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Help with Authority figures in PartiesFollow

#1 Jan 11 2005 at 4:48 PM Rating: Good
382 posts
Focusing everything in to not making this a rant. Just looking for helpful suggestions =).

I realize the title is a bit broad. Let me explain the problems I’m having. Well first I have to be honest; some times I have problems with authority figures. I don’t know why, I’m just one those people.

Often in groups you have friendly leaders. They make suggestions on how to better handle something. This I have no problems with at all. In fact generally if someone has a suggestion and has taken their time away to better assist me or another I will get along with that person.

Other groups sometimes you have that bossy brat in the party (again sorry it’s just the way I feel) that wants everyone to play their way. I seem to get involved in parties under this category a lot. I’m just trying to figure out the best approach for this situation. I should state I rarely get parties at the times I get to play, so I must take what I can get.

Let me set this up for you on what I’m talking about.. I play a tank. and 99% of the time I pull. I will pull when I feel the party is ready. If I pull prematurely bad things will happen. It’s a big responsibly to pull correctly. If it’s not done right then you’re going to have to answer to a group of people.

So a real example. I join a party and lets say a mage is telling us were going to do this or going to do that. That’s fine, I’m ok with that. But after I pull I don’t need the mage to state “Med up” I mean an obvious thing, but yet that person feels the need to state it every time. My all time favorite is “Pull” or “gogogo”. This get’s old very fast. Again I know when to pull, if the templar in the party is at 21% mana and were pulling hard mobs I will not pull and you will wait…. Period….. anxious boy.

That’s just one example. So here are some of the things I have done to try to handling my problem. The first time it happened was a few levels ago. This wizard kept spamming pull pull pull gogogo (while I’m searching for a mob). Till finally I snapped. I started with “No sh%# wizard”. He insisted that we non-stop pull. So against my better judgenent I said your wish is my command. Well rather then rest like we should have I pulled again so I wouldn’t have to hear him, after the fight was complete and we almost died he stated “Never pull when were that low on power again!!”.
After reminding him per his statement and his awful badgering he got his way and now he didn’t want it? Needless to say the rest of conversation got ugly.

I didn’t handle that well, I though. So I came up with another idea. If I join a party and someone tells me to pull I place them on the ignore list. Not forever but just until the party is over. This has been the best solution so far. I don’t get upset with the person and I enjoy myself with out the pointless no brainier spam. As soon as I leave, or that member leaves I remove him from the list. All is well.

There is however one problem with my solution. If the person goes afk I don’t know. So normally I tell the party leader and give him a quick heads up. But sometimes it easy to forget. Also that person may want me to pull a certain mob for a quest he needs to finish, or if they state “ADD”.

The only other option I have is tell them how to do their job over and over. I thought about it but that could just **** them off as it does me. I’m not looking to upset anyone so that wont work...

Can you think of any other ideas that may work?


#2 Jan 11 2005 at 5:03 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
Truly told, I wouldn't put someone in my party in /ignore if they were in the party. Sometimes, *sometimes*, important stuff needs to be relayed. Going through another party member may be to slow.

Instead, I would send a tell asking them if they know more about pulling and when. If they have a better strategy and knows that the group can handle it, I will take that advice and pull. S/He should not be sending "Pull pull pull" after this. If he does, then I ask him what the hell his "advice" was for if it wasn't good enough.

If said person doesn't have any advice that sounds reasonable then I tell them I know what I'm doing and it is in the best interest for the party. If they still pull that crap on me, either I have him kicked or I leave the party.

Of course, levelling isn't _important_ to me that I need to be in grind groups everytime I play, so this may not be the best solution for you.

Also, if it's a DPS player, ask the healer (doesn't have to be the healer's power, but this is what I would usually go by) in party chat what level of power would be best for you to pull. That way, everyone knows what you're gauging your pull frequency on. Same thing goes if the person whining is the healer... ask them in /gsay what he feels is best for when you pull.
#3 Jan 11 2005 at 5:48 PM Rating: Good
382 posts
Asking the healer in /gsay sounds like a pretty good idea. I look forward to using that. Thank you =).

There is however a problem that remains. Right now the groups I get are normally golem parties in Varsoon. Pretty neat zone, normally the party will stand on a stair case. I’ll run in to the room at the bottom of the stair case and pull them up to the group. The problem here is a group of golems pop at the door right where I enter (on the other side the party can’t see).

After the room is clear, a golem group pop’s here or there. I know the group of golems will pop at the door any second at that point. I return to camp and wait less then one minute for that group to pop again. Then fight for the next 5 minutes, rinse and repeat. Otherwise (as this has happened) I pull and while returning to camp the golems pop at the door, aggro, add and we all die.

Problem is when returning to camp, that one person has to chime in “PULL”. While I may be trying to explain why I returned to camp, that person may become inpatient for that duration of 5 seconds I only got to explain why I didnt. That person runs in to the room pulls, golems pop at the door, were all dead (yes this has happened). That point I didn't need to explain why I didn’t pull.

Right now I look for giant groups to try to avoid those types of problems. At this level adds are no real concern, no need to explain anything, low stress, happy people.

So the other problem imo is like that poor scout in the golem party that pulled, their are some that don’t think out side the box. Yes you run out there and pull something. Little more to it then that. I’m not saying it’s hard but like in that golem room there’s things you learn to consider as a puller for every group. Just relax and enjoy standing there relaxing before the next mob grind. The tank doesn’t get a break, cut him some slack and let him do his job. I’m tired of being the DPSer, it’s why I started a fighter, but one things for sure I miss that short relax period. Grinding wears me down a lot more as a fighter, but with the current problem aside I really enjoy it.

#4 Jan 11 2005 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Funny and very true. I can see it was a Wiz, too - the guy has to sit there doing nothing til the fight is brought to him, and then he has to pace himself - and if he was born some sort of tightly wound type-A person ... well, he's picked the wrong class.

I have a RL friend who is at least ten years older than I am, and he is extremely pushy. Sometimes - er - lots of times I simply can't take him. If I'm driving us somewhere he tells me which route to take, which lane to get in, and to pass that slow car - and he stomps and acts bratty when other drivers pull in front of us and slow our progress in any way. We do the same job, and needless to say he doesn't get a lot of work. I tried to help him get a job recently, and the people reacted in horror and said "HIM?! YOU MUST BE NUCKIN' FUTS - HE'S CRAZY!" Well, they didn't quite say that, but they did say he was crazy. So, I told my friend just to see if maybe that would shock him into seeing what he was doing to his life. And he said they were right; he said, "I *am* crazy."

He's decided he has Asperger's Syndrome, and he's probably right. It's essentially a form of high functioning autism but with no language impairment - er - except that they can't shut up. They tend to blurt what is obvious, put their foots in their mouths, etc. They have trouble with empathy, with realizing other people have feelings, and they can't read body language - they have no clue what they are doing to the rest of us. Without intervention and serious training in childhood to "get" this stuff (they have to learn it literally rather than get it intuitively), they can end up being very offensive people to those who don't understand their situation.

I wonder how many gamers have this - or something like it. Of course some of them are just bratz, but quite a few people have this syndrome outright - and some have portions of it but don't have it full-on.

Well, you still have to deal with these pushy team members, whatever the source of their bad behaviour. Ignoring them is actually a good idea imo if it preserves your sanity - you've let the leader know, and he or she can pass it on if they say something you absolutely have to hear. It's hard to tell these difficult people "hey yer getting on my nerves, please stop it with the gogogo, okay?" - cuz they can stomp on our feelings all day, but if we even slightly criticize them they crumble, get mad, quit in a huff, or whatever. And we need their dps, esp if its an off time. A really bad dilemma. Yeah, ignore actually might be best.

My solution to this is that I mostly solo or duo w/ the other Gnome of EvilGnomes. In truth we get way more exp than w/ groups, soloing or duoing. Like you, Toxic, I'm not often on at prime time - and groups I get suck so badly it's not funny. What kills me is that sometimes we're doing great - then some bouncy jerk ranger says "hey let's go do the commander room!" But we've got a great spot here on the spiders - we're gettin 2% a kill at least - and there are gnolls we can pull, too - dammit commander is always camped,always. But no, he's so damn insistant we have to go waste time strolling over to commanders, which is camped. On the way back the shaman falls down a hole or makes a wrong turn and dies, and keeps howling for me to come rez him. And then another party has taken over spiders. So we kill sucky gnolls = and then that party asks us to join them in a raid to kill the spider queen. Okay. We wipe, she eats us all. So we revive and head back, and three party members get lost or fall down the pit (again) and die again. I manage to stay alive, and now I'm the only healer in the raid alive - cuz their templar died again too - and I got peole tellin me go w/ them to fight way to shards and four people howling at me like babies to come rez them - in the middle of hostile gnolls ... I get everyone their shard back , and I get everyone rezzed - and I say "oops, the kids! dangit, must go, sorry", and I hit Call of Qeynos ... and I'm gone. Grouping, which we are forced to do, stinks so badly ...and generally it was so smooth in old eq... heh, there are tons of old eq players in eq2. I wonder what the deal is? But yeah, it is a problem for so many reasons. Hell i've yet to finish FMG cuz some noob blows it for us every time... ugh. I need to redo my schedule so I can play primetime maybe....
#5 Jan 11 2005 at 6:42 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
Asking the healer in /gsay sounds like a pretty good idea. I look forward to using that. Thank you =).

There is however a problem that remains. Right now the groups I get are normally golem parties in Varsoon. Pretty neat zone, normally the party will stand on a stair case. I’ll run in to the room at the bottom of the stair case and pull them up to the group. The problem here is a group of golems pop at the door right where I enter (on the other side the party can’t see).

After the room is clear, a golem group pop’s here or there. I know the group of golems will pop at the door any second at that point. I return to camp and wait less then one minute for that group to pop again. Then fight for the next 5 minutes, rinse and repeat. Otherwise (as this has happened) I pull and while returning to camp the golems pop at the door, aggro, add and we all die.

Problem is when returning to camp, that one person has to chime in “PULL”. While I may be trying to explain why I returned to camp, that person may become inpatient for that duration of 5 seconds I only got to explain why I didnt. That person runs in to the room pulls, golems pop at the door, were all dead (yes this has happened). That point I didn't need to explain why I didn’t pull.

Right now I look for giant groups to try to avoid those types of problems. At this level adds are no real concern, no need to explain anything, low stress, happy people.

So the other problem imo is like that poor scout in the golem party that pulled, their are some that don’t think out side the box. Yes you run out there and pull something. Little more to it then that. I’m not saying it’s hard but like in that golem room there’s things you learn to consider as a puller for every group. Just relax and enjoy standing there relaxing before the next mob grind. The tank doesn’t get a break, cut him some slack and let him do his job. I’m tired of being the DPSer, it’s why I started a fighter, but one things for sure I miss that short relax period. Grinding wears me down a lot more as a fighter, but with the current problem aside I really enjoy it.

If you had to go into another golem group (or any other group for that matter), when you all get set up, do you guys take a few minutes before the first pull to explain strategies? This would be a great time to make sure everyone knows about any potential pops that would/will occur and why sometimes you won't be pulling quickly.

If you know the lay of the land, you shouldn't be ashamed or shy to not share your knowledge with everyone. If they know about it then cool, if not, well you'd be preventing another wipe.

These are the things I'm learning as being a DD/Puller at the other game I'm playing. Since my main job is tanking (and in that game I don't do anything between fights except med and relax :D), it's a pretty big eye-opener and it's prepared me good for any groups I get into here in EQ2.
#6 Jan 11 2005 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
After 4 years tanking in EQ1, I still had to be a tank in EQ2!!

Anyway, the best way to handle these annoying pushy types is ignore them, but not put them on /ignore. You know what you're doing, and you're the puller, so just do your own thing.

The only thing that can help is say something about your tactics up front, when you first join the group.
#7 Jan 11 2005 at 8:38 PM Rating: Good
42 posts
I find my major problem in groups is ppl simply not listening to ppl in the group or even recognizing that they said something. I find it hard to belive that the chat is not visually showing up on their screen, they just choose to ignore it. I was in a stag group with my rouge the other day and we were doing fine, pretty good exp per kill, but the problem was the kills were too far between. This resulted from the fact the noone in the group listened to me the several times I said "I can track the stags and lead us to them faster than randomly searching", which is very true. Since the area is pretty aggro free, except for the odd weak bear or more difficult timberclaw gnoll, I can essentially just lead the group around killing stag after stag after stag. I was in a group the night before this one and we literally cleaned the entire forest of stags.

The worst part is, the new players ( refered to henceforth as "nubs" ) in the party started complaining that this was too slow... which is just sad because we were operating at great efficieny as the stags were blue^^ to the highest lv grp member. These nubs then suggested we go over to the caves and kill the cavemaw ( i think ) gnolls. Well i disliked this from the start and said i would /y and leave if **** hit the fan, and it did, but too fast, giving me 3% debt and ruining a fine grp. The problem is these nubs will never learn because noone will group with them because of fear of debt, however this can be prevented with the /y and leave method.

Another problem i have is ppl inving me to a grp and then starting a fight with me in the grp. I am nowhere near the fight and will not get exp, yet I can get debt. If anyone in the group gets to orange or red and I am not near them, i will simply select their name, /y and leave, no debt. I think ppl should not blindly inv potential group members but instead tell them where the grp is and what they are fighting. The potential group member then goes to the group's location. This save possible "travel debt" and the ruining of groups that can stem from it.

I see the problem as new players simply not caring about what veterans or more experienced players have to say.
#8 Jan 11 2005 at 9:04 PM Rating: Decent
i also play on oddball times due to my work schedule. i do not group with random strangers much and when/if i do i usually have 2-3 friends/guildies already in the group and can ditch an unco-operative player if they get to be to much. i will make several warnings in /tells and the last couple will be in-group.

i tend to mostly play with rl friends tho so we dont get many unco-operatives playing with us.
#9 Jan 11 2005 at 9:23 PM Rating: Good
382 posts
Wow EvilGnome that’s something that never crossed my mind. That is an interesting thing to think about. A great possibility in some cases. Also not only do I enjoy your quest ideas, but also this story =). I could clearly picture that in my mind as I read it.

ArcosKojin and Bluie

I do like to take a few minutes before hand. Now that you said that, I let’em push me around to much. If and when I get invite the party can take up two 20mins to assemble all coming from different parts of the land. My last example which was my last party. I was the last one to arrive. Once I got there every one was fired up ready to go. No camp was selected at first the leader just asked us to follow, and kill on the way. Once the camp was selected I began to take those few minutes. I said “Ok before I pull I just want to talk about pulling from this room for a moment”. Soon as I said that I got “gogogo” Leader “Pull already Knight”. Bah so I did. That’s the problem there. I need to type out what I need to say and ignore the requests to pull until I’m finished.


Man I couldn’t put it in better words. Also I know how you feel about inviting others no where near your location. Just going across the zone there was 3 deaths from other members just trying to meeting spot with my last party.

You have a fine setup there. Man on the weekend I have a blast with guildies. Those parties are always the best. Great company, fun, no complaints and just a great time for all.

Working 2nd shift I depend on the weekends to address day light hour things, but when I do get on man it’s great. Sometimes a friend of mine on there (over seas) can’t sleep and may jump on at that time in the mourning (I’m on 12am-5am). We normally party up and he's very assertive building parties and managing them well. If a party member group is crazy we have fun in /gu talking about it =)

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