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HELP!! Need motivation to continue with EQ2Follow

#1 Jan 07 2005 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
539 posts
Hiya mates,
I need a little motivation here guys...I just finished my "Isle of Refuge" part, and personally, i found it a little dull....
Don't know..maybe i'm wrong, but i played SWG for a year or so, and so far, that one was better....the crafting part, the profession trees...maybe was a little out of content (at that time).....
Well, I'd like to have a little input from you all, maybe I'm pushing too hard here.. I'd hate to say that i spent $50 bucks on a game that is not as good as i expected....
I always heard that EQ ruled...that nothing in MMORPG can be compared to EQ so...i moved to EQ2...bad move?? don't know...

Please help me.

#2 Jan 07 2005 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
dude Isle of refuge was like what? 2 hours worth of the game .. if you need motivation now your sunk. I love eq2 it's so refreshing.
#3 Jan 07 2005 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
48 posts
if bored, simply don't renew your monthly subscription. Boredom of EQ2 solved.

Spend some of your time reading thru these forums, be pro-active. Find out what other players like about the game, read about the quests, tradeskilling.

There are SO MANY threads about the cool aspects of this game vs others like SWG and FFXI. Read those! Come on!

#4 Jan 07 2005 at 10:55 AM Rating: Good
honestly, to each his or her own..

I played SWG and was considering keeping it and EQ2.. but after the Isle of Refuge, SWG was cancelled 'cause I knew I would never go back to it..

I think SWG had the better housing system... otherwise for what I like the games cannot compare.. but let me go in detail.

I loved solo'ing in SWG and though profession switching was cool.. FFXI did it better since you didn't have to give up anything to learn something new. Regardless I'm an old-school RPG'er (I started RPG's back when it was D&D, not Advanced D&D and if the term "MERP" means anything to you then you know just how long I've been RPG'ing) I don't need to be able to switch professions because I've been doing the RPG thing a LONG time so I'm pretty decisive about what I want to play. Anywho, after about 5 or so months of SWG I honestly saw no point in it..

my gameplay in SWG consisted of this:

mission terminal > get two missions (why you were limited to 2 missions I'll never understand) > do two missions (with or without buffs.. typically without cause they were not a problem) > get paid

wash, rinse, repeat..

Dancer was nifty for a while but just standing there hitting the flourish macro would get to me after a while.. but it was cool helping people..

being the solo'ist that I was.. I was TK / Dancer / medic / scout (for making camps and T-nav) so I could go out for days at a stretch and never see a city.. and heaven knows TK with or without buffs is insanely powerful in PVE.

Then I tried the Theme parks.. now THAT was fun.. actually having purpose to my actions instead of simply grinding XP. Unfortunately they were over far too quickly and they didn't tie into the Star Wars story nearly as much as I would have liked.. but they were cool....

I had an interesting conversation with a friend who still plays SWG.. she absolutely hated the theme parks.. going from place to place, doing this and that, collecting and looking for locations.. she said "I'd rather just find a spot and stay there." (she's a master dancer / ID by the way). I found it interesting that I'm the exact opposite.. I feel that the theme parks were the best part of SWG and everything else was lacking.. so it was only natural that I would enjoy EQ2, because I love Questing.

When I hit Master TK I was doing the exact same thing I was doing at Novice brawler level: mission terminal / kill / mission terminal / kill, I just had more attacks to do it with.. not that you need anything else once you have Unarmed Spin. I had Comp Armor at Novice brawler level.. and the VK's the best (and really only) weapon for TK and you get it very early so nothing to look forward to.. and even with the solo-grouping nerf I could still rake in absurd amounts of money quickly. Crafting was simply too complex for me in SWG.. I'm not a crafter anyway so that was no biggie but I will admit it's one of the best crafting systems I've seen (thanks to the complexity). JTL was nifty (beta'd it) but in the end it wasn't enough for me to stay with SWG and I think I was the only person on my server who *didn't* want to be a jedi.

wow that was a lot...

anywho, all said.. then we get to this question.. what did you enjoy about SWG? honestly if you didn't like the isle of refuge I can say that the rest of the game (at least up to 21st level) is a lot like the isle. Exploration, mob hunting but a lot of questing.. MUCH more questing than is on the isle. Sure you quest in more dangerous places (I ran to the Thundering Stepps for the first time last night) but even in those places if you watch your step you'll be pretty much ok.

I was discussing games with a friend of mine one day and the subject was P.N.03.. which he said..

"it's repetitive, you just do the same thing over and over."

To which I responded..

"ALL games are repetitive, it's just a question of weather or not you like the repetition."

that said, if you prefer SWG's repetition instead of EQ2's repetition.. then you should play what you enjoy... it's not 50$ wasted 'cause there's no way you would have known if you liked EQ2 or not without truly *trying it* for yourself. Just because I enjoy it and can describe all the things I do enjoy about it.. doesn't mean you'll enjoy it. You haven't wasted money, you've gained personal knowledge & experience.. so don't feel obligated to play just cause you spent 50$... two hours at work and you've made that much money..

so in the end, play what you enjoy and have fun.
#5 Jan 07 2005 at 11:02 AM Rating: Default
499 posts
Get off the island and pickup a tradeskill. Try to find the one that will be the most profitable. Now sit in your instance for hours on end every day and every night and toil away. Buy a second account so you can have a mule sell for you while you play and continue crafting your *** off! After you bank eveything you make for about 1 month, then decide you don't like this game, give all your money to me and quit. Oh and I'll take over the high lvl artisan account as well, just delete the mule.
#6 Jan 07 2005 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
539 posts
Thanks to Ianini....that is an answer. You are right...
Anyway...the crafting, and housing part in SWG was better....really..
maybe i haven't played EQ2 that much.

ANYWAY...I am in the world now...and intent to play at its fullest.

Thanks again and specially to Ianini.
#7 Jan 07 2005 at 1:03 PM Rating: Decent
I'm glad you listened to Iaini. The game got a lot cooler for me when I hit level 10, and even cooler when I hit 20. If I get bored, I do something else for a few days. This game is so much more relaxed than what I'm used to (FFXI), and I don't feel as intense a dread of being left in the dust in this game. It's leisurely and friendly in my opinion, for the casual or the hardcore.
#8 Jan 07 2005 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Pasho I understand exactly how you feel. All the pre-release hype that EQ2 was going to be so great. And in a few aspects it is. The graphics are really cool.

But I was also expecting "the next generation in content" too. And that didn't happen.
#9 Jan 07 2005 at 9:20 PM Rating: Default
the game gets much better after 20 and you get your class
#10 Jan 07 2005 at 9:26 PM Rating: Decent
actualy, Gnome, if you want to get technical, EQ2 is

"the next generation in content"

I mean its the "child" of EQ, or the "the next generation in content" because EQ was the first generation in content.

To sum it up, the game is the next generation in content in the same way you are the next generation of your parents.

And yes, this post has NO point at all. I was going to say a nice, meaningful contrast between SWG and EQ2 (favoring EQ2 by the way), but then I read your post and HAD to be a total, ****, grammar loving douche.
#11 Jan 07 2005 at 10:01 PM Rating: Decent
47 posts
Zones like Cazic Thule, Permafrost, Lavastorm and Solusek's Eye is what this game is all about in my opinion...alot of the lower level zones did seem boring...well not boring but definitley not as fun as lower level zones in EQ live. As a dark character zones like Wailing Caves and Fallen Gate were fun only for a couple days...then it was just a boring xp grind. You should do the access quests...most zones have sub-zones that you can explore to change it up a bit. I thought about quitting a few times but now I'm having alot of fun.
#12 Jan 07 2005 at 11:31 PM Rating: Decent
What do you mean by "the next generation of content" ??

To me CRPG, be it single player or MMO, this generation of content is the same as that 20yrs ago. The mission/obj is still the same kill A, get B, made C, research D, lvl up and make as much money as possible. Only diff is that you can do all this with your friend or stranger in a prettier and faster enviroment.

Unless the AI improve to the point that npc live their own life and create their mission without external input/script. Or you suddenly invented a new item that is not even program in etc. Which would never happen in the next few generations or ever.

The only thing we can do is to look for a mmo game that we knock our head on the keybord less often and wait until the next mmo that make our head even less painful. The same cup of tea doesn't taste the same to everybody.

btw this is the 2nd mmo I'm planning to subscript for long term. The first being EVE. Most others I moved on after the free trials.
#13 Jan 09 2005 at 7:08 AM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
What did I mean by that? Damned good question. I don't design MMO's for a living - just keep that in mind when you ask me such a question. But I do recall that for months the pre-release hype for EQ2 was talking about some radically innovative stuff. Go back and look at the old hype - my fingers hurt too much for me to type it here. But I was expecting some really cool stuff.

Okay, the graphics are great. My footsteps "echo" when I run through tunnels. Cool! But like the old TV ads "WHERE'S THE BEEF?!" - I want to know where the "content" is? If we got a "next generation" look (and echoing footsteps) - where the heck is the "next generation" of "stuff to do" - what I'm calling content? Where is the creativity and innovation????

Well, there are wisps of it. See, I think they had a whole team or more working on this sort of stuff - and - I dunno - maybe it never worked out - maybe they rushed to beat WoW to marktet - I dunno. I know people who workin in the gaming biz - I don't see them a lot any more - I'll ask them and see if they know. Where do I see these teeny wisps of creativity? There is a cave, kinda hard to find - but do Pecket's Patrol in Antonica - and u'll get a huge hint (it's near where it ends) - and you find a cave full of gnolls creating rotstuff scarecrows - just like the ones out in the farmer's field. That's great! I just found that today - and I love it! Wish I'd seen it earlier. There are other examples like this, but way way way too few.

And there's almost none in the department of spells, abilities and tactics. Okay we get fun fluff spells. Whee. Actually that's decent, I'm happy about it - but not blown away. The thing we do most in the game - fighting - is the most backwater, derivative, stole- borrowed heavily from other old games (daoc and ff) part of EQ2 !!!!! Gah! Those of us who see this and recognize it for what it means - we are shocked, depressed, let down - whatever - we hate it. Okay? Sure, we like other parts of it too, most of us. But this - and the on-line selling - and only 4 characters period - and a lot of these harsh and profit-sucking moves SoE has made - frankly has already made a lot of us go over to WoW.

Go over to WoW. Read the guide on getting a Hunter from 1 to 20. Seriously - go to Alla's WoW site and read it. Learn what they did w/ their version of the beastlord, the Hunter - how he has to go catch his pets, train them and keep them happy - and board them if he wants to get another ---- and he can learn a skill from a new pet - then teach it to an old pet he had in a stall! That's some seriously creative stuff - it's new and innovative. EQ2 has nothing to compare to that in the area of spells, combat, fighting, tactics etc. I'm not trying to say WoW is such a great game overall - I've never played it - I want to try it now - but hell, it might suck out loud. But they at least got something doen that eq2 didn't. They at least in that one area advanced the envelope.

Now - tradeskillin - a lot of you might say "evil, aren't you forgetting tradeskillin - that's pretty rad. And... I dunno - i hate tradeskillin - personally I want it to be done as fast as possible. I'm not a big fan of this sitting there making stuff crap - and if I'd designed the game, I'd have given the non-artisan the option to give the collected junk to an NPC craftsman to make the darn thing for you - heheh sorry to all who love crafting! (evil now ducks for cover knowing bombs are coming). I jsut find the whole EQ2 tradeskill thing a ... it's not for me. And again, back to what most players spend most of their time doing - there was no major content innovation there - in fact - it went retrograde - they consolodated, simplified - and made it narrow, controlled and lacking in variation or options. And it's making me sick, cuz I wanna be playing EQ2 for the cool stuff, for the parts they got right - and yet the parts they screwed up weigh me down like 10 ton anchors. Oh well. I guess I'm crazy to think that. Or just --> Smiley: drunk I don't mean to wear you people down. Sorry if I ruin your experience or sour your fun. But SoE really needs to give us a better game that this. Or maybe I am asking for too much. Yeah, maybe we need advanced AI to get the "next generation" I want. But I don't think so. Yeah, these games are ... they boil down to grinding for exp and gear. But something creative could have been done to make this process more interesting/rewarding/better whatever. That's how I feel.
#14 Jan 10 2005 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
539 posts
Hello all, it's me again...THE GUY WHO POSTED THIS THREAD in the begining...
You guys are going waaaayyy too technical in some aspects of the game, but remember that some of us are newbies too.
For me, it has been a difficult experience to understand the logic of the game.
Maybe for old EQ1 players it's all easy and piece of cake (i really doubt it reading the threads), but for us NEWBIES it is a pain in the butt.
Graphics and sound are cool but the content is pretty much the same...I agree with Evilgnomes, no new stuff out there PLUS the fact that they (SOE) give for fact that you are already familirized with the game and how to play it!!!!
NEXT GENERATION is three things for me: 1)New tech development -existing in EQ2- 2)New content using that same new Tech developments -non-existing- and finally, 3)EASIER way to implement it -technology is supposed to soften the way u understand things-.

PLease guys, Dont get me wrong. But the fact is that now I'm a lvl 10 mage and I still dont know how to craft things...or what can you do with the bunch of stuff you pick doesn't say anything!! Besides..the selling system for the items really suck!! You pay your monthly fee just to stand in your house so you can sale some roots or poison??? What is that??!!!! Is that creativity?? Sorry to say it this way really lacks of anything possible in the gaming world!!!

Maybe this is a better game than SWG but, SWG has better crafting systems, better housing systems, and better economy systems.... if that game would have included quests in any way and had improved the professions fixes in!! that would have rocked the concept of the MMO!!

I think that was what WoW did!!! I havent seen it yet, but i heard that....My previous guild in SWG moved completly to WoW (because of the professions thing there) and they are really happy about it.......

What do you think?


#15 Jan 11 2005 at 6:37 AM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
But the fact is that now I'm a lvl 10 mage and I still dont know how to craft things...or what can you do with the bunch of stuff you pick up

I'm guessing you just went through Isle of Refuge as fast as you could?

There's a crafting tutorial on the island. Quite a few people get to level 9 in artisan before even leaving the island.
#16 Jan 11 2005 at 6:46 AM Rating: Decent
Pasho wrote:
Hiya mates,
I always heard that EQ ruled...that nothing in MMORPG can be compared to EQ so...

EQLive still is the king, by far the best MMO around with so much content it is almost insane.
However, EQ2 is a new game without any expansion, without a solid market, without much knowledge of the endgame etc. EQ2 will grow and grow and hopefully be even more great then EQLive.
EQ2 has great potential with dev's that has been around for along time!

Btw, SWG has better crafting then EQ2?
Thought it was common knowledge/oppinion that EQ2 has taken tradeskills to another level and made it far better then any other previous game?

Edited, Tue Jan 11 06:48:45 2005 by BumbiRagnar
#17 Jan 11 2005 at 6:52 AM Rating: Good
Not only that, but the island tutorial clues you in to just about every aspect of gameplay. Most people just click the little text box off of their screen without paying attention though. That's useful stuff! Read it.

If you do all of the quests on the island, and work on your harvesting and crafting skills to the best of your ability there, you should be prepared for anything that the game will throw at you once you get to your main city.

#18 Jan 11 2005 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
539 posts
Wait a sec you are saying that i have to start a new char and re-do all that stuff in Isle of refuge???
Because you can't go back there..right?
Besides..i did all the things in the quests if i needed to spend more time in the Isle, doing more stuff...i didn't know...and nothing said that i should have done so.
And that is my exactly my point: Maybe it is all obvious for all of you because you are old EQ1 players and understand the game logic...but for me, EQ2 is my first EQ experience and it is really confusing and not clear.
You dont have to assume anything in any kind of activity and i dont see why EQ2 should be different.

Now i have spent a bunch of trying to create a char, and now you guys recommend to start a new one?
Dont take me wrong...i really appreciatte your help. I am just angry that i have to start all over again...because the game is not clear about that.

#19 Jan 11 2005 at 9:58 AM Rating: Good
No one is suggesting that you start a new character. -_- And for the record, I never played EQLive (well, not until after I had played EQ2), so I'm not working from some sort of informed standpoint.

There is a tradeskill tutorial on the island. When you finish your quest for Garven Tralk, the narrator guy tells you to speak with Assistant Dreak, who will tell you about tradeskills.

Now, if you didn't do that tutorial, all is still not lost. There are lots of guides and whatnot out there. You just have to look for them. Check out the official forums, or or something. You can't just expect everything to be handed to you.
#20 Jan 11 2005 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
539 posts
Why not?
Let me quote how they are selling the game:
Massive World of Norrath -- Regions, cities, countless dungeons, and dynamically created zones
Easy to Play -- New user friendly game mechanics with reduced learning curve for both new and seasoned players
16 Races and 48 Classes -- Branching systems allow you to choose your class as you advance
Existing EverQuest Player Incentives -- Exclusive crossover quest zones, chat system, and more"

SEE?? That is why i expect to understand the game simply using the tools i received in the first place..and that is: the guide that comes with it and the in-game tutorial.

They never said anything about having to go to no-one-knows-how-many-sites to understand how the game works.....

#21 Jan 11 2005 at 10:20 AM Rating: Good
I'm going to be brutal here, because I haven't had much sleep, and my coffee hasn't kicked in yet. Are you retarded or something? Because the learning curve on this game is not steep. At all. Seriously. NOT.

If you want everything to be handed to you, go play a console RPG. Because any online RPG (including WoW) isn't going to hand everything to you on a silver platter. You actually have to work at it!

Edited, Tue Jan 11 10:20:39 2005 by Miravelle
#22 Jan 11 2005 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
539 posts
Not retarded and you dont have to be that rude.
but if you understand On line RPG as surfing websites looking for guides,in order to understand the game...well, that is a new definition of the genre.
You better go get some sleep.
Stop drinking makes you mean.
#23 Jan 11 2005 at 10:47 AM Rating: Default
Miravelle is correct. EQ2 is designed so that even a mentally retarded ape could pick it up in 5 minutes. It was designed so simply and straightforward, that's the thing i hate the most about it honestly. If you can't understand how to play after the isle tutorial you should probably try a simpler game like diablo.
#24 Jan 11 2005 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
539 posts
Sotonin, are you a EQ1 player? if yes, then you may see everything clear and perfectly understandable. But if long did it take you to completly understand the game? What crafter level are you? Do you completly understand what all that stuff you pick on the side of your quests is good for, without having a description or properties of the item??
Is not the simple fact of put A, add B and zas!! there you have the perfect item....that is not what i say. See?
What strategy is having to stand in your room in order to sell your stuff? You should see another economy systems in other games then.

#25 Jan 11 2005 at 11:12 AM Rating: Decent
259 posts
ok, kids... let's all breathe for a second...

many people skated through the island, not understanding or taking advantage of the learning experience available there. it happens. impatience doesn't equate to a low iq, just a lack of foresight.

crafting: has excellent guides.

y'all have a better day.
EQ: Runyaessz, 5 Monk, Phinigel
EVE: Runym/Runyn/Runyl, 43M SP each
SWTOR: Pardoric, 22 Merc, on vaca
EQ: Runyariel Varyuvantel, 65 Enchanter, Tarew Marr, on vaca
LoTRO: Runyarian, 38 hunter, Vilya, on vaca
WoW: Runyarian, 70 hunter, Muradin, on sabbatical
EQ2: Runylala, 25 Troll Bard, Qey, Blackburrow, retired
WAR: Runyael, 30 DiscO Khaine, Ironfist,retired.
CoH: Hissing Chicken, 16 Scrapper, Pinnacle, retired
#26 Jan 11 2005 at 11:49 AM Rating: Good
I said it was early. Sorry. But if someone isn't willing to put forth a modicum of effort on their end, then I'm not sure where to go from there. :/

I'm not usually that rude.
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