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EQ2 or WoW>> Which is better??Follow

#27 Jan 12 2005 at 1:12 PM Rating: Good
1,930 posts
I think what makes WoW feel so much larger (I'm not sure what kind of actual size we're talking about here) is the fact that it's a seamless world, much like EQLive. So, you can walk and walk and walk, and never have to zone.

Maybe that's part of it. But I have only been in 3 or so zones, many areas inside each zone of course. Gotten to lvl 16 and there is still about 45 or so more zones to visit.

The world just is bigger I think.

It is worth at least a try. If anything it is more Fun, and that is why I play.
#28 Jan 12 2005 at 1:18 PM Rating: Good
I wish that I had more fun when I play WoW. I want to. I try. But it just doesn't do it for me for some reason. I still like it, I just don't love it. :/
#29 Jan 12 2005 at 1:21 PM Rating: Default
That guy was right. Just got confirmation from blizzards online store. my 2 copies are packaged and pending shipping.
#30 Jan 12 2005 at 1:29 PM Rating: Decent
198 posts
I did order mine last night. In retrospect I should have ordered 2. Hmmm... let me do that right now.

But what I said in my last message is correct. They are not sending anymore out to retailers. As one of their GM's said "We are not sending anymore to retail until we can guarantee stability and that the servers can hold more players. That does not mean that we are preventing them from selling what they currently have."

So I am guessing that the online store is slowly selling games. I checked their store right now and it was sold out again, but I called to check on my order and the agent said that they had a limited quantity that they were allowed to sell and that there are still some available.

Anyway... Um... back on topic. I would recommend trying EQII if you already have the game. Otherwise, I can't give you any personal experience with WoW so everything I say I base on all of the reviews that say WoW is better and my friends that have canceled their EQII accounts.
#31 Jan 12 2005 at 2:16 PM Rating: Default
I'm starting to hate EQ2 more and more everyday.... that's all I have to say. Anyone tried the beta of "Guild War"?? how is it?
#32 Jan 12 2005 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
539 posts you guys have me thinking again....
Is there any trial period for WoW?? to try it? (i dont think so..but just in case)

#33 Jan 12 2005 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
I'm starting to hate EQ2 more and more everyday.... that's all I have to say. Anyone tried the beta of "Guild War"?? how is it?

If the beta and current screenshots are any indication of the final product (probably unlikely), I will NOT be getting Guild Wars.

The combat was pretty nifty, you had combat arts that, when it did something like restrict the movement of the target, actually animated when it proc'd. For example, a hamstring slash attack would restrict a targets movement (mob or PC). When a mob did this to me, even after combat, I was limping for a few seconds while the effect lasted. Combat is also pretty hectic.

However, fighting isn't the only thing I'm interested in and the customization of your avatar was really limited. Also, from the beta, when in a town your helm is automatically removed (I manually do this in both FFXI and EQ2) and your weapons do not show. I want the control to remove my helm or not. And I want to show off my weapons (like in FFXI and EQ2) in town. The weapons were only shown when out in a combat zone (wilderness or whatever).

I didn't venture far in the beta so my experiences are highly limited.

If there's evidence, towards release of the game, that the final product will be more polished, then Guild Wars is a viable alternative. However, I'd be more watchful of Vanguard or Dungeons & Dragons Online. They seem to be quite promising. *shrug*
#34 Jan 12 2005 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
I purchased a copy of WoW a few days after xmas..(it was on sale:)) I installed it about the time that the servers crashed on EQ2 and we had all that down time. I played EQ1 for almost a year and I was already burnt out on it. I prefer to solo and EQ1 is not a soloable game.

I love EQ2 even though the soloability has been somewhat nerfed,and I do enjoy grouping on the odd occasion. EQ2 has breathtaking graphics and it is very easy to get caught up in them..and I do. Also I don't mind the solo grinding or the in room selling ( although having a vender to sell for me would be wonderful) and I love the questing.

I played WoW for about a week...and I hated it..that is just my opinion. (Glad it was on sale.) The graphics are not bad although cartoony. Solo ability is good or what little I played it was. What I hated was you had to pay for all your, combat ect. That in itself is not a problem..but a lvl 9 Warrior, which I was I was paying 4 silver per combat skill. I was barely making enough to cover cost of the skills.

Also there is the cost of repairing your equipment after every fight..this became tedious to me..and I thought was a unneccessary expense. Plus, I didn't enjoy their questing system.

Just my 2 Cp.
#35 Jan 12 2005 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
Also there is the cost of repairing your equipment after every fight..this became tedious to me..and I thought was a unneccessary expense. Plus, I didn't enjoy their questing system.

You may find this weird, but I would appreciate having to repair equipment. Granted it shouldn't have to be repaired after every fight, but weapons and armor should degrade over time. Blades, if not taken care of, should break in combat if it's in really bad shape. Breastplates should crack and provide less or no protection if uncared for.

Looking at it in EQ2, menders should be how they are but should have a normal or slightly less longevity effect on the equipment. Eventually you'd have to get all new equipment. PC weaponsmiths and armorsmiths should be able to repair and augment weapons and armor and thus provide extended longevity than NPC menders. And there should be purchasable kits that one could use out in the field to maintain their weapons, but if one is not skilled in their use, can lessen the longevity of the item.

Kinda harsh and I see something like this never being implemented in an MMORPG, but that's something I'd enjoy. Masochistic, I guess.
#36 Jan 12 2005 at 2:44 PM Rating: Default
EQ2's graphic is nice. Yea, nice only if you turn on the settings to "HIGH QUALITY" or above and your character is not RUNNING!(i.e. taking screenshot) I brought myself a 6800GT 256MB card and was hoping to use high settings for EQ2. I was wrong! For regular game play in EQ2, I had to use "BALANCE" and to tweak down SHADOW, WATER, PARTICLES EFFECTS ec tons of tweaks in order to have a "smooth" game play. You might think I have a good videocard but a overall sh1tty system. Well, here are my specs. This game still running slow. On the driver side I also did not turn on any Antialiasing and AF.... I'm getting ready to trash this EQ2 **** out the window.

P4 2.8Ghz HT(800FSB) with HT enabled
2GB DDR PC3200
MSI 6800GT 256MB
Broadband 5Mbps Cable connection

*NOTE* - Yea I know they're having issue with the 6800GT card. But hey, doesn't it sounds funny to you? They made a big sting about this game is made for Nvidia, and now they'r ehaving this "BUG" for the card that they "RECOMMENDED" and no ETA or intention of remedy the issue.

Edited, Wed Jan 12 14:48:44 2005 by ztock
#37 Jan 12 2005 at 2:46 PM Rating: Good
You do realize that there have been issues with that particular card, and that many other people have a much easier time getting both performance and quality?

I have a pretty low grade card, and I'm still rather pleased with how it looks on my machine. What I'm even more glad about is the fact that a few years from now it will still look good.
#38 Jan 12 2005 at 3:02 PM Rating: Default
graphics hardly matter, if your having fun with a game youll forget all about it
#39 Jan 12 2005 at 3:05 PM Rating: Default
graphics hardly matter, if your having fun with a game youll forget all about it

You gotta be kidding me...
#40 Jan 12 2005 at 3:08 PM Rating: Good
He speaks the truth. Why is it that I can play old 2d games over and over again and not care that they aren't beautifully rendered? Because I like the game and I'm having fun.
#41 Jan 12 2005 at 3:45 PM Rating: Good
1,930 posts
Why exactly shouldn't armor and weapons degrade after fighting? I mean, it makes sense to me that they would. Go get some leather and hit it with an axe a few times and see what happens to it. Now go try and repair it.

Yeah good luck on the repair. You're lucky that it's fake enough to repair. Also you don't lose functionality of said weapoms and armor until it is way down.

I have never had to repair after one fight.
#42 Jan 12 2005 at 3:53 PM Rating: Good
I think he was using a bit of hyperbole there. I see his point, but I also agree with Arcos that it would add a nice touch of realism to the game. I'm fine with the system in EQ2 as it is, but I do remember thinking before I started that item decay would come from more than just dying.

In WoW I find that I often forget that my items are wearing down. Good thing they let you know before it breaks completely.
#43 Jan 12 2005 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
29 posts
Sometimes, I feel like the only person in the world who likes WoW and EQ2 equally, for totally different reasons.

EQ2. I like its maturity. I like its visual style, its realistic and engrossing crafting process. I like its Heroic opportunities, its focus on group-play and PvE play. I enjoy its quests and guild system, and I think it has possibly the nicest community of any online game I've ever played. I like the fact that you can sit down for hours and get so much done.

WoW. I like its cartoony-style. I like its well-implemented PvP, that seems to really have a purpose. I like its quick loading and its quirky sense of humour. I like its solo content. I like its linked quests and detailed advancement system. I like the fact that I can log on for 30 minutes and have achieved something.

I personally am more than happy to play both games. I find that each offers things that I like, and together they offer a superb package of both ends of the spectrum. If EQ2 offered the solo content and quicker levelling of WoW, I would adore it. If WoW offered the depth of guild system, configurability and group content of EQ2, I would adore it.

I agree 100%. This is why I have come back to EQ2. I miss the RPing and the more "mature" community.
#44 Jan 12 2005 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
Here are a couple of examples of what I have experienced with item degradation:

Morrowind - Items wear down gradually through use, losing effectiveness (weapons do less damage, armor blocks less damage). Repairing after every fight is stupid, tedious and oft'times impossible (unless you had the armorer skill and was able to carry all the repairer items with you. Not feasible during adventuring due to their weight.)

System Shock 2 - Items would gradually wear. I think default, equipment wears faster than Morrowind. Only thing I remember wearing down are weapons. Effectiveness is not lost, but once the item's durability reaches 0, it's time to find another weapon.

Why exactly shouldn't armor and weapons degrade after fighting? I mean, it makes sense to me that they would. Go get some leather and hit it with an axe a few times and see what happens to it. Now go try and repair it.

Now you're mixing real life with game mechanics. Separate the two, unless you think someone in the real world can take a critical hit with a great axe to the head and, not only survive, but can still stand on his own two legs and keep fighting.

If item degradation gets to the point of impeccable realism, then it'll take away the fun of the game, unless the entire mechanics of the game followed suit.
#45 Jan 12 2005 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
167 posts
I agree 100%. This is why I have come back to EQ2. I miss the RPing and the more "mature" community.

I'll have to agree, there is a lot of young players in WoW, but also a lot of "old" peeps, you dont notice them since they're not the ones shouting stupid things on the general ( command /leave 1 ). But we're there too, my guild is lead by Cirrus on Bronzebeard and we're 25-42 y old. I really like WoW and I also like to play a Blizzard game I have to say.
I understand that a lot of people are upset at Sony because they're not people, they are FANS of EQ1 !
#46 Jan 12 2005 at 4:48 PM Rating: Decent
29 posts
Oh I've met some older people (such as myself), but they are definitely in the minority. Also, I know that age doesn't necessarily mean maturity. However, I am having such a hard time with the community in WoW. I guess I just don't understand their need to swear or make jokes about each other's mother. I guess I just long for the good old days in EQ when there was virtually none of that.
#47 Jan 12 2005 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
976 posts
I'm thinking of trying WoW myself /sigh. I swore I wouldn't but it's looking better and better, despite the cartoon graphics. EQ2... I love my Iksar, but the game is just so buggy and feels half finished. I'm thinking I will probably put a temp. cancel on my account once WoW is in circulation again (as most of you probably know they aren't shipping any more right at this time) and wait 6 months and come back to EQ2 to see if they've fixed all the major "blahs" about the game.

D&D online looks really good. So does Vanguard, Saga of Heroes, and Dark and Light doesn't look too bad either. So we'll see who wins my paycheck when the smoke clears.
#48 Jan 12 2005 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
To all you people who are criticizing WoW, I bet you're dead-on right. I know I've said I wish we hadn't bought 6 months of EQ2 and that we want to try wow, but I must confess I suspect I won't like WoW much, either.

That is precisely why I keep howling at Sony to "fix" EQ2. I'd love for Sony to find a way to leave those parts of EQ2 that work for you all, but to at the same time liven and loosen it up a bit for people like me, who want a little more (er a lot more) freedom in a mmo. I don't know how, but I don't get paid the big bucks to design mmo's. They do. If they could somehow make EQ2 more of a home for people who want more variety of tactics and spells, better and more innovatove soloing tactics, etc. - they'd eventually catch up w/ WoW and beat it - at least imo.

I do think EQ2 is worth saving. It's got some great stuff that WoW likely will never have - as you all point out.
#49 Jan 12 2005 at 7:41 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
I sometimes think I'm the only one (ok, there are 2 more people) who's not thrilled with WoW. I played the open beta for a couple of weeks and it just didn't hit my buttons. I don't know why exactly. One thing I didn't like was having to go sit in an inn to "rest". SWG had that, sort of, and it was annoying there, too.

But that's why there are so many different games. Hopefully we can all find one that fits our playstyles.
#50 Jan 12 2005 at 8:37 PM Rating: Good
1,930 posts
I still think that item degradation is a good thing. I know it doesn't nirror real life. But I still think that they should degrade over time.
#51 Jan 12 2005 at 8:37 PM Rating: Decent
198 posts
1.7.4 Give us three reasons to be excited about the collaboration between Microsoft and Sigil Games Online.

Only three reasons? It’s going to be tough to narrow it down … but the three that I’d probably list as most significant are:

1. The Vision™ combined with the resources and dedication to make it happen.

Microsoft + Vision™ = ?
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