rare? First of all, with the numbers above that's an 8gp profit for making 1 spell. Second, I'm positive that as a crafter you will make more than 1 item using that book. Buying the book is like investing. You invest the 15gp now to earn it back slowly over an extended period of time and then continue to profit. I would see a more reasonable price for the above spell being 20-22gp. Thats 3-5gp above what the rare and other stuff might have cost you. That's a little more reasonable. Unless you charge the first person 33gp and everyone else 18gp.

The thinking here is more towards friendly marketing strategies rather then a "gimme all the money" strategy. I can't fault the player who is out to make as much cash as possible. I will however praise the player that isn't out to ***** others over by price gouging and doing other things that tend to lead to the deteriation of the EQ society we all play in.
#24 Feb 24 2005 at 7:32 AM Rating: Good
I agree 100%.....IF you buy your own rare. If you are just buying from a broker, then, by not taking the time to put yourself in a better buying position, you deserve what you get. It take little effort to befriend a tradeskiller who can help you out, and to buy your own rare only takes the up front cash.

As to the other poster......I dont see why you believe it is OK for an adventurer to make 15 gold and the tradeskiller should only make 3 gold. Try and remember that it is the buyer who sets the market, not the seller.

Ask yourselves...why doesnt the adventurer just start there own tradeskiller and make their own spells? Thats easy....they don't want to spend the time....which in turn puts a value on the time spent to get to the level it takes to make the spells the adventurer needs.

Some people are not willing to be friendly, and in turn this is the price they pay. This is a game that encourages guilds and groups and if this is not a part of the game that you are interested in...guess will spend more money on damn near everthing.....and you will have no one to blame but yourself.
#25 Mar 04 2005 at 7:42 PM Rating: Decent
Being realistic about the price you charge for your finished product is a huge responsibility and one that I wish more crafters would take. But the fact of the matter is, and this is purely mathmatical, I will make MORE G by buying 5 coral/silver for 10-12g a piece, then selling the adept III for 14-16 accordingly, than a crafter who is trying to compete against me and pricing his/her adept III at 20-25 g. Simply because people wont buy them except in rare instances, such as the rush to the endgame factor. As long as crafters make end products in accordance to what they spent to MAKE the object, the market will go down. And with the recent flood of crafters to the scenes these days, I would hope this becomes a reality some day
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