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Ever-LAG??? ..Follow

#1 Jan 13 2005 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
539 posts
Have a question guys....
Last night I tried to play EQ2 but instead i found that it was impossible to play it because of the continuous lag.
My specs? P4 3.2 HGZ, 1GB RAM, VRAM 128 PCI express, and CABLE Internet connection...
I made changes in my configuration to try different things but it didn't work. ALWAYS LAG!!!
How I know it was the game?? because I am also playing SWG and it did work well!!! I even changed SWG configuration to the max possible and it worked pretty well.....

And i refuse to accept that it is because of CPU requirements.Almost have the latest available in the market.

Can you guys help me with this? maybe there is something else i didn't try.

Or is this gonna be another motive to complain about the game??

#2 Jan 13 2005 at 10:07 AM Rating: Decent
is it lag after a certain amount of time? cause there are threads here about a certain memory leak that eq2 has and it works on some machines and doesnt on others.
#3 Jan 13 2005 at 10:07 AM Rating: Default
If you are trying to use the max settings, with ANY pc today, it will run like ****. This game is designed with the future computers in mind. Try it on some lower presets.

Now, clarify "lag" do you mean computer graphics slowdown, AKA choppiness, or do you mean delays in time from when you use a command and it actually takes place?

The latter is on sony's end, server lag. and there's nothing you can do about it but ***** and moan. If it's choppiness, then lower your settings, thats the only option you have.
#4 Jan 13 2005 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
What gfx card do you have?
There is a problem with some gfx cards but it can be solved easy by changing one of the watersettings if I remember correctly.
Do a search on the official forums and you will find what to change. Think the card was GeForce 6800GT.. Not sure though.

Also, 1g ram is to little imo. You will need to relogg after a zoning a few times until they fixed the memoryleak.

Also, the gfx engine of this game is built for future hardware. This means gfx will be updated and with the current hardware availble you cant get the game to flow with everything on max settings.

someone beat me to the punch about the max settings.
Also, if it is serverlagg you can try another server. Not all servers are US based on eastcoast. There are servers across the world and US. Find one close to you.

Edited, Thu Jan 13 10:15:05 2005 by BumbiRagnar
#5 Jan 13 2005 at 10:18 AM Rating: Good
8,619 posts
I can tell you that as a player with:

Athelon AMD 1800
512 RAM
Nvidia 128MB graphics card
56K modem

I only lag in 3 zones; Qeynos Harbour, South and North Qeynos.

So either the problems are at your end or your lying in an attempt to run down a game you do not like.

Either way it's not an SoE problem.
#6 Jan 13 2005 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
ok so does this all explain why after i paid for a 100 meg pipeline connection and a 80 gig 7200 rpm hrd drive and a sound blaster live eax sound card and a geforce 6800 ultra 256 meg graphics card and a p4 3.4 gig processorand 1 gig of 400 mhz ddr ram i still have choppy gameplay unless i turn almost all the new effects off and have to run on balanced instead of high or very high ?i knew i wouldnt` be able to have max settings but i thought i could at least go above medium settings with my set up?any help out there>??
#7 Jan 13 2005 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
3,293 posts
I only played for about an hour last night but I did not lag anymore then usual. Maybe somthing with your ISP, also what zones did you lag in and what server?
#8 Jan 13 2005 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
539 posts
Thanks for the suport to all of you.
Server is Everfrost (how ironic...)and the Lag began since the very first moment i logged on.
I was not even in the world, the in the screen where you push "play", where your avatar appears...
I changed settings each time lower and lower everytime and re-logged but the lag persisted.
What i see is "pictured game", slow-motion pictures not a flowing image, dont know if that is the correct word for that..and delayed commands...
My gfx card is a ATI Radeon X300 PCI express w 128 VRAM.
The city in which i am (because i couldn't take my char out of there) is Starcrest (right next to that kitty in the middle of the plaza).
ISP problems dont think so, it is cable internet connection and it was running smoothly last night. no problems at all...

#9 Jan 13 2005 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
sounds like you had a stalled application dragging your memory down from the start (Something else creating a memory leak). Crazy thought, but after years of being one asked for computer work, first question to ask is, "Did you reboot your computer."
#10 Jan 13 2005 at 11:09 AM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
On one of our machines we hadta kill Norton's and the firewall. That did the trick.

Of course, if I forget to turn em back on and google something, the popups start flying - and a half hour of anti adware anti spybot software later, we're still wondering if we've killed all the scum that crept in...
#11 Jan 13 2005 at 11:13 AM Rating: Good
1,930 posts
For all intents and purposes you should have no lag. I only have a 2.8 HTT with 1 GB 400 Mhz RAM and a geforce FX 5700 Ultra 128 MB. And I have no lag anywhere. I;m really not sure what everyone else's problem is. I would imagine that your settings are just to high.

Maybe not ingame settings. Maybe go to you Advanced settings in you Graphics card and turn off Anti-Aliasing and Anisotropic Filtering or at least set it to Program controlled. These to can greatly increase or decrease performance.

I found this to be rather useful..

Anyone having issues would probably love to read it.

Someone mentioned that 1 GB of RAM is to little. I know they said IMO, but it's still a crock. If 1GB is not good enough and you still have to restart every few zones. There is something else wrong. Don't forget 1 GB 400 Mhz is not the same as 1 GB 333Mhz or 266 Mhz. There is a possibility that the speed of your RAM is a hinderance as well.

I'm not kidding, I NEVER have any trouble..

#12 Jan 13 2005 at 11:16 AM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
programs running in the background will kill your game speed.

Hit Ctrl + Alt + Del -> task list -> processes. Then start ending processes. Keep track of the ones you have killed because some of them will cause your computer to reboot without warning so you will not want to end that one next time. Eventually you should find the one that is slowing your gameplay. Often times it is an antivirus program so start there.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#13 Jan 13 2005 at 11:42 AM Rating: Decent
well, im kind of particular with my fps and graphics.. And I know there is nothing else that is the problem.
1024k ram wont cause real issues but I can assure you all issues will go away with 2g ram.
After not logging of for 10 hours of alot of zoning you will get some lag with 1024k, that wont happen with 2048k..
Belive me if you want, I know its true and it is nothing else but the memoryleak of EQ2.
#14 Jan 13 2005 at 11:58 AM Rating: Good
1,930 posts
I don't not believe you. I know it does have a memory leak and I know that 2 GB would ensure no problems. However, I have not experienced any problems with 1 GB and I have played for 10 hours straight many times.

So maybe it's how I keep my machine setup. Who knows. At any rate the OP should be ok with his machine, he just needs to configure it properly.
#15 Jan 13 2005 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
3,293 posts
Take xythex advice, see if their are programs running in the background. Also defrag your pc if you have not done it lately.
#16 Jan 13 2005 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
If the definition given earlier is correct then what I'm seeing is server-lag.

I find the game plays very smoothly until combat starts. Then it can go downhill very rapidly. Frequently I miss whole sections of action and only know it took my commands because the mob hp have dropped. Many times I don't see the casting bar at all. It makes HOs highly problematic too.

Other times it flies.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#17 Jan 13 2005 at 9:35 PM Rating: Good
382 posts
Jutes right,

I have the same video card FX 5700 Ultra and amount of memory with a 3.2 intel with HT. I can play for 10+ hours no problems.

When I built the other PC for my afk seller. I’ve been seeing the problems you’re having. I went cheap and got a $70 video card (it sucks) and 512 of dual channel memory. It’s good for afk selling or for my fiancée that rarely plays. But the Character selection screen was choppy. I had to turn the settings way down.

Your mind is like a Parachute it only works if it's open

Tarv I often wondered. Your phrase looks something straight out of a School and society class I took. Would I be correct if I assumed you were in the field of Education? =)

True none the less =)

Edited, Thu Jan 13 22:51:14 2005 by toxicmoon
#18 Jan 13 2005 at 9:47 PM Rating: Good
465 posts
With 1GB of memory (and an ATI 9800 Pro) and this little guide, my experience with EQ2 has been quite lag-free.

I do experience jitters here and there (Qeynos areas), but then again, I upped a few settings. Especially shadows (it's recommended to have these off, but I got some basics going on).
#19 Jan 14 2005 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
I lag doing those dumb Hallmark quests! Yes, it's true! The frame-rate drops to - it's horrible!

What? Who... Who is that?

Tarv: "your lying in an attempt to run down a game you do not like."

Oh no! I'm busted! Oh gosh, I'm sorry. It's true. I was lying in an attempt to run down a game I don't like. I'm sick - I'm a sick Gnome! I need help.....

#20 Jan 14 2005 at 2:39 PM Rating: Default

Edited, Fri Jan 14 14:41:00 2005 by ztock
#21 Jan 14 2005 at 2:40 PM Rating: Default
It does lag last night. And I would say some othr times too. We have a goood machine...good videocard... and it still lag. It is on their end... that's for sure. What makes you think they don't implement the "LAG Meter" for this game??? They just don't want us to see how their servers lag like a **** which they trying to blame it off the videocard(6800GT). I notice a lot of the lag is not really an issue with the 6800GT, but it's their friggin server.
#22 Jan 14 2005 at 2:47 PM Rating: Default
for the last time for crying out loud. choppiness is video card related. the "lag" described here, delay in actions etc. is server side and you *cant* fix it. quit confusing the 2. people are inter-mingling the two things.
#23 Jan 14 2005 at 3:15 PM Rating: Decent
539 posts
What Sotonin is saying is correct...we cant mix both kind of lags.
I run some tests in my machine and everything is fine there, i even test it playing the other MMO i am subscribed to, and it is working perfectly.

The problem is their servers... as far as my lag is related.

Maybe there are some people out there with lag too, but it could be related to issues with their video cards.

#24 Jan 18 2005 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
STRANGE FIX I HOPE THIS HELPS SOMEONE i have posted on this thread before i have a 3.4 gig p4 and 1 gig 400mhz ddr2 ram and a beforce 6800 256 meg graphic card and a 100 meg pipeline connection i have since my last post accidentally forgot and left my firewall "mcaffee" up and running when i logged into eq2 and for some reason i am running smooth as silk now even on high quality settings whereas i was lagging even on balanced before i dont know if one of the patches fixed something or if somehow my firewall is helping but i am running great now also dont know if this will help anyone but maybe it will
#25 Jan 19 2005 at 1:29 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
First thing first :) There are currently "known" and acknoledged issues with some cards the most widely complained about issue for a specific card are 68XX series Nvidia cards with 256MB of ram. Nvidia and Soe are reported through some e-mail responses to be "working" on this issue of a stutter problem.

Second everyone needs to understand that this game is using some quite advanced features, that does not mean though that if you have a Geforce 6800 Ultra 256MB card that you will have the ability to run this game at the highest or near highest graphics settings and have 100% smooth gameplay. It is designed to scale for future products. This is not unheard of and you cannot put any blame on either SOE or Nvidia, if you recall Quake 3 was one such game. Fighting to get even 30FPS with that game was a pain to say the least, but a short year later we had cards that could run that at 60+ fps all goodies on.

I found this link to be pretty good for tweaking your settings.

I had a similar issue with my wife's machine running a Geforce FX5900 Turbo (albatron) 256MB card on an AMD Athlon XP 2700 (barton) 333FSB 1 GB OCZ PC4000 on and Asus board. Her system is pretty clean runs everything really well but this game had some major grahics slowness with EQ2, I had to run this game at near "Extreme performance" setting to have it playable and even then the mem leak issue would still require a reboot every hour.

After using this guide tweaking her card a little to increase the fill rate not only is the game running way better it is running as fast as my 6600GT 128MB card in my P4 system, and it looks 100 times better I was able to increase model tectures, decrease distance a little and add flora and other goodies. It looks like a totally different game now and is playable even in Freeport and Longshadow Ally it is only minimally skippy and hardly noticeable. Also you would be surprised that you can actually increase your resolution to 1600X1200 which increases quality of lines and you can turn off AA (if you even enabled it to begin with in EQ2).

I believe once Nvidia and SOE lock down the memory/driver issues on the cards that are having the largest problems that you will be able to crank up your higher cards (6800GT - ultra) above even balanced (imho balanced is excellent looking).

Just remember no matter what card you are running increased polygon counts, more verticies and models being drawn in your view on screen and all the added new features like advanced shaders all will slow down even the biggest cards. Comparing a game like Wow to EQ2 in the graphics department is like comparing Serious Sam to Doom3 you just cannot do it the engines are completely different, the art styles are nearly polar opposites. Although Wow will run like a dream on almost every system the graphics are not nearly as complex as EQ2 and that is cause they only needed to achieve the same look and feel of Warcraft 3, but on a grand scale. Eqlive and EQ2 have been desinged to be a more serious (if you can imagine that) darker art style. This requires more detail. Just turn up your graphics and look at player models in EQ2 up close and you will see this. :)

#26 Jan 19 2005 at 1:38 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
Oh and I forgot hehe, if you are running through Antonica or Commonlands and pass some mobs and all of the sudden you jump ahead or the mobs skip around, that is most likely network or server related Lag, the the game is generally choppy more consistant especially in fights where lots of spell effects or models (npc, mobs players) are present it is most likely graphics related. A perfect example of network/server lag is when you see a mob of pc run past you then just instantly appear next to you. If you are running through town and have a constant almost every few seconds stutter that is graphics. The latter is what my wife had before I did what I posted above. :)

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