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#1 Feb 03 2005 at 11:45 PM Rating: Decent
i played WoW for a bit and got tired cause it was stupid, all it was was leveling and that got old, form what i hear EQ is known for its hardcore depth and thats what i want. I also want to be able to solo, groups are fun , but sometimes i just want to be alone. so can i solo effectiveley?
#2 Feb 03 2005 at 11:51 PM Rating: Default
If you thought leveling sucked in wow. you will hate eq2. Thats the biggest complaint most people have, the leveling is too hard and 20+ it's a grind.
#3 Feb 04 2005 at 6:28 AM Rating: Decent
your so wrong sotonin.
Its not a grind unless you make it a grind.

Yes, you can solo efficient and with good xp.
The key is to know what to solo and get quests for it.

EQ2 is not about hitting lvl 50.. Its about the journey to lvl 50. Tons of fun quests, zones, dungeon crawls etc.

Im lvl 33 atm with my highest toon and the only real grind he has done was before lvl 20 but that was because I didnt quest much and didnt understand how to play this game. I had my EQ1 mindset 'grind, grind'..
That has changed the more I lvl and learn about new quests and dungeons.
#4 Feb 04 2005 at 6:46 AM Rating: Decent
Bumbi got that right, fully agree with him. I am only lvl22 and although I lvl-up fairly slowly (can only play 1-2 hrs/day), I am in no rush at all to reach 50. Soloing is no problem.
#5 Feb 04 2005 at 7:07 AM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
Yes BigEp, all classes can solo, and if you didn't like WoW, chances are you'll be happy in EQ2 because there's so much to do, it's not just about grinding out levels.
#6 Feb 04 2005 at 7:32 AM Rating: Decent
EQ2 content is vast and varied. The only reason Leveling would be a grind is if you felt you had to make it to 50 as fast as possible, or keep up with your Hardcore friends etc.
Go your own pace and enjoy the experience. I know i am.

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#7 Feb 04 2005 at 7:44 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
I concur with most of you. EQ2 is a much richer game if you dig into it. If you are just trying to powerlevel through it you will be missing out on most of the fun stuff. I like this game alot more than EQ1 and I played that for 3 1/2 years. EQ2 is evolving still and you are a part of it. I currently have a 36 level Assassin and a lowbie crusader. I find each enjoyable to play and the game content is awesome. I think if you are just looking at leveling you are missing a giant chunk of the game.
#8 Feb 04 2005 at 10:19 AM Rating: Decent
soloing - All classes can solo.. some classes solo better than others...

my conjuror can solo mobs as high as orange con and never take a point of damage..

my Enchanter is a bit lower level but she can take on orange and win consistently, her new spell "Dazzling Gaze" has gotten tactical wheels turning with respect to fighting red-con and winning...

my predator can take whites.. but it can be a tough fight if they parry enough special strikes... I've yet to put her up against a yellow.. once I upgrade a few combat arts to adept I I'll be more willing to give it a try.

and of course it all boils down to what are you trying to solo?? double ^^ white group rated.. well that's a GOOD way to die no matter what class you play.. and even double ^^ green's can be hard for certain classes.. however these mobs don't have the word "group" under the name for nothing. Can they be done solo.. sure can.... assuming you have a way to stop it in it's tracks and nuke it OR are very lucky..

now I will say that after 20th level you'll not get XP in a flood solo'ing.. however, once again it depends on your kill efficiency. My conjuror at 21st level can XP just as effectively as she did at 15th or 10th..

another *BIG* thing is knowing *HOW* to solo, if you're just grinding, the XP gain to power output ratio of fighting an Orange con is nowhere near as efficient as non-stop-killing white cons or chain-killing a few yellows.

another thing about solo'ing are the quest.. get a batch of quest, or look up quest online and find quest with similar targets. Off the top of my head I can think of two quest that both require killing deer in antonica.. you can pretty easily solo them at 12th/13th level for NICE XP..( as a mage I can't speak for you melee's cause I don't play melee) AND get credit for two quest per kill. Add to that another two quest that come to mind for killing wolves.. well the wolves and deer are in the same area.. since you're going to be there anyway, may as well...

now then.. what are you expecting out of solo'ing? that's a big question too, if you're seriously thinking you'll get massive XP flow solo'ing and hit the level cap in about a month, prepare to be disappointed... in EQ2 solo'ing (especially after 20th level) is more an opportunity to maintain a consistent, controlled, positive XP flow as well as gaining a crapload of loot for sale or use. It's also a chance to explore the game world and "do your own thing" so to speak taking as many or as few risks as you wish without having to deal with other people you don't wish to deal with.... However

there are several instances that you cannot enter alone..

there are lots of quest you'll not be able to solo for a long time (Fallen Gate Access quest comes to mind)

Edited, Fri Feb 4 10:21:32 2005 by Iaini
#9 Feb 04 2005 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
494 posts
I'm sure the regulars here have seen me type out the same thing in other threads so I'll keep it short.

I, 28 ShadowKnight, have had no problems soloing up to red con mobs consistantly. It provides a decent challenge, I have to pay attention to combat, make sure my abilities land, and I know what to do if they don't. I can usually solo mobs that are red by 1 or 2 levels. These are all Solo flagged mobs, so it's not a great display of spectacularness, but I'de say I am doing well soloing mobs that are described as "don't even think about it". =)

Group flagged encounters and most certainly be a LOT more of a challenge. I can take most green ^^ group mobs, and some blue ^^ mobs. You just have to watch what you are attacking, some are priests and could be a real pain to take down, also if you plan on taking out mage types make sure you have the resists to do it or you will be respawning frequently.

A good portion of group encounters are not always judgable on their con. They can be green ^^ but they may be 1 level higher than other mobs of the same name and con color. Sometimes it is all about levels, where one mob will be wimpy, another of 1 level higher will completely own you.

#10 Feb 04 2005 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
51 posts
I have to agree. I like EQ2 better then WOW. I've played both. Sure in wow you can solo your butt off and get to 60 in no time, but then you're 60 and have nothing left to strive for until they raise the level cap with the next expansion, if it's featured in that expasion. I have to hand it to SOE. They have been running EQ for what 6 years now almost and they've learned a lot in that time. I think they've done a good job so far with EQ2. And I'm looking forward to seeing more of it. And as far as soloing goes i play a 23 Conjuror. I solo yellows and oranges allt he time no problem. 2 arrow greens haven't been an issue too much either. I solo a lot. And there are instances to where you won't be able to solo stuff to finish a quest. But overall I have found soloing to be pretty good so far and alos the new soloing stuff they implemented is nice. Anyway my 2 copper. =)
#11 Feb 04 2005 at 2:01 PM Rating: Default
The people in this thread keep on about yes you can solo yes quests are awesome etc etc. Then they proceed to give examples i can get to 12/ 13 etc etc by this.

Nobody is debating this at all. It's widely known sony made the game easy as pie to get to 20. After that the entire game mechanics shift harshly and it's not as rewarding.

I prefer a game where the difficulty goes up at a small but steady scale upwards, not one that throws you against a brick wall when you make 20 and get your class. But that's just me. He's asking for a comparison about the leveling and it not being a "big" portion of your focus, in eq2 it is indeed.

Edited, Fri Feb 4 14:07:55 2005 by sotonin
#12 Feb 04 2005 at 3:05 PM Rating: Decent
Nobody is debating this at all. It's widely known sony made the game easy as pie to get to 20. After that the entire game mechanics shift harshly and it's not as rewarding.

My conjuror at 21st level can XP just as effectively as she did at 15th or 10th..


I, 28 ShadowKnight, have had no problems soloing up to red con mobs consistantly.

if you want XP in buckets raining from the heavens in copious quantities while solo'ing... EQ2 is not your game... sounds to me like you should simply give up on EQ2 Sotonin. From the tone of nearly every post you make the game is obviously not what you expected, wanted, or is not fast enough for you.... and I honestly for the life of me can't understand why you're still playing it...

the *ONLY* reason my conjuror isn't 25th level now is because I've taken time to level two alts to 13+ and my predator from 18th to 19th.. and worked on tradeskill levels for all three... the only one that I would even consider as a grind was the predator due to finding a good solo spot in the commonlands because I wanted the "hunter of Orcs" title..

I have yet to experience this "harsh shift" in mechanics that supposedly occurs at 20th level.. apparently nor has GXM. In fact the solo XP I've gotten since the last big patch has been nothing short of wonderful..

the simple fact that I completely disagree with Sotonin (again) merely serves to highlight my point to the OP.. try it yourself. All you'll get from forums are conflicting opinions from people who know absolutely nothing about you, what you want to do, how you would like to achieve it, your gaming and MMO background... etc.. etc.. etc..

I can give you examples all day long about how I can solo stuff.. someone else can give you examples of all the things they can't solo.. what does this prove with respect to what *you* will experience...


"100 travel books aren't worth one real trip..."

Experience it for yourself. Come to your own decisions... You've played WoW BigEp so you know what it's like.. and you said it got old leveling.. why did it get old? what didn't you like about it? what do you consider "hardcore depth"? What do you consider effective solo'ability? Speed, ease, tactics? take a look at EQ2 and come to your own answers to your questions.

*side note* and of course no doubt someone will pull the SOE fanboy card with regard to my opinions.. for the record:.. I thought EverQuest1 was total crap and I still do.. (graphically pathetic and gameplay wise - corpse run.. I think not). SWG was ok but was totally devoid of content and the game can be sumed up in one word "grind" (indeed the first time I heard the term with respect to leveling was SWG).. didn't bother with any of their other SOE MMO's 'cause none of them looked all that interesting.. if I'm a fan of anything it's EQ2.. is it perfect.. no, but just because you can't solo for some reason that doesn't mean the solo'ing sux.
#13 Feb 04 2005 at 7:15 PM Rating: Default
Then casters and Shadowknights must be overpowered, as a scout i can't even begin to imagine soloing a red con mob. I have all yellow / white gear and all my app3 / adept 1 skills.

Things are out of whack, i expect this. I stick around for the hope that sony does something about it.

Edited, Fri Feb 4 19:15:27 2005 by sotonin
#14 Feb 04 2005 at 7:47 PM Rating: Good
42 posts

Even if your gear is white/yellow, it does not mean crap all.

Ex. Pristine Forged Carbonite Vanguard Set compared to the store bought armour of the same type. Sure both may be the same lv con to players, but the forged set is many times better due to multiple stat boosts and resistances.

If you are a scout, focus on having the most AGI as possible with STR as your secondary focus. If you have alot of AGI for your lv, things that con under you, like blues or greens, should almost never hit you and things that con over you should be able to but only once and while, depending on the class of the mob you are fighting.

For example, as a scout i would choose to go up against low AGI mobs such as some fighter types, excluding brawlers, and some mage/priest mobs as long as you have the right resists to combat them when they attempt to hurt you with magic.

Going up against an over con of a scout mob will probably always be a hard fight.

Depending on your lv, I would suggest trying out various mobs in a controlled setting so that you will not die and see which ones hit you the least and which ones you can connect with the most. In order to solo, you have to use your head :D!
#15 Feb 07 2005 at 12:04 AM Rating: Decent
I, 28 ShadowKnight, have had no problems soloing up to red con mobs consistantly."

can you after the latest patch, I dont think so.

now how does everyone feel just curious
#16 Feb 07 2005 at 12:04 AM Rating: Decent
" I, 28 ShadowKnight, have had no problems soloing up to red con mobs consistantly."

can you after the latest patch, I dont think so.

now how does everyone feel just curious
#17 Feb 07 2005 at 12:04 AM Rating: Decent
" I, 28 ShadowKnight, have had no problems soloing up to red con mobs consistantly."

can you after the latest patch, I dont think so.

now how does everyone feel just curious
#18 Feb 07 2005 at 12:05 AM Rating: Decent
" I, 28 ShadowKnight, have had no problems soloing up to red con mobs consistantly."

can you after the latest patch, I dont think so.

now how does everyone feel just curious
#19 Feb 07 2005 at 5:59 AM Rating: Decent
Im disillusioned - i read all these threads about people soloing red mobs and ^^ green, even blue ones too. I cant solo squat, even yellow mobs are dodgy to take on! What am i doing wrong?

Lvl 25 ranger
Health: 1125
Power: 843
Attack: 422
AC: 2454

All my equipment is either yellow or orange with decent stat boosts, but it doesnt seem to make any diff :-(

Anyone got any tips for an obvious noob?? Things are so deperate that ive thought about taking my own life, but cos im so bad at soloing id probably whip my own *****
#20 Feb 07 2005 at 7:15 AM Rating: Decent

You shouldnt have any real problems with yellows if you make good use of your HO's. I find I can take on Oranges or Green Groups ++ and it gets quite close, but I use a HO at every opportunity.
For my first few levels i didnt realise what a HO was and found yellow mobs quite difficult, so I can see why you may be having problems if you arent using them. If you are using them, then can I ask what you are doing in combat? It might be down to you needing to upgrade your skills and spells. It should be easy enough to get them all up to App III, App IV and adeptI with a bit of careful shopping. I found upgrading from AppI to AppIV was doubling my damage on some skills.


Edited, Mon Feb 7 07:15:27 2005 by Izzozz
#21 Feb 07 2005 at 7:55 AM Rating: Decent
sotonin wrote:
The people in this thread keep on about yes you can solo yes quests are awesome etc etc. Then they proceed to give examples i can get to 12/ 13 etc etc by this.

Nobody is debating this at all. It's widely known sony made the game easy as pie to get to 20. After that the entire game mechanics shift harshly and it's not as rewarding.

Did you read my post?
I am lvl 34 and I solo without any problems. I get good xp and all loot that drops. Even got a master spell a few days ago when killing a gree groupmob^^

There is NO problem soloing up to lvl 50.

Oops, Im lvl 34 not 32.. :p

Edited, Mon Feb 7 07:56:22 2005 by BumbiRagnar
#22 Feb 07 2005 at 8:38 AM Rating: Decent
All my main attacks/buffs are either adept 1 or app iv.

Battle sequence:
Buff myself b4
Start off with a stealth attack (200-300 dmg)
Debuff enemy speed & def
Start HO's
Then i pummel him with main attacks until recast on HO is up

Thats all i can do isnt it?

Im only using a crappy filtered water and rations, but i cant believe that makes that much diff. Its too expensive otherwise. Any more ideas?

Edited, Mon Feb 7 08:41:53 2005 by lateralusAFK
#23 Feb 07 2005 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
No, the food and water shouldnt make a difference as it only affects regen during non-combat. I have not played a scout, but from what you are saying you look as if you are doing everything right. Maybe an expert in Scout style combat can shed some light?

That said...I found with the Skellies in TS, I was able to take orange and yello mobs, but both took me quite near to death, except for the casters who though yellow/orange I could take down using a third of my power and only taking a small amount of damage. By that same measure, now I can take some green ++ centaurs, but green ++ centaur archers beat me into the maybe you need to find 'easier' yellow beasties to kill?

Sorry I couldnt help more.

#24 Feb 07 2005 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
If you thought leveling sucked in wow. you will hate eq2. Thats the biggest complaint most people have, the leveling is too hard and 20+ it's a grind.

What is the point to get to 50 so quick? All I see the 50L do on our server is go kill Xmob till u get slayer oh and while you are at it mess up the game for the people who enjoy it. You want to get the grind goto EQ1 thats what its good at.

EQ2 was and IS a whole nother game, enjoy it the way it was ment to play and if you don't like it play something else.
#25 Feb 07 2005 at 10:02 AM Rating: Decent
I have no trouble at all solo'n with my pred. I can petty much out-damage anyone out there. Use top lvl poison's and constant HO's and you'll rip through mobs like candy. Toss in High sat drinks of yer tier and you'll have almost no downtime between fights.
#26 Feb 07 2005 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
494 posts
" I, 28 ShadowKnight, have had no problems soloing up to red con mobs consistantly."

can you after the latest patch, I dont think so.

now how does everyone feel just curious

Yes I can still solo just fine. Was doing it last night (2/6/2005) with no problems. /shrug

The only times I have died within the last month or so was when I was grouped and someone wasnt paying attention. And died once trying to get my quest ding for Gates of Runnyeye (Bootstrutters Guide to Gobland).
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