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EQ2 or WoW>> Which is better??Follow

#177 Jan 26 2005 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
Well I really will pay for my mistakes. $40 waste the EQ software was because after 3 days I can tell I wont be playing this much longer at all.

Its everything this message board has said and more but yes, I do agree mostly with 2 points.

SoE put nothing to to give you a reason to grind. I am only 12 and I am not jumping for joy to level up even to 20 to become a ranger. The game just is not fun.

Also, it does feel like regardless of all the abilities I have, I have to follow a set path of them to do real dmg to a mob the yeilds real exp, before it kills me. Blue and Green ++ mobs I guess. If I dont follow the set path they really have put me on for the fight, I wont win, thats simply it. I have to mess with the, imho, stupid, herioc opritunity wheel. And hope it gives me the DD atk I am looking for. I read about it in reviews but never was it fully explained. If it was it would sound ridiculous and I would have known =p.

So Yea I think I will bear with WoW. It is actually fun no doubt. I just badly needs more content (battlegrounds). The approach blizzard took is known. Levels, gear, all of it, is at an all time low amount of work on your part. This is to reach the high end section of the game, and explore its vast content. Yeah that IS a joke because there is no battlegrounds yet. 3 zones for loot farming is their idea of a cornucopia of content for the high end game. I will probably be going through a warlock to 60 til battlegrounds is out. Will dabble in a little of guild wars I am sure. Also considering that EQ1 platinum pack down at walmart if things dont look up. Going back through all of its content, much of which I didn't see because that was a game with tons of content =p.

Evilgnomes, PvP in wow on pvp servers is handled this way. If your in a contested zone you can be killed and kill the opposite faction. Going into a contested zone also raises your PVP flag, therefore if you run into a friendly zone, you can still be attacked, and you can attack. Going into a unfriendly zone flags you for pvp and only lets you kill people recently in a contested zone, and flagged for pvp.

There are VERY few zones that are uncontested. As a new character you should pretty much at all times be in friendly zones til 20-25. After that, EVERY zone progressive to your character will be shared with the opposite faction, uncontested. So expect to be ganked alot after those levels. There is no lvl range limit either. All lvls are fair game in pvp, unlike EQ1's team pvp servers I guess.

I play on pvp and cant imagine normal server play. This is not a game full of pve content. You wont save much time playing on a normal server. Plus even on normal, you cant socialize with the opposite faction, they are just standing there... doesnt make sense =p. IMHO it would be cooler if normal servers were 100% open, you could go to ironforge as a orc and be friendly with the guards. You could have horde and alliance mixed guilds and groups. But you can't sadly. The only difference is non-existant pvp. Which sooo many people make a difference about.

Edited, Wed Jan 26 12:55:34 2005 by Justariuss
#178 Jan 26 2005 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
198 posts
I play on a PvP server on WoW and I am currently level 21 (500xp from level 22). For the first time in my WoW career I entered a contested zone last night. I was so nervous and I remembered the UO days and I was fearful. I so didn't want to be out there... I wanted to go back to my safe side and level up on the level 18 mobs. But I entered the area.

Right off the bat I see a red name running around. I think to myself "Oh great, here I go. PK time." Then I see the lion attacking him and the other 2 green names attacking him as well. I see that one of the greens is dying. So I run in and heal him. The red (at this point I have no idea what races, classes, names or anything else is because its a rush, I only know one of them is a Hunter because of the lion pet) then casts again and begins to run away. At this point I think "You're not going to get away so easily!" So I cast a root spell. It doesn't stick. I then notice that he is level 27. PANIC TIME!!! But he is on the run... so I cast a DoT... it sticks! Then I run after him casting my instant nukes. Resist, resist, hit! Between the 3 of us we run him down and kill him. Woo hoo!!! AWESOME! The highest level guy attacking him was level 24 and I was the lowest with 21. It was a rush! It was awesome!

Then I get a /tell saying "There's a level 30 troll shaman running around west of you, be careful." So I know to be on the look out. Then I see [3. LocalDefense][XX person] 30 Troll running north of Martyr's. Then a few minutes later dead troll. This is in an Alliance contested area. The area is an Alliance area but its PvP so Horde can enter and kill stuff or us.

Later on I am in a group trying to do some quests and some level 26-30 Horde attack us and wipe us out. Bah, that sucks. But then I realize that they don't loot my stuff and I don't lose anything. So I want revenge! Well, we revive and are on the lookout for them. We find them dead... A level 37 paladin was in the area doing a quest of his own and had killed them. So the 37 joins us because we all need to be in the same area and we can provide some healing and DPS where he can protect us from the Horde group.

The Horde revive and attack us again. Dead Horde and we barely take any damage. They do this 2-3 times more until we are far past their corpses and now they actually have to kill mobs in order to reach us. We continue the night and I do 2 quests.

I loved it. Each zone is pretty much specific to each side. Higher level players do not allow ganking of lower level players. If you are in a 20-30 zone and are constantly attacked by the same level 30-60 players, talking in LocalDefense will get a group of players to come to your rescue and run them out. There is a feeling of camaraderie already visible. Be it the defense of the younger players or the genocide of the opposing side, no one likes gankers. They do exist but they get run out in time.

There seems to be a somewhat of on honor system in play made by the players. If the enemy is so low level that they have no chance, they are usually left alone. So if a high level Alliance player was running through an area and a level 24 Horde was fighting Alliance around their level, the higher level player will just wave to everyone and run by. There is no need for him to gank the lower level Horde and its actually good practice, and fun, for the lower level players to get some experience in.

I was doing a quest where I had to protect an NPC that was delivering goods to a City. As we were there running around killing things and protecting him, a level 35 Horde runs right next to us... I felt chills run down my back and thought "This is going to suck. If they kill the quest NPC we will have to do this all over again..." Well, he continues running and /waves me. He didn't stop for a second.

Now, you can argue that this is a racial war and he should just exterminate every single race that is his enemy... but I think that is no fun for anyone. If the player can't touch you, then most leave them alone. If they are in within your level, its up to you to do what you want. Either let them be or attack them. PvP is not as rampant as I thought it would be as you grow up.

I imagined an area where, the second you were PvP enabled, you would be assaulted by level 20-60 enemies. Its not like that. This is not UO. Its more like DAoC. Players really do police each other. Now Blizzard is in the process of adding rewards for PvP and honor system as well as new zones just for PvP. I can't wait!

Please note that all of this comes from a player that was totally turned off from PvP. I hated it in UO (which I played for around 3 years) and wasn't interested in DAoC. That is until I tried it. PvP is very much fun. There's nothing more challenging than a human player. AI is pretty much straight forward and will always do the same thing. No randomness to it. EQII is the perfect example of that. Everything has a specific path they take. Group mobs attack as groups, like they are supposed to.

Well, all I am saying is that I am thoroughly enjoying WoW at this point. I am a Druid that has Skinning and Leather as his craft skills. That is also enjoyable. The one thing that was putting me off, PvP, I found isn't as much a bother as I thought it would be. Its like adding the Archaic Fury in ToB as a wandering mob that appears out of no where and kills off your group.
#179 Jan 26 2005 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
29 posts
When a toon begins its career, there are tons of city hamlets and newb hunting grounds to chose from. Quests are abundant and almost everything is soloable. After 16, though, my Qeynosian toon only had two hunting grounds to chose from - Antonica for solo and some grouping, or Blackburrow for grouping. Every time I stepped into Stormhold or Vermins Snye (never solo), we would get raped at the entrance. When I was finally high enough to enter those zones safely, mobs were all gray.

Honestly, if a group can't handle Vermin's Snye at level 16+, they should go for WoW IMMEDIATELY, the game that makes it almost impossible to lose an encounter and involves no risk if you do. I hear things like this and just wonder what on Earth kind of bad players there are out there. The freaking zone starts at level 12! TWELVE!!

A good group of 16+ can do a fair bit of the first level in Stormhold, or how the hell did we do it so many times? Stormhold BTW goes all the way up to level 25+ with two named level 30's, so it never became grey to you if you only reached level 22, whether you realized it or not. Oh sure, the entrance might be grey, but did you try the lower levels at all?

As the levels progress, there are less and less zones available to hunt in. By level 20, there were only three zones worth visiting. By 20, most folks were spending time doing class armor quests, or trying to get keys to locked zones. I stopped at 22 because I just couldn't bring myself to grind any further.

Zones appropriate for groups of level 20: Stormhold, Thunderring Steppes, Nektulous, Fallen Gate, Crypt of Betrayal. The problem is that those outdoor zones are HUGE but people still count them as one zone.

As you progress, Nektropos, Enchanted Lands, Varsoon's, Orcish Waste, Runneyeye, Rivervale, Tower of Drafling, Feerot, Permafrost, Solosek, Cazic Thule, Lavastorm all open up to you.

If I have a complaint it's that I don't think any but the higher level zones should require access quests, no matter how easy. Most people just want to step into the new zones and see something new as soon as they are high enough without getting keys.
#180 Jan 26 2005 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Good posts everyone. Thanks for the lively debate!

Apparently SoE is trying to rise to the challenge. Check the link to the producer's letter posted on the thread about today's patch. It's about four posts down.

I've never heard an SoE person talk like that before - honestly - with no ego - he's not being condescending - and ... if what he says is true, there's been a shake-up at the company - or something.

A week ago I was going to post something like "as WoW goes retail again, it will be interesting to see how and if SoE responds. If they offer us something promising it means they do in fact feel threatened by WoW - and they are fighting back for market share." I didn't cuz... well, my posts often tick off people, and I decided to shut up a while.

I think the exp boost is a blatant "offer" or "gift" to tempt us not to go buy WoW and to stay w/ eQ2. Is this good? Strangely, I'd say no - making the game a hair easier doesn't really solve anything - BUT - something else comes w/ the gift. A promise of new instanced adventuring zones good for trioing, duoing and even soloing!

Is this enough to fix the game? Imo no, but at least they are trying. They're doing more than I expected at this point.

Even better, though, I'm seeing a new attitude from SoE. Not the "we are God, you are hooked, stfu and play the game" attitude of old. They sound like they care about us for once.

I just hope they realize that to really take care of us - they have to do more than just boost exp and make the game easier - no - that will likely make it worse in the long run. They have to rise to the challenge and fix content and tactics, etc.

For me the real question is: can they "fix" some of the deeply hard-wired features of this game (which imo and in the o. of a lot of others) are seriously flawed - i.e. no variety of spells or tactics - no sense of fear wandering through high lvl zones - too much "go down that path - no THAT path, not that one" (sense of being on a short leash) - poor reward to grind ratio - that sort of thing.

They could easily fix the "lack of rewards" issue - or the "what the heck am I grinding for?" question by adding "drool over must have" spells and magic items.

Magic items are so non-sexy it isn't funny. How about a full set of armor - Nixtbelm's Scampering Scalemail - get all pieces, and you got fast runspeed. Let it stack w/ jman boots for even faster speed. Let players really boogie (especially if they've invested heavily in a major quest or something)! Stop with the overwhelming feeling of "restraint" and gimpedness on everything! I'm not talking about turning the game over and making it too easy - just loose the overtight screws, please.

There are so many opportunities. Full sets of armor that grant illusions. Items with even tiny procs would be something - a little extra damage - cure noxious on wielder - etc.

Another option is to add a new class of spells and magic items that only work in special zones. Call it the shadow world or something - or have it be on another moon - whatever. This would leave the original zones to those who like em as they are and let - say - kiting occur in new zones - or if not that, something. These zones could be harder, so that the increased powers and tactics actually = more challenge and not less.

Note, I'm not saying make it stooopid or too easy. Old eq style kiting might be way too easy. So - put fear on a variable timer - or put fear on a longer reuse timer - or have fear only last 8 seconds - etc etc etc. They should be experimenting w/ new ways of a tactically outrageous and bounteous new ... but sigh... they aren't, I bet.

Well, I hope they proceed w/ a spirit of imagination and innovation. It's the only thing that's going to save the game, imo. Here's hoping! GL all!

#181 Jan 26 2005 at 6:08 PM Rating: Decent
I played WoW for a month, Tedius and repetitive quests make getting to level 60 not even worth it, The classes are completly unbalanced, And alliance is favored over horde my server was 11,000 vs 4,000 that makes raids really fair *rolls eyes*, No vo's and absolutly awful graphics, And lets not talk about the servers going down for 8 hours at a time every other day. PvP use to be all I worried about but WoW helped me relize how much PvP MMO's suck. You have DAoC and WoW two awful MMO's and there the only PvP's. If you wanna sacrafice the game actually being good for PvP then go for WoW if you want a real MMO that is fun stick with EQ2
#182 Jan 27 2005 at 12:51 AM Rating: Default
but eq2 isnt fun.. its a watered down eq with good graphics and no pvp

the graphics in eq2 are dull its like they just tried to make the best graphics ever, not careing what they wanted. wow has vibrant colors and actual style.

in eq2 all the races are almost the same and all the armor looks the same and weapons, at high lvls your still just wearing gray plane dull plate and like a sword, and you cant even tell the difference between races in armor and stuff theyre not unique at all. in wow all the races are unique and theres awesome armor and weapons and stuff like they actually have an imagination instead of just trying to make it super realistic.

its not like eq2 doesnt have repetive quests too, its just wow has alot more.

the zones in eq2 are lame and dull the graphics arent even that good

wow has really good landscapes and huge zones and no lag accept for some connection lag in some servers like taking longer to loot because so many people on at one time and theres almost no zoning.

wow has that sence of adventure and danger like eq did, seems like wow is more like eq1 than eq2 is, and its a good thing

pvp is not the only thing in wow, there are alot of instances and raids and stuff

on pvp servers you can raid the other sides towns and stuff and theyre coming out with battlegrounds which is like a giant battle between the horde and the allience in a big zone with quests and guard towers and two bases and alot of other stuff.

ya know the first 20 lvls of eq2? it starts you off having fun then goes down hill, wow is the opposite you start out just at a town but it actually goes uphill as you lvl.

in eq2 its such a pain in the *** to make a char that its not even worth it, its not like "i want to make a troll sk for a alt" you have to do so much just to get sk.

im sure alot of people like eq2 more than wow its a total opinion

Edited, Thu Jan 27 01:01:27 2005 by mokuba
#183 Jan 27 2005 at 3:44 AM Rating: Decent
29 posts
but eq2 isnt fun.. its a watered down eq with good graphics and no pvp

the graphics in eq2 are dull its like they just tried to make the best graphics ever, not careing what they wanted. wow has vibrant colors and actual style.

Vibrant colors to make up for the complete lack of texture variety. They have none. It's the same texture with bright *** colors splattered all over the place.

But the biggest problem is the character models. WoW single handedly set models back 10 years. They are so silly it's laughable. I don't know how those players can stand to look at themselves without cringing. If I want to play with Pokemon action figures, I don't need to pay $15 a month to do it.

wow has that sence of adventure and danger like eq did, seems like wow is more like eq1 than eq2 is, and its a good thing

You've GOT to be kidding me. Or at least yourself. EQ2 may not present you with the feeling of danger that EQ1 did, but WoW isn't even on the map. There can't be meaningful danger unless the game makes you pay for exposing yourself to it. With virtually no death penalty, there is no danger to fear. It's the polar opposite of EQ1 which made you afraid because you knew what it meant if you died.

EQ2 is far from perfect but WoW is the most childlike MMO ever created.

#184 Jan 27 2005 at 3:53 AM Rating: Decent
29 posts
Even better, though, I'm seeing a new attitude from SoE. Not the "we are God, you are hooked, stfu and play the game" attitude of old. They sound like they care about us for once.

Honestly I don't think SOE ever had that attitude. Verant did. Of course some people think SOE ruined things when they took over but whatever you think of them, look at all the changes they made to EQ that players had been asking for for so long and Brad and crew had no intention of allowing. Would travel have been made so easy if left up to the old Verant crew? Caster focus items? Anything even remotely resembling LDoN? Graveyards? SOE has been paying attention to other games (DAoC more than anyone) for quite some time and taking cues from them.
#185 Jan 27 2005 at 6:45 AM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
EricOF wrote:
Even better, though, I'm seeing a new attitude from SoE. Not the "we are God, you are hooked, stfu and play the game" attitude of old. They sound like they care about us for once.

Honestly I don't think SOE ever had that attitude. Verant did. Of course some people think SOE ruined things when they took over but whatever you think of them, look at all the changes they made to EQ that players had been asking for for so long and Brad and crew had no intention of allowing. Would travel have been made so easy if left up to the old Verant crew? Caster focus items? Anything even remotely resembling LDoN? Graveyards? SOE has been paying attention to other games (DAoC more than anyone) for quite some time and taking cues from them.

I agree. Soulbinders, anyone? Verant said there would never be anything like that. Along with all the changes you stated.

Also, last summer, was it?... SoE had that gaming summit, where they invited EQ1 players and listened to all their comment, concerns and gripes. And shortly afterward, every patch we got had something in it that was player requested.

SoE knows they aren't the king anymore. They know they have competition. And competition is always a good thing. Smiley: grin
#186 Jan 27 2005 at 10:28 AM Rating: Default
maybe people just dont care about graphics as much as you do or maybe OMG MAYBE they have a different opinion about the graphics they like

blizzard wanted to keep the warcraft feel, like warcraft 3

Edited, Thu Jan 27 10:29:46 2005 by mokuba
#187 Jan 27 2005 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
you are copletly wrong about casters and priests not getting aggro, i dont know were you are hunting but my wxpieriances are cmpletly different
#188 Jan 27 2005 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
Gawd this thread is getting old! EQII smokes WoW!!!
#189 Jan 27 2005 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
539 posts
hello all, it's me again.
The guy who posted the thread.

Well, as i told you before, i will be giving updates about my experince in WoW. Right now i am a hunter lvl 12 and you can't imagine how well done the quests are, and how fun is playing the game!!!
Server crash? Just one and was only for 5 min...or so.
I haven't been involved in a PvP fight yet (low lvl yet) but i think that part was incredibly explained by Tocopheryl ....simply AWESOME!!
The graphics are incredible (and i was one of the guys who hated them until i played the game). Community? great, all what Toco said really exists there!! it is incredible...
I mean...i only have words of hapiness for WoW.

If you guys play EQ2 and want to give a shot at WoW..please do it! You wont regret it.
I played EQ2 (as u know) and now i see them as two different games...completely! The game style, the way it is design..there is no possible comparisson there. They are both fantasy MMOs but, after playing them both...i say they are different.

About SOE changing attitude...well, as i said before, that was something expected...they are loosing customers...and now that WoW is being sold again and it is available they have a serious threat!!
Adding solo content? let me say this: If they are doing it is because they realized the fact that the game was soloable only to lvl 20+. And honestly, you dont simply "realize" those kind of things...please...they design, programm and code the games!! So..they knew it since the very begining. Now that they are loosing customers are saying that more solo content is available. I still dont buy it.

Well...this was my update and my humble opinnion.

#190 Jan 27 2005 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
play on a PvP server on WoW and I am currently level 21 (500xp from level 22). For the first time in my WoW career I entered a contested zone last night. I was so nervous and I remembered the UO days and I was fearful. I so didn't want to be out there... I wanted to go back to my safe side and level up on the level 18 mobs. But I entered the area.

Right off the bat I see a red name running around. I think to myself "Oh great, here I go. PK time." Then I see the lion attacking him and the other 2 green names attacking him as well. I see that one of the greens is dying. So I run in and heal him. The red (at this point I have no idea what races, classes, names or anything else is because its a rush, I only know one of them is a Hunter because of the lion pet) then casts again and begins to run away. At this point I think "You're not going to get away so easily!" So I cast a root spell. It doesn't stick. I then notice that he is level 27. PANIC TIME!!! But he is on the run... so I cast a DoT... it sticks! Then I run after him casting my instant nukes. Resist, resist, hit! Between the 3 of us we run him down and kill him. Woo hoo!!! AWESOME! The highest level guy attacking him was level 24 and I was the lowest with 21. It was a rush! It was awesome!

Yup and this is everything I hate about PvP nicely summed up. You basically did the following: you entered a new area, you saw some people beating on each other, without knowing anything about either side, you jumped in and helped them kill the guy. You don't know if one was a good guy and the two beating on him were jerks. You didn't care. All you cared about is ganging up on a guy.

Maybe that's not what you were thinking, and maybe that's not what PvP is all about for you, but that's what that story says to me.

I'm so happy that EQ2 has no PvP, and I really hope it stays that way, although they did say there might be PvP later on.

I despise gankers.
#191 Jan 27 2005 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
About SOE changing attitude...well, as i said before, that was something expected...they are loosing customers

Prove it.

I started the game with about 5 other people. All of them still play, 3 of them have added a second account. 1 of them, his brother joined, his sister joined. Another one, his cousin joined and then brought 3 of his friends with him.

Not one person that I know in RL that have started have quit.

So prove it. Show one shred of actual PROOF that they are losing customers. I'm not saying its not happening, I'm just asking for your proof, before you make a statement like that as fact.

hello all, it's me again.
The guy who posted the thread.

Yes you keep telling us you started this thread. I'm not sure why. I feel like you are trying to gather credibility because you are the thread starter. Doesn't really work that way. If there's some other reason you keep saying this, I haven't figured it out.

I'm glad you are enjoying WoW. As several others have said, play what's fun. If EQ2 isn't fun, it doesn't make sense to keep playing it.

Personally I'm having a great time. I can solo or duo or group up with a bunch of friends. I can work some tradeskills. Or I can log off and watch TV or go to a movie. Its my time, I get to decide.

What I like is that I don't spend hours looking for a group. Is there a sense of community in EQ2? Honestly I don't know. I have such a large group of RL friends in EQ2 at this point that I don't depend on a community of non-RL friends, if you know what I mean.

WoW sounds awful shallow. I like that EQ2 is easier in many ways than EQ1. Although its not THAT easy. But certainly I don't need to get 17 (or 60) other people together to do stuff, most of the stuff can be done solo, duo or with 1 group. I enjoy that tremendously. I love the quests. I really love the quests.

I guess if I wasn't having so much fun I'd give WoW a shot, but I am, so I'll stick to this until it bores me or all my friends move on (not likely).

#192 Jan 27 2005 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
I get the feeling that many of the people complaining about the xp grind weren't around at the inception of EQ1. For those who need to get to the higest lvl quickly for whatever reason you should go to WoW. I pwr lvled many a toon in EQ1 but to do so i first put in my time on my orgional toon. So many here are upset with the xp grind, fine by me, weed out those who just need to be the best, but without knowing how to be the best.
#193 Jan 27 2005 at 5:15 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Good point, SoE is nothing like Verant was - and SoE did much to fix old EQ - too late for me (I burned out doing my epic pretty much, just before PoP). But for a couple of years I loved that game even though I hated Verant. I played a druid - so I could get decent exp (and beat the grind) and so I could get around fast w/out having to waste time and plat beggin/buyin TPS.

Percy, that's a good point. I wasn't at old eq at the very beginning - but I was there sometime in the first year. I remember when dot-kiting was nerfed (dots lost 1/3 damage if the target chased you).

The main problem in old eq pre-kunark was lack of hunting grounds - lack of things to hunt. You wasted tons of time finding an uncamped spot. I often played late at night and rarely had trouble then. But prime time... was rough. People camped civilians, town guards, etc.

When I talk about "beating the grind" - I mean getting at least slightly faster exp than "normal" - not somehow cheating and racing to lvl 50. I mean using good tactics to solo something red to u - and get better exp than a normal group solo. Or something like that. And at day one the cool spell system was in place and honestly changed very little - the spells you "drooled over" gave you incentive to work for that level - and thus "anaesthetized" the pain of having to grind for them. The grind is reality in these games. Finding a way to have at least the illusion of beating this grind - for me - that is a big part of feeling "successful" in these mmo's - for me that is how I "win" these games ... maybe it's only an illusion, but if it makes me happy - hey - it makes me happy. Not sure if you feel the same, but I keep saying that a really good mmo should acommodate many different playstyles - overwrought enforced conformity is bad... it's communist even. Brrrrr.

edit - wow just arrived. Just when I was getting back into eq2. Oh well, now we can compare and contrast and not only guess. GL all!

Edited, Thu Jan 27 18:47:12 2005 by EvilGnomes
#194 Jan 28 2005 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
332 posts
Honestly, if a group can't handle Vermin's Snye at level 16+, they should go for WoW IMMEDIATELY, the game that makes it almost impossible to lose an encounter and involves no risk if you do. I hear things like this and just wonder what on Earth kind of bad players there are out there. The freaking zone starts at level 12! TWELVE!!

You are smoking crack if you think a group of level 12's can survive anything past the first KOS group of mobs in VS. Our group averaged 15 or 16 when we ventured in there and got raped by the first train that rolled through us. Group suckiness was not a factor as we had a great group. We had no business being in there at those levels. Multiple red ^^ mobs cannot be handled by any group at any time in any zone in this game. They are not supposed to. This game is very clear on what you should or should not be attempting.

Same thing in Stormhold. In a group ranging from 14-19, we got our ***** (and some exp debt) handed to us at the entry hallway from all the trains. Those entry mobs are green and crush you like a bug at level 19 - then all of a sudden can't scratch you when they become gray at level 20. It’s as if the devs placed so many controls and restrictions that there is only one way to overcome something, and any deviation results in failure. I got a feeling that Sony was saying: "Don't enter here until the entry mobs are gray. If you come earlier than that, you will get squashed."

If I have a complaint it's that I don't think any but the higher level zones should require access quests, no matter how easy. Most people just want to step into the new zones and see something new as soon as they are high enough without getting keys.

Most people not only want to step in and see something new, they also want to be able to do something new and different.

One of my original points was that you never get a sense that you are killing something you shouldn't be killing. Creativity and skill are not factors in this game. There is one tactic to learn for each class to be used over and over. The rest of the game is an exercise of the same tactic but with different looking mobs in somewhat different looking zones.

One of the things that made EQ1 fun was that there were always several ways to defeat a creature. Each class had multiple choices in their tactics, and group members could complement others with their unique skills, creating many different ways to overcome an opponent that otherwise could not be killed. EQ1 gave every class a bag of tools to be used in creating a plan to defeat the bad guys. EQ2 gives each class one tool, and even gives you the plan.

I don't know how wise it was to eliminate some of the things that made EQ1 fun. Why take away kiting, reverse kiting, fear kiting, swarm kiting, rot-rotting, root-blasting, AoE groups, stun locking, FD pulling, harmony/pacify pulling, and other stuff that gave the game a degree of randomness? Finding ways to kill stuff without being killed still required you to learn and perfect these methods, and hope that a fizzle or resist didn't throw off the timing for it all, or that a wandering mob would ruin the day.
Duke Ardnahoy
Noble Lord Protector of the 70th Crusade
Fennin Ro - EQ I

Ardnahoy II
Fearless Guardian of the 40th Tour
Mistmore - EQ II
#195 Jan 28 2005 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
539 posts
This reply goes in response to Gossamer's post.

Yes, it's me the same guy...and let me clarify some things:

1) i am not seeking credibility as you say...why should i be looking for such a thing? please....i think no one here is looking for that. We all want to have fun and want to share with the gaming community.

2)i posted the thread because i wanted to know the difference between the two games. Not because i wanted to start a "game" thread. I, as a gamer, am always looking for better games; and asking to the community here was a good way to find answers.

3)You ask me to prove it...well, they lost my account right? but let's not talk about me...did you read the thread? so far there are like 4 or more people here that have left EQ2 and are playing WoW. Or at least are playing both. i.e. Tocopheryl, Sotonin, Miravelle...just to name a few. READ the thread. There are others who want to join WoW: Evilgnomes, etc.
SO...That is the evidence.

4)SOE changing attitude...well if they are not doing it adding more solo content and giving bonuses to solo players or small parties....well, then i dont know what is that.

I am enjoying WoW and I also have huge hopes for EQ2 to get fixed....I'd really like to play it again and see all its potential.
But i seriously doubt it, first impression is what counts now that the MMO market is mature and that hundreds of games are available or are in development....
Also i believe that fantasy segment is already saturated: EQ, EQ2, WoW, and hundreds like them are out there...sooner or later people will want a change from that concept.

#196 Jan 28 2005 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
1) i am not seeking credibility as you say...why should i be looking for such a thing? please....i think no one here is looking for that. We all want to have fun and want to share with the gaming community

Then why do you keep mentioning, every time you post that you are the guy that started the thread? What is the point of that? I just don't get it.

3)You ask me to prove it...well, they lost my account right? but let's not talk about me...did you read the thread? so far there are like 4 or more people here that have left EQ2 and are playing WoW. Or at least are playing both. i.e. Tocopheryl, Sotonin, Miravelle...just to name a few. READ the thread. There are others who want to join WoW: Evilgnomes, etc.
SO...That is the evidence.

That's your evidence that people are quitting? Really? That's it? Ok... Like 5 or 10 people have said they quit... a game that has what, several hundred thousand subscribers has lost 5 people... so "people are quitting"? Well yes technically that's a true statement, but within the context of your comments you certainly were trying to imply that they were losing business over some of this. Meanwhile I state that as many people as you claim have quit, I personally know that many new players that just started.

In addition, even some of the people you are using as "evidence" haven't actually quit, they are playing WoW and still maintaining their EQ2 accounts.

I saw this over and over and over with EQ1 forums, this one and others, and frankly it annoys me. Its the "sky is falling" approach, the "if they don't fix this, the game is over" concept.

I don't have even the slightest problem with serious debate of the flaws of the game. What I don't like are sweeping statements of how horrible it is and how its broken and crap and whatever, without any real information. If the game isn't fun for you, hey that's cool. Don't play. It doesn't make sense to play a game you don't enjoy. But that doesn't mean it isn't fun for the rest of us. Lots of people I know are having a great time. Many of them came from EQ1 and have never looked back (including myself). So trying to convince me, and others, how the game we are playing and enjoying is really sucky, kind of bothers me. I'm not defending sony or EQ2, I'm just saying why do you have to run down EQ2 in order to tell us how much more you are enjoying WOW? Why not just compare the two somewhat objectively and explain why WOW is more fun FOR YOU?
#197 Jan 28 2005 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
You are smoking crack if you think a group of level 12's can survive anything past the first KOS group of mobs in VS. Our group averaged 15 or 16 when we ventured in there and got raped by the first train that rolled through us. Group suckiness was not a factor as we had a great group. We had no business being in there at those levels. Multiple red ^^ mobs cannot be handled by any group at any time in any zone in this game. They are not supposed to. This game is very clear on what you should or should not be attempting.

While level 12s would probably find life difficult in VS or Stormhold, a group around 15-16 should be able to handle both locations (Just dont go too deep into SH). If you are getting wiped there, you need to change your approach or upgrade your gear and/or abilities. With good players and decent gear and abilities, the only thing that shold kill you is random bad luck and the occasional uncalled train.
One of my original points was that you never get a sense that you are killing something you shouldn't be killing. Creativity and skill are not factors in this game. There is one tactic to learn for each class to be used over and over. The rest of the game is an exercise of the same tactic but with different looking mobs in somewhat different looking zones.

One of the things that made EQ1 fun was that there were always several ways to defeat a creature. Each class had multiple choices in their tactics, and group members could complement others with their unique skills, creating many different ways to overcome an opponent that otherwise could not be killed. EQ1 gave every class a bag of tools to be used in creating a plan to defeat the bad guys. EQ2 gives each class one tool, and even gives you the plan.

I see this complaint over and over about EQ2 compared to EQ1, and all I can think is "Well, duh!"
While I disagree that there is only one tactic (Ive found a couple different approaches to different mobs) you cannot expect there to be anywhere near the complexity and flexability of EQ1. Remember, EQ2 is supposed to be a more streamlined and simplified approach than EQ1. A side result of this so called "dumbing down" of the game is not going to create more innovated tactics and approaches, it is going to reduce options and make things more simplified. You can't simplfy things and maintain a wide variety at the same time.
#198 Jan 28 2005 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
539 posts
hahahah why would i want to convince you? i dont want to....just keep playing EQ2. I am WoWing for now and i am having fun.
I dont want to convince anyone about anything. Just wanted to express my opinnion.
I know, you might think why am i here if i am "WoWing"? well, because i started with EQ2..that is why. I played EQ2 for some time and after that i switched to WoW. And because i can reactivate my account whenever i want. That is why.
But I am still very interested in EQ2 developments...I have never tried to say that EQ2 was sinking ...nothing can be more wrong than that....but i do say that EQ2 lost a huuuge piece of the pie against WoW.
And i continue saying this: I really believe in the future of this game. But what will the future bring to compete against EQ2? So far a big competitor (at least in name) is coming: D&D On-line.
The problem is not WoW or any other game, and EQ2 is a great game, but people was expecting more (if that is the proper word) from EQ2.
Will they fix it?...hmmm hope so. But they have left some other games that could have been great hits without the proper attention and obviously players abandoned it.(i.e. SWG, which by the way i still play).

About the names i mentioned, they were only because you asked for it. But you should then visit other forums and other sites like this and you will see what people are posting there..then, u can have an overview of the common feeling among a huge amount of MMO fans about EQ2. And please, I want to clarify that i am not generalizing that...ok? dont take me wrong.

#199 Jan 30 2005 at 6:59 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
I dont want a perfect MMORPG, the bugs give it flavor, and boy am I gettin fat on Eq2 and Wow both have plenty of flavor! yum yum

#200 Jan 31 2005 at 6:47 AM Rating: Decent
976 posts

I recently cancelled my EQ2 account. I wanted to love the game, had such high hopes for it. Played it since release all the way up until last week...


lvl 20 Inq.
lvl 18 Rogue
lvl 13 Pred.
lvl 22 Monk

Once I hit around lvl 20 I just felt so "blaaaah" with all of it. The graphics are great but everyone is wearing brown so what does it matter? Soloing...yes, it is possible... but it felt more like a punishment. And I like to solo, or go in small groups with close friends. It took SO long to get any exp...and I mean it took around 4 or 5 hours for a measly 15 or 18 percent or so at lvl 20... that I just didn't feel like leveling anymore.

There were some things I loved about it. I like the "betrayal" quest. That was a good idea and added a nice bit of flavor. The graphics were nice, but SOE cheated us on the customization and the armor, it all looked the same.

I don't know. It still has potential to be a great game... but something about it felt very commercialized, very packaged, very "from a factory". Which is sad. I was on an RP preferred Server (LDL) where almost no one RP'ed at all.

Yes, I went to WoW with my spouse. We are having a lot of fun. We don't have a huge amount of time to play so this game is better for us. We were big fans of the Diablo series, so I guess it makes sense.

I don't like to do FFXI vs EQ2 vs WoW.

Let me put it like this:

If you played Diablo I and II, and liked it... You will probably like WoW. It's Warcraft smashed in with what Diablo 3 would have been like if they ever made it - and put it into an online community. The Rp servers are actually that... RP servers. The PvP is set up fairly nice, so you don't get any of the horrors of Lineage 2. It's very good for casual players. At first glance, the graphics do look cartoony, but once you get used to it - you begin to appreciate the style. Armor variety is superb, but customization is only so-so. Still, as I said...if you liked Diablo, you will like this. You can tell Blizzard used many of the old D2 ideas for this game, just improved them a bit.

If you didn't like D2, you won't like this game - and very well might like EQ2. EQ2 just was not my thing. And it's sad, because I like the Iksar a lot, but I think SOE just...sold everyone short on it. They could have done so much more, the concept was there, the material was there...and they just pushed it out so fast it feels fake. I dunno. It's not as fun as the original, that's for sure. No, I know it's not supposed to BE the original... but the fun factor is what killed EQ2 for me. /sigh
#201 Jan 31 2005 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
186 posts
Yea I agree with Ivven that there is a lack of armor variety in EQ2. If they could make the graphics so pretty, why couldn't they put more choice of armors there? But I think it's not that easy to achieve such goal. Say they put more variety of armors into the game and give them different looks, do you think the stats should be all the same or should there also be some level of variety? I think most of us s=would say it's the later. But the problem is there must be *one* piece of armor that is superior to the rest because for example a priest class would pick the highest +wis armor whereas fighter class would pick the highest +str armor, then everyone would end up with the same armor.
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