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EQ2 or WoW>> Which is better??Follow

#152 Jan 22 2005 at 7:29 AM Rating: Decent
Well here is my 2 cents really about WoW. Not played EQ2 yet. I played EQ/Daoc for a long time and much enjoyment did I get out of them. Between the 2 probably 6 years of playtime. On to WoW. Barely into my 7th week of play time I am considering selling this account on ebay with all software, stratgey guide.

Sure sure sure, there is not much grinding, levels fly by fast and it CAN be fun at times when its fresh but, you will see what it has to offer very very fast if you like to spend any time with these games. It sacrifices depth and immersion for ease of use. 7 weeks and I have capped a 60 rogue with some of the best equipment, maxed trade skills, and I am quickly looking through each and every corner of azeroth for something left to this game. There honestly is not much to this game. Sure I could roll alts but, by the time battlegrounds comes out, I'd maxed every character to 60, max all trade skills, have countless amounts of gold, etc etc. And battlegrounds is comming out in a few months =(

Battlegrounds is supposedly going to be this big new addition to WoW similar to the zones of the same name in DAoC. Except, WoW lacks all of the siege aspects of DAoC which I loved. Basically, the addon will put a zone in the game that is suppose to better up pvp. There are several quests to complete by killing the enemy , to gain honor points to spend on special items. The problem is WoW's servers current do not support very intense battles at all. All big guilds on my server have ceased all pvp raids due to the last one, that was a big serverside lag fest. Bad network lag on any system. Even crappy ones, the graphics where fine... it was not a video issue, the graphics were fine, it was poor network lag. Instead of addressing this issue blizzard has ignored it completely. We all are curious about battlegrounds? Will it lag like this as well? Rendering pvp unplayable? Well I dont think so because blizzard has hashed out a statement that until further refining there will be POPULATION LIMITS and WAITING LISTS to zone into this battleground and particpate in pvp events. This is to keep the number of people in the zone VERY LOW so the servers don't break....again.

To sum up wow, I cant say many hardcore powergaming mmo fans will find much to do with wow. Like myself for a few weeks you will be killing through everything there is, then really not be left with much to do. It feels like a single player game since there is absolutely almost no grouping except for instances. Grouping outside of instances is never fun. The only thing you'd be focusing on is kill quests, or fetch quests. I hear there are many of them in EQ2. Well guess what, WoW has probably close to twice as many. Kill 10 weak bears, turn in, take follow up, kill ten starved bears, turn in, take follow up, kill 3 hungry *** bears, and get 10silver and GASP, Bear Hide Cloak.

To sum it up. WoW is...
Solo Questing for "x" mob, or "x" item.
Solo killing mobs for a few hours to level up, this is faster... 59-60 took like.... a couple hours lol.
Instances, the loot crawls. Good stuff drops in them, and there are a few quests for ok stuff.
PvP that right now lags if you do it large scale, the fun pvp in other words. Most people just complain that it has no point, then turn right around a rip EQ for not having it... makes 0 sense but its true. After Christmas the community took a severe hit. Before it was ok but now, its bad, oh so bad. This is the first time I think the majority of people playing are 15. Or at least act like it. Makes sense to me as well because I feel like WoW would entertain the same sort of people that play say, Grand Theft Auto with cheat codes on, blazing through it... god mode style

Edited, Sat Jan 22 07:31:13 2005 by Justariuss

Edited, Sat Jan 22 07:34:15 2005 by Justariuss
#153 Jan 22 2005 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Allakhazam is a place for people to gather info about the game, and the forum is a place for us to share information. I never said it's against the rule to post complain here. Never. So don't put words into my mouth. I said it is inappropriate to do so. Just as you would not complain and bash about the deceased at their funeral. There is no law against that, but when their family kicks your butt out you should have a clue why. And if you think you can do anything or say anything that is not explicitly stated against the law, then you maybe in deep trouble.

Isn't it that hard to understand?

Absolute *********

This is an open forum. I come here a lot. I've been around a long time.

If you want a heavily policed, stifled, choked, gutless forum too scared to say anything but how wonderful everything is then go away and find one someplace else.

There is no comparison with the analogies you have tried to foist on this situation. I can only assume you have the mental acuity of a small insect if you think that desecrating a funeral is on the same planet as complaining on a message board.

Likewise the meal analogy. If I am rude to my host that is one thing - if I am rude to a fellow guest that would also be being rude to my host. Complaints here are not against Allakhazam (usually - and he's big enough to stand up for himself if he feels the need) but against SoE or aspects of the game.

And the "hosting" offered by Allakhazam is not like a dinner party. He makes the space available. I doubt if he gets upset when people disagree or get angry with SoE.

You on the other hand have absolutely no right to attempt to dictate to other users how they behave. It is not "inappropriate" to post complaint here and you should not presume to post that it is. It is a natural part of these forums. The information sections of the site are where the bulk of the information resides.

People come here for all sorts of reasons and getting information is just one of them. Allakhazam's has always supported a lively community of cantankerous posters. It is part of the flavour of the place.

And there are three types of information
Good, Bad and Mis.

Good information is the core of the site, it is essentially factually correct and needs little further explanation

Bad information is given in good faith but lacking in accuracy or repeatability. It can be fixed by discussion and filling in the mistakes

Misinformation is the one I won't tolerate (ask Xin). If people post stuff that is just plain wrong and is going to mislead people into wasting time or spoiling their game experience.

Right now you are horribly misinformed about why this forum is here and what your place in it is.

What you meant to say was "I think it is inappropriate to do so.". Fine. We can argue about that.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#154 Jan 22 2005 at 8:09 PM Rating: Good
1,463 posts
Amen, brotha Cobra. Rate up.

Another thing - go through and look at anyone who posted against Kanoyuke - look at their ratings. Now look at Kano's ratings.

Did we gank Kano's ratings because we disagreed w/ him? Doesn't look like it.

Were my ratings ganked? Sure looks like it. Were others who disagreed w/ him ganked? Sure looks like it.

I don't know who did it (is there a way to find out? or are ratings votes secret?) - but it sure looks like cheap, petty sniping. I'm not trying to imply who did it, either - I don't know.

But if I'm going to be told how to post, let me say imo ratings are to be used to reflect a poster's accuracy and intentions and work and sense of helping others and dedication to the site - or something like that.

Not tit for tat - oh how DARE you argue against me! Rating down! Rating down! Hmm, you keep arguing against me - I'm going to search every rating you have in here and RATE YOU DOWN you big nasty stoopid person! Smiley: cry Well, that's my opinion, and I don't *know* exactly what happened here or who did it. So hell, go rate me down already! Smiley: waycool <- That's me watching you rate me down. You can't touch me.

After reading Kensi's post I decided to stop caring about my rating - hey - have a contest and see if you guys can rate me into negative numbers - I don't care. But don't mess w/ Cobra or other good, solid posters in here. They deserve better.

Edited, Sat Jan 22 20:26:48 2005 by EvilGnomes
#155 Jan 22 2005 at 11:40 PM Rating: Default
i finally got wow and i dunno if ill play eq2 ever again
#156 Jan 23 2005 at 7:25 AM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
EG, rate up for you. I also hate people who rate others down just because their opinions differ.

You and I obviously have different opinions about EQ2, but I've never once rated you down.

I think you're a goober for still playing though Smiley: lol
#157 Jan 23 2005 at 2:08 PM Rating: Default
ive never rated anyone down or up
#158 Jan 24 2005 at 4:20 PM Rating: Decent
186 posts
Kano, so you can tell what someone's intention is by reading a few of their sentences?

When you read someone posts "OMG THIS GAME SUX!!!! AND SOE SUX!!! WOW RULEZ!!" I don't think it requires so much brain power to determine of what their intension is? These are the posts I think inappropriate.
#159 Jan 24 2005 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
215 posts
Thanks for your post Justariuss. You actually show me good reasons to choose WOW {grin} over EQ2.

Grats on leveling in 7 weeks to 60 with all the trimmings. In 1 1/2 weeks I've only managed to hit 14. Seems like it'll take me forever to get to 60. Now mind you I've been playing several hours each night; maybe that's not really hardcore, but it is pretty intense for me.

And you don't want to play an alt. EQ2 is the place for you then - they are basically forcing you to play a main with their four-character limit. By contrast, I expect to play 16 different characters in WOW (each profession, on each side possible).

But, you are annoyed at PVP in WOW. At least WOW actually has PVP; EQ2 has none at all. And I'm a bit ambivalent about WOW's PVP because there's no in-game reward for it at present. Then again, Sony has a better record providing me with gametime than Blizzard does to date, which is a big part of your concern.

I suppose different strokes for different folks - you'd probably enjoy the long journey to 50 in EQ2, while I got frustrated instead of challenged by it. And I admit, if they gave me enough characters I'd probably have stayed with EQ2.
#160 Jan 24 2005 at 4:45 PM Rating: Decent
186 posts
I never care about my ratings. I *only* rate down posts such as "OMG EQ2 SUX" or "OMG WOW SUX" that kinda posts, but I frequently rate people up as long as they have a point. I even rated you (EvilGnome) and Toco up. I don't know if you're saying me rated you guys down but just so you know I didn't.

Cobra, I'm not in any way trying to dictate what people should and shouldn't do. I'm merely giving my own *opinion* here. You should notice in many of my posts I stated "IMO" or "I think" as you said what I should've done. That's what I've been doing in this forum and I give opinion on why I'm doing this and how I see things. If you were offended by that, I apologize. You also say my analogy is wrong or at least not to the point. I want to stress that there is no analogy can take the whole case into account. Only part of it is valid so if you take it out of context, that is the relationship of the analogy and the case, then the whole thing falls apart. This is also true to any analogy made

If you want another much easier analogy so that you could understand, I can provide one. Let's use the meal analogy and revise it a bit more. Let's say a community hosted a party and a restaurant was responsible for the food and beverages there. We all attended the party and at some point, someone suddenly stood up and started bashing the food and restaurant but most of us there actually liked the food. How would that be useful, appropriate, or good in general? We all went there with the purpose to have a good time and fun, and that person is clearly ruining it all. Could we ignore him? Sure but when I was having a conversation with another friend he suddenly jumped in and started bashing. Do you think it'd be better if that person go complain at the restaurant, instead of bashing at the community? What good does it serve by bashing at the community? If you say "hey if that guy bothers you that much then why don't you just leave the community centre? No one forces you to stay here after all." I guess that is the same as saying "you you hate EQ2 that much why don't you just leave." EvilGnome has already said why this is invalid so I wouldn't go into details here.

Once again I want to stress that I don't mean to govern what people should say here. I don't have the right and I never have that incentive either. I'm just stating how I feel about those people and why I think this is inappropriate.
#161 Jan 24 2005 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
I played EQ1 for 4 years. From everything I've read, I can't imagine playing WoW for that long or enjoying the *15 year old* environment. One of the things I like about EQ2 is that it feels like a game that will be around for a long time.

EQ1 has seen huge changes over the years; I'm sure the same will be true for EQ2.
#162 Jan 24 2005 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
186 posts
From everything I've read, I can't imagine playing WoW for that long or enjoying the *15 year old* environment. One of the things I like about EQ2 is that it feels like a game that will be around for a long time.

I usually play with my RL friends so I don't have much problem with the "15 year old" environment. Actually I don't see many people behave poorly as many people claimed. Those are overgeneralization made by people who haven't actually played the game. People are willing to help and are nice in general if you're nice. There are rude people in every game and WoW and EQ2 are no different. IMO, both EQ2 and WoW will be around for a long time, or at least I hope so because I like both games :D.
#163 Jan 24 2005 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
I have EQ2 now, so I can update a little. I am like a lvl 8 scout.

My problem with WoW is there is nothing to it. It does sacrifice depth for ease of use. I did not play all that much over a 7 week time period. I have other priorities. Well in 7 weeks playing a few hours each night, working on leveling and tradeskills on whatever character I was playing. Well I ended up with a 60 rogue, 300 skinning/300 leatherworking. 30 hunter, 20 mage, 20 priest, and every other class to 10. If you spend your time doing something in the game that is progessive, the levels fly by. I guess someone will say oh well I was not taking my time. Nooo, I was just playing the game doing the things that are suppose to be "fun" about it.

The issue with pvp is, there is no true pvp. None, no real fights ever happen like in Daoc. There is high lvls ganking low lvls, but thats really all there is. I know how it is on my server and all the guilds with 200+ members, like prolly 4 on each side, have completely stopped any pvp raiding. My guild is the biggest on our server for either side as well. The servers go crazy when 1 raid group fights another, and it lags so you cant do anything. So in essence it really has no pvp except the occassional gank.

I dont know if I even like EQ2 at this point but I do know I am done with WoW.
#164 Jan 24 2005 at 8:00 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
I spent some time creating a scout this weekend. He's halfway to level 11, going Predator>Ranger route, and I must say that there's a new spark in life. I guess because it's a complete shift from my bread and butter (tanking jobs) and that's very refreshing. It took me a while to get the hang of the "dizzy" strategy someone mentioned to me, but I'm a quick learner. ;) Things are more exciting for me due to this and the fact I'm no longer a brick wall so I get nervous when watching the tennis match of my and my opponents health points. hahaha...

I do still see and feel some of the problems/bugs/whatever in EQ2, but the fun seems to have been put back in. There's more challenge for me (and not the bad kind).

I still don't believe I'll get WoW, mainly because 2 MMO games to pay for is more than enough strain on my pocketbook that I want to deal with. Also, before I started the scout, the week before, instead of playing EQ2, I installed and went through to Chapter 2 of Icewind Dale 2. All it took was a little break and a job change to add some fun back into my experiences on Norrath.

Anyway, just thought I'd share.

And if the fun ever drains again when I play my Ranger, I'll probably make the leap to Freeport with my fourth character slot. ^^
#165 Jan 24 2005 at 8:47 PM Rating: Decent
186 posts
It's nice to hear you like the game. I do agree that it's not that economic to pay and play for both games at the same time. I only have so much time so in the long one it's better off if I just play one game, whichever it is. I think in the coming month I'll make up my mind on which company I'll end up paying. At the moment both games have their strength and weakness and it's really hard to decide.
#166 Jan 25 2005 at 12:44 AM Rating: Decent
Hi guys, enjoyed reading your threads. I will not be buying WoW for one simple reason. The release in the UK is still on preorder. I was able to start with EQII when it was launched in the US and I am gratefull to Sony on not staggering the release.

In the early days of EQ the US got releases before the rest of the world. This meant not being able to hunt in the same zones as my friends accross the pond (annoying both me and them), also in those days the product rolled out to europe tended to be bug ridden. Sony seems to have remidied this over time. As WoW is staggering its release, I don't want to repeat these historical hiccups. I hope I am wrong and that Blizzard look after all its customers equally. We shall see.
#167 Jan 25 2005 at 1:47 AM Rating: Default
I doubt you'll have a problem in wow with a lack of players... at any level. i just started playing like last week and theres no shortage of low lvl players. or lvl 60's for that matter. You are probably safe 3 months from now buying the game and still enjoying it just as much as if you had it today.

I'm having an absolute blast, this game is loads of fun. Do not regret buying it one bit. =) Its nice for a change to actually have to fight to log off at the end of the night because i'm addicted like crack.... EQ2 i'd gladly log off after a few hours of debt =(
#168 Jan 25 2005 at 1:47 AM Rating: Decent
WoW is staggering its sales in Europe because the game was so damn popular in America; it sold out everywhere very quickly. Blizzard doesn't want 1 million more people joining all at once again. EQII had the same problem on its release date. Neither game was prepared for the popularity it received.

I do fear that WoW wont have enough content later for me but they are adding Battlegrounds and a PvP Honor system making PvP worthwhile on all server.

EQII will be better when its stable and SOE wakes up and faces the Post-EQ1 world.
#169 Jan 25 2005 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
This thread has been a very interesting read! Thanks to all the posters...

As for me: EQ2 is cancelled, FFXI cancelled, EQLive is back for me and WoW is on its way. EBGames does have copies both in some of its stores and on line. Should have it tomorrow :)

Why? FFXI felt like another full time job and, hence, was no fun--especially for me as a casual gamer. EQ2 was very impressive graphically but after a while was just not fun for me. EQ1 is still fun and I enjoy it very much; I just can't bring myself to completely leave Norrath....

Bottom line is play what is fun for you... I will, like others, revisit EQ2 after a while and see where it is then...

Edited, Tue Jan 25 12:29:11 2005 by Felwynne
#170 Jan 25 2005 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
29 posts
Candy Land is exactly what WoW feels like. I hear the word "FUN" being used over and over again by WoW players. I had that kind of fun back in open beta too. It took me a week to figure out where the fun comes from. No risk, no effort, nice reward. That's WoW. It doesn't merely rebalance risk/time vs reward from the rather "hardcore" EQ1. It obliterates the concept entirely. No game has ever asked so little of it's players in return for progression in all it's forms: levels, gear, access to new content. Thrilling to be handed everything on a silver platter for a while but I realized fast what an empty experience it all is.

Remember that sense of accomplishment you felt in EQ when you got your Epic? You'll never feel it in WoW.
#171 Jan 26 2005 at 12:47 AM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
I hope what you're saying about WoW isn't that true, cuz I'm gonna give it a try. But I have a feeling you may be mostly right. Having read WoW threads, a lot of the main challenge comes from the PvP ... "who controls x?" you must holler before you even get near a town where you have to get quest stuff - if it's in a contested area. If you decide to go mining in a contested area or a place controlled by the other side, you do so at great peril. You could be brutalized by a sudden posse of the other side - showing up to kick you off their turf and "teach you a lesson" (not everyone is mean - but some are).

Old EQ was brutally challenging. I was worlds ahead in that game from coming into this very site- er the old eq side - and reading advice threads and getting quest info. Thanks Alla!
#172 Jan 26 2005 at 7:11 AM Rating: Decent
332 posts
I must say that this is a very interesting thread. There are some things I agree with, and some that I don't. Like a lot of other posters, I share with them the feeling that the game started out great, and then suddenly became boring. Unlike some posters, there are two things I do not agree with.

First of all, I didn't know EQ2 had a 4 character limit. I say this because my character select screen currently has 5 toons listed, and the "Add New Character" button still lets me create more.

Second of all, getting a toon to around level 16 can be done in about 6 hours solo, once you learn the ropes on another character. Both my mules are 16 after one full day of playing them each. The next 4 levels are a lot less efficient if you do them solo, but there is no reason a casual gamer can't get to their second profession choice within a week, even if they never played the game before.

Now, I will try to articulate to someone who hasn't played EQ2 the experience that I have had with this game.

The first 16 levels of EQ2 are the most fun, even when you re-do them on alts. It is at around the time you select your second career path and head to level 20 that the game started getting tedious for me. Soloing suddenly became very slow and not very rewarding. I was able to find spots where I could combine the solo grind with an abundance of foraging opportunities, so it wasn't too bad for a while, but eventually it got really old.

When a toon begins its career, there are tons of city hamlets and newb hunting grounds to chose from. Quests are abundant and almost everything is soloable. After 16, though, my Qeynosian toon only had two hunting grounds to chose from - Antonica for solo and some grouping, or Blackburrow for grouping. Every time I stepped into Stormhold or Vermins Snye (never solo), we would get raped at the entrance. When I was finally high enough to enter those zones safely, mobs were all gray.

I got a sense that stuff was ridiculously too hard at the level you were supposed to be doing them, and rewards were not balanced with the difficulty in obtaining them. Quests that required killing low-level mobs that stopped giving you exp long ago, would reward you with items you were not high enough to use.

As the levels progress, there are less and less zones available to hunt in. By level 20, there were only three zones worth visiting. By 20, most folks were spending time doing class armor quests, or trying to get keys to locked zones. I stopped at 22 because I just couldn't bring myself to grind any further.

The one thing that I found quite fun was tradeskilling. When you hit tradeskill level 20, you can't progress unless you acquire components that you cannot make and are very expensive. Tradeskilling is something you can do while doing something else in real life, and I found it to be relaxing after a hard day at work. I windowed my EQ2 session to a small area of monitor real estate and did the tradeskill thing while doing other things on the computer (like web surfing, listening to new CD's, etc). Tradeskills are still fun for me, but the added reliance on other players has put a damper on it.

One more thing I will mention is something others have said before about the game. There is an "artificial" feel to the game. Its like visiting the aquarium in Disney World - you never know if the fish are real. In EQ2, creatures are always in their assigned "areas". Very few creatures wander, and when they do they don't go very far. They will chase you until you reach the invisible border of their assigned boundary, and then all of a sudden stand there at full health ignoring you. You can stand next to them at the invisible boundary and practice archery on their hides without them coming after you. In EQ1, the threat of that big bad orc chasing you from way across the map until you zoned out kept the game feeling real. You knew you couldn't zone back too soon or he would be there waiting for you.

Adding to the artificial feel is the sense that the game is too controlled. When you defeat a creature, its as if the developers intended for the creature to be killed that way, not that you used your skills to formulate a creative new way to overcome a foe. One of the enduring aspects of EQ1 was the sense that you had a certain degree of freedom to use your class skills/spells/tools in order to piece together a strategy to kill something. The only things I have discovered thus far in EQ2 that have allowed me to kill something that I probably should not be able to kill seem to be strategies that are probably exploits.

Also, the fact that there is no way to manage pulls also kinda sucks. You will always get whatever mobs are assigned to its group. If you can't kill all the mobs in the group, you get zero exp, zero reward, and zero kill credit. I've had happen to me where a mob out of a group of 3+ suddenly gets trapped in a wall, or just poofs somewhere, and the game gave me no credit for killing his buddies, as well as kept me in "combat" mode where health and power regen is stifled.

There are other things about the game that don't quite "feel" right. I'm not sure if there is a way to fix these things with a patch. I still like the game a lot, but the difference from level 1-16 and 16-22 has been staggering.
Duke Ardnahoy
Noble Lord Protector of the 70th Crusade
Fennin Ro - EQ I

Ardnahoy II
Fearless Guardian of the 40th Tour
Mistmore - EQ II
#173 Jan 26 2005 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
You hit the nail right on the head. The majority of eq2 players sadly won't continue playing much past 22/23. They will realize the "magic" that was once Everquest is now dead and cancel their accounts / sit back hoping sony will change something. I really hope they do get off their pedestal and realize something needs to be done because i'm saddened that this game hasn't lived up to its predecesser.
#174 Jan 26 2005 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
14,454 posts
sounds like Sony just added more xp to those who solo, duo, or trio. It was in this mornings patch. I may actually hop on tonight for the first time in a month and see if I notice a difference.
#175 Jan 26 2005 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
3,293 posts
You hit the nail right on the head. The majority of eq2 players sadly won't continue playing much past 22/23.

That's so funny, I got 3 characters to level 23. Now I spend my time playing WoW. I guess both games do offer alot, it's just each person has their tastes.
#176 Jan 26 2005 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
215 posts
Having read WoW threads, a lot of the main challenge comes from the PvP ... "who controls x?" you must holler before you even get near a town where you have to get quest stuff - if it's in a contested area.

EvilGnome, you only have to worry about this if you are on a PVP server.

Normal servers have PVP if you attack the other side, or heal someone doing it.
PVP servers have PVP if you attack the other side, enter a contested zone, or heal an attacker.

I brought your exact concern in guild chat and got laughed at - "That's only on PVP! "

First of all, I didn't know EQ2 had a 4 character limit. I say this because my character select screen currently has 5 toons listed, and the "Add New Character" button still lets me create more.

Y'know, it never occured to me to just try and create five despite what they say. I think I'll try that tonight and cross my fingers.

It has to be asked - are you paying for the station access pass ? I bet you are. If so you're getting more characters because you are paying for a premium service, for something which IMHO should be free.

That is where the complaint is - they should allow a reasonable number of characters with the basic subscription. Four is pathetic, and ruined the game for me.

Edited, Wed Jan 26 12:38:29 2005 by MRRX
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