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EQ2 or WoW>> Which is better??Follow

#1 Jan 10 2005 at 6:20 PM Rating: Decent
539 posts
Hello guys..

I have been seeing a lot of the threads out here....and I found almost the same constant in all of them: WoW.
It is like if everybody were regreting to play EQ2 or if all of them were asking the same question: What would have been playing WoW???

I chose EQ2 over WoW and the ONLY reason I did it was because EQ2 graphics are waaaay better than WoW. I find the graphics of that game -WoW- terrible!! I really like more realistic (EQ2 and SWG type) and well done graphics than the pathetic job they have there.
But, still now, I am giving it the thought of trying it....and here is where i hit myself: with those graphics??....and the answer is YES.

Why? maybe because of the existing boom and noise and all the success you see posted everywhere a gamer may go.
You start thinking that all that display of good reviews and all that bunch of people playing that game is because is true somewhere in the line...
Another possible reason is because my whole guild in SWG started playing WoW.....and they are consumate players!!

Now, I am a mage lvl11, and there are still some things that i do not quite understand of this game. Soloing is boring, repetitive and lacks of real purpose....Getting a group is a real problem (you see people yelling all the time asking for a group lvl XX or class XXX)
Let's not mention the selling sucks!! How can U get xp if you have to stay in your room to sell the items and get some money??

On the other hand, we have Dungeons&Dragons On-line coming soon too. They promise to have all this covered...

What do you think??

#2 Jan 10 2005 at 7:27 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
I think you've pretty much hit the nail on the head, Pasho.

Like I keep saying, how could SoE have gotten so much so right in EQ2 and botched those other parts so badly?

Eq2 is still rewarding to play, at least to some extent. But I think the issue they goofed the most is FUN. They forgot to sprinkle in fun. That's the thing I see people saying over and over who go over to WoW, that it's actually fun. Well, I'm gonna give it a try when I can. Maybe in a few months. We may not kill our EQ2 accts - the game really does have a lot of promise. But if you create a being w/out fun and have to go back in and add it ... hard to pull off. But I hope they do. I hope they see WoW's dominance as a wakeup call to fix the game. Maybe I'm a hopeless optimist here - I would. But SoE people can be really stubborn, so maybe it won't happen... Smiley: disappointed
#3 Jan 10 2005 at 7:53 PM Rating: Good
198 posts
I used to LOVE EQII. I played since release (well 3 days after cause the collectors edition was delayed) and I played for 2-5 hours a night. EQII was such a big upgrade, fun wise, than the original.

Lately I have been logging in and... Well, just staying in my room and selling and chatting with my guild. I don't find the game as interesting or fun as I did in the first 30 days. I look forward to logging in less and less each day. Last night I almost got level 28 but I gave up. I am so burned out on the XP grind that I just couldn't do the 3 bubbles that were left to level up. I went and I got EL access and it was ok... I had a level 35 helping me so the battle was pretty fun. We didn't wipe.

I used to defend this game because I was having so much. I used to tell those WoW people to go away and let me have my fun. Who cares if you can solo to 60 through quests and other fun stuff and it doesn't feel like a job. I was enjoying EQII so much that I didn't care how much greener their grass was.

Then the patches started rolling in. The selling from within my room started bugging me. The low solo content became boring. I just suddenly found that the fun I was having in EQII was slowly being replaced by what the game was originally planned to be. They never meant for the game to be the way I was playing it. They just released it and were slowly making it what it should be. I guess I was playing their Beta game still and most of the feature and tuning weren't in place yet.

So they upped the damage on mobs, they gave those players that pay more 4 additional slots. They said that selling was not going to change. They made so many changes so quickly that I am now playing a different game. And these were all changes against the players. They didn't add damage and fix this to make playing more fun. They fixed things and updated things to slow down leveling and to make it harder. We didn't receive 'fun' bug fixes. Just the fixes that would slow down my leveling and force me to play what they had originally designed.

So the game was bogged down in tedium and difficulty and nothing was really added to make it fun. Then they gave us traits and skills and what not but they forgot to include descriptions so we had no idea what to pick. So I chose off of what it SAID and chose things that didn't help my playstyle because of how those spells, traits work. And no respec. I guess I 'liked' their unfinished product more than what they had originally planned.

I am just not having fun anymore so I no longer wish to play this game. But I have 2 problems. 1 is that I paid a 6 month subscription for the game I loved playing for those free 30 days. And 2, WoW is sold out everywhere. You can't even get it from Blizzard themselves. I found it on Amazon for $230 bucks. >_< Maybe E-bay will be kinder to me.
#4 Jan 10 2005 at 8:31 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
Look on the bright side Tocopheryl, if there's a slight chance that SOE can rise from the pit they dug for themselves within 6 months, you don't have to reactivate. :)

I have to agree with you. I got to 21 solo with my first character and was having a blast. Suddenly, I found myself with a task that was soloable up until a point. Next thing I know, I'm having to fight a blue con double up arrow everytime I try to cross the Qeynos Highway. Since the modified damage, I get my rear handed to me and then some. I deleted the quest and haven't logged into my main since (except for one instance where I helped a betrayer of freeport, then I logged off right after we were done).

I had hoped the roleplaying community would make up for the lack that SOE provides, however things aren't favoring well for rpers on LD.

Until the adventure packs start coming out, I'm giving SOE a chance to make EQ2 what it was alluded (in some cases, promised) to be.
#5 Jan 10 2005 at 8:36 PM Rating: Excellent
Arcos - If you ever decide to reroll on Antonia Bayle, look me up. :) There is a lot of RP that goes on here, compared to LD. The people on Lucan are still very nice, but the majority of the roleplayers stuck with AB rather than move. :/

I have both WoW and EQ2, and try though I might to enjoy WoW, I find myself going back to EQ2 over and over again. WoW is nice, it's fun, and so on, but I just don't feel as immersed in it when I play. I don't feel a connection to the history of the world, or the charcters, etc.

I'm also not a fan of PvP at all, so that's a huge portion of WoW's content that I have absolutely no interest in. I like grouping with people. Sure, I like to be alone every now and then, but I can do that in EQ2. In WoW, I have only very occasionally had reasons to group. Most of the time it feels like a single player game that I just happen to be playing with other people.
#6 Jan 10 2005 at 9:12 PM Rating: Decent
259 posts
Miravelle wrote:
I have both WoW and EQ2, and try though I might to enjoy WoW, I find myself going back to EQ2 over and over again. WoW is nice, it's fun, and so on, but I just don't feel as immersed in it when I play. I don't feel a connection to the history of the world, or the charcters, etc.

ditto :). most of my guild went to wow, hence my holding the reins for the guild in eq2... and i log in to wow about once every 2-3 *weeks* to hang for about 2 h with peeps that are spooty enough to log on alts (willingly... i dont ask em to [: smile :]), and then i get bored and feel guilty because i'm keeping them from playing their mains, and the cottoncandy feel gets to me.

as i've said *many* times... it's all gameplay style.. maybe i'm a closeted s&m, but i like eq2 :).

gl wherever you end up tho! norrath *and* azeroth both have spiffy people :).
EQ: Runyaessz, 5 Monk, Phinigel
EVE: Runym/Runyn/Runyl, 43M SP each
SWTOR: Pardoric, 22 Merc, on vaca
EQ: Runyariel Varyuvantel, 65 Enchanter, Tarew Marr, on vaca
LoTRO: Runyarian, 38 hunter, Vilya, on vaca
WoW: Runyarian, 70 hunter, Muradin, on sabbatical
EQ2: Runylala, 25 Troll Bard, Qey, Blackburrow, retired
WAR: Runyael, 30 DiscO Khaine, Ironfist,retired.
CoH: Hissing Chicken, 16 Scrapper, Pinnacle, retired
#7 Jan 10 2005 at 9:40 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Toco you couldn't have said it better, so I won't try. I felt so frustrated at launch cuz I felt what you feel now right off the bat. Man, I got hammered in here by people who were dazzled by EQ2's good parts... that hurt. Oh well - I guess it's what I get for not going with the flow.

To you others who like EQ2 better, more power to ya! I can see what you say exactly. While I've yet to try WoW, I bet it isn't perfect, either. EQ2 probably is more of a complete "world". And if that makes you happy then in all sincerity I'm very happy for you! I'm glad you've found a home.

Some of us are more sensitive to being "scripted" or "coerced" by the designers into a certain type of play. Why the hell couldn't they just open it up and let us find our own levels??? That was how old EQ worked, and it was grand - most successful mmo to date in spite of it's flaws - why? Fun. It was fun. And it was wide open - the designers gave you lots of freedom to find your own place in that world. I wonder what possesses the good folks at Sony to be so *tight*?? Is it just ego?
#8 Jan 10 2005 at 11:33 PM Rating: Good
Well, there isn't exactly a ton of flexibility in WoW either. There is a pretty set path to the way you do things, regardless of job, or starting location. I hope that changes as I get into the higher levels, but so far I've played several different characters, and it's all pretty much the same thing.

I'm also highly displeased with the targeting system in WoW. I wish that it was just a bit more intuitive. Otherwise, it's not bad. It feels a lot like EQLive, so I suspect that a lot of EQ vetrans will love it. :)
#9 Jan 11 2005 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
259 posts
EvilGnomes wrote:
Some of us are more sensitive to being "scripted" or "coerced" by the designers into a certain type of play.

i think that some creative solutions i've found to obstacles ingame are less lemmingish than those that don't play the game the same way think.

i've actually felt *more* scripted in wow, hence my being way bored within an hour of logging on. perhaps my gameplay style lends itself to the world that soe created more than blizzard's.

in fact, that's what i've insisted all along. gameplay styles differ. the fact that anyone prefers a certain game over another simply means that person thinks about games in a certain way. it does not have to mean that the person is a pavlovian subject.
EQ: Runyaessz, 5 Monk, Phinigel
EVE: Runym/Runyn/Runyl, 43M SP each
SWTOR: Pardoric, 22 Merc, on vaca
EQ: Runyariel Varyuvantel, 65 Enchanter, Tarew Marr, on vaca
LoTRO: Runyarian, 38 hunter, Vilya, on vaca
WoW: Runyarian, 70 hunter, Muradin, on sabbatical
EQ2: Runylala, 25 Troll Bard, Qey, Blackburrow, retired
WAR: Runyael, 30 DiscO Khaine, Ironfist,retired.
CoH: Hissing Chicken, 16 Scrapper, Pinnacle, retired
#10 Jan 11 2005 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent
198 posts
Here are my chances of finding the game...
#11 Jan 11 2005 at 10:36 PM Rating: Decent
167 posts
I have more fun with WoW, I canceled my EQ2 account and I don't regret it. I have way more fun, everything is good. The only thing I miss is the party system (I still play FFXI on occasion).
All I have to say is that EQ2 is a bummer, and that's a pity because EQ1 was great.
#12 Jan 12 2005 at 5:31 AM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
In case you didn't check Toco's link:

"IRVINE, Calif. - January 10, 2005 –Blizzard Entertainment® today announced that World of Warcraft® has sold through more than 600,000* units to customers in North America, Australia, and New Zealand. The fastest-growing massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) has also shattered all previous concurrency records in North America, achieving over 200,000 simultaneous players during the holiday period. "

That's part of it. There's more.

Pretty sobering.

If what some of you other players are saying is true, that WoW is also heavily scripted and doesn't give the player freedom... sigh, then for me the mmo is dead. If it's okay for you, that's okay. But for me... /mourn Smiley: cry
#13 Jan 12 2005 at 5:47 AM Rating: Good
What is a clearer indicator to me is staying power. I'll be interested to see where both EQ2 and WoW are a year from now.

#14 Jan 12 2005 at 8:11 AM Rating: Default
GilgameshAngelic wrote:
I have more fun with WoW, I canceled my EQ2 account and I don't regret it. I have way more fun, everything is good. The only thing I miss is the party system (I still play FFXI on occasion).
All I have to say is that EQ2 is a bummer, and that's a pity because EQ1 was great.

I agree. I've been trying to give it a shot but today I logged on and was going to complete and quest and just stopped dead in my tracks and logged. It's just to pointlessly repetitive. There simply is nothing to drive me in EQ2. I

How many people want me to kill 10 of this, 6 of that, 5 of those, and 7 others. Most of the quests are the same damn things over and over with a different name. If not questing the actual gameplay is tedious(not that it is any less if you were questing). I find myself asking, "Why am.. what is the poin.. what am I doing?"

EQ1 was a great game. The only reason I ever stopped playing was because I couldn't find any groups because I was in a eastern european time zone. I though this game would be everything EQ1 was and some. But it is a huge step backwards.

There is no strategy in groups. Mages can cast endlessly without a worry. Priest can cure without hate considerations. All fighters have to do is push combat arts and shout whenever it's available. And they took away everything that made the classes good in EQ1 without replacing them with something equal or better. And yes, I can compare EQ2 to EQ1 because they share the same makers and those makers should know better. They have like 6 years of experience. There really is no excuse for this pitiful game. It was fun at first, but when the dust settled I was missing FFXI... even SWG:)

I might get WOW, but I'm thinking about calling it quits til Dark and Light comes out. Horrible graphics do bother me.
#15 Jan 12 2005 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
539 posts
Hello all.
I see some of you guys have been seeing my threads out there...some of them have been nice to me and some not..but that is what makes life fun. Some of them have been saying that i keep whining, etc, etc.

I just wanted to let you guys know that last night i reactivated my acct with SWG...i really miss that game...maybe there is not much people like it used to be but it is still fun.
What is gonna happenned to my "almost new" EQ2 subscription?? well...i'm gonna keep it too...gonna play both games...maybe that will slow my char dev ..but..who cares?

All this to say just two things:
1)Why keeping EQ2? because i really believe this game has everything to rock IN THE FUTURE...because now ...well, let's say it "they could do better" with it. I want to be part of that ....that is why. I will do my best in the game.

2)Why SWG? because i loved that game in the begining and i think that it is still enjoyable. besides need a break (from time to time) from EQ2....

This all (because at the end everybody is saying almost the same thing), leads me to one conclussion: Everybody wants to keep their EQ2 subscription because of what might happen to it in the future...but for now everybody (at least some good part of the players) are looking for alternatives....
mine was SWG..others is WoW...but at the end is a constant...looking for alternatives.

I REFUSE TO PLAY WoW. (I thought of it i regret it)

Well hope to see you all out there in Tatooine or in Norrath..wherever.

#16 Jan 12 2005 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
14,454 posts
Wow ( seriously no pun intended here) I thought I was the only one but it looks like I'm not alone.

I played EQ for over 4 years. Right before EQ2 came out I started losing interest and getting burnt out. I had been playing nonstop many hours a day and I could only do so much of the same thing again and again/So when EQ2 came out I was very excited and thought this would be my chance for a new world. I souped up my computer, loaded the game, and I truely enjoyed it.... until I hit level 21 and realized I could nto progress further without grouping all the time. I dont mind grouping once in awhile, but I play with my husband and we tend to duo together most often. It's our time together.
I became disenchanted the more I tried to play and the less I was getting somewhere. I had heard of WoW and scorned it due to what i had seen of it's cheesy graphics. But the more I played EQ2, the more I realized I was done in the gaing world, unless I checked out WoW. So I bought the game, loaded it up, and after a day or 2, I realized the game wasn't half bad. In fact, it was fun! And it hit me that that's what was missing in EQ2. The fun.
I know many people love the game, they love to invest time into their character, and I do too. But sometimes, I want to hop on a game and be able to do something in 15 minutes, instead of being LFG for 2 hours. You still invest time in WoW, but it seems you can have a more well rounded character that is still fun to play.

I always thought myself a Sony girl. I never ever thought I would switch to another game other then EQ or EQ2. But it's getting harder and harder for me to log into either of SOEs games. When it's time for me to click a button that starts a game up, 99% of the time, I'm finding myself automatically pushing the WoW button.
#17 Jan 12 2005 at 10:22 AM Rating: Good
1,625 posts
I agree with the above statement. I also never even considered playing any other on-line game except EQ1 and EQ2. However, SOE has changed EQ2 so much since the release that I have given up. I have not cancelled my accounts since I still play EQ1 every once in awhile.

Went out and bought a copy of WOW and haven't looked back. It's still to early to just WOW for me but the one thing that WOW has is FUN.

My opinion may change in the coming months but I love playing an "Undead" class in WOW.

We will see...
#18 Jan 12 2005 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
25 posts
Sometimes, I feel like the only person in the world who likes WoW and EQ2 equally, for totally different reasons.

EQ2. I like its maturity. I like its visual style, its realistic and engrossing crafting process. I like its Heroic opportunities, its focus on group-play and PvE play. I enjoy its quests and guild system, and I think it has possibly the nicest community of any online game I've ever played. I like the fact that you can sit down for hours and get so much done.

WoW. I like its cartoony-style. I like its well-implemented PvP, that seems to really have a purpose. I like its quick loading and its quirky sense of humour. I like its solo content. I like its linked quests and detailed advancement system. I like the fact that I can log on for 30 minutes and have achieved something.

I personally am more than happy to play both games. I find that each offers things that I like, and together they offer a superb package of both ends of the spectrum. If EQ2 offered the solo content and quicker levelling of WoW, I would adore it. If WoW offered the depth of guild system, configurability and group content of EQ2, I would adore it.
#19 Jan 12 2005 at 10:47 AM Rating: Good
I tend to agree Berelain, to a certain extent. :)

I'm not cancelling either of my subscriptions. I do play WoW from time to time, and have fun while I'm in it. I guess I do favor EQ2 slightly, but that doesn't mean that I hate WoW.
#20 Jan 12 2005 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
198 posts
I'm glad that there's players out there that are happy with one or the other or even both. Last night I finally canceled my FFXI account. It had been around 2 months since I last played it. While I was quitting one of my guild friends asks me why I was quitting, I said "Because this game is a job. Its not fun for me anymore and I feel that I have to 'work' in the game." He replies "That's what I love about this game, it punishes you for everything. I love the challenge" To each his own.

I too like a challenge but to me gaming should be about fun. About release and relaxation. If I want to be challenged I go rock climbing (well indoor since its freaking cold out right now). I challenge myself to climb the wall and get to the top. I don't look for the same challenge in gaming.

Besides, climbing that wall or rock face is also fun. Its a fun challenge. MMORPGs seem to be about tedious tasks that take hours upon hours to complete. That's not fun to me. That's not challenging. That's just a time investment. I feel the time invested is not worth the thrill of doing it nor the reward. Its like going to work. I go because I have to pay the bills, not because I like doing it. A 'game' should not feel like that to me. Diablo 2 didn't feel like that to me. I thoroughly enjoyed D2.

Maybe that's what happened though. FFXI burned me out with its elite groups and its required farming to get decent armor. Maybe I am just burned out and should take a break from all of this. But I was playing Divine Divinity last night and I loved it. I still enjoy games, just not boring tedious games.

As to the longevity of WoW. I played D2 for over 2 years. That game is the simplest easiest game out there. But it is fun. The reason they kept me coming back was to create full sets of armor and other unique items. I also created over 50 different characters with different builds and tried out so many things. The game was simply pure fun. Its outdated but I still find myself playing from time to time. I play enough of that game that I don't usually see the "Character will be deleted in XX amount of days" message. Maybe WoW is the same way. Or maybe I should wait for Guildwars instead. Its made by the same people that made D2.

Another thing I found out. Blizzard is not shipping any new copies of WoW because of the current demand. They stopped shipping the game until they can upgrade their servers and allow for more players on each server while keeping them stable. It seems that they were not prepared for such high demand and player turnout. Although why they weren't is beyond me. Each game they sell sells in millions within months. They should have known they were going to be sold out.
#21 Jan 12 2005 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
215 posts
Another thing I found out. Blizzard is not shipping any new copies of WoW because of the current demand.

I ordered World of Warcraft on 1/6 and got it on 1/10. From Blizzard's online store, and after all these announcements about how it's not available.

I just checked and you can buy it as of my post date. I don't understand all the people saying you can't buy it - just go straight to Blizzard instead of running to a game store.

EQ2 or WOW ? Sony made it real simple for me. The gameplay looks similar, and I had received EQ2 for Christmas. I have friends in EQ2. WOW sounded interesting but was up against these factors.

Then I find out I can only make four characters, period, in EQ2. WOW allows at least a hundred. Which game is better for an alt-o-holic ?
#22 Jan 12 2005 at 12:29 PM Rating: Good
1,930 posts
I am one of those who likes things about both of them. I do find myself going to WoW way more than to EQ2. I think everyone here is making good points.

The only thing I am bothered by is when someone says that WoW's graphics suck.

They are different styles yes but they are both graphically amazing. Anyone who can't see that is not looking. IMO.

I love the zoneless world of WoW. That right there to me is priceless. WoW's world is also massive. It is much larger than EQ2 is. Did I mention there is no zoning?? Even with a world that is prolly 3 times as large there is no zoning. Unless you take the trams. But even then it's only 2 zones and they are very fast.

I feel bored when I log into EQ2. It lost its WoW(pun intended) factor very quickly. I do still enjoy it just not as much. I like EQ2 quest log and targeting system. But I like WoW's mapping and combat system.

I play a Hunter in WoW and talk about fun. I have to tame my pet and feed it for goodness sake. And I can stable it for later use. How cool is that.

I know alot of people don't like PVP, but what they don't understand is that it is 100% voluntary in this game. The only way to get killed by someone is if you are on thier side. And that is your fault if you are. Even if they raid a city you're in they cannot touch you unless you attack them. It is a very well done PVP system.

Anyway I don't wanna ramble anymore.

I like both games alot, but WoW is first on my list.
#23 Jan 12 2005 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
3,293 posts
WoW's world is also massive. It is much larger than EQ2 is.

Is it that much larger?

You guys almost have me convinced to try this game as well.
#24 Jan 12 2005 at 12:49 PM Rating: Default
nice. just placed an order for 2 copies of wow from blizzards store. =)
#25 Jan 12 2005 at 12:49 PM Rating: Default
--- script error ---- double posted

Edited, Wed Jan 12 12:49:56 2005 by sotonin
#26 Jan 12 2005 at 1:06 PM Rating: Good
I think what makes WoW feel so much larger (I'm not sure what kind of actual size we're talking about here) is the fact that it's a seamless world, much like EQLive. So, you can walk and walk and walk, and never have to zone.
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