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People keep telling me that melee classes can solo in EQ 2Follow

#27 Jan 21 2005 at 8:56 AM Rating: Good
494 posts
I spend the time that I can devote to playing in a variety of ways. Some nights I like to just get an exp group and pick a camp and grind away, not necessarily for just exp, but because it's fun owning mob after mob. The added benefit to this is gaining experience, and getting loot.

Some nights I log on and get a group of guildies together and do writs for a few hours. Still getting experience for both me and my guild. Double bonus.

Other nights I like to log in and work on quests. I am currently working on my Fishbone Earring, Legendary JBoots races, Shiny Brass Halberd, and many other non-heritage quests. I just do parts of quests as I move through zones. To me, some nights, that is fun and relaxing.

As I have mentioned I have played a SK in EQ1 and now in EQ2. A lot of you either may not know, or have forgotten how versitile a shadowknight was in EQ1. We had stuff for almost any situation. And didn't have problems soloing if we wanted to (fear kiting or, reverse fear kiting). I never had a lack of buttons to mash. I may not have as fancy of spells as I had in EQ1, but what EQ2 lacks in spells that really give you oomf, it makes up for in strategies for using what you do have.

If you run into battle in EQ2 and just start using abilities without a plan, you will more than likely die. To be effective you have to ration your power to an extent by using HOs, and timing your abilities outside of HOs. Knowing how much power your different abilities use and how much of a benefitial return you get from using that ability goes a long way as well.

Also, something to consider, while you may not see any spectacular ways to "cheat the system" and get xp from harder mobs with less effort, just remember the game hasn't been out very long at all in comparison to when you maybe figured out how to do it in EQ1.

People had to figure those things out, some GM didn't just log in and say 'hey by the way, try snaring 3 or 4 mobs and using your SoW to outrun them while you cast'. No kiting, as you know it, does not exist in EQ2, but before you start complaining that everything isn't handed to you on a silver platter, why don't you experiment, or find other ways to have fun until someone figures it out for you. If you can't do that, then perhaps this game isn't for you, so go ahead and quit posting now, and leave.
#28 Jan 21 2005 at 9:39 AM Rating: Decent
One thing to keep in mind is that they recently announced that content will be released with instanced zones geared for duo groups (2 players) or for solo players who like a challenge. These are supposed to be available soon... (by next month I think?)
Perhaps this will help with those who want to solo..
I'm currently a 30 Shadowknight. I have always been able to solo. My general feel though is that you are better off soloing as a duo. Yes, I agree that this is not really soloing but it's close enough. People generally like to solo because they are on for 30-60 minutes and have to leave soon on short notice. I have found that if you group with one other person who is also soloing, you can rip through mobs far faster. In my case, I tried to group with a DPS class or what ever happened to be around. Obviously, you can't duo if you want to be LFG while soloing which is one reason people like to solo.
So, to the OP, much has been said in this thread which is true. Soloing as a means to advance is slow later in levels but it CAN be done. Any class of character can solo at about the same rate. So, I suggest that if you do play EQ2, play a class and race that appeals to you and go for it. I chose a Troll Shadowknight because I thought it would be cool roaming the countryside in search of creatures to kill in my heavy armor. I've been very happy with my choice. I had started a necro because I thought I could solo better (way back at release). Of course this was with a mindset steeped in a mindset of EQ1 play (since it was released). One day I was grouping with a Shadow Knight in Wailing Caves and I decided that I wanted to be one. I think you'll have to try a couple classes and then decide upon what you want.
#29 Jan 21 2005 at 9:47 AM Rating: Default
Sure, You can solo in EQ2 if you like advancing at a snails pace and don't mind everybody else passing you up. Soloing is more effective than oh say joining a crappy group. Which happens all the time by the way.

All in all, SOE failed me on this game. They should never have tacked on the Everquest name to this, I had higher expectations, but instead see a run down oversimplified varation of a once great game. Oh well, somebody will quit dumbing these games down and make one for the serious mature gamers, it's just a matter of time.
#30 Jan 21 2005 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Instanced zones would be awesome - esp. if you can solo, duo or team em. AO had that years ago - and while AO (anarchy online) doesn't appeal to all players - I played it a long time and found it to be fun and challenging.

So maybe there is reason to hang on.

Still, I understand what a lot of you are saying. But the "old EQ came out the gate kinda gimped and grew into the game you grew to like" argument only goes so far. Old EQ wasn't heavily "top-downed" so to speak, w/ the designers deciding beforehand exactly what path players would and wouldn't follow. It was bold and brave and wide open - and the players were free to play lots of different ways - from the beginning. Yes, quadding wasn't immediately realized. I didn't learn how to quad til Kunark came out (in part there was a monster shortage pre kunark - there would have been nothing to quad).

But the basic, fun, cool spell system was there from the beginning - and it never changed much.

I'm telling you, the lack of variety in spells is a killer for a whole ton of gamers. HOs don't fix this imo - cuz HOs are arbitrary - like a weird little video game you play each fight to get power - rather than using real tactics. And it's not just the spells, it's how things do and don't agro - and planning steps you do or don't have to do in order to win a fight.

Also I am simply not salivating over spells to come - instead I look at the spell list and say "oh crud... I just get more of the same - oh gee, another AE Dot... another whatever" - there are almost no spells that turn me on.

Now, for a meleer coming here, the game offers them a whole ton more than other games - except some of the sense of tactics.

I've said this - so have others - but fights are too cut and dried. You can either kill something and kill it easily - or you can't. I finally found a way to beat a named green ^^ mob w/ my summoner yesterday. I put the pet on it, healed pet a tad, then let pet die (if i healed too much i got agro). Pet had softened the named mob to yellow. From there on I rooted and dotted. Probably could have just root dotted it w/out pet in the first place (pet messes up root dots - breaks root and then monster is on you). Well... that is some variation admitedly, but it ain't much.

Well, let's see how their instanced systm works, if it's real. I hope it will be wonderful.

Edited, Fri Jan 21 17:43:53 2005 by EvilGnomes
#31 Jan 21 2005 at 9:48 PM Rating: Decent
285 posts
I'm curious to know why some people equate solo enjoyment to easiness. I don't think any of the people speaking out on behalf of improved soloing here have asked to reach level 50 in a month or to be able to solo Lucan and Antonia at the same time...

I haven't seen anyone ask to get raid-type loot drops from a green Solo-tagged mob.
Checking again...
Not there.

I haven't seen anyone say that casual players should expect to tear through the levels proportionally faster than a powergamer...
Checking this one...

What I am seeing is people pointing out how boring soloing is. There is no variety and there are no options, especially when compared to EQ. I think most, if not all, would agree that slower xp and worse drops are perfectly acceptable if soloing were fun.

No one is attacking those that like to group, quest, craft, whatever...we're talking about soloing--nothing more, nothing less. The OP asked about soloing from an EQ soloist's perspective, and that's what we're giving him. Please don't turn this into soloist whining that things aren't being handed to them, because that's not what this is about. This is about people that like to hunt solo but have fun while they're doing it.
#32 Jan 24 2005 at 3:22 AM Rating: Decent
Lord Nagafen wrote:
Going to have to disagree here. Been playing an SK since release, and I have already had to cancel the account. This kind of false advertising is likely going to get Sony into trouble one of these days.
I can solo the mobs that state :SOLO under their names, but there is seldom any point. At level 24, I receive 1/8th of 1% for each solo kill. Meaning that I would require 800 such kills in order to advance. Ridiculous.
I have also tried the "questing" thing. Again, rubbish. Quest are grossly deficient, the xp is laughable, and the payoff is never, ever worth the effort. A quest that cons red to a 24 SK will net 1.5% xp. At a red con. Ridiculous.
Tradeskilling has suffered a pathetically endless list of nerfs, making it a waste of time now, as no gain can be made from it. The characters themselves do not really progress in any meaningful fashion: I.E. you do not direct what increases are made in statistics as levels increase and all level based abilities/spells/traits are utterly valueless. AND THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME.
So, that left exploring. I wandered around Nek and TS and a few other places, and was overcome with the dreary SAMENESS of all game content. There was nothing interesting or original in any of it. At all.
Grouping it is then!
Oh, wait, I started playing EQ2 because it was advertised to be "soloable" and "friendly to the casual player".
I hate being swindled.
DDO Cannot get here fast enough.

I really, really wanted this game to be as advertised. This is the last time I invest any time/effort into any game tainted by SOE. The began with such a GREAT idea, and just like EQ1, they let greed ruin it. Funny that all the game studios on earth have learned from EQ's mistakes except the company that owns it.
I posted a FAR less inflammatory version of this post on the EQ2 website and timed how long it took the mods to trash it. 26 minutes. Hmmm.... A little insecure SOE?
40% of the people I started with are gone, and no new people have showed up to take their place. I've started warning off other players from doing this to themselves, and wish I had listened when the beta team from my EQ1 guild returned to say it was on. On the WoW that is.
Dammit. Should have listened.

Ahhh... I renember that on the glass house board.

I really wouldn't know much about tanks soloing though, I'm a summoner.
#33 Jan 24 2005 at 4:18 AM Rating: Decent
Abit OT but this is something for all you to look forward to imo.
If you want something fun then get your butt into the condemned catacombs in antonica. Its a dungeon crawl NE of oracle tower made for people lvl 25 to 30, 3 to 6 people. You will need a chanter.
My group was kind of odd. Guardian, fury, fury, mystic, ranger coercer.
You will get up to 5 yellow/orange groups on a single pull if your not carefull, that means wipe folks. Sometimes there is no chance of pulling singles, infact a lot of the times you can get 3 diffrent groups at best. All yellow/orange to lvl 28.
Lots of named mobs aswell.
If you evac you will be locked out for 5 hours (from the time you entered) so we made up a tactic, if you see a groupwipe inc: PANIC!
Then hope someone lives so he can revive group... :P
Took us 3 hours to do this entire crawl and we had fun all the way. Was abit dissapointing in the end though since we wiped on the red ^^^ named who hit for 2150 on the guardian who has 2200+ AC.. :P
We will go back and get our revenge in a few levels though.

On topic:
Solo is fun.
Casual is nice.
As long as you are there for the journey and dont stay on one spot and camp/grind.
Help people with a named, make friends, quest, tradeskill, explore, try your skills on that groupmob, do a dungeon crawl, see if you can get that ? without agro from those red centuars, etc etc.
#34 Jan 24 2005 at 6:03 AM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
gxm wrote:
People had to figure those things out, some GM didn't just log in and say 'hey by the way, try snaring 3 or 4 mobs and using your SoW to outrun them while you cast'. No kiting, as you know it, does not exist in EQ2, but before you start complaining that everything isn't handed to you on a silver platter, why don't you experiment, or find other ways to have fun until someone figures it out for you. If you can't do that, then perhaps this game isn't for you, so go ahead and quit posting now, and leave.

Smiley: clap
#35 Jan 24 2005 at 6:46 AM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
The above quote raises a really good question... will varied, cool, fun and interesting combat tactics ever be discovered in this game?

I resent, btw, the implication that I want these things handed to me on a platter and that all my whinging (yes, that's a word, see the other thread started by Aspic) is predicated on something as ludicrous as this.

But back to the question... I actually have been trying to work out killer tactics... and am not finding any really good ones. But I have had some success - and even some fun. (edit - sorry forgot I'd already mentioned this above - here follows the breakdown in more detail - skip it if it bores u - again, sorry /end edit).

Late one night I had Karach the Spider Queen, green ^^ named mob in Oakmyst, all to myself. Well, I just got pet heal, I thought, so maybe I could take her solo. Buffed and sent pet. Dueling spider time (i have an adept 1 pet). Dotted Karach. Suddenly pet's health went DOWN. Healed. Pet was okay for a while. Refreshed DoT and wow, pet is dying. Healed. Healed - bang, drew agro. Rooted, and backed off. Pet broke root and she's on me again - yell and sprint for graystone.

Round 2. Tried it again... again, after healing pet 3 or 4 times I drew agro and had to run. Round 3 to 6 or so. Tried to pace and wait ... pet either died too fast - or still got agro on me for healing at least by the 4th time, sometimes on the 3d.

Okay, I had a brilliant idea. Sent in the pet - heal him only twice - and let him die - then root the spider queen... dot her... and wait til I am allowed to summon new pet. Sic it on her. But no - pet breaks root - can't get agro - she's on me - I sprint to graystone. Rats.

Hm... new round. Sent in pet to do as much damage as possible. Healed him 3 times while Dotting... and let him die. Rooted Karach and backed off. Dotted. Rooted. She broke root and poisoned me - ack - yelled, sprinted and ran. Came back, tried this again. Pet got Karach down to yellow damage and died - I rooted and dotted her. Rinsed and repeated. She broke root 3 or 4 times - but wasn't damaging me like before - had she used up her mana on the pet??? Maybe. I finally killed her by root-dotting and got a cool necklace. Killed her 3 more times over the next few days. Same way. Every fight was a knuckle-biter. Got nice pants, a mace... helmet and ... an earring I think. Sometimes she dropped one thing, sometimes two things.

I must confess that was challenging and fun. But, that said, I'd be liking this game a whole lot more if I had more options to work with. Doing this I felt like trying to whittle a totem pole out of a tree trunk w/ a butterknife. The technique works for now, but I'm not sure if this technique is ... how to put it... "consistent" enough to be a big draw, if you see what I mean. It's hairy.

Well, it's true that this game wasn't made for me. Devil kitty lady - you have it out for me - but I don't care. That I can like and hate it at the same time... well, that's hard for some people to understand. Me too. What did you call me in that other post - a goober? I'd feel bad except that you rated me up. Smiley: grin Thx.

Edited, Mon Jan 24 06:47:21 2005 by EvilGnomes

Edited, Mon Jan 24 07:05:11 2005 by EvilGnomes
#36 Jan 24 2005 at 6:51 AM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
It just occured to me, one thing I didn't try was to sic pet and never cast a DoT - just to try healing... and see if pet can tank it down to "safe to nuke her to death time" (w/out me getting agro). Pet doesn't exactly hit like a house on fire though... but might be worth trying. I think Karach is still green to me - I'll see if I can catch her again this week late some night.
#37 Jan 24 2005 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
If he dont have that much health left and no power I bet your could kite him until he dies (with DoT and pet).
Or kite him til pets reagro?

I have kited mobs as wizard and it works..
Actually had a kitegroup with guardian kiting for me.. Wasnt intended but still we won.. We tried a red mob and realized we coulnt take it but as he started running in circles I kept nuking and only stealed agro once. :)
#38 Jan 24 2005 at 8:12 AM Rating: Decent
494 posts
EG, when I originally posted that I wasn't necessarilly directing it right at you. It was more of a general answer to almost everyone that complains along the same lines. =)

For the most part, though it did come across sorta harsh, it is true. The game isn't that old in reality, the average level on most servers is 12-13. That means the bulk of the player base has not even made their final class decisions.

If you look at EQ1 before Kunark you would probably find that almost everyone stuck with the same tactics, "Keep hitting until it dies". In fact, even to this day (or up until eq2 came out), I still saw melee players still inceasantly mashing their taunt button. The taunt button in EQ1 is NOT a NES control pad. You use it once when the mob starts to get away from you as it only puts you at [MAX_AGGRO] +1.

I still saw other shadowknights that didn't know post 55 mobs could be held firmy in place, aggro on you, with a fear spell. Fear doesn't stick on 55+ mobs, instead it generates TONS of aggro.

I saw that and more, and EQ1 is how old?

I'm just saying that EQ and now EQ2 are about experimenting to find the best tactic for each situation. Find out all the different things you can use all your spells for. Even if you think a spell is completely retarded to have loaded up, perhaps there is a use for it you haven't explored.
#39 Jan 24 2005 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
220 posts
The above quote raises a really good question... will varied, cool, fun and interesting combat tactics ever be discovered in this game?

I have solo'd my SK to 25 now, my preferred weapon of choice always being a 2H greatsword. I keep top of the line armor and weapons. Most skills are Adept I, the rest are App IV. I usually just kept 2 concentration bubbles active - Blessed Weapon and another 12 hour skill that raises str and agi.

I used to take down green group mobs no sweat. After the patch that bumped up group mobs damage, I had declared the game "broken" and given up on group encounters. After reading some threads on this forum though I realized I just needed to alter my strategies a bit.

Solo mobs green to red (4-5 levels above me):
Same as usual. I go in swinging with normal setup, 2H greatsword, and just spam HO's. If its a red con, unholy order before fight and I might throw up a ward at start of fight and toughness when that wears.

Group mobs (green 3 mobs, green ^ 2 mobs, green ^^ single mob):
Prepare for a long tough fight. Switch into a shield and 1H sword, bring up Knights Stance (Adept I) which is -offence +defense. During the fight power conservation is key! I space out my HO's and use the best "bang for buck" when I do. Grim coil if my health is good or one of my damage + health restore attacks is I'm hurting. I keep a couple health restores slotted in case I need to use them. I can usually win 75% of the battles this way, the rest... well... I'm glad my horse is fast :)
#40 Jan 24 2005 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
Verily. I'm a level 21 templar and have no trouble whatsoever soloing. Not only do you have to figure out a strategy and think about power conservation, but figure out which mobs you're good against. As a templar, I get spells that are particularly effective against skeletons. I'm able to go out into Thundering Steppes and take out solo red skeletons up to level 26 or 27. I was shocked when I found this out. I was sure that my accidental aggro would only lead to death, but I was very wrong. Not only did I just DESTROY him, but I still had half my power and 3/4 of my life. That's pretty great experience for very little work, IMO...
#41 Jan 24 2005 at 5:33 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Hi gx - well thx - yes I guess I overreact sometimes cuz I feel comments are aimed at me unfairly - I don't just come in and say EQ2 suxorz/WoW rulz - I am actually hoping to like eq2 better, cuz parts of it are awesome. It's just SO directed at the opposite of my play style... it's hard.

"If you look at EQ1 before Kunark you would probably find that almost everyone stuck with the same tactics, "Keep hitting until it dies". "

Okay, I started that way. All mmo newbs do. But I got bored w/ that and started exploring. Went down to Oggok cuz I heard peeps were campin bouncers and letting all sorts of stuff just rot on their corpses. Wow, it was true! Crude steins (lore) but also nice shields and swords - their invs were full. Got some nice plat there. ALSO saw a druid outside in the Feerott kiting a Bouncer. That got my attention. Hmm there are tactics to be found here. This was less than a month after i'd started.

Maybe you are right - but I guess it depends on what "almost everyone" means. Over lvl 20 you couldn't solo the way you described - that only worked grouped w/ a healer. I saw lotsa people soloing preKunark - hey, my lil druid had KS wars w/ wizzes and necros and other druids in S Karana for weeks - wizzes HATED me cuz I could kill a red Aviak and get tons of exp, while they could only kill blues (many of the wizzes were many lvls above me, and w/out SoW they died a lot, too). Because I soloed a druid I saw where people were soloing - the hot spots so to speak - and lots of players were using them. Kunark... came just in time. So many were soloing by that point it was getting silly. We badly needed new hunting grounds.

It is true that old eq changed a lot over the years. Again I maintain, however, that the original spells system did not change all that much. The stuff I loved - the variety and freedom and coolness - was built in from the start. Imo in eq2 they said "no more letting these jerks sploit like they did in the old game - we're locking this puppy down and we're going to preanticipate ANY unforeseen consequence..." and... sigh... it's too tight. Too repressive. Yeah, some players love this cuz they couldn't stand watching druids kite while they had to group grind. Well, those of us who like to fly high can't stand to grind. Why are we being punished? That's what I want to know? Why can't we all share mmo's? Why do I have to be kicked in the face?
#42 Jan 24 2005 at 5:36 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Oh, as to an earlier post of mine in here (I am trying to find tactics that engage me - have been for weeks). I found Karach the Spider Queen up this morning. Green ^^ still, but she's a tough named.

Sent pet on her, and DIDn'T DoT, just healed. Found I never got agro. But adept one pet (app 4 pet heal) ... didn't quite have enough mana - er power - to keep pet alive to kill her.

Tried again. Healed pet til she was down to red health and i had about one blue bar of power. Let pet die. Rooted, backed off, dotted. Rooted again and dotted. Nuked and HOed her dead. Easy.

I wonder if later on pets will be better at regaining agro. Cuz u can let pet tank... let it die... root ... wait for time - summon new pet - but if it can't get agro, root breaks and the mob is on you. Hmmm.
#43 Jan 24 2005 at 7:01 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
Well, it's true that this game wasn't made for me. Devil kitty lady - you have it out for me - but I don't care. That I can like and hate it at the same time... well, that's hard for some people to understand. Me too. What did you call me in that other post - a goober? I'd feel bad except that you rated me up. Thx.

EG, I assume you mean me here? I wasn't aware I had it out for you. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, though.

Also, goober is a term of endearment.
#44 Jan 24 2005 at 7:29 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
I thought Terms of Endearment was a movie... and a book... but thanks! Actually a goober is a boiled peanut. Commonly used to mean any peanut, but in old Americana refereing to boiled peanuts - probably has roots in a West African language.... Smiley: drunk
#45 Jan 25 2005 at 1:54 AM Rating: Decent
Twas' a then thar Civil Waaaar Term.
Ever hear the song " Goobers and Peas " ?
#46 Jan 25 2005 at 6:19 AM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
Terms of Endearment is a movie, but it got it's name from the phrase.

And maybe I have a thing for boiled peanuts, lol
#47 Jan 25 2005 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
Oh yeah no solo at all in EQ1 :p

uh... ya right, tell that to my necro, druid, bard and mage.

Edited, Thu Jan 20 13:51:13 2005 by sotonin

And those are melee class's ???? Try to follow or maybe even read a post before you show your (.)

#48 Jan 25 2005 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts


Edited, Tue Jan 25 16:37:50 2005 by ArcosKojin
#49 Jan 25 2005 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
I soloed my Guardian to 21. Mainly quests and hunts, rarely, if ever, doing any sort of "grind". I'm not saying that Guardians are the best soloers, mind, just that I was able to get that far. Then a quest stumped and frustrated me and I promptly started a new character... well, two new characters.

I'm going to try to solo my scout to 20. I'm about halfway to level 12 predator and so far, never had too much problems fighting the beasties I've encountered. I haven't fought any gnolls yet (I did punk a gnoll pup when it was blue to me though... :/). What I've found is, I can solo orange mobs much better than with my warrior. If my HO's land and I don't fubar the stun-backstab routine, I usually get out of the fight with green life bar. If not, then it drops to yellow~orange. With my warrior, I would always get into mid-yellow~orange. And both are well equipped for their class and level.

I found Karach the Spider Queen up this morning

I hate that bastage. She ambushed me once and in my frightened state, I leaped off the cliff... died.

I swore revenge. I picked myself up and prepared for war... WAAAARRRR!!!!!

It was an epic encounter, we clashed, steel to furry leg and poisoned fang to beatened shield... ours was a dance of death. She did her poison shower thingie and I did all the HO's I knew. I got her to very very deep red health... and I promptly died from her poison.

I swore! ... and then I swore a second revenge. I prepared again for WAAAAARRRRR!!!! This time, I studied Battle Tactics and when I finally engaged her, at a strategic moment, I used the skill Hunker Down. For a short time, the only pain I felt was the burning sensation of her poison shower thingie, which she, again, used against me midway through.

Once Hunker Down wore off, I unleashed my HO-fu. First I stunned her, then I blinded her and finally wounded her. Anytime there was an opening, I kicked her where it hurts... in the eyes! The battle seemed to go on for eternity.

Suddenly, I found myself standing above her battered and dismembered corpse, a puddle of green blood drenching the grass beneath us. I took a moment--okay, I took a long time--to patch my wounds and catch my breath.

I discovered an item, I forget what it was, but knew it to be from a previous victim. I sold that item for all I needed was the knowledge of my victory over that bastage of a spider.
#50 Jan 25 2005 at 6:56 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Heheh! Good job!

I hate her too. At lvl 15 my summoner could *barely* kill her (and only after several aborted attempts).

I'm now 16, and she's still green - but she's no pushover. That poison is a killer.

I'd think a priest could trash her easier as long as he got cure noxious off fast - to keep that poison damage down. It's a DoT.
#51 Jan 26 2005 at 9:24 AM Rating: Decent
494 posts
You should purchase potions. They usually have a decently low cast/use time and can take care of stuff like that. I keep a few on me at all times.
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