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Semi- rant about craftersFollow

#1 Jan 28 2005 at 9:23 PM Rating: Default
222 posts
Well the title is a bit off , its mainly scholars im irritated with on my server in freeport.
Im just irritated that i cant get a scholar to make low end spells for me . I keep getting the line about " i only craft stuff that gives xp " .
No wonder there are no low end app4s on the broker .

I started a priest the other day and went to go get some app4s for smite , minor healing , etc. there was one minor healing adept1 and the guy wanted 3 gold for it .... LMAO .
So I proceed to get on the chat channel and try and get a scholar to make me some spells , by this time i had gotten to lvl 10 and chosen to be a druid . So now i need the spells i listed b4 AND nettleshield , and noones willing to do it because they wont give crafting xp to make em .

Now im no beggar , i was willing to pay hard earned money to get some app4s , even buy the components and give them to the crafter and also give em a tip to boot ! but still noone would help . So this leads me to believe that one could get to a decent level as a scholar and corner the market on low level spells and make a fortune ! Im considering doing it myself if i can manage to stick it out through the grinding .

If you know of a good scholar who isnt an eliteist and is willing to make spells as long as they make some money off it on the najena server (freeport), please post their name so i may become a loyal client. Thanks !

Edited, Fri Jan 28 21:30:06 2005 by Geocide

Edited, Fri Jan 28 21:55:44 2005 by Geocide
#2 Jan 28 2005 at 10:20 PM Rating: Decent
285 posts
No offense man, but you can make your own tier 1 spells no matter what crafting class you choose.

Additionally, most any crafter will do it for you provided you bring the materials and a decent commission. As a crafter, it's annoying as heck to try and start from scratch to make an App4 spell for a tier you're not working in. You have to guess at which materials you need, how many times you might not get pristine, reorganize your craft station filter, and so on. It's just not worth the time for a few measly silver. However, with the right incentive ($$$ and the convenience of materials provided), any crafter would be a fool to turn it down.
#3 Jan 28 2005 at 10:52 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
Its interesting that you say this because I am coming from the other end of it. I made a run of 20 AppIV Tier 1 spells and priced them all at 25s. They FLEW off my vendor in less than an hour, and I made quite a nice profit.

I then got to tier 2 and made a run of 20 AppIV Tier 2 spells and again, priced them all at 25s. This time it was crickets. I sold 2 in a whole night of vendoring.

You would think the tier 2s would be such a bargain at that price, that they'd sell even faster but they didn't.

#4 Jan 28 2005 at 11:49 PM Rating: Decent
222 posts
no offence taken . I understand what your saying and that was my understanding as well . But i get mixed stories from people , one guy told me i needed a tier 2 scholar and that he was tier 3 only , the next guy told me any crafter at lvl 10 can make em , and the next guy straight up said it was a waste of his time to make anything that didnt give xp .

Not being a crafter myself im confused as to what to believe . I just cant believe that people would actually turn down money just because the item doesnt give them crafting xp .

I even researched what i needed online for the specific spell and still couldnt get any help .

So I dunno, I know im not rude or anything in game . I always try and be as polite as humanly possible when asking for something (even when im planning on paying for it !)

So if anyone knows a good crafter that can make tier1 app4 spells for a druid , please lemme know . Im on najena server in freeport . Thx
#5 Jan 29 2005 at 4:04 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
While any crafter can technically make an App IV it is a lot easier for a Tier 2 scholar with durability buffs to be sure of ending up with App IV.

A lot of people are not really interested in crafting commisions. They are doing it for themselves.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#6 Jan 29 2005 at 5:31 AM Rating: Decent
A lot of people are not really interested in crafting commisions. They are doing it for themselves.

This is true. I (a level 14 Outfitter) have been given a task by my workshop to make tanned shoulder pads and one of the components is a generic burlap pattern - which of course I can't make, it's a Craftsman object made at lvl 10. I can't find it at all via the brokers - only a pristine pattern which is selling for the ridiculous price of 25s. Result: STUCK. Can't carry out a task WHICH WAS GIVEN TO ME BY MY OWN WORKSHOP!

Something not quite right here...
#7 Jan 29 2005 at 5:54 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
I know it isn't supposed to work like this but you can make your own burlap patterns. Just get someone to buy you the book from the craftsman guild. You want Craftsman Essentials Volume 10
Wherever I go - there I am.
#8 Jan 29 2005 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
222 posts
Well then this is a cry out to crafters . Please please stop being so selfish and only crafting items that give xp . It makes it very tough on a person who has the money and is starting a new toon to get the spells needed.

Just like the poster above , if you make a bunch of app4 tier1 spells , i guarentee they will sell fast if set at a reasonable price . At least on najena they would anyways . And it goes for all tier1 app4s , not just priest spells . When i was starting my mage out , i couldnt find lightning burst or static pulse to save my life , finally had to get a buddy to make em ( he doesnt play anymore unfortunately ) .

There is alot of money to be made here , take advantage of it , flood the market with tier1 app4s !
#9 Jan 29 2005 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
Took me a while to get the hang of the whole interdependability thing. Initially since I didn't knoew what sold well I made things mostly for myself, but now I've started making maple quills which sell really well usually (and sometimes nothing). I had a heck of a time finding the stroma resins and oils. I didn't realise seeing one item at the broker usually meant that they guy had a stack of 20 if you went to see em personally..

I hope as the game progresses that there will be a little better market for craftable items.

Edited, Sat Jan 29 12:03:48 2005 by Bhobster
#10 Jan 30 2005 at 5:02 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Funny thing about this.

I was in my TS society last night and working on - as it happens - iron studs. My craftsman is making us all Maple strongboxes and I needed a batch of studs. Normally I've used my armorer to make the iron bars but I thought I'd let the scholar do it.

So there he is forging away and someone /oocs "WTB 20 x iron stud".

Well I thought "20!". I was having a lot of fun making iron bars and hadn't even got on to the studs yet. If he'd needed 2 or 3 I'd have converted a couple of bars for him but I simply didn't feel like making a whole stack over and above the ones I wanted myself.

Maybe I'm unusual but just pointing out that not everyone wants a bulk order.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#11 Jan 30 2005 at 2:53 PM Rating: Decent
This one is for cobra, I believe you can't exploit that after you actually ding 10 and choose your path. You have to be level 9 and 101% xp once you ding and take your path I don't think you can do it anymore.
#12 Jan 30 2005 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
As I read this more and as a crafter who has made 4 alts to make the things he needs to make armor I think I may be slightly annoyed.

I am banging out levels hating it and you guys can't even take your main and level up to make the apps you need. It takes an hour max if you have the sense you were born with.

To assume because you can pay for it we want to do it after doing it 4 times with alts you need to have your head examined.

On a nicer note there is a crafting channel in your chat options where there are nicer people with more patience than I have.

My attitude comes from all the players I asked to make stuff for me who basically gave me the bird. My response is make 4 alts. and give a bird to everyone else with my free hand.

And as far as apps go make a stack of ink one time and let me know how much fun you have especially when your not working with that tier ink. Not even close to fun or profitable.

#13 Jan 31 2005 at 9:10 AM Rating: Good

One way to look at it is...if a TS guy asked you to head out and kill grey mobs for 1.5 hours and offered to pay you a small amount of silver. If you refused, would you be an elitist? I don't think so. Many of us only have so much time to play and out goals are not all money based.

I spent this weekend working my scholar from 16 to 20, and as grumpy said....making a stack of ink is not exactly exciting work...especially if there is no xp.
#14 Jan 31 2005 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
Delvik has it right exactly.

And Geocide, I wouldn't go around calling others selfish. Aren't you selfish to assume that you have some sort of right to other peoples time? For your pittance, probably a few silver pieces, you want a complete stranger to take time out from their game time, their hobby, whatever you want to call it, and help you out.

You obviously didn't make it worth their time, but instead of using YOUR time, you wanted theirs. Its not hard to make tier 1 spells, if you did the research for making the spells, then you could have just done the research to level up an artisan to that level to make the spells yourself. Yes its nice to get them cheap, but the fact is, there's a player behind that spell. Its their time, and they get to decide what that time is worth.

Yes it would be nice if everyone helped each other, but after enough requests from people offering basically a couple silver over cost, you start to get a little bitter.

Nobody is obligated to help you. You either find a really nice person willing to help out, you raise the stakes to the point where its worth someone's time, or you make it yourself. Those are about your only choices. Oh, or you impose on a guildmate, that's always an option if you are guilded.
#15 Jan 31 2005 at 12:21 PM Rating: Good
To make App IV you need to make 4 combines with pristine results every step of the way.

Lets assume I wanted to *flood* the market with tier 1 priest spells.

Make 20 pristine isonoid reagents.
Make 20 pristine sepia dyes from the reagents.
Make 20 pristine sepia inks from the dyes.

Now we finally have the ink to make the App's!

Make 5 pristine smite scrolls.
Make 5 pristine weakness scrolls.
Make 5 pristine minor arch healing scrolls.
Make 5 pristine other t1 priest healing scrolls.

Bah.. out of ink now.

So now I have spent around 2 hours+ doing 80 pristine combines to make enough upgrades for 5 players. Since these are tier 1 I'll be lucky to get 15sp each from them, will most likely have to go for 10.

These will eat up my slots when I setup bazaar for the night to make what, 2-3 gold profit? And thats assuming they all sell overnight.

It's not fun, and not profitable compared to what I can make as a 26 alchemist. This is why there is no flood of tier 1 app iv's, and probably never will be.

Edit: I forgot you'll need to make 20 elm quills as well. There is 40 more combines from raw materials (raw elm -> refined elm -> elm quill). And you can buy 20 tier 1 papers from wholesale merchants now.

Edited, Mon Jan 31 12:24:04 2005 by iostorms
#16 Jan 31 2005 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
4,596 posts
While I understand the frustrations of tradeskillers at being bothered to make basic combines be carefull with the attitude of "level up and make it yourself" Because SOE will make it so they can, easily, and you will have 5 bazzillion people maxxed in every trade running around.

Look at EQ. It takes all of 3 hours and a few k PP to become a grand master at almost all of the tradeskills and nothing made from commonly available materials can be sold for the cost it takes to make it.

So unless you want tradeskills trivialized to appease the masses it might not hurt to take a few minutes a week and pump out some low level combines. Not saying its right or wrong, just saying I've seen it happen.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#17 Jan 31 2005 at 1:05 PM Rating: Default
Well i guess i can understand your frustration. However i have to suggestions.

1.) join a guild, your guildies will generally take care of you, and if you provide the provisions, sometimes they will do the combines for free.

2.) Start a new character or move over to the toxxula server. I can make T1 and T2 spells, and i will be happy to take your money from as many toons as you can handle for them, at a very reasonable price of course.
#18 Jan 31 2005 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
This one is for cobra, I believe you can't exploit that after you actually ding 10 and choose your path. You have to be level 9 and 101% xp once you ding and take your path I don't think you can do it anymore.

From recent personal experience you are wrong. However I expect them to do something soon
Wherever I go - there I am.
#19 Jan 31 2005 at 5:47 PM Rating: Decent
I am a 26 armorer and tried to go scribe the 10 craftsman book so maybe its after you take the second path. Not sure even less sure that I care.
#20 Jan 31 2005 at 6:18 PM Rating: Decent
51 posts
What your basiclly asking the crafter to do is kill grey mobs for the few silvers you will give him.
How would you like to have someone asking you all the time to kill grey mobs for them? And each combine can take at least a minute to do. That's just the last one not all the ones before it.

#21 Feb 01 2005 at 11:44 AM Rating: Default
222 posts
If everyone was a crafter , the wares you make wouldnt be worth squat and the economy would crumble .
Not only that but some of us have a life and dont have the hours to sit and grind away looking at a stupid forge, lathe, stove , etc as you do .
and you know what ? if you made your alts all crafters just for your own purpose , then good for you ! But some crafter out there has got to be interested in making some cash .... and luckily enough i found one , and he made a nice chunk of cash off me and is currently banging out low lever app4s to try and provide for the market that exists for em . I might add hes making money hand over fist too .

And for the rest , yeah maybe selfish wasnt a good word to use ,so apologies there , but at the time i was angry and had just got done dealing with some SOB in game who got rude with me when i sent him a direct tell asking if he would make these teir1 app4s for 50silver each ... thats 50 friggin silver for tier1 app4s !!! BS if you ask me but i was willing to pay it .
he coulda make 3 gold off me AND I HAD THE COMPONENTS ALREADY .
I dont think alot of you read that above , i already had the blasted components. anyone who cant take a sec to combine some components AND make 50s off the deal PER item , is , in my opinion a selfish *******

Edited, Tue Feb 1 11:49:42 2005 by Geocide
#22 Feb 01 2005 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
It's not easy being a crafter. I do it because I actually like crafting...dont laugh...its true. I dont do it all that often because I would rather be hunting. Since I'm rarely in The Archives (my crafting society), I dont get to craft that often. If I were I would. There's nothing to point click...point click. You have the resources but dont want to take the time. I understand, but what you should do is put in a request on this forum or if you have access to, go on their forums under your server's marketplace and put in a request. I personally dont mind making low lvl stuff as I'm am still low lvl crafter myself especially if you have the resources and I dont have to use my own or buy the fuel and components and I'm sure if somebody is goin ingame to craft anyway and is willing will send you a tell or leave a message saying that they will make your spells. Otherwise like stated above ask a guildie or a friend. You're right not everyone is gonna be crafter. If everybody made their own then who would make any money. Keep your head up bud. It's not all that
#23 Feb 01 2005 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
222 posts
Nah its cool , im gonna start my own alt i guess.
But instead of being an *** like grumpass , im gonna try and help people out ,ill sell everything i make for 1% profit and if they bring me the material ill do it for free. If nothing else I can make some attempt at driving the profit margin down for all the price gougers out there. Hopefully I can make enough that i can take their clients , and hit em where it hurts . The pocketbook . If nothing else it will be fun to try and drive the prices down to where noone can make money crafting anymore. And hopefully , like said above , with enough complaining , SOE will make it to where everyone can be a master at their craft within 3 or 4 days of grinding and then all we'll see is posts of crafters whining about how they cant make any more money .. and ill be laughing my butt off.

Just as an example , when i was playing FFXI , i knew i was gonna quit about a month b4 i did . The prices on my server were outrageous for things , specially mithkabobs . So I grinded and grinded , and finally was able to churn out lots and lots of mithkabobs (meat and fish) and i put em all up on the AH for cost , priced em just enough so that i can get more material to make more and keep the engine going . Did that for about a month and made tons of ... um .. "friends" .. lol , people were so pissed they even sent me PMs threatening to "hack me " LMAO , it was great .
So its all good .

Edited, Tue Feb 1 13:14:18 2005 by Geocide
#24 Feb 01 2005 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
wow so instead of letting everything ballance overtime lets ruin it haha. what a great attitude. Yes i agree people are overcharging in some cases but marking things up at a 1% profit is unrealistic at best. The amount of time it takes to craft many things that are in demand is not small. It can take over an hour just to make a stack of pristine carbon inks for example. Ok add in the time it takes to harvest belladona's and elm and you've got at least 2 hours of time actually spent on those 20 inks. Now how much do you make on drops in nek in 2 hours? Personally I make approximately 1g per hour. Ok now because I'm making an effort to supply ppl with inks they would rather buy then make an easy to lvl alch, i want to make a profit accordingly so I'll mark up 1 more gold and sell a stack for 3g. I don't see this as unreasonable.

Now there are negatives to supply and demand becase people are selling other items for waaay more than I deem reasonable. For example seeing T3 paper for 3-5silver each. It takes almost no time to make paper and it does NOT have to be pristine like inks. This is something I hope will deminish when supply catches up.

Ok about trying to "ruin" the market. You can try all you want but the time it'll take you to make enough crafters to cover all of the price hiked crafts to actually have any impact on the market is going to be insane and probably not worth your time. My suggestion is to just relax and let it even out. I've noticed costs dropping dramatically in just a few weeks.
#25 Feb 01 2005 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
222 posts
well like one of the posters said above , grumpass i believe it was , he made his alt crafters to make stuff for him and give everyone else the middle finger . Well im going just the opposite , ill make stuff for ridiculously low prices (maybe even at a loss sometimes if im felling especially irritated ) and if they bring the components ill make it free, and give all the price gougers the middle finger . Now granted it will take a while to get to the level i need to be to implement this , but the way i see it , since its my characters and my money , i can do with it what i please right ? Yeah i think it should be fun , cause i remember giving free teleports in town was extremely fun when all the other mages were charging 500gil a pop . I got so many angry tells from people who were basically selling nothing but the mana it used to port someone . And when you can get a port for free vs paying 500 gil for one , what would you do ??
Yes this should be fun indeed...
#26 Feb 01 2005 at 1:55 PM Rating: Good

What you seem to miss is that very few adventures even WANT tier one improvements. Most people who only adventure out level those skills in a few days. If you only adventure getting to level 20 does not take that long.

Your offer of 50sp is very generous, and many crafters would take the time to do it for that price....but you have to remember that most people who need tier 1 spells do not have that kind of cash.....more likely the crafter would get under 10 silver per spell and have many that would not sell at all, but rather just sit and rot taking up a bank space.

So my example still holds.......if a craftsman offered you 60sp (equivilant to 6 spells at 10sp each) to go spend the next 1.5-2 hours hunting grey likely would you be to do it, and even if you did it once, how long till you got sick and bored of doing it?

I know my time is limited to play, so I try to maximize my time. If I am to do something for no xp and little cash I can promise you I am only doing it for a friend, not a random person who asked out of the blue.

I can also guarentee you that if you were to attempt to ruin the economy by ridiculously lowering the price of goods...other tradeskillers would just buy up your stock and wait till you were sick of wasting your time or got bored with the game in general. It would take a real messed up obsession to waste weeks and weeks of game play making grey items for no profit.

It seems to me that the real selfish person here is you. It is you who rates their own needs over the needs of others. Believe it or not, but the other people on your server are playing the game for their own enjoyment....not for the opportunity to meet your immediate needs.
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