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EQ2 or WoW>> Which is better??Follow

#77 Jan 14 2005 at 3:50 PM Rating: Good
539 posts
No I am not saying that this game is EQ1...I NEVER TRIED TO SAY THAT!! (first of all because i never played EQ1, all i know are the great reviews, the permanence in the market, the feeling from all of you EQ1 players, etc, etc)

BUT, if you put the label of something existing into something new is because, at least, that new thing will have something of the prevoius thing.....right?
That is Fact, and it is also proven that those kind of "franchise sequels" sell a lot and are good marketing strategies....
Otherwise, we wouldn't have had things like:
1-Tomb Raider 1,2,3,4,5, etc....(franchise died when they came out with the last game which really sucked)
2-The very same WoW...this is their fourth release!!!(first MMO)!!! They did it because they had the customer base already!!
If no, why didn't do it with Diablo?? Diablo was a much better and polished game than Warcraft at its time...why not? because Diablo would have been competing head-to-head against EQ...or so many others like it out there..right?
3-Why are so many other phantasy-like MMO out there like EQ? Because of its success..they try to emulate it.

If EQ2 would have been named "Phantasy quest On-line" (as an example), and they would have NOT used the name EQ in the marketing thing; i bet that the 80% of us would have not bought it!!! It would have been another MMO! Right?

That doesnt make it a bad game, or nothing else, but just another game. And it would have had the same process than any other MMO, reviews, critics, etc. etc.

Where that 80% would be now? Playing WoW!!! or still in EQ1 or still in SWG, etc, etc....see my point???

The EVERQUEST name usage for this new game was clearly a marketing strategy, and we all ate it! And maybe that is why we are being so tough and fiery critizing it and breaking it...because we all were waiting for an outstanding game; not simply another good game. see?

#78 Jan 14 2005 at 3:52 PM Rating: Default
they took out fun, and replaced it with fairness

in eq2 your never "adventuring" lol

i hope wow is better

im lvl 25 now and it has gotten pretty boring. sometimes ill leave a group for no reason, even if its good exp, because i cant stand it anymore. the classes and races are cool, and the armor ad weapons and stuff, but just how they through it all together sucks.
the eq2 world sucks. no pvp sucks...they might make something in like a year for it just so they dont lose the few last people playing by then but it'll prolly be like the ffxi ballista.
the graphics are pretty good, but its so laggy sometimes i cant even play, when im fighting i try to taunt and i end up moving the bar thing across the screen.

at first, its pretty fun, you do all this begginning content and stuff, then everything just stops and your left to grind so you can grind at higher lvls.

Edited, Fri Jan 14 16:11:55 2005 by mokuba
#79 Jan 14 2005 at 4:06 PM Rating: Good
539 posts
Just wanted to add this little thing I found there in the WoW main forum:

85% of the WoW guild I am in are SWG converts. The guild leader was the leader of a huge guild on SWG and says he will never go back. Ever

For me, whom just reactivated his SWG account, says it all.

#80 Jan 14 2005 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
when im fighting i try to taunt and i end up moving the bar thing across the screen.

FWIW, you can locked the UI windows. Either you can go into options and lock them all with a click, or you can select each one and go into their window settings to lock them.
#81 Jan 14 2005 at 4:53 PM Rating: Good
900 posts
Pasho wrote:
Summarizing here....everybody prefers WoW over EQ2...

That would be an incorrect summary as "everybody" would then encompass me. I for one do not like WoW. It is not my "cup of tea". I played during the stress test and was not impressed. I actually played more FFXI during that time.

I really enjoy EQ2...major bugs and all.
#82 Jan 14 2005 at 4:58 PM Rating: Good
this debate is still raging.... =_= I suppose games are like religion or politics to some people.

is it not simple enough to say:

"I prefer <insert game title here>"

and move on without feeling the need to evangelize to the blind masses who don't feel the same way? One or two post on the topic is one thing.. taking every opportunity on the forums is another.. doing so for the sake of getting sony to see the light and make changes may be honorable (especially in the online selling setup as it exist now), but you'll have better luck posting these suggestions to the official suggestion form on the SOE main site.

honestly, you've said your peace... we know your position on the topic. Perhaps it's time to move on to the WoW forum if that is your choice and live vicariously through them until you can get your copy if you don't have one..

(rumor has it, blizzard will honor any orders made through their website and ship them immediately as long as supplies last, but if you're hunting for it in the stores give it up... so if you REALLY want to get that copy of WoW you should hit ASAP.)

as I often tell people who ask about EQ2.. "try it yourself" I can only tell you what "I" like about the game, but you're not me.

and as a result I have several friends who play EQ2.. and other friends who play WoW, this is fine. Would it be nice to game with all my friends.. sure, but even if we were all in the same game that wouldn't happen since we all level at different rates, so it's no biggie... and my WoW friends tell me all about stuff they've done in WoW about instance dungeons and rather nasty fights with elites.. and I can appreciate it 'cause I've had to deal with a named or two and I've done several longer quest in EQ2 and in turn I tell them about several quest and my solo'ing escapades and all the close calls I've gotten myself into.


that said.. do I think EQ2 is perfect.. no.. no game is perfect.. do I miss what was in EQ1.. never played EQ1 so I have no frame of reference. Have I played WoW.. no, despite being offered no less than 3 friends passes.. right now the game doesn't hold enough interest for me. my "big" MMO experience comes from SWG and FFXI, so my opinions go something like this.

FFXI = forced party system sux.. cannot solo, I could go on.

SWG = just call it a solo game and be done with it, content VOID

EQ2 = decent mix of solo and grouping, enough content to give me more than enough things to do.. ok sounds good to me.

there's no doubt I would probably enjoy WoW if it filled the above requirements (and I hear it does), but I prefer EQ2's graphical style and PVP was an instant turn-off (since then I've heard how PVP works on the PVE servers.. MUCH better than on the PVP servers but I'm still not interested in it).

so.. EQ2 or WoW >> which is better??

I have no idea, I don't know what you like....

I prefer EQ2.
#83 Jan 14 2005 at 5:34 PM Rating: Default
Base on what I'm seeing from EBGAMES.COM, I let you be the judge. I'll definitely give WoW a try when I get a hold of a copy. So far EQ2 been very disappointing.

EverQuest 2 : Selling price drop from $49.95 to $29.95-$34.99 since they released it

World of Warcraft: Price stay at $49.99 and it is "SOLD OUT" everywhere.

#84 Jan 14 2005 at 6:17 PM Rating: Excellent
The man who started it all!
1,635 posts
Just wanted to remind you guys we are giving away 10 copies of the World of Warcraft Collector's Edition this month.

#85 Jan 14 2005 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
3,293 posts
World of Warcraft: Price stay at $49.99 and it is "SOLD OUT" everywhere

You can't base anything on that idea. Blizz is not shipping anymore to retailers, if sony did not ship anymore it would eventually sell out too.
#86 Jan 14 2005 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
215 posts
Well if sales tell any kind of story about which is "better", WOW wins as of now.

World of Warcraft sold around 600,000 copies and isn't available on any store shelves. Blizzard is selling them for $50 direct.

Everquest 2 sold around 300,000 copies and is now available for $35.

I've seen tons of copies sitting on store shelves. I ran around like an idiot for awhile trying to get a copy of WOW in a store and saw the inside of too many computer and mass-market stores. Couldn't get a copy of WOW other than from Blizzard's website. Could barely get away from the boxed EQ2 game.

For myself, this may actually be good news. Will they address the four character issue and earn my subscription dollars? Perhaps, if the game is selling badly they'll tweak it up, and address the many complaints voiced. Four characters I suspect is something they can address very quickly; solo content might be tougher; the post-twenty grind might be very difficult.

What a weird situation. A game I like with one critical flaw they won't address ruining it, so I hope that it does badly so they address my issue so I can play once again. That shows you how much fun I had playing EQ2 while it lasted.

But WOW gets my playtime now.

My character journal

Edited, Fri Jan 14 19:30:15 2005 by MRRX
#87 Jan 14 2005 at 7:56 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
I was dead set on getting EQ2, but the more and more I read it sounds like it is not all its cracked up to be. OF course the first thing I read was info from the FAQ from SOE, so obviously they are not goign to tell you the negative. I really looked forward to the SOLO part of EQ2. According to SOE you could solo all the way to lvl 50 without even hitting the attack button *something about tradeskilling*. Now I am finding out that once you hit 21 soloing in EQ2 is about like EQ1 soloing, which isn't much. It also sounds like they are doing the same NERF tactics on EQ2 as they did on EQ1. Surely by now SOE knows its better to underpower somebody at first then slowing give them more, instead of get you used to somethign then take it away.

I have to say Im not thrilled with the graphics WOW has, I would much rather have the realistic graphics instead of the cartoon graphics. Also the fact I played EQ1 so much makes me eager to see Norrath of the future. I however am not the type who has no problem forking over $50 for a game then quiting 3 weeks later and simply not playing it anymore. To me if I spend $50 for a game I expect to enjoy playing it for awhile. Also there is no way I would be willing to spend $15 a month for two different games (as in play both Eq2 or WOW).

So now I don't know what to do. Still got a 24 cleric sitting on EQ1 that can't ever find a group and that can't solo. If EQ2 is going to be the same deal, why would I want to get it? Sounds like WOW does offer some nice solo content though.
#88 Jan 14 2005 at 10:27 PM Rating: Default
if your having fun with a game graphics hardly matter

i bet all the people saying they dont like the wow graphics if they played they wouldnt even care

its just a excuse
#89 Jan 15 2005 at 4:36 AM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Have you tried soloing undead only as your cleric?

I'm trying to think of the best spot for lvl 24... there are skels all over Kunark. I forget what lvl Tower of Shadow is. There are several undead dungeons in Kunark. And the relatively new pirate zones have scads of undead.

It seems to me that if you went to PoK and got buffed up - also w/ clarity - you could go try rooting and nuking w/ the cleric's special anti-undead dd's. It's very mana-efficient - about as powerful as a wizard's nuke if not as powerful. And w/ some SoW potions, if you can afford them, you could always escape. Just a thought, anyway.
#90 Jan 15 2005 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent
3,293 posts
My copies of WoW just came in yesterday, but I had to work..
I installed it last night and started playing it. My roomates I don't think will go back to EQ2, I'm still up in the air and may just play both.

WoW is deffinatly an easier game from what I've seen, and the drops are insane. Just about every mob I killed last night dropped something.

I still like EQ2 for the variety of races and classes but sometimes I think they balanced them too much makeing some classes virtually the same, maybe this changes at end game.

Well I'm stuck at work again today, but tonight I will be playing more WoW.
#91 Jan 15 2005 at 3:32 PM Rating: Default
1,463 posts
I found copies of WoW for sale in ... NEW ZEALAND. Hah.

I might just buy one, too. Ebay prices are still a bit stiff.

It's funny, but WoW might be set a bit "too loose" - but at least stuff'd be happening. EQ2 is way too much the other way.

I mean, w/ the wholesale quest dead and it being much harder to craft app 3 spell upgrades... I mean, yeah, if you want that level of "challenge" in your mmo, fine. I'm not sure I need that. See, there's a fine line between "challenge" and "grind", and ... I'm not 100% sure the good folks at Sony know the difference any more.

Which server are you in? The alla guys over on alla's wow site say they have an all-alla guild on one of the servers - hoarde side. Sorry, I forget which one, but a search over there ought to find it if yer interested. GL!
#92 Jan 15 2005 at 3:38 PM Rating: Default
i just ordered WoW!

but i have to wait till the end of the next month to get it lol

i hope its good

i might just quit eq2 for it

depends if eq2 starts getting playable or not

i dont have any friends that play eq2 but like 3 that have WoW and want me to get it

Edited, Sat Jan 15 15:54:22 2005 by mokuba
#93 Jan 15 2005 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
If we can juggle the cost we're going to keep eq2 a while. The other gnome probably won't like WoW, so maybe we can do it.

We like EQ2 lots... except for the parts that drive us nuts.

I am glad we started when we did. The other Gnome was a harvesting nut and sold foraged/mined stuff every night for good money. That you could just buy stuff off the broker and turn in to the wholesaler... well, we are evil gnomes even if we live in Q - so we managed to pile up a little gold.

It used to be if you could squeak out a combine you still got your app3. Now it looks like those are app2, that you have to get up to the third bar done to get an app3. It just gets more and more of a pain to play this game.... I know, some of you are going to come in and say how that's just fine with you. But again, where does the word "challenge" end and the word "grind" begin? It's subjective, so of course each person can only say for him or her self. But for me (maybe because I have so many RL commitments and can't find much time for mmo's any more), it's grind. I don't need any more grind. I want fun.
#94 Jan 15 2005 at 6:55 PM Rating: Good
Tocopheryl wrote:

As to the longevity of WoW. I played D2 for over 2 years. That game is the simplest easiest game out there. But it is fun. The reason they kept me coming back was to create full sets of armor and other unique items. I also created over 50 different characters with different builds and tried out so many things. The game was simply pure fun. Its outdated but I still find myself playing from time to time. I play enough of that game that I don't usually see the "Character will be deleted in XX amount of days" message. Maybe WoW is the same way. Or maybe I should wait for Guildwars instead. Its made by the same people that made D2.

Sorry, don't mean to nitpick, but I believe that Guildwars is made by NCsoft, the same company that made Lineage II. D2 was made by Blizzard, same ppl who made WoW. Smiley: wink
Edited to fix smiley

Edited, Sat Jan 15 19:02:25 2005 by Askavi
#95 Jan 15 2005 at 10:53 PM Rating: Good
539 posts
Well, i did my best trying to get a copy of WoW and, obviously, had no luck. Sold Out.
Also found out that MAYBE there is going to be a shipment in one of the major games stores for next week....true? who knows...
I was thinking to order the game in Blizzard web site..but does it take ONE MONTH to receive it???

In comparisson, EQ2 price is at $34.00 now.

Also, just found out that SOE now, as of Feb 1, 2005, will include SWG in the SOE station pass, and you can play both SWG and EQ2 (even EQ1, Planet side, etc, etc) for only $21.99 a month.....that was supossed to be good news for a guy like me that has an account for SWG and another for EQ2...right? The thing is I had a problem at the installion with EQ2, had to call support services and they said that i should install it using another station name.... and now i cannot have both games under the same Station account!!!!!!

That means that I acnnot have that little advantage either...heheheh now i'm laughing...this is getting better and better everytime.

BTW, I saw WoW graphics and they are waaay better than i thought before... I had only seen the screen shots in some sites out there but watching the game directly is way different...and very good.

#96 Jan 15 2005 at 11:52 PM Rating: Default
not sure on the 1 month thing *now* but i ordered on tues. from blizzard store and my order has already shipped. If i had ordered overnight it would be here monday. I ordered ground because i'm in no rush and didnt wanna pay like $20 extra dollars.
#97 Jan 16 2005 at 1:38 AM Rating: Decent
539 posts
guess what?? no more WoW orders available for now!! not even on
I went into the site tonight and try to put my order and it says "Out of Stock" and doesn't let you continue placing the order.

Well, that's it......bad luck i guess.

#98 Jan 16 2005 at 4:14 PM Rating: Decent
285 posts
I also ordered on Tuesday, and it looks like it was just in the nick of time.

I am a little worried, though. It took three days from the original "your order should ship within 24 hours" message to get notification it had shipped. Guess their warehouse is a little short-staffed *shrug*. Also, they gave no shipment method or tracking number...and living in a secured building where FedEx can't get to my apartment, that tracking number is vital in telling me when I need to go down and bug the building manager. It's also common business etiquette. It's all a little fishy, but at least the game's already in the mail and they can't tell me they ran out at the last minute after my order had already been placed *cough* EBGames *cough*.

Looks like I'll be waiting a month if I want to dual-box, though. >.<
#99 Jan 16 2005 at 8:49 PM Rating: Excellent
It all comes down to your taste in a MMO.

I have both EQ2 and WoW and have characters 30+ on each. In my opinion one game is not really ~better~ than the other. They each cater to a slightly different crowd.

Time investment - EQ2 is more of a time-sink than WoW. I dont mean that in a negative way but to progress through the game takes time and you are going to need help to do it. The time it takes to complete some of the quests, especially the heritage type, is significant, but the feeling you have when you finally finish it and link the reward in chat is priceless. WoW on the other hand is geared to be fast. You can log on for 1-2 hours and get a lot done with little need of assistance, if any. Yes, there are involved quests in WoW that take a fair ammount of time and require groups but not to the extent of EQ2.

Graphics - EQ2 has some of the most stunning graphics to date but at cost, litterally. I put a lot of $$$ into my machine to make it run at many of the highest settings at the best reso. The dynamic shadows/lighting, cloth simulation, reflections, particle effects, etc, as well as the countless hours of voice dialog adds a lot to your immersion of the game. WoW is also a fantastic looking game with a highly detailed and interactive world around you. It truely puts you into the world of its namesake without draining your bank acct.

PvP - EQ2 has none. WoWs PvP is set up exceptionally well to cater to both PvP driven players and those that rarely take part in it.

I actively play both but personally my gameplay type is more in-tune with EQ2. I enjoy long drawn out quests which is probably why I have not encountered the dreaded *grind* that others complain about. I take on a long heritage or acces quest and by the time I am done with it I have leveled several times and move on to the next quest. It dosent feel like a grind because I am working toward a goal. WoW, in my opinion, is easy. Again I dont mean that as a negative. I played through the beta so when I created my first character I was familiar with the quests and such in my starting area. I was level 15 in a few hours. When you level in EQ its an accomplishment, when you level in WoW you just hope you have the silver to buy your skills.

While PvP will be a huge draw to many for WoW, I can say I am not one of them. It can be fun and I have enjoied it in other games but my main issue with it is often overlooked. Class balancing, it becomes so overly important in a PvP enviroment. Constant adjustments to keep everyone in line gets irritating. Anyone that has played a class that was hit with the nerf bat for the sake of PvP balance will agree. I am actually glad EQ2 dosent have it, I fear WoW will become heavily PvP in the end-game and the bat will come out with a vengance.

The fun factor for both games is completely different. I find EQ2 to be much more fun and rewarding than WoW, but that ties to my playe style. The biggest draw that EQ2 has for me is content. I played EQ1 from its launch to Gates of Discord. The fact that I know so much of the lore from the game makes it that much more addictive. I want to find out why Luclin blew up. I want to know what happened to Faydwer, Odus, Kunark and Velious. I want to get the Yak, FBSS, Manastone, etc that I remember from old EQ1.

I could go on but this post is already long-winded enough. If you made it this far, I appreciate that you took the time to read my opinion.

#100 Jan 16 2005 at 11:30 PM Rating: Default
it took 3 days for my your order has shipped message as well. And i called blizzard they do NOT give tracking numbers unless you call and ask for it. so give them a call. pretty friggin stupid IMO too. first online store ive ever encountered that didn't give this out.
#101 Jan 16 2005 at 11:38 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
I played EQ1 from its launch to Gates of Discord. The fact that I know so much of the lore from the game makes it that much more addictive. I want to find out why Luclin blew up. I want to know what happened to Faydwer, Odus, Kunark and Velious. I want to get the Yak, FBSS, Manastone, etc that I remember from old EQ1.

I didn't start at launch, it was right before Velious came out, and I played until Omens of War. But like you, I know the lore of EQ, and I want to see what has happened to the planet that I've spent so many years on. Literally.
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