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EQ2 or WoW>> Which is better??Follow

#452 May 29 2005 at 10:25 PM Rating: Decent
After playing everquest 1 for 5 years on the erollsi marr server I went to WOW on the day it was released...After being a druid on everquest Tamica I made a druid on WOW again called Tamica on the silvermoon server.

The game seemed fun at first I will admit i liked the change in graphics compared to EQ 1 and EQ2. The lvling system suited me at the time i only played 5 or 6 hours a night I didnt want to be left behind by most my guildies and friends either so the rested exp was a great help.

It took me about 2 half months to get to 60 I started to raid full on in places such as strath, scholo, DM, MC, LBRS,UBRS and BRD.... I got my full set except my vest and now im left feeling whats next... My leather working is maxed and skinning sure that seems like fun I even got the second copy of hide of the wild drop for me in DM on the silvermoon server. I stopped making money from leather working when they nerfed the turtle scale gloves pattern and made it being sold at a vendor....

Pvp does not interest me in the least and since the honor system has come out Its changed the way the game was going and all I can see is there going to add more PVP content which may suit some people but i have just seen so many rude people come out of the wood works since it came out... lower lvl ganking killing quest NPC's there is no honor in that and I even made a horde char and got so sick of the quest NPCs being killed at Xroads that I saw no point keeping on with it.

Many WOW players feel as you EQ 2 players feel like about WOW I have had 7 friends this week alone leave for other games because of the lack of content for lvl 60s maybe it will change when they bring out expansions.

Im taking a extended break from WOW I have been playing the trial of EQ2 and Im waiting for my copy in the mail (cant find it here in EBgames in Australia). I may go back to WOW if they improve things and add more lvl 60 content but for now they have lost me im loving eq2! yes I can handle the grind i actually missed it on WOW it seemed too easy nothing seemed a challenge for me...... and yes on wow u die allot MC is a hole lol i hate raiding there and scholo...
#453 May 30 2005 at 3:51 AM Rating: Decent
First off Hi to all of you,

I have been playing WoW's betas and I played a month of the retail WoW, and that was already too much for me. Yes, granted, it is much easier to find into than EQ2, but when I arrived there I hardly felt any kind of "warm welcome" apart from the NPCs. I tried to talk to a couple of players, you know, just small-talk, asking them for a bit of advice. Nah, they told me kindly to f*** off and squatter to "other n00bs". Ah well, not the best start.

I reached lvl 15 after all and the potential of the game slowly unfolded for my warrior. It started to become more interesting, as the quests became less "go to A, get item B and bring it to C" or "kill x amount of species D" and more challenging and longer, which was good.

However, the graphics of WoW are not my style, I hated them, it was either too colourful or too monotone, really not my taste when I am supposed to play in a game for a long time and paying for it.

I had a far better time in EQ2 already: I started as a warrior (yea, I like a bit of bashing), and my welcome was far far better than in WoW for the whole month! Not only was I greeted kindly from about 8 players in the first 30 minutes, but also did I receive good info about everything, some hints on my first quests and a lvl 5 player even accompanied me in the first 2 hours guiding me through and having my back at some fights. Now that is what a good community is about!

The quests at the start were very interesting, they showed you what you can do with your own character more than on WoW in my eyes, the quests not only made you get some good starting equipment, but also showed you most of what your character can do and what skills he/she can do.

All in all, EQ2 beats WoW by miles, I appreciate WoW for what it is, but it is just not for me.

Thanks for listening

Graphics are just beautiful, detailed, interesting, and a very strong point in this game.
#454 Jun 02 2005 at 7:11 AM Rating: Decent
i did play everquest2 but him is good but him still whit WoW because of the cartoon still this game have so much quest and the world is very big i got 3 level 60 and 4 40 at 50
#455 Jun 05 2005 at 12:29 AM Rating: Decent
276 posts
I believe that Blizzard intentionally made it so that it's easy (thus fun) to get to endgame. Why? Because through their experience with Diablo 2 they know that people like to recreate themselves. Reroll their charcter. Choose another race/faction/job. And even though the posibilites aren't endless, they made it so that whatever you choose to be for that certain period you're gonna have fun if you don't think of it as a boring grind.

Many of you come from EQ1 and are use to the wonders of the world of Everquest as it was created by Sony. And the selling points of EQ2 is that it is made for the future, for computers that aren't even built yet. And it is beautiful. It's a perfect painting of a fantasy world. Lag free if you've got the right components.

World of Warcraft is just that. It's the World as it is in Warcraft. And if you've played any of the Warcraft games, you'll see the connection in the graphic styles. If you keep that in mind, it's beautiful in its own cartoony way. It's made for those who like to play for a little bit then go about their real life business. The longer you stay away, the bigger your leveling bonus is.

As far as "the challenge" ... well I don't think either game is a challenge. I mean, all you do is press a certain set of buttons in a certain way and you make this cartoon infront of you move. Neither games are a physical, mental, or spiritual challenge. It doesn't boost up your strenght, stamina, intelligence, or spiritual well being. ... Not unless you're playing on a laptop doing yoga while playing a violin with your feet and typing commands and praying to a certain unknown entity to help guide you through a certain quest.

So which is better? ... well ... for me it's WoW. Because I don't like to party. I don't have time to party. I can't devote myself time for a party. Why? I've got 2 toddlers that are in constant agro range and will repeat agro during my game time making me leave the game unexpectedly at times.

I do miss my woodelf assassin. I miss my 2 room apartment in Freeport. I miss my cat that I rescued from that crazy cat lady. I don't miss the sitting at home waiting for my stuff to sell. I don't miss it enough to resubscribe to it ... accounting charging my credit card twice for one month's subscription doesn't help in the matter either. So, I'll stick to WoW for now.
#456 Jun 05 2005 at 3:31 AM Rating: Good
I do miss my woodelf assassin. I miss my 2 room apartment in Freeport. I miss my cat that I rescued from that crazy cat lady. I don't miss the sitting at home waiting for my stuff to sell. I don't miss it enough to resubscribe to it ... accounting charging my credit card twice for one month's subscription doesn't help in the matter either. So, I'll stick to WoW for now

Just FYI, you no longer have to be online to sell. Just get some boxes, put them in your house vault, load them up with sellable things and come back days later and listen to the cha-ching as you enter your home. It's a wonderful way to make money if you're a tradeskiller or just like to sell.
#457 Jun 05 2005 at 7:35 AM Rating: Decent
976 posts
About the account credit card double charge thing. That happened to me the first time I ever played EQ2, along with some of the bugs and stuff, it made me decide to quit. Funny part is, no one seemed to believe me when I went back and told my friends I had quit EQ2 and was on WoW now, to look me up if they ever played. I got called a "liar" several times, and people thought it was a "ploy" to get others to come to WoW. It hurt my feelings, frankly, that people get so bitter and hateful over a STUPID GAME and which game you decide to play.

I loved WoW for what it was, I miss many aspects of it, but EQ2 has improved a lot since I played it last and I'm glad I came back. My point is... and has always been, play what you like, and if someone isn't playing the game you prefer, so what? It's their money, don't name-call and accuse just because they are playing what they want and it happens not to be what you think is better.

#458 Jun 05 2005 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
276 posts
I do miss my woodelf assassin. I miss my 2 room apartment in Freeport. I miss my cat that I rescued from that crazy cat lady. I don't miss the sitting at home waiting for my stuff to sell. I don't miss it enough to resubscribe to it ... accounting charging my credit card twice for one month's subscription doesn't help in the matter either. So, I'll stick to WoW for now

Just FYI, you no longer have to be online to sell. Just get some boxes, put them in your house vault, load them up with sellable things and come back days later and listen to the cha-ching as you enter your home. It's a wonderful way to make money if you're a tradeskiller or just like to sell.

That's great. I'm wondering about the partying dynamics, if people have learned how to party fairly decently (something lacking in WoW) or if it's changed. I didn't really get to party much when I played, before the big crafting bug fix. I miss the party dynamics in FFXI, but I don't have time to devote to a night of partying, not even an hour. And I hate saying "I have to go - diaper duty" in party chat. It's not fair for the other party members to wait around while I do stuff that can take from minutes to an hour or so.

WoW's good for me because I don't have to party. But partying totally blows. People in WoW don't have a clue on good partying dynamics. I mean, healers and mages need their MP to help support a good party right? The non MP characters usually don't see this and keep on attacking stuff wondering why they're not getting healed or why are they just sitting there eating and drinking.

Did the devs keep the solo content in EQ2? Wondering if I should subscribe since I'm nearing the "Endgame" content of WoW. In a way I kinda don't wanna resubscribe, the accounting people totally pissed me off. I mean, they charged me for an EQ1 account (along w/ my EQ2 subscription), which I've NEVER played, never picked up off the store rack for a look even. 2 hrs. of arguing with them saying I don't own EQ1 is something I don't ever wanna experience again.
#459 Jun 05 2005 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
976 posts
Yes, there's actually more solo content now than there was at launch. A lot of people solo when they can't find a group. I have soloed my wizzy up to 24 with no problems, and my Dirge to almost 21.
#460 Jun 07 2005 at 2:20 AM Rating: Decent
After reading the thread, I thought I'd put in my 2cp.
I have both games which I play for different reasons. Before I give those reasons I'd better state that I'm a solo player mainly, I hate PvP, and I like doing quests.

In EQ2 it is next to impossible to solo as much as I'd like to. I find myself waiting for someone to group with, especially if I know that at one stage of a quest I'm going to get hit by a named with lots of hits and 5 minions. I'm a 30 Inquisitor btw. Getting to some areas is nearly impossible without getting your head handed to you and spending time lfg is not my cup of tea.

In WoW, except for some boss mobs, I've solo'ed nearly all the way and had a lot of fun doing it even including the dying. I have a 34 Hunter. I'm on a PvE server and I can get into the opposing faction territory no problem without ending up PvP from the guards attacking me.

Between the two I'd say I prefer EQ2 if I want a serious grind and WoW if I want to just have some fun. The graphics between the two games doesn't bother me probably because I'm only on a GForce 4 so I don't get all the nuances.

To finish this drivel I'd also say that I played EQ1 for 5 years and I eventaully got tired of it because it gradually changed from being able to do things solo to having to have raids and guilds to get anywhere. I played a 68 BSt by the tim I finished
#461 Jun 07 2005 at 6:59 AM Rating: Decent
976 posts
I think EQ2 is extremely easy to solo in. Granted I'm not yet 30 but my wizzy is not that far away, and there's plenty of mobs to solo on up until 30 in Nek, and quests there plus Thundering Steppes as well. Granted, you're not going to be able to take on groups of mobs and go level crazy like you can in WoW, but it shouldn't be posing much of a problem for you. Where are you trying to play? Are you trying to get group quests done ? Usually if I LFG (which is not often) it's for bigger quests, and while I'm doing that I go solo single con mobs.
#462 Jun 07 2005 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
514 posts
Which class on ever quest 2 is good to solo well? are pet classes a good solo choise?
#463 Jun 07 2005 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
976 posts
They can all solo to some extent, yes, a few classes better than others. Enchanters and their subclasses have the hardest time I hear (never played one) but can still do it.

My Dirge solos groups of blue and green mobs really easily, and even heroic greens, so I like that.

My wizard can't solo groups very well but he CAN easily solo yellow/orange cons quickly and without any trouble.

I hear guardians solo very well, as do Summoner types, and paladins. Warlocks are also supposed to solo well (a lot like wizards do, I hear) But really it kind of also depends on your gear and how up to date you keep spells, and just over all skill. You have to know how to do Heroic Oppurtunities to solo well, because that helps you kill mobs a lot faster and gives you slight buffs here and there. It's not hard, persay...not really even harder than WoW, just have to know your class and what you can and can't take on.
#464 Jun 08 2005 at 2:18 AM Rating: Decent
57 posts
Only played berserker and necromancer (summoner subclass) up to level 28 so far. Both can solo single and group mobs well so far. However, my necromancer cannot really solo a group of more than 3 mobs before level 25. After level 25, can take on up to 3 even cons, 5 blue cons (no up arrows), a single named green up arrow (very close fight). Berserker really excel when it comes to group mobs (no up arrows and none wizard/warlock type of casters). With skeleton, gnoll and giant mastery buff, can take down 6 even cons. Without mastery buff, can only take down 3 even con or 1 yellow (2 levels above).
#465 Jun 13 2005 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
i didn't read the entire thread, but on the first page alot of the griping was because of the lack of the solo content in monk is level 45 and i still solo yellows and such...they changed alot of the epic/elite/heroic mobs out there to better cater to the solo player...
#466 Jun 13 2005 at 9:18 PM Rating: Decent
Hi just reading and might as well just jump right in. Firs thing I've been playing EQ 1 since launch way back in the day when Mayong used to kick my little high elf ***. But that's beside the point, I played EQ 2 fer about 3 weeks after launch, and found myself missing EQ 1 but then I said lets try WoW!!

I playyed wow for about 2 weeks and found out I hated the damned game. I hated the community that I played with, I mean I found a couple of nice people but most players I found were Stracraft, Warcraft, and D2 B-net kids looking to make my life a living hell. So I said hey! usually on RP servers there are more mature players and senstive towards ye. Well nope I was wrong once again, yet this time I found not "leet" speaking players rather I found casual english speaking jerks. I was annoyed at this. Now the art desgin...What the hell I don't want looney tunes meets lord of the rings! I don't care if your an artist and you appriecate it more! I care about how real it looks! Now moving on to the solo game (I'm A BIG SOLO GUY 70 nec 456AA) I found out this game was fer me! I loved the solo as a Rogue! Bing band boom theres my xp! Look I gained another level! Soon I realized that this xp was too fast, I mean I was going to fast, I bet I could pick my nose and fight the booger as a monster for xp and gain about 2.5 levels off that. Ridiculus! I thought that this game was good I hated it! Althought I did like flipping...I love the flip, loved when Dwarves did it , now I loved that I could do it! So world of Warcraft lovers out there I give this game a 2.4 outta 7!

Now moving onto EQ2, another bombshell title. Solo in EQ 2 as I heard that wizard guy say is easy, yeah simple eh? Try bieng a scout...hardest time yell ever have I promise. Now solo game for me is ok because I'm a Paladin, level 25. (Now I re picked it up about a week ago.) Grouping here is great I think! Solo is Good too if your pick the right class, Tradeskilling is BORING AS HELL! OMFG I never actually fell asleep before at EQ ever but the Tradeskilling made me! Yawn! But graphics game is great!! Makes me feel like fantasy come alive!! And this artwork is better than anything WoW had to offer. Also the colors are absent but it adds to the rerality, honestly do you see bright purple in yer life often? I don't you must live in San Diego! So folks EQ2 gets a 6.5 outta 7!

Also what I noticed is that WoW won't have as long a lifespan as EQ 2 the way it's desgined but thats just me so Happy Gaming!!
#467 Jun 14 2005 at 4:31 AM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Heh I'm LoL - this thread WON'T DIE! It's been on the front page since when - January?

I haven't kept up w/ the whole thing, but there's a LOT of bad information here.

"I went into WoW and found it full of nasty Bnet kiddies who were rude and told me to eff off". "WoW is full of shallow stupid teens or younger who are nothing but rude".

I've run into a tiny handful of nasty people in WoW. But the vast majority of players I run into are nice people. Shallow? I noticed a priest named Anselm fishing one day. I asked him how work on the Ontological Proof was going. We had a nice discussion about medieval philosophy.

You just can't generalize like this. It's only true if you've decided you want to believe it - and aren't going to open your eyes and look around and see what's actually in front of you.

If you can't learn to ignore jerks and to make friends - and to get into a friendly guild - you're not going to make it on any mmo. When I played EQ2 there were jerks around. About the same ratio as in WoW. There's no magic force that causes jerks to play WoW and nice people to play EQ2 - that's total crap.

If you dig "hard work" and can only feel you've accomplished something if you really had to grind your butt off on it - then EQ2 is your game.

I like WoW because it's faster paced and gives you more rewards for time invested. I don't like to grind, and I really hate EQ2's tradeskill system. WoW's is lightning fast and painless. A lot of people hat this in WoW, but let me tell you, if you have a RL outside these games and don't ahve all the time in the world to play, WoW's approach is a godsend.

I think the people who designed and run WoW are "fun oriented". I like being in their world. I like their spirit.

In EQ2 I felt like I was in hell. I hated the game's designers, hated them for their bad, parsimonious, small-minded choices.

WoW is big; access is generous. EQ2 is small (the world is); access is limited.

WoW allows many characters. EQ2 allows what? Six now. Pathetic.

WoW has "to die for" spells and skills that you earn along the way. I saw no such "to die for" spells or skills in EQ2, just a slight improvement of what I already had (everything felt truncated, gimped).

WoW has tactical diversity. EQ2 has HOs - i.e. a totally arbitrary 'zap' or 'zing'. In WoW I know why I win a fight. In EQ2 I won fights because the gods blessed me because I made a cartoon wheel advance. WoW has pulling tactics. EQ2 has virtually none.

WoW challenges me - fights vary and are different. In EQ2 every bloody fight was the same - in groups I buffed and healed - soloing I pulled and did HO's. The only tactical considerations were picking the right HO. Insanely monotonous.

Wow is fun. EQ2 is a second job. A second job that you pay to do. For me the choice is obvious.

That said, certain people are just plain going to love EQ2 and not "get" or not "like" WoW. I can respect them for this. What I don't like is the outright untrue information being spread against WoW in here. I'm not telling anyone not to play EQ2. Yes, it's a perfect game for a lot of people. But if what I'm saying speaks to you, try WoW instead. WoW is tons of fun. Good luck all! Oh, hi Ivvan! Long time no see.
#468 Jun 14 2005 at 12:07 PM Rating: Default
WoW in a few year will have level 99 characters. But if we were to compare it to the Best MMORPG out there EQ 2 and WoW are tied for first definetly. But of all time, I'm sorry but nothing can and ever will compare to Original three EQ expansion (Including the original game) Greatest MMORPG ever made, everyone I knew played that game and liked it.

But getting back to WoW, no of course there are going to be people who are like hey I love this game! And that's cool,because it's yer opinion, I'm just gonna say min right now.

I honestly think WoW was desgined for players of the ages 10-15.

I mean look at the game, it has many colors, its very easy to get into, and you get to endgame very quickly. Now as a kid/teen isn't that all you wanted to skip all the steps and get right to the end?

Oh well at least I hope one title is going to take the cake..and that's Uber Vanaguard! Woo! /cheer!

Now as fer me I 'm just going to play me paladin till that game comes out! Happy Huntin!
#469 Jun 14 2005 at 12:19 PM Rating: Good
obviously alot of people are going to take major offense to your bold statement (which you are probably counting on anyway haha)

anyways, I also want to just say that everyone is entitled to their opinion, but NOBODY should simply come onto this forum to spread lies about EITHER EQ2 or W0W.

i have played many many games, including EQ, FFXI, EQ2, SWG and WoW. Every game is going to have its own die-hard fans who love it over everything else, and every game has it's own style of play (thank the lord!)

Believe it or not, my favorite game may still be original EQ (pre-Luclin), but I am simply here to say that no game is "better" than any other, it simply depends on your own preferences.

Yes, I currently play WoW and it is a ton of fun! In fact, as somebody said earlier, it does remind me alot of original EQ, and I think that is the reason why I like it so much. The game is fun, it is entralling, and it has the "wow...this is sooo cool" factor you get when you see an area for the first time. I have never experienced this effect in games like FFXI or even EQ2 (as much as it hurts me to admit it).

I wanted so badly to love EQ2 because i liked EQ so much, but I must say that it has let me down. However, this is simply me and only my opinion.

Also, as stated earlier, WoW does have alot of PvP, so if this is your thing, you are absolutely going to love it. If PvP isn't up your alley, there are still plenty of other things to do, but it will catch up with you at some point and you're either going to have to take part or sit alot of things out.

Again, this is just me, but have fun with any of the games that are out there!
#470 Jun 14 2005 at 3:06 PM Rating: Default
Lol I was expecting some flames from that but hey ya know this is an EQ 2 forum! Woot go EQ 2! Yay! /cheer! But ah...ok lets get serisous (or however ya spell it)
I just think what I said is true because look at it this way. Ya just beat ff7, right now yer lik hmm let me find a game thats an rpg but one that i can play with others, so ye find WoW and EQ 2. Ok lets compare righ now.

More effort.
Not as many colors.
More mature quests
More mature players.
More time consuming

Made for Casual gamer
Not as time consuming
Shoots right to the top
Easy to understand
Less mature players
Easier to understand quests.

Now WoW is like a GTA game to me. Fun for about 3 months then it just looses all intrest and I go to an RPG game like a FF game and I play that for about 7 months, (Unlocking everything I can do!!) Then in the 5th month they release an expansion (New game) So theres a whole new stuff to do.

And I don't think that you can compare WoW to EQ 2 either. I think one the game styles are totally different, same for the amount of effort put into it, and other varibles. But all in all WoW is a solid game, and I'm glad it's around because that takes annoying B-net kids out of EQ 2 and puts them in WoW where they know they can do anything.

I just hope Blizzard doesn't drop the ball on this one and soon makes an "Open server" Where hackers can run free and own the game.

But hey WoW makes my little cousin happy, and my brother so I guess I'm happy.

EQ 2 rules! (Side note! Suckas!! w0rd! Lol j/k Wow is a good game too.)
#471 Jun 15 2005 at 6:17 AM Rating: Good
976 posts
I've said it before and I'll say it again.

I WISH TO GOD the people on Lucan D'Lere...were as cool, mature, and serious about RP as the people on Cenarion Circle in WoW were.

More mature my **** buddy. EQ2 is no better than WoW Community wise, trust me. I've seen "u r RPer u r st00pid" at least 2 times a day since I renewed my account. Cenarion Circle had some of the best online community in any MMORPG I have ever played. I miss those guys. I have a small circle of friends in EQ2 but nothing like what I had in WoW.

More challenging? Not really, just takes longer to solo. There are more quests and lore, but its not more challenging. AF quests in FFXI were challenging, WoW and EQ2 are pretty easy games, really.

More mature quests? Ppfft, in WoW I was killing stuff FOR THE HORDE!! Now I'm killing stuff FOR THE OVERLORD! They rate about the same on "maturity" level if you ask me. Go and collect Zevra Runner hooves or go and collect 10 orc skins. Same difference. EQ2 has MORE quests, but I'd hardly call them more "mature". Some of the Lore quests are more involved and in depth, but not more mature, no.

Easier to understand quests in WoW how? Both games provide a quest log that tells you where to go find XX mobs or so and so a person to complete the quest. Gah.

Sorry kiddo, I just don't think you ever played WoW, actually the two games tend to be very similar in some ways...and very different than others. Neither game is bad and neither game is better. And the myth that all people who play WoW are idiots or l33t 12 year old B. Net kids is wrong, just as the myth that all EQ2 players are hardcore roleplayers and 45 year old fat guys in their mom's basement is wrong.

Stereotypes = ignorance, thanks people.

PS: A hardcore player can get to level 60 in WoW in about a month. I played for almost 4 and got to level 52. A hardcore player in EQ2 can get to 50 in about 1.5 months or 2 months. Not that much of a time difference if you're one of those "grind like the devil" sort of people. Both games lack in end game content...though right now, honestly...with Battle Grounds and more instances... WoW has a *slight* edge over EQ2 in endgame.

So before you post people, either play both games for yourself, or just don't post at all bashing one game or the other. It really makes you look foolish.
#472 Jun 16 2005 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
276 posts
More mature quests? Ppfft, in WoW I was killing stuff FOR THE HORDE!! Now I'm killing stuff FOR THE OVERLORD! They rate about the same on "maturity" level if you ask me.

lol I remember THOSE quests ...

WoW Horde quest: Take this stick and go beat up some lazy peons.

EQ2 Freeport quest: Go beat up this list of people for me.

yeah, same quests, same maturity level. I just resubscribed to EQ2. Been playing WoW for a while. WoW's a great game, but I wanted something different - a house to buy furniture for.
#473 Jun 16 2005 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Ivven speaks the truth. Listen to him.
#474 Jun 17 2005 at 3:55 AM Rating: Decent
276 posts
I honestly think WoW was desgined for players of the ages 10-15.

To celebrate the launch of the Battlegrounds System, Blizzard is giving away a rare, life-size mannequin of a Night Elf female.

Gee ... hmmm ... I WONDER what their target group is ... ... hmmm ...

Edited, Fri Jun 17 07:56:48 2005 by Zldyknight
#475 Jun 17 2005 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
123 posts
I loved WoW for what it was, I miss many aspects of it, but EQ2 has improved a lot since I played it last and I'm glad I came back. My point is... and has always been, play what you like, and if someone isn't playing the game you prefer, so what? It's their money, don't name-call and accuse just because they are playing what they want and it happens not to be what you think is better.

How has it changed? I'm still currently in WoW, but a few friends and I are thinking about going to EQ2 later on. I did play EQ2 in the begining, but left like you did. Not because they billed me twice, but because I thought the game was unfinished, and it could use a few months. How has EQ2 improved since the begining? Has it become funner? When I played it just seemed to lack the "fun" aspect of a game that makes you come back each day. For me that was the main reason I liked WoW.. Not because it had cartoony graphics.. not because I could solo.. (I personally like partying b/c it is easier imo) But because it was fun. Everquest didn't have that for me. (7-8 months ago?) I liked the design of the game, the graphics, the houses, etc. Thanks.
#476 Jun 17 2005 at 1:24 PM Rating: Decent
801 posts
Many new EQ2 players in the last few weeks. We're back to seeing multiple instances of Antonica and Thundering Steppes on my server. It can't just be that the frogs are back... You can see in some of the above posts what has changed since launch, almost all of it for the better.

I like both games, as I've said repeatedly here and in the WoW forums. (But I'm finding that as time goes on and as EQ2 develops, I'm liking it more than WoW more all the time.) I don't like to see people slam either game, especially when, usually, it's unmerited and/or based on a bias of one sort or another. I find myself defending the underdog EQ2 more than WoW, and this is the EQ2 forum, so I'll address a couple of the things I've seen.

Combat in both games is easy. It's just a matter of repeating the same combination of spells/skills that works for you. Having soloed the Splitpaw pre-order instance, I've found some new tactical depth in EQ2 that I hadn't seen before - and more challenge. The groups of solo mobs your level or higher take some thought and planning to beat. There are wandering mobs that will eat you alive if they add on you while you're fighting, so there's pulling tactics involved. There's the puzzle elements too. I get 5 - 10% of a level clearing the instance, and a lot of loot.

I like Tradeskills. I'm keeping my tradeskill level near my adventurer level. I switch back and forth so I always have vitality in both. Tradeskilling in WoW is easy, but there really isn't a point to it other than making stuff for yourself, as far as I saw. Drops and quested items are always better and in good supply. I was never able to sell anything I made in the Auction House. I ended up just selling things I made the merchants or giving them away to random people. In EQ2 I've made almost a platinum selling things I make. With all the new people on now, It's getting even better. I can afford to make things for up and coming guildies and keep myself clothed in good gear. There is a real, deep and diverse economy based on player craftspeople in EQ2.
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