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Question about EQ2Follow

#1 Jan 13 2005 at 8:45 AM Rating: Decent
I now have been reading the threads for about 2 weeks. I see some good things and some things that would make eq2 better. I am now retired from eq1. I have been moving a lot. SO i didn't get to jump on the tail gate of sony's release of EQ2. But i see the comments of all these threads of what could make Eq2 better.
So there for i am asking if i could get the stories and or the good aspects of this game. Is this game worth buying.
If you could leave out all of the bad stuff, there is plenty of threads talking about that.I miss playing the eq game, but is eq2 worth it.

Thank you for your help.

Edited, Thu Jan 13 08:47:28 2005 by Tjskrat
#2 Jan 13 2005 at 8:53 AM Rating: Good
I personally like it for the quests and the rewards you obtain for doing them. In the early levels the solo content seemed good, somewhere in the 20's it seems to disapear(could be that I have not found it). Graphics are excelent(which means you need a decent pc to run it). It's nice getting a free skill every level, if you want to improve it, just buy the upgraded versions. The combat however does feals like it's missing somthing, still not sure what tho. I doubt this answeres many of your questions but if you take a look around there are alot of posts that bash the game as well as praises it..

Edited, Thu Jan 13 08:54:00 2005 by Toshirox
#3 Jan 13 2005 at 9:02 AM Rating: Decent
For me, I play Everquest 2 for the immersion factor, which I feel does it better than any other game available, by far. I'll always be an EQ guy, I enjoy the world too much. Great variety of classes to choose from, any race can be anything they want, adding a lot of diversity. Want to be a troll paladin? Sure, you can do it. High Elf Necromancer? You got it. The questing system is great, and in the beginning, I didn't figure the spoken dialogue to be much of a factor, but now I've realized that it's one of my favorite parts of the game. Walking through a city zone, people start talking to you and it feels like the zone is up and about, even if you're the only one in it.

Coming from EQ1 as you did, I would say definitely give it a shot. I'm sticking with it, despite a bunch of the comments from people saying they aren't satisfied. Something always has to be wrong with something, hehe.

Sony has made a long time commitment to this game, it's not going away, and I'm sure a bunch of the plans for the future will be great. I guess I'm forever the optimist though.

Give it a whirl, you might like it.
#4 Jan 13 2005 at 9:24 AM Rating: Decent
The good stuff:
- Nice solo and group choices no matter what level you are.
- Nice quest system
- Graphics
- Tradeskills that actually means something
- Classbalance (though, imo the balance is so good it is almost bad in some ways. Wont go into that here.)
- Voiceovers
- Housing
- Locked encounters (Also in a way bad, but still better then worse)
- Nice people
- Status and guildstatus. Advanced guildsystem. Guild level.
- Cool traveling with griffons (abit annoying after a while though)
- HUGE giants :P
- Heroic opportunities
- Debt (Good in some ways bad in others. Still better then worse)
- Here comes the most important imo: We can depend on new content and bugfixes for a long time. The potentiall of this game is great!
#5 Jan 13 2005 at 9:46 AM Rating: Decent
The good stuff:
- Nice solo and group choices no matter what level you are.
- Nice quest system
- Graphics
- Tradeskills that actually means something
- Classbalance (though, imo the balance is so good it is almost bad in some ways. Wont go into that here.)
- Voiceovers
- Housing
- Locked encounters (Also in a way bad, but still better then worse)
- Nice people
- Status and guildstatus. Advanced guildsystem. Guild level.
- Cool traveling with griffons (abit annoying after a while though)
- HUGE giants :P
- Heroic opportunities
- Debt (Good in some ways bad in others. Still better then worse)
- Here comes the most important imo: We can depend on new content and bugfixes for a long time. The potentiall of this game is great!

Ok about soloing.. Do you have to be a melee class to solo. I have read that they made all the classes to depend on each other as in groups. (A will rounded group). Or could i for example go out and solo with a cleric. I have read that you don't get good exp from soloing but i am not really interested in instant gratification. But are you able to solo in any class?

Ok next about the quest system are the quests like Eq1? What is good about doing these quests in Eq2. More of a challenge? Items receved out of a quest are they high end items? Do you have to be in groups to do most of the quests?

Now on to the tradeskills. What are the trade skills in Eq2?Are they set up as to the race and deity of the charicter or can you do any that you wish?

As for housing... PLEASE explaine what do we have this for in the game?
Guildstatus? Will need to refer to Eq1 again. Is it the same way or. How about this could i get some one to explain this to me?
Debt? I hear this being said every were but i don't know as what it is for?
And not mentioned but i would like some one to explain to me if they would be as so kind to. What are the in game expression HO'S and Macros?
Thank you for helping me. I like to learn as much about a game before i jump in and have people jump on me for not knowing what is going on.. So once again i thank you for your good comments on Eq2 and positive feedback.
#6 Jan 13 2005 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
All classes solo with almost the same success.

Never did much questing in EQ1. In EQ2 there is a TON of quests, many complicated and many simple. The rewards are xp, cash or/and equipment.
Alot of really good gear is quested. Not allways the best gear but sometimes/alot of the times the best gear for a certain level is quested.

Tradeskills is kind of complcated. By rumour I hear that alot of the high-end gear is tradeskilled from raiddrops.
Alot of times crafted stuff is the best you can get. Food and water for example. You gain artisan xp when you do tradeskills and you get to choose what kind of tradeskill you want to do and at higher level you choose a subclass. For example you go Artisan --> Outfitter --> Armorer
Artisan --> Outfitter --> Tailor
You harvest stuff in the world to use when you do tradeskill, or you buy them from vendors or other players. Mobs can also drop stuff used for tradeskills.

Housing, well its not of much use atm. You stay there to sell stuff and you can buy a tailorstation for example and do tradeskills while selling stuff.

Status and guildstatus is used to buy stuff from vendors. Also with higher status the guards of a certain city will treat you diffrent etc.
Guildlevel, when your guild level up you unlock stuff you can buy and also unlock some raidinstances.

There is more to this stuff but I cant write it all :)
#7 Jan 13 2005 at 10:08 AM Rating: Default
- Nice solo and group choices no matter what level you are.

this is untrue. past 20 soloing blows and isnt worth your time.
#8 Jan 13 2005 at 10:14 AM Rating: Decent
29 posts
- Nice solo and group choices no matter what level you are.

this is untrue. past 20 soloing blows and isnt worth your time

Actually I find it quite easy Sotonin maybe you just suck like most of your posts.
#9 Jan 13 2005 at 10:14 AM Rating: Decent
29 posts
- Nice solo and group choices no matter what level you are.

this is untrue. past 20 soloing blows and isnt worth your time

Actually I find it quite easy Sotonin maybe you just suck like most of your posts.
#10 Jan 13 2005 at 10:20 AM Rating: Good
It gets substantially more difficult, but it's not impossible. I've read many accounts of people soloing as high as the mid-30's. I haven't done it myself, but clearly it can be done.
#11 Jan 13 2005 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
Solo do give good xp if done right past 20. People solo efficiently all the way up to 50. Or so some people that are lvl 50 claims.
Solo never is the best way to go ofcourse, this is a multiplayer game but solo sure is an option while LFG or just logging for an hour or so.
Make sure you dont just go around killing random stuff, do questbased killing and get additional xp for completing the quest. Some quests are reapeteble aswell. In Thunderstep there is a reapetable quest at the zonein from Antonica. "Kill xx <random solomob>" this is perfect for soloing at lvl 19-22. When you kill the <random solomob>" dont be surprised if one of them drops another soloquest!
Its nice xp no doubt.

Some people just dont know how to play the game and like to whine. Dont listen to them.

Have a friend who is lvl 37 and he successfully killed a lvl 43 mob solo, he said it was close and great xp (not worth the risk of taking on so high mobs when soloing though). He did it not for xp but for he wanted to try. Think he is a monk, dont remember.

Edited, Thu Jan 13 10:27:20 2005 by BumbiRagnar
#12 Jan 13 2005 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
Ok about soloing.. Do you have to be a melee class to solo. I have read that they made all the classes to depend on each other as in groups. (A will rounded group). Or could i for example go out and solo with a cleric. I have read that you don't get good exp from soloing but i am not really interested in instant gratification. But are you able to solo in any class?

no you do not have to be a melee class to solo.. in fact my two best soloers are my priest and my Conjuror (summoning mage).. and to be totally honest my conjuror FAR outstretches my priest in solo'ing to the point of being almost scary.. The XP solo'ing is good but it's not nearly as fast as a group.. think of it like this:

grouping, you can get faster XP, but if the group isn't all that good.. well you see where that's going..

Solo'ing, the XP isn't as fast as being in a group, but you know you'll always enjoy the company.

however you sound a lot like me in that you don't really care about instant gratification, you just want to enjoy being out there doing stuff and every once in a while, push yourself to see if you can take on that Orange con over there..

quest seem to be a bit of a mix.. a lot of the lower level ones are solo but as my conjuror has gone up in level I'm seeing a lot more group quest.. Now I "say" group quest.. but it's the conditions that make them group.. tight spaces with little room to maneuver and lots of high-aggro mobs... for example: Armor Quest 2.. I have to go into BlackBurough.. that MAY be do'able alone if I'm cautious.. however the 3rd part of the quest requires taking down a named... =_=

Armor Quest 1 however was supposedly a group thing but I was able to solo the scarecrows at 20th and able to *EASILY* solo them at 21st.

Housing exist mainly for selling items.. unfortunately this is the current thorn in the side of the gameplay mechanics.. since in order to sell things not only must you be online but you must also be *in* your inn room (or house or whatever you own).

In a nutshell.. if you are in a position to leave your machine on over night... or if you have things to do one saturday or sunday or whatever. Just log in, go AFK and while you're off doing other things your character can be in game selling stuff.

Debt - when you die.. you don't loose XP, you "gain" XP debt.. that is to say it takes more XP to level until you get enough xp to "pay off" the debt.. if you recover your shard you'll pay off about.. 80 or 90 percent of the debt you have. When you log off debt is removed at something like 1% every 1/2 hour.. or something like that... dunno the exact numbers on removal.. but I hear if you have max XP debt it'll all be gone if you log off for 3 days, also all lost spirit shards are returned to you in 3 days.. so if you die someplace you can't get back to easily it'll eventually come back to you.

in a group debt is shared.. so if a group member dies you get a small part of their debt.. some people hate this, some love it, some are indifferent.. In a good group XP debt gained while you're in the group gets wiped out quickly.. in a bad group... well I've logged off of Nerris with 168% debt before... so I just played my alt for a few days. Sure I could have gotten a different group or solo'ed it off.. but I was in a mage mood.

I suppose key to this is give a group a chance but remember you can solo.. so if they don't get it together at least a little bit.. politely bow out of the group before you accrue an extreme level of debt.

HO's are heroic opportunities.. I suppose the closest way to explain them are like specials which are achieved by chaining certain combat moves or spells.. you have the "starter" for the HO, at which point certain spell icons on your bar will flash. hitting any one of those will continue the chain.. at which point others will begin flashing (or sometimes it's the same one if you don't have many spells or combat arts), hitting it will complete the HO.

When solo'ing it's possible to chain HO's very easily.. and honestly they are the key to solo'ing strong mobs. (my conjuror can solo Orange con.. easy.. no, but I can do it). In a group HO's are a bit tougher to pull off due to the coordination needed to make it happen.. I've had the best luck by determining the HO starter (since anyone can start an HO) then declare who will be the second and finally who will be the HO finisher... the starter will in group say let everyone know they're begining.. and everyone will stop doing specials.

in good groups.. this is great.. double ^^ yellows fall like dominos to well coordinated HO's

dunno much about tradeskills.. my highest tradeskill level in any character is 5. and none of my characters are guilded.. so on these two topics I cannot say.
#13 Jan 13 2005 at 10:41 AM Rating: Decent
Correction to Dutchess Iaini Scholar's post:
In good group red ^^ falls easy if you use HO's :)

Diffrence of mobs is seen when you target them. It will tell you if it is a mob you can solo or if it is a mob you need a group to kill. There is also uparrows or downarrows under or over the name of the mob.
two downarrows = extremly easy
one downarrow = very easy
no ^ = Easy mob
one ^ = tough
two ^^ = very tough

There is also con's depending on your level like EQ1 but the colours are abit diffrent.
Grey = Your to high level for this, meaning no xp gain or chestdrops. You can still get questupdates from them depending on quest.
green = alot lower level then you, you can probably take a green groupencounter solo. you get xp and the chance for good loot.
blue = abit lower level then you.. you get xp and the chance for good loot.
white = same level as you. you get xp and the chance for good loot.
yellow = higher level then you. you get xp and the chance for good loot.
Orange = alot higher level then you. you get xp and the chance for good loot.
Red = extremly tough and higher level then you. you get xp and the chance for good loot.
#14 Jan 13 2005 at 10:53 AM Rating: Decent
Where is the best place to get info on spells? Oh that brings up some more i have been trying to understand how they have the toons set up. I want to start a cleric as my first toon. What do i start out as? Finding the spells for this toon, where do i go?
The spells that i did find are all low lvl. Do they get stronger as you gain lvls or do you have to buy the advances for each of the spells?

Also i would like to get my hands on the maps for the zones of Eq2 so i don't run around asking everyone were everything is.. Where would i go about getting it?

Edited, Thu Jan 13 10:54:13 2005 by Tjskrat
#15 Jan 13 2005 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
you gain Apprentice I spells as you level automatically..

App II - IV are player made

Adept I are dropped... and quite good

beyond that I can't say.. I *THINK* Adept II & III are player made but I've never found an Adept I off a mob let alone higher spells so I can't say..

but you do have to buy stronger spells as you progress.. sometimes you'll get spells that can replace older spells.. it's a player discretion thing to decide what can replace what so that you're not trying to buy Apprentice III's or higher of everything you have.

not certain where to get indept spell information though. =_=

Edited, Thu Jan 13 11:03:37 2005 by Iaini
#16 Jan 13 2005 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
Well i do thank everyone for there help.. I know I will learn more just playing the game. I would still like to get others good comments on Eq2. As asked in this thread.

I would like to hear some good and funny things that have happened in gameplay.. I remember when i was an EQ1 addict, i would get laughing so hard sometimes i couldn't even play. And until i buy a new comp and get EQ2 up and going i have to live vicariously through all of you.. So that being said, Thanks again for all of the info.

Edited, Thu Jan 13 11:32:42 2005 by Tjskrat
#17 Jan 13 2005 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
Dont think there are any Adept 2 in the game. Only app3, app4, adept 3 and adept 4 can be made.
app 2 is vendor bought at lowerlevels. Dont know about higher then lvl 25 though.

regarding maps:

Very good homepage.. Still missing alot of the higher lvl zones though.
#18 Jan 13 2005 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
With the recent "big patch" Conjurers seem to have outpaced other classes in soloing ability. Their pets work better now, esp. w/ the "specialized training" skills that work on pets (chose those and not others). Priests still solo well because of reasonably good damage spells and the ability to heal mid-fight - it can be a long grind, but a priest can kill a powerful mob. You just have to learn how to pace yourself - a druid, for example, often has to stop nuking and save mana - er power for heals and let his pathetic melee and damage shield finish the thing off. But everyone can solo.

The other game to consider if you are shopping for an mmo is WoW. You can go over to Alla's WoW site - just click the name in the upper right hand corner - and read about it for yourself. It has some interesting game mechanics. But be sure to read their general forum posts. I ws there reading last night - avatars of people's heads exploding in sprays of blood, avatars of Smurfs doing things I don't want to see Smurfs doing, harsh stories of PvP battles (I'm not sure I ever want to try WoW now - please, Sony,please fix eq2), etc. You don't see much of that stuff here, just the guy w/ the stick figures. But there are TONS of posts over there....
#19 Jan 13 2005 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
I laugh alot when I play but at the moment I only remember when I almost cried.. well, wasnt close to crying but it wasnt fun.
We attacked a bearmommy with her cubs last night.. She tried to defend them and when she lost to much of her health they run away and after that she tried to run aswell.
We killed em all!
May we burn in hell :(
#20 Jan 13 2005 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
Thank you soo much for the map info.. Will be used to my fullest. lol. Anyhow does anyone have a good site to go to that will tell me all the spell for all the classes. Or could i have some one explane how to get the spells and understand them.

Oh an while i am asking. How is the armour and also i read that a plat will go a lot futher in Eq2 than it did in Eq1. How are the prices on items and equipmet in Eq2 compared to Eq1.

Edited, Thu Jan 13 12:02:50 2005 by Tjskrat
#21 Jan 13 2005 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
heh.. I assure you Conjuror outpaced all other classes I've had experience with in solo'ing long before the big patch.. it's just much more apparent now. ^_~

I suspect Necro's would be equal to Conj.. but never playing or partying with a necro I can only guess at this.

I suppose the most recent moment was when I was out solo'ing my predator in the commonlands.. I found the bloodskull lumberjacks finally and they're all double ^^ green mobs... hmm.. for my conjuror.. no problem.. pity she's in Qeynos.. for my Predator.. problem.. big problem.. SOOO I figured I would just level up on the ton of solo orcs wandering around..

then I see them.. a Named orc, bigger than the rest followed by a rather massive brute squad.. all yellow. Time to back up.. they cought me one time in mid fight but I managed to outrun them and the mob I was fighting died of poison so I got XP for the kill too.. ^_~

so I'm still out there and I see a guy gathering items and I look up just in time to see the brute squad surround him.. =_= that wasn't pretty... but at least the end came swiftly. Had I been a priest I would have rez'ed him.

then there was the time I was playing my conjuror and someone went running by with a bear in tow.. so I try running after them and sent in my pet but they had a GOOD headstart.. and I yell "don't go that way it's a trap..." but that's a lot to type and they ran straight into the highwayman's trap along the Qeynos highway.. :( nothing I could do at that point. Highwaymen were blue to me at that time no way I could take down a group of 8 unless they're gray.

scary moment I had was on the dock in the commonlands, did a /sit and went off to get a snack.. came back to see myself surrounded by about 8 highly aggressive yellow con bees.. O_O.. for some reason they didn't attack, and I certainly didn't budge for fear of getting their attention. go fig.. thank you lucky fairy looking over my shoulder.

one of my personal favorite when I was killing a cow in the commonlands:

"How can you kill a cow?"
my reply - "Beef, it's what's for dinner"

coolest moment was a few days ago with my predator.. got a /tell from a crafter wanting me to test out poisons.. soo he did a trade and we grouped and I went out and tested out his poisons he made and gave him feedback on how they perform relative to the NPC poisons of the same level I had used in the past. For the record. Player made poison does exceed the abilities of the NPC poison of the same level.. particularly Bloodburst (mastery at 50 poisoning skill) if you can get it... anywho.. we did several test on blue mobs and checked damage and such.. it was cool.

and surprise to me when I tried to trade him back his product he said.. "those are yours" was that cool or what? ^_^ /salute Base for making great poisons.
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