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EQ2 or WoW>> Which is better??Follow

#227 Feb 03 2005 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
976 posts
Evilgnomes it's funny you should mention the "Disney" look to WoW. It reminds me of Tim Burton style artwork, especially the Undercity. It grew on me, I hated it when I first started but now I like it. Very colorful... compared to the everlasting brown of EQ2 it's a nice change. EQ definately still does have better graphics, but the fact that they made everything brown kind of defeats the purpose :/
#228 Feb 03 2005 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
186 posts
What captured my attention was the war instances: air, sea and ground and how the game story evolves, because players actions will determine it!!! I mean, what you do, has an effect, and that effect might change the history and how the game changes...
That concept only is being brought by The Matrix other game has that.
I think that game called "hope" or "wish" has that too. Also many newly develpoing MMOs have that concept in mind too. Can't wait to try them out :D
#229 Feb 03 2005 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Remember that Vanguard is the original EQ "Vision" team. The people who wanted you to spend time on boats, who said there would never be Soulbinders. The game has improved enormously since they left. Not everything is right but I don't think the claim to be the original team is terribly encouraging.

Besides anyone can have great plans and put up a good website. Delivery depends on a lot more. I was really looking forward to Warhammer Online and they pulled the plug on it.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#230 Feb 03 2005 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
WarHammer was always a good franchise.. sad when that happened too..

D&D online looks promising, only issue with that is I've played D&D soooooooooooo long is there really anything *truly* new they can toss at me that I probably cannot rattle off approximate stats after seeing it in action.. 0_o

I'm afraid of Middle Earth Online though.. even the most miniscule of thought that is outside of the Tolken canon is decended upon by the rabid horde that is fandom as though someone kicked their cat and threatened their mom...

oh.. also.. "Wish" was cancelled too.. it sounded promising as well.. /shrug
#231 Feb 03 2005 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
That would be awesome - it was an idea I had that I was going to add to my Hall of Innovation thread ... cept I got sucked into WoW.

It's funny - one of my little kids says stuff like "what's the point in killing the badguy if he is back in ten minutes - did we really kill him?" --- and I've had to point out that you have to use your imagination, etc. - pretend he doesn't exist anymore, etc.

But it would be so cool if, after you do major quests or kill major mobs, the game changes for you.

I.e. once you kill a major boss - or a unique mob - it's GONE for you. Or what if when you discover Rivervale and how it's possessed and etc. - and all the coerced or corrupted hobbits attack you - once you finally, after great effort, free them - that toon is now flagged to enter a NEW rivervale where the hobbits are rebuilding and don't attack you. Man, imo that would rock!

I'll have to roll an undead toon and check out the undercity - sounds fun... cept for the corpse eating thing... brrrr. I'll have to do it when the kids are in bed. "Daddy! No!! You can't kill the deer! It's PRETTY!!" I got a regular lil Holly Windstalker here - no no no - not really. Heaven forbid! But she does like to look at all the pretties in the game - either game. heheh. GL all!

(edit, this is sort of OT and random, but it just occured to me that something that would really rock in any of these games - well, to round out the Disney image to WoW, the griff rides are really like amusement part 'rides' - I mean they are killer, esp SW to IF. And there are other "ride" aspects , like on the road from the dwarf and gnome newb area to IF there is a group of toons who are doing mortar practice - it is hysterical! It's just like being on one of the theme rides in Disneyland and watching animatronic bots act out stuff. But what would rock would be something like... the goblin's run-away mine cart. In RL some mines were also used as public transportation - cuz they served as tunnels literally through mnt ranges. What if the gobs offered transportation in a mine cart, or an adapted one w/ seast, through one of their mines - to get under the mountains?? It'd be just like a roller coaster, but w/ random events to see. Each time you do it you should have a chance of seeing different events as you zip by. Man I'd love that. Well, you can see where my brain is atm... heh. Literally I have to go mine copper to make silver for griff rides for my little kids - they love em!)

Edited, Thu Feb 3 17:29:16 2005 by EvilGnomes
#232 Feb 03 2005 at 6:12 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
well, to round out the Disney image to WoW, the griff rides are really like amusement part 'rides'

Two words from me... Deeprun Tram. :D

It seems to me that there would be a lot of things to consider for an MMORPG game to have its world be player influenced. It would be cool, but I think by the time a studio could get even 25% of it done, the "Next Big Thing" would be released that is just another cookie cutter copy of current MMO's. I think attention to detail would have to be held at a much higher bar and considering how some MMO's out now are, that may not be a possibility.

For example, say the Rivervale one. A player completes it and is flagged to get the "rebuilding" instance of Rivervale, but s/he is partied with another person who has yet to complete the quest. What happens then? Do both go to the incomplete version, or the complete one? Do they get split up? I agree, it would be awesome to have an impact on the world, but I think it may be too difficult to accomplish. But then again, I'm mostly pessimistic. :P

The loading of zones will have to stop, or at least only occur at rare instances. The zoning technology in Dungeon Siege and WoW are outstanding. With my current rig, loading in EQ2 isn't painful, but you notice it when in other games it doesn't happen.

As for Middle Earth Online... one of the good things (or not?) is that those who always wanted to be Legolas or Aragorn, can be. hehehe

The first couple times I road the boat in FFXI, I thought it was great. Then it became a bother having to travel that way. But you know what? Even if it was a timesink, it was an immersion/socialization opportunity that is missing in EQ2. Waiting for the tram in Stormwind, a dwarf came by and sat down on the bench next to me (sitting in CHAIRS! A first for me!) and started a conversation. It was fun and I missed the first tram because I didn't want to cut him off as I enjoyed the rp. But it was late (real life sleep and all that jazz) so I had to go with the next tram. :/

I don't get that type of insta-rp in EQ2, except for going to a house party this past weekend. 40+ people were there and all rp'd. That was awesome. Every MMORPG has something to offer, I'm just waiting for the *one* that fully gets me to enjoy myself.

Till then, I'm still gonna punt TaruTaru, HO and stealth attack to my hearts content and even raise my very own fanged kitty.

Thank the gods I got a $0.25 raise this past week, or I don't know how I'd pay for all the games I'm playing.
#233 Feb 03 2005 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
.e. once you kill a major boss - or a unique mob - it's GONE for you. Or what if when you discover Rivervale and how it's possessed and etc. - and all the coerced or corrupted hobbits attack you - once you finally, after great effort, free them - that toon is now flagged to enter a NEW rivervale where the hobbits are rebuilding and don't attack you. Man, imo that would rock!

Actually no it doesn't.

EQ just had some dynamic content. Quests that trail the new expansion. If you didn't complete them before they were solved you never will. It favours the big guilds and the hardcore players who can devotre the time to it. By the time the casual player finds out what is going on it's already over.

Wherever I go - there I am.
#234 Feb 03 2005 at 11:17 PM Rating: Decent
185 posts
why do you people babble on about such crap, why do you care what is better? both games are fun arnt they? WoW is more popular than eq, ffxi swg & eq2, but you should play what you enjoy. so please stop these stupid threads! theres one on each bloody game page on allakhazam! give it a rest people play what you like!
#235 Feb 03 2005 at 11:52 PM Rating: Good
382 posts
why do you people babble on about such crap, why do you care what is better? both games are fun arnt they? WoW is more popular than eq, ffxi swg & eq2, but you should play what you enjoy. so please stop these stupid threads! theres one on each bloody game page on allakhazam! give it a rest people play what you like!

So if you feel that way...the tread was almost out of site until you bumped it.

Say no to drugs

Edited, Thu Feb 3 23:57:21 2005 by toxicmoon
#236 Feb 03 2005 at 11:53 PM Rating: Default
wow. how do you get scholar? cause obviously its not post count the last poster has 60 posts and likes to flame apparently, so it's probably not ratings....
#237 Feb 04 2005 at 4:46 AM Rating: Decent
976 posts
It's funny - one of my little kids says stuff like "what's the point in killing the badguy if he is back in ten minutes - did we really kill him?" --- and I've had to point out that you have to use your imagination, etc. - pretend he doesn't exist anymore, etc.

That's what I do. Except then I forgot to stop pretending while I'm looting his remains, and he spawns again and chews me and my poor pet up because we're only at half health from the last fight.

Ah, my poor Hyena Sijvra. He always gets abused for my mess ups.

I'm glad there's no exp debt though... because it'd be hard to keep him in the "Happy Pet" status if there was, with as much as I get him killed on our misadventures. >_<

The servers are down :( I miss my ugly smelly Hyena dog puppy /cry
#238 Feb 04 2005 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
mrtimby says:
WoW is more popular than eq, ffxi swg & eq2,

What are you basing this on? I'm not saying its not true, its certainly possible that it is. But where's your proof, can you link any legitimate source that shows this to be a fact?

Or are you actually stating an opinion?

#239 Feb 05 2005 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
332 posts
Brutha, here we sit on a spoiler site that details the bestiary of many zones in EQ2. Flip on over to Vermin Snye and take a gander at the levels of those mobs. They are accurate. You're telling me those level 11 giant burrorowers coned deep red to your group of level 15's? Those level 12 shrillers, grave leeches and infected burrowers? Those level 14 tomb guards? And who said anything about "anything past the first group of KOS mobs???" The entrance is entirely NON agro. Level 16's DUO in that place. You're so wrong it's funny.

Ok, so according to you I'm "so wrong" about mentioning that the mobs past the entry trash can be red to a level 15 group. So wrong that you had to edit your original post three times and go off and research the bestiary section, upon which you made the startling revelation that, just as I so "wrongly" asserted, the mobs past the entry trash can in fact con red to level 15's. Nice. Whats funny is you saying I'm wrong, yet furiously typing all those words that end up agreeing with what I wrote.

Oh, you were hit by a train? WTF does that have to do with anything? Someone trains the higher level stuff to a zone and you get caught up in it so the whole zone is now too hard for you? Zone out, wait till the train clears then go kill the easy stuff. It's like ******** that Karnor's Castle was too tough at level 50 because when you zoned in once someone droped Venril Sathir on your head.

We got trained repeatedly. We gathered multiple bubbles of exp debt. Just like in VS, you stay away if it proves to be a bad night of trains. We were raping the easy trash mobs, but they weren't giving much exp and had to move further in where it proved to be much too dangerous with the amount of trains we got.

Unlike VS and EQ1, there aren't many other places to go in EQ2 - which happened to be my main point. EQ1 had a zillion places to set up shop and grind out some exp, while EQ2 gives you two or three worthwhile spots to go from 14-20 - the same time the game starts to get boring.

While it picks up at 25, the jump from 16-25 was not what I would consider fun.

Please. I was doing the entrance with full groups in the mid to high teens easily. You realize it's kinda good to have healers around right? Your tank should be equiped and not naked. Some tips for you. Any way, Defiled Sentries are level 15-16. Defiled Squires are level 16. Small life leeches are level 14. Dust Crawlers are 16. Scorched Skeletons are 17. WTF kind of idiots are you grouping with?

Ok, so what part about "past the entrance mobs" was too hard for you to comprehend? I never once said anything about the entrance mobs in VS being too hard. I'm glad you had fun with the sissy junk in the entrance while we tried to venture a bit further into the dungeon.

This game is not rocket science. The tank taunts, healers heal, melee classes melee, enchanter controls mobs, finger wiggler nukes stuff. Wow. So hard. Same **** from EQ1 where our group came from and where the least of us was no less than Elemental/Kod'Taz flagged.

You misunderstood the content and intention of my post, and got hung up on arbitrary details that you misread in the first place. The game sucks from level 16-20, period. It picks up at 25, but the only reason I stuck around was the hope that it would get better (which I feel it has). Looks like Sony is getting around to fixing stuff in the latest patches that many of us have addressed, and I'm very glad to see this. Still, the game needs a fundamental change in order to capture the fun of EQ1 which I don't think is going to happen.
Duke Ardnahoy
Noble Lord Protector of the 70th Crusade
Fennin Ro - EQ I

Ardnahoy II
Fearless Guardian of the 40th Tour
Mistmore - EQ II
#240 Feb 05 2005 at 7:55 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
We were raping the easy trash mobs, but they weren't giving much exp

That's your mistake there. You're supposed to kill them. Smiley: smile

We duoed in VS from about 16 doing various quests. It is perfectly doable but occasionally you do get some braindead twits who continually train the entrance and then you either switch to another instance or do something elsewhere.

The "easy" mobs are mostly ^^ and even when they go grey they take an annoyingly long time to kill.

You obviously had a bad experience in there but it is not the fault of the zone nor is it typical. We proved it by duoing Ranger and cleric in there. The lower corridor is pretty much the same mix all the way to the cubes.

It was a good place to exp and made 16-20 go pretty fast. It has some problems because of quest design as it has both catalog and "visit location X" type quests either of which cause trains where there are aggro mobs.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#241 Feb 06 2005 at 7:05 AM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
"For example, say the Rivervale one. A player completes it and is flagged to get the "rebuilding" instance of Rivervale, but s/he is partied with another person who has yet to complete the quest. What happens then? "

This is easy. They can't enter Rivervale together. One enters one, one enters the other. They can exit on the other side perhaps and team back up and keep going - or you make the town a "terminus" - this isn't rocket science, people. The way you make the game "player influenced" is by flagging and by offering a few special zones where it occurs. Think it through - it would be cool - and it could easily be made to work.

Just like you couldn't go to a certain plane if you weren't flagged for it. Hey, if you haven't saved RV yet, you can't do the help RV rebuild quests. If you must team w/ someone who isn't up w/you, then do some othe quest that isn't "player influenced" - or where you two are synched.

Well, I see it. If you don't... hell, I don't care. It's not like any mmo is gonna ever have the ballz to try something cool like this, anyway.
#242 Feb 06 2005 at 7:29 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Well, I see it. If you don't... hell, I don't care. It's not like any mmo is gonna ever have the ballz to try something cool like this, anyway.

I believe there have been MMOs with dynamic content. I've heard people say Shadowbane did - to the extent of cities being destroyed.

Using instances like that would be a sensible way to progress content. They are already doing things like it in the game. However you would need to have RV (no idea why you chose the place - would there be a "Trash RV" quest as well Smiley: smile) in both saved and unsaved states at the same time. This is extremely non-linear thinking. For a lot of people it would be confusing. And in it's way just as phoney as killing the NPC and having it repop 10 minutes later.

There is always a lobby for "dynamic content" and "being able to affect the world". What people want is for their actions to be noticeable by others. They want their name on the wall. Giving them access to a different instance because they finished a quest doesn't really do this.

Unlocking frogloks is dynamic since it will affect the entire server one time only when it is done.

The trouble with this is that you are providing content for a very small number of people who make the change and everyone else just finds out about it later. They have no thrill of involvement, just a world that doesn't stay the same. From the viewpoint of an operator it is endless design and new content for very little return. In fact people used to existing MMO would probably find it unsettling and move on.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#243 Feb 06 2005 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
Not so much unsettling but what another person said. The high end players, the ones that are already level 50, would get to enjoy the dynamic content. The rest of us that are, at best, in the 20s now, and won't get near 50 for another 6 months, would only get to see the results of the "ubers" activities.

It breeds resentment. When you know that you will NEVER get a chance at some content. I remember it well from EQ1, there's a number of zones that most casual players will never see. It requires an organized, raid heavy guild to get into some of those zones (yes there are exceptions, but that's not the point).

The average, working full time with a family and a couple of hours of playing time each night, type of casual player will never see those zones. And over time it breeds resentment. It may not be rational (and I don't agree with people who feel they should get the same rewards for different levels of effort) but its out there. So far in EQ2 I haven't heard of a zone that everyone can't go to with a limited amount of effort. Usually any single group of people can get there if they try.

The only dynamic content I believe would work with the entitlement mentality that people tend to have, is that open to everyone. So the game changes for anyone who completes it, but not for everyone. Like the rivervale idea. The world changes for YOU because YOU did something to affect it. But your buddy that hasn't done that part yet, doesn't see what you see.
#244 Feb 06 2005 at 11:52 PM Rating: Decent
I left WoW for EQ2, its too much of a kiddie game

I thought wow would be so great, but when i got in and played it, for 3 months now, its too easy and too much like a console game. I missed the grind in MMORPG's and the complex nature of EQ2

So i switched
#245 Feb 07 2005 at 2:44 AM Rating: Decent
976 posts
Duke you were on a PvP server, weren't you?

I'm on an RP server, Cenarion Circle...the majority (80 percent) are age 20+ on this server. They had a thread on the official forums about Meeting the Face behind the player. Several pages long. As I recall, the last time I read that thread one 16 year old and one 14 year old had posted, everyone else on that thread was 20+.

Including me.

I hardly consider it a "kiddie" game, since the Horde Defense on CC is very strategic, they have "jobs" almost within the horde, and since we're out numbered 2:5 it takes a lot to defend our lands.

Now, if all you do is level, then's a "kiddie" game. But there's a lot more to WoW than people give credit for. No, it's not as "long" a game as EQ2, but the instances of "kids" playing -- on my server -- are few and far between.
#246 Feb 07 2005 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
801 posts
I'm on an RP server, Cenarion Circle...the majority (80 percent) are age 20+ on this server. They had a thread on the official forums about Meeting the Face behind the player. Several pages long. As I recall, the last time I read that thread one 16 year old and one 14 year old had posted, everyone else on that thread was 20+.

My main WoW server was down so I decided to try out an RP server just to see what it's like, and I can vouch for what Ivven says. Much more mature community - except for the occasional moron who comes on just to harrass the roleplayers in chat.

I'm on CC too, in fact. My char there is Gilliandy - 16 Human Paladin.

BTW, I like both games for different reasons. Right now I don't have a lot of time for gaming. WoW is nice becaue it's very casual-friendly. You can log on for an hour and actually accomplish something.
#247 Feb 07 2005 at 2:24 PM Rating: Default's chars all look different because of the cool armor and weapons and shirts and stuff but a big reason is because all the races are unique and blizzard had an imagination instead of sony just trying to make everything look super realistic, like half elves and humans looking exactly the same
#248 Feb 07 2005 at 2:26 PM Rating: Default
people saying wow had bad graphics and its a kiddie game and everyone playing it is stupid and immature are just trying to make themselves feel better about playing eq2
#249 Feb 07 2005 at 4:52 PM Rating: Decent
976 posts
Ey Lydiaele, maybe den I be seein ya one day on de battlefield. Ya be lookin for de Troll Hunter named Razabajin, dat be me mon.


I love CC. It's a great server.

Mokuba, EQ2 is not a bad game. The main problem with the game is that the customer relations do a very poor job at listening to what their customers want, and the game feels like it had been rushed to the stores, rather than finished before it was released.

One day I may come back to EQ2, in a year or so when things are straightened out and major bugs fixed. Right now I'm just having too much fun in WoW though. Seriously, it is a nice break from the typical "takes dedication" type of MMORPG. Not that those are bad, but right now I just need something different for a change.

Edited, Mon Feb 7 16:54:12 2005 by Ivven
#250 Feb 07 2005 at 5:22 PM Rating: Decent
I never thought I'ld say this, but I'm going to give WoW a try this weekend (game is only released on Friday).

When I started EQ II in November, the graphics, gameplay and quest system were great. Well, after I improved my memory to stop the lag that is, but that's besides the point.

However, I am planning to take a break untill after the expansion is released, the game is getting on my nerves as it is at this point too limited to keep my interest. Soloing is possible, more than in EQ I, so that's not the problem, the fact that you have so little zones to play in is another matter. Antonica has three zones now that I've never been to with my 26 paladin, because they are group only zones, which is a very bad decision by the devs to do. This isn't the first time this is said though, and others have done it better than me too. Restricting zones for certain levels only is a pity, ruins the whole exploring aspect.

But SOE too are getting on my nerves, not only did they crash my account on EQ to the point that I just quit that game (after a year and a half, sigh), it would seem to me that their service still hasn't improved. Trying to get Station Access and can't for some reason, I've send several e-mails but no response, reminds me of last time I asked their help, lol.

I won't give up on EQ, I've had too much fun with EQ I and EQ II isn't really that bad, but I do think that a pause is needed, just untill the expansion is released and then I'll see.

#251 Feb 08 2005 at 1:47 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
Pasho you nut ;) you forgot to link the filter part. Hehe for example although not a MMORPG really just an example

Starcraft = played by 99% or the Korean population, specializing in creating 1.5 million of the same unit to overun thier enemy!
(if you can tell I have run some LANs and seen this in action :) )

Now your homework is rather extensive but I will have to give you a B- cause you missed the description of the players of each :P now back to work!


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