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Alchemists need to be Nerfed! Period!Follow

#1 Jan 14 2005 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
ok i gotta go off on a rant here. been trying for the last 2 days to find somone for Thylakoid's and neolith tempers. I Offer a good trade, i give them 2 stacks of belladonnas, they use 1 stack stack for me, to make what i need. Everyone i talk to says they are eiother to high or they still wanna charge me anywere between 50sp to 1 gd! and thats with me supplying the materials. had 1 alchemists say that if i give her 4 stacks of belladonas she'll sue one stack for me and charge me nuttin. Frell that.
Alchemists lvl faster jsut about than anyone else, and make tons of cash cuz everyone needs the oils, washe's, resins and tempers. Do the Dev's actually play this game? or they just have thier favorite tradeskills and decide to make it easy for themselves? Alchemists have bottom line material costs, especially with the recent broker nerf, so why are they chareging so much? Just not right IMO.
K, done ranting, feel betetr now.
#2 Jan 14 2005 at 2:01 PM Rating: Decent
296 posts
I understand your frustration, but you also have to realize it takes quite a bit of time to make all the oils, washes etc. and to get them pristine. Especially since the big patch when it seems harder than ever to get pristine. Time is money. (I don't sell mine as I use them for my sage.)
#3 Jan 14 2005 at 2:04 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
It's not just Tradeskills where designers seem to have bias.

Castleview hamlet has 19 quests, willowood has 7, however with regard to Alchemists.

If you really want to make a real effort at tradeskills it is essential to have a Alchemist and/or Jeweler alts, they are required by 6 of the other 7 tradeskills.

For those mentioning the reletive weakness of Alchemist end products, i advise they play a rogue and see thier DPS douple with poision or a Tank and watch a mob destroy itself on your potion Damage shield.

These are also items that have to be repurchesed as apposed to the one off purchase of a piece of armour or a Spell upgrade.

This issue was effecting my gameplay so much that the wife and I got together and organised our toons to cover everything that we will need tradeskill wise.
#4 Jan 14 2005 at 2:42 PM Rating: Good
216 posts
An Alchemst alt is almost a requirment, and I do consider it a requirment if your going to play a Jeweler or Sage. Alchemist can dump their entire inventory from a 1 shot combine very fast and for a 3-4x profit. They are the only class with this simple and massive an influx of cash. Most other classes use items that have 4 if not 6 combines in them, not counting the purchased tempers.

To top this off, Alchemist base items have a very high resale to merchants. T4 tempers for example can be sold back for 2.67 or so silver. This is why you will never see their price drop much below the 3 silver mark. This is still between a 3x and 9x return on their investment.

Alchemist with decent prices will sell out every night, as far as I now they are the only class that will do this.

_NOTE_ This is not to say life is perfect for an Alchemist, it is rather boring to grind the same thing over and over. And an Alchemist deal in bulk, making 2-3 silveer on a single trade were another class may make 30 silver.. Of course they sell 300 times the product. ;)Of course the only class they "need" is a jeweler and that combine is a 3 to 1 return and can be totaly supplied by the alchemist.. So you need 1 jeweler for 30 minutes per teir to make you 100's of vials. ;) Not much demand there.

Side Note: I dont consider the newbie area quests to be a proublem, since if your doing the quests they will take you to all the other newbie areas were you can pick up more quests.

In the end, I realy suggest having an Alchemist Alt, especialy if your going to do anything that requires ink. Jeweler? Eh not realy.. pick and choose to support your class. There are enough Jewelers in the game its not a proublem to have someone make a stack of x for you if you give them a stack of y.

#5 Jan 14 2005 at 2:53 PM Rating: Decent
heya dracosy,

i agree with you totally sorry to say:((((
actually i have found most of the greediest tradeskillers tend to be alchemists which really hurts the rep of the profession. the fact is alchemist can make fast cash and draw alot of people to the skill who are only interested in is making a buck rather then art of there trade.
There is hope.........believe it or not there are alot of alchemist out there that are not greedy they simply fly under the radar so they arnt asked to pump out 100's upon 100's of tempers everyday.
what i suggest is you start your own lil club or look for one........a friend i met started a channel that i joined meant for crafters only........we now have approx 2 of each type of tradeskiller that stays in channel when there on and this has been working great.
we help each other as much as we can and never charge each other of the rules of the channel is trade of goods only.
i would suggest keeping your channel too a max of 2 of each type of crafter.
hope my post helps in anyway.
#6 Jan 14 2005 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
I understand your frustration, but you also have to realize it takes quite a bit of time to make all the oils, washes etc. and to get them pristine

Just as a matter of interest why would you want them pristine?
Wherever I go - there I am.
#7 Jan 14 2005 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
296 posts
You get more if you make them pristine -- 4 on each combine for if pristine for oils, washes and resins. Additionally for the reagents and ink they have to be pristine to get App IV spells and abilities.
#8 Jan 14 2005 at 7:41 PM Rating: Decent
you get 4 oils, washe's, temeprs whatever at pristines, Normal mu get 3, shaped 2, crude 1.
#9 Jan 15 2005 at 2:16 AM Rating: Decent
I play an alchemist and I agree a lot of us are greedy. I think some of it is we get bored/aggravated after completing 60+ refine recipes for every tier. I've found the best way to make LOTS of money is to set reasonable prices and sell everything out. I play on Lavastorm server and there are almost no decent fighter skills for sale on PC merchants. I made 1 of each of the tier 1 app4 skills and they all sold in a night for 20sp each. Most of the app2 and 3 skills I saw were 50s and up. I'm only tier 2 right now, but I'm loving tradeskilling, so I'll be levelling fast. My alchemist is Ewene, so if you're on Lavastorm and need a fighter skill, potion, poison, let me know. I'll also do free combines for stacks of the right components of my current tier. The xp I get for making the item is worth the trade alone.


PS I'm not sure of the exact details, but if there are any Lavastorm jewelers out there interested, I'd like to set up a trade for vials/bottles in exchange for my goods.

Edited, Sat Jan 15 02:23:32 2005 by Ruadhin

Edited, Sat Jan 15 02:25:14 2005 by Ruadhin
#10 Jan 15 2005 at 6:04 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
You get more if you make them pristine -- 4 on each combine for if pristine for oils, washes and resins. Additionally for the reagents and ink they have to be pristine to get App IV spells and abilities.

Wow - which end of the egg do I put the straw in again?

Yes the yield is better but since most of the items mentioned in the post I quotes are from trivially easy or inexpensive parts it doesn't matter. Neolith Temper is not going to make better goods if it's crude or pristine. Personally I usually settle for the 3rd level which makes a nice balance of yield against effort. Maybe when I am higher level it will be worth making them pristine. The picture of alchemists struggling for hours to make pristine components was a little laughable that is all.

The reagent is an entirely different kettle of fish since it is a primary for the dye which in turn is primary for the ink.

And for the OP - make your own Neoliths while you still can.

And I think there is an aspect of this problem - and I agree it is a problem - that is not being discussed.

There has always been a large number of players unable to comprehend that other players are not there for their benefit. Or that other players may not be playing to earn money off them. Back in EQ I would have people thrusting money at me to buff/rez etc them and unable to understand that I wasn't playing to do that. As far as they were concerned I had the ability, they needed it so all they had to do was pay me.

This is coming into the Alchemist issue as well. And I don't aim this at anyone posting here unless they feel the cap fits.
"An Alchemist can make what I want, you're an alchemist - therefore you MUST make what I want. And besides I'll pay you."

How many of the silly prices are greed and how many are just "I really don't want to spend my playing time doing this but if you insist then you can pay for it"

Personally I prefer to either do something or not do it.

I have solved the interdependency issue by having all tradeskills which means that when I do make things I'm doing it for my own characters. If asked nicely I'm sure I'd consider a commission but only if it meant progressing my skill at the same time. There are days I wake up feeling helpful but I find a cold shower usually cures it Smiley: smile
Wherever I go - there I am.
#11 Jan 15 2005 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
296 posts
"Wow - which end of the egg do I put the straw in again?

Yes the yield is better but since most of the items mentioned in the post I quotes are from trivially easy or inexpensive parts it doesn't matter. Neolith Temper is not going to make better goods if it's crude or pristine. Personally I usually settle for the 3rd level which makes a nice balance of yield against effort. Maybe when I am higher level it will be worth making them pristine. The picture of alchemists struggling for hours to make pristine components was a little laughable that is all."

It may be "laughable" to you, but as someone that does their own gathering, I prefer to take the time and get the most for my materials. And as I said, you cannot make App IV spells and abilities unless the reagents, the dye and ink (the final product) are pristine. Actually these take the most time of all. Maybe you are happy without perfection, but some of us are not.
#12 Jan 16 2005 at 4:59 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
And if you read the quote I was commenting on it specifically says "Oils and washes" it is not talking about ink and it's subcombines which I agree have to be pristine.

I do my own gathering too and I really have no problem with accumulating far more than I can use. The yield of 3 oils, washes or resins is perfectly adequate and uses much less power. I believe that at my level I can produce more tempers per hour at 3rd quality than I can at pristine. And that is all that matters for a sub-component like oils, washes and resins. YMMV

Wherever I go - there I am.
#13 Jan 16 2005 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
296 posts
No need to get all nasty. I don't even sell my products as I said in my post. I was just telling the OP that some people feel the time they spend to get things pristine justify the cost. Whether it does or not is another story. Have a nice day.
#14 Jan 16 2005 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
296 posts
No need to get all nasty. I don't even sell my products as I said in my post. I was just telling the OP that some people feel the time they spend to get things pristine justify the cost. Whether it does or not is another story. Have a nice day.
#15 Jan 16 2005 at 9:11 PM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
No need to get all nasty.


I wasn't aware that I had?
Wherever I go - there I am.
#16 Jan 16 2005 at 9:42 PM Rating: Decent
296 posts
Telling people that what they think is "laughable" and saying things like "what end of the egg do I put the straw in again" in response to their post, is a bit nasty in my book.
#17 Jan 16 2005 at 9:52 PM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Then you should read more carefully, miaa.

The first comment was

The picture of alchemists struggling for hours to make pristine components was a little laughable that is all.

Ie the comment of the earlier post conjured a picture which I'd hope you agree might be considered amusing. I did not say that anyone's views were laughable.

As for the straw comment I suggest you leave forums alone if you consider that nasty. A mildly humourous rebuke is how I would characterise it. Of course I am aware that pristine yields 4. I could have gotten all huffy about your post being condescending but I chose to use humour.

I suggest you re-write your book
Wherever I go - there I am.
#18 Jan 16 2005 at 9:56 PM Rating: Decent
296 posts
You asked me why I tried to get pristine and I told you. I don't know you, I have no idea why you were asking me. My post was not condescending, but merely a response to your question. Amazing.
#19 Jan 24 2005 at 2:09 PM Rating: Decent
I just turned level 20 and decided to become a Sage. Sure the stuff I need to get soon to make my combines I will not be able to produce myself, but I am not to worried about that. As with EQ1 alot of items will begin at high prices then start dropping as more and more people make them and start to undercut the people who are price gouging.
I remember in EQ1 when Spirit of the Wolf potions were selling at a huge markup for the Shamans who made them, but in time they were selling for only a few plat above cost because it was the item that every shammy knew everyone wanted, and they were all trying to undercut the next guy.
Heck in EQII for a while there I was able to sell Apprentice IV spells for over 1-2 gold, but as demand has dwindled, they have become easier to get, and the Adept I spells are dropping more and more, prices have been driven down and they only sell for 25-40silver each.
I have also found as a sage that when I am in my tradeskill hall I can auction off that as long as they supply the Ink, I can make the Adept III spell for them. For this it usually only costs me a few silver, and most people are willing to pay 20-40 silver on top of that for me to make the spell for them.
Plus, it is usually a spell that I have not made before, giving me good xp for the creation.
Just some thoughts :)
Atheenon(Unrest Server, 20th Necro, 20th Sage)
#20 Jan 25 2005 at 5:14 PM Rating: Default
In response to the original thread, imo ye simply have to find a fair dealer and stick with them. I calculated that if I buy the Belladonna vs foraging it (lets say 10s/stack which is common), and make pristines (4), my raw cost per oil/wash for Thy is about 24c. On our server I saw a low of 2s38c each on the broker including his 20%. I like to move my items fast and make people happy to come back, so I sell em for 1s each...I can live with 300% profit)). If someone would like to trade some Belladonna, I would think 2 stacks at most for a stack of washes is fair...for a steady customer, maybe even a stack for a stack seeing that adding a stack of cheap liquid and candles would yield me 3-4 stacks.
Of course, it's all relative. One day I sold every average pelt I had for 75c each, but the next day there were pages of em for 1-2c each, heh. I had someone send me a "thank you" tell for my "great prices" on Eolith for 35c, but a couple of days later there were several traders selling em for 20c.
On a side note, I want to put in my 2cp on underselling...If you are going to offer a lower price in order to sell faster, as I often do, then make it a REAL savings. Whenever I see a price of say 1g and someone tries to undersell with 99s99c I will ALWAYS buy the higher priced one))
#21 Jan 25 2005 at 9:22 PM Rating: Good
The picture of alchemists struggling for hours to make pristine components was a little laughable that is all.

Struggling for hours to make pristine compnunts? LOL Making pristine everything is very easy once you memorize what every combonation of tradeskills does, when to use what, etc. Also, I am always under a High drink effect (not drunk in RL, i mean a drink in game for Power), so power is of no concern.

I do not personally put up my wahses/oils/tempers etc on the boards. My bf uses most of them himself, and I make my inks for my Sage. If someone does ask me for some, I usually charge 1sp or so for them, which is a pretty good return on investment, wether I bought them or harvested them. 1sp is a good balance for time to make it, cost of the Belladone root (if I bought it), and the price to the buyer. I dont do very large requests for them, though, as I like to play EQ2, and dont have a huge amount of time each day to play. I know that I could get more from the NPC vendor, and basically do it as a favor to people.

But yes, most are pretty greedy, but they are not the only greedy crafter class :-p lol
#22 Jan 26 2005 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
296 posts
Good for you. Bravo!
#23 Jan 26 2005 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Struggling for hours to make pristine compnunts? LOL

So I wasn't the only one to find it an amusing picture Smiley: smile
Wherever I go - there I am.
#24 Jan 26 2005 at 6:02 PM Rating: Decent
296 posts
No, you are the one that settled for less.
#25 Jan 26 2005 at 10:26 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
Are we going to have to separate you two?

Smiley: wink2
#26 Jan 27 2005 at 3:50 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
It's ok, Nadenu. I'm used to ****-retentive tradeskill obsessives unable to do simple math.
Wherever I go - there I am.
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