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Wich priest for solo?Follow

#1 Jan 16 2005 at 12:42 AM Rating: Decent
I like to solo alot and would like to know what priest type would solo better.

The Shaman types get to use spears wich would help add to damage, and they have a good amount of spells and abilities to work with.

The Cleric sub classes allow for some nice armor wich would also help alot, the INquisitor seems to have a good combo of healing and attacking spells and abilites so i can do some decant damge while still being able to keep myself alive

The druid types i'm not too sure on, but the can change form wich would add some nice stats, The fury also seems to have alot of attacking skills aswell, and some good buffs and healing.

SO far i am planing on being a barbarian priest to solo with (and group occasioanlly) right now i have a lvl 6 barbarian priest in the IoR that can solo basically everything (grimgash is hit or miss at times but is doable) and trying to find out wich tpye of priest has the best soloing capabilities.
#2 Jan 16 2005 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
I have a druid at lvl 12 now and I solo a lot. I haven't decided whether to go warden or fury but figure I have time left to make that choice.

For now, I'm having a ball blasting things into oblivion while swinging a big 2 handed staff. The druids get lots of good spells and can do some melee work while still being very good healers.

I think they're a great class... you should try one on for size!
#3 Jan 18 2005 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
48 posts
My 22 Templar can do yellow con solo mobs, in TS pretty easily. (At least she can do the corpse eaters on her own, not sure if she could take on all and any yellow con solo mobs in TS.) She can take a beating due to her armor, and dish out decent damage w/ her HO.

Only problem is she doesn't have a ton of damage spells to cast, so her attack is pretty boring. I cast a HoT on me, debuff the mob w/ 2 spells, then start hitting and HO'ing the mob. Occasionally i have to re HoT me, but the fights rarely are close calls. (Again only referring to the corpse eaters)

I don't have any other class to compare to, but she can solo quite well. And in a group, if she does draw agro, she can take a huge beating, allowing time for the others to get the mobs off her. Her ability to wear the good armor is a Plus.

Only thing i would change is i made her a high elf like my eq1 cleric. I should have been more creative. oh well.

Gynnel 22 Templar
#4 Jan 20 2005 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
Defiler...Got a level 24 and I solo all kinds of thing in Nektulos and Thundering Steppes...Debuffs are insane, the slow is nice, throw in the ward so you basically never take damage...Trigger HO, Use a DOT, then use Grey Wind, theres over 150 dmg in that few seconds, and dot still runs...Add in Fuligious sphere add another chunk of life...Really a great class for soloing and grouping. The medium armor is nice to have, its all we really need since we can heal and ward. The fear effect from Wraith form can be nice sometimes too, can give you time to get an important heal off every now and then and then re pull mob..just my 2cp.
#5 Jan 20 2005 at 8:18 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Furies are good soloers, but you only have two tactics (at least that I've been able to figure).

One is the fast nuke. Buff self (damage shield - the others are long term). Pull w/ DoT and melee. Chain cast HOs (these are nukes). Regro (heal over time) if needed. Keep HOing = monster dies.

If the mob is a tough one, you can grind it.

You don't nuke. Instead u ds (damage shield) then pull w/ Dot and melee. Add other DoT if you have it. Regro. Repeat DoTs and regro until it dies. Takes ages, but u can outlast a lotta tough mobs and eventually drop em this way.

You need good spell upgrades and good armor - helps a lot. As far as I can tell the only class that can outsolo me is a summoner (either flavor) - they seem to be the best. GL
#6 Jan 21 2005 at 9:51 PM Rating: Decent
right now i am a 15 cleric, and i plan on goimg imquisitor.
so far i have solod almost the entire time and have yet to have any real problems, i tend to go after blue ^^ and green ^^ and dont have any real problem with them, occasionally i run out of power and i'm able to keep alive using my vitae spell and by the time my life is low i have regained enough power to cast it again :)
once i get to 20 i'll be able to use heavy armors so i'll be able to soak up alot of damage.
#7 Jan 26 2005 at 7:49 AM Rating: Decent
I've got a 27 Templer, and I can still solo 'SOLO' mobs that are yellow and even orange to me. However, I can no longer solo the green lvl 23^^ mobs in TS anymore. I've got all yellow or orange gear (to include all of my lvl 20ish AQ armor) and all my spells are at least appentice IV or Adept I.

What I have seen is each zone is a little different in how their mobs are coded to their lvl. Prior to hitting lvl 25, I would have said that the outdoor adventuring zones were the places to solo at as the mobs in antonica were always easiar per lvl than those in SH or COB. However, at 27, I have yet to find a zone where I can still solo green ^^ mobs or groups of just plain green mobs. I get owned by most the mobs in TS, and I have problems taking down grey ^^ mobs in COB.

I did manage to take on two steelhoof invaders last night in TS, they were lvl 23 and both had a ^, but the fight took a good 7 mins or so as our nukes just don't cut it at the higer lvls to be doing the amount of damage we need them to (that is to say, if our intent is to solo).

Also, another observation I will add here to any future or young priest, when you get to update your skills, I wouldn't recommend following the old EQ1 advice of hit points are always better. Since most of the hitpoint upgrades only give you 2-4% increase in hitpoints, and the mobs that are hitting you are nailing you for over 500 on a hit, the increase is pretty much worthless. Take the increased power or power regen. You'll find when soloing, the first thing you will always run out of will be power. Just my two cents.


Sabotteur - lvl 70 Cleric - Tribunal retired
Sabo - lvl 27 Templer - Steamfont
Sabottage - lv 19 War - Steamfont

Edited, Wed Jan 26 07:51:38 2005 by Sabotteur
#8 Jan 26 2005 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
Just dinged 28 Warden last night, been a good solo and group class. I can handle yellow solo mobs fine. I will have to try an orange in EL to see how it goes, lol. Anything labeled group is now suspect since the patch - they made these much tougher to solo for everyone. Just be sure to learn your HOs early on, they will help immensely whatever you choose.
#9 Feb 03 2005 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
Defiler, Hands-Down best solo'er. At lvl 32, you can solo the new advanced solo/small-group mobs up to lvl 37 in Enchanted Lands. I don't even bother with even cons any more.

Strat: Ward self, slow/dot mob, HO wheel, whack whack whack,...repeat.

(Side Note: Chain soloing mobs is still slower than group exp. though, imo)
#10 Feb 03 2005 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
138 posts
I had a really hard time soloing with my defiler until about lvl 28 when I upgraded from app1 to app4 or adept1 both of my DoT's and my nuke. At that point I picked up some tier 2 drinks and went off on a soloing binge. I have soloed from 28 to 31 as of last night. I did all of lvl 29 in about 8 hours of play time on a saturday out in EL. As long as my defiler has a good drink for power regen I can solo mobs that are up to 5 lvl's above me at a pretty fast rate with no fear of dying.

My 2 DoT's stacked together do about 111dmg a tick and my nuke will do between 90 and 110 a pop. Since they upgraded the damage on HO's I can now land those for upwards of 260 and have even hit a 292 with it. Tack on the 2 debuffs that really make mob's weak as all sin, a ward on myself, and I take pretty much zero damage in a fight. So with all that in mind I would say that yes, Defiler's can solo extremely well at the middle levels. The trick is having the good drink to make you an efficient soloer.
#11 Feb 07 2005 at 8:04 AM Rating: Decent
right now i'm a lvl 21 inquis wearing full pristine carbonite vanguard, and solo'ing is pretty easy. also when grouped with a few of my mage freinds i am usually the tank, but i do it rather well, and can usually keep the hate unless the mages overnuke.

last night me and my necro freind were duoing orange con groups (3 mobs) and i was able to keep the hate and keep myself healed rather easily, while he did some aoe nukes :D
#12 Feb 07 2005 at 11:30 PM Rating: Decent
i have a 21 Isky Inqu and i have soloed most of the time with little effort sometimes a green^^ kills me depends on my fizzles but with the Inqu reactive healing keeping all your HP is pretty easy and about half my armor is blue to grey but still have over 1200ac(buffed) and 62wis. Rebuke to pull and i just spam my HO's with smite to make sure i have enough power.
#13 Feb 08 2005 at 7:48 AM Rating: Decent
you should definately update your gear as soon as possible, i have over 1900 AC buffed. I dont have as much wis as i could (only 54) but it works out well as with the AC and the other stats i have help out alot while soloing, my current stats are (fully buffed)

Health 926
power 633
AC 1936
STR 63
AGI 38
STA 63
INT 21
WIS 54

my resists are all pretty high, the lowest being 180 and the higesrt over 300
#14 Mar 12 2005 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
I made a druid and at lvl 12 I was able to solo a blue ^^ mob and then a green ^^ add. The Damage Shield helps alot, and just kept using my HO and healing every so often. Armor wise I don't have anything special (freebie druid tunic, merchant bought light armor, 3 or 4 ac rings and jewelry and a crap shield.

I never really played the other classes so I can't really compare. But I know my conjuror at lvl 12 couldn't solo 2 ^^ mobs.

#15 Mar 16 2005 at 9:56 AM Rating: Decent
I have a 26 Defiler and I am still able to solo most whites and yellow cons with relatively no downtime. I can kill skeletons fast enough to climb the accent in Nektulos.

My main strategy is to buff myself (of course) then cast Spectral Ward on myself before the pull. Then I pull with Degeneration. I initiate my HO starter then I cast Tierbold's Persistant Miasma (Which I chose when I hit 20) and follow with Contamination. If one or both should be resisted, I can still complete the HO with Grey Wind and at least get the damage in that way. After that, I cast Revulsion then Fulginous Sphere. By this time, a white mob would be at around 40-50% health. Between the DoTs and melee (which is only about 6-15 damage every 3 seconds) in and it's health will drop even more quickly. Throw in another HO combo like above and it's a cakewalk. I don't usually need to recast the ward, as the debuffs and my decent AC (2500+) can keep me from taking too much damage but it's useful in the beginning to help prevent spell interruption. I can usually end combat and still have 80% mana left (HP is negligible for me. Mana is the most important thing in my strategy).

Throw in some good drink (I'm a 22 provisioner so this is never a problem) and you will only need about 10 seconds before you're ready to pull again. Results may vary depending on your personal statistics and class but this is what I use with my Barbarian Defiler and a meager 55 Wisdom.

The most important thing to remember is that this is not EQLive. Every class in this game can solo at any level if they know their strenghts and even more importantly, their weaknesses. Some classes are more predisposed to soloing than others but anybody else can do the same. It's a matter of knowing what you have and what you can't have.

Also remember, that if it's experience you're after, it's usually better to be in a group with that same goal. A good group will have virtually no downtime and is much more secure for everyone's safety.

Anyway, I hope this helps. Any class you choose can solo to a point. I find a Defiler very fun and versatile myself but I think the Druid subclasses are great too and look like they are a lot of fun to play. The Cleric subclasses can solo well I've heard but I just find them inherently boring.
#16 Mar 17 2005 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
i got a 29 warden and i have no problems at all soloing mobs up to level 33, as long as i dont get adds. The battles is also finished very quickly.

My tactics is like this - I begin with casting my DoTs on the mob, as they do loads of damage without me having to do much. Then i cast my heal over times on myself - makes me almost invincible as i regen faster then the opponent damages me most of the time. Then it's time to start nukeing, my best nuke makes 150 damage (not very good - i know) and has a recast of 2.5 seconds. Sometimes i have to Recast the DoTs and the Regens depending on how much interupts and stuns my opponent uses, and occaionally if i face a caster type mob, i might have to throw in a blast heal or two.
#17 Mar 18 2005 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
Well..I'm a 20 Inquisitor and I have NO problem at all soloing the oranges in nek forest. I have atleast half power left after every kill. Just debuff with rebuke, pull and use heroic opportunities alot with your nukes and then put a reactive heal on self when needed. I have just store bought Steel Vanguard armor and a smatering of quest items like hate forged gauntlets. Good thing about the Inquisitor as compaire to the Templar for solo is we get not only the nukes but also DOTS! Cleansing fire(our 24 dot) does around 413 to 507 damage in 5 ticks(not shaman damage mebbe..but hey..I'm in vanguard armor!). Also at 31 we get another dot, Cruel Invocation(mental damage plus stifles the enemy..that mean silence??) at 31 we have both a heat and a mental nukes, heavy armor, reactive heals plus mark of pawns. Not to mention Inquisitors specialize in debuffs which help tons in solo! Not saying were going to be solo kings...but we probably will do just fine plus we are probably the most sturdy of healing classes with the most outright healing power which make us hella group fiendly. I am NEVER lfg for longer than like 5 Hey..if really lookinginto the future at lvl 42 we get Flagellant which increases our AC, reduces hate, plus gives us a DS!!!..that is just dang spanky if you ask me:)

Just my 2 cp:)
#18 Mar 26 2005 at 12:41 AM Rating: Decent
I'm a 29 fury right now and solo rather well. For the past 2 level I have been soloing the Giants in TS, the skeletal troopers and other heroic skellies. My max heroic kill now is a blue heroic but at earlier levels I could take whites and some yellow heroics. It just seeems to be getting harder to solo though (At least heroic mobs. I rather not kill the solo ones just cuz the exp is bad on them.) I figure at later levels soloing heriocs may become impossible but I;ll still try.
PS - can solo yellow and orange solo mobs very easily.
#19 Mar 27 2005 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
Just about all preist, and probably classes as well, solo well (i say just about cuz i only have a warden) mainly because of the fact that now we don't have to target ourselves to heal. If you really want to solo u probably should have gotten WoW but if u want to stay in EQ2 then just about anything goes
#20 Mar 30 2005 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
At level 27-28, I've been able to solo the beetles, badgers, sprites, and turtles (all level 30-32) at the beach of Enchanted Lands with only about 30 seconds downtime with Tier 3 Homemade Drinks. There is a local wildlife hunting quest that is repeatable there as well, so I can nab about 30 silver every 15 minutes or so from this. Don't know if there is an XP cap but I don't seem to get much more XP from these than I would soloing whites and blues. I do it mostly for money and good treasure that can sell well to both merchants and players.
#21 Apr 01 2005 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
I have a 37 Templar and I can solo a lot of mobs that some peeps can't. I usually head over to EL or Zek and do it there.

But....I don't spend a lot of time soloing. Most of the time, when I do solo I end up with tells from peeps offering groups and such, no matter the zone or time I play.

#22 Apr 02 2005 at 2:38 AM Rating: Decent
moral of the story : all priests can solo fine and they all have exactly the same strategy. pull, debuf, heal, HO.

seems this thread just turned into a collection of "omg i'm liek so much liek uberer dan u ph4t l333tz omgomg!"

#23 Apr 04 2005 at 1:54 AM Rating: Decent
178 posts
I'm not sure which is 'better'... the info in this post looks pretty dang good, and I agree with the person who said the recipe is general for success... Pull, debuff, heal, HO.

At level 12, my druid was soloing and taking out lvl 16 and 17 mobs consistently with no real problem. Yay druids!! That may not be anything 'special' in comparison with the others, dont know but I was pretty stoked about it.

My mitigation is relatively high thanks to my armor and I commonly gain double XP due to vitality :)

I'd say, if you don't use HO's, you should definitely familiarize yourself with them and use them for big damage in taking down the mobs, solo or group. I start my HO chain pretty early in my encounters and continue doing those cycles until my target is dead. In between HO's I do HoTs or Minor Arch heals on myself as needed, but stay focused on your HO's to take them down quickly.

Typically, my 'recipe' for solo is something like... Cast all buffs prior to the Pull including a HoT, pull, debuff, initiate HO, complete chains, and heal as needed while repeating this process til the mob is dead.

The reason I like to do the HoT prior to the pull is bc I've noticed that often the mob will resist the first few casts/hits while dealing damage to you, so if your HoT is in place you can still give focus to your HO initiation and cycling rather than immediately having to worry about losing power and healing self.
I'm still undecided on what I'll do at lvl 20 for my druid.

Happy questing!
/dance Smiley: yippee

Mistmoore srvr

Keilova 15 wood elf druid/10 scholar
Rendryn 8 wood elf fighter
Piersya 6 half elf scout
Highkeep srvr

Sashayenne 11 half elf sorcerer

#24 Apr 08 2005 at 6:50 AM Rating: Decent

Got a 31 barbarian Mystic and I solo yellow mobs without any problems at all. Currently Ive been soloing a few quests in Zek and EL. I got a few adept 1 but mostly app2 spells (*sigh*)

Reading all the above Id say its up to you to choose which class suits you most. From my own experience Id say that the EQ2 classes are pretty well balanced. Just take a pick and knock yourself out =p
#25 Apr 26 2005 at 6:08 AM Rating: Decent
I have a 21 Defiler and at 18 i could solo cackling cadivers at 19 it got a lot easier they have some great wards which if used correctly you shouldnt get hit also if you want from your abilities there is a heal equivalent to adept 2 that will compliment the wards i hope this was some help. Keldorn inny
#26 Apr 26 2005 at 7:41 PM Rating: Decent
I'm a 39 templar. I can solo
Yellow mobs (Can probably do low oranges - I'd have to check)
Yellow Solo grouped mobs (Ya know the packs of 3+)
Green Heroic grouped mobs
I haven't tried a single double arrow green yet.

Any class can solo. It's just a matter of finding what works for you.
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