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Dark E Sk or Isk SK ????Follow

#1 Feb 07 2005 at 10:19 AM Rating: Decent
Hello again Sweeties
I finally decided I will head for a Shadow Knight, But alas I am not sure to make a Dark Elf SK or An IKsar Sk??

What are your thoughts especially from DE Sk and Ik SKs

Pls Help A lost Soul

#2 Feb 07 2005 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
82 posts
well really it doesnt matter too much which you pick for effectiveness atleast once you are able to get equip that starts adding stats, but till then an iksar would be a little easier with the higher hp's and str, but after such you would basically about even them out. So it would really come down to which do you like the looks of
#3 Feb 08 2005 at 8:11 AM Rating: Default
/disagree completely

I hear this a lot that race doesn't matter when you get up in level. Just for kicks, create a troll and a ratonga, same class, same equipment. Write down their starting stats. Then level them each up a couple levels. Then check their stats. See how many hp the ratonga got compared to the troll. See how much defense the troll has compared to the ratonga. Do that and then multiply by whatever it takes to get to 50 (as in level 50), and tell me that race doesn't make a difference. It makes a huge difference.

And arguing that at level 50 they will be wearing the same equipment only further strengthens my point. They will have the same stats from equipment, so the racial stats will make that much of a bigger difference. The troll will have a ton more hp and the ratonga will have a lot better defense.

Choose wisely. Personally if I were making a SK I would go Human but that is just me.
#4 Feb 08 2005 at 8:21 AM Rating: Decent
494 posts
Race doesn't matter for the most part. It's all just preference when it comes to what race you want to play. Granted, some have racial abilities that you may like over others, you gain those later in levels.

Personally, I don't roll-play my character, but I chose Iksar because I, ever since they were introduced in EQ1, liked the idea behind them. They were the most hated and feared race in the game. Now they are forced to live with the Freeport citizenry. Something noone wants on either side.
#5 Feb 08 2005 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
82 posts
yeah, and as a matter of fact i am a human SK, but i have still seen other SK of other races easiely do aswell as i do. and case you didnt relize that when dealing with accessories their is often multiple choices as to what to wear where differnt peices for the same slot just emphasize differnt stats to shore up a weakness or strengthen a strength. and as a weaponsmith things i have also noted from playin with my own weapons is most 2 handers that an SK can use which makes it that i cant use axe's or polearms all have about the same dps, however the major differnce is what???? differnt stats on the weapons. so where a dark elf may use i belive the ******* sword which has the higher str rating on it an iksar may use one of the 2 hander hammer which have wis on it. so as you can see sure they maybe wearin the same armor but choice in weapons and accessories is where the game will even the races out.

oh an lets not forget racial traits and other things that you get a choice a damn shame as while they might only add a lil flavor to the game they aswell make a differnce specially when lookin at the traits that add stats as they give 5pts in a stat which can also be used to shore up short comings or make a strength stronger
#6 Feb 09 2005 at 12:51 PM Rating: Default
The point is that BASE STATS ARE DEPENDENT ON RACE! Two characters of the same level and same class will both have opportunity to get the same equipment. Therefore while you are "shoring up a weakness," I don't have to because I made a choice of race based on stats and not appearance. Saying that race makes no difference is ridiculous, and I have yet to read any intelligent justification for the statement. Again compare a level 50 Ratonga Guardian and a level 50 Troll Guardian. You can dress up the ratonga with all the hp equipment he can wear, and the Troll is still gonna have more.
#7 Feb 09 2005 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
494 posts
Yes compare them all you want - look at their base stats though first. You will notice that none of the races have any MAJOR advantage over any of the others. Then, once you factor in equipment, you can have still very identical characters.

Yes, if you equip the same armor and weapons at the same level you will see a difference in stats, but it will be the exact same difference as you saw at level 1 and naked.

The fact of the matter is that the numbers are not a big enough spread in later levels to mean anything at all. At level 30 a gnome SK with 100str, 100sta, 110wis is going to tank just as well as an ogre SK with 110str, 110sta, 90wis. The stats can all be modified with different gear, the gnome make 1 day later find Uber Armor of the Ubergod, and bump his str and sta up to 115 each, he is still going to tank just as well as the ogre who is now technically weaker.

The bulk of what makes a good character in this game, is keeping your abilities upgraded, and keeping your armor upgraded. Race means, for the most part, nothing. Stat scores, unless raised to extreme levels, have very little effect on ability between one race and another.
#8 Feb 09 2005 at 3:25 PM Rating: Default
First of all, if race meant relatively nothing, they wouldn't even give different races different stats. They would base it completely on class like a lot of games do. Second, when you use a max 30 points system (100 points total for all races), the difference between 15 and 30 stamina is freakin huge. That is 22.5 hitpoints every level. Multiply by 50 levels and thats 1125 hitpoints difference. In case you weren't aware, 1STA=1.5HP, both in equipment and when leveling. There are similar calculations for power, defense, etc. And to argue that your success is based largely on your skills is contradictory to your point because in order to use more of those skills you need more power. And an ogre guardian is gonna have a hell of a lot more power than a ratonga guardian by level 50 (STR directly effects power for warriors). Factor in that different races get to choose different racial traits that can be beneficial to certain classes, and different races have different inherent resistances, RACE MAKES A DIFFERENCE. Do the math, it's all there. I'm not trying to be an *** about it, but those who say race doesn't make a difference are generally 1.uneducated on the subject or 2.unhappy with the choice they made and don't feel like starting over.

Edited, Wed Feb 9 15:26:05 2005 by Heightserz

Edited, Wed Feb 9 15:29:34 2005 by Heightserz
#9 Feb 09 2005 at 3:51 PM Rating: Good
494 posts
First of all, if race meant relatively nothing, they wouldn't even give different races different stats. They would base it completely on class like a lot of games do. Second, when you use a max 30 points system (100 points total for all races), the difference between 15 and 30 stamina is freakin huge. That is 22.5 hitpoints every level. Multiply by 50 levels and thats 1125 hitpoints difference. In case you weren't aware, 1STA=1.5HP, both in equipment and when leveling. There are similar calculations for power, defense, etc. And to argue that your success is based largely on your skills is contradictory to your point because in order to use more of those skills you need more power. And an ogre guardian is gonna have a hell of a lot more power than a ratonga guardian by level 50 (STR directly effects power for warriors). Factor in that different races get to choose different racial traits that can be beneficial to certain classes, and different races have different inherent resistances, RACE MAKES A DIFFERENCE. Do the math, it's all there. I'm not trying to be an *** about it, but those who say race doesn't make a difference are generally 1.uneducated on the subject or 2.unhappy with the choice they made and don't feel like starting over.

Ok, where to start--
First of all, yes stats DO effect things, I never said that. What I am saying is that the miniscule difference, yes - it is miniscule, between races has no distinction later in the game. Not to any degree of importance.

As has been mentioned many times already, in many threads, EQUIPMENT can more than make up for any shortcomings that any race has in any stat. So when I say it comes down to player skill and keeping your abilities/spells upgraded, that is EXACTLY what it comes down to. A Ratonga vs an Ogre at any level except pre-twenties is the only time you will have any semi-noticable difference. After twenty you begin to see people wearing different combinations of armor which normally even everyone out.

The EXACT SAME is true in EQ1. After a certain level the only difference in characters other than gear were racial abilities. Larger raced got Slam, allowing them to technically bash with a two handed weapon. With the right gear in EQ1, and now EQ2, any race can play any class and have near identical stats with the propper armor combinations. Even in identical gear, it is not going to be a big enough difference to make one race better than another.

Taking your example of level and stam, yes the ogre will have more HP, but the ratonga will have more agility and therefore probably more AC. A wisdom based race will have higher power pool than an ogre. All of this for the most part is such a small difference that what it boild down to is player skill.

but those who say race doesn't make a difference are generally 1.uneducated on the subject or 2.unhappy with the choice they made and don't feel like starting over.

Again, I will tell you that you are wrong here. I am quite educated on the subject and I am very happy with my choice as an Iksar Shadowknight.

Why I think I am educated on the subject is that I am currently level 28 and a casual player due to time restraints. I am the leader of my guild, I am the raid leader of my guild, and have to manage who does what in raid situations. When I say that race does not matter I mean race does not matter. I have seen rat bruisers tank just as well as Ogre Guardians of the same level.

When I organize group structures for raids, the last thing on my mind is what race someone is, because in the end it does not matter at all.

Edited, Wed Feb 9 15:52:11 2005 by gxm
#10 Feb 09 2005 at 4:04 PM Rating: Default
Ok, how the hell is 1125 hitpoints miniscule? And like I've said more than once, at 50 I can wear everything you can wear and have 1125 more hitpoints. How is that minscule? Seriously, ANSWER THIS QUESTION DIRECTLY! And we're not talking about EQ1, this is EQ2. I don't know how it was done in EQ1, nor do I care. I do however seem to know a lot more than you on this subject GXM. I'm surprised too because usually your provide very good info, but on this one you are way off base. Try it out GXM, I expect better out of you then to just blindly argue without any evidence other than your own opinion. I'm telling you, YOU ARE WRONG! I've given you the numbers, and theory, and logic, now it is up to you. Just try it out and do the math and you will see the error of your ways. YOu have seen rat bruisers tank as well as ogre guardians because 1.they are different subclasses, 2.different players (the person playing the rat might be smarter/better), 3. the rat probably had better skills and eq, or 4. you are making **** up because you know you are wrong. You are changing things too much. Keep it same class, same eq, same level, and RACE MAKES A DIFFERENCE. And btw all it takes to run a guild is 5 friends and enough gold, so that doesn't prove you are educated. If you want to prove it, do the math and get back to me.

Edited, Wed Feb 9 16:13:57 2005 by Heightserz
#11 Feb 09 2005 at 4:19 PM Rating: Good
494 posts
At level 50, up to 2k hitpoints could be considered minuscule.

So I stand by what I said.

What exactly do you mean you expect better out of me? You don't know me. I present the numbers as I see them... you say I am arguing blindly - what are you basing your your argument on?

Where is your data coming from? What qualifies you to make these statements? Are you reading newb guides and quoting stuff from there? I'de really like to know... because my experience is coming straight from in-game.
#12 Feb 09 2005 at 5:13 PM Rating: Default
Dude GXM is right. its same as in EQ1 there WILL BE A STAT CAP. In EQ1 the only thing that made differances in the "End game" was racial abilities. In my opinion Iksars had superior abilities(Ac bonus), and ogres(imune to stun from front). Thats what made them better however. But i dont believe anyone has this Big of racial abilities Meaning that in EQ2 when a ogre reachs the stat camp threw armor and level, a halfling will have the exact same Health when he reachs his stat cap.

GXM is not a noob, believe me hes helped me out alot with his advice and it has not been wrong.
#13 Feb 09 2005 at 5:37 PM Rating: Default
First tough guy i never called him a newb, so butt out. And to GXM, I expect better because everything else I have read from you was for the most part accurate. If you can show me something that verifies a "stat cap" then do so. Otherwise, assuming it will be like EQ1 is stupid. This isn't EQ1 and there is no reason to believe that because they have similar names that they will be the same game. They made this game to change EQ1, so is it so unbelievable that there maybe isn't a "stat cap?" And no I'm not a newb either. I have learned this by experimenting and doing simple math, something you are obviously scared to do. Either 1.Take an hour and experiment, 2.Or prove the existance of a "stat cap", or 3.(and preferrably) just shut the f*** up.
#14 Feb 10 2005 at 8:52 AM Rating: Good
494 posts
So far I knwo of no stat cap. What I am saying, and have been saying, is that the differences between choosing one race over another has no baring on how well that player can perform in a chosen class.

I agree that Race1 can have higher starting STA. But that has nothing to do with endgame stats.

For example, here are some level 50 characters on my server:

Barbarian, Monk:

Human, Paladin:

Barbarian, Guardian

Notice how the Human Paladin has a HIGHER Stamina than the Barbarian Monk and a strength of only 1 lower. There are two different classes, but both are fighters. According to starting stats, Barbarians start off with 5 more stamina than Humans do...

Now, take a look at the Barbarian Guardian. He has less Stamina than the Human Paladin - less by 18 points, yet he only has 39 hit points fewer than the Paladin, both are level 50.

Also notice that the Barbarian GUARDIAN has less AC than the Paladin.

The thing I am saying is that RACE means NOTHING in the long term. The only advantages race can give are racial attributes that you pick as you gain levels. Everyone gets them, but some are better than others for certain aspects. Essentially, however, any race can play any class and even be better at it than the reccommended races.
#15 Feb 10 2005 at 8:54 AM Rating: Good
494 posts
For the record, I have not mentioned anything about any stat caps. For all I know, and for all I have seen there are NO stat caps at this time, unless they are very, very high caps.
#16 Feb 10 2005 at 9:57 AM Rating: Default
What part of keeping it same class did you not understand? We need to look at only 1 variable (RACE). Didn't you pass 6th grade science where they told you in an experiment there could be only 1 variable? You have multiple:

1. Different Classes
2. Different Equipment
3. Different Race

Keep it to different race only. That is what we are debating here after all.

So if they are the same class and the same equipment, the barb would have 375 more hitpoints than the human (1.5hp x 50levels x 5more sta). 375 isn't too much, but it could be between 7-12% of your total hitpoints at level 50. Nothing to scawf at. And equipment that gives 1STA gives 1.5hitpoints, so the STA stats of those examples you gave don't relate. Base stats are what we are talking about here. And that barb guardian has 4710 hitpoints, and you were saying 1125 hitpoints is "miniscule." Thats almost 25% more total hitpoints in our rat vs. troll guardian example. The only way 1125 hitpoints is "miniscule" at level 50 is if at level 50 you have at least 22500 hitpoints, and that aint happening. And i have absolutely no idea why you are bringing all this equipment talk into it. Talk about them as though they have no eq or the same exact eq. We have already established that at level 50 two players of the same class can wear the exact same equipment, so it doesn't make a difference what they are wearing. Jesus, i feel like i've said that 100 times already.

And I apologize about the "stat cap" thing. It was that tool who said that, not you. I do highly doubt that there would be a "stat cap" in a game so highly bent on character customization.

Edited, Thu Feb 10 10:01:32 2005 by Heightserz
#17 Feb 10 2005 at 10:07 AM Rating: Decent
Thank you Gentalmen for your friendly talk.
on Stats.
I wanted to play either a dark elf or a Iksar, not anything else. As only one of you is a Iksar and the other nice man is a human. I will create a Iksar. Maybe I will go Butcherblock as well, if the nice people let me create one on that server.

Thanks again for you help

ps the knight of norrath forum was alot of help as well
#18 Feb 10 2005 at 10:11 AM Rating: Default
"the differences between choosing one race over another has no baring on how well that player can perform in a chosen class."

That is a true statement. If you get an idiot Troll Guardian and a brilliant Rat Guardian that is one thing, but I am saying all other things equal, if you are making a Guardian a Troll is gonna have better level 50 stats. I never said anything about the ability of the person controlling the tune, and I didn't know you were saying that. There you go adding yet another variable into the equation. Ok then, to restate myself as clear as possible: STAT WISE RACE MAKES A DIFFERENCE!!!

Edited, Thu Feb 10 10:13:42 2005 by Heightserz
#19 Feb 10 2005 at 10:12 AM Rating: Default
synicadark wrote:
Thank you Gentalmen for your friendly talk.
on Stats.
I wanted to play either a dark elf or a Iksar, not anything else. As only one of you is a Iksar and the other nice man is a human. I will create a Iksar. Maybe I will go Butcherblock as well, if the nice people let me create one on that server.

Thanks again for you help

ps the knight of norrath forum was alot of help as well

I'm not a human, just said that is what I would make if I go crusader. Iksar isn't bad choice, definately better than Dark Elf....STAT WISE.
#20 Feb 10 2005 at 10:22 AM Rating: Default
So GXM, what you have essentially said throughout this post is that if you have two players of different ability, different classes, and different equipment, then in that case race makes no difference. That makes no sense. You are comparing every attribute there is. Keep it simple. Firstly, even in that example race makes a difference (in stats) but anyway, with all those different things to compare you wouldn't know if race does or does not make a difference. What are you going to compare it to? Class? Equipment? Player ability? For that matter, you wouldn't know if player ability, class, or equipment makes a difference either because you are comparing them against unequal variables.
#21 Feb 10 2005 at 10:45 AM Rating: Good
494 posts
The reason that I am bringin equipment into it is for the simple and obvious fact that at level 50 only a ****** will go out to fight naked.

Each person is going to customize their armor andweapons to fit their play style. So yes, equipment does have a major impact on the game - starting stats do not have a major impact on the game.

As for the reason I picked different classes, well - there just aren't that many levle 50's available, so I grabbed 3 classes from the FIGHTER base class which is pretty close as far as how things are done.

If you want to hunt down 3 or 4 Guardians or 3 or 4 Shadowknights, be my guest, but as for you claiming that starting a classes as one race over another is going to give you some huge end-game advantage over someone else, you are most certainly wrong.

I have never said anything about races not being different, they are different. But the fact is there are TONS of armor combinations, and TONS of ways to change your stats that in the end a Rat Guardian is going to do just as well as an Ogre or Troll Guardian. Those are the facts, nothing you can say will change that. The only time there will be any difference is if they were out there naked and weaponless. When that happens, yes the rat will lose to the ogre.

This is why starting stats me ******** I can go start a Rat shadowknight right now and probably out-solo, or out-group any troll, ogre, human, iksar, etc shadowknight.

It's about, as I have said many times, getting the armor to best shape your character. It is also about keeping the abilities and spells you need in the different situations updated. This boils down to PLAYER SKILL, not starting stats.

This argument is over, you are obviously not thinking this through. As most people can tell you, I am very open to valid arguments, but you saying that starting stats have a major (or ANY) effect on endgame play is totaly absurd.

#22 Feb 10 2005 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
82 posts
yep, im gonna toss down 1 last thing bout equip, if ur ogre is wearin the same thing as a rat SK then your not playin your race/job correctly. so you shouldn't even be compairing the races/jobs wearin the same equip cuz wearin the same thing is just plain stupid. the variety of equip is out there for more than just looks and differnt jobs, its also there to provide balance for races aswell
#23 Feb 10 2005 at 10:56 AM Rating: Default
Fine smart guy, you go with your rat guardian and get the armor "to best shape" your character and see how freakin dumb you look when my troll guardian has 1125 hp more than you and the same exact eq. The only difference between the two of us will be that I have a ton more hp then you. I'm gonna have the same armor as you. I'll be the same level as you. I'll be the same class as you. I'll be the same (well in reality way better) player skill as you. I'll pick the same training traits as you. I'll take all the same enemy tactics as you. I'll upgrade all my skills the same as you. The only differences will be race and racial traits. Oh, and of course my 1125 hitpoints more than you. But hey, why would you want 25% more hitpoints, right? I mean guardians don't need hitpoints.

Nope, trolls, ogres, and barbs, make superior guardians all other things equal. Every race has its place, and a rats isn't as a guardian. Fact. Deal with it.

Edited, Thu Feb 10 10:58:29 2005 by Heightserz

Edited, Thu Feb 10 11:10:02 2005 by Heightserz
#24 Feb 10 2005 at 11:09 AM Rating: Decent
82 posts
sigh... did you even bother readin the part that said you would be a fool to get the same equip? guess not, not my prob have fun
#25 Feb 10 2005 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
494 posts
yep, im gonna toss down 1 last thing bout equip, if ur ogre is wearin the same thing as a rat SK then your not playin your race/job correctly. so you shouldn't even be compairing the races/jobs wearin the same equip cuz wearin the same thing is just plain stupid. the variety of equip is out there for more than just looks and differnt jobs, its also there to provide balance for races aswell

This is exactly the point I am making.

I'll be the same (well in reality way better) player skill as you.

This made me laugh, IRL - I'm sure the people down the hall just heard me.


Back on track a bit -


If you do decide to start a SK on Butcherblock feel free to send me a tell. I would be more than happy to help if I can.
#26 Feb 10 2005 at 11:18 AM Rating: Default
The point isn't that I would actually wear the same exact equipment, I wouldn't. The point is I could improve my Troll through equipment the same amount as he could improve his Rat and I would still have 1125 more hitpoints.

And way to dodge my comments about how 1125 hitpoints ARE NOT "miniscule" GXM.

Edited, Thu Feb 10 11:22:09 2005 by Heightserz
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