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EQ2 or WoW>> Which is better??Follow

#202 Jan 31 2005 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
494 posts
If they could make the graphics so pretty, why couldn't they put more choice of armors there? But I think it's not that easy to achieve such goal. Say they put more variety of armors into the game and give them different looks, do you think the stats should be all the same or should there also be some level of variety?

Update notes for Test server say they have implemented new armor graphics for a larger variety. It should hit live servers in a week or so... (maybe sooner).
#203 Jan 31 2005 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
186 posts
Yea I read that too and I think it's great but my question reminds: wouldn't everyone end up picking the same armor regarding their classes?
#204 Jan 31 2005 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
494 posts
Not everyone is going to be able to get the best armor for their class/level.

Some armor is quested, some is player made, some is rare loot from a boss.
#205 Jan 31 2005 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
186 posts
But over time, when people earn enough coins we would end up with the same armor just like every other MMORPG out there.
#206 Jan 31 2005 at 8:27 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Hello, been playin' WoW.

I like it a lot. Can't really say anything fresh about it, except this:

You can only have two primary trade skills, so I picked Mining and Skinning. Those you can use to gather stuff and sell to player crafters - and you make really decent money (more than enough to buy crafted goods you need).

With mining you get the ability to sense "nodes" in your area - and you just go mine em, just like in eq2. Skinning however, is different. After you kill and loot a beast, its body is still there. You rt click it again to "skin" it - and these pieces of leather are what is used by tailors and others to make stuff.

Anyway, came into a major city w/ a buncha copper ore - went to the Auction House (and the AH is SOOOO nice - just set it and forget it, as the turkey roastin man says on TV) and saw that "copper bars" were what players wanna buy. Well, w/ the mining skill, I noticed I got a button for "smelting". So I went to the big forge (it's huge - 100 foot tall plumes of cascading molten metal) - and opened the window thinking "oh crud, this will take years - I have 48 copper ores - if I have to spend a minute on each one...."

But no! There was a "create all" button. Took a minute or two, and I had 48 copper bars. Sold em in the AH for over one and a half gold!

But that "create all" button - wow - all I can say is these people read my mind. Sorry to all you who love to tradeskill, but after the shawl questin in old eq (which I quit before finishing - just too insane) - I'm a total burnout on crafting. But WoW's system is so nice. If you wanna spend hours crafting, that's cool. I understand. But I don't.

Well, have fun, people. I'm finally happy. No more angry gnome. GL all and good drops! Smiley: smile
#207 Jan 31 2005 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
186 posts
You can only have two primary trade skills, so I picked Mining and Skinning. Those you can use to gather stuff and sell to player crafters - and you make really decent money (more than enough to buy crafted goods you need).

I believe it's logical to have only 2 primary tradeskills because, as you may have already noticed, they are enough to sustain your character. By that, i mean both in terms of creating things you need and sell them so you you can get some extra coins. And picking both harvesting tradeskills you can even get more coins. Because I'm a NE druid, which means I wear leather armor, I pick skinning and leathermaking. This way I can make my own armor and sell the excess I don't need.

But WoW's system is so nice. If you wanna spend hours crafting, that's cool. I understand. But I don't.

WoW's tradeskill system is by far the most user-friendly and easiest system I've seen. It's easy to gather materials (not the rare ones), it's easy to create items, and it's easy to get new receipes. This coincides with my first point of having only 2 tradeskills. Because it's so easy to do tradeskills, if the game doesn't limit the number of tradeskills you can pick, then everyone can create all the things they need and nobody would be willing to pay for their food or amror or weapon when it costs less to create them by tehmselves.

I'm not sure making it too easy is a good thing or not because I expect some challenge from a game. The more challenge there is the more I wanna beat it. If it's too easy then why bother doing? I don't mean challenge as in EQ2's tradeskill but making it a little harder wouldn't hurt I guess.

Edited, Mon Jan 31 22:18:22 2005 by kanonyuki
#208 Jan 31 2005 at 10:10 PM Rating: Decent
976 posts
Yea I read that too and I think it's great but my question reminds: wouldn't everyone end up picking the same armor regarding their classes?

I can honestly say that no two characters look alike in WoW. It has SO MANY different kinds of armor, stuff you can make, stuff you get off mob drops, quest armor, etc etc... no one looks alike. Not even at the earlier levels. It's all very colorful and there's so much of it, and they add more every day. It's probably one of the coolest things about the game.

EQ2 could learn from WoW in this one aspect, I think.
#209 Jan 31 2005 at 10:13 PM Rating: Decent
186 posts
I can honestly say that no two characters look alike in WoW

I believe that's because player can equip with dress/shirt solely for the look (no stat for these items) which makes your player more customizable, and it's a good thing. But I guess it's too late for EQ2 to make such change, at least not until the 1st expansion.
#210 Feb 01 2005 at 1:22 AM Rating: Decent
29 posts
You are smoking crack if you think a group of level 12's can survive anything past the first KOS group of mobs in VS. Our group averaged 15 or 16 when we ventured in there and got raped by the first train that rolled through us. Group suckiness was not a factor as we had a great group. We had no business being in there at those levels. Multiple red ^^ mobs cannot be handled by any group at any time in any zone in this game. They are not supposed to. This game is very clear on what you should or should not be attempting.

Brutha, here we sit on a spoiler site that details the bestiary of many zones in EQ2. Flip on over to Vermin Snye and take a gander at the levels of those mobs. They are accurate. You're telling me those level 11 giant burrorowers coned deep red to your group of level 15's? Those level 12 shrillers, grave leeches and infected burrowers? Those level 14 tomb guards? And who said anything about "anything past the first group of KOS mobs???" The entrance is entirely NON agro. Level 16's DUO in that place. You're so wrong it's funny.

Oh, you were hit by a train? WTF does that have to do with anything? Someone trains the higher level stuff to a zone and you get caught up in it so the whole zone is now too hard for you? Zone out, wait till the train clears then go kill the easy stuff. It's like ******** that Karnor's Castle was too tough at level 50 because when you zoned in once someone droped Venril Sathir on your head.


Same thing in Stormhold. In a group ranging from 14-19, we got our ***** (and some exp debt) handed to us at the entry hallway from all the trains. Those entry mobs are green and crush you like a bug at level 19 - then all of a sudden can't scratch you when they become gray at level 20. It’s as if the devs placed so many controls and restrictions that there is only one way to overcome something, and any deviation results in failure. I got a feeling that Sony was saying: "Don't enter here until the entry mobs are gray. If you come earlier than that, you will get squashed."

Please. I was doing the entrance with full groups in the mid to high teens easily. You realize it's kinda good to have healers around right? Your tank should be equiped and not naked. Some tips for you. Any way, Defiled Sentries are level 15-16. Defiled Squires are level 16. Small life leeches are level 14. Dust Crawlers are 16. Scorched Skeletons are 17. WTF kind of idiots are you grouping with?

Edited, Tue Feb 1 01:49:04 2005 by EricOF

Edited, Tue Feb 1 01:50:38 2005 by EricOF

Edited, Tue Feb 1 01:53:16 2005 by EricOF
#211 Feb 01 2005 at 9:39 AM Rating: Decent
539 posts
I am happy Evilgnomes got his copy and is enjoying it as well as i am enjoying mine. Told you...see? EXCELLENT GAME!!
Welcome to the community.

Customization and crafting in WoW are the best systems ever (at least for players like me that doesn't want to spend hundreds of hours crafting..specially after SWG).

Also wanted to add that you have two primary trade skills but you also have two secondary tradeskills. My char has Herbalism, Alchemy, Cooking and First Aid.

#212 Feb 01 2005 at 5:40 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
You can also get fishin' as a secondary skill. You can eat most fish raw or cook it - or feed it to cat, bear and several other kind of hunter pets.

Yes, I agree 2 primaries is fine - I didn't mean to imply otherwise.

I'm Skinnin' and Minin' cuz I'm "make money all the way". I'll buy something from a crafter if I need it. Or trade for them. Trading is good. I traded a stack of light leather for a couple of bags, for instance - the leather sells for around 20s - so the seller got a good deal (even though he complained - still, he went for it).

The AH or auction house is SO nice - I just can't stress how stupid it is that the morons at SoE refuse to put one in EQ2. WoW's AH is *not*, I repeat, *not* ruining the economy in any way, shape or form. It's so nice to buzz into Ironforge, put up some copper and hides on a long-term auction, camp out by the mail box, and next day - cha-ching! There's over a gold waiting for me!

The dramatic scenery is ... yes, I guess it's somehow cheesier than EQ2's, but heck, I don't notice. In WoW there are HUGE cliffs, big mountains, rich mysterious forests (the elves are spooky and mysterious - not goody goody chipmunks) - for me (and I stress for me - if you like EQ2 better you have every right to feel that way, and I respect you for it) WoW just has a better fantasy environment (the griff rides are KILLER).

And the people - well, some are obnoxious, but that's true in any mmo. My first day I asked if someone could sell me a noob item or something - that I had like 10 silver and it was my first day (i was in ironforge, the dwarf capitol - btw Ironforge is a *killer* city). Well a lvl 35 dwarf warrior comes over and checks me out - says "wait here, I'll set u up" - he buzzes over to the AH, and in minutes is back w/ some armor for me - and a wicked new ax! All for free! I'd grunged up to lvl 6 w/ my noob ax - wow - this was much better (thanks Smoke)!

So people are really nice and helpful in WoW, just like in EQ2.

Travel was more like old EQ - w/out the 40 minute boatride. I made a "travel toon" to just go explore - died a lot, but made it from IF all the way to the Night Elve's land - rode on a boat (one of hte boats was replaced by TPers) - and free Hippogriff rides. One prob for a noob in WoW is that griff rides are not free. But once u start sellin hides or copper yer okay for that.

Anyway, I let my little kids play around and do hippogriff rides and boat rides. Tons of fun. WoW is HUGE. One day EQ2 will be big - but WoW right now is gigantic - and no access quests so far (I am not a big fan of those, in general - access to a special realm like the dragon world - fine - access to a normal zone - bah).

I'm having a great experience in WoW. The variety of spells is richer - though not like old EQ. But I also have "juicy" spells or abilities to look forward to - ones I am ready to work for. I know a lot of you love EQ2, and I'm happy for you. For me - I'm so glad that WoW exists - cuz my rec time would be... hell, I'd have to watch Iron Chef or soemting - hah! GL all!
#213 Feb 01 2005 at 5:48 PM Rating: Decent
186 posts
crafting in WoW are the best systems ever

I'm not sure if it's the "best" system ever, but I'm sure it's the easiest system I've ever seen. Whether it's the best is a mere personal opinion. I for one don't think it's the best system because it's too easy for me. There's literally no challenge, at least for my profession (leathermaking). For those people who play these game only for tradeskills and not adventure, I don't think they'll like WoW's tradeskill. To me, Blizzard makes WoW to be easy in every aspect because, as they claim, they want players to join the end-game pvp as fast as they can. So leveling and tradeskills are mere means to get to the end-game. Therefore for those who see tradeskill or leveling as the end-game, they wouldn't enjoy this game. I'm not saying they are ignorant or anything like that, but obviously EQ2 and WoW are targeted towards different group of people
#214 Feb 02 2005 at 2:23 AM Rating: Good
33 posts
This whole thread on which one between EQ2 and Wow is better is moot.

I posted earlier in this thread my pros and cons of these two games, so I dont need to rehash em all. I have had to go back and take on single mobs many times and die trying till I figured out how to kill em in EQ2 and I had fun everytime, even with the debt and the screaming when I figured it out it was just too fun. I dont want it to be easy. If it was too easy then it isnt worth doing.

While we all would like SOE and Blizzard to listen to us and take our every wish and make it come true you have to consider the fact that they are selling a product/service for profit. They also have to deal with thousands of gamers complaints and requests. It is no easy task, and I guarrantee both companies probably do not get overwhelming praise more than whining from us.

While both games are full of complexities imho two things are obvious.

Wow is an easier game for me, a little too easy. There was no challenge in the crafting either, other than finding the items needed, and even that wasn't hard just expensive. I have officially stopped playing and paying for Wow cause 5 times now I have sat in a queue waiting to play. It is a little much, and although I can change to another server, it may happen there too and it should not. Poor planning.

Eq2 is overall more difficult in level. A little more serious maybe. But one thing is for sure, EQ2 Servers tend to stay up longer, I never wait in line to log in. There are bugs sometimes but never anything that has hindered gameplay. And some would complain about this but almost every morning there is a patch or maintenance at almost the same time daily and that means to me they are doing what they are supposed to do. I am playing with alot of verterans and nubs in groups and I have had some great groups and a couple of flops but it is fun. I have my own wishlist I hope they will attend to like everyone. BUT EQ2 is not the ultra poor game some peeps have been trying to say it is, and it is funny to hear those who complain about every thing not being like EQ1... yet they are still playing it.

As far as there being some sort of mass pilgrimidge(spelling? I can never spell that one right.) to Wow I dont really see it. I have been steadily seeing the EQ2 servers showing more and more heavy usage over the past weeks now even my server which was always in the green now being heavily populated. How can that be if everyone was cancelling accounts? This is not a war. I feel the original poster of this thread tried both games and felt that he liked the ease of Wow over EQ2. There needs to alternatives to all games for companies to compete. Even if every gamer on the Internet only like EQ2 it would be impossible for SOE to accomodate everyone and if they could I bet the monthly fee would be a bit more :).

I like to think of all the other MMORPGs as gamer filters. Now a thread I would like to see would be one that would list all the current MMORPGs then the type of gamers that play them so we can get some metrics on this. Now that would be really productive =)

#215 Feb 02 2005 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
539 posts
Hello all,
As i said before, I posted this thread because i'm always looking for the best game. Not because EQ2 was a bad a game. WoW is a great game and, tough it is a little simplistic, it is a fun is a game thought and designed from the player's point of view, and that's where its magic and charm resides.It is a wish list came true. At least that is my opinnion.

Said that, I want to ask you guys one thing: I found along this thread, that you are always saying that EQ1 is the best game (or at least was..or whatever) and some of you mentioned that was the work of the developers (before EQ1 was adquired by SOE)...right? (Please correct me if i'm wrong).

Searching for new games, I found one that is supposedly made by those same developers!! At leats that is what i found. The game is Irth online; it is in beta test and looks good.
It is kind of a mix between the good stuff of WoW and the good stuff of EQ1-2. ( )
Could you guys check that? This could be something. maybe I'm wrong...dunno.


Edited, Wed Feb 2 09:34:08 2005 by Pasho
#216 Feb 02 2005 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
539 posts
You know I always do my homework...he he and Eclipse before my post was asking for a list of current MMO:
I like to think of all the other MMORPGs as gamer filters. Now a thread I would like to see would be one that would list all the current MMORPGs it is -some are in beta or haven't been released yet
(maybe it's going to be a long list):
Game Name
A Tale in the Desert II
Anarchy Online
Ashen Empires
Asheron's Call : Dark Majesty
Asheron's Call 2 : Fallen Kings
Astonia III
City of Heroes
Clan Lord
Dark Age Of Camelot
Dark Ages
Dragon Raja
El Kardian
Endless Ages
EVE Online
EverQuest II
Everquest Online Adventures
Fantasy Worlds: Rhynn
Final Fantasy XI
Fung Wan Online
Hostile Space
Kingdom of Drakkar
Knight Online
Legend of Mir 2
Legend of Mir 3
Lineage 2
Meridian 59 : Resurrection
Monster & Me
Neocron 2
Nexus: The Kindoms Of The Winds
Odyssey: Parsec
Prince of Qin Online
Priston Tale
Project Entropia
Puzzle Pirates
Ragnarok Online
Rubies of Eventide
Savage Eden
Second Life
Star Sonata
Star Wars Galaxies
Terra World
The 4th Coming
The Myth of Soma
The Realm Online
The Saga of Ryzom
The Sims Online
Thesa Online
ToonTown Online
Ultima Online
Vendetta Online
World of Pirates
World of Warcraft
World War II Online
Thang Online
Face of Mankind
The Matrix Online
Guild Wars
Dark and Light
Roma Victor
Auto Assault
Dungeons & Dragons Online
Tabula Rasa
Ages of Athiria
Another World
Astera Online
Battlecruiser Online
Caeron 3000
Citizen Zero
Conquer Online
Crystal Atatrium
D.O Online
Dominus Online
Endless Online
Eternal Lands
Faction Earth
Fallen Earth
Gate To Heavens
Hello Kitty Online World
Hero's Journey
Iritor Online
Irth Online
KAL Online
Lejendary Adventure
Middle Earth Online
MU Online
Ninth Domain
Pirates of the Burning Sea
RageKage Online
Risk Your Life
Rule In Hell
Shot Online
Sigonyth: Desert Eternity
Supreme Destiny
Tantra Online
Tatsumaki: Land at War
Tides of Lyenoa
Trials of Ascension
Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
Wurm Online


Edited, Wed Feb 2 10:06:28 2005 by Pasho
#217 Feb 02 2005 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
222 posts
I went over to the WoW official forums last night just to see what was doin over there .
I have to say that the |337 speak wasnt as bad as i though it was gonna be , but man the flames were so fierce that i though i stumbled into vietnam . Its amazing anyone actually gets to share any game knowledge over there.
#218 Feb 02 2005 at 11:20 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Hey, went to the Irth site... either couldn't get it to work or it's not finished. The opening stuff wasn't well written imo. Of course these companies often have programmers do their writing (instead of "wasting" money on professionals - after all, anyone can write, right?).

But it might still be a cool game. I'll keep an eye on it.

To the posters who keep reducing out complaints about EQ2 to "you're mad it isn't EQ1 all over" - or whatever - please, let's lay of that. That's not what we're saying. Sure, we compare the two games, and sure, that could be unfair. Then again, maybe it is - they call it eq2.

Mostly we want the game to be fun. For us, it isn't.
#219 Feb 03 2005 at 1:36 AM Rating: Decent
186 posts
they call it eq2

If they call it EQ2 I think it's only logical for us to compare the two games (even though I never did that because I never played EQ :P). They use the same background and make them under the same series. I'm not saying we should or should not compare them, but there's nothing wrong with the people who compare them.
#220 Feb 03 2005 at 6:02 AM Rating: Decent
Mostly we want the game to be fun. For us, it isn't.

Talk for yourself and not on behalf of the community please...Sorry to hear EQ2 is not fun for you,guess you know what to do(WoW or else).
#221 Feb 03 2005 at 1:23 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
re: Irthonline


Where does it say that it's made by the original EQ developers?
I checked their and it says: " The development team... has worked closely together on creating innovative non-commercial MMORPG servers and clients since 1996".
That doesn't sound like EQ.
#222 Feb 03 2005 at 1:32 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
Welcome to the forums Lyderic. Please realize they were talking for themselves. EvilGnomes is more than one person. *wink* Also, if you've read through this entire thread, you'd see there are posters that feel the same way EG does. They weren't speaking for the entire community. Also, please note that many of them, like EG, love EQ2. They saw its potential. They're not having fun because that potential has not been fully explored.

Yes, they can go elsewhere, but frankly, I would like some of them to return. *jabs a dance-happy iksar in the ribs* And you know, they just might when SOE fixes the many blunders they have made. From what was in the recent patches they are on that road, imo. But they're still making quite a bit of mistakes (agi nerf and how it affects scouts who solo, for example).

Edited, Thu Feb 3 13:33:32 2005 by ArcosKojin
#223 Feb 03 2005 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
"Talk for yourself and not on behalf of the community please"

Yes, there are two of us.

And by "us" I meant other folk in here who basically didn't like EQ2 for the same reasons we didn't like it. Not the whole Alla community, of course.

WoW has me totally absorbed. It's a gas! Yeah, it's sort of like Disneyland-meets-mmo, but I'll take it. Stormwind literally reminds me of Disneyland, but in a good way - well the whole world does. The level of detail you find as you explore - the way the villages and sawmills and farms are laid out - it's good. There are only two children in all EQ2 (that I've ever found). In Stormwind you see adults walking swarms of kids around - and the king is a boy.

I know EQ2 has its virtues, and I know WoW's cartoon/Disney take (or whatever you call it) isn't for everyone. Imo SoE wasted a bunch of energy to make EQ2 "realistic" but ... well, sorry to say it, but *drab*. WoW instead invested tons of energy into innovation and creativity - it's bursting with it.

And a newb can travel all over WoW's world. I used to love that in old EQ - have a lvl 2 toon go to insanely dangerous places and see if I could get through. Lvl 20 and 30 and 40 toons would say "wtf? lvl 2? how'd you get here?"

Well, EQ2 suffers from ... newness. In a year I'm sure it will be better. Gosh it needs new cities. While it's cool how big Qeynos and FP are - you can visit either 4 or 5 cities in WoW that are either friendly or neutral to you. And you can raid 3 more enemy cities. EQ2 will only get better, I'm sure.

I want to stress again that... how to say it? For me the secret to making these games work is giving the player reason to level, reason to log on - reason to invest the time and effort. EQ2 is way to chintzy and parsimonious. WoW lets you buy or makeQ a mechanical squirrel pet. Anyone can use it. Got a Warlock fighting pet out? No prob, you can have the squirrel out, too. You can also buy a bunny pet - and there is a super rare drop dragonling whelp pet - a baby dragon. You aren't limited to inside your house for these - u can take them anywhere. Now, they don't do tricks (yet) like EQ2 pets - but what good are tricks if you can't show them off? (/ooc hey come by my pad and see my pet play dead! ... er right).

Engineering-made toys and bombs pets and even somewhat useful stuff - it's just too cool. Potions are worthwhile (unless they've been changed or unless I misunderstood the effects, EQ2's potions were... lame as all hell - expensive and hard to make (you had to commit to being an alch over 20 to make yourself - with only doodah effects).

Well, nuff said. If you want a wide open, no holds barred technicolor experience, give WoW a try. It's not perfect, and other people here who criticize it make good points - but - it's imo very much worth trying (and I immerse so well I don't sense the probs - they don't bother me, at least for now). GL all.

(oh, have yet to see a queu (however u spell it) - just join a low volume server - tech issues seem to be getting fixed fast)
#224 Feb 03 2005 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
539 posts
RE: Irth Online
To: Andyzaitsev

Sorry man, i dont remember where did i read that. Tried to find it again but couldn't locate it. The only thing i found was that they are developing MMO technology since 1997. If i am not wrong, that was the year EQ1 was released...right?

Anyways, just wanted to quote some things they say about that game:

About Irth Online
Irth Online is a virtual world in which players role play characters in a free form, fantasy-based storyline. Players join Irth’s history at a period when a fragile truce exists among the far flung civilizations of the snowy Arcadians in the north, the southeastern swamps and marshes of Morbus, and the southwestern tropical region of Mezoteks – and determine the course of history for each civilization.
The persistent world environment of Irth Online features an open ended skill system. Players may learn any skill offered in the game without facing limitations of race or class. Irth Online's advancement system has a unique skill-over-time feature, allowing all characters to enjoy adventures together, regardless of experience level.

Player battle and fighting include PvE (Player vs. Environment) and PvP (Player vs. Player). Also included either at launch (or shortly thereafter) will be instance-based thievery, looting, and justice, as well as the ability to fully explore, travel, or wage war on the ground, on the sea, and in the air. Opportunities for non-warfare gameplay are also offered, along with safe areas for peaceable players.

What captured my attention was the war instances: air, sea and ground and how the game story evolves, because players actions will determine it!!! I mean, what you do, has an effect, and that effect might change the history and how the game changes...
That concept only is being brought by The Matrix other game has that.

Sorry if this is out of the topic of this thread, but i see some of you are interested.

Back on Topic, I completely agree with Arcos....he is right...we never moaned about EQ2..we only wanted it to be better. That's all. I might go back once they polish it a little bit more. EQ2 has a killer point (in my opinnion) PvP!!!

#225 Feb 03 2005 at 3:56 PM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
This is the game that the original EQ developers are working on. Also, EQ1 came out in '99.
#226 Feb 03 2005 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
Vanguard looks VERY impressive to me... I'm curious about model animation fluidity now... great stuff in those stills though..

worth keeping an eye on it's development. ^_^
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