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EQ2 or WoW>> Which is better??Follow

#377 Mar 25 2005 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
What happend to wanting XP...and hunting names...and looking for that perfect drop youve wanted for so long...this isnt fun making your character unique through hard work...why would i want SOE to give me a 50 pally for christmas...the fun is working up there..and being proud for the awe all the lower level characters give ya...

Very true, but there is a huge difference between wanting xp and going on a hunt on the one hand and then having to wait 6 hours for a single spawn or only finding 7 mobs out of the 30 you need in one month.

There are limits that I hoped that sony would improve with in EQ II, they unfortunately did not.
#378 Mar 25 2005 at 11:38 PM Rating: Decent

Very true, but there is a huge difference between wanting xp and going on a hunt on the one hand and then having to wait 6 hours for a single spawn or only finding 7 mobs out of the 30 you need in one month.

There are limits that I hoped that sony would improve with in EQ II, they unfortunately did not.

Thats the way they want it to be...not everyone will have the willpower to sit and wait for that name to spawn...on EQOA we had to wait days for spawns oh higher level quest...just camp you main there make an alt..and check in to see if hes up later...thats the solution to that...or go level up a bit and go solo him when your LFG if hes up at the time you check. EQ2 is a great game...just have to have the right mind you want everyone to have that great ranger bow you worked so hard to get...or do you want to be the badass thats carrying 1 of the 5 types of that bow on the server
#379 Mar 26 2005 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
I have to agree with some, not all.. one thing i like better in WoW is that theres no XP debt, etc, etc.. i find it more.... planeed, but being a noob stinks... your dropped out in the middle of nowhere like DAoC as a lvl 1.. its different, but at lesat EQII gives a tutorial island of some sort.. EQII is fun, yet i still play my real time stragetys like Starcraft.. but I stopped playing EQII because i thought the way you have to buy your spells is retarded, nvm upgrading them.. o well.. maybe this new "Adventure Pack" might be something interesting to check out.
#380 Mar 26 2005 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
976 posts
I came from Lucan D'Lere "RP preferred" server where NO ONE RP'ED!! Community consisted of flaming Rp'ers over the General OOC chat, and arguing about politics. I didn't *want* to group with most of the people because most of the people just got me killed. Oh you CAN solo... but it takes way too damned long, and you don't get any decent drops.

I liked the Iksar thing, A LOT. I wish I still could play Iksar in WoW, which is impossible of course.

In WoW I'm on Cenarion Circle, an RP realm where a lot of people RP. We hold RP gatherings several times a week,lore telling, peaceful walks between factions, even a lot of the PvP is RP'ed out later on the boards we have. I have a nice group of friends there, on BOTH sides of the fence... I did not have this on EQ2 and I am now on WoW as long as I was on EQ2.

So the Community argument doesn't work for me.

The l33t d00dz argument doesn't work for me either. L33t d00dz are reported for breaking RP rules in CC, and asked to transfer to either PvE or PvP servers.

The economy is pretty healthy in WoW, unlike what I saw happening in EQ2 when I left. And yes -- go look on the official boards, people are definately complaining about the economy and how it's set up right now.

They just had a BIG update that added more items, more quests, fixed a lot of bugs, added new dungeons and instances, more mobs, and soon they will also release the Battlegrounds/Honor System patch...and unlike SOE's "Adventure Packs"...I get all this for free. These aren't even Expansion packs yet and still they add so much to the game already.

So the argument of "not enough content added" doesn't work.

Yes *some* of the servers go down for maitenence a lot. My server has been down for emergency maitenence 2 times since I started, and of course down 2 times for updates. EQ2 has maitenence every day at 7 am. Hm.

No, the server always down argument doesn't work for me.

To me it sums up like this:

SOE released EQ2 waaay too early. They DID cut out a lot of promised material (trust me I watched the little premiere they had out a couple years back showing armor, facial features, etc etc ) It COULD have been such a great game!! But got a lot of things right, but then ...just so totally missed other things.
And now they post an ad (I wonder how many people have seen it, was amusing) hitting Blizzard below the belt in a desperate attempt to win back some customers.

No, EQ2 is not a BAD game. Many people enjoy it, and I'm totally fine with that. But it lives up to almost no one's expectations of what it COULD have been and SHOULD have been. Something about the game just wasn't *fun* for me after level 15... and plus SOE's horrible customer service finally did it in for me.

Is WoW perfect? Nope. But I enjoy it, and so do many others. I love my server. All those griping about "no community" should try an RP server if they have any creative ability, maybe you'd like it better. Being a Troll Hunter is insanely fun, PvP is totally up to YOU if you want to do it or not (unless of course you go to a PvP server) and it's fun too. Money is not insanely hard to make or keep, stuff is pretty affordable, they add new content often with more on the way (and I would definately imagine several expansions being planned) and it's just *fun* for me. ME being the key word. If you try it and don't like it great, but don't knock it before you try it, and don't say it's "teh suxx0rz" just because you don't like it.

Edited, Sat Mar 26 15:02:40 2005 by Ivven
#381 Mar 26 2005 at 5:46 PM Rating: Decent
but I stopped playing EQII because i thought the way you have to buy your spells is retarded

you also have to buy your spells in warcraft at the trainers? its not much different.
#382 Mar 26 2005 at 6:09 PM Rating: Decent
They just had a BIG update that added more items, more quests, fixed a lot of bugs, added new dungeons and instances

if by "added new dungeons and instances" you mean added dire maul, it was already supposed to be in the game, it just wasn't ready yet. so its not really 'free' content since it was supposed to be in the boxed game. i think that's the only instance they added? why did you make it seem plural?

its clear that eq2 has added a lot more than WoW has, but also for the same reason. a lot of this stuff was also supposed to be in the eq2 launch before. but at least they patch often, instead of once every 4 months.

to me, the WoW patch was very dissapointing. they 'added' interface options which other people were already adding on their own, and tried to implement fixes that didn't really help anything, people are still complaining just as much. they're too busy trying to a find a balance to a pvp system to stop the whining, which is almost impossible.

Edited, Sat Mar 26 18:19:10 2005 by bloodwingss
#383 Mar 26 2005 at 11:07 PM Rating: Decent
EQ2 or WoW? At this point I would have to say for the casual small group player WoW is more entertainment for your dollar. I've watched both these games in development from concept to launch and we are seeing two philosophies in game design going up against each other.
EQ2 is about eye-candy and the world of Norrath. You are a player in the world not an intergral part of that world. Much of the design concept for EQ2 came from guild sights and boards such as this one. In all the press releases about EQ2 there was great emphasis placed on graphics, group raid level play and world development. The designers were fixated to the point of obsession on controling player behaviors such as twinking, exploitations and 3rd party spoilers. This has led to a game which is poorly scripted, heavy handed on player development and hostile to the casual or small group player. I admire EQ2 for bravely sticking to their guns on the group concept. However, I feel their ignorance of player patterns and lack of responce to customer concerns will lead to EQ2 experiencing the same fate as UO, Meridian 59 and Legends of Kesmai.
WoW had the extreme advantage of not having a legacy of success to bog them down. They focused on game play and a new concept for the MMORPG "Player Emersion". Yes there are 3rd party hacks, twinks and exploits. The graphics while impressive are not nearly as good as EQ2. But WoW made the brave decision to ignore the experts and focus on game play. This has led to a really fun game to play. The raid level group game is still lacking, but it is apparent that WoW is committed to developing this aspect. A wise move to hook the player first, then when everyone is comfortable with each other, work on the group play. If the WoW team can keep their spirits up through the sever problems, launch bugs and game balancing, I see a very bright future for this game and a shift in the industry from eye candy to mind candy.
#384 Mar 26 2005 at 11:22 PM Rating: Decent
No, EQ2 is not a BAD game. Many people enjoy it, and I'm totally fine with that. But it lives up to almost no one's expectations of what it COULD have been and SHOULD have been. Something about the game just wasn't *fun* for me after level 15... and plus SOE's horrible customer service finally did it in for me.

What im wondering is...did you make it past lvl far...the lower levels always kinds suck...gotta work your way to the top you know...the economy is set up for people to be unique and to have to work hard to be the best...when you get close to 30 and past that you have tons of fun and always something to do. So what if we get updates, its all for sure the programers hate coming to work as much as we do, but they do it for the customer...and the customer service has always been nice and respectful to me, probaly b/c i was nice and respectful to them...though they are not the brightest bulb in the drawer at times they try there best so give em a break.

Your right its not a bad game...its a GREAT game, that will fill many lives with joy for years...and my expectations to what it was gonna be was filled...and im putting my money on that my great expectations for the future will be filled...and one day people will talk about that game that tried to take on EQ2...what was it called WoW?

Edited, Sat Mar 26 23:23:26 2005 by powerfulpally
#385 Mar 27 2005 at 12:45 AM Rating: Decent
Thing about eq2... leveling is slow. And levels 20-30 are "hell levels" that seem to last forever. But after that, the game is awesome. Yes, there's a lot of emphasis on grouping. But let's put it this way: at least grouping has a purpose =P.
#386 Mar 27 2005 at 2:39 AM Rating: Decent
leveling is slow

that is true, but its not really a big deal. in warcraft, leveling was important because all the good stuff is at lvl 60, and you want to pvp so you feel rushed.

i don't really think about leveling at all in eq2, its not really a big facter, since there's plenty to do at all levels.
#387 Mar 27 2005 at 3:43 AM Rating: Decent
976 posts
Yes I made it past level 15 *look at my sig*

I had these;

Setissdraken 21 Iksar Inquisitor
Kaitar 18 Iksar Rogue
Izavahss (my main) 22 Iksar monk
Sijjvra Visz 15 Iksar Predator

After 20 it was just incredibly difficult to solo at a reasonable pace. And it got boring. I'm sorry but I got BORED STIFF after 20. And the RP on my server was CRAP. Storyline is essential to me in a game.

At 48 now in WoW, I'll probably hit 49 either tomorrow or the next day. The difference is, that yes...while you do slow down leveling after 35 or 40... it doesn't feel boring. You can quest, you can instance, you can solo, you can go PvP, and on my server there's RP events going on all the time to keep me from getting bored. I get nice loot even when I solo, and can make enough money for my gear. I can go train a new pet if I want (as a Hunter) or just go explore without having to worry about some awful death penalty if I die. Why *should* dying be a penalty? Yes, it cost money to repair my gear but *shrug* it encourages me to ask myself "can I take out that 49 elite solo? Can I run across the plague lands? I wonder if I can take out that Alliance Mage that's flagged for PvP..." instead of "Oh I don't want to do that, if I die something bad happens"


Play what you like. I like WoW. If you like EQ2, as I said, that's well and good, but don't knock the other until you've tried it.

Oh, Edit: No I do NOT feel rushed to level in this game. I've been in my 40's for 3 weeks now, because there is so much else going on Server wise. In EQ2 I had nothing to do BUT level, so maybe that's why it felt like a grind to me.

Edited, Sun Mar 27 03:48:45 2005 by Ivven
#388 Mar 27 2005 at 4:46 AM Rating: Default
30 posts
The difference is, that yes...while you do slow down leveling after 35 or 40... it doesn't feel boring. You can quest, you can instance, you can solo, you can go PvP, and on my server there's RP events going on all the time to keep me from getting bored.

Ummm, in EQ2 you can quest, instance, and solo after 35 or 40. I find it interesting that you would even bring this point up since according to your own sig you never got past 22 on EQ 2.

At 48 now in WoW, I'll probably hit 49 either tomorrow or the next day.

Well, don't hurt yourself.

I've been in my 40's for 3 weeks now...

Oh dear. Unless you just live for PvP, I hope you are not looking for high-end content since according to your own post it took you three weeks to breeze through the 40's and like you said, you'll probably hit 49 tomorrow. Good luck with that. Come back in a a few days win you cap out and tell us how that's going...

Edited, Sun Mar 27 04:47:39 2005 by Datheenker
#389 Mar 27 2005 at 6:28 AM Rating: Decent
976 posts
Sir, or Ma'am, I'm on a ROLE PLAY Server.

That means I ROLE PLAY a story. Leveling means almost nothing to me. I level to Defend.

End Game for me;

Role Playing my character. As I said, CC server has TONS of RP events daily going on. Awesome community. Would be pretty hard to get bored with all the creative people around.

I'm an AVID Horde Defender. We actually have SHIFTS we Defend on.

I need to find Hurricane, the Epic Bow. Help friends in Instances - yes we even ROLE PLAY our Instances.

Why will I reach 49 possibly tomorrow? Because after almost a week of being 48 I have a lot of rested EXP. *winks* It's taken me...oh... 2.5 months to get to 48, not a lot of time, but time well spent having FUN. Did I have fun in EQ2 getting multiple characters to 15+ in 2 months? NO I DID NOT. So who are you to say I am wrong for having FUN? If you have fun in EQ2 great! I'm very glad... that's the point I try to make. Play what you like, but don't knock the other game just because you *think* one is better.

So if you're the typical *grind grind grind* gamer, yeah it'd be boring at 60, but I'm not. EQ2's "Role Play" server had NO ROLEPLAY! We had Flamers come on all the time and FLAME us for trying! Uh, no thanks. It was really upsetting. I love my Server's atmosphere, I am having a blast.

#390 Mar 27 2005 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
Sir, or Ma'am, I'm on a ROLE PLAY Server.

That means I ROLE PLAY a story. Leveling means almost nothing to me. I level to Defend.

End Game for me

So if you're the typical *grind grind grind* gamer, yeah it'd be boring at 60, but I'm not. EQ2's "Role Play" server had NO ROLEPLAY! We had Flamers come on all the time and FLAME us for trying! Uh, no thanks. It was really upsetting. I love my Server's atmosphere, I am having a blast. (Quote)

I understand that your a roleplayer and it makes your day to act and talk like a dwarf or whatever you sorry that not everyone respects that your on a role play server and only role players should choose that server.

Im just hoping you dont dress up in cosplay and walk around looking like an elf....j/k

But there is going to be an *** on any MMORPG you play so why knock EQ2 for the few immature people that wont respect you, just dont expect me to start talkin like im a dwarf when im human playing on a PC game...i like to keep it that cant expect others to roleplay though just because you want to

Edited, Sun Mar 27 11:13:25 2005 by powerfulpally
#391 Mar 29 2005 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
976 posts
Huh? Eer.... I play a Troll who doesn't speak with the typical "mon" accent. I don't care HOW you roleplay as long as - and yes, Blizz has RP Server RULES unlike SOE - you follow the rules, which means: No l33t speak, no flaming, in /say and /shout you're supposed to be In Character.

Other than that I'm by FAR no RP ****.

I'm just saying; No. I will NOT be bored in 12 more levels like so many say I will be. I will not "have seen all there is". The community is GREAT on my server.

My point was the arguments that everyone throws at me:

You'll get bored at 60
WoW Community sucks
By level xx you've seen all there is
It's "too easy"

Have no bearing on me. For others perhaps those arguments are true, but not for to generalize that they are solid truth is a bit wrong. As I've said all along...when I list faults I found with EQ2 I always empahsized it with * I PERSONALLY did not like xx or xx" or "FOR ME it was blah blah" but I always end in stating "if you like EQ2 then play it, play what you like, but don't flame needlessly" or something of that nature.

Generalization is bad. Do not assume anything about someone else. What is fun for you is not fun for me. What is boring for you is a good time for me. Both games have good and bad points. Neither game is perfect, but neither is bad. I personally just didn't like EQ2 for a few reasons.

That's been my point the whole dang thread.
#392 Mar 29 2005 at 8:45 PM Rating: Decent
all i can say is i haven't been able to log into warcraft for about a week now since the patch made things so bad, especially today since maitenance seems to take about 20 hours every tuesday.
#394 Mar 31 2005 at 5:45 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
So to summarise that -

WoW = checkers

EQ2 = chess

and yes, it does take longer to play chess than checkers.

Just did my first real raid in EQ2 last night (12 people) and it only took a couple of hours if that. Do I believe as Shadowrelm says that the gameplay on IoR was better. Hell no Smiley: laugh
#395 Apr 01 2005 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
539 posts
Lol..12 people to raid?
In WoW, we tried to raid Undercity last night last night (and it was also my first raid BTW)
We were, at least, 80-90 owned by the defenders.
It was the most fun thing i have ever experienced in a game.

And Shadowrelm...i guess you hit the point. Gratz on your comments: serious, healthy and focused. Nice to have people like you in the community.
#396 Apr 01 2005 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
Pasho says:
And Shadowrelm...i guess you hit the point. Gratz on your comments: serious, healthy and focused. Nice to have people like you in the community.

Umm no. I understand why you would see his comments that way since he's coming from the "WOW rocks, EQ2 sux" side as you do, but no.

His comments are bogus to say the least. They are distorted and highly biased by an apparently poor gaming experience. I'm not saying they aren't legitimate opinions, but "healthy"? "focused"? come on.

I can't even figure out what game he was playing, because it wasn't the same EQ2 I play and have played since day 1.

He makes claims like "EQ2 is group mandatory" "You can't solo in EQ2 after level 10" (or level 15 or whatever level he picked, can't remember) and other completely bullcrap comments.
#397 Apr 01 2005 at 7:37 PM Rating: Decent
170 posts
I can't even figure out what game he was playing, because it wasn't the same EQ2 I play and have played since day 1.

He makes claims like "EQ2 is group mandatory" "You can't solo in EQ2 after level 10" (or level 15 or whatever level he picked, can't remember)

Agreed, he seems biased and his experiences definitely differ from mine. I've been solo probably 70% of the time from level 1 to 28 and I've never specifically gone group seeking for xp grinding.

Quests don't lead from one to the other like one person said they do in WOW (well in some instances they do and they are adding a lot more of's on the test server now). I like questing in EQ2 and have done 284 of them /shrug.

Which game is better? I don't really care. I haven't played WOW so I won't even comment on it.
#398 Apr 02 2005 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
we need to rename this thread to evercraft 2 vs wow
#399 Apr 04 2005 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
Im soloing right now in varsoons at bro a 50 conjurer solo's constantly...almost all the way to yea i know for a fact you can solo your way up there.....and that 80-90 people for a raid...thats a bit much isnt still get owned makes me think that theres was 80-90 people who didnt know what they was doing lol.

But i dont really care, ill play EQ2, you play WoW, my old lady will play the sims. But dont make false claims that you cant solo your way up in EQ2...if your a wizard what did you expect..wanna solo with that class...better learn to kite...but the way ive found is ill start finishing little quest while im LFG...eventually i will get a tell for a grp + i still get quest done and equipment to sell...wasnt a hard formula for me to figure out..all you have to do is get to 30 for this formula to work...i admit when i was under 20 it was rough, but come on, nature isnt nice to baby animals....EQ2 isnt nice to baby toons. So my best advice is to keep at it and make a name for yourself...then tell me your gripes with EQ2 when you get 30+...seems the only ones i see griping are the low levels..and trust me the low levels suck for me ane almost everyone else so dont feel alone.

It feels good to have a high level pimped out toon...if it was easy to get him/her the best you want them to be though you wouldnt have that feeling of satisfaction...
#400 Apr 04 2005 at 10:19 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
The fact that somebody actually said that they prefer WoW because the whole game reminds them of the newbie area of EQ 2 just about says it all in my opinion. Good luck with that...
#401 Apr 05 2005 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent
But dont make false claims that you cant solo your way up in EQ2...if your a wizard what did you expect..wanna solo with that class...better learn to kite...but the way ive found is ill start finishing little quest while im LFG...eventually i will get a tell for a grp

So, you solo whilst looking for a group and still insist that you can solo up to a high level?

Question, what kind of xp are you getting from those 'little' quests to still be able to call it 'soloing' when you are continuously looking for a group?

What kind of xp are you getting in Varsoons?

The hard time of the game is not under lvl 20, that just flies by, it's the mid twenties that are just too much of a bother.
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