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Semi- rant about craftersFollow

#27 Feb 01 2005 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
Not only that but some of us have a life and dont have the hours to sit and grind away looking at a stupid forge, lathe, stove , etc as you do .

So you want some "no life loser" to help you out right?

but at the time i was angry and had just got done dealing with some SOB in game who got rude with me when i sent him a direct tell asking if he would make these teir1 app4s for 50silver each ... thats 50 friggin silver for tier1 app4s !!! BS if you ask me but i was willing to pay it .
he coulda make 3 gold off me AND I HAD THE COMPONENTS ALREADY .
I dont think alot of you read that above , i already had the blasted components. anyone who cant take a sec to combine some components AND make 50s off the deal PER item , is , in my opinion a selfish *******

WTF are you to decide how someone else should spend their time? Now I agree that people should stay polite. Did the guy politely say "not interested" and then you kept pushing him and then he got rude? Or was he rude from the outset? I have no problem with someone politely saying no, but they should only have to say no one time, they shouldn't have to keep saying no. If you persist after you are told no, then they have a right to get rude.

Every one of your posts sounds like you are saying that you have some god-given right to someone else's time. NOBODY is required to help you in this game or any other. Some people are nice, or are being nice at that moment and CHOOSE to help you.

As someone else said, how would you like it if someone asked you to go kill grays for an hour and a half? Maybe you'd be ok with it. Most of us would tell the person to go to hades. Maybe 50sp isn't interesting to that one individual. Maybe they already have lots of money, or aren't crafting to make money. It really doesn't matter, they said no, you should have moved on.

They should have said no politely, the first time. If the guy was rude right off the bat, that was uncalled for, true. Depending on how you asked, and seeing your posts here I wouldn't be suprised if you weren't very polite in your "request".

#28 Feb 01 2005 at 2:04 PM Rating: Decent
Send me a tell in game (Anzak) I can make pretty much anything up to tier 2. I'm normally adventuring but I'm sure we can set up some time for me to make you a set of spells.
#29 Feb 01 2005 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
222 posts
I totally understand where you're coming from , and yeah maybe it is a bit selfish. I wont deny that , but you also have to realize that 50s AND the components being provided wouldnt take 1.5 hrs , it would take maybe 10 mins at the most. It would consist of hitting a few buttons and then giving me the item .
not only that , but as far as the grey mobs are concerned , i have greyed out mobs and gone on corpse hunts and helped with kill quests for people i dont even know MANY times, and for nothing , just because im usually a nice person in game.
But you did help me realize a flaw in my plan , you're right , the crafters would buy up my stock at cheap and then re-gouge when i run out and am busy making more ,and i cant have that . So instead i think ill level my crafter and just do /ooc in town that ill make items for free if im brought the components , that way im helping the community and ******** over the gouger all at the same time . That sounds much better . Thanks for that ! Woulda been stupid to just make a bunch of stuff that crafters can buy and then re-sell for more expensive .

Anzak , thank you very much , i will look you up indeed !

Edited, Tue Feb 1 14:26:09 2005 by Geocide
#30 Feb 01 2005 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
222 posts

WTF are you to decide how someone else should spend their time? Now I agree that people should stay polite. Did the guy politely say "not interested" and then you kept pushing him and then he got rude? Or was he rude from the outset? I have no problem with someone politely saying no, but they should only have to say no one time, they shouldn't have to keep saying no. If you persist after you are told no, then they have a right to get rude.

Every one of your posts sounds like you are saying that you have some god-given right to someone else's time. NOBODY is required to help you in this game or any other. Some people are nice, or are being nice at that moment and CHOOSE to help you.

As someone else said, how would you like it if someone asked you to go kill grays for an hour and a half? Maybe you'd be ok with it. Most of us would tell the person to go to hades. Maybe 50sp isn't interesting to that one individual. Maybe they already have lots of money, or aren't crafting to make money. It really doesn't matter, they said no, you should have moved on.

They should have said no politely, the first time. If the guy was rude right off the bat, that was uncalled for, true. Depending on how you asked, and seeing your posts here I wouldn't be suprised if you weren't very polite in your "request".

actually i was very polite in my request , it went like this "
Hail friend , i have some components i was wondering if you could combine for me ? Im looking to get the spell Smite app4 made. All components are pristine and ill also throw in 50sp for your time . lemme know what you think "

and the reply was " im busy and i dont have time for low level garbage , go find a newb "

now regardless you probably wont believe that , but thats how it went . I always try and put a friendly foot forward when im asking for something , only an idiot would try and request a service and be rude about it ..
And i didnt persist , that would be futile also , but its this kind of attitude that ive had to deal with when asking for any kind spells to be made . Like its my fault im not some uber crafter and can make it myself . Im not trying to say that i deserve their time but when i have the components and am willing to pay 50sp , geezus friggin christ would it kill ya to take a minute or two and just combine em ??

Edited, Tue Feb 1 14:28:43 2005 by Geocide
#31 Feb 01 2005 at 2:41 PM Rating: Good
When you say you have the components and are asking for such a low level combine most crafters would assume you meant that you had the tubers, wood..ect.....which would still take an hour to do all the refining and combines. If you were specific and said hey I have the paper, ink, trinoid...ect..I think you would find more people ready to help you out.

Now if someone replied "I am busy right now, could I get back to you tomorrow?" Would you accept that? Or should they stop immediatly to do what you want?
#32 Feb 01 2005 at 2:49 PM Rating: Decent
222 posts
id be happy as a clam in mud if i got a responce like you stated .
I dont mind waiting , but bieng downright rude and bassically telling me to pissoff is just sad .
I believe i specified that i had the paper and such to one of them as well , i can see what your talking about . the first guy that was real rude may have thought i meant the tubers and cause i didnt specify . But the 2nd and 3rd i made sure to tell them what i had .They werent as rude but still the result was the same . I dunno i guess all im asking for is people to understand that there are people with a need for low level spells and I can understand not wanting to do it from scratch but if someone goes through the trouble of getting the items to make it , why not spread a little goodwill and make the blaste ditem for em ?
#33 Feb 01 2005 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
on that just takes time. People play the game for themselves for the most part and its hard to find someone willing to take 30min-1hr out of their playtime to help you get what you need. You just have to find the right people. I go out of my way to help strangers because I am still setting up my friends network but alot (most) ppl wont care. Just think about rl sales: Of every 100 phone calls you might get 1 yes. Getting upset because 3 ppl rejected you just doesn't seem reasonable.
#34 Feb 01 2005 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
Interesting. If you were as polite as you said, and they were as rude as you said, then guess what? You ran into some total jerks. Its not uncommon. That's a real bummer.

I can't think of a time when I didn't respond politely to any polite request. The answer might be no, but it will be a polite no. "Sorry I really am not interested, but good luck" or something of that nature.

You are still assuming you have a right to other people's time though, you really need to think that over. Your 50s or 50 gp for that matter, may not be of interest to that person. Their time may be more valuable to them than your 50s, even for a mere couple of minutes. You need to learn to accept that different people value their time differently. You don't get to tell people how to spend their time.

If I only have a few minutes left and want to finish a set of combines, I will politely decline your request. I won't necessarily give you a long explanation of why, its really none of your business. Or maybe I need to go meet some friends and I have all this crap in my inventory, and if I finish a few more combines it will all fit back in the bank (this happens a lot :) ) Or a dozen other reasons why I can't help you right now. Maybe it never occurs to these folks that they could offer to help you later or tomorrow. I know it would never occur to me! Most people want instant gratification.

#35 Feb 01 2005 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
good post goss. I totally agree.

Try to put yerself into other people shoes and then judge.

I do have a suggestion though....find a tradeskill guild. I have 3...soon to be 4 T3 tradeskillers and it was killing me to manage all of that. I just recently joined a TS Guild and life couldn't be easier. Now I have access to ALL crafted items I need to advance my tradeskills and i'm getting approx 3-4 lvls every night very inexpensively.

A tip on working with a guild. Its also a good idea to offer guildies rewards. i was doing T3 writs (asking or T2 crafts) with my provisioner from lvl 20-23 and I needed ALOT of vanilla. I mean ALOT. Well I did not have the time to harvest it all so i told guild I'd pay 1s per vanilla and i'll buy as many as 20 stacks. This seriously paid off because my writs were paying 1g8s per 10 vanillas. It was win-win. Now I am paying 2s per T3 harvest and in 1 night I have numerous stacks of T3 harvests....probably enough for 10g+ in writs.

I also supply my guild with free ink, thyk, eoliths for their help.

#36 Feb 01 2005 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
My wife gladly harvests for me while I'm tradeskilling so getting resources is never a problem for me. I have an alt for each of the TS classes (if I ever get off my butt and finish the betryal quest with my up and coming tailor) On the Scholar side I'm capped at level 16 right now but that will be fixed soon and as I said I can make basically anything up to the very top of tier 2. The only exception here is rares and with rares if I don't have the book for the item you are looking for I would more than likely gladly trade services for the book and the rare harvest you need refined. I am by no means greedy in fact I have been working on a spread sheet to figure costs basically I have a small charge based on tier and quality level and a small markup rate keeping in mind that I make all the sub-combines so I don't have to recoup the massive over charge for interm items (Anything over 30cp for a tier 2 Chem is over charging) I work from Willow Wood so I have access to the highest level wholesaler on the server (at least it was last time I checked) As for making greys I don't mind since I always have an up and coming alt I can dump the lower level combines onto get them some exp and if I don't well still not that big of a loss for small orders, Now if you wanted to completely equip a guild of say 30 people all their tier 1 spells I think I would have to charge a bit more for my time since all I would be getting out of it is cash but even then I don't think I'd raise it too much since I really don't have the big of a need for cash and would be glad to help someone out. Just realize that I work on my schedule and life will be good.
#37 Feb 01 2005 at 3:59 PM Rating: Good possess the secret weapon of the middle aged...a wife who plays! I would trade that for a stack worth of dings anyday. ;)
#38 Feb 01 2005 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah but the problem is my wife doesn't like to craft and stays up much later than I do so she out levels me pretty fast and well a pally with out his healer is in a world of hurt. But yes I am very lucky in that my wife plays and understands my insane addiction to this game :)
#39 Feb 01 2005 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
must get GF addicted! lol

v-day is comin up and I don't think i can spend more than 2 days away....arg!
#40 Feb 01 2005 at 5:39 PM Rating: Decent
222 posts
anzak you in FP or Qey ? If you're in FP ill definately be looking you up asap !

Yeah the guild thing soulds like a good idea, i enjoy helping out guildies as much as possible but my guild only has 2 crafters so helping them out isnt needed that often .

Anyone know of an evil based crafting guild on najena ? Id be happy to join if they'll have me and more than willing to do many hookups to guildies ! Thx in advance
#41 Feb 01 2005 at 6:02 PM Rating: Decent
Qeynos but I'm high enough level that the run to Freeport is pretty easy, so selling to FP side it not an issue for me.
#42 Feb 01 2005 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent
222 posts
ok ill add you to FR and we can talk more about pricing and such things then :) thanks a bunch anzak , the game needs more people like you .
#43 Feb 02 2005 at 2:28 AM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
Im level 20 now and still have several app 2 spells cause of this. Many of my adept 1 spells are upwards up 5 gold!!! I have tried to make my own spells, and even as a lvl 13 artisan I am unable to make even the grey con spells :/ Id really like to upgrade Dust Blast, Aggitation, and my pet healing spell.
#44 Feb 02 2005 at 8:32 AM Rating: Good
One of the hardest things for a Scholar is to know exactly what spells would be wanted on the market. As I progressed as a scholar I would make one of each spell and keep a log of what sold......there were many that even with the price under 5sp no one wanted and I ended up selling to a vendor. Spells for toons that I dont play, I have no clue what ones are the most usefull and which one have cheap adepts in turn I tend to just continue making one of each per level and maybe a couple of the ones that are good sellers.
#45 Feb 02 2005 at 9:46 AM Rating: Decent
I level up using writs and workshop tasks this why my leveling is not dependent on the market for an item plus I get to make stuff I would not normally make. Only time I break this is when I need something made or I get a special order from someone.
#46 Feb 02 2005 at 4:20 PM Rating: Good
Was really done with this whole subject but since Geocide felt the need to mention my name 4 times I will respond.

I work 12 hours a day and take care of my son 2 hours at least till my wife gets home. I get 2 hours a night max if he is sleepy and thats if I give up a little sleep to do it.

I just spent an hour making someone 4 pristine pieces of steel armor for 1g and probably lost 1g or more using my own components. I actually failed on one and bought a piece of steel for 5g myself to make the pristine for him.

I mispriced my electrum at 45s instead of 45c and sell 3 and spend 2 hours hunting the people down to give them the money back.

Its not about the money for me its about the armor. I don't want to make anything but armor, but have found it necessary to level other alts., because the world is not at my beck and call.

I don't sell anything I make anymore it all gets sold back to the merchants and I have 5 plat in the bank I have no idea what to do with.

So to say we are all profit whores and greedy and stupid and rude is an unfair statement. It took me 2 hours to level an alchemist to 20 so I consider that time well spent. I don't live in my moms basesment and play for 10 hours a day and I actually consider myself to be a pretty decent person.

As far as app 4's I was where you are I had the app 1's no one was making anything so I made do buying the app 2's until I realized all my new arts were linked and upgrading apps had no purpose. App 4 spells are for twinking an alt. as far as I am concerned.

I have never told anyone off and if they get a bird its figurative only and really depends on how I am approached. Someone comes to me asking to make 4 rare pieces of armor with rare components I am all over it, someone demanding I make app 4's that aren't necesary and waving obsolete money in my face and sending several tells while I am crafting, it actually takes a little concentration, gets the ignore.

If my above statements make me a rude sob then I guess I can live with that. Speculating on someones life or lack thereof or manners because you don't get your way is pretty childish as far as I am concerned.
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