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Re-Sneaking in CombatFollow

#1 Jan 16 2005 at 1:12 AM Rating: Decent
37 posts
Has anyone had any success going back into sneak in order to say ambush a second time. I have yet to be able to re-sneak. The sneak icon appears in my maintained spells window, but I don't sneak. I have had 4 or 5 sneak icons in a row in my maintained window, but no re-sneak. This is rather annoying as I can only get one ambush per encounter. Needless to say, this is a loss of a good hit.

One of the fellows I regularily group with is certain that he saw a pickup predator re-sneak a couple of times in one of our encounters. Anyone who can suggest what, if anything, I am doing wrong, I would greatly appreciate it.


Dirge 20/ Provisioneer 20
#2 Jan 16 2005 at 1:38 AM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
Yes, it can be done. Before you reengage sneak, you must no longer be the target of the mob, and then you must stop attcking. Only then can you re sneak
#3 Jan 16 2005 at 3:09 AM Rating: Decent
37 posts
That's what I thought, but I have tried this to no avail. Smiley: cry Will give it another shot today when I get home and group with my friends. Wish me luck Smiley: smile
#4 Jan 16 2005 at 5:42 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
It is completely different for Predators.

We have special skills for it.

If I have the back of the mob I use Shrouded Strike which hits the mob for a tidy bit of damage and puts me into stealth. You have to turn off attack while it is casting since it is an attack. I can then follow with ShadowBlade or ShadowFlame (both of which do well over 100 damage now) and that automatically puts me back into normal attack. It is very fast and very simple but dependent on those skills. I could use Attack off, Sneak, and then Ambush (If I still used Ambush) but it would be much more clunky.

So you are doing nothing wrong you just don't have the same skill-set.

If it's any consolation Rangers can't sing worth a damn Smiley: smile

Edited, Sun Jan 16 05:43:08 2005 by Cobra101
Wherever I go - there I am.
#5 Jan 16 2005 at 9:53 AM Rating: Default
Check it, im a dirge, if i use walking lightly i cant ambush cuz soon as the tank brings in the mob i get hit first, but when using sneak this doesnt happen, pre patch, i was able 2 stak sneak and walking lightly and NOTHING would ever spot me.
#6 Jan 16 2005 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
They said in the patch message that stealth-stacking was unintended and had been stopped.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#7 Jan 16 2005 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
To answer this in short, yes any class that has an invis type skill can use it in a battle. Now to watch a wizard go invis during a battle is pretty pointless since they don't have any stealth attacks. As for Pred's and Rangers, they can go stealth as much as they want in a battle. The key thing is to always make sure your attack is off. If its on you'll attack the mob and come right out of sneak.
#8 Jan 16 2005 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
37 posts
Well, I just tried it again and I definitely can't go back into sneak Smiley: disappointed. But I guess it levels out in that I can stay behind and by way of Merciless Melody and Dual Wield, I am a regular cuisinart Smiley: yippee.

Also in response to cmonman's comment about not being able to use Walk Lightly to Ambush. That is what I use all the time for my initial ambush and I don't have any problem with mobs seeing me. They go right past me for the tank and then I ambush and switch to alternating between Quick Strike and Sneak Attack with the occasional Dirty Tricks thrown in and for groups I also add Denon's Disruptive Chords or Alin's Keening Lamentation. My group says that they notice a definite diff when they have me along. I just wish I could re-sneak. But oh well, can't have everything (much as my greedy little soul would like).

Anyway, thanks to all for your comments and assistance. Good hunting to all and stay alive Smiley: smile.

Edited, Sun Jan 16 13:11:15 2005 by DRHKerr
#9 Jan 16 2005 at 1:23 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
You _CAN_ Get back into Sneak, its usualy not worth the effort.

In order to do so, you must trigger sneak and fully stealth before you get hit again. Then you must trigger your attack before your opponent nails you again. You can get off another ambush this way, but its normaly a waste of time. You can get off several special attacks in the time it takes to sneak, which usualy add up to the same or more damage. Especialy since most of the time you will be hit during your sneak and thus become unstealthed. ;)

Note this will not lower agro with the mob and will not break the mobs line of sight, as far as I can tell its only good for getting off another ambush.. which its not very good at. ;)
#10 Jan 17 2005 at 3:48 AM Rating: Decent
37 posts
Actually, Dirges _CANNOT_ re-sneak. I have tried inumerable (sp?) times without success. I ambush the mob and break sneak doing so, I then stop Attacking by un-selecting the Attack button, hit either my Sneak or Walk Lightly button and the icon appears in my Maintained Spells window, but I _DO NOT_ ghost out to indicate I am sneaking and when I try to Ambush again, I am told that I must be sneaking in order to use this attack. All the time that this is going on, _ALL_ of the mobs in the group we are attacking are targeted on our tank and _none_ are targeted on me. This just appears to be something that Dirges are unable to do. However, as you stated, it is really no big loss as we are able to do extreme DPS by turning ourselves in a veritable cuinsinart as I said in an earlier post.

Once again, thanks to all for your responses.

Edited, Mon Jan 17 03:48:35 2005 by DRHKerr
#11 Jan 17 2005 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
Interesting I wonder why Sneak would function differently for each class. Oh well, something worth of note thanks! :)
#12 Jan 20 2005 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
lvl 26 troubador.

bards can resneak in combat to use a sneakattack CA.

before you start saying that you tried let me clearify if i can. we can re-SNEAK in combat not walklightly.

Like everyone else has said when you are fighting go into sneak mode and turn off attack. then when sneak is loaded just hit your stealth combat art and it works. However we can not use the Walkinglightly skill to do this. You have to us the old SNEAK skill.

It does work, I even do it when i solo i just have to be quick and hope i don't get hit out before I can activate my attack.
#13 Jan 20 2005 at 1:25 PM Rating: Default
As for the bard types, I have no idea, except using the sneak ability that all scout classes get. and yes that is possible. Especially if your in a group you can sneak again. However, I am now an Assasin, and since this topic came up I thought I would offer a few tips to other Assasins, younger Predators and/or the other scout classes if they apply. So here goes.


Earlier one of the posters was talking about using Shrouded Strike which he has to click off attack so he starts sneaking, then he can use Cut Throat or any other ability that requires you to be sneaking. I use this combo a lot, except its a one click job and its automatic. Macros have 3 lines, here are my 3 lines

/useability shrouded strike


/useability cut throat

One click and I get two attacks that happen back to back because it cues the Cut Throat ability right away. Another one I use is Stalk and Elaa's Relentless Ambush (I think thats what the full name is, not 100% though) and its the same setup as the previous one I showed you, again, one click, and I perform two manuevers with devastating effectiveness. another idea, for those who have a hard time with agro, try this one,


/useability evade

/useability stalk

Both Evade and Stalk reduce hate, plus Stalk puts you in sneak mode and sets you up for a big attack. One last idea for a macro which I mentioned in another post, macro your HO's, its easy and fast, I get off more HO's without interruption because it goes so fast when it is macroed, and its only one click.

With these macros, i save time, get off a lot of damage and I have more room for more buttons on my hotbars. I hope this helps, and good luck out there.
#14 Jan 21 2005 at 1:32 AM Rating: Decent
37 posts
quigslee wrote:
lvl 26 troubador.

bards can resneak in combat to use a sneakattack CA.

before you start saying that you tried let me clearify if i can. we can re-SNEAK in combat not walklightly.

Like everyone else has said when you are fighting go into sneak mode and turn off attack. then when sneak is loaded just hit your stealth combat art and it works. However we can not use the Walkinglightly skill to do this. You have to us the old SNEAK skill.

Well DUH!! Me bad. I, naturally thought Sneak and Walk Lightly were basically the same thing with Walk Lightly being faster as the only difference. Smiley: jawdrop Thanks Quigslee for pointing that out. Smiley: bowdown I will definitely have to give that a try although I think that when I am grouped, I won't usually bother now that I am learning how to better slice, dice, and julienne my opponents Smiley: grin.

Once again thanks and good hunting.

Edited, Fri Jan 21 01:58:40 2005 by DRHKerr
#15 Jan 21 2005 at 3:49 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Macros have 3 lines, here are my 3 lines

For about the last week they have. Smiley: smile

Nice ideas though and I'll try them out.

I'm finding I get stunned an awful lot lately and it can really throw HOs. Putting them on a macro would automatically ruin the HO before I could re-cast the activator. Also I ring the changes a lot.
First HO would be Corner followed by Bleed - Pierce or Mastery strike while it refreshes.
Second would be Dirty Tricks then Impale.

After that it is mostly DT followed by whichever attack is active. I often do something else as well while waiting for one of them to become active.

Also I really don't want Swindler's Luck 5 times in a row. If I get it more than once I will use one of the abilities to switch it to Ringing Blow. A macro would not allow me that flexibility.

Wherever I go - there I am.
#16 Jan 21 2005 at 5:51 PM Rating: Default
Okay everyone, get this down: if you do not re-sneak during a fight, you should either a) learn to do so, or b) not play a scout. Without re-sneaking, you are useless. It is what gives scouts life. Our dps probably triples if you re-sneak during a fight, as it allows you to perform all sorts of additional stealth moves. As a predator/ranger, I have two skills that refresh every ten seconds, one of which is a stealthing attack and the other a stealth attack; the problem that some may have, though, is that in order to properly use the stealthing attack (shrouded strike), you must first start to use the spell, and, in the middle of casting, turn off auto-attack.

Scouts in EQ2 are very involved in combat -- much moreso than their EQ1 equivalents (rangers, rogues). You will CONSTANTLY have to shift in and out of battle, even when soloing (I'll explain in a sec), if you want to be anything more than a fighter that can't tank.

In reference to soloing, turn off auto-attack, use cheap shot to stun them for five seconds, and run around behind while casting a quick stealth-move that does no damage (like the Predator's "Stalk"). You can then pull off an additional high-damage attack on the creature if you were fast enough and the zone doesn't lag. This also works for running a short distance while they're stunned to do Back Shot or whatever you happen to have as a bow skill.

Also ensnare and kite temporarily to do things like Triple Shot/Open Shot, etc.
#17 Feb 03 2005 at 8:32 PM Rating: Decent
If you are in a group place yourself behind the mob just within combat range. This will allow you to resneak and ambush, plus if a Ranger you can also use your bow attacks at this same range.
Make sure you tell the tank to give you enough room to manuever. And its very important to be aware of your surrounding environments so that you do not generate adds. Giants especially need a long distance for this to work. Try this out and good luck.

Sylvar (Kithicor)
#18 Feb 15 2005 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
73 posts
You dont have to resneak as a scout class. I do but not all the time. It's not that big a deal. Most of the time unless you really know what you're doing, its not worth getting the re-sneak off anyway unless you can do it by using Shroud Strike or something subclass equivalent. By the time sneak works and u go to use a sneak combat skill, all the power hitters and casters have taken out the mob you were targeting. And unless there is more than one which is really cool cuz if you've just use Shroud on the previous target and it died you should already be invis to strike again. But you dont necessarily have to re-sneak to be a scout class. I dont do it all the time and there is nothing wrong with standing behind a mob and slicin him up from behind (or flanked)
#19 Feb 15 2005 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
405 posts
I agree with the above poster: re-sneaking shouldn't be a necessity in combat. The timer is so long that I don't know how much the attack can be worth in the end. This, though, is coming from a bard's perspective, and I have songs to attend to on top of damage dealing (and I do the least of all scout classes). Maybe a predator class will get more out of re-sneaking, but I would still think that it's not necessary, just an added benefit if a player wants to take the time to learn the skill.

On a related note, soloing mobs using cheap shot, ending auto-attack, jumping over the mob and performing sneak attack... now that's just fun.
#20 Feb 15 2005 at 8:02 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
If you want max DPS I suppose someone would say re-stealthing is mandatory. There are some very powerful attacks that can only be used while stealthed. However, if you're out having fun, why bother?

In anycase, I rarely encounter trouble stealthing in combat. I mainly solo, so it's always in my best interest to get some powerful hits down, and that means stealthing. I only have Stalk at the moment, but can successfully time stunning the mob, getting behind it, activate Stalk and unleashing either Ambush or Shadow Blade. The times I fubar is if I try to Ambush or Shadow Blade too early (I usually wait till my character does the stealthing animation before hitting an attack) or when I use Bleed instead of Impale on my first HO. If that happens, I just stun and Sneak Attack. No time for stealthing. :/

The times I was in groups, it's much easier to stealth. :D
#21 Feb 19 2005 at 2:17 AM Rating: Decent
I resneak during fights sometimes. I have Elisi's Swift Sneak so going into sneak mode doesn't take long so I dont waste potential attacks having attack turned off.
I hit Elisi's Swift Sneak, hit Autoattack so it turns off, hit ambush and BAM! I nail the mob and am right back into normal battle mode.
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