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Hi my name is...chicky chicky Slyone..Follow

#1 Jan 16 2005 at 12:49 AM Rating: Good
Greetings everyone.

I would like to take this time to introduce myself. My names Andre, but during my time playing Everquest 2 I shall be known as Slyone. I have left FFXI due to the boredness of that game and have seeked EQ2 for my new venture.

I am always heard good things about Everquest in general, but have been a Final Fantasy Fan since I came across FF7. My character back on that game was BLM50/WHM25 with every job unlocked except SAM, his chars name was Slymage on the Bahamut server.

Alright enough about all that! Now, my goal here with EQ2, is to explore, have fun, and just take it at a speed that I want to. I would like to be a 'thief' type character where he can steal stuff, but I want him to be able to do damage. I have read over several articles and came across statements such as 'your race doesn't really affect your job that much' so..taking that into consideration I decided to go with a Male, Half Elf, who is a Scout.

I am good, but on the Island Of Refuge I believe (wherever you start first...) I made it off the boat, and am now killing these crabs for exp...I am level 4 right now. I was running around and happened to go into this area where these goblins were running around so I killed a crap load of these things, and some beetles too. I then went back 'into town' I think, near some tower and I 'camped' there and logged for the night. I'm gonna jump back on here in a minute and continue my journey.

A few questions that I do have are: Is there bazaars in this game? Like on FFXI, if you wanted to sell something, you'd go to the menu/choose bazaar/select the item and assign price/then just close out. I bag would pop up next to your name showing that your bazaar is open. Is there anything like that is this game?

Also, to be a thief, which is the best sub-class? (sorry if using wrong term) I want to be a Swashbuckler I think cause they are slick and sly. Again I just wanna steal stuff and have fun.

Also I remembered when I first got on the guy said to kill this sort of goblin, and I remember when I went out to that field I killed a crap load of those same named goblins...hopefully that completed the quest? I've come across a few other quests too, like collecting shells? then bone shards or something? I've been harvesting and fishing as my skill goes up too =D

I don't really know where else to go...for now lol.

Sorry to sound so noobish, but hey! I am ^^

thanks for your time,
#2 Jan 16 2005 at 4:33 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Ok let's take it slowly

I would like to be a 'thief' type character where he can steal stuff, but I want him to be able to do damage.

Well I'm afraid theives in this game cannot steal anything meaningful but they certainly do a lot of damage when in groups.

I am good, but on the Island Of Refuge I believe (wherever you start first...) I made it off the boat, and am now killing these crabs for exp...I am level 4 right now. I was running around and happened to go into this area where these goblins were running around so I killed a crap load of these things, and some beetles too. I then went back 'into town' I think, near some tower and I 'camped' there and logged for the night. I'm gonna jump back on here in a minute and continue my journey.

Woah there!!!
You missed the point just short of a mile. I'll bet you skipped the tutorial right?

What you should have done is not leap off the boat and start killing crabs but you talked to the NPC by the point you arrive at and he told you to kill a goblin. Your Journal would be updated with the quest and you'll see it in the top right of your screen. He also tells you to return and talk to him when you've killed one. Your journal helper up at the top right is probably saying "Go and talk to XXX" (can't remember his name) right now. he then gives you a reward and sends you to another NPC who will give you more quests each of which has a decent reward for IoR.

As a scout it will be the Ratonga just east of the bank. Go back to the first NPC and follow the quest instructions.

If none of this makes any sense then start a new character just so you can do the tutorial and learn the interface.


A few questions that I do have are: Is there bazaars in this game? Like on FFXI, if you wanted to sell something, you'd go to the menu/choose bazaar/select the item and assign price/then just close out. I bag would pop up next to your name showing that your bazaar is open. Is there anything like that is this game?

No. Selling to the "Market" has to take place with your character in your room and online.

Also, to be a thief, which is the best sub-class? (sorry if using wrong term) I want to be a Swashbuckler I think cause they are slick and sly. Again I just wanna steal stuff and have fun.

You cannot "steal stuff". Indeed I'm a little worried by someone who's idea of "having fun" is stealing. But yes your route for the most thief-like character is Scout-Rogue-Swashbuckler/Brigand. The choice between Swashbuckler and Brigand is on which city you are in at the time. Half-Elf can be good or evil. Qeynos ones go Swashbuckler and Freeport ones are Brigands.

Wherever I go - there I am.
#3 Jan 16 2005 at 7:13 AM Rating: Good

Ok...I was told what goblin to kill and I did kill the goblin last night, now when I went on today, I've done some more stuff, I went back to that guy by the docks and he told me about the ratonga by the range or something in town.

I also found this lady and gave her my shells and she gave me this necklace, I have also cleaned out this basement and used the forge to make a lock.

Thats where I am right now.


[P.S - thats ok about the Stealing and stuff, I just wanna pick locks and have fun anyway] also you shouldn't be worried about one wanting to have fun off of stealing muwhahaha, tis a game?

Edited, Sun Jan 16 07:15:47 2005 by SlyoneSwash
#4 Jan 16 2005 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
I went back to that guy by the docks and he told me about the ratonga by the range or something in town.

Just as a heads up when he did that it gave you a "mystic path" to the NPC. A glowing thread in the air to show you the way. I'm not sure if you can get that back after logging since I've never had to do it.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#5 Jan 16 2005 at 10:18 AM Rating: Default
Your Slim Shady needs work. =p

Edit: To whatever nerd rated me down, I hope your nerdy *** gets your lunch money taken tomorrow. Then I hope you get IDB at home.

Edited, Mon Jan 17 00:39:33 2005 by Kensi
#6 Jan 16 2005 at 4:20 PM Rating: Good
Yeah I saw that mystic line and was like what in the world?

So I followed and it let me not too far to some short troll looking guy (not a ratonga) and he said a statement in which I answered something like 'Ready, but unwilling' or something...then right after that in my quest box in the upper right hand corner is said to kill some deer.

I then walks around to this other shore side where it had a house and I talked to these two guys from the boat I was originally on, he thanked me for helping him, then I ended up camping on land for the night.

#7 Jan 16 2005 at 7:52 PM Rating: Good
I'm a little worried by someone who's idea of "having fun" is stealing

To clarify, what he is referring to, as far as I can tell, is that in FFXI, a Thief character had a skill called "Steal", and when used at the right time (when the mob was pre-occupied), you could steal extra drops and money from mobs. It was an awesome ability for Thiefs, and truly made them a worth-while job for those who wanted to have a good amount of loot, and do medium to high damage. He doesnt mean stealing for other players etc.
#8 Jan 16 2005 at 11:00 PM Rating: Good
Thanks Dacypher =D

Yeah that's what I meant, I appologize if anyone took it any other way. Well my character is now level 6, and is in Qeynos (spelling) I just got here in town, found my house set it up went to the bank and then went and killed some snakes and turtles for the town to get some money.

Some guy Roan he helped me out by explaining to me a few things, he also gave me 52 whats the term for money here? Anyway I'm running into bit of a problem now with my sys. It seems that in Qeynos it is a bit more occupied than the Island of Refuge, soooo...lag or something has arrived. It only seems to skip and freeze when I run, otherwise standing still it works beautifully.

Roan my friend I just met was talking me through some of the graphical issues, we set my computer to Extreme Performance (which is rather low) and it still is laggy. I recently just built my computer off of like 700 bucks just to get something together.

I have these items in which I am getting replaced:

ATI Radeon 9600SE 128MB 8X AGP (vid card)
XFX GeForce FX5700LE 256MB DDR 8X AGP W/TV & DVI (vid card)

ValueRam 512MB DDR 2700 (1 stick, ram)
Mushkin 1024MB PC3200 DDR 400MHz (2 x 512MB)

MB CHTECH VIA KT600 + VT8237 RT (motherboard)

Those are my upgrades, the orders have already been placed and I should get those around Tuesday/Wednesday.

The mobo I have now just sucks, it has only one HD slot, 2 ram slots, NO temp prog, nothing. Chaintech sucks, or at least that board did.

Plus it had a VIA chipset.

Now why am I complaining now when I bought it, I didn't know about chipsets back then lol, plus I only had a limited amount of I did what I could.

This purchase here with just these three new items hits $415 bucks.

My CPU is a AMD Barton 2500+ clockin at 1.84GHZ, oh and with this mobo, I cant even overclock anything, set speeds or nothing. But the CPU could be locked, anyone know how to unlock it?

Sorry for all these Questions and what not, I just feel you guys are really helpful plus this is probably kinda interesting to you.

[What a noob will do to play a game eh?] Dedication!!!


Edited, Sun Jan 16 23:09:17 2005 by SlyoneSwash
#9 Jan 16 2005 at 11:21 PM Rating: Good
I have the same problem in the cities. I dont think it is actually lag, as it only seems to be happening to us 512MBers, and not to the ones who have more. I am upgrading my RAM, as I needed to anyway, not just for EQ2. I think the IoR vs. Qeynos/FP is a matter of there being much more to render in the cities then there was on the Isle. More buildings, more NPCs, and generally, more detail crammed into a smaller area, whereas the Isle is mostly an open area. Getting the upgrade to the RAM should fix a lot of that.
#10 Jan 17 2005 at 12:28 AM Rating: Good
Yeah I'm really excited about my new upgrades when they take place here in 1-2 days.

I like to build my own stuff and when I get new gear its like chistmas all over again (except I bought it all). I am really starting to like EQ2, I was scared coming off of FFXI cause I heard we were spoiled there with the battle system and stuff, but with EQ2 so far I think it's actually a better game than FFXI, the NPCs actually talk, you get seriosuly involved in quests and stuff right from the beginning and there is tutorials!! I mean how could you go wrong?

Anyway, yeah I heard upgrading the ram was the main thing Roan kept mentioning, but I wanted to do this other stuff just to do it. Reason why I decided to drop my 512mb 2700 stick, was because 3200 is faster so that will help, plus it was a double stack of 512s making 1gig for $136.00 plus its a whole lot better brand than Valueram? that was OEM when I bought it back in the day.

#11 Jan 17 2005 at 1:34 AM Rating: Default
ATI Radeon 9600SE 128MB 8X AGP (vid card)
XFX GeForce FX5700LE 256MB DDR 8X AGP W/TV & DVI (vid card)

ValueRam 512MB DDR 2700 (1 stick, ram)
Mushkin 1024MB PC3200 DDR 400MHz (2 x 512MB)

MB CHTECH VIA KT600 + VT8237 RT (motherboard)

Nice choices
#12 Jan 17 2005 at 5:13 AM Rating: Decent
Dont worry about lag in the city (unless its really bad imo).
Set graphics so it looks nice but still flows good outside. Mby abit lower so it will be playeble in blackburrow.
You wont spend so much time in the city and thats where most lag occurs.

Anyways, good to see your enjoying the game! Also good to hear people are helping you out!
#13 Jan 17 2005 at 6:23 AM Rating: Good
Thank you two for your replies.

I don't mean to keep this post ongoing but hey, I am really starting to like this game!

Tonight achievements,
Several quests completed.
Qeynos Citizenship achieved (that was weird)
Met another great person who helped me out!

Derek/Waulker is a good person. He saw me shouting about a question (like a true noob) and he came to the rescue. He then ended up giving me a leather backpack that HE made, that was awesome, and 1 gold (piece)?! I was really excited. I learned that you need to buy spells (like quick strike II) and stuff, I guess it makes it stronger.

I joined a 'tradeskill' place thing. AND learned that if you ever need to find someone (like for a quest) go to the guards and right click, choose find npc, and type in the name, then that magical line shows and you just waltz to that person! YAY!

After I changed the settings earlier today, and it was skill crappy, when I rebooted and went on later on tonight, it was almost flawless, but, the gfx were not so well. It hid peoples faces and stuff and just didnt seem alive. This can hold me until Wednesday when I get all my stuff.

#14 Jan 17 2005 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
I have nothing to offer for advice but I wanted to say it is nice to see someone having so much fun getting started :)

If you ever need an Illusionist on Blackburrow (in a few levels lol) look me up :)
#15 Jan 17 2005 at 2:38 PM Rating: Good
1,930 posts
I agree. It is fun to read somewhat of a Journal on here. not the normal ***** moan complain about everything.

Rate-up for the newbie..
#16 Jan 17 2005 at 2:46 PM Rating: Good

I notice you mention going to purchase apprentice level 2 spells. Before you do this purchase a bulletin board from a vendor and place it on the wall in your room. From here you can check and see if other people have any of your skills, either an apprentice level 3 or 4 available, or maybe even the adept level one for sale.

Many times you can find better versions of the same spells for cheaper then you could off a vendor for the level 2 versions.
#17 Jan 17 2005 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
Haha yeah,

I was wondering what that was...I thought it was some sort of wallpaper or something. I'll run and get that today. I've already bought the lvl 2 spells (oh well) I did also get the gnomish language and those other's too.

I thought I read somewhere that at lvl 8, you can start going for your job-class thing? Like Rouge etc;? I want to be a swashbuckler, and I think that's under rouge.

Anyways, I'm gonna go look for the CastleView...this bard who 'never' sings lol, said he wants me to go ask this person if they wanna do a duet. If he doesn't sing, I doubt he'll get a partner? =P

#18 Jan 19 2005 at 1:45 AM Rating: Good
Well It's been alittle while since the story of a young Half Elf Scout has been updated. I am here to tell you this young laddie has grown a bit in just a short period of time.

I am now a Level 10 Rouge (/bow) thank you..thank you. With help from the lovely people here at Allakhazam Everquest 2 forums, and ingame buddies I was briefed on how to steal the orders from the safe house. I also got the Sneak Attack upgrade afterwards, addeal II or something like that, thought that was neat.

I bought the Bulletin board and am trying to understand it a bit more. I have done a crap load of quests along the way. I also encountered a 'named mob' that I could not defeat, not even with three people in a party.

It was a 'Crowned Spider' a big one too, he was white with two up arrows to me...we have a lvl 11 (something) and a level 8 mage and it didn't turn out too well. I wasn't really sure what to gather to take on this mob, I just shouted that I needed some help and would like to take this mob out.

It ended up killing me twice, cause once I tried to solo, second our group got whooped. Finally the thing ended up dissappearing cause its spawn time was up or whatever lol.

Now I'm gonna start leveling up a bit more than doing quests all the time, learning the game and skills and whatnot.

I also decided to go ahead and purchase the Prima Everquest 2 strat guide, even though coming from FFXI and having bought their first version then their 'spring' version..I know about the whole 'outdated material' but it still will always cover the basics and that's what I need for now. To understand what apprentice spells mean and are, and those addeal things are...

Anyways, that's the update for now. Until next time, happy gaming and goodluck!

#19 Jan 19 2005 at 1:56 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
AWESOME! Glad to hear you're the newest rogue to norrath =D. Oh, I hear ya about that spider, my first character I ever made was wandering around the forest, when I got jumped from behind, and killed within a few hits. It was very depressing =p. Needless to say, I stayed about 50 meters where I "Thought" I died. (yea, it was that fast). Back on topic, enjoy being a rogue! Hope it works out for ya!
#20 Jan 19 2005 at 10:05 AM Rating: Good
114 posts
What a refreshing thread to read!
It is great to see how excited you are about this game, Slyone. That is how I feel every time I delve into a new dungeon, or speak to an npc who gives me a new quest, or meet new friends and fight alongside some really good players.
Since you are posting on this forum, you already have access to a wealth of information regarding gameplay. Check out the quests here. One of the best parts about EQ2 is that you can get up to 50 quests assigned to you at a time, and many times, more that one quest requires the same mobs killed, so you can kill the mobs for one quest, and get credit for two or three quests. And don't forget, usually, completing a quest also gets you experience.
So far it sounds as though you have run into some very friendly and helpful people. This is what the community of EQ2 is supposed to be about, even in evil Freeport, heh. Keep up the good work, and please, keep us posted. Be Safe!
#21 Jan 19 2005 at 12:09 PM Rating: Good
Thanks Waren,

Yes I have noticed that you can kill the same mob and if your other quests need that mob to be killed you will get credited. I was excited to knock out 2-3 quests at the same time. I also find it very lovely that you get EXP for doing quests. Matter of fact...I got level 10 solely off doing the Scout Training, and a few other quests.

I'm also bringing in some friends to the game as well, seeing as how I talk about it all the time they are getting excited just off my facial expressions LOL.

I'm kinda stuck right now, last night when I logged back in to do my nightly adventuring...I don't really know what to do or where to go. Sure I wanna do quests, but I like to level up too. Level 10 Rouge, is it time to party now? ...I tried to mess around with the forgotten mobs in Forest Ruins and almost got my butt handed to me. Oh well...


Edited, Wed Jan 19 12:10:45 2005 by SlyoneSwash
#22 Jan 19 2005 at 12:23 PM Rating: Good
900 posts
Hiya Slyone,

Glad to hear you are having fun and so many people are giving you a hand. You can group if you want to, or keep doing the solo thing. There are plenty of quests that you can complete with no help, but there are also plenty of group quests that give nice XP and loot. The Down Below is a good place to go as well as Antonica. Oakmyst Forest has some good quests as well.

Also, as a rogue, you don't need no stinkin' NPC to find can track ^_^.

#23 Jan 19 2005 at 12:32 PM Rating: Good
Ohhhh really? (about the track thing)

Hmm...yeah cause I'm always going to NPC's (Derek/Waulker showed me this) and you can ask them if they know so and so, and the magical line will show up and show the way. But most of the time they don't even know (they don't know the person in which I am looking for).

So if I use track... (which I have before, just clicking around with my buttons) will it show the magical line too? and does it track for the entire zone, or just a 10 block (gaming design) radius?

I know in FFXI when a Ranger used wide scan, depending on your level, it only showed mobs around you in a general area.


Edited, Wed Jan 19 12:33:42 2005 by SlyoneSwash
#24 Jan 19 2005 at 1:34 PM Rating: Default
Sly One...

I have a level 16 Predator and I still have occasional challenges with Forest Guardians...
But don't despair, they drop nice stuff...
#25 Jan 19 2005 at 4:00 PM Rating: Good
900 posts
Not sure what the radius of track is but it is not zone wide. It gives you a list of NPC and PC in the area that you are in. If you click on their name then OK the wisp will show you the way to them.

Unlike the FFXI version, it does not show them on the map. However, it is live unlike the FFXI version. If a mob pops, it will show it in the list.

Edited, Wed Jan 19 16:00:47 2005 by Buzzltyear
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