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In search of other forums... where the grass is greener.Follow

#1 Jan 17 2005 at 1:15 AM Rating: Decent
The following post is Kensi's views, and ONLY Kensi's views. They do not express the opinions of others. It contains much ranting, and if you're not mature enough to read this thread.. simply leave.

Ok.. here's your chance.. no whining if you keep reading..

Click the red X..

Go ahead..

Ok.. you've chose the 2nd option.. reading my rant. You were warned, and if you feel offended by reading the following topic, You had your chance.

I've just cancelled the auto-renewal of my premium account. I've had nothing but negative experiences here. There's 2 groups on these boards.

1)People like me. No we don't have enough time to sit down and write some guide on how to get from 1-50 in 1 day, 2 hours, 3 seconds, and a little over 60 milliseconds. No, we come here to either answer a few questions, or get a few answered. Not be judged for our spelling, or be called a newb because our information wasn't 100.53458097% accurate.

2)The Elitest nerds who form a kind of Heierarchy to where, if you're new to the boards, you're most DEFINATELY not going to be at 3.00 for long. No room for your sarcasm here, and for damn sure don't try to be funny. "If you don't agree with us, you're *** is goin' DOWN! Because we sit at our computers and have nothing better to do MWAHAHAAA!!!one"

I've helped SOOOO many people with their computer problems, helped them with choosing the right motherboard, ram, vid card, sound card, cpu, what's compatible with what. I give links, pictures even! And a sharing of my personal experience with finding the best prices. And guess what? Someone rated me down. As far as they could get. I don't even post in the normal "General" forum, because a couple of people follow me around, and rate down my every post. So I try to stay in the "warrior related" forum. But, surprise surprise, they make little visits temporarily to do nothing but @#(*$& with me and rate me down further. Just the other day actually, Brookie swings by and gives me a quick rate down... why? Because I didn't agree with him. Remember my post of 6 screenshots that I posted just to show others.. they were rated down. Why? Brookie felt the need to say "Hey.. this guys posting screenshots.. and though I've clicked on every one of them, I think I'll go out of my way to be a jerk today, because god and the world hates me". Lady Deadside demon.. many rates down to me. She can't receive any back.. her post are just like mine, just with an opposing view.. and I get rated down, and can't defend myself.

Go help a few people with their problems..think that'll help your rating from being overly decimated by the nerdlings? Not a chance BUDDY! Helping people won't get you a rate up. Nothing. So either you give conform to the nerdling elitest and kiss their asses.. or be rated down to a nice low level your first day on the boards =D. Sounds great!

Which, in turn, brings me back to my previous statement of cancelling my subscribtion. Allakhazam REALLY didn't deserve the money that they got from me, and I would like to request a refund. I've sent numerous emails about my problems to Allakhazam about the being followed/rated down, and low and behold I DID get a reply. It was asking for proof of being followed. So I send about 7-8 different threads where I was being followed and rated down. All I asked is that I had my rating reset, and a different name so they couldn't know it was me. Never got an email from them again. Great customer service guys. Oh and nothings better then that forum search. "Down temporarily due to high load." Wow, must be a lot of people on at 2 a.m., and this has to take MONTHS to fix? I think not.

And to stay on topic with what this thread's subject says, what other forums can I go to, preferrably NOT a forum with ANY sort of ratings.

For those offended reading this post, I do not apologize. I warned you at the beginning.
#2 Jan 17 2005 at 2:47 AM Rating: Good
1,463 posts
I know how u feel. A few days ago I got slammed for a joke - someone asked what language scarecrows speak - I said "smelly socks" - that's what they say, if you listen to them. Then some pinhead decides to hammer me for that. They rate me down. If I've been flaming, I don't care. But ... I know, it's damned depressing.

What kills me is when people act like they are frickin SoE and start tellin' us what is good for the game, that every single bad, screwed up decision SoE makes is somehow "beneficial". On the fact we have to stand there on line facing the wall doing nothing to sell, one of these authoritis-infected Sony syccophants came along and explained that the official SoE position was that it helped regulate the flow of goods and thus it would keep the game economy in 'balance' or some such crap (it's to coerce us into buying extra accounts, doofus).

I haven't even come here in days except to click the WoW button and go read posts on a game I can't get. $90 is the average price on Ebay (or more), and I just won't do that. And it's going up. I'm just going to be really grumpy for a few more weeks til I can finally get wow for a good price - and also I am worried buying one on Ebay - what if they already used the key?

I don't blame you for your post one bit. I can imagine how you feel. If people follow you around to rate u down, that is chickensh*t. I rated folks down for their opinions like once or twice, but only after someone blasted the crap out of me first. I've tried not to do it ever, even if someone has really ticked me off. Well, GL, whatever you do. When I play I'm soloing on test server where sometimes i'm the ONLY person in Antonica... til I get my WoW.

Edited, Mon Jan 17 03:31:30 2005 by EvilGnomes
#3 Jan 17 2005 at 10:39 AM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
Yeah, people can get rate-down happy around here. And it's not just this forum. It's everywhere.

I rarely, rarely rate anyone down. They have to be a grade A jackass before I'll bother. I do give out rate-ups though when I feel like a post deserves it. But if someones opinion differs from mine? Who the hell am I to rate them down for that?

I'm sorry you've been getting the short end of the stick Kensi. I can't remember ever reading anything by you that was worth a rate-down.

Rate-up from me now Smiley: grin
#4 Jan 17 2005 at 11:04 AM Rating: Good
421 posts
It isn't me... but I wonder is anyone rates you down for your avitar alone.

Not exactly the right foot to start off on.

personally I try very hard not to rate someone down simply becasue they disagree with me. I do rate down when people give out incorrect factual information such as saying More power helps in tradeskills (Tradeskill buffs are % based not hard number based. 10% weather you have 300 max power or 3000 it is still 10%)

I don't nessecarily agree with a lot of what Evilgnomes says. However he had a great post tell a new scout how to use abilities and HO's and was very helpful to that person and had good info. Even tho I disagree with other posts of his he still got a rate up from me on that one.

I also let my premium accout laspe. I am broke =D It was nice for the added abilites, some of them I miss. Like the ability to see all your previous posts. no pop ups was nice too.

Something tells me once he gets an advanced search and such I will re sign up.

Good luck with your issues. Hope things work out for you.
#5 Jan 17 2005 at 11:05 AM Rating: Decent
Waaa waaa i got rated down. ... Give me a break. So do I but just shrug it off, there's always people who will rate you down no matter what you have to say or offer.
#6 Jan 17 2005 at 11:47 AM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
sotonin wrote:
Waaa waaa i got rated down. ... Give me a break. So do I

#7 Jan 17 2005 at 11:51 AM Rating: Excellent
1,930 posts
Evil Gnomes

Do you know anyone who owns WoW nearby you. That you could install from their discs? If so I can let my last copy of WoW go to you for less than the average selling price I get on EBay.

Last night one of mine went for 105 :-) Anyway I can help you out with a brand new key. It is just sitting in the box at home right now.
#8 Jan 17 2005 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
Waaa waaa i got rated down. ... Give me a break. So do I but just shrug it off, there's always people who will rate you down no matter what you have to say or offer.

Well, that'd be all fine and good, but as you'll see soon enough, your post won't even be seen, due to the filter at the top of your screen.

Evilgnomes, I've seen you go out on a limb MULTIPLE times to defend your opinions. And what I like about you, is even if you're flaming, you do it in an intelligent way. I'm good with words and try to sound as intelligent as possible, but geez, you must study the dictionary =p. You're probably one of the smartest posters here. Kudos.

Thanks for your opinions, I was hoping to have an administrator read this. Because I'm sure they get mounds of emails day by day. But it has been almost a month since last reply.

It isn't me... but I wonder is anyone rates you down for your avitar alone.

Well, could be. I guess some people don't have senses of humor. But I made that avatar myself, and it took me a long time hehe.
#9 Jan 17 2005 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
I have been around for a while but I do not post much , I was wondering what this rating system does ? I noticed it but never really thought about what it does.

I know people rate your posts and they can up or lower your rate , but what does the rating mean , do you have less options or do you get banned at a certin number ? Is it just to see what the others posting here think of what you posted ?

Also how do you see who has given you what rating ? , I go to my account and it shows my rating but not how it got there , who rated me as what . Kensi mentioned that he knew who was rating him down , do you just know or does it actually show you somewhere ?

I personally wouldnt worry about it , if you are kind and helpfull and people rate you down , who cares (unless it will get you banned or something , see question above). I know anytime I post something there is a fair chance that someone is going to come read my post misunderstand what I ment and flame me (rate me down), I must admit tho I havent had that happen to me once here . I find most folks here reasonable, when they dont get you they usually ask so they understand what you ment before they slam you LOL .

You are IMHO a nice person and I have seen you post many threads/anwser questions posted to help folks out, it would be a shame if you left over a number that doesnt really mean anything anyway (unless I am wrong). No site is perfect , no forum will ever be run just the way you think it should be , there are way too many people and their opinions involved with online sites for any of them to be perfect , we all have different opinions of what should be . I think they do a good job here and this is one of the few sites I will post on, so take a few mins and a deep breath , and relax :)
#10 Jan 17 2005 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
Well, that'd be all fine and good, but as you'll see soon enough, your post won't even be seen, due to the filter at the top of your screen.

Well. i don't know about everybody, but the "smart" folks probably have their filter turned off. I like to see all of the uncensored content, not what the masses deem is "proper" enough for them, because 9/10 it's just a bunch of retards with their panties in a knot that rate the folks down.

Edited, Mon Jan 17 14:34:01 2005 by sotonin
#11 Jan 17 2005 at 3:34 PM Rating: Good
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
There is more to this site (and the Premium account) than just the forums. As for ratings and karma...well do you care more about the game, or your popularity on a message board? The only people who ***** about karma are ones with "something to prove", ie forum farmers.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#12 Jan 17 2005 at 4:35 PM Rating: Decent
79 posts
Kensi - well said
EvilGnomes - well said

Keep on keepin on.
#13 Jan 17 2005 at 4:54 PM Rating: Excellent
1,463 posts
Jute, thx but I don't know anyone who has WoW near me, sorry. The kind of work I do - not a lot of mmo-ers, and my RL friends are seriously boring. They didn't used to be. But it's just ... THE GRIND. Life can get you if you don't watch out (pay mortgage, get kids into better school, oh no the LUXURY SUV is THREE YEARS OLD IT'S CRAP MUST GET NEW ONE, omg are we no longer keeping up with the Joneses???? ARGH! ... i.e. yuppy hell - the poor fools).

I wonder if I could buy the key from you and borrow the disks- mail them back or something. Eventually the other gnome will buy it retail, so we'll have the disks. Not sure if that's a good idea, but it's something to think about.

And in truth maybe I shouldn't be getting another mmo to learn and get sucked into right now. W/ work and kids... well, I do mmo's instead of watching tv and cutting the lawn or playing some sport... wow the grass is high... my waitline is... we need treadmills so we have to literally "run" in RL to get around in Norrath ... hah! But pls let me know what u think. Thx.
#14 Jan 17 2005 at 5:01 PM Rating: Good
1,463 posts
Oh I almost forgot - thx much Kensi and others! Smiley: blush I like a ton of posts in here, too. There's some really good stuff.

I do get carried away, but I see myself as a passionate freedom fighter of sorts (not even sure that really makes sense) - of course to others that = "a big jerk" , but that's okay. In RL I'm usually free lance and get to see not only how one corporation screws up but how a whole SLEW of them ***** up! So, I'm no fan of SoE for that reason alone ... er maybe I'm a half-fan. I love a lot of what they do a ton. And where they ***** up... sheesh. Well, thanks again.
#15 Jan 18 2005 at 1:01 AM Rating: Default
Maybe I overreacted. I just wish they'd do away with the rating system. And as for the guy with the pot leaf avatar, Yes, I do want to be a highly rated forummer. I do care what people think about my post. And it isn't fair that one person can rate you down on every single post you make with the sole purpose of being a jerk, and then others view your post as lowly compared to others with high ratings. Because I normally have something constructive to say. Earlier today I found a video that I thought was really funny, so I posted it herein the OT forums.. and look at the first response.. luckily others saw it as funny, rated him down big time, and gave me a nice boost.. I guess there are some people with common respect here =D.

EvilGnomes do you play EQ2 still? If so, what server? I need more friends in this game. I'll hook ya up with gold and stuff lol =p (then tell you my secret to making 10 gold in about.. 10 hours of selling)
#16 Jan 18 2005 at 1:32 AM Rating: Decent
Just the other day actually, Brookie swings by and gives me a quick rate down... why? Because I didn't agree with him. Remember my post of 6 screenshots that I posted just to show others.. they were rated down. Why? Brookie felt the need to say "Hey.. this guys posting screenshots.. and though I've clicked on every one of them, I think I'll go out of my way to be a jerk today, because god and the world hates me". Lady Deadside demon.. many rates down to me. She can't receive any back.. her post are just like mine, just with an opposing view.. and I get rated down, and can't defend myself.

This is rich. Kinda made my weekend to sit down after being gone for a while and check the forums to see this one. You are so angry at being rated down on a post 2 months ago that you come back and whine about it now? For someone that is leaving the forums, never to return, looking for better sure do cry alot about a rating...on a forum...for video games. Get over it, I don't know you, but I'm sure your life is worth more then a rating here.

You yell out to the forums, looking for sympathy in others before your so called departure. Saying "This person rated me down..." and then "This person rated me down cause of different opinions." You try to make yourself appear innocent by declaring you've done nothing but help people and give informative post.

Heres the fact, people usually don't dislike you just for giving an opinion. Some of your "helpful" post have been far from it. Might I remind you of the time last week (I think this is the one you where refferring to me on you getting rated down last week) of "Nerf Berserkers, Nerf them All!!!" Also recall the one where you spoke something along the lines of "You suck, because your iksar and they suck as warriors. Get a real job." With helpful hints like this, no wonder some people have found you distasteful, I for one.

And while you where interested at giving examples of people that don't like you, such as so kindly including my name in your post... don't forget to include how, when people differ from your opinion, you simple say things such as "damn children, wish they would go play WOW."

Couple things I can say to you,
1) Get over your forum rating
2) Realize that everything that goes wrong with you isn't always someone elses fault. Nothing worse then a person in the world who can't take credit for their own faults and only pushes them on someone else.
3) Hope you find a place that likes your own unique form of helpfulness, and don't let the door hit you on your way outa Dodge.

Edited, Tue Jan 18 01:38:57 2005 by BrookieDragon
#17 Jan 18 2005 at 1:40 AM Rating: Default
Thanks for confirming my previous suspicions. Months ago? This was about.. a week ago in a topic about zerkers versus guardians. I stated my opinion. You gave me a nice big rate down. And I'm SO GLAD you just said what you said. At least now people can see that you truely are harrassing me. You just rated down EVERY post I made in this thread, and I'm sure you'll continue. So I guess my problem isn't with this forum, it's with you. I'll be reporting you shortly. Thanks:) (I left your name out of previous emails.. couldn't show proof.)Thanks again..

Edit: In defense of myself, Yes I did say Nerf them, nerf them all.. and I suppose I should've put a "=p" after it to show my sarcasm. Did it bother you SO much to rate me down? I'd hope not.. but apparently it did. And as for the iksars suck at warriors? I never said anything of the like. Do not put words in my mouth. In fact, bring me proof. I'd like to see it.

Brooky wrote:
Its stuff like that why people rate you down every time you post, no matter what Kensi.

The reason I am rated so low is because I made the mistake of stating my political opinion in OT forums during the elections. Since I have came to the EQ2 forums, you're the only one (Aside from lady deadside demon) to rate me down. So if by "People" you mean yourself, then yes, you sir, are correct.

Brooky wrote:
you simple say things such as "damn children, wish they would go play WOW."

Again, never said this, bring me proof. I could care less if someone leaves EQ2 for Wow, their decision. /shrug So how bout you stop making stuff up about me, and back it up with facts? Huh brooky?

Edited, Tue Jan 18 01:52:03 2005 by Kensi
#18 Jan 18 2005 at 1:55 AM Rating: Good
I'm sorry...but this is sad. You are sending emails out to try to stop people from rating you down from post like this?

Nerf the bastards! Nerf EM! Nerf them all to hell!

~~>Kensi Overseer<~~

and this?

By: Kensi the Vile

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Brookie, first off, return to ffxi. Second, just stop being a ********* I know it's hard to accept the fact that life sucks (especially for you),

These are the post that you are crying about getting rated down on a week ago. Not only is this sad that you complain this much about your postings on an internet forum, but its even worse that you think this is some kinda parent controled organization and are going around.... "tattle-telling" on me in emails to someone? You think this is a some game where you just /petition and cry to a GM that someone is being mean to you?

Get over it. Its my right as an established poster in the past of this forum, as well as a paid subscriber, to rate down annoying/rude/offensive post and people.

Yes, I did just rate down your post here Kensi. Because,
1) Your trying to slander my name.
2) Your bringing up arguements about useless post ratings in a video game forum that is resereved to talk about a game. I don't even like having to defend myself here as it is off-topic.
3) Your whining and its annoying.
4) Your lying. As above are your "helpful post that you keep getting rated down on for having a different opinion."
5) Your bugging board administartors by acting like a child, going around trying to "report" people on an internet forum.

As you said, I brought you your "proof" that you said this kinda stuff. The sooner you leave now, the better. Your overexaggerating everything, and pushing all your faults onto other people. There are people that don't like you, more then me. On some of the bad post, like ones posted above, I alone can not have rated you down as low as you have gone. What you have said upsets people as many times it is offensive. Take actions for this, accept that when they rated you down because you disgust people. Don't try to push all the blame on me or this other person you have a vendeta against as it is not just us, it is many people in this forum. Many people don't like you, live with that or change your attitude. Even then, there are always people that wont' like you.

Now if you excuse me, I got classes starting in the morning and this tireless whining and bickering is of no use.

Edited, Tue Jan 18 02:02:48 2005 by BrookieDragon
#19REDACTED, Posted: Jan 18 2005 at 2:07 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Congratulations, you've found where I've had enough of your childishness and called you a few select words. Now if you would, Kindly post what you said just above what I said. And we'll see who was out of line (both of us). Not only did I not care AT ALL what your opinion was about MY SCREENSHOTS that I was SHARING with people who might, just MAYBE care about the game that they are playing or maybe are thinking of playing looks like from another character's point of view, but I completely did NOT deserve the abuse you administered to me. If you didn't like my screenshots, don't post in my thread. (oh wait, I forgot, it's "you're right as a paying blah blah blah) Did you have to get all huffy puffy and take a screenshot JUST so you could make yourself look like a jerk? (By the way.. there were many people supporting me in that thread, and one person.. who defended you.. and surprise surpise, he was rated very low.)
#20 Jan 18 2005 at 2:19 AM Rating: Decent
Edit: In defense of myself, Yes I did say Nerf them, nerf them all.. and I suppose I should've put a "=p" after it to show my sarcasm. Did it bother you SO much to rate me down? I'd hope not.. but apparently it did. And as for the iksars suck at warriors? I never said anything of the like. Do not put words in my mouth. In fact, bring me proof. I'd like to see it.

Heres your proof, I went through about 2 dozen pages of post to find this info because I don't like people slandering me, and cause search is broke. You say you never said these things, I proved your lying (repeatedly). Its obvious now who is a liar. I am done with this as I have cleared your accusations, now quit editing your messages to take out claims that I proved your lying on like the above one. The point of this post from you was that your leaving the forum, so please hurry up and do so.

Also, guess you didn't find any comment I made about Iksars huh? Why? Cause you made it up and were lying through your teeth.
Eat your own words and leave people be.

By: Kensi

500 posts
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Oh great... so you're 30 acting like you're 10. Well.. still doesn't help you out much. If anything, it's better to be 10... acting 10. But do what ya like. And picked a terrible race for warrior (my race is iksar). Love that AQUAVISION! LoL!

Edit: I didn't pay and I can post where I like also!.. Thank you common sense!

Edited, Sat Dec 4 15:11:02 2004 by Kensi

Edited, Sat Dec 4 15:13:37 2004 by Kensi

~~>Kensi Overseer<~~

And you think you are "abused" because someone doesn't like you on a forum... you are sad. Very sad. Maybe one day you will find out what abuse truelly is. I hope whenever that time comes you grow up a little and see life in a different perspective.

Edited, Tue Jan 18 02:26:21 2005 by BrookieDragon
#21REDACTED, Posted: Jan 18 2005 at 2:33 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Ok Sir, Yes sir. Ok, you can stop acting like you're the mature one here. This "Ok, I gotta go study for College now cause I want everyone to know that I don't just play EQ2, at least that way they think I have a life, even if I am arguing over the internet." Oh, the iksar comment, haha, I thought you meant that I was telling someone that wasn't you that they were picking a bad choice. I just said that to you cause' you deserved it. Nothing more, nothing less. Iksars can tank just as good as my Troll, not arguing that. And ouch.. that aquavision..
#22 Jan 18 2005 at 2:45 AM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Doomchild just posted this on another thread:

"I don't have EQ2, I just came here to make a post on the EQ2 vs WoW thread. After I posted, I looked around on some of the different threads and man, you guys are alot more mature then the players on the official WoW boards....damn kids. I wish the players in WoW could could share in the maturity you guys have. "

So hang in there. Flame away if needed. The faint of heart should stay away from this post. But hang in there. It could be worse. GL all and pls work on feeling better if you can.

#23 Jan 18 2005 at 9:09 AM Rating: Decent
Just as a little FYI kensi. If you are truely wanting some more reasons why people probably rate you down. I do it all the time. Why? When I first started using the Alla forums, to share my website with people because I thought it would help them. Just like it helps me and my guild, you flamed away and were very rude. Your avatar didn't help. Adjust your attitude and maybe you won't immediately come off like a jerk.

Edited, Tue Jan 18 09:16:03 2005 by sotonin
#24 Jan 18 2005 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
48 posts
Ok a little slow here, what is wrong w/ the avatar? Is that the knight picture w/ the lightning? what is so bad about that?

slightly confused,

Gynnel 22 Templar
#25 Jan 18 2005 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent
Cry me a river?

Anyways, you guys (as teh established posters you are) should know that noone wins an argument on the internet.
Get over yourselfs and stop care what other people think so much.
Look at my rating.. 2.62.. lol.. Most of my comments are very constructive and helpfull but still my rating is 2.62.. Does it looks like I care?
Heck, I dont care if you think ALL my posts suck and should be rated down I know that I helped alot on both theese forums and in-game.

Also, so far I have only rated up posts.. OR should I say rated up posters.. People I know that come here to help.. Would take alot of agro for me to rate anyone down.

I bet this post will be rated down. :D

Edited, Tue Jan 18 09:53:01 2005 by BumbiRagnar
#26 Jan 18 2005 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
Ok a little slow here, what is wrong w/ the avatar? Is that the knight picture w/ the lightning? what is so bad about that?

He changed it of course. it used to be a stick figure raping another in the butt doggy style and it said "PWNED" in big letters.
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