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Everquest or Everquest 2 ?Follow

#1 Feb 09 2005 at 5:26 PM Rating: Decent
I've never played a MMORPG, only games like StarCraft, Warcraft, Quake 3, Diablo 2, etc. I saw Everquest 2 at the store and I became interested in the description. I did some searching on the internet and found out you have to pay a monthly fee to play these games. I would like to know more about them before I decided to spend my cash.

What's the pros/cons between Everquest 2 and the original Everquest? I know sometimes the original game is better than the sequel. Is there a free trial where I can try it out before I pay for anything?

Is it really worth the monthly fee?
#2 Feb 09 2005 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
You would probably enjoy the original EQ and EQ2 but to be honest, this is probably not a good time to be starting with the original. The population of EQ servers is dwindling due to the impact of EQ2 and WoW, and starting out as a complete newbie all by yourself could be a lonely and frustrating venture.

So my advice, go straight to EQ2.
#3 Feb 09 2005 at 8:11 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
I agree with bluie 100%. I actually tried getting back into Everquest 1 about 1 month ago by starting from scratch and found it almost impossible to get a group once I got to about level 23ish. Also Eq1 is alot less newbie friendly in my opinion. There is harsher punishment for dieing, massive downtime soloing (if your class can solo at all), and like Bluie stated fewer and fewer people. I had made a cleric and seriously once I got to about 24 I found myself running from newbie zone to newbie zone LFG and almost all of them was empty. As far as the monthly cost is concerned eq2 is $2 more per month then eq1 is, so not a big difference there.

If you decide on either one shop around on prices. Most places have Eq1 with most of the expansions for $20 (Everquest Platinum). Everquest 2 however can range from $30 to $50. My friend bought it less then 2 weeks ago for $30 at Also (as well as there stores) has had it for $35 for a long time. Both eq1 and eq2 do give you the first month free.

I would highly recommend just getting eq2. It is very solo friendly, and there is plenty of people your own level to interact with.

Oh one more piece of advice for any MMORPG.. Don't beg people for money or loot, that will get you instantly hated by most players.
#4 Feb 10 2005 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
1,885 posts
Here's some more info for you. Although not all inclusive, these are the things that stand out to me. I'm sure there are many other points that others will make :)

- Vast world with many expansions and a ton of zones, items, mobs, etc. Since it's been on for 5+ years, you can expect a few expansions.
- Most bugs worked out (mention I said most, not all).
- Huge and well-established databases throughout (Alakazam for one).
- PVP servers.
- Power Leveling (PL'ing) where a high level character groups with a lowbie, buffs him up, then helps him kill powerful critters. Lowbie levels FAST. Could be good or bad, depends on your opinion.
- Most character balancing issues worked out.
- Good Bazaar player-trading system. You can buy and sell stuff between players. Ability to do a detailed search for exactly what you need.

- Low end graphics, polygon'ish at times. Terrain is especially polygon.
- Unexciting combat moves. Lean forward, swing, stand upright, repeat.
- Group problems and dwindling population (already mentioned)
- Low amount of quest-givers. Hard to track your progress.
- Simple (old) user interface. Can only have 8 (or is it 9?) spells/abilities available at a time.
- Possiblity for someone to camp a mob or Kill Steal (KS). That's when you fight hard to kill a critter to get a special drop, and someone comes in at the last second and kills it, robbing you of exp.
- No player housing.
- High price for dieing. You loose exp, in fact you can loose a level.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Everquest 2:
- Huge amount of quests to complete. Nearly every NPC can give a quest.
- Quest log to track your progress. You can have up to 50 quests active.
- Smooth graphics and detailed surfaces. Ability to set to extreme graphics (which will burn your block down, so don't try it yet)
- Unexplored portions.
- Improved combat, spells, moves. I like the Monk's moves best.
- Expanded and improved craftsman system.
- No KS'ing due to locked combat.
- No PL'ing due to group level caps.
- Have multiple 12-button Action Bars up. I usually have 4 up.
- Player Housing system. You have a room that you can decorate, craft from, or invite your friends.
- Guild System and Houses. Young system, but growing.
- Less penalty for dieing. You can't loose a level.

- Smaller amount of zones. Expect more expansions, I think they plan 2 per year.
- Armor appearance between classes is not that different. That is being fixed.
- I hear there is not much content beyond level 50, but that is being worked (expansions).
- Some quests are bugged, fixes happen almost every other day.
- No PVP servers.
- Broker (player buy/sell) search ability is too simple, not able to do a more specific search.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Here's some personal thoughts:
EQ1 is coming to the end of it's life. It was made 5+ years ago, has done it's time, but it's capabilities have been reached. Only thing to do now is add more expansions. But with dwindling population, I don't see it lasting past another 2-3 years. It may even turn into a free game eventually. Lots of exp grind to push through. I had to do 6 levels of nothing but fighting once.
If you want a well-established environment with older graphics, then EQ1 is for you.

EQ2 has been built with updated graphic engines and abilities. It is designed to run on systems that will appear in 3-4 years. That means when you upgrade your system, you can crank up the game as well. It runs well on the lowest setting on my little machine (Compaq 1.5MHZ, 720MB DDR RAM, 128MB NVidea Video Card). The graphics are still fantastic to look at. Less of a exp grind, lots of quests to do (you also get exp for doing a quest)
It is a young game that will expand, given time.

I like the thought of being part of the "discovery" of EQ2, finding new things, figuring out how a quest works, etc. I started EQ2 as soon as it came out, and haven't looked back.

Best of luck to you in your decision.
#5 Feb 10 2005 at 2:26 PM Rating: Default
eq2 is great, honestly though i like eq alot more

you might want to look into WoW, it might be better for a first mmorpg, its more of a casual game, or eq1
#6 Feb 10 2005 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
I posted this question in the Everqueat Forum as well. They said there was a free download for Everquest is there one for Everquest 2 as well? I would like to try them out before spending money on anything. And what is WoW?
#7 Feb 10 2005 at 4:51 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
WoW = World of Warcraft.
#8 Feb 10 2005 at 6:31 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Thu Feb 10 18:33:40 2005 by saglaginifimoo
#9 Feb 10 2005 at 7:35 PM Rating: Decent
1,923 posts
I played Everquest 1 for 4 years. Played EQ2 for 3 months. I was a warrior in both. From my point of view the warrior was the most neglected and broken class in EQ 1. And in EQ 2 there is nothing I can not do. More of less SOE learned a lot of things from EQ 1. Too many things they could not anticipate over the long term. They became vicitms of thier own success in EQ 1.

SO they took all those things they learned and discovered and rebuilt it from the ground up. There were too many things too change in EQ 1 that wouldnt involve redoing the game on an unpresidented scale. So they just put that knowledge in to EQ 2. So if it comes down to a choice between those two games, I would steer you toward EQ 2.
#10 Feb 11 2005 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
The FREE download of Everquest is only the first 2 expansions and classic. This means you will be unable to use bazaar (almost required to buy any type of decent gear even as a lowbie). Also if Im not mistaken its $10 for the trilogy but they give you 2 months gameplay. Honestly if you get that by level 10 your going to be needing Luclin for Bazaar alone. Your better off if you play EQ1 to just buy Platinum for $20 and get 1 free month and the first 7 expansions. The only thing you don't get with Platinum is OOW, and you won't need that expansion till 40+ (and you don't actually NEED it).

Good luck if you play eq1, better make a solo class (Necromancer, Druid) otherwise you will find yourself sitting around doing squat alot Looking for a group.
#11 Feb 11 2005 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
801 posts
FWIW, I play EQ1 on the Stromm server, which is still marked "Newbie Server" and tends to get a lot of people just starting out because of it. (It was originally set up as a new server after the game had been out for a while that didn't allow character transfers - everyone had to start at the beginning.) While some of my friends have left, and some like me have partly left, there are still many people on the server and many low levels.

If you want to try EQ1, try Stromm or one of the "Recommended Servers" as they get most of the new players. Older servers tend to be populated by high level players and their twinked and power-leveling alts. They can also have a some elitist attitudes.
#12 Feb 11 2005 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
I have played EQ 1 since the release. I have played EQ2 for the first month and I have played WoW for the first month.


Is WAY more solo friendly. Wizards,Druids,Mages,Necros,Bards,Shammy can all SOLO to max lvl which is 70 so even thou there is a low population you have many toons to pick from to solo with. The other class's are grouping class's. EQ1 was made so if you wanted a "Power House" class you can have it. They also made the other chars grouping. Which means even thou they cant solo as well, they make up for it by being MUCH better and valued to a group.

The trade system is better then EQ2. There is more gear to get, more zones to camp them in and less ppl fighting over spawn camps since the population is lower.

Trade Skills
Not even going to comment on how messed up the tradeskills are in EQ2. WoW are simple and easy. EQ1 are a mix of both. Tuffer then WoW but not as stupid and hard as EQ2.
EQ1 XP loss vs EQ2 Debt

Yes in EQ1 you can lose a lvl. But you can get a rez for 96 percent of that back. Which means all ya have to do is pretty much kill 2 or 3 mobs which is fast and you have all your XP back. EQ2 if anyone dies in the group you get debt. If you die you get debt. You can rez it back but no where near the 4 percent loss you get from EQ1. The death system in EQ1 is by far better. Just when you ding a new lvl hunt for 5 - 10 min after that and you will have a nice buffer incase you die.

EQ1 is ALOT bigger in size then EQ2. They are also releasing a brand new Exspantion for EQ1. Which means EQ1 will be around for a long long time.

Soloing in EQ2 is hard and even more so since they are making the mobs stronger. You can solo things that are WAY stronger then yourself in EQ1.

I have always hated player made gear system. Everyone always have the same stuff. (SWG for example) There is no real work to get these items. and once you have them they all drop in price so your new UBER sword doesnt stay that way for long because it becomes the norm. Everyone wants it and even worse everyone can get it.

Camping for an item or having to spend weeks trying to get that uber sword makes you feel like ya I have something that makes my char unique,powerful and cool to look at. While making anyone else that doesnt have it drool. Now since it takes raids to get these items.
PVP there are pvp servers or if you want PVE you can do that and still be able to PVP by means of /duel and arenas

EQ1's interface is crap. But you can make your own or download many many new kinds that look wicked.

Banking is great. Pretty much the same as EQ2

Now WoW changes all this.
Well not the best visually the fun factor makes up for it in a huge way. Wow has out sold EQ2 4 - 1 and there is a reason for that. Dont have to do PVP you can pick a pve server. You can long into the game for as little as 30 min and still get something done.All class's can solo no matter what you are.
GRouping is fun. The trade (Auction) system is great. You can hunt and sell.

Travel is great. Kinda like the birds in EQ2. It is a very fun game.

Now IMO EQ1 > EQ2 Wow > EQ2 EQ1 > WoW Unless major changes are made to EQ2 they will have a low population. Already some of the best guilds in EQ1 are in WoW. Fires Of heaven for one.
You can solo to max lvl in WoW. The animations are funny.
The game seems MUCH larger then EQ2, less zoning way less downtime. For exemple it took just 2 weeks to get the first lvl 60 in wow. What it took 1+ months even more to get a max lvl in EQ2?

There are other games you might wanna look at. I left WoW and EQ2 to go back to City of Heroes. CoH is pretty much EQ2 but no group debt, faster combat more powerful Toons. But lacks End game. Kinda think of it as a cross between Diablo 2 and EQ2.
#13 Feb 12 2005 at 3:40 AM Rating: Decent
The first MMO I played was FFXI, and it was really fun, not as fun as Everquest 2 though. I played Everquest for about a week as well, but comparing it to Everquest 2 I think EQ2 is much better, although its somewhat small right now it will get bigger for sure, and if the biggest Online RPG you've played is Diablo 2 EQ2 is about 1,000 times bigger.

One thing you could do is subscribe to
and check out EQ2, but since you still have to pay I would just buy EQ2.

Of course you could always check out Guild Wars when its released sometime around March, it doesn't cost anything to play, and it is kinda like Diablo 2.
#14 Feb 12 2005 at 12:15 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
I guess that's why there are so many different games, so that we can all find something we like.

Most of what Tios said was good about EQ1 are the reasons I'm playing EQ2 now.
#15 Feb 12 2005 at 8:45 PM Rating: Default
honestlly i'd go with EQ2 if you want to actually group in your low lvls. There are no real new players to EQ so the most you'll find is the occassionall tweak. EQ2 there are many new players every day you can play with. EQ2 also seems to be more new player friendly imo.
#16 Feb 13 2005 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
Everquest would be incredibly boring to go to unless you have been playing for years. It has such an old economy that even the worst equipment costs a fortune. It would take a year of farming to geet anything decent and with so many people leaving that is valuable time :). Everquest is finally dying and many people are leaving to EQ2 or WoW. From what i've seen, I like eq2 better in every way except the lack of places to explore which will be fixed very soon ide imagine. I would like to try and go explore the ruins of the destroyed cities some day!
#17 Feb 14 2005 at 2:09 PM Rating: Decent
1,885 posts
It took 2 weeks for someone to get to level 60 in WoW?

That's actually kind of sad. Either the kid has no supervised life, or there is no challenge, or both.

I would not want to spend time and money on a game that comes to an end 2 weeks after I start.

/agree with Nadenu on different games for different folks. True saddness would be only one game to choose from, like it or not. I don't believe there is "one best" game. Each has it's own method, setting, theme, and purpose. Of course some are more fun to play than others, and that depends on what you want.

It might not be a bad idea to spend some time and money on different games, checking them out and comparing for yourself. Then once you find what you like, commit to it and spend the extra money for a longer subscription. A little $$ spent up front could save some real heartache down the road.

Bottom line: Ensure you enjoy what you play, what ever that may be. :)
#18 Feb 15 2005 at 9:10 PM Rating: Decent
#19 Feb 16 2005 at 3:53 AM Rating: Decent
EQ1 was pure heaven. I spent a lot of my years with that game and had a lot of great fun but these days it is getting a little moldy to me, "been there, done that" sort of thing. The Graphics in EQ1 is getting seriously out dated aswell. EQ2 on the other hand sports some really up to date graphics. I started EQ2 as soon as it went live and the first few months was a blast but now I am feeling a bit bored from it for some reason. It's not a boredom from lack of places to explore or quests to try out because EQ2 is full of quests yet to be discovered and new expansions will take care of new places to explore.

I can't really pin point my delemma with EQ2. It might have something to do with the fact that soloing is almost non-existant in EQ2. Sure you can solo a lot in younger levels but past 30 it is really tough to solo and really not worth the effort/time since the solo XP return is seriously lacking compared to the XP return in EQ1. The spells are all kind of weak in EQ2 in comparison aswell. Many of my favorite spells were left out, "Levitation" for example. I really miss EQ1 spells.

Class differentiation is not even really appearent in EQ2. It seems that everyone is the same. Boo! I really miss EQ1's differences and class/race restrictions. It was more realistic that a Gnome could not be a Shaman or a Froglock not being able to play as a Bard. these things made a lot of sense. It's hard to get gear that looks different because if you want the best AC or Stats for your level you'll end up using the same gear everyone else is wearing. Any race can play as any class and that really takes away from the realism. Not a whole lot of a difference from a Druid or Shaman, or from a Necro compared to a mage.

At lvl 30 my necro plays more like the old EQ1 Mage. Really sad if you ask me. I have a very wimpy pet and I can do small dots/nukes but I lack all the meaty, class defining traits the traditional Necros had in EQ1, "Drain Life", "Fear", "Darkness", "Lich", "feign Death", and Etc. It almost seems that if you are not a Cleric, Tank, Rogue, than you are going to be hard pressed finding groups in lvls 30+ and since soloing is extremely messed up so you can see my delemma on EQ2 right now.

I keep telling myself not to give up on EQ2 yet. That maybe SOE will adjust it a lot since it is still new and all. I sure wish EQ2 used EQ1 class restrictions, racial limitations, and old EQ1 spells but with EQ2's better graphics, new zones to explore, and new mobs to hunt.

Vaylain Zekbressen - lvl 32 Dark Elven Necromancer
Kilestria - lvl 14 Half Elven Predator
Brakkius - lvl 14 Barbarian Warrior
Broc - lvl 12 Kerrian Shaman

#20 Feb 16 2005 at 6:41 AM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
I read somewhere that EQ2 now has a free trial download based on the Isle of Refuge. Maybe you'd find it on the official site.
#21 Feb 17 2005 at 9:17 AM Rating: Decent
eq2 is great, honestly though i like eq alot more

you might want to look into WoW, it might be better for a first mmorpg, its more of a casual game, or eq1

Eq2 is alot better for the solo type person EQ is better for the the I can't play with out 72 of my friends to help type person and WoW well its good for the PvP type other then that it looks worse then EQ. As for EQ1 never seen that game :)
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