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#1 Jan 06 2005 at 11:12 PM Rating: Decent
They are now consuming your saved bone, do not use them until SOE addresses this!
#2 Jan 07 2005 at 12:10 AM Rating: Default
216 posts
This is not a bug, and is by-design. They were always meant to use the componet and this adjusts it to work correctly.
#3 Jan 07 2005 at 12:48 AM Rating: Default
Well somebody on the official board posted a CS ticket from staff that said they were working on the issue - which implys to me there is a problem.

Honestly this is the most farked up "fix" I've ever heard. The quest itself is a pain in the ***** or to purchase the eye itself very expensive. The illusion poofs on zoning, gives no benefit other than cosmetic or depending upon circumstance a size modifier - which I will conceed is a real benefit in limited circumstances. Depending on your server I've seen the cheapest bones going for 50s. Now on Unrest I purchased a pristine forged carbonite vanguard cuirass for 25s and it will last me for a good five levels at least and provides real benefit. I can buy two of those at the same price as an illusion that poofs on zoning or an LD, and confers no faction modifier, racial abilities or stat modifiers? That's ridiculous.

Oh yeah, they conveniently forgot to mention this "fix" in the patch notes. Many of us lost several bones before realizing what the hell was going on. Imagine your surprise when the 5g enchanted ratonga bone in your inventory is gone because of this "fix."

Sony better get its head out of its *** or they are going to stary losing a hell of a lot of people very soon. It has me to the point that I am actually thinking of checking out this Wow everyone taks about.
#4 Jan 07 2005 at 1:09 AM Rating: Default
why are you crying about a bone its like a tiny part of the game just dont get the illusion
#5 Jan 07 2005 at 1:33 AM Rating: Default
You don't get it clearly, or you never spent weeks scouring the countryside looking for bone fragments to complete a quest to obtain an item with known abilities that was (1) never supposed to have them to begin with and the SOE staff could have said so and warned it was being fixed, or (2) was nerfed by accident and people have lost a valuable commodity. Maybe 5g isn't an issue to you, but for some players that is a SIGNIFICANT amount of money in game.

If Sony knew there was a problem they had ample time to give warning, how long were the patch notes available on the Test Server? Hell, they have been talking about this patch for how long? How many pages of details were given on this patch? Something like 13 pages worth of information? Not a single mention so people had warning.

How about you actually admit that this was a pretty big ***** up on their part. Implement a quest that takes several weeks to obtain an item that gives a coolness factor but little game benefit in terms of enhancing abilities, nerf the **** out of it, offer no warning before or after its done. Yeah, that's brilliant.
#6 Jan 07 2005 at 4:39 AM Rating: Decent
I would like to know if the illusions actually have any use. Currently as a human living in Q, my toon has the troll and dark elf eyes. I have never been to FP and wonder if my toon would be KOS there and having the illusion would help. Then again the fact that the illusion 'poofs' on zoning could cause all kinds of trouble as you often zone next to a guard.

I wouldnt mind the consumption of a bone as long as..

Good characters are KOS in FP and Evil are KOS in Q
The illusion does not end on zoning
The illusion allows you to enter the opposing town without getting killed.

That was kinda how it worked in EQ1 and it made a lot of sense.

#7 Jan 07 2005 at 5:48 AM Rating: Default
ive never had more than 1 gold
#8 Jan 07 2005 at 5:57 AM Rating: Default
98 posts
I cringe at the thought of having to be the bearer of bad news, once again (since people tend to shoot the messenger on this board)...

I don't even *have* the eyes, but I have known for WEEKS that they were going to consume a bone after the big patch. Many people just do not even bother to read the official announcements from Sony, but they feel it's their God-given right to ***** about changes that take them by surprise. Hell it doesn't even effect me, and even *I* knew about it. Why? Because I SCOUR those announcements looking for *any* tidbit that might effect me or my close friends/guild mates.

As far as the CS ticket from a staff member, there is only one explanation: miscommunication (that sort of thing never takes place in a big company ;) ) Back in December, when the "big patch" was first announced, and the patch notes were released back then, this fix was included in the notes, with a qualifying comment that said they were never working as intended, so be prepared to save your bones.

I know it sucks, but there is only one way you can claim ignorance on this: that is to admit you didn't take the time to read the notes back in December.
#9 Jan 07 2005 at 8:50 AM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
This really doesn't surprise me. Sony never wanted illusions to be common place, even in the original eq illusion potions were rare and hard to come by and clicky items were even more rare to the point many of them dropped only off raid level mobs.

You may see them making the bones easier to come by but don't expect the component consumption to be removed. I also highly doubt a "hell of a lot of people" will quit the game over this tiny nerf. I suspect a hell of a lot of people will throw giant hissy fits, but in the end they will adjust and the game will go on.

I do however agree that this change should have been mentioned in the patch notes.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#10 Jan 07 2005 at 9:53 AM Rating: Default
I don't give a damn if it was buried in some mention a month ago in some obscure message somewhere on Sony's immense website. I DID read the patch notes on the Test server where they have been available for some time and no mention was made there. I DID read the patch notes yesterday AGAIN after downloading the patch... once again NO mention. And so far you are the ONLY person who has mentioned this being announced in advance. do you have a link to said announcement with a date stamp?

I have no problem with it consuming bones if:

1. Illusion does not poof upon zoning

2. The illusion buff stays on even if you log, and resumes its count when you come back as most buffs traditionally do

3. You can mount your horse while illussioned. I don't want to click it off to cast my pally mount spell

4. Bone rates are increased so at least the lowest tier bone is a more common drop, or sell it through vendors, or maybe create a new regeant called bone dust that will work with any eye and either can be foraged or purchased from limited NPC vendors - say one per city.

I think there can be a reasonable compromise made, but this is ********* The masks confer no faction benefit, no ability benefit, no racial benefit. No you can't use them to sneak into an opposing city. They are a fun toy that people worked hard for. GOD FORBID ANYBODY DERIVE A LITTLE ENJOYMENT FROM THE GAME!
#11 Jan 07 2005 at 11:06 AM Rating: Default
499 posts
Sony better get its head out of its *** or they are going to stary losing a hell of a lot of people very soon. It has me to the point that I am actually thinking of checking out this Wow everyone taks about.

Sweet, I'll take all your money and all your gear, name is Bodhi on unrest, I'm sure you can have your account moved to my server for the transfer.
#12 Jan 07 2005 at 11:09 AM Rating: Default
What's really messed up is i JUST got Petrified Orc Eye yesterday and baaam i used up my bone piece. It's kind of funny tho, do to the new Bruiser AQ look, when i transform into the Orc my dude is completely naked.

I was running around EFP, and ppl were like ewwww naked orc!!!
#13 Jan 07 2005 at 11:24 AM Rating: Default
I have a character on Unrest, he has six or seven of these eyes. He has an apartment in NQ, fully stocked with all the cool furniture and pets... I have enjoyed the game so far, but I'f sick of this ****. Get your **** right on the Test server ebfore it is introduced into the game. Anybody here on Beta? Did the eyes work without consuming the bone in Beta? If so there is abslutely no excuse for not having such an issue resolved before the game went live.

Bottom line, people spent either a ton of time or money to get these eyes. They did so knowing what the effect was, and did the quest to obtain that effect. Sony comes along and with no, or maybe little if one of the above posters can provide documentation, warning and justs nerfs the **** out of it and makes no mention.

Hey Sony, listening up you **** heads? U wouldn't have cast my Ratonga illusion had I known it would eat an enchanted bone in inventory. 4g went bye bye, and why couldn't it use the cheap shattered bone? Nope, it has to use the enchanted one I had.
#14 Jan 07 2005 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
218 posts
yea this is a bullsh*t nerf on soe part. it was a novelty part of the game and they took the fun away from us. and if soe didnt want illusions to be common in the game they shouldnt of made the bone quests give an illusion reward. i for one can see why people are pissed off cause they made no mention of it in the patch notes yesterday saying that when you use a petrified eye you will loose your bone so there were probably people who lost bones that cost 13gp+ out there since thats what enchanted ones go for on oggok.
so soe if you intentionally made it so you loose your bone piece then make the drops more common then what they are that way the price will drop on them cause i dont think there are many people who are going to pay 5sp for a cheap piece of bone for an illusion that does nothing for you except give you some comic relief.
#15 Jan 07 2005 at 12:32 PM Rating: Default
499 posts
I have a character on Unrest, he has six or seven of these eyes. He has an apartment in NQ, fully stocked with all the cool furniture and pets

Meet you in antonica, I'm thinking 9ish.
#16 Jan 07 2005 at 1:02 PM Rating: Default
I'm thinking my guildies would get my stuff first, you want what I have go out and earn it... just like I did with these eyes which were nerfed. No wonder your not put off by it, you have a gimme mentality rather than an appreciation for something quested, earned and then stolen.

You want some gubmint cheeze to go with your titlement?
#17 Jan 07 2005 at 1:07 PM Rating: Default
499 posts
I'm just having some fun with you. I have all eyes including orc now and really don't need any of the junk that you have. The point of me telling you that I want your stuff when you say you are going to quit is simple. You are not going to quit. You were upset that the eyes don't work properly now and to be honest with you I am too. I do not, however, go fishing for some pitty and want people to say, "Awww please stay and play with us and don't quit." You won't give me your stuff because you're not leaving, admit it and try to save some face. Until then stop b1tching, it's annoying.
#18 Jan 07 2005 at 1:22 PM Rating: Default
While i am sure that jakstrw is full of it regarding having collect all the eyes and regarding how he doesnt want your stuff.. yet gives his real chars name and server..... I do agree with him that you know u aren't going to quit.

Remember how everyone was like booohoooo the took away selling tradeskills stuff to merchants!! i quit i quit i quit.... then next day BAAM fixed.

haha that was hilarious.
#19 Jan 07 2005 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
98 posts
Laird, you'd better get used to it. That's about all I can tell you. As someone who played a Necro from release of EQ1, let me just say you had better DAMNED well get used to "nerfs", or just do yourself (and all of us indirectly) a favor by packing it in right now and moving on to WoW.

Sorry, dude. Find another group for your pitty party. It's one thing to mention casually that you're pissed off about a nerf. It's quite another to fight back vehemently about it, threatening to quit in the process. That's just assinine. This is a game. I listen to ******** and whining all day at work, I sure as hell don't need to hear it in relation to my hobby.

Some of us have eyes, some of us don't. Those who do are pissed off at the nerf. Those who don't couldn't care less. But there's one common theme among all of this: NONE of us give a rat's *** whether or not you stay or quit. I think that's something all of us (except you) can agree on :)

#20 Jan 07 2005 at 1:35 PM Rating: Default
Actually I'm paid for several months, since Sony doesn't offer refunds I'm stuck until then. If issues aren't resolved by then yes, I will be quitting. I'm paid up on EQ and EQ2 until March, nothing I can do until then. Give away my stuff, never, sell it... quite possibly.

Its not just this issue, there are many. Today stat food took a huge hit in its duration... Many equippable items have had their skill level raised or slot changed, causing all kinds of headaches for players. Honestly, its childish development **** that the biggest player in the field shouldn't be suffering from. Fix the ******* problems Sony and maybe you can retain people. If not you HAVE gotten the last of my money.
#21 Jan 07 2005 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
499 posts
While i am sure that jakstrw is full of it regarding having collect all the eyes and regarding how he doesnt want your stuff.. yet gives his real chars name and server.....

With the unscathed orc bone being added yesterday I finished off the quests or at least Iksar, gnome, halfling, wood elf, human, high elf, kerra, froglock,ogre, don't need dark elf because I am one, sold dwarf and half elf, think I still need to finish gnoll, and I'm not too keen on them after the nerf but they do give good xp. I'm not really too conerned about it but I do have some for sale if you want to check them out. I've had my playername servername and level posted since the day the forums went live genius, so unless it was all just an elaborate ploy to get some free equipment from someone I don't know then I was just being facetious.
I listen to ******** and whining all day at work, I sure as hell don't need to hear it in relation to my hobby.


Edited, Fri Jan 7 14:01:24 2005 by jakstrw
#22 Jan 07 2005 at 2:25 PM Rating: Default
Well, your missing Ratonga, Troll, Barbarian, Gnoll. Not quite all of them eh?

"Sweet, I'll take all your money and all your gear, name is Bodhi on unrest... "

This ontop of your sig...

Either way i agree with what you had previously posted regarding him not quitting. Just that your full of it.
#23 Jan 07 2005 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
98 posts
LairdRagna wrote:
Actually I'm paid for several months, since Sony doesn't offer refunds I'm stuck until then. If issues aren't resolved by then yes, I will be quitting. I'm paid up on EQ and EQ2 until March, nothing I can do until then. Give away my stuff, never, sell it... quite possibly.

Its not just this issue, there are many. Today stat food took a huge hit in its duration... Many equippable items have had their skill level raised or slot changed, causing all kinds of headaches for players. Honestly, its childish development **** that the biggest player in the field shouldn't be suffering from. Fix the ******* problems Sony and maybe you can retain people. If not you HAVE gotten the last of my money.

But, in this genre, "Balance" is the name of the game.

Seriously. There is, quite simply, no humanly possible way for a relative handful of developers, QA staff, and a few thousand beta testers, to get it all nailed down before release. If this was a "Quake" or a "Half Life 2", it would be a different story. But no development team can anticipate every trick, exploit, etc., that 500000 motivated paying customers can think of.

An exploit, imbalance, or bug in a standalone game is an annoyance. In an MMO, however, it is potentially catastrophic. I'd rather be pissed off for a little while that my pet item was nerfed, then have the game brought to its knees and totally ruined.
#24 Jan 07 2005 at 3:02 PM Rating: Decent
218 posts
the thing about soe is they always nerf stuipd things that would have no effect on the game. like the eyes hows does having a illusion that does nothing but make you look like a troll or whatever imbalance the game. i could understand if the illusions made you some superuber character whenever you cast them on yourself but they dont. will i quit eq2 over this hell no i love the game i just wish soe would realize some of the dumb stuff they nerf should of just been left the way it was. hell im happy they finally decided to fix the broken gathered orb collection quest ive had the quest items in my bank for weeks now and could finally get rid of them and got a sweet necklace to wear in a few levels from it.
#25 Jan 07 2005 at 3:05 PM Rating: Decent
218 posts
the thing about soe is they always nerf stuipd things that would have no effect on the game. like the eyes hows does having a illusion that does nothing but make you look like a troll or whatever imbalance the game. i could understand if the illusions made you some superuber character whenever you cast them on yourself but they dont. will i quit eq2 over this hell no i love the game i just wish soe would realize some of the dumb stuff they nerf should of just been left the way it was. hell im happy they finally decided to fix the broken gathered orb collection quest ive had the quest items in my bank for weeks now and could finally get rid of them and got a sweet necklace to wear in a few levels from it.
#26 Jan 07 2005 at 3:05 PM Rating: Decent
218 posts
the thing about soe is they always nerf stuipd things that would have no effect on the game. like the eyes hows does having a illusion that does nothing but make you look like a troll or whatever imbalance the game. i could understand if the illusions made you some superuber character whenever you cast them on yourself but they dont. will i quit eq2 over this hell no i love the game i just wish soe would realize some of the dumb stuff they nerf should of just been left the way it was. hell im happy they finally decided to fix the broken gathered orb collection quest ive had the quest items in my bank for weeks now and could finally get rid of them and got a sweet necklace to wear in a few levels from it.
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