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People keep telling me that melee classes can solo in EQ 2Follow

#1 Jan 20 2005 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent

People keep telling me melee classes can solo in EQ 2. So I am going to put my plans to make a necro on hold and try it. I did some research and according to what I found a warrior would be the best soloable melee class. I have no in game experience yet (damn video card) so I would appreciate the point of view of people with some in-game time as to which melee class would be the best soloer.
#2 Jan 20 2005 at 8:43 AM Rating: Excellent
494 posts
Just to give you options...

I play a Shadowknight, currently about to ding 27. Throughout my career as a shadowknight I have not once had a problem soloing regular xp mobs, and most named quest mobs (provided they were green, usually group con ^^, though I can take SOME blue named)

I see by your sig you are familiar with EQ1, so you are familiar with EQ con system. Well EQ2 continues using this system, but expands upon it using suggested force.

Example of different mob cons:

a cackling cadaver

a skeletal lieutenant ^^

Archfiend Izzoroth ^^^
Group x2

Back to my original reason for posting. As a shadowknight, I have yet to have any problems in soloing any solo flagged mob up to orange, and some red (provided it is only red by 1 level, MAYBE 2). I can solo most Group flagged ^ or ^^ encounters up to blue con.

The best advice I can give, regardless of what class you choose, you will be able to solo. To be effective, however, you must keep your Spells, Abilities, and equipment up to date. If you get a new spell or ability, don't iummediately switch out one of your old ones. Get AppIII or higher (preferably Adept, or if you happen across it, Master) upgrades for it before you even bother relying on the spell.

When you get a new spell (Apprentice I), you are casting at (can someone confirm this?) an effective 3 or 4 levels lower than your actual level. Apprentice IV I think will bring it up to your current level of casting, while Adept (EDIT: Corrected this, used to say Master.. oops) will enhance it to +1 level.

Edited, Thu Jan 20 10:26:29 2005 by gxm
#3 Jan 20 2005 at 10:37 AM Rating: Default
248 posts
Going to have to disagree here. Been playing an SK since release, and I have already had to cancel the account. This kind of false advertising is likely going to get Sony into trouble one of these days.
I can solo the mobs that state :SOLO under their names, but there is seldom any point. At level 24, I receive 1/8th of 1% for each solo kill. Meaning that I would require 800 such kills in order to advance. Ridiculous.
I have also tried the "questing" thing. Again, rubbish. Quest are grossly deficient, the xp is laughable, and the payoff is never, ever worth the effort. A quest that cons red to a 24 SK will net 1.5% xp. At a red con. Ridiculous.
Tradeskilling has suffered a pathetically endless list of nerfs, making it a waste of time now, as no gain can be made from it. The characters themselves do not really progress in any meaningful fashion: I.E. you do not direct what increases are made in statistics as levels increase and all level based abilities/spells/traits are utterly valueless. AND THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME.
So, that left exploring. I wandered around Nek and TS and a few other places, and was overcome with the dreary SAMENESS of all game content. There was nothing interesting or original in any of it. At all.
Grouping it is then!
Oh, wait, I started playing EQ2 because it was advertised to be "soloable" and "friendly to the casual player".
I hate being swindled.
DDO Cannot get here fast enough.

I really, really wanted this game to be as advertised. This is the last time I invest any time/effort into any game tainted by SOE. The began with such a GREAT idea, and just like EQ1, they let greed ruin it. Funny that all the game studios on earth have learned from EQ's mistakes except the company that owns it.
I posted a FAR less inflammatory version of this post on the EQ2 website and timed how long it took the mods to trash it. 26 minutes. Hmmm.... A little insecure SOE?
40% of the people I started with are gone, and no new people have showed up to take their place. I've started warning off other players from doing this to themselves, and wish I had listened when the beta team from my EQ1 guild returned to say it was on. On the WoW that is.
Dammit. Should have listened.
#4 Jan 20 2005 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
494 posts
I'm not sure which "red" quests you have been doing, but the last 2 or 3 I did gave me between 15% and 30% xp at 26... /shrug.

As far as solo content, yes - killing a solo mob while soloing will give about 1/8%-1/4%, but killing group mobs of the same con color while in a group gives the same amount, if not less. I find killing Green con group ^^ mobs is some of the better xp, you get more for each kill and they barely do any damage to me. I end fights with over 80% health and only have to let my power charge back up. If I am using a decent drink then that takes very little time. I can probably do 1% xp in appx 10 minutes killing green group ^^ mobs. That is usually 2 or MAYBE 3 kills max.

So far I am having a blast. I can solo just as effectively as I can group. I prefer to group myself, I just have more fun working with others and taking on harder challenges.

So far I haven't seen any of the false advertising you have mentioned. Perhaps you just had a different idea of what this game was.
#5 Jan 20 2005 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
I agree i am not sure what solo content you have been killing or what quest you have been doing but your experiance is nothing compaired to mine Nagafen.

I have soloed all four classes btw and if you are skilled at HO there is little to choose between them.

Edited, Thu Jan 20 12:49:09 2005 by tarv
#6 Jan 20 2005 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
Going to have to disagree here. Been playing an SK since release, and I have already had to cancel the account. This kind of false advertising is likely going to get Sony into trouble one of these days.
I can solo the mobs that state :SOLO under their names, but there is seldom any point. At level 24, I receive 1/8th of 1% for each solo kill. Meaning that I would require 800 such kills in order to advance. Ridiculous.
I have also tried the "questing" thing. Again, rubbish. Quest are grossly deficient, the xp is laughable, and the payoff is never, ever worth the effort. A quest that cons red to a 24 SK will net 1.5% xp. At a red con. Ridiculous.

Mmmm must be just you then I get 1% exp per 3 green solo kills in NF or FG. A little better for blues on the same mobs.

So, that left exploring. I wandered around Nek and TS and a few other places, and was overcome with the dreary SAMENESS of all game content. There was nothing interesting or original in any of it. At all.
Grouping it is then!
Oh, wait, I started playing EQ2 because it was advertised to be "soloable" and "friendly to the casual player".
I hate being swindled.
DDO Cannot get here fast enough.

I yhink the game looks much better and I don't see this "sameness" at all. The zones are all diif looking and offer lots of eye candy. Look at EQ1 WK,NK,SK,EK for 1 could all be 1 big zone :P

As for leaving looks like that would be the best for you. Maybe you should tray WoW or goto EQ1 if you don't have it already. Oh yeah no solo at all in EQ1 :p WoW has tons of solo stuff tho you do have to worry about the PKing in that game.

40% of the people I started with are gone, and no new people have showed up to take their place. I've started warning off other players from doing this to themselves, and wish I had listened when the beta team from my EQ1 guild returned to say it was on. On the WoW that is.
Dammit. Should have listened

Thats there choice also tho I don't see the numbers like you do. Unless there where 10 of you who started together from EQ1 and 4 quit hehehe. Almost all the peeps I came here with from EQ1 like it better. No uber super players here and no high level losers camping low level mobs for there loot only. And I can SOLO everyday if I want :)
#8 Jan 20 2005 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
494 posts
I play 4 hours 2 nights of the week, and 6 hours one night a week with mayne a couple extra hours here and there. I am about to ding 27... I wouldn't say that I have had any problems.
#9 Jan 20 2005 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
Melee can solo, slow perhaps, but it is possible.

There are several quests that are perfectly suited for a solo player, the better ones are not though. There is no way that the Armour Quests (lvl 20 and up) can be done alone, only the first one.

I'm lvl 23 at the moment (paladin), done about 234 quests that got me this high in lvl. I've never spent a day in one spot to get the xp, like I often did in EQ I. It took me about 7 months to get my paladin in EQ I to lvl 52 (I'm very slow lvler, I know :), I don't think that EQ II will see me lvling faster yet I do know that I grouped a heck of a lot more out of necessity in EQ I to get xp. You can do this in EQ II too, it isn't that necessary to do though, and this is an improvement.

Not everything can be done solo, nor should it. But you can get far with soloing a lot and joining groups when this is needed, I still feel that it's a good blend so far.
#10 Jan 20 2005 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
121 posts
If you choose what you are solo'ing then you can usually do pretty well as far as experience is concerned. As was already stated, go for very green (one or two levels away from grey) ^^ group mobs, as these will be the only group level mobs you'll be able to solo consistantly.

At 20ish you should be able to solo the scarecrows in Antonica, 31ish you can do the green giants in TS. Just a few examples, that should score you about .5 to .75 xp per mob, and they really arent hard as long as you keep your Agility up (at least from what I've found) as the mobs find it hard to hit you.

For melee solo I've seen 25+ scouts usually do the best, once again due to their high agility, monks/bruisers as well. These classes insure very few situations where the mob will actually hit you more than a few times per fight (or in the case of my solo run against the giants so I could get enough idols twice)... In 2 full days of fighting lvl 27 giants and goliaths (yes, that's a total of 2 times I was hit).

If you're set on solo, and using a fighter class then I would definately go Monk/Bruiser then SK/Pally then Bezerker/Guardian. I'm not saying that these classes cannot solo, far from it. But I've noticed that they tend to down the mobs faster when soloing in that order, making it more efficient.

Hope that helps, and as alwasy, just my opinion based on what I've experienced.
#11 Jan 20 2005 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
248 posts

Edited, Thu Jan 20 12:53:03 2005 by Nagafen
#12 Jan 20 2005 at 12:51 PM Rating: Default
248 posts
I do appreciate your input, andI will be looking into other games. City of Heroes has been recommended to me a lot lately, and I must say, it sounds fun as all get out.
I have to state though, that it isnt just me, and while Im not going to research stats for you ((I play this game for FUN, not to practice law)) I will tell you that only a handful of my transplanted guild remains.
In all fairness, and without rancor, even considering the problems objectively, I am left with the same feeling of having been had.
Sony coerced me into aquiring this latest brainchild by deceiving me into the belief that it could be a rewarding solo game. It's even on the box, Im looking at it right now.
I dont like to do business with disreputable people, and these latest "patches, fixes and efforts to improve the game" Have cured me of any further patronage of Sony or it's products.
#13 Jan 20 2005 at 1:51 PM Rating: Default
Oh yeah no solo at all in EQ1 :p

uh... ya right, tell that to my necro, druid, bard and mage.

Edited, Thu Jan 20 13:51:13 2005 by sotonin
#14 Jan 20 2005 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
494 posts
Offtopic tangent, but yeah, my various Shadowknights in EQ1 could solo, not WELL... but if there was nothing else to do I didn't have to be bored.
#15 Jan 20 2005 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
Ok when I hear that this game is supposed to be cassual gamer friendly I think hmmm maybe I can actually make somthing of myself without having to play 15+ hours no apparenty not....yeah you can sollo ....if you want to make like 1% every 10 freakin minutes at the max...this is crap ...not fun..solloing for this kind or reward is like watching paint dry..mob after mob after mob...trying to see if the freakin exp bar is actually moving...To Recap...good game if you can glue your *** to a seat for 75% of a 24 hour day..and really sh*tty if you cant and actually have a family to spend time with..for the love of god..make it where soloers can actually make some damn progress and have a meaningfull spot in the game..O and a spot that doesnt take months to obtain....PS this is why the dang bots are so succefull sony..peeps that cant play all day and night buy accounts and gold so that they can actually have fun playin the game...:)..Let the flamer's begin...

You can always quit? 1% an hour even fighting greens will get u 1% every 3 to 4 kills at 25L. Not flaming btw :)
#16 Jan 20 2005 at 6:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
If all you're focussing on in EQ2 is grinding out exp and desparately looking at your exp bar after every kill then you're missing the whole point of the game.

There are so many things to do that get you exp along the way - quests and city writs.

In my 21 levels so far, I've very rarely just knuckled down to get exp with no other objective in mind. I can understand your disatisfaction if this is all you're worried about, it would get dead boring very fast.

After playing a warrior in EQ1 for 4 years and spending way too much time lfg, I'm totally loving EQ2 because, as a Guardian, I can solo, group, fiddle about with quests or craft, which is also awesome especially compared to tradeskills in EQ1, which were a pain in the butt.

Have to admit having my great guild which came over from EQ1 makes all the difference though. Smiley: smile

#17 Jan 20 2005 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
What the hell was that guy talking about? I'm a level 21 Templar and I can solo level 26 (red) skeletons in TS for FANTASTIC exp without going below 80% health or 40% power. Make my own food and drink, which means it's practically free and keeps downtime to a minimum. Sell harvests and quest. I haven't grouped in a long, long time (waitin' for a friend to catch up).

Nope. No problems soloing here. Are priests just better at it? (Better not say that too loud. Don't want to give the balance police a reason to get all nerf-happy.)
#18 Jan 20 2005 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
What the hell was that guy talking about? I'm a level 21 Templar and I can solo level 26 (red) skeletons in TS for FANTASTIC exp without going below 80% health or 40% power. Make my own food and drink, which means it's practically free and keeps downtime to a minimum. Sell harvests and quest. I haven't grouped in a long, long time (waitin' for a friend to catch up).

Nope. No problems soloing here. Are priests just better at it? (Better not say that too loud. Don't want to give the balance police a reason to get all nerf-happy.)
#19 Jan 20 2005 at 7:18 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Okay, this is to the OP - and this is important to you. If you really played a druid and necro that high up in old EQ, you're going to probably hate trying to solo w/ a warrior type in EQ2.

Yes, it is doable - yes, if you're used to a meleer in old EQ or other games EQ2's meleers are better (they can solo, they have more buttons to push, etc.). But if you're used to true soloing classes you are going to be so bored soloing as a meleer in EQ2.

The variety of tactics and spells is what kept me going in old EQ - also knowing in just three more levels I get "wolf form!" and can do all sorts of cool stuff (like not getting attacked in Unrest!) - there were SO many new and very cool spells to look forward to. In EQ2 there are almost none. Scouts get group evac at 25, some people get animal form at 20 (where pals and sks get a horsie) - but nothing like the oomph, usefulness and variety of spells in the old game.

If you want to solo and if you want to make decent progress, you have to kill group mobs. Don't listen to other people who basically tell you that this kind of mentality is bad and to stop and smell the roses or something. My computer doesn't have smellorama, and neither does yours for one thing. For another, smelling the roses in these games just plain gets old.

Where EQ2 misses out big is in luring or tempting you to want to grind. The overemphasis on making all classes equal to each other means no class stands out- and consequentially no spells or abilities stand out - you are not working for a spell that will open doors for you, let you fly, make you uber - make your life so much easier -finally let you kill that badasp critter - or let you exp faster ---- no, your news spells, with only a few exceptions, are jsut slightly better than the old ones and do basically the same thing. The only difference is yer no longer grinding on gnolls and skels, you're grinding on giants and centaurs now.

As none of the spells really stand out so far - same w/ the bulk of the magic items. There is not this "must have fever" that made old eq so exciting for me. I'm sorry to be so down on the game - and notice - other folks love it and disagree w/ me.

Soling *is doable* by all classes. But SoE did lie when they said the game would suppot the casual player - it doesn't. Er, if you are truly casual your experience is going to be so lame, your progress so awful... yeah, SoE lied. Others disagree, of course, but from my standpoint there is no question: Sony lied.

Just be warned, this is what you're going to face, at least as I see it. GL!
#20 Jan 20 2005 at 10:57 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
SoE lied about it being for casual players if you ever expected a casual player to reach lvl 50 in 3 months.....

In the grand scheme of things for it to be casual player friendly a casual player that bought EQ2 on release will just about reach lvl 50 by the time the first expansion comes out. Thats playing 1 charicter.

To make the game any more casual friendly would make the game too easy and remove any challange.

Playing EQ2 is not the game for you if you want to be Uber without effort, any EQ1 player should understand that.

The fact that a casual player can solo with any class at any level shows friendliness to that type of player, but to expect to be racing through the game as a casual player takes away from those who put more effort into the game.

My wife is a hardcore player, i am a casual player

I have 4 chars lvl 15-22, she has 5 chars lvl 15-27 since Dec 1st.
#21 Jan 20 2005 at 11:29 PM Rating: Default
dont listen to all those bad people above me they dont understand all that is eq. i played eq1 ever since velious and i loved that game and i love this game. if you wanta be uber in 5 days with loads of uber gear and stuff like that then plz i beg you get your ugly *** over to WoW i hear they have lots of openings for 12 year old boys over there. o and on your way over to WoW check in a mirror and see if your balls have droped yet. i dont give a ****** hooten holoren for what the "casual gamer" thinks. as you people are the pople the make sony spew out "nerfs" as you refer to the patches they have implaced. so go on to your bliz game. i played the beta and it was a total waiste of time and space the graphics suck so much and the people who play WoW are total *** holes they dont give advise or help others out in game as most people in eq2 do.
#22 Jan 21 2005 at 12:05 AM Rating: Decent
29 posts
Sony coerced me into aquiring this latest brainchild by deceiving me into the belief that it could be a rewarding solo game.

Coerced you????
Did sony come to your door and hold a gun to your head?As a 24 defiler I solo quite effectively, so I have no idea what you are talking about. You seem to be the perfect guy for WOW ( which I also have but never play, maybe they coerced me hmmmm!)
Its made for people with no attention span and ride the little bus to school so have fun man.
P.S. Airbud is not playing at the movies!
#23 Jan 21 2005 at 12:36 AM Rating: Decent
Though I'm finding it more difficult to solo what I used to do now that I'm 21, I still think it can be a worthwile solo experience. If you goal is to reach 50 in 3 months...then no you can't solo, but I've never though of any MMO as one you try to 'finish' or race to the upper levels... as long as the game gives the user plenty of things to do (which it far).

the one thing I like about this game is that I can solo for the most part and if I need to group up..its very easy. Unlike FFXI which almost forces the user to group up after level 15 or so.
#24 Jan 21 2005 at 2:26 AM Rating: Decent
285 posts
You seem to be the perfect guy for WOW ( which I also have but never play, maybe they coerced me hmmmm!)
Its made for people with no attention span and ride the little bus to school so have fun man.
P.S. Airbud is not playing at the movies!
You're so right. WoW smells bad and has cooties, too. o_O

I have to side with EvilGnomes on this one. You can solo, but unless you like a LOT of repetition with nothing to really look forward to but an upgrade to one your four key spells/abilities every time you level up, you won't want to solo. Every class can solo decently and group decently. They've really gone out of their way to ensure that no one class is a superior choice for solo play or group inclusion. That will appeal to some players, but if you're coming from the big soloing classes in EQ, I don't know that this is the game for you. Yes, melees can solo. So can mages. So can scouts and, you guessed it, so can priests. All can do it decently, but it's not as beneficial to progress as grouping. It truly has been tuned to the lowest common denominator. If nothing else, this absolutely the most fair and balanced game around (and I don't necessarily mean that in a good way).

My playtime has lessened drastically of late. It's not that I don't have time to play, it's that I can't bring myself to log in and grind mindlessly for hours just to see that little orange bar creep a few pixels. Maybe you can handle it if you have 65, 68 and 70 characters on EQ, but I sure as hell can't anymore. This, BTW, is all coming from an old-school epic EQ necro (back when epic actually meant something).

Sure, there are areas to explore. There are a whopping four areas worth going to at any given level at this point (two if you're soloing). Sure, you can do easy quests or camp barely-green ^^ named spawns for drops you can sell in lower-level zones (who says camping is dead?). I guess there's a little variety, but--in perhaps the only facet I can think of in which creativity applies--you will have to be creative to find it.

There's always crafting. Crafting is fun on the intricacy and strategy level of pong. Use X effect to speed progress, Use Y effect to salvage durability, counter the little symbols that pop up with the X or Y effect that has the corresponding symbol. I won't argue that it's far more advanced and involved than EQ was, but if you're looking to craft fulltime, you'll want to wait for something else to hit the market. Oh, and you practically have level up adventuring to continue crafting past level 30 (unless you can afford to pay for tier 3 resources on the market).

The bottom line? If you have a strong guild and/or friends to team up with, it can be fun. If you're social and patient enough to enjoy pick-up groups, it can be fun. If you enjoy repepepetitive mindless grinding solo, it can be fun. However, if you're looking forward to the next level of that solo experience you had in EQ, keep on looking. It ain't here.

I'm not sure SoE really lied, per se, but the truth they told was so vague as to mislead hopeful players into buying it and being disappointed. Is it as bad as lying? You bet. Unfortunately, they aren't going to get into legal trouble for what boils down to clever--albeit deceitful--marketing.
#25 Jan 21 2005 at 6:24 AM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Sahmhane - thanks - yes. You got it.

Tarv, you often make great points - but you totally missed what I was saying. I didn't mean I'm disappointed cuz it's not easy to level - Sony isn't supporting soloing because it is so dreary and dull. It's an afterthought... it's *barely* there. It's - okay- so - you got to have it... okay, have this old bone here - have this ort, this crumb.

Vermont - I must somehow set you off. Again, I'm not talking about ease of play. I'm talking about give me a reason to do all the work. If you really played old EQ you know what I'm talking about. Let's take druid in old EQ. Hard to get to 14 -or it was for me. No twinkage- kunark wasn't out yet. But I fought my way up to 14 - and my world totally changed. In that game SoW meant something. It was fast, and I had a whole new range of tactics to try. And wolf form was coming up - and charm animal.

When Kunark came - man - I could even use charm and panic animal. Then I learned to quad. And there were killer TPs to look forward to. That excitement in the spells- that variation - it's not here. Yeah it's a different game - but what - that means I can't talk about it? There's some sort of rule?

Now please, don't just get excited and flame me - tell me how I'm wrong - go point by point. If EQ2 doesn't reward me for grindng but it rewards you, tell me what I'm missing. Cuz I'll tell you, all I am fighting for is the chance to stop killin Gnolls and skels and to go kill centaurs and giants instead. Using the same tactics. That just doesn't fuel my fire, sorry. So again, what am I missing pls?

Edited, Fri Jan 21 06:25:45 2005 by EvilGnomes
#26 Jan 21 2005 at 6:31 AM Rating: Good
98 posts
My wife and I are both casual gamers. Let me define "casual" to you: 4-5 hours *per week*. We just have too many other things going to spend much more time than that.

I've played since release and have 4 characters between 15 and 20, with my highest being level 19 right now (that character is a crusader, incidentally, and will be a paladin when he dings 20).

My wife has played since about 2-3 weeks after release. She doesn't like to mess around with alts. She rolls a character and sticks with him come hell or high water. Her character, a cleric, just dinged 15 not too long ago.

Yes there is a grind in this game...for people who like to grind. Do you HAVE to grind away xp? Well, I certainly haven't. And neither has my wife. We don't have enough time to spend it "grinding", doing the same pointless activities over and over.

So far, the game has been *extremely* casual-player friendly to us. There is always something for us to do that gives us a sense of accomplishment and advancement.

Now here's the thing: If you only have casual player time, then you have to ALSO have a casual player mindset, otherwise you need to seriously prepare for disappointment.

As a casual player I have no right to expect my advancement to be anywhere near as fast as the power gamers. No rigth whatsoever. But I do have the right to expect to be able to log in for 20-30 minutes, here and there, and advance my character. And EQ2 has nailed this! My wife and I can do precisely that, and we're very happy with EQ2!
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