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Harder mob.... less xp....Follow

#27 Jan 17 2005 at 9:43 PM Rating: Decent
why are all you people ******* and moaning so freekin much?????????????? i played eq1 for about 3 1/2 years. i got to lvl 50 with my main. i had played every class to 35 and i had been to every single zone that you could enter at lvl 50..... if you dont like the freeking grind or if you dont like the freekin game then get the **** outa this god dman game it is ******* pissing me off to no ******* end and i am about to ******* kill an incocent little old women for no reaSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i played eq2 since the freekin launch date...... i am lvl 19..... if you want to be some high up uber dude with super uber gear in less then 2 weeks and do it all solo.... then go play WoW ever 2-bit little 12 year old boy with no balls plays that game so i am sure alot of you would fit in the just well. and why are you moaning here on alakazam its not like sony reads theese boards...... go to the offical web site and post. and as for the grind.... to be perfectly truthfull with you all i dont care what you say or do heck for all i care you can take a an
AK-47 into a pre-school and kill every one there over eq2 the fact is that it wont change what sony is doing unless alot of other people agreee with on the boards so rate me down to the ground i dont care this is my 4th ala acount so who gives ****.
#28 Jan 17 2005 at 11:24 PM Rating: Default
get a life you ******* do you really give a **** what someone says on a stupid board go die

maybe you want to spend 6 hours killing mobs but some poeple just want to have fun playing a game now and then

i played eq1 and it was pretty cool but its like they took everything good about it and ruined it for eq2, i dont expect it to change its just disapointing

if seeing peoples opinions makes you cry then dont read them


Edited, Mon Jan 17 23:25:40 2005 by mokuba
#29 Jan 17 2005 at 11:35 PM Rating: Default
1,463 posts
Wow, and I thought I had problems...

Vermont, first chill. Isn't Vermont Howard Dean country? And didn't he blow his nomination for the Pres. by losing his cool? Man, what's in the water up there??

I'm not going to rate u down. But if I were you I'd go back and edit out at least the AK-47 and killing people part. That can be used as evidence of premeditation.

Okay, some of us bought 6 months to save a lil $ assuming we would love the game - believing the hype that the team had created some sort of wildly innovative new game. So we're kinda stuck for a while w/ it - starting to see the picture?

And SoE did deliver on some of the hype. They delivered on graphics. They delivered on sound (my footsepts echo in tunnels, whee). They delivered on almost all areas of player-friendliness - except for a few like click-thru zone lines (boo, make em see through and no click pls!).

But for all this emphasis on technical splash, they failed to deliver on content. The quests are about 90% go fetch a soandso or go kill 10 whatnots. Almost no innovation or spark to em. I've yet to do a really good quest, but have read about a few. But there are only a few so far.

And adventuring - where is the "adventure"?? For a lot of us there is NONE. Okay, these games boil down to grinds - but to make the game enjoyable, the grind has to be WORTH IT. In old eq they made the grind worth it somehow cuz, well, it was my first mmo and I was curious - and because there was an amazing variety of tactics and spells. I was challenged and didn't have to do the same thing all the time. That made the Grind enjoyable enough to bear.

Now - dude - people like you REALLY **** ME OFF ROYAL when you have the nerve, the complete unmitigated gall to tell me I can't criticize this game - that I either have to take it like it is or quit, but don't have an opinion - that I can't like part of it and wish they'd fix the parts I don't like -- you are so close to awakening EvilPimpGnome it's not funny! Smiley: dnp You think you're crazy with your pathetic quaisi-threatening drivel? You don't even want to think about waking up EvilPimpGnome! You can't even imagine what would happen!!!!
#30 Jan 17 2005 at 11:47 PM Rating: Default
its like evilgnomes opened up my head and looked inside
#31 Jan 18 2005 at 3:03 AM Rating: Default
1,463 posts
Hey Mokuba - yeah we're bro's in here - we're always on the same side. More powa to ya! I like your posts, too.

Well, I'm only casually playing now - we bought a 6 month thing - so ... you know, they could fix this game to where it's at least not painful to grind. If they cared. I wonder if the people at SoE even realize how important this is?? Obviously it is something that doesn't bother all players, but I would think it bothers enough players to ... but who am I kidding?
#32 Jan 18 2005 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
In regards to Vitality, here's the thread.

Same thread but a reply from Moorgard with further explanation.
#33 Jan 18 2005 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
494 posts
I read most of this thread and decided to skip down and leave a post of my own.

As a 26, almost 27, shadowknight fairly well equipped (check profile below), I have no problems soloing green ^^ group mobs, I have even taken blue ^^ group mobs (not on purpose). I think the trick is to have propper gear, and have propper spell upgrades.

If you just get a new spell, maybe try it out once or twice to get the 'golly gee wiz' twitch out of the way, but then put it away till you upgrade it to at least a app 3 before you start to depend on its use. I noticed that when I got Infernal Pact (SK Demonstration of Faith upgrade) I switched off to use it and almost bit the dust, I had to flee. That is because, while it is a better spell, it was App I and my previous Demonstration of Faith was Adept I.

The same goes with armor, if your armor is blue, or heck once it hits white, you might want to invest in some new stuff. I'm not rich, but by soloing mobs and keeping the loot to myself I can take that and sell it over night and make about 3-5 gold easily. I turn around and look for armor upgrades. Right now I have 12gp in the bank because I can't find any more upgrades I can use.

I would also suggest that if you invest in purchasing armor, buy stuff that is NOT attunable so that you can resell it later (even at a bit of a loss).
#34 Jan 18 2005 at 7:24 PM Rating: Default
heh thanks evil
#35 Jan 19 2005 at 4:00 AM Rating: Good
A question Evilgnomes.. Why are you so focused on the goal? Try to enjoy the journey instead. Forget xp and do quests, explore and adventure!
Even if I would turn of adventure xp completly and only gain xp from quests I still would miss alot of content at every level!
Im sorry but I just dont understand!
And grind? What grind? I never been in a EQ1 like grind group this far. Have started a few quest grind groups though were we all start a few quests and move along all over the world killing and hailing stuff which gives us great xp and is alot of fun!
Also, how fun would it be if you hit level 50 in a month? What would you do after that? The first expansion wont be here until the second half of 2005 you know..

Im not ranting, only trying to figure you out!

Also, sometimes I even miss the mindless grind were you could be semi afk watching TV as you were killing stuff at PoF tables.. Now you have to be completly focused all the time..

#36 Jan 19 2005 at 4:46 AM Rating: Default
1,463 posts
"Try to enjoy the journey instead"

Hm, most of the journey is fighting things. Fighting things is tedious and boring for me (and many others) in the current system. There are no options of tactics to speak of, and there is no variety of spells. So this MAJOR part of the journey is seriously flawed for me.

What makes you think I haven't been questing and exploring? So far the quests are completely underwhelming to me. Over 90% are go fetch its or go kill 10 of these - w/ little imagination. A few quests are good. I've done the ones I can.

The griff ride was fun the first 3 times. Now I wish they were teleporters, instead. Ever play AO? That system was cool (wompahs).

I like in Califoreignia (California) - frankly, I can drive ten minutes and see scenery that blows away anything I've seen so far in the game. Maybe better stuff is coming - I hope.

Regarding the grind - there is grinding, also called exping, where you only want exp. You don't care about loot or fulfilling quests etc. But for me THE GRIND is what the effort to improve your char necessarily becomes in these games - it is work - hard work - and it takes a long time and etc. Quests help, the exp is nice. But for the most part exp comes from fighting stuff. And again fighting here is so boring - with almost no conceivable way to "beat THE GRIND" - which I was able to do time and time again in old eq - and that became very satisfying.

THE GRIND is the long slow pace of advancement - beating it is the ultimate challenge in these games - finding a fun and more efficient way to get ahead - w/out the ages of plodding at a slow pace. SoE are idiots if they really think it's a good idea to create a game where you MUST grind without relief, and there is no hope of improving your play or learning tactics to get ahead. That is what makes the game "challenging" and worth playing, imo.

I honestly feel like I've gone from a free market economy in old eq to a totalitarian communist regime in eq2, where egalitarianism is enforced - and we're all equally miserable, miserable at least in our ability to do what I call "beating THE GRIND". Does that help u?
#37 Jan 19 2005 at 5:30 AM Rating: Decent
I can see your point(s).
However, imo you can beat the grind as you call it. How? By taking on lots of quests while killing stuff..
Have 2-3 quests for, say, giants and go kill giants. Then run around and kill them for 30-45 mins, hope for additional quests to drop and gain a whole lot of xp from both quests and kills. Then you run away and do some turn ins for a while which is good since it will keep your vitality high so you get max xp bonus for next session of quest/kill 'grind'.

But if you cant find any of this fun, and are really as bothered with everything else you list I suggest you go play EQ1 which is really great and has a new expansion coming soon.
Go back to EQ2 in a year or so and hope they fixed alot of the stuff you dont enjoy.
What else can you do? Nothing I can think of..

You can agree or disagree with my post but if you dont like the game you should move on. I know you cant get a hold on a copy o WoW yet but go do some RL stuff or EQ1 stuff then?
#38 Jan 19 2005 at 6:07 AM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
You don't understand. I'm burned out on old eq. I still play it w/ my kid some, but I've literally done everything I could want to do there. I didn't finish all the planar stuff, but I'm not insane, either. I "finised" that game.

Listen, I actually like parts of EQ2. I rail against it because it is so appealing to me yet also so flawed.

Yes, I do pick up quests to work on while I adventure. Thanks. That helps a little. I often solo green ^^ mobs or other group mobs. I get better exp doing that than a lot of groups - you'd be surprised - and great loot.

As a Fury I have two tactical choices to make. DS self, pull w/ DoT, cast other DoT and HO HO regrow HO HO HO - dead. Or I can DS self, pull w/ DoT, do other DoT, melee... refresh DoTs, regrow, refresh DoTs ... and continue until it drops. This takes down pretty hard mobs but takes a long time. That's what I'm constantly doing. It gets boring. Being part of a group gets boring because I do the same job over and over and over - and most groups won't try HOs, and when we do those get tedious (they are artificial - they aren't real tactics).

None of the tactical choices, spell options - the feel of a real challenge - the intense planning of old Eq carries over at all. I know this was to be a new game - but those parts of old eQ were great! Of course I didn't want old EQ w/ new graphics. But what we get... it just becomes too tedious for me.

Man, playing up my druid in old EQ there were spells I WANTED badly - getting to lvl 14 w/ no twinkage was a HUGE deal. Suddenly the world opened up for me - SoW! I could run fast and escape death! Kiting was available! The battlefiend became mobile and big - multidimensional - not just me and this critter in each other's faces. And Stinging Swarm! I could DoT! The next big step was getting Wolf Form. Speed and safety in certain places - I could go anywhere in Unrest! Killer!

I so wanted these things that I played hard to get them. The GRIND wasn't a grind because there were things I wanted so badly. And there were other things to do besides get exp. I started hunting for magic items - again, this was fun and a big escape from the grind - and I got good at it - I even hunted the super elusive Bilge Farfathom - and finally after fearing I'd wasted so many trips - so many hours over many days - to Dagnor's - I finally saw him appear on track. My heart - I could feel it pounding. I ran over and got a DoT on him and started nuking. He hit hard - i had to root him and back off - had to heal myself - but I got him. And he dropped the PEARL KEDGE TOTEM , +18 Wis! Gawd! What an item.

Noting in this game appeals to me like this. No spells I gotta have - they're all too...too measured, contained, too tame, too controlled. There are no killer magic items I feel like I must have. They again are all too controlled. I don't want a repeat of the old. I want a world filled with wonder - not truncated down by some vicious old Robespierre. In part I fight in this forum because I want people to demand better from SoE. The future of these games is being decided now. EQ2 is faltering in the market at the moment. It won't die.

But my main worry is that SoE will see hundreds of other and wrong reasons for its faltering - they will blame Blizard's starting market presence and reputation from Diablo 2 and etc. They may even start to realize some of the real reasons - like only 4 characters really turns off a lot of people - and the online player merchant system really stinks. But what is really wrong with this game is that they were far, far to fixated on equality - on making it all the same - and therefore *nothing stands out* - nothing is amazing. Nothing blows me away.

I know I trouble a lot of good people in here, people who don't want to be bothered with all this. Hey, the game's okay, what's the big deal? Well, the big deal is the future of mmo's. Understanding what makes one fantastic and another mediocre - that's really important.

Edited, Wed Jan 19 06:15:30 2005 by EvilGnomes
#39 Jan 19 2005 at 7:00 AM Rating: Decent
I agree with so much stuff you say it worries me!

And wtf are you meaning with "You dont understand."? Are you calling me st00pid!!?!?! /rude


EQ1 to me is still the better game but I hope and belive that it will change with expansions and patches.

But you should go back to EQ1 imo, you havent finished that game until you kicked quarm in the nuts!
After that there is GoD and OoW but PoP is were you actually win EQ1 imo :)
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