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Enchanter Tactics in Grouping... What One Wizard has to say!Follow

#1 Jan 12 2005 at 4:31 AM Rating: Good
40 posts
This really just happened. Thought you guys would get a laugh. I'll post screens if anyone wants to see em.

(1105521568)[Wed Jan 12 01:19:28 2005] You tell dragonflymoon,"i need you not to cast AE spells, i am "mezzing" the extra enemies meaning they are in a trance and cant attack but if you hit them with a spell that hits multiple mobs they will wake from this trance and attack people"

(1105521568)[Wed Jan 12 01:19:28 2005] \aPC -1 Dragonflymoon:Dragonflymoon\/a tells you,"so basically you want me to just stand there "

(1105521568)[Wed Jan 12 01:19:28 2005] \aPC -1 Dragonflymoon:Dragonflymoon\/a tells you,"not a chance buddy "
CYou tell Dragonflymoon,"look i know you have spells that hit only 1 enemy"

(1105521568)[Wed Jan 12 01:19:28 2005] You tell Dragonflymoon,"i have played a wizard"

(1105521568)[Wed Jan 12 01:19:28 2005] \aPC -1 Dragonflymoon:Dragonflymoon\/a tells you,"in this one "

(1105521568)[Wed Jan 12 01:19:28 2005] You tell Dragonflymoon,"yes"

(1105521568)[Wed Jan 12 01:19:28 2005] You tell Dragonflymoon,"right click your spell and click examine to see what the spell does"

(1105521568)[Wed Jan 12 01:19:28 2005] You tell Dragonflymoon,"breath of tyrant and ball of fire are both single enemy attacks"

(1105521568)[Wed Jan 12 01:19:28 2005] You tell Dragonflymoon,"do you have those spells?"

(1105521568)[Wed Jan 12 01:19:28 2005] \aPC -1 Dragonflymoon:Dragonflymoon\/a tells you,"listen mezzing is ok when you are soloing but in groups is causes mothing but troubl and that is why we accrued so much debt so no i will not quit udsing my dots i assist and cast that is the way i play and up untill today it has worked "

(1105521568)[Wed Jan 12 01:19:28 2005] \aPC -1 Dragonflymoon:Dragonflymoon\/a tells you,"so s\do not tell me jow to play my char"

(1105521568)[Wed Jan 12 01:19:28 2005] You tell Dragonflymoon,"look online for some guides on group tatics... I'm done with this... get a clue"

(1105521568)[Wed Jan 12 01:19:28 2005] \aPC -1 Dragonflymoon:Dragonflymoon\/a tells you,"you need to get a clue and i have read all about group tactics and m,y husband has been playing this game prolly alot longer thqn you have and has tught me everything there is to know about this game so bug off"

(1105521568)[Wed Jan 12 01:19:28 2005] You tell Dragonflymoon,"if you think you know everything that is your first mistake"

(1105521568)[Wed Jan 12 01:19:28 2005] You tell Dragonflymoon,"go to allakazham later for a transcript of our chat.... and look at the reactions =)"
#2 Jan 12 2005 at 5:15 AM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Dragonflymoon, if you are reading this - I'm shining my EvilGnome "moon" at you right now. Smiley: wink2

The luxury of having an enchanter in the group - I mean, things go SO much better with one than without. You are a clueless jerk, Dragonflymoon. I've seen hamsters playing this game, and even they know you don't AE when a mezzer is working with you! Hell, one-celled life forms that crawl on the bottoms of ponds and cess pools know this.

This is part of why the good players are getting turned off by EQ2 - I've heard of so many people who were playing enchanters - *were* - past tense. They've stopped. And the whole game suffers if no one is playing enchanters, literally. And people like you have a hand in this; you're partially to blame. So please, get a clue. This is really simple. N-e-v-e-r w-a-k-e m-e-z-z-e-d m-o-b-s. Thank you.
#3 Jan 12 2005 at 5:18 AM Rating: Good
Maybe one of these days I'll give Chanters a chance again. The time I tried it I got too frustrated and went back to being a Sorcerer. :/
#4 Jan 12 2005 at 5:32 AM Rating: Decent
first of all, wizards 'green' AE's wont wake up mezzed mobs.
If killing a large group, say 6-10 mobs, its better the wizard AE's then the enchanter mezzes one or two mobs.
If it is a group of 2 mobs with ^ each then its good for chanter to mezz one of them.
Were the chanter really shines is when you get 'true' adds. Adds that dont belong to the first encounter, if those are mezzed wizard can do all AE's they like and still wont break mezzes cause wizards AE's only affect the group targeted.
Stuff that break mezzed stuff not in the encounter is some AE HO's, AE taunts (I think) and assault.

We had a group of Fury, Mystic, Guardian, Warlock, Coercer and Wizard all lvl 24 last night.
We pulled The Banished, a lvl 30 mob with ^ who was acompanied by to lvl 30 wolfes.
On the pull a lvl 30 named gianted poped as add.
The chanter mezzed the named giant and warlock and wizard AE'd The banished group. Once he was dead so was the wolfes and we engaged the giant.
Tough encounter but we won!
Best and most fun fight so far for me in EQ2!!

Enchanters should not be stuck in the EQLive mindset.

Edited, Wed Jan 12 05:44:55 2005 by BumbiRagnar
#5 Jan 12 2005 at 6:09 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Using AE nukes in a group situation is poor play anyway all you are going to do is grab aggro from the tank since he will be mainly getting the aggro of one mob.

If you start messing with the other mobs it's going to get you and your party killed.

#6 Jan 12 2005 at 6:10 AM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
"Enchanters should not be stuck in the EQLive mindset."

I mostly play a Fury and a Sorc. As healer I've seen the group wipe in a decent team w/ a wiz and no chanter. Many times. In a group w/ a chanter we almost never wipe... in fact the one time was when the shaman made some comment about how she hated people making noobish mistakes and then did somethign out of order in FMG and had like 50 undead swarm us. That is literally the only time I've wiped in EQ2 w/ an enchanter in the group.

W/ an enchanter the healer(s) never run out of power, they never even run low (unless you take on something crazy). It can take longer to kill some things, but there is so much less downtime that to me it evens out (plus ench have breeze). Granted, if yer murderin easy stuff, you don't need mezzin. But if yer taking on challenging things = there is no question - give me a chanter over a wiz any day . And my sorc is gonna be a wiz. So, do enchanters really need to get out of the old EQ mindset, or do other players need to wake up and realize what enchanters can do ... or do I need to stop playing this dumb game? Yeah. I think I do. This is precisely why I'm going crazy. If so many people can't see... it's just too depressing.
#7 Jan 12 2005 at 6:32 AM Rating: Decent
Are you crazy tarv?!?!
Poor play?!!
Wizard is only good for AE's...!
Its cause people are stuck in EQ1 mindset that I hardly ever see any wizards play there class right.

I have yet to grab agro as wizard when I play with tanks I know are good. And I have my spells upgraded yes ty. AE's are the thing wizards are made for in EQ2. This is NOT EQ1.
If you are killing one mob at a time a scoutclass has far better dps then a wizard/warlock.
Wizard should not cast on incoming but wait a few seconds til the tank has locked down agro.
Most tanks dont seem to know that to really lock down agro you start pulling with a taunt, then AE taunt, then assault, then the other AE's that they have then, her comes what most dont do, do your [/b]groupcombatbuffs[/b]. I am very coordinated when playing with my g/f who is MT in our groups, I buff her with dmg shields before pulls which will give her more agro (if I cast during encounter I get the agro from dmg shield) and also I cast a HoT a second before pull which also helps tanks agro. Every tick when she gets a heal from the HoT she gets more and more agro.
Its also said that when I cast HoT's during combat I only get agro when I cast and the heals each tick after that also help tanks agro, dont know if this is true though. Can anyone confirm?

I allways tell my group they should hold a few seconds before engaging so tank can lock down agro and to use /assist <maintank> instead of the autoassist. This is so everyone stay on the same mob until its dead and tank can change target IF someone grabs agro and singletarget taunt it.

Dont get me wrong though, I love having a enchanter in my group, its just that too many enchanters are stuck in the EQ1 mindset.

And once again:
- Wizards AE's with green icon's wont break mezzes.
- None of the wizards AE's will break mezzes if the mezzed mobs are not part of the targeted encounter.

Edited, Wed Jan 12 06:54:08 2005 by BumbiRagnar
#8 Jan 12 2005 at 8:15 AM Rating: Decent
Agreed that the wizz in the OP is a complete moron though =)
#9 Jan 12 2005 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
I am with you drgonjo , it is sad that wizzard will never know how effective a group can be with a chanty .

I am the only chanty in my guild and I never have an issue getting a group . Actually it is the complete opposite, there are some things my guild will wait until I am on to go do . We are not easy fight folks , we love a hard battle with hard mobs, throw adds at me over single pulls and I am a very happy girl. My job is to shine when the S%^t hits the fan , put the adds to sleep before the group even knows we have adds. We attempted EL and the Zek boat at 25 and won first go on both without a single death. Also it seems to me I always hear stories of fights gone bad and exp debt so big it would freak me right out , I have died 17 times total sinse the game went live ( feel free to check EQ2 players site for that info) , the most debt I have ever had at one time is 6%. My group mates tell a totally different story but the funny thing is that I am never there when that happens .........

I am an equal opertunity chanter tho , When we start a group or get to an encounter I always ask my group "AOE or mezz" we decide and all work together . Some fights it makes sense to aoe and in a case like that , I aoe and mezz any adds on the healers/DPS or me ;), also I nuke to dead any mobs near death from AOE.

Chanters have some nice stuns as well and IMO they work well in a AOe situtation as I can stun mobs agroing on the casters , to give time for a tank to do a nice aoe taunt or for me to mezz . Chanters can take care of themselves very well , we have our stuns , a memblur/stun , roots , blink , many ways to get rid of unwanted agro from an AOE party.

I am VERY lucky , my guild understands how to play with a chanty , and I understand how to work with them in different situtations . IMHO that is very importanted , not every situtation is the same and if you cant react and change up what you are used to doing , you will loose . I think thats why we win so many battles we should loose, we change tatics as needed , no cookie cutters here .

Thinking you know everything about a game like this is the first sign of ignorance , I know I have alot to learn still . That statement from the wizzy alone said something to me , if she has nothing left to learn at level 18 then I wish I had her source of information. It is kinda sad that I bet she will never see this page as knowing all that she does I bet she has no use for sites like allakhazam`s , I mean she knows it all allready right ?
#10 Jan 12 2005 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
64 posts
Depends on the situation. I say stick to mezing the adds. Wiz aes also don't break mez. No way the wiz should be able to beat you to the punch with an AE.
This is not EQlive. Certain minor tactical changes need to happen. Wiz aes are useful in 3+ mob encounters, very good when the group couples them with AE HOs, and simply dominating when in a wiz heavy party.

I play conj and i've never had a problem with working well with the enchanters I've grouped with. And yes, I make smart use of my AEs and i use my pet 99% of the time(gotta hate dot'n mobs :/).

Also you need to remeber the nature of the game. If a polite suggestion is ignored, just learn to work around the group member find another group. Spamming forums with their name and posting private convos is always in poor taste.

Edited, Wed Jan 12 12:04:18 2005 by hrrly
#11 Jan 12 2005 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
AOE's and their use require common sense...

common sense dictates.. that if a group of 6 mobs are currently mezzed.. and not attacking anyone....

leave them alone >_<

now then.. I've never partied with an enchanter with any of my mages.. but even with a 100% lack of experience in such a group it's still obvious...

#12 Jan 12 2005 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
My friends and I have been playing together every singles day. We are: Guardian, Ranger, Templar and Enchanter.

I can tell you. We kill nearly everything and when not we hire 2 more fellas.

We basicly follow the pattern: Ranger or Guardian pulls the encounter (no matter how many they are or ^^ they have) // Guardian uses her taunts // Guardian starts fighting a weak mob // chanter mezz (nameds or the more stronger) // Kill all weaker creatures // chanter keep the stronger one mezzed, drain mob power and switch breezes to everyone // everybody rest (specially out healer) // when full re engage the fight.

It may take some time, but its safe! when every goes wrong Ranger cast Escape. Group start everything again.

This method only works if no one break mezzes and do not assist main tank. If I have a Wiz AOE everything it would be crazy! tank would get more dmg and healer would be in trouble. Dispite of something I read somewhere in here. Chanter can mezz multiple mobs (from the same encounter or normal add) very easily and YES they can handle thing well when the get agro, they have their ways.

So, if there was a Wizzie breaking mezzes and make things more complecated, Yes I would kick him/her out without thinking (if this person keeps insisting in breaking mezz)
#13 Jan 12 2005 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
My friends and I have been playing together every singles day. We are: Guardian, Ranger, Templar and Enchanter.

I can tell you. We kill nearly everything and when not we hire 2 more fellas.

We basicly follow the pattern: Ranger or Guardian pulls the encounter (no matter how many they are or ^^ they have) // Guardian uses her taunts // Guardian starts fighting a weak mob // chanter mezz (nameds or the more stronger) // Kill all weaker creatures // chanter keep the stronger one mezzed, drain mob power and switch breezes to everyone // everybody rest (specially out healer) // when full re engage the fight.

It may take some time, but its safe! when every goes wrong Ranger cast Escape. Group start everything again.

This method only works if no one break mezzes and do not assist main tank. If I have a Wiz AOE everything it would be crazy! tank would get more dmg and healer would be in trouble. Dispite of something I read somewhere in here. Chanter can mezz multiple mobs (from the same encounter or normal add) very easily and YES they can handle thing well when the get agro, they have their ways.

So, if there was a Wizzie breaking mezzes and make things more complecated, Yes I would kick him/her out without thinking (if this person keeps insisting in breaking mezz)
#14 Jan 12 2005 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
421 posts
AoEs do not break Mezz...

AoE HOs DO break mezz.
#15 Jan 12 2005 at 6:22 PM Rating: Good
40 posts
Hey sorry haven't been keeping up with this... at work.

While I do not know for certian whether standard AoEs break mez or not(though I still suspect they do), I do know beyond a shadow of a doubt that DoT AoEs wizs receive in their early 20s most defintely do. I watched it happen again and again.

When you have a chanter type in your group be carefull not to break mez, but be doubly careful not to do so with a DoT. Once a mob is DoTed it is virtually unmezzable.

On a side note... you can cancel DoTs from your active spell area, an invaluable tool to the soloing chanter, but a little hectic in a group environment.
#16 Jan 12 2005 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
You know, it's funny, but this is something that really should be nailed down: how to max wiz/warlocks' wonderful AE potential while respecting all the wonderful control potential that a chanter brings.

I'm not anti-wiz -- heck I'm playing up a sorc! I just want groups in this game to get past mythology and get into fact. Yeah we can holler "yer stuck in EQ1 mindset" and "yer blind to the situation before u cuz yer so impatient to nuke" at each other til we turn blue, and we'll never find the truth that way.

It's true that wiz/war are great for quickly knocking down easier groups while scouts' dps is better at taking down singles (unless there is something scouts do that I haven't seen yet). But a chanter makes a group so much more powerful - so much more likely to survive mishaps - I've only acrued death debt once, *once*, while grouping with an enchanter. With wizards... I can't count. Again, we need to find the magic combination, the sweet spot that lets these two classes function really well WITH each other and not AGAINST each other. And blasting us pro-chanters w/ such generalities as "yer stuck in old EQ mindset, this is EQ2" doesn't cut it - saying "chanters are only good for mezzing the odd add from another group" - no, that's *not* what they're only good for. Yeah, saying "that's old EQ mindset" makes you sound right - I must admit that in this "soundbite-oriented" world in which we live it's got a ring to it. But it's not in keeping w/ the facts.

It seems like AE HOs and AE DoTs were the main prob in the original poster's situation. People are saying that green wiz ae's don't break mez. If so great -wiz and chanter can coexist - best of both worlds! It sounds like we're close to figuring it out here. If someone more knowledgable than this poor Gnome can figure it out and sum it it here, it'd be wonderful. Might even be a big step in saving this silly game.
#17 Jan 13 2005 at 3:00 AM Rating: Decent
Im deffo not saying chanters should only mezz the 'odd' or 'true' adds. Heck no.
As Evilgnomes says, chanters rox! If I could I would have one in everyone of my group.. But they are so rare.. :(
A few other occasions besides true were chanters can/should mezz imo would be if its a new group. Mezz to be safe until you get the feel for the group. WHen you have the 'feel' for the group chanter will now how tough encounters the group can take on without any danger. Perhaps a group of 5 yellow giants are no problem at all so no mezzes here but a group of 4 blue were one is ^^ named, mezz the named. AoE's are not manaefficent when killing 2 or even 3 mobs so this is a situation were mezz can be used again. 2 yellow mobs with one ^ each = mezz one I say, allways. Or if you see a named pop further down the hall and you want to pull it before someone else do, mezz the 2 mobs that are in the way, kill named then killed the mezzed one's.
And yes, AoE DoT's breaks mezzes ofcourse.
Actually AE DoTs are a perfect tool to use to teach the chanter a lesson when he is mezzing to much stuff! j/k
#18 Jan 13 2005 at 3:10 AM Rating: Default
Didn't they make it to where chanters can't mez yellow mobs? That's why my chanter is still at 17 =(. And come on mr.wizard, I like wizards.. I really do, but when a chanter is in the group, don't use AE.. that's really frustrating. I'm sure you have powerful one hitter nukes.
#19 Jan 13 2005 at 3:37 AM Rating: Decent
AoEs do not break Mezz...

AoE HOs DO break mezz.

So if enchanter is in group or not doesnt really matter. I suggest you read the whole thread for the facts.
#20 Jan 13 2005 at 3:57 AM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Sorry if I misunderstood. Sometimes I read a bunch of posts - maybe I mix up what people say. Yeah, I think we're all on the same page. And listen, I can see that I do in fact have a lot to learn about EQ2 Wizards. And in fact EQ1 mindset is something to watch out for - it could mess up one's thinking and play.

It is starting to look like Dragonmoonpie or whatever that player's name was - the one who had an expert mmo bf or something who had taught her "everything there is to know about EQ2, so shut up" - all she had to do was stop w/ the AE DoTs. Heheheheheh. But no, she knows everything there is to know about EQ2, so ... heheh.

Yes, chanters indeed rock! I am playing one on test - no groups there so... I only have 4 char slots and would have to kill one to make a chanter on a regular server (last night in test server I was the ONLY person in Antonica *shiver* - scary, heheh).
#21 Jan 13 2005 at 4:35 AM Rating: Good
I've considered signing up for the test server, since I have such a crazy case of rerollitis.
#22 Jan 13 2005 at 5:08 AM Rating: Decent
Well, imo, dragonmoonarse needed to change more then AoE DoTs.. She also needed to change her attitude.. :P

And regarding AoE's, many times its just not worth the mana.. depening on how many mobs your hitting etc. Also, if one mob is much stronger then the rest he needs to be taken out fast (=no AoE's) so MT dont cause healer is oop.

Actually there are so many diffrent situations I cant list them all. Mostly you have to go by gut feeling and the more you play the better your gut feeling will be.

I can recommened reading theese 3 threads if you want to increase your knowledge of AoE's and wizards:
thread on graffes
thread on graffes
thread on SoE
Dont just read the the OP, but the whole thread and build your own oppinion!
Actually, if you play wizard (or warlock) I suggest you try and read up on graffes forums.
Alot of really good and experienced wizards there!

If you read the EQ2 manuall they even thx graffes in it :)
#23 Jan 13 2005 at 5:33 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
I would just like to point out that i was refering to Mezz breaking AoE, i thought that would be taken as granted since thats what we are talking about.
#24 Jan 13 2005 at 11:39 AM Rating: Default
Think he was referring to me and gnomes here. =p
#25 Jan 13 2005 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Thx for the links Bumbi. Yes, Graffes is a good old spot - don't like em trashing Alla's good name, but whatever (Alla is a great site - granted it's not wiz-dedicated like theirs - but I didn't get into the wiz class in eq1). Alla's has served me well for a long time, has saved me tons of grief w/ good info, and etc. Yeah not every poster is right, but that's why we're all born w/ brains.

Noticed that none of them can agree on whether or not a Wiz should AoE or not, hehe. Lots of interesting stuff, but if there were firm conclusions, I missed em. Are AoEs nerfed? Pls let us know if one of them locks down some of the big issue questions (or if I missed the answer - seemed to me like it's still "answer fuzzy, call back later"). Well, there was nothing there that trashed the basic logic here that's coming out - talk to the chanter - work it out - use green AEs - be careful using AoE dots w/ chanter - kill them if he can't mez (click the icon), etc. - but mostly don't b e an asphole.

THat's what everyone seems to agree on, here and there, that Dragonmoonbait or whatever her name was needs a serious attitude adjustment!
#26 Jan 13 2005 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
hmm.. sounds like this should be tested.. as of yet there do seem to be conflicting opinions as previously stated.

my only sorcerer is duo-only.. soo that rules me out unless it's a test using my conjuror (lots of dots I can cast) I'm willing to dedicate a few moments to this test with enough advanced warning to clear a schedule.
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