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Harder mob.... less xp....Follow

#1 Jan 15 2005 at 5:31 PM Rating: Default
This is bulllsh1t... they made the mob much harder now and with less xp...WTF....
#2 Jan 15 2005 at 5:55 PM Rating: Good
1,246 posts
Would you care to expand on that statement and provide illumination for those of us not blessed with mind-reading powers Smiley: grin
#3 Jan 16 2005 at 3:48 AM Rating: Good
3,166 posts
I think you need to be psychopathic to understand them.

They have supposedly made Green^^ mobs "unsoloable". This - if true - cuts off people who wanted to solo them from a stream of chests.

However I have a cunnning strategy to overcome the change. Instead of me trying to solo them and win I let them solo me and lose.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#4 Jan 16 2005 at 6:39 AM Rating: Decent
98 posts
I just don't get it. No matter how many times I see it, nor how many times I hear it, it still makes absolutely no sense to me.

Even AFTER SOE introduces a system that CLEARLY delineates solo content from group content, people are STILL complaining that they can't solo the group content.

If I were John Stossel, I'd be saying "Give me a break!" right about now. I mean really, it's starting to rapidly decline from annoying to pathetic.
#5 Jan 16 2005 at 7:26 AM Rating: Good
3,166 posts
Even AFTER SOE introduces a system that CLEARLY delineates solo content from group content, people are STILL complaining that they can't solo the group content.

People like to try challenges. They had learned that some of these mobs marked "Group" could be tackled by a solo player with the right skills. Now that is apparently less true. I think they have a reason to be slightly upset.

Let's face it ALL "group" content is soloable at some point. They just moved the point.

Unless of course you want a lovely message "You may not attack this mob unless you are in a group of 3-6 players" to pop up like it does for instanced zones.

I don't mind them making it harder. I would hate them enforcing the con message which is there as a guideline.

Wherever I go - there I am.
#6 Jan 17 2005 at 3:24 AM Rating: Default
1,463 posts
Even AFTER SOE introduces a system that CLEARLY delineates solo content from group content, people are STILL complaining that they can't solo the group content.

Exactly right, Cobra. Hell, it wasn't until I started playing this over-controlled game (imo) that I realized why I'd liked old EQ so much. Even though old EQ was full of holes and had big problems, esp. in the first 2 years, there was a HUGE challenge in beating the evil GRIND. And if you played smart and worked at it you could beat the grind.

Here soloing green ^^s is one of the few ways to do that. You get better exp and better loot.

If I have "no frickin chance whatsoever" of beating THE GRIND - I'm not playing that game. Grinding w/ no hope of escape is --> Smiley: banghead , not fun.

"Here's the path, little player. Stay on it, don't deviate. It goes right down to the grindstone, where you will procede to put your face to it until there is a big rut etched in your skull!"

My Gawd people. Don't be SHEEP! Fight back!

#7 Jan 17 2005 at 3:50 AM Rating: Decent
98 posts
EvilGnomes wrote:

My Gawd people. Don't be SHEEP! Fight back!

I've seen less drama at a high school prom.
#8 Jan 17 2005 at 6:31 AM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
Well um I can still solo green^^...or maybe I shouldn't say that out loud. Killed the haze bear today.
#9 Jan 17 2005 at 7:31 AM Rating: Decent
I had no problem killing green^^ mobs this weekend did a whole level on them visiuos badgers. even killed a few blue^^ mobs but it was real close. I was using my new scout he is lv11 now.
#10 Jan 17 2005 at 7:33 AM Rating: Default
I killed Grolven solo a few days ago. He was green.

What I belive is the trouth is that most people are undergeared. Whenever I inspect someone they have more then one grey gear and hardly ever any orange.
All my gear is orange most of the time. When I gain a new level I buy new gear or put on stuff I couldnt use before.
I dont do tradeskills but getting new gear isnt that hard. Search on internet for good quests and sell stuff to buy gear you need.

My guess is that since so many people are using grey and green gear I bet there spells/abilitys are like AppI..

To solo good:
Step 1. Get good gear
Step 2. Get your spells/abilitys upgraded
Step 3. Buff up
Step 4. Engage and dont forget HO's
#11 Jan 17 2005 at 9:11 AM Rating: Decent
I can kill green++ also but I only get 1% xps if that. Im lvl 22 beserker and can only kill 1 blue lvl 20 mob before my power has nearly gone and down to half health. My gear is pretty good I've done 2 aq and my weapon does lots of damage im slowly starting to agree about the xp grind at lvl 20+

I do like grouping but prefer adventuring on my own but there aren't many quests for lvls 20-24 and the rest of the aq quests you definately need to be in a group. Most quests after 20 you have to wait until your a couple of lvls higher than it asks for to solo them. Plus I dont have time to craft and adventure so I only have 250sp, I sell anything old and only get say 2-3sp for quest items then everything else sells for useless cp, all good gear costs 30sp+ for each armour piece.

I dont want to leave my computer on all night to hopefully sell a couple of crafting scrolls for gp which what ive learned most ppl dont even have.
#12 Jan 17 2005 at 9:19 AM Rating: Decent
I dont tradeskill but I sell stuff I get when douing and solo'ing for 5 to 10 gold each night.
Have sold for the total sum of 110 gold so far at lvl 27 from only drops. Can understand your problem though if you dont leave the puter on during the night..
#13 Jan 17 2005 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent
I killed Grolven solo a few days ago. He was green.

What I belive is the trouth is that most people are undergeared. Whenever I inspect someone they have more then one grey gear and hardly ever any orange.
All my gear is orange most of the time. When I gain a new level I buy new gear or put on stuff I couldnt use before.
I dont do tradeskills but getting new gear isnt that hard. Search on internet for good quests and sell stuff to buy gear you need.

My guess is that since so many people are using grey and green gear I bet there spells/abilitys are like AppI..

To solo good:
Step 1. Get good gear
Step 2. Get your spells/abilitys upgraded
Step 3. Buff up
Step 4. Engage and dont forget HO's

Ok first think is soloing with any class under 15L is easy u can take yellows and some reds with some class's, to solo a green ^^ at 25+ is another thing. There are a few I can still take live but lets face it if green and ^^ and you can't solo it then live with it. If you con it and it says for 2 to 3 peeps thats what its going to take.

As for solo mobs at 25 and a SK I can solo all day long and hit green, blue, and white solo mobs. Its still fun and ok exp. If I want to grind EQ style I group still the best way to get exp tho loot sharing sux. I never did share well Hehehehe.

I soloed in NF last night for 3 hours and got 1/6 of my AQ5 quest done and some exp and made aout 150s if I sold to vender but was almost 430s or 4g after over night room sell. (Which I still look in the AM and I have been disconnected from the server Grrrrrr) So the solo is still there unlike EQ1 where it just hits a brick wall and you eather LFG for 12 hours or craft junk to sell to all the ones who can get a group.

Just my 2 coppers
#14 Jan 17 2005 at 10:10 AM Rating: Decent
I solo green ^^ at level 22 with my wizard.
I solo green ^^ at level 27 with my fury.
My g/f solo's green ^^ at level 28 as guardian.
My brother solo's green ^^ at level 29 as a mystic.

Yellow solo content are np and most orange is doable and even some red is possible.
#15 Jan 17 2005 at 5:03 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
Something to remember is the future of the game. Right now pretty much all players are probably using crap armor compared to what players will be using say 2 years from now? When EQ1 first came out at level 10 do you think tanks had 12 damage 24 delay weapons and 45 AC breastplates?? Heck level 50's in POFEAR/POHATE was lucky to get better equipment then what a twinked level 1 sometimes has on EQ1 now. Im sure at some point the same will be true of EQ2. I know there is alot more restrictions put on items in EQ2, but later on when players have tons of cash they will still have better stuff on there alts then we got now. And obviously when Expansions start to roll out you know better gear will be available in them.

Will admit I was pretty mifted when I tried to solo a group of 3 green con Deer and they ate me up.
#16 Jan 17 2005 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Drama yes. Unjustified? Maybe you haven't been in some of the flamewars I've been in here.

I am solidly of the opinion it's us players versus them, the arbitrary designers and the beancounters of the corporation - and most of all - us against those who would hold us to THE GRIND with no hope of escape.

Trust me, in the long run, the better the mmo, the more opportunities there are to at least try to beat THE GRIND, the better the game is. That's the ultimate challenge. Unless you just mmo to chat and have online friends - which is ok - but ... nuff said.

Get back in there now and limit yourself to "solo only" mobs where you have to kill as many as 200 to level - and no cheating - don't you go soloing any groups now - THAT IS NOT THE WAY THE GAME WAS DESIGNED TO BE PLAYED! Smiley: sly

True, I can still solo green ^^s btw. I'm just reacting against the post that says we "shouldn't" because they are "group". That kind of "slave mentality" is a trigger to this EvilGnome, as many of you now know (too well, sorry).
#17 Jan 17 2005 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
98 posts
This is just one example, amongst many, that proves an MMOG truism: If you want to become disenchanted with the game, just read a class message board.
#18 Jan 17 2005 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
I can still kill green^^ with no problem, but when I attack a pair of green^ I last less than 20 seconds. I could solo paired blue^ all day, but not blue^^ solo's, prior to patch. I'm a lvl 23 Fury with fully updated equip. Due to the gimping of solo-ability, and the fact I hate the crafting set-up, I will be leaving for a different game. I have untill mid March before my account expires, so I plan on checking back to see if any changes are made to encourage the solo/scavenger type players. This was the best mmorpg I've played, but the thrill is gone, funny how 2 patches can ruin a game for me...
#19 Jan 17 2005 at 6:24 PM Rating: Decent
121 posts
The point is you're trying to solo "group" tagged mobs. These mobs are not susposed to be able to be solo'd, even green's. If you want to kill those mobs, you should get a group. If you want to solo, then click on the mob, and if the word "SOLO" comes up with it, then take it down because it's made for you, and only you.

If you wan't to solo the group tagged mobs, then good luck, the only class I've seen that's able to do so effectively (and even then only outdoors) is the Ranger, with an Arrow kite, and even this method uses so many arrows that it's normally not a viable hunting method for more than a few kills.

It still boggles my mind as to why people complain that they can't solo kill mobs that are intended for groups of 3+ people. That's like saying to a police officer "I shouldn't have to have anyone else in my car to drive in the car pool lane, it's not fair." as he's writing out a tickett.
#20 Jan 17 2005 at 6:30 PM Rating: Decent
well I'm not having issues with double ^^ greens on my Conj. either... taking on two single ^ mobs is more risky than a single double ^^ because you have twice as many chances to be hit (and interrupted). and it so falls out.. that 4 green mobs with no "arrows" are still pretty dangerous.. sure a double ^^ that's alone may hit hard.. but he has to get through my pet first..

however, 4 mobs.. well that's one for my pet.. and three for me.. not a good fight. Have I done it before?.. yep.. did I win?.. yep.. was it luck?.. yep. I got 3 Arcane Storm HO's in a row...

I don't think it's less xp for mobs as much as it is that it takes more xp to level.. at which point if you're mob grinding it's likely more effective to take on 2 whites, which would likely require the same amount of time, HP, and power that it takes to bring down a double ^^ green... and very likely for the same amount of XP. Now if you're after them for the challenge..well that's a totally different story.

anywho, taking on group mobs solo is a BIG risk.. Should it be do'able??? well certain classes will be better at it than others simply because of the skill-set that they have at their disposal. Other classes will have to be more creative or simply don't take the risk...

but don't expect to walk up to a group mob that's double ^^ and expect to win.. even if it's gray. Underestimate at your own peril. Did that once.. "it's gray no problem." I said (though I knew it was green one level ago).. I broke protocol and took hate from my pet at the beginning of the fight.. XP debt gained, lesson learned.

#21 Jan 17 2005 at 8:34 PM Rating: Decent
285 posts
^^ mobs are the only ones that drop tradeskill books, at least at lower levels. Do you think it's fair to ask level 10 soloists to save up the 15g to pay for them? I don't.

I accept that there is content for groups and content for soloists. I accept that groups have an advantage. My problem, however, comes when there is game-crucial content unavailable to soloists. I can't make anything that sells well solo without the dropped books, and I sure as hell can't afford to buy the books from other players at a level when they would be useful. I can't get into tier 3 zones solo. I can't finish AQ quests solo. The list goes on and on.

I don't need the, "It's a group game!" crap. The G in MMORPG doesn't stand for group. Soloists can be just as social without hunting together, believe it or not. There was group and solo content advertised, and I, for one, would not have bought this game if it didn't have it. Now soloists are being corraled in to solo-only areas against solo-only mobs, like we're being punished for wanting to hunt alone. That is the soloists' gripe, and it's a valid one.

Edited because I missed capitalization on a letter. I think I have a problem.

Edited, Mon Jan 17 20:55:09 2005 by Sahmhane
#22 Jan 17 2005 at 8:34 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
"The point is you're trying to solo "group" tagged mobs. These mobs are not susposed to be able to be solo'd, even green's. If you want to kill those mobs, you should get a group. "

Wrong. The point is that the OP was used to killing green ^^ group mobs for better exp and better loot. He was having *fun* because he was "beating the grind" - he was slightly ahead of the game - it was fun to feel like he'd found a way around the horrid GRIND of killing dumb boring solo mobs for very low exp and poor loot over and over and over. See, the "point" of this game is to get in there and mix it up and explore and find how to have FUN - not to blindly strap on the shackles the developers intended and march along in SoE's chain gang.

The OP was complaining because he felt his fun was taken from him by the nerf.

I can still take down green ^^s , so can many others. Other posters were suggesting to the OP that he up his gear, upgrade his spells/abilities, and etc. to see if he could go back to killing green ^^s.

Some of us *do not care* about signs that are attached to mobs. Here's an old, old hippy song for you: "Signs, signs, everywhere are signs, blockin out the scenery - breakin' my mind! Do this, don't do that! Can't you read the signs!"

Please friend, do not let yourself fall into the trap of thinking just because you are doing what the bossman said that you are being "good". It's not that simple. Not all that glitters is gold, and not all that breaks rules is wrong. Smiley: waycool GL!
#23 Jan 17 2005 at 8:39 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Oh, I forgot. What do you folks get for killing green ^^ mobs? My mileage varies. Sometimes 3%, often 2%, sometimes 1%. Of course, it could be a near-2% gain typically and that is why it is sometimes only 1%.

BUT a recent Smedley post came out - something about a hidden exp pt evening out system or somethng. If you powergame and exp exp exp all day, your exp gain per same kill will drop, down down, to 75% - and on a really long excursion - maybe even lower.

But if u only game casually you often fight w/ an exp BONUS.

I.e. as your char is logged off he builds a small exp bonus. The more you play the less the bonus is - and may even become a penalty.

Maybe someone who knows more about this can come in and straighten me out - i'm not totally sure about this- read it late the other night on a SoE board. Lotsa folks are mad about this, maybe OP was talkin about this? GL
#24 Jan 17 2005 at 8:53 PM Rating: Decent
285 posts
I'd really like to see that statement, EvilGnome. I'm not doubting you; I just think something like that would set off bells and whistles all over the boards and I haven't seen anything on it. I know SWG had something similar (BF/wounds) and WoW has that system--it's right there on the screen for crying out loud--but hadn't heard anything about it in EQ2.

I think something like that is utter b.s. and just another tool to slow people down (which is what gives it credibility IMHO). Considering how many other things have been put in place to make life harder for powergamers and easier for casual gamers, it wouldn't surprise me in the least.
#25 Jan 17 2005 at 9:19 PM Rating: Default
i already hated eq2 because its so boring and what evilgnomes said, theres no freedom at all, its just one big grind, you grind to get high lvl just so you can grind high lvl mobs, nothing exciting

and now this, it just doesnt make any sence

i never got bored with a game so fast
#26 Jan 17 2005 at 9:19 PM Rating: Default
i already hated eq2 because its so boring and what evilgnomes said, theres no freedom at all, its just one big grind, you grind to get high lvl just so you can grind high lvl mobs, nothing exciting

and now this, it just doesnt make any sence

i never got bored with a game so fast
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