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EQ2 or WoW>> Which is better??Follow

#327 Mar 02 2005 at 6:04 AM Rating: Decent
976 posts
Not once did any of us -- that I've bothered to read *that does indeed mean I skip over posts that flame and name call intentionally- say "omfg you should come right now to play WoW"

What we posted : The reasons WE personally left EQ2.

The things we liked and disliked about both games. That is what this thread is about.

Why we finally chose WoW over EQ2 was posted. Not "WoW own0rz EQ2"

Maybe you should go back and re-read a little more carefully ;)
#328 Mar 02 2005 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent
Then you need to go re-read the posts you skipped Ivven.
The message from several of the WOW players (not all by any means) was that anyone still playing EQ2 is a moron or worse.

Don't get me wrong, there's some on the EQ2 side doing the same, but I don't notice it quite as much being as I'm on that side :) I don't think WOW players are morons, I do think that anyone who thinks one size fits all is foolish. There's reasons to enjoy either or both games, or even to watch Iron Chef America (personally I prefer the japanese version, its funny as anything).
#329 Mar 02 2005 at 7:24 AM Rating: Decent
On another note for those indicating that there's a mad rush away from EQ2 and towards WOW:

EverQuest II – 350,000 Players Strong, No Waiting
EverQuest II continues to grow at an amazing rate, not just in the number of players that have fallen in love with the game's rich, entertaining content, but also in the physical size of the world. We've got over 350,000 people logging in to our servers every week, with no delays or wait times and the game they are playing is only getting better.

True? Dunno. Wouldn't suprise me if there's 350k accounts though, and even many of you WOW players admit to maintaining your EQ2 account still... does anyone have a similiar claim from WOW?
#330 Mar 02 2005 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
well not to be a bit of a downer but that type of stuff is pure marketing spin.. (I work in marketing so I should know) is that 350,000 players or 350,000 characters? (yes they said "players" however they didn't say how many were alts) that was left a little gray and that's the key to marketing spin.. making the gray seem absolute through verbage...

regardless of weather it's true or not... if the people would simply do what they enjoy, without malice or harmful intent to others..(be it verbal or otherwise) and not worry about everyone else the world and the gaming community would be a much better place...

questions like "which is better" when presented in this context HAVE NO ANSWER!!! It is pure, one hundred percent, opinion. For the love of all that crawls give it up allready.

for every bad thing stated about EQ2 I can easily find a good thing about the same point... If I played WoW I'm sure I could do the same for it...

For those playing WoW now, that's good.. enjoy it, do the EQ2 allakhazam community a favor and post in the WoW forum and let this thread which has FAR outlived it's usefulness and is nothing more than a name-calling flame-fest die..... stop playing the "I have to get in the last word on this and show them they're wrong about <insert game here>" card....

Threads like this don't exist in the WoW forum because the instant any opinion other than "WoW is the best" shows up they get nuked to sub-default and flamed better than a prime cut of beef at a 4th of july barbeque... it's a fan board so this is to be expected.. perhaps we should do that here afterall...

Since it appears common courtesy isn't going to prevail and people seem bound and determined to not let bygones be bygones.. perhaps fear of a guaranteed karma blasting would bring this to an end.

truth be told, I think we're a bit too nice in this forum (some of us anyway Smiley: wink) to truly blast someone just for having a differing opinion... But there's no doubt this thread is useless now since any good information was given LONG ago (with a few exceptions.. VERY few) and now it's just mud-slinging and trite... or information about WoW that honestly belongs in a WoW forum... if it's not allready there.

maybe this thread should be locked....

I swear, I should go back to just reading.

/bow Mistress Nadenu

I'm going beyond that... I'm going back to playing my game of choice.. I was saving up for a horse in EQ2 but if this is the way people treat horses.... I may have to status-up for that flying carpet... no wait.. those get beaten too...
#331 Mar 02 2005 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
198 posts

The company's most recent release was World of Warcraft®, the massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) based on the award-winning Warcraft series. It launched on November 23, 2004 in North America, Australia, and New Zealand, and promptly shattered all sales records for a PC title, as well as setting records for account creation and peak concurrency for an online game. It became the fastest PC title to sell over 240,000 units, with the biggest day one sell through in PC history. In less than three months, it had already sold over 800,000 copies in North America. With a subscriber base of more than 750,000 players and peak concurrency of over 250,000 users, World of Warcraft is now the biggest online game in North America.

Within a few months of launching in North America, World of Warcraft also launched in Korea and Europe with equal success. On January 18, 2005, World of Warcraft released in Korea, and in just one day had achieved peak concurrency of over 100,000 players. Most recently, the game launched in Europe on February 11, 2005, to even greater success than in North America. In its first day alone, World of Warcraft sold through over 280,000 copies, and in just three days, it had already sold over 380,000 units. After just its first weekend, Europe had already hit peak concurrency of over 180,000 players. World of Warcraft is now slated to release in China later this year.

This is information that gossamer, Eater of Souls requested.
#332 Mar 02 2005 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
Nice info Toco. Sounds like both games are at least claiming to do extremely well. You guys know what that means right? OMG they are both doing well? Actually that's extremely good for all of us, both the EQ2ers and the WOWers. Because competition is nothing but positive for the player base.

Having a lock on the market is bad for the consumers. If one company has all the market, that means they don't need to work to keep your business.

So I'm absolutely thrilled that WOW is doing well. That can only mean that SOE will continue to try and make EQ2 better. I may not agree with some of their choices, but I know they'll have to keep working hard to keep my, and everyone elses, business.

So Yay! Wow! Yay! EQ2! Yay whoever is in 3rd place. I hope there is a 3rd place finisher who's nibbling at Blizzard and SOE's market share. I don't know who that would be though. But I hope they are out there.

#333 Mar 02 2005 at 1:24 PM Rating: Decent
198 posts
Of course, those numbers don't really mean anything. They are just big numbers that marketing uses to push their stock and to sell more games.

Are there 750,000 actual players? How many of those have canceled their accounts? There are 250,000 concurrent players; does that mean that peak times are 250,000? Is that compared to EQ2's 350,000? Are those 350,000 concurrent players or total players or total boxes sold?

I really dislike how marketing puts a 'spin' on everything. Throw numbers out to wow and bedazzle. I would really like to see how many players are actually playing each game. It would be interesting to find out the rate at which gamers tend to join/leave/play MMORPGs.

I agree that competition keeps the games healthy and fresh. EA is a scary company though. Hostile takeover on Ubisoft...

There was one game I was really looking forward to and that was Mythica. It was a Microsoft game so I was weary of it but it looked good and fun. Now canceled.

WOW!!! And doing a lookup of Mythica provides this I wonder if he will be reviving the game...
#334 Mar 02 2005 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent

Once again you failed to recognize the very simple fact that you are doing the exact same thing. You stated WoW is superior to EQ2, I stated EQ2 is superior to WoW and exactly why I believed it. If you have a problem with my description or feel insulted by it then you have a choice to reply, refute, or ignore it.

You get on to me concerning whether I feel superior or more intelligent when you clearly made a sarcastic remark concerning how many posts I have essentially somehow believing that my credibility is built on number of posts which is equivalent to stating the amount of words coming out of a persons mouth should determine whether they are truthful or not.

I am stating my disgust and utter disdain for everything Warcraft. The question was which is better, I answer with my version of why just like you answered with your version. Apparently my version (the graphics and level of depth are severely lacking) is unacceptable to you while your version is perfectly acceptable to you. Gee, I wonder how that works? How about you directly answer my questions rather than dodge them by characterizing what you believe my attitude or my point of view is.

You stated there is a huge difference between adding my comments or explaining my point of view on a forum and insulting others or the game they play. Not really. I may take it as an insult simply that you stated WoW was superior to EQ2. In which case stating anything opinion based is automatically insulting to someone which disagrees. Your trying to make the case that because I disagree with you I should keep quiet.

Notice what I stated in my earlier post which you refer to as insulting, clearly indicating it was MY OPINION and nothing more:
"That TO ME SEEMS quite an inferior experience to even think of delving into". I state I think the EXPERIENCE (the gaming experience in WoW) is inferior. Why is that insulting? Should I instead state I the gaming experience is wonderful and better than EQ2 and lie? heh, I suppose you wouldn't consider that insulting at all and therefore would allow me to state it.

As far as feeling superior to those who watch Disney movies, I don't. My son watches the Wiggles. I just stated that I'd rather not play a fantasy game that looks like your in the world of "The Wiggles" and prefer a game based in a LOTR type environment.
#335 Mar 02 2005 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
This entire thread is based on opinion. There is no real clear way to definitively state something is the best. Go with the one has more subscribers than the other and recognize how many crap games have been best sellers in the past. Same goes with a lot of movies. Of course crap in some people's opinions. Perhaps the greatest movie of all time is Jurassic Park since it made the most money (or whatever movie is currently on top). I'll say it again, this entire thread is based on OPINION, and why shouldn't it be. A thread where people are stating something someone else likes is not as good as what they themself likes is insulting. So what? Should we never speak for fear of insulting others or speak our minds? Anyone who disagrees with my belief that EQ2 is better than WoW because the WoW world looks like poopy doopy twinkle town is insulting me and my intelligence. Should that bother you? Nope, and unless I have serious problems I think I'll recover.

There's one for those posting on "agreeing to disagree", that's a bit obvious. Of course people will have to agree to disagree given a thread based on 2 opposite opinions. If you don't want to argue then don't state your opinion, easiest way to go.
#336 Mar 02 2005 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
198 posts
First off, please paste my post where I was sarcastic and remarked that your credibility is equal to your number of posts.

Secondly, I have never, well I won't use never since I am not sure... But I do not recall ever saying that WoW was a superior game. I posted the reasons I did not like EQ2, which have nothing to do with WoW. If you read through my posts, I was unhappy with EQ2, for those same reasons, long before I even played WoW. I was against WoW as a matter of fact. I even defended EQ2 vs WoW's PvP.

My beef was with EQ2 and how the 'Vision' of the game was being implemented and changing the entire gaming experience. Not a simple "Warriors are doing too much damage with a knife" but a "You were never meant to get good loot or solo group mobs, so that is going away... Right now. Bye!". To me, that is a totally unfinished product where you have to go to extremes and change the landscape of the game. I can understand tweaking but the core game should have been done during testing.

I explained the reasons I was unhappy and no longer having fun with the game. Even in my previous posts I expressed my like for the technologies of EQ2 but felt that the graphics in WoW were not less, they were just different.

Regardless, I feel that it is in the way you presented your opinion that caused me to post my previous post to you. To me, there is a difference between saying:

The graphics in EQ2 have a 'plastic' look to them and are too shiny. I can turn down the lighting and other options to make it look less shiny and more workable.

Or saying:

The graphics in EQ2 look so fake and plastic like "Barbie as Rapunzel". Enjoy your CGI Barbie world!

Heh, and that is so fitting too. It reminded me of that horrible overplayed Barbie song that said "I'm made of plastic". Just the fact that I know what that said... Anyway.

I have no problem with you or anyone else posting their opinion about anything. Its the way the opinion was presented that caused my reaction. You can give your opinion without insulting those that like said product. Why would I, or anyone else, feel insulted? Let's look at what you said:

Can't imagine how people can possibly get behind playing a game that looks like WoW/Pokemon. Takes more imagination than I've got to play a game that looks like a Disney movie and imagine its a JRR Tolkien type of world. Have fun with your poopydoo happy super duper Warcraft/Pokemon game.

"quirky sense of humour" (/ie complete moron nerd humour, the type that makes you feel sorry for the person that made it in the first place). Can't believe there are people that actually found the ending in WarcraftIII funny. The shadowknight guy playing guitar like he's a "rockstar", oh that was so incredibly hilarious woo hoo... if your in the first grade.

Continue to defend it. Still just a low polygon count poor graphical cartoon that attempts to be funny in a way that makes one want to almost never play another game for the rest of their life in fear that they might be subjected to something so moronic again.

Nice 1st Grader logic. (edited) Lets just say they made WoW free, no wait, they actually PAID people to play it. Doesn't change the fact that the game has "My Little Pony" graphics. I'd rather Aragorn/Gimli/Balrog type characters to look like Aragorn/Gimli/Balrog than Pikachu, but that's just my personal taste I suppose. Like I said before enjoy your little Strawberry Shortcake World of Warcraft game.

I simply stated that if you like your fantasy games to look like Dance Dance Revolution or Pokemon then go ahead. I enjoy the graphical look of Everquest. I enjoyed movies like Lord of the Rings and prefer that look to some Disney movie that to me seems quite an inferior experience to even think of delving into.

If youre the type of person that likes Dance Dance Revolution over Knights of the Old Republic then perhaps I could understand why you would choose WoW over EQ2.

Anyone who disagrees with my belief that EQ2 is better than WoW because the WoW world looks like poopy doopy twinkle town is insulting me and my intelligence.

Now let's take one of your explanations as to why you said what you said. This is the catalyst that confirms your previous comments were also insults, which is how I read them. This, as well as your '1st grade' comment.

As far as feeling superior to those who watch Disney movies, I don't. My son watches the Wiggles. I just stated that I'd rather not play a fantasy game that looks like your in the world of "The Wiggles" and prefer a game based in a LOTR type environment.

You associate WoW with Pokemon, My Little Pony, Strawberry Shortcake, Mary Poppins, Disney, The Wiggles and other cartoons that I may have missed by name. Cartoons that are marketing driven, made for children and/or girly in nature.

What I understood from your comments was that (this is excluding the post where you flat out call people that find something funny which you do not, morons) anyone that likes WoW is a childish, immature moron that is inferior to you and likes cartoons that are made for children, primarily girls.

That is not an opinion as to why you like EQ2 over WoW, it is an insult, or if you prefer opinion, to anyone that likes WoW. There is no 'agree to disagree' here. Its a 'if you like WoW you are a sissy that is a moron and is lead by the nose through marketing'. It is that 'feeling', that I get from your posts, that I am referring too.

Your posts contain no constructive criticism and appear to only be made to inflame and insult. Your opinion, if name calling is an opinion, is not only about 2 distinct games, but about the gamers that choose to play them.

I'm not asking you to agree with me or to accept that I am right or to lie and pretend you like WoW. I do ask that you take your fellow gamers into consideration when posting.

I believe an opinion shouldn't be so biased as to be insulting to those that differ from your views. That sounds more like bashing. If in fact you feel so biased, then I ask that you be civil and post what you like so much about EQ2. Leave the bashing for in-game mobs.

I also believe in 'discussing' over 'arguing'. Arguing already carries too much emotion with it.
#337 Mar 04 2005 at 2:41 AM Rating: Decent
Lol, this thread cracked me up. I played EQ for years and bought WOW. The day I bought it, I played it for 2 hours and instantly cancelled my EQ account, that's all it took. The graphics in WOW are jaw dropping. The first time I took a flight on a gryphon, I was jumping around the room with how awesome it looked. I don't even know what people are talking about when they talk about cartoon graphics. The game is BEAUTIFUL in the extreme.

Next, PVP is awesome. A small thing people have been leaving out, the game is set up as horde verses alliance. That is part of the overall feel of the game. Horde can't talk to alliance, alliance can't talk to horde. I've played both sides. They are both enormously fun, and the subtlety in the game and the faction interaction, and the COMPLEXITY of the game have yet to be fully conveyed to people that haven't played the game to 60 and that have a brain and actually pay attention to the quests and the back story. There is depth here, great depth, and huge potential that would make EQ seem like child's play.

I'm not speaking about EQ2 you might notice, but I was contemplating trying it out, until I read this thread, that nixed it for me. Then again, some people don't look for subtle complexity in games, they just like time syncs and group dependent game play. Hey, that was EQ and EQ drove me crazy. If EQ2 even slightly resembles EQ, then it is not for me at all.

Also to the poster that implied that WOW is childish in content because they feel the graphics are cartoonish, that's rediculous. There are many adult cartoons in the world. But, once again, I don't even really understand what they mean. I have yet to see a cartoon look this good, especially one I can interact with. So, peace and by the way, if your undecided stay away from WOW because it's too crowded as it is. I don't want ques on my server. LOL.
#338 Mar 04 2005 at 2:45 AM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Go Toco and Ivven! Heheh, all I know is that I'm having fun, and it ain't in Norrath!

And I'm not criticizing anyone for liking EQ2 - as I've said before there is much to be commended about it - for me, however, the negatvies are just too overwhelming. If someone else likes it - I'm honestly happy for them.

And you know, a few weeks ago I was exploring Stormwind - and I said to the other EvilGnome, "This place looks like Disneyland! It has a Cinderella's Castle aspect to it - and also - like how every square foot of Disneyland has been thought about, planned or groomed (and by a person who is creative and good at it) - this whole world is like that. Every part of it - city, woods, minor river, remote jungle - whatever - has been well made - just like Disneyland - if you ever go to Disneyland just study the place - the details everywhere - the stylized feel... the place is amazing, as is WoW. So if the H-trifecta guy wants to call WoW Disneyland, hey, I'm cool with it.

Most important thing about WoW for me: I do not feel like I'm "grinding" - instead I'm having fun! Remember fun? It's a good thing, btw (in honor of Martha getting out of jail there - hadta work it in (the "it's a good thing" comment)). GL!
#339 Mar 04 2005 at 4:12 AM Rating: Decent
At lvl 42 I have only grinded once in EQ2.

Thoose who say WoW is better then EQ2 might be right but what bothers me is none of them have hit the higher levels in EQ2.

EQ2 gets better and better every frigging day.

If you feel your grinding your doing something wrong.. Way wrong!
#340 Mar 04 2005 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
539 posts
First i want to clarify that, this being a place for EQ2, i will only say my experience with that game. I am not going to compare EQ2 to anything.

I posted this thing because i bought EQ2 and paid my fee. man!... i didn't even finish the trial period. Why? Because the game sucks! And i dont care if saying that is a matter of opinnion or reasons:
1. I bought a brand new Super PC and Internet connection just to play EQ2. I go home, install the game and the freaking game starts lagging as hell!! WTF?? Went to the forums, checked things and found out that you have to use the International Space Station computers just to play it (using only low settings!!)
What is that??? EXCUSES!! Was SoE thinking in the future?? well..good luck then...maybe in 10 years i will see again how is EQ2 doing. THAT is future.
Having this kind of start with a game is frustrating and sad.
Why should i feel like i just got a 286pc machine when i just spent that money in a computer?? Because Soe said so? ...Doh!!

2.For me, a game means options. The more options you have, the richer your game experience. a) Start playing EQ2 (on a frame style as Toco said, because of the lag) and i found out that i have to stay inside a tiny, studid, depressing room for ages just to sell one item. WTF?? Did i bought a game to become a "prisoner"?? No way!!
b)"We have no intention of implement PvP in EQ2" What is that??? For sure is not least you should have that option. c) "We have added tons of solo and small group content".....what?? it wasn't there before?? so, what i was doing then?? I dont like to play always in a group...

3.Supergraphics?? what is supergraphics when your char looks like other 300 guys out there wearing the same robe, the same stick and with the same way of moving?? lol...that is like the Blue Man
We have the technology to see 3D pictures from the surface of Mars and computers capable of sending pictures and graphics from the moons of Jupiter but uncapable of running EQ2?? lol..can simply laugh at that

4.I hate when someone is not loyal and stabs another in the back.
350,000 Players, No Waiting -- SOE Subscribers Can Play the Game They're Paying to Play, When They Want To
We believe strongly in ensuring that the players can get into EverQuest II whenever they want. Understandably, all MMO games have downtime for maintenance and patching, but we don't believe in making our players wait to play our games. Players are paying a monthly subscription to play a game and our job is to work hard to let them play it as much as, and when, they choose.

Ohhh Really????? Then what happenened with my money when i couldn't play because your darn servers were all down?? What happened when, because of the stupid lag, i couldn't even move??
COME ON!!! Be honest!!! We have people here saying that we should not compare games right?? then how do we call what SOE is doing ????? A marketing campaign??? COME ON!!!

I mean...i dont want to continue.
Flaming? maybe, but that is not my intention...just stating my opinnion. I am not comparing anything. It is just my experience.
Wanna see future? wanna see supergfx? excellent games?? Have you seen what is under development lately?? (I'm not gonna mention names) THAT MY FRIENDS IS FUTURE.

Edited, Fri Mar 4 11:18:58 2005 by Pasho
#341 Mar 04 2005 at 1:34 PM Rating: Good
I bought a brand new Super PC and Internet connection just to play EQ2. I go home, install the game and the freaking game starts lagging as hell!! WTF?? Went to the forums, checked things and found out that you have to use the International Space Station computers just to play it

So your saying that you went out and bought a new computer JUST to play a game......and didnt even check out the games specs first?

Don't blame the game just because you are thick headed. It is not the games fault that you just hoped off the little bus.

We have no intention of implement PvP in EQ2" What is that??? For sure is not freedom...

OK once said you bought a NEW COMPUTER just to play this game.....and you didnt even read up on it. They had said from well before beta that they had no inclination to add PvP. The only suprise is for people to stupid to read up on something before they invest money in it.

Want to buy a bridge? Great investment and I'll cut you a deal.

Listen to yourself for Gods sake.

#342 Mar 04 2005 at 1:37 PM Rating: Good
Wanna see future? wanna see supergfx? excellent games?? Have you seen what is under development lately??

Psssst......your computer wont play it...dont worry about it...LOL
#343 Mar 04 2005 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
539 posts

That kind of remark is pretty dumb (i see the "thick headed" here is you).
Of course I read the specs and they are way below of what i have now in my machine.
I give the part of the PvP...yes..i did not know that for EQ2. But that is the minor part of my comment, anyway if it is not there, it means less options, right?? That's what i was referring to in my comment.

You say that all those other games will not run on my machine???...LOL...ha ha ha ha ha...let me laugh!!! What do u think I am testing now?? lol.... and even in beta stage they are light years ahead of EQ2.
Just to mention some things: Do your toons in EQ2 get scars from combat? Do your toons develop different physical appareances according to their professions? Do they get fat or thin if they eat in excess or not?? How being fat effect your movement speed? Do they bleed in combat?? (Just to mention some, the easy ones)
ha ha ha ha ha ...yes...that is in development right now... ;)

And please, i was critizing the game...i did not named anyone, please!!
you can call me anything you want, i really dont mind...but it just won't make the game any just proves what i am saying. No solid arguments to show what the game supposedly offers...only personnal offenses.
#344 Mar 04 2005 at 5:39 PM Rating: Decent
154 posts
It is a very interesting and long thread to read. I found myself keep coming back to read what happened to each of you when I'm at work :) I'm glad to find out some of you are very happy now :D

I never played EQ or EQ2, it's still very interesting to see what you guys say about the game.

I quit FFXI because it starts to do more damage than good to real life after a year. I started to play the game purely because of it's character design (tarutaru that is :) and graphic, more addicted to it because of that, too.

I once told myself and others I'll never play WoW because its charcater looks all ugly... well I did somehow get a open beta key for WoW (didn't get a beta key for EQ) and start playing retail. All I have to say is it really looks different once you start playing your char (cape graphic, that alone made me happy). The game has vivid color and rich in texture. I would say if you compare realism graphic type game to work of Leonardo Da Vinci, then WoW could be Claude Monet. While everyone can feel breathtaken on first sigh of "Mona Lisa", fewer can really appreciate "Lily Pond".

To be fair, WoW is easy, user friendly and fun, but really lack of end game content. I hope Blizzard will add more stuff soon (currently underdevelopment). From what I read EQ2 has a lot to do in end game, but lvl up is very hard. Sounds like FFXI, I admire friend's achievement and people end game screenshot all the time, as much as I wish I could be there myself, my patient has wear thin after not feeling accomplish much after a year.

Just out of curiosity, from many of your EQ2 player's argument, EQ2 has really good graphic which is really made for future computer and gameplay somewhat incomplete at this moment. So what will make me to play this game now instead of after 2 years?

#345 Mar 05 2005 at 1:42 AM Rating: Good
57 posts
Today PC can run EQ2 very well without lag, unless you turn up the graphics option to "extreme". Mind you, I can run EQ2 very smoothly at "balance" setting at 1024x768 resolutions (a 2.5Gz, 1G RAM and FX5700 graphics card). If you experiance lag, then your PC is either underpower or has a serious adware/virus infection problem Or maybe you're using 1200x1000 and above resolutions. Besides there are at least 30++ graphics options for you to customise the graphics of EQ2. Those includes shadow, lighting effects, spells boom effect, water reflection, rendering distance etc. (WoW has nothing as comprehensive to customise). If you are expecting no lag when you turn every options to max, you are asking for the impossible with today technology. To get the best performance out of any latest game, you need to optimise your PC/OS for it. Even for WoW. Anyway WoW lag is a serious problem (2-3 times every 30min, very annoying). Randomly my character gets frozen in looting or battle position for up to 1 min. That is with ADSL connection. Never seen this kind of lag in EQ2 with ADSL connection (5-6 hours continuos play).

Those that say WoW is more fun than EQ2 for casual players, that is entirely your opnions. There are equal number of us that find that EQ2 is more fun than WoW as casual player. WoW's world might use a lot of colours to make it lively but it destroy the evironment in some area. Prime example is the undead newbie area in WoW, it should be eerie and oozing with evil. Yet you don't get that kind of feeling there. On the other hand, Freeport in EQ2 might just be grey and dull but that is to be expected of an evil city and that adds to the mood. With insults and taunts flying in your direction everywhere you go even as newbie, it just enhanced the environment of "evil". If you think EQ2 need more grinding than WoW, you really don't know how to play EQ2. In both WoW and EQ2, you only grind if you choose to.

Both games are great. Althought I play both, but my preference is with LOTR type of environment which only EQ2 can give me. Most likely will be cancelling WoW account soon. Besides, I love mobs taunting me during fight in EQ2.
#346 Mar 05 2005 at 5:09 AM Rating: Decent
From what I read EQ2 has a lot to do in end game, but lvl up is very hard. Sounds like FFXI, I admire friend's achievement and people end game screenshot all the time, as much as I wish I could be there myself, my patient has wear thin after not feeling accomplish much after a year

Not exactly the same though, the major difference is ofcourse that there is only one 'job' to level up in EQ II instead of having to level up several jobs with the same character in FF XI. A huge difference :)

Just out of curiosity, from many of your EQ2 player's argument, EQ2 has really good graphic which is really made for future computer and gameplay somewhat incomplete at this moment. So what will make me to play this game now instead of after 2 years?

The graphics in EQ II are indeed very nice, the spell effects in particular are often excellent, but you don't need the uber-computer to have a decent graphic in EQ II. Like Zorrk stated, with a decent computer you can have good graphics, with minimal lag (personally use a 2.0 ghz, 1 gig of ram which is absolutely necessary and a Radeon 9800 pro), I tend to only lag using the griffin. (after a couple of hours also in the city, sometimes)

Levelling in WoW is easier, you get a lot more xp from killing mobs that in EQ II. EQ is a lot more quest oriented, perfectly soloable but then you have to concentrate on doing quests. Lots more quests to do in EQ II too though.

Although I agree to the fact that WoW is fun, that the graphics are indeed nice too, I wouldn't exactly call it user friendly though, definitely not the interface, too limited, there's not much you can alter about it without using mods.

I'm still in doubt as to what I'm going to do with my WoW account, most likely stick to it but I'm not going to play often, EQ II is taking a lot of my time lol.

#348 Mar 07 2005 at 4:18 PM Rating: Default
1,463 posts
Funny how this thread is the 800 pound gorilla on this forum!

Blizzard has to be tickled pink!

Yeah, you eq2 lovers, what are we gonna do w/ you ... pity you?Sorry! I know- you have every right to like eq2 - and it's okay!

I'm JK about the pity part - and yes, eq2 does have some good points. I just... how to say it? WoW blows me away, and I have fun there. Eq2 made me frustrated- look up my old posts here if you wanna see just HOW frustrated.

But seriously, this thread about WoW is the most long-running healthy thread on the EQ2 forum! Nuff said.

Back to Azeroth!
#349 Mar 07 2005 at 5:54 PM Rating: Decent
leveling in WOW is easier for the first 10 to 15 levels, then it is about the same as EQ2. in a group or out.

It took me two hours to level from 17 to 18, and doing it the slow way as I was also heading towards the Night elf city. Impossible to level that fast in EQ II at that level. (it's also with almost no quests done)

as for quests. ROFL, WOW blows EQ2 away. WOW is more like the isle of reffuge all the way through. there are so many quests, adn most of them soloable, you are NEVER just xp ing unless that is what you want to do. my human warlock has done nothing but quests since day one. at level 18, i still have 5 open quests. this is just staying in the area for humans too. there are 3 starting places. i have just been doing one of them and have yet to find myself out of quests, and needing to grind ot level and open up more.

I disagree completely, lol, EQ II is far superior in regards to quests. WoW is extremely repetitive in quests so far, every zone appears to have it's own recipe that needs hunting for, every zone requires the occassional mob clean-out. Although I haven't reached the higher lvl, so I'm not sure if this remains so.

I've done about 300 quests in EQ II, never grinded apart from one time when I went giant hunting with a group, yet I reached lvl 27 with my paladin.

in EQ2, most quests are group quests. you spend more time begging for a group than questing after level 15 or so. infact, you spend more time LFG than playing the game if you play for an hour or two at a time. many times in EQ2 i had ot delete quests that were unfinnished because i couldnt get a group together to finnish them and out leveld the area i was fighting in.

Nah, there are some, but the real group levels don't start until lvl 26, sigh. It does get really bad starting from that though. Before that level I only had to group to get the final mobs usually, if even that.

I never deleted a quest, I always finished them before they turned grey. And without having to group 9 times out of ten.

EQ2 is superrior to WOW. alot more detail. however, there is alot more color in WOW. everyone is not wearing the same brown adn silver armor. the buildings have more color, the water is actually better looking underwater than EQ2 is. EQ2 is more lifelike. WOW has more diversity.

Agreed, WoW is a lot more colourful. And for some reason I always get the PS2 game Medieval in my head when I log on, lol, especially when I see the Harvest mobs.

EQ2 is group mandatory after about level 15 for questing. WOW is not. most quests are soloable, even if the area is dangerious, you can find a sysem that works. WOW quests make the game. you can log on for an hour or so, and finnish or progress a couple quests even if you never get a group invite. there is more to the solo game in WOW because of this.

I cannot disagree more, EQ II has a superior amount of quests, more diverse, and most of the quests (up to lvl 26 anyway) are quite soloable. Spawns in EQ II do have an extremely irritating spawn time, aargh, extremely irritating. It took me about 10 hours before I got two mobs in Stormhold area, almost bored myself to death that time. And it does not improve, there are quests in EQ II that involve hunting for the most elusive mobs there are (young timber badgers anyone? Haven't seen more than 7! in about a month, yet I need 30 of those blasted mob!)

EQ2 is class spacific and more involved for your spacific class. the grouping game is much more satisfying than in WOW. the downside is, EQ2 is group mandatory. if your not in a group, you are not advancing a quest, or advancing levels at a snails pace. WOW is group friendly, but not group mandatory. most people do not group in WOW other than to finnish a group quest.

I disagree again completely for a lvl up to 26, I soloed my way with quests (abundant number) and a few groups to finish some quests.

EQ2 is very limited and linnier. in WOW you have 3 starting areas for each the good and evil side. and it is SEAMLESS. no zonning. no access quests to see whats around the corner. and for the first 20 levels in both games, WOW has 2 ot 3 times the content than EQ2 does. havent experienced the upper levels in either game so cant comment on them. WOW has alot more diversity in theri enviroment too right form the get go. you have to grind, quest and level to get to the diversity in EQ2.

Agreed, completely. And especially those awful access quests, that is one of the worst ideas EVER, imo ofcourse. EQ II is too restrictive, there is no sense of exploration anymore, only what you are allowed to see because you have the right level.

WoW isn't 100% seamless though, although that's just splitting hairs I suppose.

EQ2 still punnishes you for dying. WOW does not. other than making the run from the graveyard, as a ghosts that nothing aggros on, or accepting armor damage and reviving yourself at the graveyeard and foregoing the corpese retrivial all together, there is no XP penalty of any kind for dying in WOW. just get up, and get right back on that ponie.

This gives the advantage to EQ II imo, there has to be a penalty for dying, a bit more than just having to pay some money to repair armour. I've played FF XI and did my share of ghetto questing there, doing things that I knew where going to kill me but that I needed to do to finish a quest. I only did that because I had no worries about dying. It's too easy in WoW.

EQ2 takes a butt laod more time at each sitting to accomplish anything meaningfull. most of it is spent begging for a group in their group mandatory game too. WOW is very time friendly, as are all games other than EQ1 and EQ2

It does get pretty worse at a higher lvl (only 27 though), but up till then I never waited for a group, never wasted much time either. There was no need for a group, apart to kill a few mobs but that's the same in WoW with the elite quests (although waiting a few levels untill you can solo that mob is quite possible too)

But at this point in time, I'm considering quitting BOTH games. EQ II is too frustrating, I can't take it anymore to have to hunt mobs that will not give me any xp yet they still take forever to defeat (armour and weapon all yellow and orange btw, only a three are blue)for quests, some even pose a serious threat to me even if they are 6 lvls lower. I don't see any reason why SOE can't alter it so grey mobs go down faster, they won't drop any loot worthy of mentioning and the quests that I finish with them won't give me any xp to mention either.

I need to do access quest after access quest, stuck as I always need a group for it, to reach a zone where I will have to group in at first as everything will be most likely a group mob that will kill me in seconds. Group mobs are the devil's invention, there's no other explanation for it.

The game is indeed too lineair, and just doesn't have much to do honestly. Sabotage quests, woohoo, loads of fun, right clicking items sigh. Guild meetings are boring as there is just nothing to do, can't have a dueling tournament, can't do any scavenging quests, no treasure hunts, ...

But to be honest, WoW isn't that much better. It's too easy, crafting at a very low lvl provides the best armour or weapons or enchantments, mobs go down like nothing (a bit of a challenge is appreciated, I know I'm hard to please though, lol), no community feeling whatsoever, it seems to me that the game is too concentrated on PvP. And I'm not good enough for PvP unfortunately.

Ach wass, I guess I'm just going through a tough phase, either that or I'm losing my interest in MMORPG's. That's always possible too.

I'll just wait for either EQII's new expansion, or Star Trek online. Perhaps a good science fiction mmorpg will improve my mood.

#350 Mar 07 2005 at 5:56 PM Rating: Decent
Shadowrelm says:
as for quests. ROFL, WOW blows EQ2 away. WOW is more like the isle of reffuge all the way through. there are so many quests, adn most of them soloable, you are NEVER just xp ing unless that is what you want to do.[...]

in EQ2, most quests are group quests. you spend more time begging for a group than questing after level 15 or so. infact, you spend more time LFG than playing the game if you play for an hour or two at a time. many times in EQ2 i had ot delete quests that were unfinnished because i couldnt get a group together to finnish them and out leveld the area i was fighting in.

Once again, you're not playing the same game I'm playing. I do quests constantly, every time I play. I solo or duo nearly all quests, I'd say easily 90% of all my quests were done solo or duo. Duo just makes it a little faster. Sure I *could* group them, but there's no need to if I choose not to. I rarely ever go LFG, and when I do, I find a group within a few minutes. I just don't know what quests you were doing or what game you were playing, but it wasn't EQ2, and it wasn't any of the quests I've been doing. AQs required groups, true, but if you were willing to wait a few levels you could do em on your own, but it isn't that hard to get some folks together to do an AQ group.

EQ2 is group mandatory after about level 15 for questing. WOW is not. most quests are soloable, even if the area is dangerious, you can find a sysem that works. WOW quests make the game. you can log on for an hour or so, and finnish or progress a couple quests even if you never get a group invite. there is more to the solo game in WOW because of this.

Once again... huh? Group mandatory after level 15? Did you even get beyond level 15? I am level 31, I will honestly tell you that I play nearly every night, and I group maybe 1 or 2 nights a week. The rest of the time I solo or duo, and most of the time I'm doing quests. Not with a group, by myself or with 1 other person. And the other person just makes it easier, they aren't required.

EQ2 is class spacific and more involved for your spacific class. the grouping game is much more satisfying than in WOW. the downside is, EQ2 is group mandatory. if your not in a group, you are not advancing a quest, or advancing levels at a snails pace. WOW is group friendly, but not group mandatory. most people do not group in WOW other than to finnish a group quest.

We won't get into this yet again. Its not group mandatory its barely "group is nice". EQ2 is class specific? LOL half the complaints on the boards is that classes aren't different enough.


EQ2 is very limited and linnier. in WOW you have 3 starting areas for each the good and evil side. and it is SEAMLESS. no zonning. no access quests to see whats around the corner. and for the first 20 levels in both games, WOW has 2 ot 3 times the content than EQ2 does. havent experienced the upper levels in either game so cant comment on them. WOW has alot more diversity in theri enviroment too right form the get go. you have to grind, quest and level to get to the diversity in EQ2.

Zoning sucks. I have a fairly slow computer for this game, and zoning can take a minute or so. I hate zoning.

On the other hand, I don't see EQ2 as either limited or linear. I don't know how many zones WOW has (or whatever they are called), perhaps its a larger world. That's cool.

But I think EQ2 has a pretty large world, and I've explored a lot of it. It was really funny last night I was in Thundering Steppes, and it was actually almost empty. There was 5 people in there (if you can believe that!) Well, I ran into the other 4 people lol. Now if you know TS you know its an absolutely HUGE zone.

As far as linear, I keep hearing that comment, I just don't see it. Yes there are zones meant for certain levels, but those level ranges are pretty large. Is that what you mean by "linear"? One of the things I hated about EQ1 was that often a very low level zone had some high level mobs (think Griffin in EC). This is very frustrating if you are "level appropriate" because you have no chance against this critter many levels above you.


EQ2 still punnishes you for dying. WOW does not. other than making the run from the graveyard, as a ghosts that nothing aggros on, or accepting armor damage and reviving yourself at the graveyeard and foregoing the corpese retrivial all together, there is no XP penalty of any kind for dying in WOW. just get up, and get right back on that ponie.

Yeah the death debt is a little harsh, but nothing like EQ1. I'm still not sure I like it. But you can't lose a level (which can be good or bad), on the other hand, it makes you leery of grouping with complete strangers, so it can be a real negative.


EQ2 takes a butt laod more time at each sitting to accomplish anything meaningfull. most of it is spent begging for a group in their group mandatory game too. WOW is very time friendly, as are all games other than EQ1 and EQ2.

Maybe your expectations are too high or mine are too low but once again I'm wondering if we are playing the same EQ2. I often log in for 30 minutes just to advance a quest a bit, or to tradeskill a little. I rarely have to group, and frequently solo, so your "group mandatory" comments are just way off. Most of my friends manage to solo just fine too. One guy always wants to group and he always finds groups within a few minutes, and he's not even playing a healer or tank.



Summary: I think you are better off in WOW, it sounds like a better fit for you.
#351 Mar 08 2005 at 5:00 PM Rating: Default
people who say you dont get engaging long groups in WoW need to try an instance
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