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EQ2 or WoW>> Which is better??Follow

#477 Jun 19 2005 at 11:59 PM Rating: Default
I have got to say tho..... eq2 realy was a major let down to me. and the only reason i am defending eq2 over WoW is that i know the type of people that play it and they are usualy 10-15 years old, its not a myth man its fact. i used to play d2 fora while but quit becasue of the people. when one of the friends told me that d2 was getin kina empty i was just like " well,dont look like i will be playing WoW fora while." i have found bad players on eq2 but not nerly as many as you will find in games,and i would know i play warcraft 3 and played starcraft from release.
There is no game out that is as nerly as good as eq1 used to be. i started eq right after the lauch of velious and i gota say i miss that game alot. its like after planes the game makers lost sight of the game and started making stuff to apease the amsses and i hate it alot. i played eq1 becasue the developers had a vision and ***** the comunity if they were gona mess it up. i loved how the game was based on the vision of those makers and not the stuiped masses and act like sheep.
i am very close to quiting eq2 as i cant seem to find eny vision i nthe game. im not gona move to WoW becasue its the same way and even worse. i hate the new combat system as it makes to easy. and i hate how the lerning curve is patheticly short. i bought eq2 becasue it was an EVERQUEST game. but now it looks like every over rpg out their just with pay per month and no vision.
i know i am going to get flamed and trashed for this post but it must be said. if sony does not get vision and tell the players to get in line and pay and STFU then i am gona leave for good.

Edited, Mon Jun 20 01:10:14 2005 by Vermont
#478 Jun 20 2005 at 10:22 PM Rating: Decent
if sony does not get vision and tell the players to get in line and pay and STFU then i am gona leave for good.

where else is there to go?
#479 Jun 21 2005 at 4:28 PM Rating: Default
WHAT? im leaving as in im not gona play a mmorpg at all. im gona play cs-s or some other game but not eq. thats what i mean. and stay on topic god damn it!!
#480 Jun 22 2005 at 11:34 PM Rating: Decent
as for FFXI, i can say this. its fun and everything.... but after awhile there is absolutley nothing to do... -.- you just level and level its nothing compared to EQ or WoW or that matter. i feel as though FFXI has a good partying system... and thats it. it gets borring fast at high levels. but EQII holds my interest more. you can actually craft and do things without having to buy gil -.- FFXI would be such a better game if the economy wasnt so screwed up. WoW, i cant argue with, main reason is ive only seen it once. my initial reaction to it was.... OMG EQ RIP OFF! but it has its differences.... from what ive seen, im giving EQII the upper hand, i really dont like PvP all that much, and im sure SOE will have it coming... they have expierence they just had a rocky start.
#481 Jun 27 2005 at 2:06 AM Rating: Decent
276 posts
Since I didn't come from EQ1 I have no clue what little things EQ2 has that came from EQ1. I mean the subtle little things that says "Oh wow, I remember that from that one place we went to that one time back in the day." But WoW has TONS of the stuff, stuff from other Warcraft games, other games blizzard has worked on, Link's Flute sound from the Zelda Series, a few characters that resemble Mario and Luigi. There's a lot of things that Blizzard's "totally ripped off" some other games. It's kinda like finding hidden Mickeys (go to a disney park and see howmany mouse heads *O* you find). Little things like that make you smile when playing.
#482 Jun 28 2005 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
Well, I see this thread is kinda long, so just gonna state my thoughts...

I have played EQ over 5 years, WoW since during beta, CoH for over a year, just started EQ2, and a few others here and there.

As far as WoW goes, I find the lack of content just incredible. I hit lvl 60 so fast it made my head spin, and I am left wondering what to do now. Questing is pointless for me (cant earn XP, equipment rewards are nowhere better then what I have, factioning is boring), tradeskilling is pointless (maxxed Tribal Leatherworking and skinning, not a market for my goods and I use better then I can make), the community in WoW doesnt seem to me that mature, and I absolutely despise PvP. On the PvP note, Blizzard as of late has spent more time adding PvP content, then they have spent adding more general content. Someone told me to make a few alts. Why bother? Make an alt to do the same quests that I did before and race to level 60, then what? Blizz just isnt showing any promise to actualy "expand" WoW other then more PvP.

I find myself rolling into EQ2 now, in hopes of finding a fun game, mature players, content, and no more annoying PvP spam. I sure hope EQ2 meets at least some of those points, because WoW doesnt anymore.

Just my 2 cp, everone has thier own feelings and thats thier right. =)
#483 Jun 28 2005 at 8:50 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Hey, I just found this COOL new game!

You can go out and try to get rich in this enormous world.

You can attack other creatures if you want, but there are huge consequences for attacking many of them (especially if you get caught).

You can travel. You can talk to MOS's and even date them and more.

I think it's called "Real Life". It's free... well, sort of free. Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.

Go back to EQ2 if you want.
#484 Jun 28 2005 at 8:55 PM Rating: Decent
As far as graphics goes, I'd have to give it to WoW over EQ2. I know what you're thinking but at least hear me out. EQ2 does have "superior" quality or graphics. But their actual graphics engine stinks. It chugs and is pretty unoptomized. And I'm a guy use to running every game on maz settings. WoW may have a "cartoony" look, but what the pictures of that don't show is how smooth and artistic the game really is. The environments in WoW really pull me in. With EQ2 it's just one boring, drab backdrop after another.

But what it comes down to in the end for me, is playability. This is why I gave up EQ2. I just didn't want to spend countless hours grinding...and grinding...and grinding.

My typical EQ2 session was: Log in, attempt to find a group....40 minutes later find a group. Wait for everyone to assemble....wait for someone to get back from afk. Start fighting.

That's just a huge waste of my gaming time. With wow, I CAN solo. I can group...IF I WANT TO. The raiding is there, and so is the PvP.

All in all, it's a much more fun experience. I mean, if you're the 15 hour a day type of gamer then EQ2 is very appealing...there is a great deal to do and the leveling is pretty slow paced. However for me, I don't like having to group just to do a quest or to get XP. So the choice for me is simple: WoW
#485 Jun 28 2005 at 9:18 PM Rating: Decent
276 posts
Hey, I just found this COOL new game!

You can go out and try to get rich in this enormous world.

You can attack other creatures if you want, but there are huge consequences for attacking many of them (especially if you get caught).

You can travel. You can talk to MOS's and even date them and more.

I think it's called "Real Life". It's free... well, sort of free. Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.

Go back to EQ2 if you want.

RL sucks IMO .. I mean, EVERYTHING costs money. If somebody tells you something's free, give them a good hard lookin' over because that there person is one big Bull*****er. If you want to zone into a new state or country, it costs money, or it takes a REALLLLY long time to get there.

Getting Rich ... well, you need money to invest to get more money. So if you don't have the money to invest, then well, you're just gonna have to settle for being somebody else's slave. Finding money just lying around is a rare drop. You can steal money from somebody even kill them for it, but the reprocusions (sp?) are harsh. You'll get major agro from the law enforcement agency that can cross multiple zones.

And when you die, you don't get to go back to your former life. You don't get to enjoy whatever collections you attain through your former life. You can't just pick up your life shard and move on. You either go to a place called heaven or a place called hell or become some form of spiritual energy, or a rat, or a cocroach, or whatever you believe you'll go/be.
#486 Jun 29 2005 at 1:55 AM Rating: Good
553 posts
I've seen a level 50 froggy on Antonia Bayle. Unless that was a bug [I inspected], surely this means EQ2 is not that hard to level up in. It's as fast as WoW.
#487 Jun 29 2005 at 8:55 AM Rating: Decent
A 50 froglok is not proof of hardness or easiness of the game.

There's always some people that want to be first at something and they WORK hard at it. Either the frog is a hardcore player or a member of a guild that all worked together (you'd be suprised how easy it is to level when 5 people are mentoring you) or he may have been played by several different people.

The number of hours it takes to get to level 50 in WOW vs EQ2 are quite different. The fact that someone put in those number of hours in a shorter number of days (as in, played many hours a day) plus probably played efficiently to get it done, doesn't make EQ2 as easy as WOW.

I personally haven't tried WOW. I'm having fun in EQ2, so I'm not that interested in trying yet another game right now.

However I have friends who left EQ2 and went to WOW. Even though they are really enjoying WOW, they agree that WOW is far easier than EQ2. The main reasons they have stated for liking WOW better is that they like the graphics better (more colorful, more cartoony), they didn't like the extreme quest based-ness of EQ2 (yes I made up a new word).

They say they can solo more easily. One guy simply likes it better because his wife plays with him and she didn't want to play EQ2.

There's plenty of reasons to like either game or even both, play what's fun for you.

I love the quests. I can't get enough of them. I have a fun guild that I hang out with, and I can help people in the guild. We aren't uber, we don't do level 50 raids, we actually have a lot of low level or even newbie players in the guild. Its great. I love being able to show a true newbie how to play, or a trick to the game, or about staying behind the mob to avoid damage, etc.

EQ2 is fun for me, and I guess that's why EQ2 > WOW FOR ME and me alone!! You make up your own mind. Maybe if I tried WOW I'd quit EQ2, who knows. Right now I'm really uninterested.
#488 Jun 30 2005 at 1:30 AM Rating: Good
553 posts
Thanks for making my point ^ ^.

Things are as easy or as hard as you want it to be. If you don't mind others doing things their way, what others do might not even bother you.
#489 Jul 01 2005 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
88 posts
I've been playing WoW since November (the day it released that month).

I have a level 60 mage (he is currently #30 in PVP on Horde side on Blackhand server, rank 8), also have a level 60 rogue, level 40 hunter and various other level 15-25.

WoW is a very fun game, and _ANY_ class can solo from 1-60. Many many quests (my logs are still full at level 60, I stopped questing due to level cap). At no point did I run out of quests, both solo and elite/instance quests.

I pvp in the battlegrounds often (mages kick *** in pvp).

Here is the problem though: At level 60 all you have left to do is pvp and do instances for gear. Many instances (high level ones) require a LOT of time, and some gear is kinda rare. It is at this point when WoW turns into EQ1, in other words if you are not into high level instance raiding, bored with pvp, you simply have nothing else to do.

On the bright side, since leveling is so damn easy, you can try other classes. However, you will quickly go bored of repeating the same quests over for each class.

I still have my WoW account and play. I just started EQ2 this week (I did play when it was released, but not for long, I am back again now though).

Blizzard has a serious problem or two;
1) People are getting bored sitting at 60 with no new content
2) PvP rocks, but there is a severe balance problem. On most servers, Alliance FAR FAR outnumbers the Horde (I am horde BTW). When I goto Alterac Valley for some PvP, I have usually only a 1 minute wait to enter the instance. Once in, usually we have 20 Horde vs 40 Alliance, and as usual the alliance is winning, so I simply kill for HK/CP (I farm pvp rank). For the alliance, many of them will wait HOURS (some have been in the battleground queue waiting to get in for over a DAY). It wont let them in because 40 on each side is the limit, and if you outnumber the other side, you cant enter until its balanced. Some servers are worse, there are NO BG INSTANCES because there arent enough people on one side to have it start one. The CTF BG doesnt have this problem, but CTF sucks when people just use a travel form and run the flag in 15 mins, its a joke, AV is better IF you can get in. Other than perhaps cross server BG's (and this still wont solve the alliance outnumber horde problem), this is a major problem.

IMO WoW is fun, for about six months.
#490 Nov 13 2005 at 6:56 PM Rating: Default
16 posts
I started with EQ2 went to WOW and am back with EQ2

I left EQ2 to go to WOW with a friend.

WOW doesn't have as much boring and time consuming useless activities as EQ2. WOW does lots to make the game go faster. They mark quest mobs on map and screen to make them easy to find and the tradeskills are much much better. (EQ2 makes you sit and pound keys for long periods of time.) In the early part of WOW progress is very fast. Selling is very easy in WOW as well. (The old EQ2 method of selling requiring you to stay on-line and in your house was just plain stupid. They have improved it but I have not used the vaults yet.)

The parts of WOW I did not like were.

I was on a PVP server. The opposite side (Horde in my case) would often gank lower level characters and camp their corpse to turn the ordeal into 40 min of repeated corpse recovery. The players were so high and got no credit for killing me that this was not fun PVP. Sometimes a high level will group witn a low level to gank so the low level gets unfair PVP credit.
I never minded getting jumped or even camped by players who got PVP credit for the kill. That is an integral part of PVP. WoW should either make high level ganking not possible, give penalties that would matter, or spawn help from above to attack and kill the gankers.

Also the user interface in WOW has problems. In EQ2 you target the tank and cast/fight the tank's target. When that target dies the tank selects the next target (or a mob hits him and gets selected automatically) and everyone is on target without having to retarget tank and /assist (can make macro but uses a hot button or action slot.) There are many addons in WOW that improve a weak user interface but they break everytime there is an update.

Blizzard uses a peer-to-peer update method and has relatively few update servers. I don't want executable software on my computer that has been on someone's computer I don't know and I don't want my computer used as a server to distribute Blizzard's update so I disabled that. Updates would take 4-5 hours or more to download with a 6 MB/sec connection. Then after the update was installed, all my addons would break requiring another period of time to straighten out the user interface.

Finally, I like to 2-box (run 2 characters at the same time using 2 accounts.) The EQ2 user interface is much better suited for 2-boxing. EQ2 lets you type hot buttons ahead. I can tell the warrior to wild swing, kick, and wound in 3 quick button presses which will take maybe 10 seconds to complete. During this time, I can heal, smite, etc with priest. I don't think it is possible to effectively 2-box on WOW. I never met anyone else on WOW 2-boxing.

I hate the EQ2 tradeskills and may stop doing them altogether.

WOW is good for single accounts in PVE modes and is good for PVP if you have enough friends to kick the jerks butts who gank you (3 level 60 friends roll in and camp his corpse)

Both games are good. Each has different weak spots. Depends on what in-game friends you have and your personality
#492 Jan 12 2007 at 1:43 PM Rating: Default
2,342 posts
Oh… my… god…

Mods… holy lord… <points> Do something!

<convulses over his lack of mob powers here>
#493 Jan 12 2007 at 2:32 PM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
and this is where the karma system kicks in. If we all just pitch in, the guy will be gone =)
#494 Jan 12 2007 at 3:05 PM Rating: Excellent
*waves his banstick furiously, to no avail.
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