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Where do you stand financially as opposed to a month ago?Follow

#1 Jan 18 2005 at 10:21 PM Rating: Default
I myself thought it to be near impossible to come up with a gold about a month ago. And now I am finding it much easier to acquire the much needed money to buy upgrades. I find myself buying weapons that cost 40-50 silver just to see how I like them. My apartment is well decorated with those expensive stone walls and floors. And now I'm thinking that the illusive platinum coin might be a reality soon! Yet paying that 5 silver every week for upkeep still kinda irks me =S. So how are you doing?
#2 Jan 18 2005 at 10:33 PM Rating: Good
382 posts
I’m with you Kensi,

When I just started I was always poor. Think I made a post here too asking for suggestions. The suggestions were either A solo for drops or B craft. So I crafted (see sig). Was hard at first with so little money.

Now things are so different. I have a 2 bed room suite, top notch gear, a plat and some change and a good frame of mind. I was pretty stressed out in the beginning and disappointed in my self. I wanted to improve my gear and spells and just couldn’t figure out how to do it. Month later I’m doing fine, stress free and enjoying my self more then ever.

Now I can run around and explore the world and not have any worries on my mind. With the expectation of my plot of revenge on doom squall. If you haven’t met him wish you never do. He jumped me and ate me alive in TS.

Edited, Tue Jan 18 22:34:13 2005 by toxicmoon
#3 Jan 18 2005 at 10:50 PM Rating: Decent
I haven't been in-game for a month but I can tell you that things have improved measurably over the course of the week and a half that I've been playing.

When I first got to Qeynos, I wondered how I would ever be able to afford the 5s a week for my room at the inn. Now, from the *lofty* perch of level 14, I am beginning to see decent drops and am realising a steady income from questing and killing!

I can now afford to tradeskill with the promise of selling some of my goods in the not too distant future and can see the big-big money on the distant horizon.

I've yet to hold my first gold coin but life in Norrath is good...
#4 Jan 18 2005 at 11:03 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
^I agree. When I started I was lucky to get maybe.. 20 silver in a full week of playing. I've tried taking up outfitting, but have only come up to lvl 13. I can't wait until I can make my shiny new armor, and make some decent money off of it ^.^, now I'm not hurting for money, but I wouldn't mind being a bit wealthier.
#5 Jan 18 2005 at 11:17 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
We couldn't resist doing a little wholesaler tasking prenerf. It was just too easy, and we are, after all, EvilGnomes.

It's a lot harder to get money now because our routine was disrupted. But we saved a lot from those days. It's not like we ever got rich, but a two-room apt. and a few pets came our way. We have scholar and another who can do food and maple strongboxes. We ought to play them up to tier 3 ... I'm just too lazy to.
#6 Jan 18 2005 at 11:26 PM Rating: Default
I haven't played for a month yet either... but initially I couldn't see how people fed themselves...

Of course I didn't knwo you could upgrade your spells either.
My intial character was/is:
ELODARIAN, Summoner of the 11th Circle

In the process of killing Forest Guardians I found a Quick Strike Adept I and a Minor Healing Adept I.

Not knowing I would have a Druid, I sold the Minor Healing for 55sp... The buyer ran away laughing at me... little did I know that the spell sells all the time for 1gp on Befallen. /shrug
Live and learn!!!!!!!!!

After combining all my coins I was amazed to find I had amassed 1gp 57sp 93cp...
I put this astounding horde on my crafter,
ARGENTFURY, Warrior of the 16th Swords...
Outfitter of the 17th Hammer...

and viola, I now have over 4gp plus about 5-6gp worth of Iron spikes, studs & sheets... I just keep forgetting to go into vendor mode. (By the time I am quiting for the night I am too tired to set that up... /quit desktop... /snore)

Perhaps I will learn someday...
But as I posted earlier today, I am not motivated by money or I wouldn't be doing the drive-by twinking I did last night. I also wouldn't be selling the PRISTINE TANNED LEATHER BACKPACKS for only 5sp... that is to say when I can find a buyer...
#7 Jan 18 2005 at 11:42 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
Evilgnomes wrote:
We couldn't resist doing a little wholesaler tasking prenerf.

Sadly, I wasn't aware that you could go to the broker and pay for the supplies needed to end the quest. I wish I knew that before, then I might have a little more money now O_o, or did they do away with that as of the latest patch?

I also wouldn't be selling the PRISTINE TANNED LEATHER BACKPACKS for only 5sp

What server did you say you played on? =D

Edited, Tue Jan 18 23:47:06 2005 by SteelGuard
#8 Jan 18 2005 at 11:47 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Sorry, it's gone. It's still worth it to leave town w/ a fresh wholesaler task, but you have to harvest the crud yourself now.

I forgot where I read about it in here, but I thought it was well known. It has a lot to do, I'll bet, with why there is so much money already in the economy. A harvester could load up bags of electrum, iron, maple etc. and get 20 to 60 copper each unit. At tier 2 as long as the quest doer could get the item for under 80 copper he was making a profit. It was a pure money machine... and as it ran you could watch the price of rares, the supply of which remained someone constant, steadily rise.

There are fewer rares in the world now I'll bet, because no one has incentive to harvest. Used to be you'd run around and only see fungi and shrubberies. Now I see all kinds of unharvested nodes everywhere.
#9 Jan 19 2005 at 1:13 AM Rating: Decent
7,861 posts
I was doing fairly decent, then I went and bought the language books. Broke again. Hey, if you're on Perma, currently selling tradeskill me out. Smiley: grin
People don't like to be meddled with. We tell them what to do, what to think, don't run, don't walk. We're in their homes and in their heads and we haven't the right. We're meddlesome. ~River Tam

#10 Jan 19 2005 at 1:23 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
Where can I buy the language books? I'd like to know what they're saying, and as of late I've had money to spare. How much are they? Thanks in advance =D
#11 Jan 19 2005 at 1:48 AM Rating: Decent
I wish they didnt' do away with being able to trade for the wholesaler task...or that they would make it so that you just have to have the item on you, not find it, to complete the quest (though that would have problems with the broker again). Before the wholesaler nerf, I would go out foraging resources for about 6 hours at a time, come back, have my friend hand them into me one at a time till a quest of the right item is complete.

After that I was at about 80 gold, cause I went out for many nights gathering. Then after spending alot, and then selling many boxes my crafter made, sitting around a plat and living large.
#12 Jan 19 2005 at 1:51 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
......... sitting around a plat? Why didn't I take advantage of this ;; I thought it was only around 30 silver per quest completed? You must've had a WHOLE lot of resources on ya. Did they lower the reward? Or is that unchanged? I might check this out.
#13 Jan 19 2005 at 6:37 AM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
It's nerfed, gone. You can do wholesaler's tasks, but u must harvest the stuff yerself. You could buy off people sellin em or trade for credit. Now totally nerfed.

Language primers cost 12 s and are found usualy in the towns where the lang u need is spoken. A book. I think buying it triggers it and gives u the language - never done one - but I remember reading that. GL
#14 Jan 19 2005 at 6:52 AM Rating: Decent
Just sold a Master heal I of some sort for 45gp!
Usually I sell for 5-10 gp per night so Im doing fine.. Havent done much tradeskilling though.. All golds are from drops.
The master chest dropped from a blue^^ I soloed! :D
#15 Jan 19 2005 at 8:54 AM Rating: Decent
121 posts
I lucked out myself, and sold "Anger of the Ancients. Master 1" that I won the lotto on for 1.5 plat. Instead of blowing it all I invested, and have actually turned a profit, and have kept my gear all VERY nice.

If you watch the broker, and control the supply of some high demand items you can usually turn quite the profit.

#16 Jan 19 2005 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
74 posts
I have had a plat a bunch of times but I always end up blowing it on tradeskill and upgrades and adepts and stuff like that.
#17 Jan 19 2005 at 10:59 AM Rating: Good
2,268 posts
Sitting on 55 gold right now, working my way to a plat... The teir 4 harvested goods go for a good bit, so that's what I'm working on now. If only I could sell that Palladium cluster...
#18 Jan 19 2005 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
494 posts
Havent made it to a plat yet, but I usually stick around 15 gold or so, then spend it all on armor, spells, etc. Then I get more money and then spend it.

No biggy - prices aren't very high on most of the upgrades that I can use (if any exist that would be upgrades for me atm). I have almost a full set of Steel Platemail, which I upgraded to from Pristine Carbonite, which I kept the pristine carbonite in case I cant get upgrades in the next couple levels (as the steel platemail caps out next level for me, while the carbonite continues on to 30).

#19 Jan 19 2005 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
34 posts
A month ago had about 1 gp, now I have about 15, made most of my money harvesting and selling or questing. I can't seem to get into the crafting too much but I am trying. Which path should I follow for the best profit and the items that sell the fastest? I heard Jeweler was good....
#20 Jan 19 2005 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
Jeweler is great I'd assume. I know I'm always upgrading my wrist/necklace. Armorer is probably also a good one, but you don't have to upgrade a full suit of armor all-too-often. And with Provisioner, my guild is crazy for them. The second our Cook signs on he's bombarded with tells to make crab poppers (4-5 hours of food). So I'd say they're all in high demand. What I have noticed though, is there aren't as many spells for sale on my server, so maybe a scholar would be a good way to go? I personally went armorer.. can't wait until I can make good profit. And I like the thought of just making my alt's gear when I need some ^.^

Edit: I made a spelling mistake =(

Edited, Wed Jan 19 19:59:08 2005 by SteelGuard
#21 Jan 20 2005 at 2:31 AM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
Right now I think I got about 20 silver. I had more but I have been doing tradeskills (made myself a pristine malachite necklace hehe) among other things.

Went up from a lvl 4 artison to a level 8. I can not start making some real stuff.

Im not thirlled with so little to show, but bascially it was invesdted into 4 lvl's of artison. I still have enough to pay rent monday heh. Gear Wise Im mainly going for drops/quests.
#22 Jan 20 2005 at 9:38 AM Rating: Decent
329 posts
Doing much better now. It took a long while to make my first gold, but I made 5 last night off one sale.

I had a giant group way in the south of TS. They dropped so many lore hill giant idols that some were rotting. Nonetheless, when I bothered to see what they were selling for, I was shocked to see 4 being sold for 9 and 10 gold each.

At that point I was tempted to keep it because I didn't know what it did. It looks like a drop for a mastery quest. Then, realizing I was poor, I put it up for sale for 5 gold (I hate inflation). It was gone in 15 minutes.

Maybe they will change the drop rate and I will kick myself later when I find out it was for Uber_quest_001, but right now I am a happy, chain-wearing Ranger who may actually survive AQ 4, 5 and 6!
#23 Jan 20 2005 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
51 posts
Hehe I can't seem to get past 3 gold at one time. I get 3 gold then find upgrades or decide I want to try more tradeskills. My toon is a lvl 22 DE Conjuror(Found a bug in betrayal and had to do it twice=P) and lvl 10 scholar. Right now I'm sittin on about 3 gold between my toons. Maybe one of these days I can get lucky enough and find a rare harvest and then be rich. =P
#24 Jan 20 2005 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
well my conjuror is sitting on about 9 gold....

my 'chanter is sitting on about 3 gold.. but I'll spend some of that crafting myself some App III's....
#25 Jan 20 2005 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
494 posts
Here's what I have done to make money as an adventurer:

When I go out, either in a group or solo, I fight normally in Thundering Steppes or Nektulos. It's easy to get groups in both of these places, and if the situation calls for it - then I can solo without problem.

The things I collect while out there range from crap to pretty nice. Usually the standard corpse loots I sell to NPC merchants for the rate they have (normally I wait till I get back to town to get a better price, usually 1-4 silver each, unless I am really overloaded - a few copper to a couple silver each). Chest drops are pretty frequent in groups, and semi-frequen soloing green or blue group encounters.

Usually you have 4 general categories of drop types in chests: Armor/Weapons, Abilities/Spells, Tradeskill Books, and quest items.

Of these types, the ones that sell the fastest are the abilities/spells and tradeskills. Armor, if it has stats, will sell pretty fast provided you do not overprice it. If the armor is just AC and no stats I usually sell it to a NPC merchant in town (16-24 silver a pop normally). Quest-starter items from chests are usually no-drop so I either use it or destroy, or don't even bother to loot it.

While you are out adventuring solo, you also have the time to harvest. Harvesting while I am out usually nets me about 2 gold or more while in merchant mode, so I never pass it up. Just don't harvest while in a xp group.

For those of you that can leave your character logged in over night, set up shop in your inn and sell your days stash. I usually look the market over and compare prices. I very rarely undercut. Normally I set my prices at mid-range between the lowest common price and the highest common price. Harvested goods I usually sell for 1 silver each, no matter what (Tier 1-3); though certain harvested items do go for more when they are in demand, so I will price accordingly, but never below 1s, why bother.

I have not done much tradeskilling, so I cannot really comment on there, but everyone I talk to says it's very rewarding on the bank account. Unfortunately I do not have the time to do tradeskills AND adventure, so I choose the more exciting (to me) of the two and explore the wilderness while gathering goods to unload on the masses.

Hope that gives a few of you some insight on ways to pull in some cash. It may sound pretty basic, but that's because it is. ^_^; But it works none the less.

#26 Jan 20 2005 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
I'm feeling quite poor reading the other posts here, lol, but it's my own fault. I hardly ever sell anything from my appartment, mostly because I don't want to leave my computer running all night long.

At this point in time, I have about 3 gp. Which is not that good for a lvl 23, yet I'm a bit torn. I've got several books from quests that I've put in my appartment, their worth is quite a lot (least one is about 50 sp, the highest one in value is worth almost 2 gp), so in reality I'm worth more than just that 3 gp. But the books are quite decorative, so I'm leaving them there untill I really need them.

It's quite puzzling where I spent all my money, I've only bought three adepts ever, as there are no adepts for paladin sold on Oggok server apart from those three. And then I find one I bought on a mob later on too, but that's something else.

At this point in time, I don't really see the need for money though, my armour is good (orange) and hopefully I'll complete my AQ's soon so I'll be good for a while longer. Spells I don't seem to find anywhere, so no need for money there too.
All other items are quested usually, so I prefer to do the quest and not buying the quest rewards. More profitable.
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