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EQ2 or WoW>> Which is better??Follow

#277 Feb 15 2005 at 10:29 AM Rating: Default
this is a pretty dumb thread, you pretty much have to try one of these games to know what you like more

i, like wow and think my time on eq2 was a waste, while other people think their time on wow was a waste and like eq2.

#278 Feb 15 2005 at 2:27 PM Rating: Default
people pretty much defend whatever game theyre playing atm
#279 Feb 15 2005 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
2,574 posts
Having great experience in WoW, and just a bit in EQ2 (having only a 10 fighter), i have to say that WoW is extremely spoon fed. The game consists of: hack, special move 1, special move 2, special move 1 again, and regular hitting in between. Grouping for XP is next to useless' useless, the XP cut is insane. The class balance issues outweigh any good there is in the game, aside from the easyness of leveling (see sig for that easyness).

EQ2 on the otherhand, has a very balanced play style compared to that of WoW. You can group, solo, or do quests. Grouping is worth something because of group type mobs, solo is worth something because of solo type mobs. Either way you get good XP and still get the rewards you want.

All in all, at least so far in my life of EQ2, i would give EQ2 as many thumbs up as possible. The fanboy base of WoW cheers so loud that EQ2 is unseen, but the WoW downfall is coming and EQ2 will get its much needed recognition.
#280 Feb 15 2005 at 6:58 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
I'll play devil's advocate a little... *wink*

18th level Predator against single mob blue/white/yellow (no oranges after second patch, unless I want to dance with a sliver of my life)

Single mob non-social (Antonica) nested within a cluster of group mobs. I just hit with Backshot (or normal ranged attack) and *only* my target comes running to me.

Fighting (basic attack pattern):
After Backshot > Open Shot - HO with Dirty tricks+Impale > Disengage attack > Cheap shot+get behind mob > Stalk+Ambush/Shadow Blade >> 1) rinse/repeat with HO (switch Impale with Bleed or the job trait upgrade to Quick Strike), OR 2) if running room for kiting: switch to ranged+backpedal+Ensnare > Open Shot >> then rinse/repeat with HO.

Once you get a pattern down, it's rinse/repeat with very little differences. I always keep Hunter's Instinct and Blade Flurry up. Recast HI in battle within pauses of abilities if it ever drops (rarely).

Guardian is pretty much the same, sans kiting.

Now for WoW:
22nd level Hunter (with cat pet) even con to 2~3 levels higher than me (3~4 levels above my pet, in some cases).

My target, if humanoid, is always social and even if I target only one mob, if near others, it WILL bring some friends.

Fighting (basic attack pattern):
Before pulling, I lay immolation/freezing trap then pull - Serpent/Scorpid Sting > Backpedal+sic pet (with Hunter's Mark macro'd with PetAttack) when target is half way to trap+Concussive Shot > Pet tanks mob as it is hit by trap > Arcane Shot > Auto Shot > Arcane Shot >> Rinse repeat till mob dead, OR if I get hate from mob, switch to melee+Wing clip > Raptor Strike if mob is near death or run to range and Auto Shot >> Rinse repeat with Arcane when pet gets hate back.

I have Aspect of the Monkey macro'd with my melee attack and Aspect of the Hawk macro'd with my ranged attack so the appropriate Aspect is always up.

Both are pretty much the same. So, technically, the statement "The game consists of: hack, special move 1, special move 2, special move 1 again, and regular hitting in between." is the same for both games. Lower levels, higher levels, same difference.

Grouping for XP is next to useless' useless, the XP cut is insane.

Much of the XP received in WoW is from Quests. Then there's fighting mobs, then venturing to new locales of note. I don't group much because my Hunter is self-sufficient... or should I say pet dependant? :/ I also solo in EQ2. A predator is hardly ever in a group, imo. They would only slow the hunt. hehe

The class balance issues outweigh any good there is in the game, aside from the easyness of leveling (see sig for that easyness).

From what I noticed, both games have class balancing. Because WoW is PVP capable, the problems are more complex to deal with. However, both games, one could solo no matter their chosen class. Is WoW perfect? No. Is EQ2 perfect? No. Each game has problems with their classes that needs to be addressed.

Now, realize I'm not saying WoW is better. That's detrimental to what I believe in. As long as you enjoy the game you play, be it WoW/EQ2/FFXI/Whatever, then that's a good thing. And that's ALL that MATTERS.

Now before someone chimes in and says "This is an EQ2 forum, why the hell are you WoW players coming in here?" (which, I believe has been said already), well let me tell you. I, personally, love both EQ2 and WoW. They're both fun. Both are new and much better than the other game I play. But since both are new, each has quirks that needs to be fixed. Until then, I'm still debating which one I'll keep and which one I'll cancel, if I ever have the strength to cancel one.

Enjoy the game (whichever it may be).
#281 Feb 15 2005 at 9:26 PM Rating: Decent
976 posts
Evilgnomes - thanks. I have a pretty good idea who did it. I had a stalker from the Station forums actually FOLLOWING the dates I posted, and when I posted a "goodbye" to my friends on EQ2 and explained some of the "other, private" reasons I left (there were some billing issues also, I didn't want to spam it all over the net but apparently since I didn't jump right out and tell everyone from day 1, I'm a liar and a coward, according to this person)

She not only - I very highly suspect - always trolled my posts on the Station forum, she came here to compare dates on Allakazham, trying to support some weird theory that I "abandoned" my friends on EQ2 or something. I have NO idea. People are insane, and people like that need help.

But thanks for the rate ups again. :)
#282 Feb 16 2005 at 8:17 AM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
My pleasure, Ivven. Sad that such people exist.

She should get help.

What wow servers are you all on? Kilrogg mostly here - and weird hours as of late. Mokuba you asked me earlier.

Anyway, GL and have fun! WoW is total immersion for me, too. Eq2 just doesn't do it yet. It might... and as to the guy w/ all hte lvl 60 toons - man I am not even close to that. But I don't ahve that much time to play. Maybe that's part of why I like wow - I can get a lot done an hour or two a day. GL
#283 Feb 16 2005 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
29 posts
The WoW endgame is now officially FUBAR. Peruse the boards of the high-end guilds in WoW then compare them to those of EQ2. WoW's endgame is small and suffers from game breaking bugs. EQ2 raiders seem like they are having a blast. But see, this kind of thing doesn't make it into the reviews because it takes months (or weeks in WoWs casae) to ever see them.

Blizzard better hope people love levelling to 60 again and again and again because what happens once you get there is a travesty. It's too damn easy to get there for them to not have a full working game at the level cap. Right now, they have ****.
#284 Feb 16 2005 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
I play eq2 I dont play wow because i dont like cartoony graphics. But I just wanted to say a couple things about the criticisms I have been reading. Selling from your room in EQ2- how is that different from sitting in the bazaar in eq1. three options here 1. have two accts one to adventure and one to sell 2. sell in fighting zones via ooc i see many people doing this 3. stay logged on and selling while sleeping irl its what i always did when selling in bazaar in eq1. Also i have a bunch of real life friends we all play eq2 and so maybe i dont have the problem some of you have been claiming about finding groups but even when no rl friends r on can always find a group. anyway see you all in eq2 gl 2 all who didnt enjoy it in whatever you do play and happy hunting all
#285 Feb 16 2005 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Sorry but no amount of "fun" at eq2's endgame could make me want to level to 50 as the game now stands. There are no "cookies" along the way to reward you for leveling - imo there are no new abilities or spells you get that are dazzling enough or cool enough to justify all that work. This is a *major* element of mmos that SoE missed out on. Okay, lvl 25 scouts get evac, lvl 32 chanters get a pet and coercers get charm (or somewhere around there) - there are the lvl 20 fluff spells (big whoop) and the change into animal spells - there are a few cookies out there - but they are not generously rich with chocolate chips - they are small, stale, thin sugar-free and fat-free cookies - and to them I say "bleh!" EQ2 is just a recycling of the same truncated, tactics-free spells and abilities over and over - all that changes is that you move from fighint gnolls to centaurs to whatever.

WoW is only a little better in this dept., but at least it's better. The world is huge, and you're not locked out of it because you need to be lvl x to get a stinking access quest. There are more than two cities - there are EIGHT. There are cliffs, massive waterfalls, volcanoes, snowy mountains, etc. - in eq2 you get "mudland" in commons and a place that's not even as pretty as Western Ireland in Antonica - and as you travel it's not like you're finding way cool new geography - nek and thundering are pretty droll - droll droll droll - maybe there is better later on - but I lack the incentive to go find it.

I'm sorry that some of you - sheesh, what are you doing, putting six, eight, ten hours a day into these games? My GAWD - yes WoW is easier to lvl than eq2, but ... it's not that fast. Well hey, if WoW's too anti-masochistic for your style of mmo-immersion, I'm sorry. It's just right for me. But I have other things to do than play these games all day. If I can bop into Azeroth and actually get something done in 90 minutes, I'm a happy camper.

Even if you're a total power gamer you still might want to take a look at WoW for 3 months. That'll cost you 50 + 30 or so - first month is free. And eighty bucks for that many hours of entertainment, compared to what you'd ahve to pay for movies or cable - not bad if you ask me.

I want to reward Blizard for giving me a game where I have some "room to breathe", where I'm not put on a short leash - where there is some style and humor - where you actually get some meaningful rewards for playing. I'm sick of sony's put your nose to the grind stone and carve a rut into your skull DEATH GRIND mentality - and no goodies or fun to mitigate it! Well, sorry for ranting - but I feel this thread needs a counterpoint.

Man, almost no one who was posting a month ago in alla's eq2 site is still here. What gives?
#286 Feb 16 2005 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
976 posts
I'm on Cenarion Circle, an RP server on the Horde side. I love the community there. Us Hordies are very close on that server.

I'd like to repeat I didn't think EQ2 was a Bad game, but with the beautiful graphics engine...why did SOE make everything brown? Brown brown brown.... they could have done more.

The concept of EQ2 was a great one...the world split asunder, a harsh cold war between two major factions, people having to strive to carve out a survival in this new world... sounds like a good basis for a fun game.

But SOE just...lacked some kind of imaginiation. I mean, I played Iksar. We had a scale pattern option...with no optional scale patterns. Huh??? WTF? I could be pee yellow underside with...mud color top. You guys know what I mean, in the preview of the game a few years ago there was "great customization" promised...and yet they took so much of that out, or just didn't finish it. That's the major problem, I think, with EQ2 right now. It feels half finished... feels like I'm beta testing. The leveling system was all screwed up when I left. Yes, you definately CAN solo in EQ2, but it was a HELL of a grind after 20, let me tell you.

For some people this is fine and OK, and I'm glad they're enjoying it. I for one just did not want to grind like I had in FFXI. I also didn't want to see every other lvl 20 monk wearing the SAME thing I was, I had enough of that in FFXI as well.

So while the basis for EQ2 was promising and inventive, Sony forgot to put their imaginations into it and really make it what it should and could have been. I hope they fix it with expansions. If so...I MAY try it again - IF they get their customer service on track and IF they make the game what everyone had HOPES it would be. Right now, I just don't want to grind grind grind.
#287 Feb 16 2005 at 9:37 PM Rating: Default
IF they get their customer service on track

dont hold ur breath. EQ1 customer service has actually gotten worse over the years. SWG wasnt improved, and eq2 is no exception.
#288 Feb 17 2005 at 3:15 PM Rating: Decent
29 posts
Even if you're a total power gamer you still might want to take a look at WoW for 3 months. That'll cost you 50 + 30 or so - first month is free. And eighty bucks for that many hours of entertainment, compared to what you'd ahve to pay for movies or cable - not bad if you ask me.

I played the open beta and got my fill of kiddy land. Yes, you get rewarded for almost nothing. Whoppee! Where's the challenge? There is none in WoW, or if there is, it's pointless to even try it. The game offers you the same basic rewards for going it alone , so why bother? What Blizzard did was take the laziest and whiniest MMO players and give them what they wanted. That's great but it's not a real MMORPG. It's not deep enough. It's not challenging enough. Why? Because their target audience thinks that anything that takes more than two hours total to accomplish is A GRIND. You'd have to be a total ****** to ever find yourself impeded in any significant way toward progress in Azeroth. But... that's a good thing right? Get rid of those pesky obstacles already! I WANT MY REWARDS NOW DAMNIT! Don't challenge me. Just GIMME GIMME GIMME GIMME. They should offer free sample packs of Ritalin with every box sold.

It's also sad to see some of the same HUGE bugs like the raid bug still haven't been addressed by Blizzard.

#289 Feb 17 2005 at 8:19 PM Rating: Decent
976 posts
Oh yes, I'm a 13 year old kid on Ritalin. Yep, that sums up my server.

Uhm, actually 80 percent of the people I know on CC are 20+. I myself am a 24 year old married woman with a job, so I don't think that's a fair assumption, is it?

Get my rewards now? Eh, you must not have been challenging yourself. I take on monsters 3-4 levels above mine when I "grind". Also I help with ORGANIZED rp'ed defense. Lots of fun.
I'm very active on my server's forums, and I'm Minister in a guild.

I hardly think the lvl 40 mount is just "given" to you. I'm going to have to buckle down to make my 100 gold.

I hardly think more people on WoW whine compared with any other MMORPG. Go look at the FFXI board for crying out loud. Oh trust me, I was there a year.... that game is enough to make anyone "whine" now and then. EQ2 boards are spamming up with locked posts all the time too, mostly about SOE's bad customer service. So yes, while there are the people out there that whine, that doesn't mean there are any more so than every other game that's ever been put online for play.

But then, I've always said...opinions are like ********** Every has one and chances are it doesn't mean much.
#290 Feb 18 2005 at 8:31 AM Rating: Decent
29 posts
EQ2 boards are spamming up with locked posts all the time too, mostly about SOE's bad customer service. So yes, while there are the people out there that whine, that doesn't mean there are any more so than every other game that's ever been put online for play.

You gotta be kidding me. The Blizzard boards are full of people tired of things not being fixed and content not being added and the incredibly HORRIBLE lack of communication from the devs. Some of them have been deleted (they don't just lock over there apprantly). Only the willfully ignorant would believe that Blizzard has done a better job with CS than SOE has with EQ2. SOE has actually been LISTENING to players and being very detailed about the changes and fixes they make and why. There seems to be an actual communication going on. The problems of the WoW endgame are being largely ignored and GMs are also getting a lot of bad press. You know the raid bug was there since BETA? This isn't a minor annoyance. It makes raiding with your guild virtually impossible when it happens.

The only consistent complaints on the SOE boards concern game changes that some people don't like. Horse nerfs and attunable items (just like WoW) are the main topics atm. They are fixing bugs at a rate that would make Blizzard's head spin.

No MMO has ever been more responsive (hell some would say TOO responsive) to the input of the community than EQ2. They never treated EQ1 this way, certainly not in the Verant days when we were in "Their World" and The Vision dominated all. This team is a very open-minded and flexible bunch.

#291 Feb 19 2005 at 10:09 AM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
I'm just curious and this is not a "flame" or jab, but all of you who've left EQ2 (or don't play as much) and are now playing and enjoying WoW... why are you still posting here?
#292 Feb 19 2005 at 10:30 AM Rating: Decent
I often wonder that too nadenu. Its like they found a new religion and have to help us "lost souls" find the light.

I have no prob with someone liking some other game, more power to you, but if you don't play EQ2 anymore, why post on an EQ2 board?

Its like all those farewell posts people always leave "well I've had it and I'm quitting". Unless you are a super active poster, nobody cares. Don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way out, k?

I'm not trying to be cold, but think about your audience just a little before you post.
#293 Feb 19 2005 at 10:58 AM Rating: Default
At a first glance, I'd say EQ2 is better, and I think this should be discussed in a 3rd party forum. I'd really like to know because on weekdays I played another MMO around 6-8 hours after school on weekdays and around 16 hours a day on weekends... because I have school and all, so if I am hooked on a game, I'd like it to be the best. I'm thinking "EverCrack" will do it, and WoW doesn't have a Shadowknight-Dark Knight type class anyways, do they?
#294 Feb 19 2005 at 2:17 PM Rating: Default
i didnt completeley quit eq2..i still have it active and stuff just havent played it since wow

and no there is no shadowknight type class
#295REDACTED, Posted: Feb 21 2005 at 6:50 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) EverQuest II is the worst game i've ever played, undoubtedly.
#296 Feb 24 2005 at 12:19 AM Rating: Decent
In life we are always left with choices. We have to pick between A and B, 1 or 2, sometimes 3 choices or more if need be. This is no different when it comes down to a MMO game. You can read another person's review a million times about a MMO game, but until you play it, and make that decision of wether it is better then another one, you won't know.

Fortunately when it comes to MMO games, we aren't STUCK with the choice we make. If you are a person playing EQ2 or WoW or whatever the game may be, and your mind wanders to another MMO game, but you refuse or lack the will to try it yourself, you can never be happy in the game you are in then.

My recommendation to anyone who feels they may be missing out in something by not trying WoW or any MMO game, is to go out and buy it, or find a friend who owns it, and watch them play for a couple of hours.

I have played all MMO games you could probably think of except DAoC. I was on EQ2 for over a month, got to level 25, and realized what the problem was. I was grinding without any new goals or reasons to level. WoW is much different. Every level seems to have it's own rewards, not just solely new equipment or more stats.

Only thing both EQ2 and WoW lack at this point is a fair amount of end game content, so an alt char will most likely be your second act once you max out a char. I don't think that would at all be engaging in EQ2 to due grinding, but in WoW just having such a diverse and fun way of leveling with any class or race, will keep you coming back for more.

Buy it, play it, and choose for yourself what is MMO game of your soul =)
#297 Feb 24 2005 at 6:30 AM Rating: Decent
Well, after playing WoW for a bit, I'm definitely not giving up on EQ II. The main problems I had with EQ II haven't really improved much (although they did open up the instanced zones like Tomb of Valor to solo players too! finally got my weakened Ghoulbane, can't equip it yet, but at least I don't have to run around Antonica and SH calling for a group for hours on end), yet I realised that I prefer EQ II.

It's strange really, WoW has nice graphics (play WoW a week and then come back to EQ II, there's a huge difference, not necessarily better for EQ II), a huge world with virtually no loading times, easy crafting, easy fighting, easy grouping, yet limited quests (at lvl 12 in EQ II I already did 80 quests, not even there at lvl 17 in WoW), nice griffin ride (at least this time it doesn't lag, much anyway), pulling is harder (which is better, no solo mobs or group mobs, if you pull one in a bad place you can get 5 at the same time, much better), haven't had any problems with the servers whatsoever (European though, might make a difference) apart from the first day the game was released (had to wait a day before I could register).

In short, both games are fun, yet all in all, I will continue to play EQ II. It's a bit harder, and I am a lot more familiar with the lore of Norrath than Azeroth. (I'm basically a lazy person, if I don't have to learn something, I won't)
#298 Feb 24 2005 at 2:09 PM Rating: Decent
51 posts
Well I've been playing EQ2 since beta. Granted I got into the beta later on then most but I was still in the beta. I bought it when it came out and joined a few friends from EQ on Antonia Bayle. my main is lvl 26 he's a conjuror. He's a DE and I did betrayal and the whole bit. I thoroughly enjoy my time playing EQ2. They have done a lot of things right this time around compared to EQ. I really like the quest journal. There are a lot of quests you can do. I can solo fairly well with my Conjuror. In fact that's mostly what I do. However the difference in exp from group vs solo is just crazy. The one thing the really didn't address in EQ2 was solo content. Yes they've added more of it recently but still the difference from solo to group is night and day almost. It has a decent storyline though. But also grinding is a lot of what you do in the game. I hated the grinding in EQ and still hate the grinding I have to do in EQ2. I don't group much because of all the debt I would get. If I die that's one thing but suffering debt from everyone else I just don't like. I don't mind having to repair your armor but I don't like the debt. I would rather loose the exp then have debt. But overall I like EQ2. Don't plan on leaving it any time soon. However......
I have been playing WoW recently to give it a go and see what it's like. I really like WoW. It's easy to lvl. Quests are fun and so far easy to get. I went from lvl 5 to 12 in about 6 hours. And I soloed that except for grouping with one other person for about 20 min. It's been pretty simple to get a hang of the controls, although I still wanna type /tell vs /wispher( yes i know you can use /t or /w ). But I've been playing a hunter. I like /silly and /train and /dance and all those. They did do a good job on that. And their sense of humor fits well with mine. I wsh Eq2's /dance wasn't so generic and cheesy. =P But it's fun just dinking around in WoW. You can get on kill a few things do a quest whatever. I plan on continuing to play WoW and EQ2 both. I have friends in both. I enjoy both. If you can afford it I would recommend both. Each has it's strong points and weaknesses. But of the 2 WoW is deffinately more geared towards the casual gamer. EQ2 just doesn't have the content(yet hopefully, I'm hoping they'll learna thing or two from WoW) for soloing. It's just more geared towards groups. And that's fine, but I am more of a solo player. I really only group with guildmates or RL friends. But yeah my reccomendation. Both are good games. Both have a fairly easy learning curve. It's more your preference as to how long you wanna dedicate to each more then this ones better then that one.
#300 Feb 24 2005 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
801 posts
I play both games, I like both games for different reasons. It's a mark of intellectual immaturity, common to peer-pressure influenced adolescents, to be myopic and need to believe all other whatevers must suck in order for my chosen whatever to be good.

Wow is a fun game, you go in, beat stuff up, do a quest and get a lot of experience in an hour. There's nothing wrong with that. Games are supposed to be fun. I always cringe when someone says "you aren't putting the time and effort into the game that's required to succeed." I've actually seen someone say they put 40 - 60 hours a week in and anyone who does less is a slacker and never going to do well at the game.

EQII is also fun. Not in the same mindless way WoW is, but in a way that gives more of a sense of accomplishment. The world feels more alive and realistic. WoW tends to feel like everything was put together with a specific function and player level in mind, and you're led by the nose through the path they want you to take. (for example all the quests that tell you to go see guy X in the next zone. They might as well pop up a message saying "you're too high for this place - go there.") I do not see any of the grinding elements in EQII that the original had. There is no 30 hour camp for the goblin king's crown you need for your epic. (Who in the WORLD thought that would entertain people???) I have no problem soloing in my 20's. (Make sure you have level appropriate equipment and you've kept all your skills up.) I think the experience I get from it is just fine. It takes longer to get to the top, but you know what? It's not a race. There is no lasting benefit from being the first level 50 on your server, there are thouands of people coming up behind you.

The way I always explain it to people is WoW = Diablo whereas EQII = Baldur's Gate. Both great games, but entirely different.
#301 Feb 25 2005 at 10:52 AM Rating: Default
Grouping/Look for group for Quests:
- EQ2: A MUST, without group you''re F*CKed
- WoW: Grouping is absolutely an "OPTION"

- EQ2: Sit your fat @ss in the inn and must stay online
- WoW: Auction House! Different from the AH in FFXI. This one to me is more like Ebay ... They even have C.O.D. lol

Ability to Solo:
- EQ2: Can a LVL 30 Cleric solo a LVL 31 mob? How about can a LVL 30 cleric solo a LVL 25 mob? Answer is no!
- WoW: LVL 30 Priest can solo lvl 30 mob without problem. solo lvl 31 32 without problem.

- EQ2/FFXI: Need to do BS quest before you can exceed certain level
- WoW: None so far.. just level.... no blockage

- EQ2: always not enough money. drops sucks!
- WoW: Money flow keep coming. Drop/loots are just great!

Place to get magic/Skill:
- EQ2: Need to mess around with Adept I, II.. pain in the @ss
- WoW: Just go to the Trainer of your class! No hassle. Just pay the money!

-EQ2: Leveling tradeskills in EQ2 or FFXI is just a pain in the neck. You can make the same items like 10 times without gaining 1 point for tradeskill
- WoW: Very easy to level. Almost like 1 point for every try to did...even get point when failure.

Well... these are major things why I thnk WoW is better. Playing MMORPG doesn't always means it supposed to be like a full time job. Supposed to give you fun instead of hassle. Okie. .. now... Eq'er, shoot me.

..|.. (o.O) ..|..

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