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EQ2 or WoW>> Which is better??Follow

#127 Jan 20 2005 at 3:33 PM Rating: Default
whats the point of a game if its work and not fun, its suppose to be challenge not pain
#128 Jan 20 2005 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent
186 posts
whats the point of a game if its work and not fun, its suppose to be challenge not pain

Exactly! If a game no longer gives you fun, move on to another one that would give you entertainment. But this leads to the "Paradox of EQ2". It goes as followed:

1. Entertainment is an activity that should give people fun and joy
2. We would not consider any activity for entertainment if it gives no fun or joy
3. Gaming a kind of entertainment
4. If a game is bugged or has some serious design flaws, it should give no fun or joy
5. People think EQ2 is bugged or has some serious design flaws
6. People from (5) still play EQ2

what does this tell us?
#129 Jan 20 2005 at 7:11 PM Rating: Decent
215 posts
So here's some relevant info about my experience with World of Warcraft :

Immediately after installing, I created six characters. Just because I could. And the simple act of having that much choice makes a huge difference; if I get bored or frustrated I can always pick another character, and switch to that one, without penalizing myself and having to lose progress on some character.

I heard complaints about the graphics and their cartooniness. And yes, the minute I log in I'm stunned. Now I am basically Mr. Anti-graphic; I want gameplay. Even I said "Jeez, this sucks!" But I find out that WOW installs by default and uses the lowest possible graphics. Five minutes fiddling around with them and I think, well, they're cartoony but they look fine. And subsequent days I hardly notice the graphics and concentrate on playing the game, which is a good thing.

There are eight races with nine professions. I plan on playing one of each class, both Horde and Alliance. That's a total of 16 characters across at least two servers. Now, I can experience the entire game Blizzard designed, if I choose to invest the time. This is not possible in EQ2 without purchasing extra games or the station pass; in fact you need two accounts with the access pass to play one of each character class. About $44 per month versus $15 per month - big difference.

The server downtime is pretty bad. If you play at peak hours, over the last week, the servers are often down. I picked a second server to mess around on when the other servers are down. Then the login servers went down for extended periods of time. Sony has it all over Blizzard for reliability in my book - in my year of playing EQ1 I can remember one isolated login server issue, fixed in a single day. Given my experiences, I'm not sure I see reliability in the future, though I hope I'm wrong.

My main character is turning out to be a soloer (Hunter Lvl 11). Any groups he gets into tend to be pickup groups centered around finishing a quest. Plenty of solo content so far, and it's all fun.

I have my professions and I'm working on them. When I need more money for my professions, I go out and do some lower-level XP'ing. Little chance to get killed, little XP reward, but I can grab enough cash to get on with my skinning or leatherworking without it taking days. Plenty of room in my bank - with the potential to buy more room if I want it. I can sell immediately and open up room, via the auction house. I can give stuff away easily via the mail system. In a word - Choices, and lots of them.

So far, the choice is clear for me. I'm feeling frustrated and limited in EQ2. Selling, soloing, bank space, and the 800 lb gorilla of four character slots. I'm irritated if I can't get in to WOW - but once I'm in, the game experience is fantastic. And Sony could make things much more open with the simple step of more character slots, which would open the game up and give more options. Not some pansy half-baked upgrade like "Well, we think you only need FOUR. Pay us extra, and you can get double!". A bunch of slots - 24 is what I want, and if half of them are on the test server that's acceptable.

Anyway - that's my thoughts. Posted here because I hate that the game has been ruined for me by one boneheaded decision.

My character journal - updated daily
#130 Jan 20 2005 at 7:13 PM Rating: Decent
215 posts
{Dreaded double post}

Edited, Thu Jan 20 19:16:47 2005 by MRRX
#131 Jan 20 2005 at 7:36 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Kano, you're one in a long line of people who've basically said "if you don't like EQ2 or find aspects of it seriously flawed, then quit" - and like the others I'm sure you've felt that's a big argument ender - like capturing the enemy's capitol.

Well, some of us actually *like* EQ2 but instead of singing its praises, we criticize it - because it's not good enough. I actually really like many aspects of EQ2 - and want to play it- but the gimped/broken parts tick me off so badly - but now you say I need to quit and shouldn't complain.

We also made the mistake of buying 6 mo's btw, and we can't get WoW - I won't pay twice retail on ebay. That's part of why I'm still trying to make the best of EQ2 - Im hoping I'll find something about the game to like enough to overcome my aversion to its flaws... so far, no luck.

But still, I'm sure, I should shut up and not complain.

I guess that means if I buy a car and basically like it - but as I drive it I come to realize some of its features stink - I shouldn't complain. Or I should immediately go sell it for a loss and take a chance on some other car. I mean, Gawd forbid I should so ruin your day by letting you know a car, at least imo, has some flaws - and maybe save you or someone else from buying it if those flaws would tick em off, too.

Further, like w/ any form of criticism, the hope is that by discussing these issues, somewhere, somehow, the world of MMOs will get better. Here, other sites, the official SOE site, we are posting what we *don't* like about the game with the hope that they'll fix it, if not now, in the next mmo. Unlike a car, they can alter the mmos. The game designers need to know we're out here, and we have numbers, too.

I refuse to be a "fan" and fall into the trap of adoring SoE for their creations. That way leads to stagnation, imo. I'm sorry if I'm ticking you off. I know a lot of people are averse to stress and complaints - they come to mmos to escape those in their real lives. But this is a forum on the game, not the game itself, and I think it's not only fair that we should be allowed to critique the game - in the long run, believe it or not, it will make MMO's better.
#132 Jan 20 2005 at 9:08 PM Rating: Good
539 posts
hello's me again..the guy who posted the Thread...remember me? so.

I want to start claryfing that I BOUGHT EQ2, played it, and tried to do my best in there. I came without any kind of prejudice to EQ2. Only wanting to have fun and become a member of the super-famous EQ franchise.
I am still playing SWG since release date(because I think it is a great game) and that can confirm that I dont give up easily and that i am a constant and dedicated person to MMO gaming.

Well, I was attacked hardly by some EQ2 hardcore players because of the mere fact of posting something sooo sacrilegious and rude as "EQ2 or WoW..which is better".
That doesn't matter to me really; but it is funny and curious at the same time that those very same "EQ2 hardcore players" were the first to run from the game and turn to WoW.. There have been here guys like Toco, or Sotonin or Evilgnomes who are great, open minded and open to good critic.

At the end, you will concede that WoW (just following the thread) is a better game than EQ2...right?



I just cancelled my subscription to EQ2 and I'm installing WoW right we

BYE GUYS, hope to see you all there. I am not gonna critize EQ2 all know the flaws...see you "out of their world" a new world....the "WORLD OF WARCRAFT"

Thanks to you all.

#133 Jan 20 2005 at 9:15 PM Rating: Good
382 posts
Have fun in Candy Land *wink =)

#134 Jan 20 2005 at 9:47 PM Rating: Decent
Pasho, I hate the way you post with a passion. Don't bring that crap over to the WoW boards, ok?

I'm hoping that in a few months I can feel better about going back to EQ2. I'll have a better video card by then, and I think they will have ironed out some of the bugs and other issues by then.
#135 Jan 20 2005 at 10:20 PM Rating: Good
539 posts
Please dont hate is just fun!
All this and the games are for fun....PEACE!!
I just wanted to see reactions...not to heat or make anybody angry..ok? Please, no fights.

Also wanted to add (or maybe confirm) what i already said: EQ2 has all the potential, maybe will be the best MMO out there in quite some time (they already started announcing expansions etc, etc)....and maybe i will be "in their world" one more time..who knows? he he eh
With this, I just want to say that i dont dislike completely EQ2, i only think that they need to make serious adjustments to it. That's all.

At the end, any improvement, any development they can make to the genre will improve the quality of the games..and that will mean more fun to all of us. Right?

For now I will be WoWing for a while ...see you there..

(SOE may say...another one lost to "Ditech"


#136 Jan 20 2005 at 10:25 PM Rating: Decent
186 posts
EvilGnomes I didn't say you cannot complain. In fact, in some other threads here, I said those of you don't like it *should* complain, but not here. It is your right to complain when you buy a product and it doesn't meet up to the standards but you should understand where to make that complain. Tell me what exactly does it do when you or other people complain (either destructive or constructive) here? Does SOE know about the problems you hate? Does SOE know what you'd like to see in the future? If you actually think yes, then think again.

Also, you have a right to complain does not mean you can do it anywhere, anytime, or to anyone. Let's use your car example: now you've bought a car which you like, but "some of its features stink" as you put it, does that mean you can complain to anyone at anywhere? Do you think it's appropriate to complain to the insurance agent where they have absolutely no power to change anything? Do you think it's appropriate to complain at a local owner's club meeting where basically people there actually like their cars? Do you think it is appropriate or useful to complain the 1000th times where you and hundred other people have tried that and didn't get what they want in the last few years? Freedom of speech only guarantee your right to express your opinion, but it does not mean you can express it however you want.

Another point I'd like to make is that there are two group of people who is complaining here: one is people who complain or criticize such that they hope someday the game will improve; the other group is people who complains for the sake of complaining, then that should be considered as whining. Since you said you actually want the game to improve so you belong to the first group. But that's the problem. SOE people don't read this forum. They cannot hear your complains. So why complain here?

The last point, and the most important point here, is that Allakhazam is a place for MMO players like us to seek for information about the game. We come here to look for item info, quest info, class and race info, etc. And when we cannot find the specific thing we are looking for, then we post in the forum. This is what forums here are for. There is a specific forum in the official site that let people to give suggestion, or complain, and SOE actually reads them. We don't want to see anymore complains here because there are way too many of them already all over the place, and they just keep repeating the same thing over and over again. It only takes one or two whiners to hijack a thread and turns it into useless garbage. That's why I see people leaving this forum because they cannot get the info they want here, and in turn there will be fewer people to provide info for the new comers in the future.

Your criticism has some very valid points EvilGnomes, and so does some other people here, but the fact that you are making these criticisms here is actually destroying the Alla forum. If you really want to make constructive criticism, please I ask you, post them at the official forum, and not here.

Thank you
#137 Jan 21 2005 at 1:47 AM Rating: Default
BYE GUYS, hope to see you all there. I am not gonna critize EQ2 all know the flaws...see you "out of their world" a new world....the "WORLD OF WARCRAFT"

i'm loving wow too. if you stop by "Blackhand" realm some time send me a tell. same name as my nick here =)
#138 Jan 21 2005 at 3:25 AM Rating: Good
285 posts
Haha...lost another loan to DiTech.

My copy of WoW got here Monday and I, too, hurried to make one of each class using various races. I think the reasons for my switch have been covered repeatedly by me and others, so I won't go into that anymore.

I wish the EQ2 fanbois could bring something stronger than, "Stop cluttering our forums!" to the table, but I'm not really seeing it. This *did* start as a pro/con discussion between the two; it just seems that the WoW supporters are coming on stronger. Good luck in whichever you choose, but after trying hard to make EQ2 work, I'll be over on WoW.
#139 Jan 21 2005 at 6:12 AM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Hey, I don't only post here. Sometimes I'm posting here what I'm posting over there. I get better feedback here sometimes.

Working out my negative feelings towards the game helps, and this place helps me hone why I have them - other peoples' ideas made me realize that the EQ2 spells don't turn me on - they aren't in the least bit sexy - there is no "i must have that - i must level so i can get that spell" factor - none. It's a serious weakness in EQ2. People keep saying that old EQ started clunky and got better - but no - the spell system hardly changed. Old eq had killer must-have spells. It made grinding easier cuz I knew what I was grinding for.

Same for magic items by and large.

SOE people don't read here? That's pretty funny. I happen to know that is not true. They're not reading these boards much right now, but they do pop over here - and to any other relevant site. And who cares, anyway? Do movie makers read negative reviews? Usually they don't (I happen to know this, too). So should all movie reviewers give up??

Yeah, there are various levels of complainers against the game. I can understand that we tick you off - sorry. But even someone who just comes in here and grunts "it sux" has a right to say that - he's mad - frustrated - he had a bad experience and maybe isn't articulate enough to express it better. I'm articulate, but I can't play the piano - Gawd help me if society required me to play the piano instead of using words to express my feelings.

So, let's all calm down. Me included. And if we wanna disect the game and whatever - heck - just let us! Or be constructive for goodness sakes! Dangit, instead of telling me I shouldn't whine, I wish people could help me find a way to like this game. Okay, calm back down... hehe - well, nuff said. GL all!
#140 Jan 21 2005 at 1:37 PM Rating: Default
just got WoW, im liking it so far, not sure if ill quit eq2 yet

on illidan server
#141 Jan 21 2005 at 3:15 PM Rating: Decent
186 posts
I wish the EQ2 fanbois could bring something stronger than, "Stop cluttering our forums!" to the table, but I'm not really seeing it. This *did* start as a pro/con discussion between the two; it just seems that the WoW supporters are coming on stronger. Good luck in whichever you choose, but after trying hard to make EQ2 work, I'll be over on WoW.

Yes I'm all for comparison threads. They help new comers to know better of the games but when the thread turns into bashing and whining (either to the game or to the company) then it is useless. I did post a few comparison about WoW and EQ2 because I happen to play both game. At the moment I find them to be of equal strength and weakness, in different departments, so none is really superior to the other. And I really don't care if people choose to play one game or the other as long as they don't bash about the other game. Notice "bashing" is different than "constructive criticism" as EvilGnomes says.
So should all movie reviewers give up??

No I don't think they should stop doing it, but they should change how they're doing it such that the movie makers actually listen to them. If their purpose is to make the movie makers produce better movie, then they aren't doing a good job because as you've said, what they are doing is futile so far. Can I ask you a question: if what you've been doing so far is unsuccessful, do you think it's better to find a new way to do things or keep doing what you did and hope for the best? However, if what they are doing is merely for the purpose of getting something out of their chest, then be it, but just don't post their personal opinion at where I and other thousands of people who actually enjoy the movie could read their comments.
But even someone who just comes in here and grunts "it sux" has a right to say that - he's mad - frustrated - he had a bad experience and maybe isn't articulate enough to express it better.

I bet you didn't finish reading my previous post, or at least you didn't understand what I was trying to say there. Yes people have the right to express themselves, but that doesn't mean it is appropriate to express it however they want. Let's say B's wife died yesterday; do you think it's appropriate for A to say how he thinks B's wife were a stupid ***** and such? Sure A has the right to express his feelings towards B's wife, but that doesn't mean he can say that to anyone he wants, anytime he wants, and anywhere he wants.

You can complain about a game, but that should be done in an appropriate time, appropriate place, and to the right people. What exactly do you want when you and other people complain here? Do you want every one of us to protest with you? Do you want us to agree with you or argue with you? Or do you only want us just to hear your whine? Imagine you are happy with your car; it meets all your needs and you're comfortable driving it, but then suddenly someone hop in and tell you how stinks your car is and how stupid its features are. How would you think? Would you say "Thanks for telling me that. Now I must throw this garbage away and buy an actual car!!" or would you rather say "Thanks for telling me that but I'm happy with it and please get off my car."

Once again I want to stress that I do *NOT* think EQ2 is the best game out there and it's far from being prefect. There are aspect of the game I don't like too but I choose not to complain here, because I know it is useless and it would only make things worse here.

Edited, Fri Jan 21 15:19:05 2005 by kanonyuki
#142 Jan 21 2005 at 3:40 PM Rating: Good
539 posts
Hello, me again...the guy who posted this thread and cancelled EQ2 and now is playing WoW.

Just stoping by ('cause now I'm on the WoW say hi, and to tell you so far my experience with WoW.

**Installation: Good. Zero problems...smooth and easy.
**Account Opening: Bam!!! first blow. Couldn't do it last night because servers were down.(Not all of them only a few)
>>Solution: Easy!I simply waited until today and had no problem.

My Opinion:
-Interface:100% Excelent
-Registration process: 100% Excelent. It couldn't be clearer and easier to users.
-Main Web Site Usage: 100% Excelent. It has everything to start playing the dont need to read the manual because it is so clear and intuitive that you instantly understand everything.

WoW's GPA so far......10 out 10. EXCELENT!!!

I've been working all day so I haven't played the game yet...everything is ready to start doing it tonight.

I'll stop by with more information.

For those who may be asking "why the heck is he (me) still here" answer is simply this...I still have EQ2 and can reactivate it anytime i want. And, as i said before, I still have huge hopes for EQ2.


PS. Sotonin..I'll try to create my chars in your server. Once i'm there i'll look for you. =) Is that a PvP server right?
#143 Jan 21 2005 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
"You can complain about a game, but that should be done in an appropriate time, appropriate place, and to the right people."

Let's see, I'm posting in "General Forum", and one would assume that... oh wait. OMG look. There it is!

"Allakhazam Posting Rule: even though the lable may read "General Forum", it is not meant to imply that you may post what you deem to be "general" topics. You especially must not post game complaints here, because it is not the appropriate time, it is not the appropriate place, and it is not for the right people."

Oh my Gawd, I had no idea I was breaking a major Allakhazam commandment!!!! I am SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO sorry!

Please forgive me! Smiley: bowdown My goodness, I'll never be so inconsiderate and disruptive again!
#144 Jan 21 2005 at 5:33 PM Rating: Decent
186 posts
Allakhazam is a place for people to gather info about the game, and the forum is a place for us to share information. I never said it's against the rule to post complain here. Never. So don't put words into my mouth. I said it is inappropriate to do so. Just as you would not complain and bash about the deceased at their funeral. There is no law against that, but when their family kicks your butt out you should have a clue why. And if you think you can do anything or say anything that is not explicitly stated against the law, then you maybe in deep trouble.

Isn't it that hard to understand?

Edited, Fri Jan 21 17:42:19 2005 by kanonyuki
#145 Jan 21 2005 at 5:37 PM Rating: Default
PS. Sotonin..I'll try to create my chars in your server. Once i'm there i'll look for you. =) Is that a PvP server right?

nay. its a regular server. i don't really pvp, at all.
#146 Jan 21 2005 at 5:40 PM Rating: Decent
198 posts
kanonyuki, this is a computer game forum. I don't understand your seriousness with this forum that you feel compelled to compare it with someone's death. Its really eerie that you would use that comparison. You want everyone to respect this forum like we would someone's funeral? Please use a less severe analogy. I think that's a little over the top.
#147 Jan 21 2005 at 5:47 PM Rating: Decent
186 posts
kanonyuki, this is a computer game forum. I don't understand your seriousness with this forum that you feel compelled to compare it with someone's death. Its really eerie that you would use that comparison. You want everyone to respect this forum like we would someone's funeral? Please use a less severe analogy. I think that's a little over the top.

Sure if you're offended by that analogy I can give another one. Say your friend invited you and me over for a dinner. He cooked and after the meal, you told me "hey the food sucks and he as a cook stinks." then you went on and criticize how bad his cooking was. Sure you're only expressing your opinion, but do you think it is appropriate to do that while I actually enjoyed the food?

Edited, Fri Jan 21 17:50:49 2005 by kanonyuki
#148 Jan 21 2005 at 6:26 PM Rating: Decent
198 posts
How about...

This group of people make a recipe for hamburgers and fries and starts selling them.

You, I and 1 billion other people go to McDonald's and eat their food. We then each go to our homes and log on to a forum about McDonald's and begin a conversation.

Is the person that got heartburn less justified in posting on the forum because the forum is for information regarding the hamburger? Is the post about heartburn not information because he is 'whining' about getting heartburn? Eat a Tums and get over it cause "I'm loving it!"

You argue that this is a forum for information... Well I believe all information, good or bad, is still information.

If someone is not sure if they want to eat at McDonald's or Burger King, they will want both sides of the story. They will get more input, better choices and will able to make a more informed decision with all of the info. If they only read the "I'm loving it!" posts then they won't know that the hamburger may give them heartburn.

What if I like all the other food but find that the hamburger gives me heartburn. Wouldn't I be justified to make posts about this problem? Maybe someone will say, "I know how you feel. I had some major heartburn eating there. I solved the problem by taking some Antacid AC before eating, give it a try." Lo and behold, I can now enjoy all their food.

Of course, if you are the guy that invented the recipe (yeah, I know, its a hamburger) then this all changes and I want to have a chat with you ^_^
#149 Jan 21 2005 at 10:18 PM Rating: Decent
186 posts
Yes Toco I agree with you. If people come here to complain because they want to get more input of the game I have absolutely no problem with that. But as I've mentioned in another thread, some people who complain here don't have that incentive. It can be clearly seen that they complain just because they hate the game or want to bash SOE.

One more thing though, that is IMO bad information is just false information, which is, as the name implies, bad. Heck there is no "good information" or "bad information", but only useful information and useless information. Complaint is an accusation about something; the "something" part could be information, but the accusation part surely is not
#150 Jan 21 2005 at 11:01 PM Rating: Decent
47 posts
I'm installing WoW right now =)

EQ2 needs some more time
#151 Jan 21 2005 at 11:59 PM Rating: Default
1,463 posts
Good points, Toco.

Kano, so you can tell what someone's intention is by reading a few of their sentences?

All Smiley: bowdown Kanonyuke, the great mind-reader!

But seriously, last I looked at your tag, no one appointed you a monitor in this forum. So please stop trying to be one! Thanks very much.

(I'd love it if you'd take us on point by point and not just generalize - you're getting nowhere fast with that tactic)
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