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Pussification of EQFollow

#1 Jan 22 2005 at 2:23 PM Rating: Sub-Default
44 posts
Just wondering if anyone else has noticed what i have about EQ2. The game is quite pretty, and there are quite a few great gameplay design improvements. Encounters, vice just pulling random stuff, the commerce system is well designed, the story is actualy somewhat interesting, and the character sbuclass/class advancement design is good. No such thing as an underconn anymore, you always know exactly what you need to have a shot at the mob. Mobs no longer follow all the way to the zone line, they give up after a while, and not realy any trains... at least nothing Karanors ( sp? been a while ) style.

All good improvements, seemingly removeing most of the greatest problems of EQ1. But also, these changes seem to facilitate another function, they take the skill out of the game, and they take the challenge out of it. 4 grps max for a raid? the new buffing system? As well it seems like many of the staples of EQ1 , Haste, Crack, Mez, snares, pbae's, FD pulls ( totaly not needed now ) Rez, taunt, lich, and all buffs have either been reduced in effectiveness to the point of mild usefulness at best, or spread across the board of classes such that they are no longer special at all. For instance, the painfully short durration and single target nature of Breeze makes it almost totaly not worth casting at all, and a grp version does not appear until level 48.

In EQ1, no matter what class you had in your group, they all had the tools to be stars, it was the player behind them that mattered, ive seen necro's play cleric, chanter, mage, and damage dealer in a group with 4 warriors and a monk, and do very well. Ive seen an entire group wipe but the chanter and the cleric, and the entire group rez, rebuff, and start killing again while the chanter keeps 5 or 6 mobs mezzed. Ive seen a wizard drag around 12 mobs in 3 separate quads at the same time, and kill every single one of them, ive seen bards kill an entire zone of mobs at once, and ive seen a necro solo mobs 10 levels higher than them. ive seen a group on its last leg when all of a sudden 2 more mobs respawn, the cleric gets off one last CH before 00m, and the tank AE taunts, pops defensive and waits it out, and miraculously they make it thru.

Ive seen 6 people clear out NToV, and watched half the loot rot, and ive seen 60 people wipe on Aary, ive seen 16 people take out TT with ease, and ive seen full raids get smoked. Ive watched 30 people spend an entire weekend in VT. And ive seens the zone with 2 full raids in it on one mob.

Im sure most everyone has seen similar, or the same things i just mentioned, many times. But that was the beautiful thing about EQ, the large scale of it, and the versatility, and the skill. The difference between a highly skilled player, and a person who was only so so at their class was invaluble. One ***** up could get you all killed, and one player rising to the occasion could save the entire group.

My problem with EQ2 is that none of the things i mentioned can happen in EQ2, the scale has been reduces to a staggeringly low level. in EQ2, Cazel wouldn't be some 51 SG wandering around butchering inattentive newbies, He would be a relatively stationary level 51 with 4 up arrows, a group 2x tag below his name, and a con measage that warns, this creature is far more difficult than he appears. He would be nearly impossible to single group, because once you were high enough to just grab a couple buddies and smoke him, hed be grey, non agro, and would drop absolutely nothing. No longer are there races to mobs, they are almost always up, you just have a timer saying you cant kill it more than every 14 days, or 7 days, or whatever. On a server reset.... you dont care, your timer is still intact, no point in having lookouts for mobs your guild needs, and people waiting for the raids to start... in fact, why even have a guild bigger than 30 people? only 24 can raid, and the mob is always up, and he drops loot every time. It just feels like an overdressed Monolpoly Jr. version of EQ with some nifty new additives. I hope they change some things as the game progresses, i want to raid, real raids, i want the excitement that EQ had... and this game just seems devoid of that thus far.

#2 Jan 22 2005 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
I used to say how much I loved PoK, cuz by that point in old EQ the players were finally given some conveniences we'd been wanting for years. No boats, no needing to beg or pay for TPs, no sitting there waiting to pop up to Nexus, zoning pets, etc. LDoNs were out - no long periods of time wasted looking for someting to hunt, only to find spot after spot camped.

But a lot of players said PoK was killing the game. Made it too easy. And funny, I found myself missing the old boats the other day.

Yeah, I wonder if EQ2 is a case of the designers going through a buncha player polls and saying - no more KSing, check - no more camping, check - no more this, check - no more that, check. And yeah, the game is so "evened" out that they killed it. Yes, the classes are so "equal" that no one ever seems to stand out, certainly not in the old EQ way - and that was really thrilling....
#3 Jan 22 2005 at 4:50 PM Rating: Good
296 posts
You all whined, SOE listened. The result? The "dumbing down" of the game. Keep up the good work.
#4 Jan 22 2005 at 5:05 PM Rating: Decent
If you want to play a game that's like Everquest ... then go and play Everquest; it's still there. EQ2 caters to a different kind of audience, people who can't or won't wait up for 6 hours to see a 50-player raid through, who want the conveniences designed into EQ2 and don't want the hassle that EQ offers. If you don't like the design decisions that the EQ2 team have made then, really, play another game. EQ2 isn't going to change.

I'm of the opinion that people are viewing a great number of features from EQ with rose-tinted specs; in reality many of these fondly-remembered features were either a giant pain the ***** and/or were just plain detrimental to the game's integrity.
#5 Jan 22 2005 at 6:28 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
People be honest, how much skill is there in EQ1 lvl 1-30?

Not much, most classes haven't even got class defining spells or abilities by then, the game is pretty Vanilla untill you get to the late 40's and 50's.

Give EQ2 the chance EQ1 had to evolve <evolve being the pertinient word here>

I also laugh at the idea that skill is not in EQ2, i can see the skill by lvl 20.

I can see the difference from my first charicter going through IoR to my 7th.

I can also see group tactic evolving and raid tactics evolving and people will become more skillful at applying the tactics, but it will take time and patience to find and refine the tactics that work.

When you cut down to it the evolution of Chain healing made a huge difference to Raids post Velious but these where not evident on release and had to be developed. I see that happening with EQ2 in the future.

In purely the solo world i see diferent tactics and methods between the 4 classes i am leveling, so i can also see different tactics evolving when different classes are in the groups and raids, the hope i have is that certain classes are not nerf batted to the point of uselessness like SK's and Paladins where in EQ1.

In the case of those 2 classes they where pushed into roles that any one of 6 other classes could have done in a raid evironment without the fall back of a specialist nitche to fall back on.

That lead to people not getting invites into the cutting edge guilds if they choose a Pally or Sk because a ranger could do all they could do and more besides.
#6 Jan 22 2005 at 7:01 PM Rating: Good
4,445 posts
Well I imagine your complaints are obviously coming from the type of person who probably got time flagged and didn't mind spending 8 hours in a row playing a game to get something done.

Personally I didn't like having mobs that only spawned once a week. I remember a guy I worked with talking about his whole guild actually staying up all weekend waiting for naggy to spawn for his fiery avenger (long time ago, before even kunark I might had). Anyways do you really think that is fun? Where are you proving your skill by having to sit there for 2 days with no sleep waiting for a mob to pop. Anybody that played EQ at that time pretty much knows that those 1 week spawn mobs almost always had somebody sitting there waiting for them to spawn.

Also I remember how annoying it was trying to go to Plane of Fear. On Innoruuk server they actually had a website that showed a schedule of when guilds was raiding there, you had to make a appointment just to get into the blasted zone!!

I personally like the changes on EQ. ID rather the challenge of a mob be trying to kill it, not trying to get into a nasty fight with other players and make enemies trying to get to a mob.

As stated people who don't like these changes can always go back to eQ1, in fact Eq1 has a new expansion about to come out that looks like it will cater to the 8 hour raiders with time flags.

As far as your example of Cazil is concerned there are mobs that wander on EQ2 that scowl at you and such. Just yesterday my 14 summoner got ate up by a pack of wolves that roams near the towers in Antonica. The con system don't make but a short term difference. Sure there was some lvl 55 druids probably thought they would take a crack at Cazil, but it didn't take long people knew to leave him alone. Far as newbies are concerned they are not going to touch a named sand giant if there hunting in Oasis.
#7 Jan 22 2005 at 7:17 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
Ive seen 6 people clear out NToV, and watched half the loot rot, and ive seen 60 people wipe on Aary, ive seen 16 people take out TT with ease, and ive seen full raids get smoked. Ive watched 30 people spend an entire weekend in VT. And ive seens the zone with 2 full raids in it on one mob.

You saw all that when EQ1 was 2 months old??!?

Wow, amazing...

stop comparing a 5 year old game to a 2 months old game.
#8 Jan 22 2005 at 7:31 PM Rating: Default
1,463 posts
Heheh even I am getting tired of repeating myself. I'm sure you all are starting to feel the same.

Some of you just don't get it. But if you're happy, that's okay.

A lot of us aren't. We have very, very good reasons for feeling the way we do. You can snipe at our points here and there, but I've yet to see a compelling reason to think I'm wrong.

And believe me I've been looking hard for reasons to like EQ2. We're stuck w/ six months prepaid.

Tactics: truncated, limited, no variety - not just compared to old eq but to a TON of games.

Spells: spayed and neutered, no variety, no oomph, nothing I "must have" - almost no spells you acquire that "change your gaming life".

Quests: 90% go tell someone something or go kill 10 whatnots. Not enough of them over lvl 20. Largely uninspired.

All these games involve grinding, whether you want to call it that or not. Whether by quest and/or expin you are going to invest time and effort to get exp. But see, if all you get is exp, if all you get is a more powerful verion of an old spell, if all you gain is the ability to stop killing gnolls in antonica and to go kill gnolls in TS... (or centaurs or giants, sure, but you get my point) - bah - that's not a decent enough carrot to hang out in front of my nose. It's pathetic.

Instead to invest in a game like this I want something really cool - sigh - and you all still don't get it, do you? It doesn't matter. EQ2 will gimp along - SoE may even perk it up in a year or so. But Gawd it's just a horrid philosophy of Robespierrian enforced egalitarianism lurking behind it that kills me - well, enough said. Maybe we should all talk about something else, because frankly the bulk of us are far too hardheaded and egotistical to ever change our minds anyway (yes, me espeically). Who is going to win the Superbowel?
#9 Jan 22 2005 at 7:43 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Eg if i felt the way you do about a game <And i did about Halo2> I wouldn't play it. <and i didn't>

There's your solution buddy.

I totally disagree with your points on tactics, spells, and to a certain extent about quests.

But no ammount of fat chewing here or respect either way is going to change the game. At all.

Go play WoW, come back and say hi once in a while and tell us how you're doing because you will not get any responce from SoE, 3 years of EQ1 have taught me that.
#10 Jan 23 2005 at 4:41 AM Rating: Good
21 posts
In EQ1, no matter what class you had in your group, they all had the tools to be stars, it was the player behind them that mattered, ive seen necro's play cleric, chanter, mage, and damage dealer in a group with 4 warriors and a monk, and do very well. Ive seen an entire group wipe but the chanter and the cleric, and the entire group rez, rebuff, and start killing again while the chanter keeps 5 or 6 mobs mezzed. Ive seen a wizard drag around 12 mobs in 3 separate quads at the same time, and kill every single one of them, ive seen bards kill an entire zone of mobs at once, and ive seen a necro solo mobs 10 levels higher than them. ive seen a group on its last leg when all of a sudden 2 more mobs respawn, the cleric gets off one last CH before 00m, and the tank AE taunts, pops defensive and waits it out, and miraculously they make it thru.

I remember those days in EQ1, and although I abused those rules per say for heals (hey, necros do heal like clerics), even in my mind I thought it was wrong. I quit about 5 months ago, went to SWG and now playing EQ2, and love it to death. I am glad the Necromancer is not the main healer (or back up) and that our main assist is not a ranger that could die from some type of rage or frenzy. Heck, what is the fun in it if one bard can hold a whole zone? Or should I say what good is it for everyone else and his rep, providing he cares (I assume this "bard" holding a zone in EQ1 was in something like west Freeport with the lowbie trash or he had much higher lvl char than mobs of the zone)?

Yea and as previously posted waiting weeks for some mob to spawn that had a 25% chance to drop an item was showing how good of a player you are...whatever. Oh and hey you have to random for that item cause out of the 60 people in your raid 4 people need it, and if you don't win, well, welcome to EQ1...maybe next week or month we'll try again. I guess I can log on and AFK in a zone for weeks...if someone asks I will just saying I am camping ____ mob. Skills.

EQ2 still has its minor issues but defeats a lot of old bad EQ1 habits. If you are paying to play a game, everyone has aright to be in a zone if they so wished. Trying to beat someone's mob down to obtain their item by trying to deal 51% so you get it isn't fun, or as said, talent/skills.

Bah honestly, I think most people that complain a lot ( like locking encounters and such) are people who are from EQ1 with KS'ing and Ninja looting on the have fun back in EQ1!

However, these so-called “bot” about lazy people.

Edited, Sun Jan 23 04:43:18 2005 by Jackx
#11 Jan 23 2005 at 8:06 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Or should I say what good is it for everyone else and his rep, providing he cares (I assume this "bard" holding a zone in EQ1 was in something like west Freeport with the lowbie trash or he had much higher lvl char than mobs of the zone)?

Bards were awsome before the nerf. Most were sensible enough to do large-scale kiting away from normal exp areas. These were bards killing typically 10-20 level appropriate mobs in Planar zones.

It is a classic example of how a player or players found out how to use the skills the game gave them in ways that the designers never envisaged.

EQ2 is designed to close down those avenues and ensure that everyone plays the way the designers intended. I'm sure they hated to keep changing the code to cope with the latest way someone had found of doing things. The EQ2 team have attempted to close everything down from the get-go. They will not succeed but it does give the gave a much more restrictive feel to someone used to tactical diversity. You are obliged to play the game their way.

Where these tactical departures trivialised the game I totally agree with the changes made to EQ1. EQ2 has not had a chance yet to become non-trivial.

It tends to all end up in a neverending cycle of nerfs with class by class being restricted because something it can do is seen as "unfair" by a vociferous lobby of other classes. I doubt that EQ2 will be any different.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#12 Jan 23 2005 at 11:22 AM Rating: Default
Good lord... if you don't like it then quit.

If you purchaced a long term subscription to a product you wern't even familiar with, I'm sorry... but I've seen my fill of "this game vs that game" and "this game sucks because" threads. It's a shame that almost every forum I used to enjoy reading has turned into a massive whineapalooza.

Having played a large number of the major MMORPGs on the market (EQ, EQ2, AO, UO, Eve, SWG, PS, ATITD, DAOC...) I can honestly say they ALL have their high points and low points, and all of them will appeal to different crowds. If you see no tactics in EQ2 then you arn't pushing yourself hard enough. I see basically the same tactics that EQL had... the only difference is I can actually play EQ2 AND still raise my three children. I hit 52 in EQ and could barely play again because of the massive amount of time involved in getting anything done... but I still loved the game and won't whine about it. As well... as some have already noted. I find the ability of some people to see exactly where a game is going only a couple months into launch rather amazing... give it time to see where it's going.
#13 Jan 23 2005 at 12:09 PM Rating: Default
44 posts
Ok, i have seen at least 3 replies to this post saying, if you dont like it, go away. How closed minded and simple can you possibly be to think mmy only agenda in this post was to ***** about shortcommings of a game i have every option to play or not play? Everquest is a constantly evolving universe, im sure EQ2 will be no different, Brackishboy, yes EQ2 IS going to change, it will change imensely. The difference between Everquest, and Everquest : The Planes of Power is immeasurable, and how did those changes come about? Through dialogue about the things that needed to be changed. Im not complaining that i hate this game it sucks, only big dummy heads play it and now im gonna go in the corner and pout. You'll notice my first sentance was i wanted to know if anyone else saw some of the traits i do. And my question has been answred quite obviously yes.

No where in my post doe it say that EQ2 is not fun, and not worth playing, its says its devoid of the large scale and and adrenaline charged excitement that EQ had on ocasion, because of the stagnate design of the classes themselves. Im not going to quit, and ide assume, neither will the majority of the others who agreed with some of the issues i brought to light in this post. Why? because this is how you make a game change, you talk about it, and you take an intelligent look at what is around you. Instead of the closed minded, hear no evil, see no evil, leave the game if you dont like it attitude, try actualy fully reading the post. Im not bad mouthing EQ2, im saying these are the aspects i think need to be improved to make it more fun. I realize the compairison of EQ2 now to EQ1 now is unfair, but how unfair is it to compaire EQ1 now to where EQ2 is going? Increadibly fair imo. If you dont see Kerafyrm, Sebilis, Temple of Veeshan, Vulak, Tormax, Thurgadin in the future of EQ2 i think you are blind, i would prefer to begin the discussions now, to better shape the mannor in which these things are brought into the game. Believe it or not SoE does read this stuff, and they do take it into account.
#14 Jan 23 2005 at 10:53 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
I realize the compairison of EQ2 now to EQ1 now is unfair, but how unfair is it to compaire EQ1 now to where EQ2 is going? Increadibly fair imo. If you dont see Kerafyrm, Sebilis, Temple of Veeshan, Vulak, Tormax, Thurgadin in the future of EQ2 i think you are blind,

While we may see some of our old, familiar haunts once again, I wouldn't put money on seeing them all.

I don't know where the game is going. I have no idea if they are going to "rediscover" some old content, or if it's all going to be totally new. I'd be willing to bet it's going to be a bit of both.

It just seems like so many people really wanted this game to be more like EQ1. I, for one, am glad it's really not.

JMO, YMMV Smiley: grin
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