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#27 Jan 07 2005 at 4:03 PM Rating: Default
Ummm, let me see... like I give a damn whether you have enough whining at work and don't want to read it here. Try this on for size, then don't read the post. Or continue to be shildish as many here do when they don't like what someone says and downrate them... which by the way is a ridiculous feature. Oh no, some guy on the other end of the net didn't like my post and he rated it a one... boo-fargin-hoo...

I pay to play EQ2, gives me a right to *****...

I did the quests for the eyes, gives me a right to *****...

I pay to be a premium member here, gives me a forum to ***** in...

I **** you off, well thats just icing on the cake!
#28 Jan 07 2005 at 4:11 PM Rating: Default
1,463 posts
Mokuba, this kind of post really pisses me off. "Why are you crying about" - you bastage - the other poster isn't "crying" - he's COMPLAINING. Why do you have to belittle him by implying he's a useless baby sitting there crying - he's voiced a real concern about a broken game feature that ate a VALUABLE ITEM of his! Why can't you and your ilk EVER GET THIS???? Why can't you morons ever leave people alone - people get angry playing EQ2 on a regular basis - so what if they come in here and rant, huh? SO FREAKING WHAT? Stop it with your petty, self-centered "what are you crying about" sniping fey little geeked off jerkwad remarks - and let them vent! And besides, knowing that this is broken HELPED ME. You didn't help anyone. You only rubbed salt in the wound of someone who was (1) hurt and (2) letting us know about a problem. You are the very definition of UNCOOL.

So Mokuba, you and all your buddies who like to peevishly snipe at those who come in here with their guts hanging out - LAY OFF IT NOW! GRRRRRRRRRRR! Smiley: mad
#29 Jan 07 2005 at 4:39 PM Rating: Good
Evil thank you, I didn't start this thread to *****. It was a warning thread. I admit I let it become a ***** thread when I chose to reply to some of the childish statements made by those clearly not in the know, who haven't quested this item... who admit to never having had more than 1 gold, so they are either jealous or can not appreciate what it is to lose an item worth 5g.

In any event, I am going to follishly place faith in Sony that they will make this right and come up with some reasonable solution. The lowest tier bones being available on a merchant for say 1 or 2 silver each. I do not object to a consumable as much as I object to the fact that it was:

1. Unannounced

2. It consumes inventory bones at random, and will just as likely eat an enchanted bone as it will a shattered bone

3. Illusion poofs on zoning, and can not be used while mounted

4. Illusion confers no racial benefits and costs an expensive regeant for appearance only

I am so sick of hearing people say these eyes allow you to be any race you want. NO, the do NOT! They allow you to appear as any race you want if you have quested the item or purchased it. You do not get enhanced or decreased abilities or racial traits. You do not gain admittance to an opposing city. You don't get faction. You get to look like another race so long as you are not mounted or need to zone. That's eat and that should not cost me 5s... much less 5g.

Edited, Fri Jan 7 16:45:55 2005 by LairdRagna
#30 Jan 07 2005 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
Seriously lard, i feel you, but you really should tone it down. Reread what you just wrote bud. Hey i lost two bones myself, don't sweat it.
#31 Jan 07 2005 at 4:59 PM Rating: Good
Yeah, I'm sorry, I've just really had it with this. This was not something that unbalanced the game in any way, shape or form. It was fun, lord we can't be having any of that! At some point I'd like to be able to enjoy what I have earned, and not waste time running the country side looking for ? marks before others get to them just so I can use an item I've earned. I don't mind buying the bone, I just don't see how leaving it to either finding them yourself or paying exorbitant prices through broker does anything for the game. Put an NPC in the game that sells chips... call it the City mortician or what have you... Make them expensive enough that it means something. say 2.5s, or 50s a stack. That I can see, but 50s for a single bone? Please! As I said above I paid half that for one of the best player crafted heavy armor pieces in the game at level 20.

I could have even bitten my tongue had they announced the change in the patch. Wouldn't have liked it, but would have dealt. I could have then sold my enchanted ratonga bone to somebody looking for one for the quest. Instead, unknowingly *click * and its gone. How somebody who has never earned a gold can understand what like that feels like is beyond me. Fot that kind of money at level 10 I had purchased a full set of heavy armor, a kickass sword and shield and some pristine jewelry. I used those items for several levels. Not click, blink, zone, gone...
#32 Jan 07 2005 at 5:18 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Laird, you dont' need to tone it down. You're okay.

Others need to understand that some of us get ---> Smiley: mad

Me? Guilty as charged. I'm wired differently from other people. Man, if I didn't have to spend so much of my day controlling my temper - I'd be a Leonardo DaVinci or something by now (JK - but seriously, I sometimes wonder what I could do if I had the extra brain-space to do something other than control my temper - which, as you've noticed - I'm not even that good at). Well, I've managed to stay out of jail... so far (knock knock knock).

What some of you need to understand is that some of us have had years of bad treatment from mmo's, and we're reaching the breaking point by now. We love mmo's, but as each month goes by, we grow more and more intolerant of the b.s. that accompanies them.

So, if we come in here w/ our guts hanging out - the dumbest thing another poster can do is say "what are you crying about?" or "why don't you just quit then?" or some such really insensitive remark that that only serves to rub salt in the wound.

Even if Laird got excited, he GAVE US USEFUL INFORMATION. Thank you, Laird. Those of you who can only sit back and snipe - hey - I'd love to see you getting us some useful information or something instead - that would be really nice. Okay, I'm calm now. Smiley: smile It's safe to be around the Gnome... for the moment... (if we all tip-toe....)
#33 Jan 07 2005 at 5:33 PM Rating: Decent
85 posts
well...this is off the thread topic a bit, but as far as losing a crafter if we want to make something out of a rare item we pay upwards of 5 gold for it, but then on the market the selling price is often dropped below that due to the fact that a looted item could be very similar and sell for much less...though, thats why I don't use the rares at this point...I got a blackened Iron cluster and just sold it because when I checked out the market the swords and armors made from blackened iron were only going for 50s or so, while the going rate for the cluster was around 2gp
#34 Jan 07 2005 at 5:35 PM Rating: Decent
Must be something with us gnomes, lol... I'm a gnome paladin... fear me *rawwwwr*
#35 Jan 07 2005 at 6:01 PM Rating: Good
259 posts
EvilGnomes wrote:
I'm wired differently from other people.

everyone has hangups and issues :). as cranky as you get sometimes, i usually can see where you are coming from, even when i don't agree :).
EvilGnomes wrote:
What some of you need to understand is that some of us have had years of bad treatment from mmo's, and we're reaching the breaking point by now. We love mmo's, but as each month goes by, we grow more and more intolerant of the b.s. that accompanies them.

mind, this isn't a criticism, and bear in mind that i totally respect your right to express an opinion :).

i just wanted to point out that not everyone that has played mmorpg's longterm shares that sentiment. that doesn't invalidate it, it just means that i agree with your statement above... the bit about wiring :).

i do commend your efforts to reign in your temper, though. there've been times when i could tell that you were just dying to let it out.


i used to have an awful temper when i was a kid, then in my mid-20s it kind of left, and i'm not sure where it went (though i have a pretty good idea Smiley: smile), but i don't miss it much :). i do remember it being it was awful to manage, so i feel your pain.

to address one point before i give my opinion on the topic at hand:

How somebody who has never earned a gold can understand what like that feels like is beyond me.

on the contrary, i think that those that have been unable to even *get* to a gold are *capable* of understanding that it's quite an achievement, by dint of their being unsuccessful thus far at reaching that goal. these persons do not necessarily exercise that capability to understand, however.

as far as the topic goes:

yes, this was a bit of an icky. if i recall correctly, the original mention of this particular item appeared in the patch that was to be released the week that norrath tanked for 3 days, so it wasn't implemented. i vaguely recall that it was buried somewhere in there, as i remember thinking that i wondered what "consume bone, as was intended" meant. i remember wondering what kind of bone, and whether it was the rare forage, or the collects, or whether they'd have the sense to provide a consumable. yes, they should have reposted it in this weeks patch notes, and i'm surprised that it wasn't there. i didn't notice it was missing, because i don't yet have one of the eyes, so it didn't occur to me to check.

i can understand people being upset that there was an unknown (to them) detrimental effect when using the item. i'd likely be upset as well, though i tend to blame myself first, and ask questions later, so i might not have ranted publicly :x. like eg said, we're all wired differently.

whether originally intended or not, this has become a rant thread. let them rant. flaming is just silly.

and thanks for pointing out the issue, laird. you may have saved some people some pain and suffering :).

y'all have a good weekend, y'hear?

Edited, Fri Jan 7 18:10:02 2005 by runyariel
EQ: Runyaessz, 5 Monk, Phinigel
EVE: Runym/Runyn/Runyl, 43M SP each
SWTOR: Pardoric, 22 Merc, on vaca
EQ: Runyariel Varyuvantel, 65 Enchanter, Tarew Marr, on vaca
LoTRO: Runyarian, 38 hunter, Vilya, on vaca
WoW: Runyarian, 70 hunter, Muradin, on sabbatical
EQ2: Runylala, 25 Troll Bard, Qey, Blackburrow, retired
WAR: Runyael, 30 DiscO Khaine, Ironfist,retired.
CoH: Hissing Chicken, 16 Scrapper, Pinnacle, retired
#36 Jan 07 2005 at 6:26 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Heheh, my experience is the opposite. I was a pretty nice kid Smiley: smile.

And then in college I had some English profs tell me point blank that if I wanted to even have a hope of making an A in their class I had to use "Marxist criticism" in my papers! Smiley: yikes

And then out in the real world, what I chose to do for a living is very high pressure/high stress - w/ people constantly trying to rip me off. Smiley: frown

So the nice little inner gnome in me was buried, and the evil, dangerous gnome was born and empowered ---> Smiley: mad

Lately however I've been trying to bring this gnome out -> Smiley: jester and respond w/ humor instead of magma. Not today - sorry - I have a headache today, literally. But I'll try to get back to the funny gnome and not the volcanic one.

Funny, if we were all talking in real life - if we knew who each other was (and where they lived) - none of these conversations would play out like they do here in the annonimity of the internet. This forum is a lot like "talk radio". Well, GL all - and here's to hoping that they get this game really fixed (maybe we should email Mr. Moorgard and his team a dictionary definition of what "fix" means...?) - they do seem to be a trifle confused on that one Smiley: confused .
#37 Jan 08 2005 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
499 posts

You are a perfect example, you have said you were going to quit before and eveyone knew you weren't. We are not trying to hurt your feelings or anything, we are just pulling your card. You did it to get attention and for the WOW effect of seeing someone post that they are going to quit and why. There are a hundred threads in which all the poster is trying to say is "IM QUITING TEH GAME WUZ IT SUXXORZZ!!" both here and on the main EQ forums. What the hell do you expect us to do, hold you and tell you everything will be ok? This is either your sock talking, perhaps a guildie, a real life friend, or perhaps mysery just loves company.

And for the record I didn't rate anyone down here and even rated a few people up, for example cardiac for calling me out for not actually having all the eyes. Good call, but it matters not since they don't work properly at the moment and I'm going to cancel my account because I can't look like another race.

Edited, Sat Jan 8 11:41:03 2005 by jakstrw

Edited, Sat Jan 8 11:41:58 2005 by jakstrw
#38 Jan 08 2005 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
85 posts
Jack, you can come with me over to Wow and help make all 880 characters that they allow for.

That aside, I really honestly don't understand where all the anger is coming from here, all this post was originally was "there's a problem, be aware" and "actually it was supposed to be this way" then all of a sudden it turned into flame fest.

I just personally choose not to let any of this stuff bother me, when/if it gets to the point that I'm not having any fun with the game, I'll leave, but I can assure you, when that day comes(and I know it will) it won't be because of the game itself, it'll be because I just simply lost interest and found something else I want to spend my time/money on.

Edited, Sat Jan 8 12:57:53 2005 by Bawls
#39 Jan 08 2005 at 4:01 PM Rating: Default
1,463 posts
Jack, we are moving over to WoW - in 5 months. Why haven't we yet? The other gnome of EvilGnomes was so convinced EQ2 was gonna be da bomb that we bought SIX freaking MONTHS. Now do you see why I'm always so angry? Smiley: mad We can't get a refund. And we ahve tried. So don't give me your "we knew you weren't going to quit" junk, okay? I want out. But we're not rich.

Even though we don't have the money - the other gnome is shopping for WoW - and can't find one copy for sale in all of Los Angeles. Amazon has a 2 wk backorder, and that's not guaranteed. I found a copy for sale in the basic LA area, but it's like 30 miles south of us in a really bad neighborhood. HAH. And maybe we'll let our kids play out the rest of the EQ2 acct.

As for why some of us get mad ... man I wish I had a button on the back of my head that said "chill out". I wasn't born w/ one. I assume that if the "machine" decides to ***** us over and none of us complain or protest, the machine (SoE) will assume all is good. I protest here and on the official boards. Some of the boards I've posted on there have been mysteriously locked or have "vanished'" - hahahahhaha. I know it's uncool of me, but when I suggest some of the rest of you are sheep for just sitting there an accepting the BS Sony foists on us - especially the rather obvious money/profit-leaching plots, like only 4 char slots and no off-line player market (forcing people to buy extra accts just to sell, like in old eq) --- I mean, come on, please! You people who sit there and invent all the nicest possible motivations for the good folks (hah!) at Sony - and defend everything they do as being "good for the game" ... yeesh - see - I come to see you all as "enemies" because you're defending whacked policies, imo - and the more of you who post that way - the less likely we are to get SoE to see that they really, really need to get their asps in gear and fix this game.

And you know, most of you are probably really nice people in RL, and I hate offending you. You probably see people like me as dangerous firebrands, etc, and of course you don't trust me. That's understandable. It's normal to want no conflict and peace. I just think that if we don't band together on some level and protest their bad decisions ... but MAN - we can't even all agree that obviously bad decisions are even bad - so it's totally hopeless.

Unless it's really true that WoW is outpacing EQ2 by an order of magnitude. If WoW really is trouncing EQ2 that just might shock the good folks at SoE to their senses - and make them realize that some of their "control oriented" policies stink so badly that they've sucked the fun out of the game. Well, here's hoping, cuz yer stuck with me for months to come, unless we come into some cash - and can even find 2 copies of WoW. GL all - and I'd come back to EQ2 if they fix it. And in truth it's not all bad- parts are great. That's why I even play at all. But I'm constantly frustrated by it. And again, for having gotten so much of it so right, how could they have so badly botched the parts they botched? Further, months ago they were promising some serious innovation. Where is it, especially in the area of game content, adventuring, and "creativity" (i.e. being truly the "next generation" of mmo)? Only the graphics live up to this. The artisan system does halfway, but it also sucks in so many ways it fails. Talking NPCs? Puhlease! We play w/ volume off in town. The combat system is stole- borrowed from FF and DaoC. It's not new. Spells are limited - the magic system has withered and shrunk compared to the past - it's far LESS interesting - and there is nothign new or cool about it. So. There it is. I honestly hope they can fix it... but they have a big uphill battle.

Edited, Sat Jan 8 16:03:54 2005 by EvilGnomes
#40 Jan 09 2005 at 5:11 AM Rating: Good
98 posts
As a person who played EQ1 since its launch, this all sounds very familiar to me, though. Why? Because I've heard it all before. When? Every single time a new game came down the pike...

Anarchy Online
Dark Age of Camelot
Earth and Beyond
Eve: Online
Saga of Ryzom
Lineage II

...and some I'm sure I've completely forgotten already.

Each of the above was supposed to be the game that knocked SOE off its "high horse" and made them "see reason" and "treat the player better".

You might think WoW is the game to do that. More power to you. But from my perspective (which is detailed above) you'll understand if I'm more than a little skeptical ;)

The fact still remains that only the complainers actually complain. What I mean by that is that you cannot take a survey of the message boards to get an idea for how customers of SOE feel. All you'll get is an idea of how the complainers feel.

And there are many people out there who complain just to hear their own voice and remind themselves that they're still alive. The proof is in the bottom line.

Move to WoW and make your statement. That is a valid sentiment to have. That is how capitalism works. But, EQ (in fact...EQ1) is still king regardless of the 5-year history of negative sentiment on the message boards.

In 5 years there has only been ONE game that took my attention off EQ1 long enough for me to actually consider cancelling my EQ1 account. That game is EQ2. My EQ1 account is officially cancelled, and I haven't looked back even once.

You can complain about game specifics all you want (e.g. your favorite items, nerfs that annoy you, game balance, etc.), but the fact still remains that Sony develops games that are far more immersive and satisfying than its competitors. How can I say this? Because "The Bottom Line(tm)" supports my statement.

I don't pay to not have fun, and neither should you. If EQ2 isn't fun to you, then you need to move on. I can understand not being rich, but I could sell a CD or two on Ebay and scrounge up enough change for a month of WoW if I really wanted to play it that bad. Where there's a will, there's a way ;)

And to everyone else out for an MMO more than a month in advance :) You're not "saving money" if you're not playing :)

[Edit] Incidentally, I personally LOVE the Artisan system, spell system, talking NPCs, and damned near everything else you listed as a negative. More proof that your statements are FAR from objective. Again, only the complainers complain. And for every one complainer on a message board, there are somewhere between 5 and 10 non-complainers who actually like the very thing the complainer is complaining about.

It's about subscription rates and accounts maintained, NOT your fun. SOE, like ANY business under the sun, will do anything in its power to make sure they have a higher rate of subscription, and more accounts maintained than its competitors. ANYTHING! People here complain as if Sony is actually interested in this mythical beast called "the integrity and spirit of the game". ********* pardon my expression. They are interested in what their accountants tell them at the end of a fiscal quarter. Every single move they make is *designed* to not only increase their rate of subscription, but keep subscribers subscribed longer than their competitors. And, given their history, they know precisely how to do that, regardless of the current status of "Petrified Eyes".

Edited, Sun Jan 9 05:24:19 2005 by RussoEQ
#41 Jan 09 2005 at 6:39 AM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Say what you will, but us complainers got exactly what we wanted in old EQ. Smiley: tongue It took forever, but what we were asking for required two things: regime change (goodbye Verant) and time (lotta programming hadta be done). We finally got PoK, no boats, LDoNs, zoning pets, 30 minutes on no rent items and pets if u go LD, and tons of other great stuff that makes the game really smoke. It came too late for me - I'd already burned out. But I feel I helped get that for the people who play the game now. I used to complain, /feedback and post til I was blue in the face, er, red like this --> Smiley: mad

Saying we shouldn't complain about stuff we don't like in mmo's is like telling English professors they're daft to critique plays, poems and novels ----- after all most of the people who wrote them are DEAD! It's not like anyone's going to fix em! Yet how many English profs are out there making livings doing this? And movie critics - hey dude - the movie's already out - no one's going to re-edit it for you - the best you can hope for is a director's cut release on DVD! What about editorialists who cut down politicians for the dumb things they do? So why do all these people have jobs if complaining = nothing - is so useless - as you say???

At least when we criticize mmo's we add to a groundswell. Every little bit counts - every convert's vote, future post or poll response matters. And change does happen. Like I said, in old EQ we got pretty much everything we wanted by PoK - and a lot of it had to do with player input - and not just polls - posts do get read - here there and all over - you'd be surprised what posts get read and by whom - not that any one post every causes massive change - but enough of em saying the right sort of thing does sometimes get to the developers.

AND there is this ----> KEEP THE BASTIGES HONEST! That's what editorialists in newspapers do to big corporations and politicians. That's what harsh critics of SoE do in here. Believe me, it's better for all of us that some perform this task. So, get out there and tell all English profs, movie critics, book reviewers, editorialists to quit - get 60 Minutes off the air - get those useless complainers to all shut up and leave you in peace - and I'll shut up in here. I promise! Smiley: smile

#42 Jan 09 2005 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
98 posts
EvilGnomes wrote:
Like I said, in old EQ we got pretty much everything we wanted by PoK

That's the truth. And this is good why? PoK signalled the downfall of the game. If there was ever a point in time that EQ1 "jumped the shark" it was when PoK was instituted.

The current EQ is not the EQ of old. And I *don't* mean that in a good way.
#43 Jan 10 2005 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
85 posts
now, I only played eq1 before I got bored with it and moved on to something else, so, I'm not familiar with a lot of the terms and everything getting thrown around. But, wasn't Verant the company that created EQ? SOE bought them out right?
#44 Jan 10 2005 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent
259 posts
Bawls wrote:
now, I only played eq1 before I got bored with it and moved on to something else, so, I'm not familiar with a lot of the terms and everything getting thrown around. But, wasn't Verant the company that created EQ? SOE bought them out right?

sony interactive studios spun off to form 989 studios, which, after releasing EQ and changing names a couple of times, became verant, after eq took off and became their primary product. the spin off company was still funded by sony. they originally intended to write console games.

verant was eventually reabsorbed by sony, and renamed sony online entertainment.
EQ: Runyaessz, 5 Monk, Phinigel
EVE: Runym/Runyn/Runyl, 43M SP each
SWTOR: Pardoric, 22 Merc, on vaca
EQ: Runyariel Varyuvantel, 65 Enchanter, Tarew Marr, on vaca
LoTRO: Runyarian, 38 hunter, Vilya, on vaca
WoW: Runyarian, 70 hunter, Muradin, on sabbatical
EQ2: Runylala, 25 Troll Bard, Qey, Blackburrow, retired
WAR: Runyael, 30 DiscO Khaine, Ironfist,retired.
CoH: Hissing Chicken, 16 Scrapper, Pinnacle, retired
#45 Jan 10 2005 at 5:30 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
"PoK signalled the downfall of the game. If there was ever a point in time that EQ1 "jumped the shark" it was when PoK was instituted.

The current EQ is not the EQ of old. And I *don't* mean that in a good way."

Sorry, I don't think you have it right. The game was past its prime long before PoK. In spite of the word "ever", these games age and decline on their own. They do have lives. Once u get to the very high lvls, what is there to do?

They extended the life of EQ w/ the emphasis on raiding and uber guilds. This was brilliant - extended the life of EQ by years - by giving players ever higher lvls of uberness to reach for.

Yes, it's not the EQ of old, especially not to *you*. See, I think you're forgetting that this is all *relative*, that as we grow as players, our perspectives change. You invested maybe in the good old bad days. If you were to play up a lvl 1 player in old EQ it'd be "too easy" for you now. And maybe they did overreact. I don't think so. Game play in the bad old days was *excruciatingly* slow - downtime between fights was PAINFUL. This is "fixed" because u can bop into PoK and get buffs to fix this. Maybe the Luclin hub would have been good enough if only you had to wait 4 or 5 minutes for a TP - and maybe if there had been a few more spots to TP to - like why the hell wasn't there one at FP??? Gah. Stupid Verant. Sorry, that wrote itself.

I still play old EQ w/ my kid sometimes. And to me it's muuuch better than in the first two years. Did you really like taking the boat everywhere? Did you really like having to beg for binds, TPs, etc. - or paying for them? Did you really like sitting there medding and healing (in the old days staring at a book)? Half the classes used to spend most of their time SITTING DOWN in fights! Now to be honest, as a survivor of those bad old days, it was a *challenge* to get anything done back then. Yes indeedy. Us oldtime survivors can look back w/ pride on our days of sacrifice ("yep, junior, I remember back in ought-one, I was halfway across the Ocean of Years when I lagged. The screen went BLACK! And when I came back, I was in the water at the bottom of the sea! And I either drowned or a cyclops killed me - what the clops was doing out there I'll never know - prolly chasing some stupid kiting drood! So there I was, still bound in Kelethin. I hadta beg for ten minutes til I got a SoW. Then I hadta ruuun back to the dock. And I'll be danged, someone said BOAT - and I ran and jumped and jumped and ran - and the boat was leaving - and ... I just missed it. So there I sat. And I sat. And then... I sat some more. And then I hadta go to the bathroom. But ... how long had it been. "How long til the boat comes?" I shouted. But no one knew. I really had to go. But I sat there. But... I ran to the bathroom. I ran back - DANGIT - I missed the boat AGAIN. So I sat there. And finally the boat came. And I zoned into OOT. And I hadta get my body cuz all my uber loot was on it - my lockjaw vest, my PGT, and my bloodstaned mantle - uber stuff in the day kid, stop laughing. But like an idiot I'd forgotten to get a loc when I'd died. So I needed a bard or a necro. And there was a necro in the zone. So I asked him to help me find my body. No answer. he's afk maybe. twenty minutes later he's still not answering me. I shout at him. Finally someone shouts back at me "Look at his guild name, he's from Taiwan, he doesn't speak English, shut up!" Aha. Hmmm so. Still no bards or Necros who will help. It's now 3 am. I quit for the night. Next day I finally get a necro in the zone who agrees to help me find my body, but he's only level 5, and a shark eats him. And...."

Now, I endured that sorta thing. And yeah, my friend, it's NOT the same game any more. But sweetzombiejesus, as peole say, do you really think THAT was better than PoK???? If so, you are free to your opinion. I don't understand. But okay. Memory is selective, and yeah, as I said, I sort of feel like it's a badge of honor to have endured that. But was it fun...?

Yeah w/ PoK maybe they made it a tad too easy. Perhaps lvl 3 players shouldn't run around w/ lvl 49 buffs. Self regulate then. Or only get the buffs when it's too slow and u can't stand it any more. They have been reigning it in a little - maybe they will a bit more. I've done everything u can do in EQ. That's why it's not for me any more - nothing to do w/ PoK - but seeing my little kid digging it, that's cool. And PoK is a godsend imo.
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