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Kill Stealing - a step backwardsFollow

#1 Jan 11 2005 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
I saw this coming before the game started - but I gave it a chance. With the advent of locking encounters you give individuals a lot of power that they did not possess in eq1. In particular you give individuals the power to KS at will. Now you might say hey - eq2 does not have camps like eq1 and as such mobs are free for alls. Tell me then - I am camping down in BB to get the captain for a quest. He is a pretty rare spawn. After quite a while he finally pops. At that instant a lvl 30 who has been roaming in and out of the area jump the captain denying us of our kill. No camp rule cited. No camp rule is bogus.
Same thing out in Antonica - doing AQ2 and need plaugebringer acolytes - we kill all the caltorsis around the foci - some dude is running around all the foci and happens to engage the plaugebringers at our fictious camp (remember camps dont exsist) and locks us out of the mobs we forced to spawn so that his aq2 group can get em.

In eq 1 at least you could out dmg the guy trying to steal your mob or out taunt - and inidividuals in eq1 usually no matter how much higher lvl would have a hard time ksing a group - but in eq2 - well they decided hey everyone should be able to ks!!

This is my opinion - but i think locked encounters bite. KS'ning wasn't really a problem in eq1 - so why did they have to FIX it. WTG sony - FIX something that wasn't broke so that it is broke.

What do you all think???
#2 Jan 11 2005 at 3:53 PM Rating: Default
I like the locked encounters for the most part. But yea, kinda sucks what happened to ya.
#3 Jan 11 2005 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Give it 12 months for the game to settle and i put a months wage that the "camp" ettiquette will be back as a direct result of this, there where no camps offically in EQ1 it was always player driven.

Once the low IQ console boys have got bored and gone back to mutual ************ over Britney Spears Calenders, the real MMORPG players will instill the courtesy on those that remain.

I hope.
#4 Jan 11 2005 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
Well put, Tarv!
#5 Jan 11 2005 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
134 posts
I feel your pain. In the big picture I like the locked encounters, but coupled with the grey mobs. Most peeps wont hang around the camp once stuff quits being at least green. And those who need it for the quest update can always group with you because everyone gets credit..that is nice. Unfortunately, there is the A$$hole law....there will always be someone who will try to ***** it up just because they can. I think the changes in EQ2 have helped address some issues of farming and ksing for greed. There just isnt any one concept that will totally address a handful of immature morons with the only goal of ticking decent players off =(.

Oktober Festivus
Multiple character player / Master of none
#6 Jan 11 2005 at 5:34 PM Rating: Default
You can't steal kills in this game.
#7 Jan 11 2005 at 6:05 PM Rating: Default
Be ready to engage when and as soon as your mob pops if your not and someone else is its your loss.

The only time I have ever seen a GM honor a "camp" was over hotly contested (epic) long term camps. In many of those cases I have also know the GM's to instate the "first aggro" wins rule.

Anyway KSing is impossible in EQ2 if you didn't aggro it first it was never yours to be stolen.
#8 Jan 11 2005 at 6:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Okay it's not classic EQ1 kill stealing, but it's bad if some jerk strolls by, lalala, and beats u to a pop you worked hard to create. It's camp stealing or whatever. It's wrong, it's worse than KSing in a way. And SoE is gonna do nothing to stop it. It's up to us on a case by case basis to tell people who do this not to.

I was camping a green ^^ named in BB and a guy close to lvl 30 comes by, ignores the gray spearfisher gnolls and beats me to the named. I asked him why = the guy was gray = I wanted a shot at another totem. Or loot or smoething. He said "oh I'm lookin for keys. You wanted to kill this guy?" ... duh I was standin there.

It's so bad i've seen people ooc "please don't attack tormentors, we are working hard to spawn them - for crying out loud JOIN us if u need em too - we got two open slots". But the servers are jam-packed w/ self-centered jerks who... well, let's just drop that one before I take us to new levels of rantdom.

Tarv = LOL. Hahahah. Smiley: lol Maybe that's what has to happen.
#9 Jan 11 2005 at 6:28 PM Rating: Decent

The point is if you're sitting on a spot waiting for a named for a quest then you shouldn't be KSed by some bozo.

The perfect example of this is when I was hunting flying snakes in the caves and a predator with a bow kept yanking my mobs just as I tried engaging them...

I don't know if Warriors get a ranged weapon but I know their taunt range SUCKS...

That predator kept pulling my snakes & killing them... I eventually just left and came back later...

(BTW: Being a butthead has it's own rewards... I saw the same predator in The Forest Ruins running for his life from a bunch of Forest Guardians... He didn't run fast enough. He died right in the center of the upper pool. He begged me to clear the mobs so he could get his shard...
I told him I would as soon as I got my snake skins I needed for that quest.
The poor baby suggested my parents weren't married when I was born and that I should go perform a physiologically impossible act of self-empregnation...
Welcome to the /ignore list... heheheh
Isn't kharma a ******?)

#10 Jan 11 2005 at 7:53 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
As SoE said, there are no game mechanics that can stop jerks from being jerks. Hopefully they'll be the first ones to get bored and realise they belong in WoW.
#11 Jan 11 2005 at 7:54 PM Rating: Decent
ya they didnt need to 'fix' it at all ksing was never a problem in eq, and i mean NEVER

its not like high lvls ran around everywhere wiping all the zones

it was very very rare to get ksed

they ruined it
#12 Jan 11 2005 at 8:21 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
I don't know if Warriors get a ranged weapon but I know their taunt range SUCKS...

Indeed, Warriors do get ranged attacks. I use a bow all the time. I don't know about Brawlers but Crusaders do not get to use ranged weaponry.
#13 Jan 12 2005 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
They gave the tools an excuse to KS because there "are no camps in EQ2 and first come first serve"

Its definatly a problem becuase unfortunatly a lot of people who play mmporgs are people who cant relate in the RL and you see why
#14 Jan 12 2005 at 11:53 AM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
In eq 1 at least you could out dmg the guy trying to steal your mob or out taunt - and inidividuals in eq1 usually no matter how much higher lvl would have a hard time ksing a group - but in eq2 - well they decided hey everyone should be able to ks!!

So what, might = right? Are you telling me a group of lvl 25s in EQ1 will not be KSed by a lvl 70? One nuke from a 70 will bring the mob past the 50% point. KS and Camp stealing has always been and will always be a problem in EQ1.

Mob locking is not the perfect solution but it's the best idea I have heard so far. They only way you are going to be KS free is to play an offline console game. Part of playing with other people is sharing, and if people are unable to share there is going to always be problems. Especially when you are sharing a game world with children.

Camps are an unenforcable thing. The only way camps work is with player courtesy. It's not something that can be written into rules. How do you define a camp? 1 mob? 2 mobs that are close to each other? all the nameds in an entire zone you can wipe in one pass? How long do I wait for you to engage? 5 seconds after pop? Is it ok for you to park your toon next to a spawn point and go take a nap and eat dinner checking in every half hour or so to see if the spawn is up?

KS'ing and camp stealing was a problem in EQ. It was one of Customer Services biggest source of complaints. Log into EQ1 and hang out in PC for an hour and tell me its not. The problem is undeniable, the proof is in the petitions.

If you have a better idea /feedback it, but I will never agree with the first person to do 51% damage owns a mob. I spent too many hours trying to get my fishbone earring to agree with that.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#15 Jan 12 2005 at 12:02 PM Rating: Good
900 posts
tarv of the Seven Seas wrote:
Give it 12 months for the game to settle and i put a months wage that the "camp" ettiquette will be back as a direct result of this, there where no camps offically in EQ1 it was always player driven.

Once the low IQ console boys have got bored and gone back to mutual ************ over Britney Spears Calenders, the real MMORPG players will instill the courtesy on those that remain.

I hope.

I agree with Tarv. In FFXI mobs were locked. We had some instances of KS but it was normally from ***** or Farmers. It is not the process that it is broken, it is the players. It will settle down as people realize what is going on (or it happens to them).
#16 Jan 12 2005 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
what Xythex says is correct....

technically you cannot KS in EQ2.. but you sure can take something someone was intending to take.. In short it comes down to common courtesy...

example: I was out in a duo and we were doing some minor XP'ing on dear and bears and came upon a dear with someone standing relatively close to it...

I chose not to attack it.. why?

first - there will be other dear

second - I'm not a mind reader.. he may have been AFK or slightly hurt (I didn't check his HP bar) and resting up before taking on the deer... or it may have been a quest item..

third - if "I" don't like it when someone takes something I'm standing right in front of.. I'm certainly *NOT* going to do that to anyone else.. Just because "everyone else is doing it" doesn't make it right or nice. MANY players would have just taken that deer under the statement of "if it's not engaged it's fair game" well it may be the case, that just means the dear is fair game and the claim taker is a jerk.

play by example, DON'T do the things you don't like having done to you.. (wow that sounded biblical didn't it? certainly not intentional but if it fits it fits). Be courteous.. if you see someone going for something.. break off and find another.... It's not a race for first hit and it's not like the re-spawn rate on any mob is all that low (except Named).

usually if I'm solo'ing and near someone else I'll point to say an orc in the commonlands and tell them "he's all yours I can wait for another one." and maybe.. there's a slight chance someone will adopt the attitude I have about mobs and say the same to someone else..

Though it would be nice to say everyone would eventually adopt such an outlook on things, I'm not that naive. However, one or two more people is good enough....

Kill Stealing, Mob Claiming, and Camp claiming are not game mechanics issues.. They're player personality issues which will never go away because an MMO is a world populated by *real* people.. should the day come that there is not a single jerk in real life.. THAT will be the day there is not a single jerk in an MMO.

I strongly suggest *NOT* holding your breath until that day... Unless of course.. you like the color blue, and death becomes you.

all you can *really* do is strive to not do the things you despise, regardless of how much you may want to out of frustration.
#17 Jan 12 2005 at 6:33 PM Rating: Default
I'm confused... I keep hearing "my mobs". Can someone explain to me how you know a mob is yours or not?
#18 Jan 13 2005 at 8:36 AM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
I'm confused... I keep hearing "my mobs". Can someone explain to me how you know a mob is yours or not?

According to SOE a mob belongs to whoever does first damage to it. According to commonly accepted player ettiquite a mob can be yours if you call the camp ahead of time and pull the mob within a reasonable amount of time after it spawns.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#19 Jan 13 2005 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
yes coming from eq1 anyone who has hunted hill giants in rathe mountains knows what i am talking about ;) but the new system has another flaw i disagree with you cant even help people anymore in eq1 i used to love just buffing people and sowing people or healing noobies who had bitten off more than they could chew lol i can see how they were trying to stop ksing but i still get mob robbers like you were all talking about in eq2 where we kill the little guys to get a pop and while medding up someone else steals what we made pop couldn`t they make it where if you kill everything to pop something then you are auto locked when it pops? and a way to grant beneficial spells to people regardless if they are locked must we now be grouped just to buff people?or can you just not buff or heal when they ar3e locked?unless gorped that is?any help?//?
#20 Jan 13 2005 at 4:41 PM Rating: Decent
The point of locking the player as well as the mob is to prevent power leveling as it happened in EQ1. So you lvl 50 Warden friend cant come and help you kill double up red mobs you can lvl in 10 kills. EQ2 bring alot of code to fix the very things that made EQ1 the mess it is today. No twinking, no power leveling, no buffs out of your group. Sure I miss getting an HP buff that adds 1000hp when I only have 300 but really that was never right inthe first place. I like what they have done.
#21 Jan 13 2005 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
i do remember one specific time when i was trying to kill those witherscraw scarecrows for a quest, and when i was trying to get my last kill to complete the quest some level 25 guy was being stupid and attacked the only avaliable scarecrow. not a big deal until the started running around like an idiot asking for help. so i am hoping that he will /yell and i can get the kill, but he keeps running around like a moron.

besides obvious stupidity i think it isn't so bad like the eq1 days (remember chessboard? you had to quickly steal kills before someone else could, and there were ALWAYS disputes over who had what... at least in eq2 the spawns are more spread out in most cases)
#22 Jan 13 2005 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
I agree wholeheartedly with xythex.

And while I agree with xythex, I will also admit that I am no saint when it comes to KSing (in EQ1 of course). It seemed as though any time a female toon walks by an adolescent player, crude words were given. My answer to those was always the same: keep silent and destroy everything around their camp A.S.A.P. Childish? Sure. But I really got tired of the kids. That was reason number 1 as to why I left. FFXI was the same way.

So far in EQ2, I've not had a single problem. So far, everyone has been very courteous. Help and kindness is almost always available. (I used to think everyone was unkind, but I've grown as has everyone else in EQ2 - thank you all for being so gracious in this "new" old world.) Although, there seems to be an increase in what appears to be the adolescent hoard since the holiday season has passed...

The few encounters in which I have KSed other players in EQ2 have been purely accidental and after appologizing, I have been graciously forgiven.

I personally love the locked encounters.

So enough with my rambling!

#23 Jan 14 2005 at 3:41 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Kill Stealing, Mob Claiming, and Camp claiming are not game mechanics issues.. They're player personality issues which will never go away because an MMO is a world populated by *real* people.. should the day come that there is not a single jerk in real life.. THAT will be the day there is not a single jerk in an MMO.

Nicely put.

The game also make things worse by having a ridiculously small mob population required by vast numbers of people. A typical example would be the Blightfang Spiders in Blackburrow. they are needed in varying numbers for a Qeynos AQ (I forget which - AQ1 maybe). There are 3 spawn points in the game.

The example in the OP of the BB named is another.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#24 Jan 14 2005 at 9:54 AM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
The game also make things worse by having a ridiculously small mob population required by vast numbers of people. A typical example would be the Blightfang Spiders in Blackburrow. they are needed in varying numbers for a Qeynos AQ (I forget which - AQ1 maybe). There are 3 spawn points in the game.

The example in the OP of the BB named is another.

Agreed, there are lots of these. those rabid bats in the down below are another. SOE should focus on making quest items drop off common mobs that are maybe difficult to get to or in instanced zones.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#25 Jan 14 2005 at 10:20 AM Rating: Default
As far as rare spawns are concerned, I was talking to a guildie who is doing the Betrayal Quest (Free to Qeynos)...

He says that the camping of the named mobs required for this quest is amazing!

If there are 6 people who are doing the betrayals can't they all get credit for the kill if grouped?
If so, then they need to work together, not act like a bunch of jerks KSing each other. From what I have heard those mobs have a loooooooong spawn cycle...
I haven't done that quest myself as I hate the seperate "combined" bank.
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