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roleplay o.OFollow

#1 Feb 08 2005 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
867 posts
some people just put the roleplay tag on so others can't see their lvl or whatever....

do any of you actually roleplay? for example being and ogre and speaking slaughtered english? or playing an iksar and pretending to hate all other races?

i don't, seems like a fun idea, and i find it kinda cool/interesting when people do, but i just can't bring myself to think that deeply into a game (however, contrary to that type of reasoning, no i don't have a life.)

#2 Feb 08 2005 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent
222 posts
well , for instance, when i was in IoR and giving away app3s of fighter skills , one Dark Elf sat and roleplayed with me for like 30 mins , was friggin cool as heck .
I had forgotten how fun it was . hehe , but yeah most do it just to be anon from what ive seen . specially crafters , that way they dont get into "tell hell" . Cant say i blame em too much .
#3 Feb 08 2005 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
I always try to roleplay! If I didn't like roleplaying, I wouldn't have started EQ2! I'd just keep on going with Luigi's Mansion (Maaarrriioooooo....)!

Virginia simply hates Wood Elves (sorry !) She believes that her family was slaughtered while they slept, simply because they are Ratongan, by what she thought was a small band of Wood Elves. She only survived because she went unconscious from blood loss (leg wound) and was thought to be dead. She was discovered delirious wandering from her home (a "not-so-secret" hole beneath a tree in Nektulos) by a couple of loopy Trolls. Virginia was further raised in and about Freeport where she learned to develop socially. Learning by example, Virginia began lying, pickpocketing, and eventually backstabbing her way through this strange society. Her new family thought it best that she travel and separate herself from the dark back-alley life. Thus, Virginia the Brigand began her adventures from Freeport all the way out to the intriguing lands of Thundering Steppes and even Antonica; never forgetting her adoptive family, Virginia carries their name proudly with her in her adventures: Chocolate (well, they didn't really have a surname but they had an overwhelming love for chocolate and every 4th word out of their mouths was "chocolate." <sigh> Gotta love those Trolls).

As wonderful and seemingly happy her travels seemed...they were not. Once she entered Antonica, she saw for the first time a cleaned up and "proper" Wood Elf.

Now Virginia has given up wandering for the time being, and given herself over to hate. One day, she will be free of the dark plague that burns through her. One day, Virginia Chocolate will find the Wood Elves whom are responsible for her family's death.

:P :P :P

I have lots of fun with Virginia :P
Lately, she's kept herself in check and hasn't threatened anyone...

Promesse on the other hand is my budding new happy-go-lucky Freeport hating Qeynos loving ditz. :D

#4 Feb 08 2005 at 5:27 PM Rating: Decent
222 posts
woah that was a great story emma!
Rate up for posting it ! I liked it alot !
#5 Feb 08 2005 at 11:34 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
I play on Antonia Bayle, where most people's idea of rp is simply to replace the word "level" with "season".
#6 Feb 09 2005 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
329 posts
I really enjoy RP and think it adds a bit of spice to the game. I sort of wish my guild started on one of the RP servers. I think they didn't because they were so full. As it is we wound up on Mistmoore which is just as crowded - go figure!

I think I get most immersed in the RP when I play my DE SK. This was my main race/class in EQ and I fall into the role pretty easily. in EQ, I RP'd a toon by the same name as my current EQ2 DE SK - he was a dark warrior in a light guild. He had been abandoned in Nek Forest and raised by druids. He kept his allegience to the light guild, but all the while he was torn by his decision and felt he was hated by light and dark alike. Ultimately, he was full of self-loathing which must have pleased Innoruuk no end. My old EQ guild had a guild war with the reigning dark guild on the server, and we really RP'd that whole thing. He was really hated by the other guild which was all DE - DeVir on Fennin Ro. We were all posting character back stories at the time - this was one of mine. Sorry for the length and the 1 or 2 inside jokes:

Night's inky blanket smothered the forest. Oppressive to some, but welcome comfort to the armored Dark Elf approaching the tavern. He is weary with travel and the faint scent of disease and sulpher clings to him like a shroud...remnants of the day's battle. The night is as clear as day to his cursed eyes, and he can see that a battle is before him.

He gathers the shadows around his lithe form, gripping the hilt of his blade and muttering the hateful strains of a curse as Innoruuk's power begins to flow through his sullied gauntlets. He can smell them...the good, the pure...and hear their half-drunk sing-song emanating from within the walls of the building. "Yes, Dark Lord," he thinks. "These too shall perish in your name."

As he approaches the dusty windows, the light from within still failing to illuminate him, his eyes scan the occupants: Rangers...Druids...even a Paladin, for Hate's sake! "Oh yes," thinks he. "The forest floor will run with their blood this night."

But moments before the curse is loosed, he holds, and Axxon releases the death-grip on his hilt. The firelight has shown even more than his Dark Elf eyes could apprehend. On closer inspection, he scans the room, he sees them for who they are. Not a nameless band of "lighties," as they call them in Neriak. No. Here are his comrades. Those for whom he has bled, and who have bled for him. Druids who had sprung thorns from his cold flesh to protect him. Rangers who had had fought with him side-by-side. Even the saucy female Rogue (who had caught his eye despite her huge form and obvious distain for male company) was there with the band.

No. These were not to be killed in the name of Innoruuk or any god. These were his friends...his comrades...his Guild.

Axxon slipped the horned helm from his dampened head and stood silent, invisible in the night air, a tempest of conflict brimming in his soul. Surely, his superiors would flay him alive for such an alliance. He is a Shadowknight, after all. He had been there when they roasted the Halflings in Nektulos Forest. He had seen the Druids tortured by his kind. For more than one season, he had hunted them himself. But all things have their season, and he now knew that loyalty runs deeper than the city of one's birth...the tint of one's flesh. Tucking the helm in the crook of his arm, the Dark Elf slipped into the door and padded toward those assembled there.

The pretty, young Druidesses started when the shadows first dissolved and exposed his dark features, and Axxon could swear he heard the Ranger's arrow nock, but they quickly softened when they saw his face. "Wise to have removed the helm," he thought, "or I might soon look like the Paladin licking his stings in the corner...or worse." Only the male Druid sipping his cider had seemed unphased - he had known instantly that no other Shadow Knight would dare show himself in this company. Axxon smiled in spite of his inner torment, nodded to half-visible Ranger, and had a seat with his friends. "How strange," he thought, "for my kind to have such friends. How strange and how wonderous!"

The barkeep, the one brandishing the halbard and sneaking toward Axxon about as elegantly as a drunken Dulak pirate, had only taken two shaky steps toward him before the Rogue deftly pressed her dagger against the small of his back. The man turned to her, suprised that she would defend the Dark Elf, and although a wicked half-smile crossed her lips, her eyes told him that the new arrival was not to be touched. He hurried back to his post behind the bar, trying to cover the urine stain spreading across the front of his pantaloons.

Axxon glanced back at the Rogue and touched his glove to his brow in appreciation. He could have gutted the barkeep with one pleasurable stroke, but it was nice to know he didn't have to act alone when in the company of The Rosebriar. He seated himself near his friends and marveled at how the tempest subsided when he was in their company. As the veteran Ranger poured him an ale, Axxon allowed himself to relax for the first time in days. "Tequila for the Rogue," he barked at the still quivering human behind the bar." "NOW!"

A chorus of laughter erupted from the party and even the barkeep looked more at ease.

Edited, Wed Feb 9 10:14:57 2005 by Dedaien
#7 Feb 10 2005 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
I play on the Oggok server. I have a halfling swashbuckler. I roleplay him like Tasselhoff Burfoot from the Dragonlance books. Because of all the pouches/bags I have, I made up some macros. I have 8 in all. The first one says something like "Hey I found it! I found it!"
The last macro will say "Here it i... oh sorry... I thought I found it. They look kind of the same don't they?" The last one I use occasionlly.
Now the others, when I use them, they report odd things I have, like, "A blue feather... a handle to a stein... a pair of eyeglasses (one lens missing)". Then in another macro "Pipe...pipeweed...lighter for pipe...missing lens for the eyeglasses".
Also, he uses the 3 periods (...) alot when he talks. Not that he does not know what he is saying, but more of a scratching-his-head type of thinking. Lately I had a special root, did not know it was special. I needed some room and deleted it from my inventory. Someone in the guild said that the SISAL root makes a rug for some major money. I went back to my inventory and could not find it. So that lead to a lot of crying, wiping his nose on his sleeves. Luckily, he did not delete it. So of course he was all happy about it. He will be happy as a clam on minute, sad and weepy for his friends the next, and seconds later back to his normal happy self. He is almost like a young child (lets my inner child out).
I had a Dark Elf Necromancer in EQ. He was man-handled by a kodiak cub's mother. The mother hit him so hard she fractured his skull sending a bone shard into his skull causing him to talk in third person;
"Ahhh, yes. Xiren has plans to go and slay the orcs."
I got complements like "That is so typical of a dark elf."

Edited, Thu Feb 10 17:57:27 2005 by XirenDThon
#8 Feb 13 2005 at 1:59 AM Rating: Decent
Well here is some stuff with my characters. I roleplay a lot...

Your Character's Name: Aumwaden (need to think of a good Human last name)

Your Character's Species and Profession: Ary'Dal (half elf) Brawler/Monk

Your Character's History and Background: About 20 years ago there was a forbidden romance. The union of a Dark Elf and a Human. They weren't exactly in love but nonetheless, they had a child. Before Aumwaden was born, his mother returned to Neriak withut concern of the father's feelings. Aumwaden lived there for the first few years of his life, even through all the assassination attempts because of his race. Eventually, the closing of Neriak left them without a home.

His mother stayed, choosing to become a Thexian, but knew her son would not survive. She handed him over to a High Elf, despite her distaste of them. Trelious, one of the last Magicians, took great care of the child, and eventually renamed him Aumwaden as he did not know his real name. Trelious taught him how a person should live their life through wisdom.

But no matter how many teaching that Aumwaden recieved, his darkness was still present through his Dark Elf blood. It is not know if the dark auro was destroyed, or just covered up. The few people that have fought with Aumwaden say that despite him normal kindness, he can sometimes make you feel incredibly uncomfortable and has a rage in battle that they have never seen from him. It's not like he wants to kill, but once he starts, you can't pull him away from the fight.

After Trelious passed away, AUmwaden moved to Queynos seeking acceptance, which he did not recieve. He even got into a few fights, which led to a deep depression. He drank a lot during this time. Eventually, he dove into reliion worshiping Quellious and became interested in the peaceful ways of the Monk. He now seeking to learn about himself and the world, with the chance of bringing back the Tranquility there once was, if there ever was any to begin with...

Your Character's Goals and Motivations: To bring peace back to Norrath and learn about himself and the world.

Your Character's Basic Personality: Not many can tell if he is good or evil at first glance. His eyes have a certain darkness to them that can frighten you if you stare deep into them. Once you really get to know him, his eyes seem a bit more peaceful though. He is normally kind and wise for his age, but with his Dark Elf blood still burning in him, he cannot help his actions sometimes.


((Ok, I always felt that Aumwaden's story was a bit lacking so I decided to spruce things up a bit! I thought a bit and came up with this. I've finally decided on how I wanted it go.))

Dear Brother Aumwaden,

I know you have questions. Question of your past, your beginnings...Your family. In this leter I hope to answer a bit of the information you are lacking and possibly fill a void that has been consuming you over the years.
About...28 years ago had a relationship with a Dark Elf woman. He was young and foolish, not knowing what he was doing. This went on for a year until she had a child. A Half-Elf boy was let loose into the world in their unholy union. Unfortunatly, your mother did not wish to live her life with some Human man. She tore you from his life and brought to to Neriak with here to life your life among the Dark Elves...I guess you know this much, and there is probably much more to the story that I am not aware of, but I do know that somehow you have arrived in Qeynos. I'm not sure of your intentions dear brother, but whatever they may be, you are blood and forever you shall be. You deserve to know what has happened to your other family.
Our father soon became romantically involved with my mother. He was as happy as he could be and he took great care of his new child, Hiphem. Yes my name is Hiphem and I am your half brother. Anyway, after 10 years of joy, my mother passed away from a disease that seems to dwell under our fine city...Perhaps you have heard of it. After her passing, our father went insane from depression with the loss of yet another loved one. Suddenly, I seemed non-existant to him as his vision was clouded with madness. He soom moved to Freeport and I have not heard of him since.
This is all I can answer as of now. I do not know the whereabouts of your mother, yet I hope you someday find out if so you wish. I hope to see you soon dear brother.

Best of Wishes,

Hiphem-Human-Age 22

Hiphem is the Half brother of Aumwaden. He was born after him but being Human has developed at a faster rate than him and has about the smae body type. He is a very dashing, handsome young man, with he cunning to trick just about anyone. After his mother's death and father's...condition, he took up the life of a rogue, getting what he wants with his charm adn if that doesn't work, he has hands like the wind.

Odaobik-Dark Elf-Age ???

Not much is known about this fellow...just that he is the Half Brother of Aumwaden. His intentions seems good enough but Aumwaden's family has always had those...eyes. He will soon be heading to Qeynos to try and find his brother. He left his mother because he felt that he was just them. He had a kinder heart than most Dark Elves and just wants to fight for a good cause for once. This is why he cannot live in Freeport for much longer. He has honor to an endless extent and would never be seen at his worst. He also has quite the attitude, which has gotten him in a few fight throughout his life, and also led to his first kill.

((Also Aumwaden's bio is already here so I didn't post it, but I decided to decide that Aumwaden's REAL name is L'kel.))

I pretty much just copy and pasted my bio from our guilds website.
#9 Feb 13 2005 at 2:48 AM Rating: Decent
45 posts
EQII = great place to least while it lasts...

Cant really roleplay on EQ1 and some of the older MMORPGs, or get the instant "noob, ebay, or newb"

EQII = newb/rp friendly, definately worth taking advantage of....well, as long as some roleplayer dont cause a massive group xp share debt and blame it on Cazic Thule or da evil spirits dwelling in the deep and damp dungeon...LOL
#10 Feb 13 2005 at 6:46 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
The use of RP as an excuse for idiocy remains from EQ.

There was an SK smack-talking TS the other evening on AB. Using phrases like "Queernosians" which presumably he felt were clever repartee.

When challenged he came out with the ancient old excuse that because he was "ebil" he could talk how he liked to anyone because it was how his character behaved. "I'm evil so I got attitude" was one of the gems.

Personally I don't consider this RP at all, merely immaturity hiding behind it.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#11 Feb 13 2005 at 10:30 AM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
I'm in a "roleplay light" guild on Lucan. We are based out of Freeport, and we are not so much evil as we are "cheerfully amoral". We are also drunk all the time, heh. You can usually find us passed out in the various taverns, but occasionally we sober up enough to do a bit of hunting.
#12 Feb 13 2005 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
71 posts
i love to roleplay, as i used to in warcraft three. i forget the name but it was M somethings roleplay, god when you found a good game it was alot of fun, i remember i was in the same room for over 12 hours!, yeah i know it sounds like bs but im dead serious, it was on a saturday and we had a damn good storyline going, as usual i was the "enemy" or the crazy jerk who wanted to destroy/control everything :) but it was deeper than that, I was kinda like a semi villian, but still evil at heart, anyways it was the best RP session i have ever had

oh yeah and i wish we had more RP on eq2... i would love to roleplay for a couple of hours heh
#13 Feb 13 2005 at 12:12 PM Rating: Default
I roleplay. My char Belyrus the Berserker Beefcake is cool. I got a few macros like where he says "this is a man's world"! I like to have him dance and flex his muscles. pretty cool.
#14 Feb 13 2005 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
I'm on Lucan server and I'm in a medium RP guild. I love it, it adds so much to the game.

Daki's back story-
Daki was born in a small village on the outskirts of the Faydark. His mother was the daughter of the Wood Elf blacksmith and his father was a no-account human drifter who left town as Daki was being born and was never seen again. Growing up without a father, Daki naturaly matured faster than the other kids and so was outcasted by them rather quickly. His grandfatehr died when Daki was 13 and he was forced to take over the smithy, as a result he is now a master armorer.
After his mother died 2 years later Daki saw no need to stay in the town any longer, so he sold the forge and bought passage on a ship to Qeynos. The ship was attacked by pirates halfway through the journey and everyone but Daki was slain. The pirates were so impressed by the high level of fighting ability in one so young that they offered to make him part of the crew.
He sailed with the pirates for 3 years during witch he learned the ways of the rogue and swashbuckler. The pirates eventualy left him on the shores of the Isle of Refuge to find his own way.
As a result of his poor upbringing he knows the pain of want and will give you the shirt off his back if you're in need. He is exceptionaly skilled with both the knife and sword and will not hesitate to defend anothers life. He is quick of temper and cannot stand stupidy or laziness.

(Whew that was longer than I thought it was)
#15 Feb 13 2005 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
As long as YOU roleplay, they will join in as well.
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