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Many lost things from EQ1...Greed not one of themFollow

#1 Jan 20 2005 at 2:19 AM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
Was grouping today with my 13 summoner in the scarecrow fields in Antonica. Had 3 others in the group, leader was a warrior, other two was melee's. Anyways things was doing great and all of a sudden My Adept 1 pet spell drops!!! Hurray Upgrade from the lvl 2. We all agreed NBG...well except one. And he ended up winning the lottery roll (other two didn't even roll).

It wouldn't be so upsetting it was just the way he acted about it. He acted like we was all in the wrong cause he has a lower level summoner alt he can use it with.

And to further the situation he logs out and logs his summoner on and starts sending me nasty messages calling me a lair and things that had nothing to do with the situation. I never at any point said I didn't believe he had a alt summoner. I also told him to just keep it if it means that much. Anyways got to use Ignore for the first time today. Not the first time this ever happened to me. Lost a random on a druid spell in Velious with EQ1 to a Ranger who had a lvl 5 druid alt lol.

#2 Jan 20 2005 at 2:28 AM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
That's a bummer.

Listen, check the broker all the time - sometimes people sell adept 1 pets for less than the going high rate (on my server a gold or more, often, is the average price).

Also /ooc occasionally in Antonica smething like this - "Hi, need adept 1 Tellurian Recruit but only have 53 silver (or whatever u have) - can someone pls sell it to me?" You might get lucky. Always go out into antonica w/ a wholesaler task. They are 12 silver each. Tuber, iron, maple are really easy to finish. Pelts, turquoise and electrum are harder cuz those nodes drop junk other than what u need. (u know what this quest is right? Join a tradeskill society in yer hometown and talk to the guy at the front desk). GL
#3 Jan 20 2005 at 2:37 AM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
Yea I actually got 2 quests I need to do here. I got the 15 pelts for wayfarers. Also got a kill 10 deer from a knight.

Right now I have aroudn 20 silver, but I feel like I have some semi valuable tradeskill items I might be able to sell.
#4 Jan 20 2005 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
494 posts
Normally I don't do NBG, because it CAN land you in sticky situations. I prefer strict lotto, but if someone in the group does indeed need the drop, and they voice that they need it, I don't have a problem giving it up if I win it.

Spells, in my opinion, should have ALMOST a special consideration when it is one that someone in the group can immediately use. I've never given it a second thought when it comes to someone getting a needed spell while in a group.

Same thing sorta applies to quest drops. If you are in a group and someone is working on a quest, whether they mention it up front or not, don't snatch quest items up for yourself if someone has been trying to get it for a while. It can get iffy at times, but my best advice is to just use common sense. If you give up an item they really need, chances are they will return the kindness.

#5 Jan 20 2005 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
499 posts

Edited, Thu Jan 20 12:53:19 2005 by jakstrw
computer farted.

Edited, Thu Jan 20 12:52:52 2005 by jakstrw
#6 Jan 20 2005 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
499 posts

Edited, Thu Jan 20 12:53:39 2005 by jakstrw
almost finished

Edited, Thu Jan 20 12:53:14 2005 by jakstrw
#7 Jan 20 2005 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
499 posts
The endless argument of NBG. I actually had an interresting experience with this last night. Killing NB's and got some rubicite to drop. I win the roll on the drop and ofcouse the tank says, "I need that, can I have it?" I did give it to him because he was doing a great job tanking and he deserved it.

Now, I was having a look at future upgrades that I am going to need for my spells. I got in touch with a guy who I have bought all my spell upgrades from and got some prices from him. Any and all adept3 spell upgrades for lvls 40-50 will run me 2.5 platt. Nice gear for heavy classes drops all the time and I always give it up. I'm starting to think that selling these drops for 40-50 gold is going to be the only way to upgrade my spells. I'm kinda torn on what to do and can't really make up my mind where I stand on NBG.

I think the main thing is to discuss ahead of time how the loots are going to be handled. I'm just afraid that one day a master is going to drop for one of my spells and the tank is going to win the roll. Then when I ask for it, he's going to say, "No, I'm going to sell that and buy a set of rubicite."
#8 Jan 20 2005 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
494 posts
It's definately a double edged blade. On one hand if you help someone they might help you, on the other you might never get what you want, and you are giving away your only means to acquire what you are looking for.

It's always a tough decision. Personally, as a tank, if I were given a set of rub greaves, I would be quite grateful and probably insist on at least giving you something from my inventory of moderate worth in compensation.

It's just all in who you group with I guess. Try to be a good judge of character, but don't force the 'I scratch your back, you scratch mine' stance. Just let it happen if it does.
#9 Jan 20 2005 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
NBG will hopefully be comfined to guild groups when the game has settled down, it has no place in pick up groups where people are just passing aquaintances.

That Adept drop that the tank got will most likely be traded like for like for one that he needs so it can easily be argued that he needs it as much as you.

Lotto everything or Alpha loot is the way to go, and don't expect that because an item is your class it must be yours: That is greed if ever there was an example.

In Guild or regular groups you are working to the overall benefit of the party in the long term, in pick up groups each person is equally entitled to gain from being in the group.
#10 Jan 20 2005 at 5:47 PM Rating: Good
382 posts
I never though of it that way but Tarv has a point. As an example I found when fighting giants a lot of scout type adept’s drop. All the parties I’ve ever been in was entitled to their own adepts that dropped. But if you look at it at Tarvs point of view I think that is the safest bet and a better way of handling it.

Let the lotto do its work. If a person receives a drop that you may need, perhaps a trade of something of equal value can be achieved.

Personally I like the party systems I’ve been accustom to allowing other players to utilize the drops right then in there. In truth I’ve yet to see a drop for myself as far as adepts go. I just think it’s polite to hand the drops over. I craft for my coin so I never look at a drop as “good I need that to upgrade something.”

I will say if you take down a named mob I’d like to think anyone is entitled to that drop. The value on that item is going to be higher I just think it’s best to let lotto to decide, not your class in that case.

However I’ve seen some really great parties turn in to a full out war over drops. Letting lotto decided ensure a smooth enjoyable party in at least those regards. Here’s an example of that and this honestly does **** me off.

Let’s say player x gets a drop player y needs. When player y requests the drop from player x, player x states “Oh sorry my alt needs it, or a guildy needs it”. In regards to that is your alt here right now? Did this guild member help take down this mob?

See right there creates a problem. Honestly when people do that, I even get upset. But these types of situations could be avoided if Tarvs statement was practiced more often.

Again I like the party system now, although it hasn’t played in my favor yet. I’m fine with however that party wants to handle it. Imo I think letting lotto handle it wouldn’t create those problems.

Edited, Thu Jan 20 17:49:48 2005 by toxicmoon
#11 Jan 20 2005 at 8:06 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
My fury was in an SH group and a rogue adept dropped. No rogues in party. Warrior won it. I have a rogue alt - I asked him "could i pls trade u for that?" He said whatcha got? I showed him a zerker adept, same basic lvl. He said, cool. We swapped.

If an adept for a class appears in Lotto window and someone in group is that class, before declining i do asap something like "/g ThatPlayer probably needs that - ThatPlayer, you already got that one as adept?" He either says yes or no. If no, I gsay "I'm declining - ThatPlayer needs it". I'm not telling anyone else what to do. But I'm trying to be noble and lead by example. So far people tend to go w/ the spirit of that - you feel like such a heel if you don't.

This bypasses the whole NBG arguement - which I think is silly - a guy in a group finally sees that rare adept- and he's not going to be allowed to have it?? That's UTTERLY HEARTLESS.

I don't mean to be going head to head w/ you here Toxic and Tarv - your points are well made. I just can't get over the fact that in my own head "it is utterly heartless" to deny some other player a rare thing he really needs.

And again, try being generous - it pays off in the long run. Don't believe me? In old EQ about the time of Velious I'd sort of fallen into an antisocial mode w/ my old druid - soloing way too much, etc. But there was this guy who boxed a gnome cleric and a dwarf warrior - really friendly - talked me into grouping w/ him some. I got way less exp than soloing, but we could take out badasp named mobs and get items. Well one day it turned out I had already soloed a named mob - and I just gave him the uber pair of gloves it dropped when I saw him later on (they were rare at the time , gave big wis plus for gloves , and his cleric really needed wis). He was completely blown away by that.

Well, it turned out his RL older brother was in a big up and coming guild. When my pal got invited into the guild, he made a point of telling them they should invite me, too. In part we were friends but also - he wanted to pay me back for just giving him an uber item. Well, I got in, and that guild grew to become the *top* raiding guild on the server. I got all my planar items - got so much uber dragon loot it was silly. Got my epic. That one act of generosity paid me back 100 fold or more.

Toxic - the other was funny - but it's good to see you back to normal. GL all!
#12 Jan 20 2005 at 9:06 PM Rating: Good
382 posts
Thanks for noticing Evil Gomes =)

No I agree with you whole heartily. Like I said I’m used to parties as you described “Need before greed”. However not everyone feels that way. It’s because of that imo I think things would run more smoothly Free for all.

Granted if everyone feels the same and it’s established how drops are handled great. But I’ve never seen that discussed before a party. Normally I see “Hey I need that” me or other player “No problem, here ya go”. That’s fine. But it doesn’t always go down like that.

With my example before of that person claiming they need it for someone in their guild or Alt. Well there not in the party, the person in that party fought the mob and is entitled to it more then someone outside the party.

But that’s the thing about it. Some people don’t feel that way. I like the current system but when people like that join in, it changes the enjoyable happy atmosphere in a hurry. If you look at it in the other way that problem is avoided. I’d rather loose out on a drop then start a flame war with another char. I just want to enjoy myself like the next guy.

The Need before greed system does work. But there’s times when it will totally ***** you over. Least the other way you have something material wise you earned in the exp grind. I don’t know it’s just the higher I go up in levels the more greedy people I see like my examples. This other way is snipping that problem in the bud. But you’re right it does create another problem, and that’s those rare adept drops. Lord knows I’ve yet to see one for my Paladin to date. But let’s say one drops tomorrow and that guy states “My guildy needs it”. Ouch after Declining adept drops for 20 levels, just ouch. If I put those 20 levels worth of adept selling income together couldn’t I buy mine?

Anyway that’s why I craft. I can’t rely on others to auntie that adept I need.There’s know perfect way of handling this is their? Hehe

BTW - I was invited to my guild pretty much the same way =). Me and this guy did AQ2 together, I think that’s the one where you have to kill all those bears. Anyway he got confused and picked up the wrong quest after we were completed. The next day as soon as I logged I made it my first priority to help him kill all those bears again like I say I would.

Yes I’ve seen greed in this game like all the other ones. But I must say I’ve never seen so much courteousness and acts of kindness like in this game before.

Edited, Thu Jan 20 21:11:27 2005 by toxicmoon
#13 Jan 21 2005 at 9:18 AM Rating: Decent
494 posts
I agree, and that is what I practice. NBG really only belongs in guild or groups of friends that play together regularly. NBG ends up causing more problems than it solves in pick-up groups. But if I really don't need something and someone else can obviously use it, I usually let them take it.

I won a very decent dagger one night, but im a SK, wth am I gonna use it for other than sell. I asked the assassin if he wanted it. I think later on he gave me something he won. It wasn't something I needed, but he told me he thought I could at least sell it for a decent price.

The fact is, if a group is lotto, you aren't entitled to any of the drops unless you win the lotto. If you want to trade someone for the drop go ahead, but send them a tell or just maybe mention in the group, 'damn, I really needed that - oh well im sure well get more, grats on win'.

#14 Jan 21 2005 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
i like to use NBG, but if im not playing with friends in a group i just go solo/craft/quest so i dont see alot of the greed from pickup groups.
#15 Jan 21 2005 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
In pickup groups, which are the mainstay of my grouping existance, I always do lotto for items. If someone in the group needs something which drops, I always include myself in the roll for it and then I give it to them (I think of this as increasingthe odds for that person). I've been fortunate enough to have been in groups where everyone is pretty much of the same mindset (NBG). We don't fight over it, if a person wins a drop that another player needs, we all usually urge the player to hand it over but I've never seen a fight over it. If Ihave something of value in my inventory, I'll offer it in trade.
If you really want NBG, it should be stated clearly at the beginning of the group and all should know that NBG is for present characters, not alts or guildies. If nobody can use the item, it goes to the player that wins it in lotto. I include drops off named mobs in this too. Yes, they can sell for great coin sometimes which can lead to an upgrade, but it's pretty crappy towards other players who only get to see that rare great item in the drop screen and never in their inventory.
As has been pointed out by many in this thread, what goes around, comes around and some day you may get repaid for your kindness. I never expect to be repaid for being nice (it's in my nature) but wow, does it feel great when it happens.
#16 Jan 21 2005 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
I think i wasn't too clear on the way i view drops, i will try again hopefully i can be a still more consice this time <Yeah right and pigs might fly!!>

Ok here goes....

When an item drops for a pick up group, that item should be seen as an oppotunity for every single person in the group to improve thier charicter, not just the person who's class the drop is for.

This is more the case for Adept drops than misc armour.


An adept healer book drops: the healer would get an improvement for that spell, the mage/scout/fighter could trade that adept book for any adept book that is of most use to them. All would be able to improve thier charicter from that drop.

who is being greedy? the cleric for insisting that it must be his or the other three for saying that it should be a random roll to see which person should benefit from the drop?

When a person has won a roll they are excluded from rolling untill all members of the group have won a roll to prevent 1 person winning everything.

This allows for people to show thier goodwill and give the said drop to the healer in exchange for thier opportuntity to roll, while still leaving an even playing field.

What people usually mean by NBG is not "Need before greed" it's, "Greed because i need it."
#17 Jan 21 2005 at 11:18 AM Rating: Default
hey, way to go with the need befroe greed ever time i hear about a good deed being done it makes me happy and feel like i am not alone. most of the time even in pick up groups i try to be the leader so that i can dictate a need befroe greed system. if some has stated befroe like "man i realy need that adpt" then then some one else wins it in lotto and takes it and will not give it up...... i kick that son of a ***** and make sure people in the zone knows he breaks group rules set down by the leader. if you dont like ym rules i tell you that you can leave at eny time. but when a person violates the rules afdter agreeing to them then i kick the bugger and make sure i never group with him again. the need befroe greed system is a great system it was one of those things that held eq1 together. and i can garentee that need befroe greed will take over eq2 and hold the comunity together
#18 Jan 21 2005 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
494 posts
Remind me not to group with you. Not because I am a rule breaker, but because I don't NBG in pickup groups. There are too many factors to say one person needs an item more than the next, regardless of what it is.
#19 Jan 21 2005 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
118 posts
All I can say is that kindness will pay off in the long run. I was selling an item on EQ1 one day, and this guy was like "I only have xx amound of plat, would you sell it for that?" and it was pretty below my asking price, but since he asked nicely and I am too lazy to wait around to sell things, I gave it to him, after which he proceeded to give me about 30k worth of gear for my warrior, who was still wearing crustacean shell armor at lvl 49. Little bit of a payback.
#20 Jan 21 2005 at 5:25 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Hm, this is an interesting point. You've got say Bloom adept 1 dropping, and there is a druid in the group. But the Rogue wins the Lotto saying he can sell or trade it in order to get some Rogue adept later on. And that is justified for the reasons above stated.

I see the "cold" logic of it, but I must say my heart doesn't aree.

Now if I join a group that says "pure lotto, no nbg" - that's the group's pre-existing choice. Okay.

But the overall question "what is right?" ... I just go w/ my heart. I can't in good conscience take one guy's treasured and badly needed drop from him - I just don't feel good about it. I'm not saying you all have to NBG because of this; this is simply my feelings on the matter.

I would say, however, that if one group member takes an adept for a guildmate or because he plans to play that class up one day - something like that - and someone in the group needs it - that this isn't right. I'd probably leave that group in protest, whether or not it was me who was affected.

Again, it must just have something to do w/ thinking how a player would feel seeing the thing he badly needs drop - to feel he worked to get it and now it was his time to be lucky - and then wham, no sir, not now - you don't get it - it is simply "heartless". My opinion, but that's how it is w/ me.
#21 Jan 21 2005 at 5:36 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
The thing is EG i see alot more brawler drops than i see say shaman drops, and the problem in EQ1 was that if spells dropped the melee just stood back and watched the chance of upgrading given straight to the casters, closely followed by the caster bit that dropped and the wis aug to the Ranger but all the classes would roll on a Sta aug.

So i always insist on all rolling on all drops, that way there is no arguements and it leaves people the ability to play good samaritan and give up drops rather than be oblieged <sp> to step aside even if that person has had other drops already.
#22 Jan 21 2005 at 6:32 PM Rating: Decent
I agree with Tarv in having everyone roll on all drops. That way everyone has a chance to profit from the drop.

Let people make their own choice about what their *needs* are without having to defend their decision...

There's a convienient button in the lotto dialog so you can always decline to roll if you feel you don't need it, and if you choose to opt out of one or more rolls for whatever reason, that just improves your own personal Kharma.
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