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What I would Like to see added back from EQ1Follow

#1 Jan 17 2005 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
Hey there! We all have a few favorite things from EQ1 we see missing and would love to see come back. Im not talking about those offline merchants either...glad they dont have them, but a gameplay thing i thought was fun.

Here is my list off the top of my head:

1) I remember the commonlands being overrun with a werewolf every now and again, thought that was great and added that extra caution to grouping. Would love to see a unique mob pop once in a while ina newbie type zone and start rampaging. Even at the cost of my death, adds that excitement.

2)My 2 favorite zones were Mistmoore and Lguk. Even after all the expansions they remained my favs. Would love to "find" them back again.

3) Dueling. I loved to duel, and pit my Paladin against all comers. I was good and enjoyed a good fight. I also miss those quirky "Coke Defeats Pepsi in a duel to the death" or "Oprah Defeats Loseweight" ah those were the days.

4)I havent been there yet so forgive if this is in the game but... Velious had some wonderful zones, the Dwarf city, TOFS, well i sure miss the Snow days. I knwo everfrost is there and will make my way there soon enough, just hoping its as good as Velious was.

5) Prolly the thing i MISS THE MOST is Skill Points. I loved accumulating skill points when i gained a level and was able to decide where to spend them. I wouldnt use my Skill points for 20 levels and then dump them into something, i miss that customization.

6) Another Biggie for me is AA, Alternate Advancement. The customization was Great, bring it back perty please!

7) Bone Armor. Sure the stats werent that great but wasnt it cool to look like a Skele! At least different armor. Sometimes My twinkies(yeah we all had them) would wear lesser stats armor just to look Unique, like Charred and be all black, things like that. To much Carbon copying right now.

Well thats the list of the top off the top of my head, whats yours?

#2 Jan 17 2005 at 12:03 PM Rating: Good
Bone armor.. hrmm could be cool I guess. Lol anyways, yea I want AA points and all that back. But I don't want another copy of eq1 with better graphics. I like the game where it is now, though it could use more content. Hey it's new...
#3 Jan 18 2005 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
Errm - well

Skill points - you see - didnt customise anything. All you had to do was use the skill, and it would max eventually. So everyone could max all their skills, be it by spending some points or using some skills. It didnt do anything to 'customise' but I suppose it meant that if you had let a skill lag, you could prop it up quickly if you needed to.

And AA - well - same deal there really. Anyone could - given time, get all of those too. No actual customization, because everyone got them all sooner or later.

At least EQ2 they actually got the idea right - you get some choices - you get one of those choices and the others you miss out on, meaning you can actually be different to someone of the same class and level because of your choice.

I wouldnt mind seeing AAs of course - more power !! But AAs as they were in EQ1 didnt do anything towards customization.

What I would really want to see? The ability for craftspeople to take any item, and attempt to improve it. Now the itemization in EQ doesnt easilly allow for that, because a 'forged sword of blackened iron' is a discrete item, and the stats for that item are fixed, so you cant improve it without creating a discrete upgrade path that actually produces a new item - thus for what I want each item in the game would have to have hundreds of new items crated to go with it to represent all the possible upgrades and combinations of upgrades that might be able to be put on it. Sigh - maybe one day. The Augment system that came in EQ1 would be an alternative method, changed slightly so its not slotting a jewel, but a 'space' that can have the forged item given one of a range of 'improvements' or something.


Anyway - more zones is always good.
#4 Jan 24 2005 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
There will be things added back in over time even if they do change to reflect the passage of time that was supposed to have happened between eq1 and eq2(i.e. destruction of luclin and one of my favorite classes the beastlord). The "adventure packs are to be the 3 or 4 times a year cheap add ons that give more quests and areas to kill in.
#5 Jan 24 2005 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
There will be things added back in over time even if they do change to reflect the passage of time that was supposed to have happened between eq1 and eq2(i.e. destruction of luclin and one of my favorite classes the beastlord). The "adventure packs are to be the 3 or 4 times a year cheap add ons that give more quests and areas to kill in.
#6 Feb 12 2005 at 2:49 PM Rating: Default
They aren't going to "come back".... they were "never here"
#7 Feb 12 2005 at 4:42 PM Rating: Default
Teqnically they were here because this game is based 500 years later so its a continuation of EQ1.
#8 Feb 13 2005 at 1:28 AM Rating: Decent
i have to agree with ya aranador slicing a weapon like in SWG would be vary nice!
#9 Feb 25 2005 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
There will be things added back in over time even if they do change to reflect the passage of time that was supposed to have happened between eq1 and eq2(i.e. destruction of luclin and one of my favorite classes the beastlord). The "adventure packs are to be the 3 or 4 times a year cheap add ons that give more quests and areas to kill in

They will add new zones but they won't be putting crap from EQ into EQ2; and don't hold you breath waiting on a char class like a beastlord in this game they are a hybred and how many of those you see in the game? Thing to remember here is this is not EQ its EQ2 so why make it just like EQ?
BTW I must have missed that game EQ1 where can you get that at???

Hehehehe just playing, :P

#10 Mar 08 2005 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
One thing I would love to see come back to EQ2 from EQ1 is all the zones I could go into at any lvl. I mean at lvl 20 where can you really go but into Antonica/Commonlands or Thunder Steppes/Nek Foresst. I miss being able to run into ButcherBlock, Ferrot, Greater and Lesser Faydark, Crushbone, Dragon Caludren, Unrest and on and on. Sure the little zone areas that branch from Antonica and Commonlands are ok but they are small and laggy...I liked being able to zone into big zones where there was plenty of mobs and room to group...While I still love to play EQ2, I just wish there was more options to zone into big areas and I didnt have to try and get Access such as Enchanted Lands and Zek and have to be lvl 30+ to really beable to do anything in them.

I just dont like being limited to a few zones to group and adventure in.
#11 Mar 10 2005 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
One thing I would love to see come back to EQ2 from EQ1 is all the zones I could go into at any lvl. I mean at lvl 20 where can you really go but into Antonica/Commonlands or Thunder Steppes/Nek Foresst

Lets see Fallen Gate, Wailing caves, StormHold, Edgewater and a few other places. The thing is most of those places are not in this game. This is EQ2 not EQ if you miss EQ please feel free to play it :)
#12 Mar 10 2005 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
Lets see Fallen Gate, Wailing caves, StormHold, Edgewater and a few other places. The thing is most of those places are not in this game. This is EQ2 not EQ if you miss EQ please feel free to play it :)

True, but the fact that half the zones you mention are either very small or have to be quested for does detract from the feeling that EQ I does have, a feeling of freedom and non-lineairity. I realise that EQ I didn't have a huge amount of zone when they started, but why such restrictiveness in EQ II?
#13 Mar 13 2005 at 7:48 AM Rating: Decent
21 posts
I'd like to see vials of prysmatic dyes. (sorry tis earily and I'm tired). Be nice to change color of your slots here.

#14 Mar 20 2005 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
332 posts
The last thing I want to see in Eq2 are things that require grinding.

AA's were great but the grinding for them was unbearable. I would love to see AA-like skills available as quests. For example, you get app1 skills for free, can buy app2, can craft app3, and need to loot adept1 - why not let you quest for adept2, or master1?

Skills in EQ1 came with extended use. It was kinda fun to keep swinging that sword and seeing an occasional increase in skill. Eventually, in the end, skills were always maxed, and bringing up neglected skills was a dull exercise in patience. EQ2 also has skills to increase (defense, weapon skills, ect). I don't see a need to expand this, or to make it more EQ1 like.

Armor tinting and more armor choices would be cool, but would tax the hell out of your computer. More choices in general would be nice, and I think the lack of choices is what keeps EQ2 from being even better than it already is.

What I would love to see from EQ1 are things that will never be put into the game.

For example, this game has no "pulling". One thing that never got old was pulling. It required skill and timing (and luck). It also made the game a bit more realistic ad unpredictable. Sony would have to completely redesign the game to incorporate this so I don't see it happening.

Another thing I really hate is that creatures are assigned to a predetermined area and will never overstep their invisible boundaries. Mobs do not wander far from their little radius. They should follow you anywhere in the zone. As it stands, you can attack a mob at its boundary and it will just stand there. If you want to raise your ranged attack skill safely, simply stand past the boundary and pelt the creature with arrows.

One thing that will not make its way from EQ1 is twinking and farming. I like that equipment has levels, but they are too restrictive. Also, there was some satisfaction in EQ1 in getting high enough to be able to solo something that previously raped you and your group when you were newbs. Then you could hand over the loot to your twink. Twinking encouraged people to play other classes and see the game through a different perspective. As much as people complained about farming and twinking, everyone did it. In EQ1 they had zones with a trivial loot code, and everyone hated it. I would love to see to it that grays can drop chests even when they are gray. The existing skill level and attuning system is enough to discourage hardcore farming and twinking.

Along the same line, I do like the mentoring system very much. I didn't like that you couldn't powerlevel in EQ2, but this is an acceptable compromise. In fact, mentoring is probably a good compromise to the twinking and no-chest-dropping grays issues as well.

All that is left is the lack of dueling and/or PK, which I didn't care much for anyway.

In conclusion, all I would like to see from EQ2 is the return of the art of pulling, letting mobs roam (and chase you) all over the zone, questing for new skills/spells/abilities and/or upgrades, removal of the gray mobs not dropping chests rule, and for mobs that wield weapons to actually drop them when you kill them.
Duke Ardnahoy
Noble Lord Protector of the 70th Crusade
Fennin Ro - EQ I

Ardnahoy II
Fearless Guardian of the 40th Tour
Mistmore - EQ II
#15 Mar 21 2005 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
Another thing I really hate is that creatures are assigned to a predetermined area and will never overstep their invisible boundaries. Mobs do not wander far from their little radius. They should follow you anywhere in the zone. As it stands, you can attack a mob at its boundary and it will just stand there. If you want to raise your ranged attack skill safely, simply stand past the boundary and pelt the creature with arrows.

Never seen this with any mobs I have pulled, so far if you hit em they come after you. Is that just one mob or all of them?

One thing that will not make its way from EQ1 is twinking and farming.

You can farm all you want I do it all the time. As for Twinking you stil can just not as bad as you used to be able to.

In EQ1 they had zones with a trivial loot code, and everyone hated it. I would love to see to it that grays can drop chests even when they are gray. The existing skill level and attuning system is enough to discourage hardcore farming and twinking.

Never had that on our sever in EQ. A 70L could farm the crap out of a 30L mob. As for the atuning system stoping farming, no don't think so. I make 1 to 2 plats perday farming 1 mob so you can farm. U may have to turn off exp sooner or later but u can farm. As for twinking who cares anyhow if you have cash you can buy what ever your alts need anyway and its still twinking.

Along the same line, I do like the mentoring system very much. I didn't like that you couldn't powerlevel in EQ2, but this is an acceptable compromise. In fact, mentoring is probably a good compromise to the twinking and no-chest-dropping grays issues as well.

Mentoring was put in so one could still complete lower level quests and to be able to group with lower levels. Seems like people should just play the game and not worry about farming grays for loot at no risk. You can farm away just have to take your chances on dying while doing it that all. And if you want farm longer just turn your exp off so you can cont to farm.

All that is left is the lack of dueling and/or PK, which I didn't care much for anyway.

Agree with you here, doing if you want leave us non P/K peeps out of it

In conclusion, all I would like to see from EQ2 is the return of the art of pulling, letting mobs roam (and chase you) all over the zone, questing for new skills/spells/abilities and/or upgrades, removal of the gray mobs not dropping chests rule, and for mobs that wield weapons to actually drop them when you kill them.

Pulling is pulling in this game you eather get one or all of em. No art to it slop em in killem all. As for the spells there are quest for spell upgrades already in the game. I like the gray mobs don't drop loot, plus they fixed it with /mintor [Green](other then you can't get loot with no risk whish is what you really want) As for the droped weapons on mobs I think alot of the EQ mobs did that also and the ones they droped where not worth keeping anyhow.[/Red]
#16 Mar 21 2005 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
332 posts
Never seen this with any mobs I have pulled, so far if you hit em they come after you. Is that just one mob or all of them?

This is indeed the case. One easy example is the beetle area in Antonica (just north of NQ gate). If you agro a beetle and run south towards the gate, they will stop chasing you right at the aqueduct. You can safely stand a few feet away and practice Ranged attack on the beetle (getting skill increases). This is the case in every zone for every mob. Try it and you will see.

You can farm all you want I do it all the time. As for Twinking you stil can just not as bad as you used to be able to.

It's not as easy to farm since the creature has to be at least green, and some greenies can still rape you. I've only found a few farmable named mobs which I looked for as often as I could, but as soon as I dinged, they went away.

Never had that on our sever in EQ. A 70L could farm the crap out of a 30L mob.

The trivial loot code was put into EQ1 and quickly taken out because of all the complaints. Only a small handful of zones kept the TLC, and those were always completely empty.

As for the atuning system stoping farming, no don't think so. I make 1 to 2 plats perday farming 1 mob so you can farm. U may have to turn off exp sooner or later but u can farm.

You can farm, but as I stated above, it is not as rampant and freewheeling as in EQ1. This is both good and bad since it lets newbs have a chance to kill named mobs, yet it takes away that feeling you got in EQ1 of overcoming a mob solo that used to kick your *** as a newb.

As for twinking who cares anyhow if you have cash you can buy what ever your alts need anyway and its still twinking.

Yes, but the items are relegated to a specific level. And frankly, questing for newbie armor gives better exp than buying it and killing creatures. All the money in the game cannot buy your twink an item that he can use that will be above what every other newb has. Such items do not exist. Handing over twink gear does not make your baby level any faster. Having your baby quest for the stuff levels him/her faster.

Mentoring was put in so one could still complete lower level quests and to be able to group with lower levels.

Mentoring is a great addition. I used it in Antonica to get some exp with a lowbie killing mobs that would otherwise be gray, just so I could pass the time building up foraging skills that had been neglected. That same player met up with me in Stormhold and I mentored again while killing otherwise gray mobs, and even took on some named mobs that would have been gray. All the items I won ended up on my vendor, so yes, mentoring helps with farming in a roundabout way.

Seems like people should just play the game and not worry about farming grays for loot at no risk. You can farm away just have to take your chances on dying while doing it that all. And if you want farm longer just turn your exp off so you can cont to farm.

Some things that sound absurd can actually add spice and fun to the game. Besting a named mob that killed you as a newb gave a feeling of power and accomplishment that is missing in EQ2. Don't tell me you never went back to Crushbone just to stomp on DVinn, or went back into LGuk to solo Frenzied Ghoul. That part of the game is fun, just like something as irrelevant as having different armor or dyes.

Pulling is pulling in this game you eather get one or all of em. No art to it slop em in killem all.

Exactly! The art of pulling is missing, and frankly I think this is a bad thing.

As for the spells there are quest for spell upgrades already in the game. I like the gray mobs don't drop loot, plus they fixed it with /mintor (other then you can't get loot with no risk whish is what you really want) As for the droped weapons on mobs I think alot of the EQ mobs did that also and the ones they droped where not worth keeping anyhow.

I didn't know about spell quest upgrades. I have not come across one yet. As for the dropped weapons, what matters is not that they sucked, but that you could hoard up on them and make some cash selling them or hand them over to your pet who will look cooler wielding something. They were also not that bad to a newb that didn't have anything better.
Duke Ardnahoy
Noble Lord Protector of the 70th Crusade
Fennin Ro - EQ I

Ardnahoy II
Fearless Guardian of the 40th Tour
Mistmore - EQ II
#17 May 08 2005 at 3:29 PM Rating: Default
I want them to bring back the beastlords they were the coolest
back in EQ1
#18 May 09 2005 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
118 posts
I just want armor dyes back. I hate it how every tank from lvls 20-29 pretty much looks the same. I miss my warrior with his full black armor. It would add a little spice to the game if you could control what you look like by dying your armor. I liked Rangers with nice dark green chainmail, or Pallys with nice shiny white armor. The lack of customization is killing me. Im tired of looking like everyone else my level.
#19 May 09 2005 at 11:24 PM Rating: Decent
I loved how alotta the armors looked on ya back in EQ1. And i think the vah shir look better than the kerras (just an opinion). Beastlord was my fav. class back then.
#20 Jun 21 2005 at 6:05 AM Rating: Decent
I want Powerleveling to return!

Just kidding - EQ2 rocks EQ1 outta that water IMO.
#21 Jul 10 2005 at 1:21 AM Rating: Decent
I miss Beastlords too. I had the most fun with them in EQ1 out of all the classes I played. I also liked the pets. I miss my kitty.
#22 Aug 07 2005 at 5:26 AM Rating: Decent
Quote: AA;s in eq1 as they were didn't do anything ----- you obviously never got more than 10 aa's ---- aa's were everything next to gear in eq1 and could very often overcome gear deficiencies
#23 Sep 15 2005 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
Umm..the endless single pull grind, guild domination of endgame mobs, archaic debt and quest system, powerlevellers, campers, ninja looters, the interminable stats discussions. I miss em all like a hole in the head. I would never go back.

#24 Sep 27 2005 at 9:35 AM Rating: Default
Umm..the endless single pull grind, guild domination of endgame mobs, archaic debt and quest system, powerlevellers, campers, ninja looters, the interminable stats discussions. I miss em all like a hole in the head. I would never go back.

Well all of em are here except for the ninja looters anyhows.

Its back to the single pull grind for exp, the debt is not to bad but some of the new zones can make you leave a shard behind or 2 sometimes :) . Stats discussion really never left. And as far as campers seems like from the big upgrade u see more and more high levels in zones that they really don't need to be in but are due to some of the mobs now con green to them and are easy loot for them.

As for power leveling its back like crazy. I was tanking 26L ^^^ mobs with my 50L Sk and my sons 31 level fury was getting the exp so that is back like crazy
#25 Sep 27 2005 at 10:31 PM Rating: Decent
I know this is probably random but i wish they would bring back alcohol. I know that craftsman can create alcohol which is great but all it does is increases your out of combat power regen. The alcohol im talking about is the kind that messes with your vision, stats ,and movement. I know its not the most significant thing i wish they would put in EQ2 that came from EQ1 but its so much fun to take out your character totaly trashed and try to kill a skele in the commonlands =P.
But seeing how Sony comes out with tuns of expansions for EQ series i'll put money on it that they will bring alcohol back.

what a sly way to get money...
#26 Oct 09 2005 at 7:14 PM Rating: Decent
LOL, speaking of alcohol, anyone remember Drunken Dwarf Races in Kelethin? Nothing more satisfying than running on a rope bridge WAYYY up in the air while hammered on elven wine! Also bring back the boat rides!! I can't stand not "seeing" the world i live in.

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