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Guardian rantFollow

#1 Jan 06 2005 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
82 posts
Apologies for the rant (not really).

OKay, correct me if I am wrong, but the Guardian is supposed to guard, right? Great defense capabilities, main tank, holder of the aggro, blah, blah, blah...

It seems that this epic Defender should be all about supporting the group through defense, at least in my view.

Why does the level 20 Guardian Quest yield a 2-handed weapon?? I mean, I have been using a Tower Shield all this time. Shield Bash is an indespensible aid to controlling mobs as a tank! Am I supposed to give up 200 pts of defense to wield a slow weapon with stupid graphics? What is SOE thinking? Why doesn't the guardian get an uber shield, or armor piece instead of a lame Halberd?

Someone elighten me, please!
#2 Jan 06 2005 at 4:52 PM Rating: Decent
98 posts
I can't say if this answers the question in the context of EQ2 or not. However...

Traditionally (ala EQ1), two-handers produce FAR more aggro than dual or single 1-handers. My crusader sometimes switches up just for kicks, and I've noticed a difference in aggro-management in EQ2 as well, it's just that no formal stats have been gathered by the playerbase in that regard yet (to my knowledge).

But, to answer your question, large two-handers tend to produce far more aggro than 1-handers. So, you're trading DPS (which you don't really need to begin with, in a group situation, as the MT) for a better way of keeping things focused on you (coupled with your hate-generating skills, of course).

#3 Jan 06 2005 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
82 posts
I can certainly see the benefit a few more points of damage will do to annoy mobs, but a few counterpoints:

1) I routinely use all my taunts throughout a group battle to maintain aggro
2) I do not care about the damage I deal, only the damage I take
3) After dinging 20 I went out and fought 2 groups of 4 green Gnolls (1 caster, 3 fighters), once with Halberd and once with axe/tower shield combo. There was no differnce to the amount of power I used in both fights, but with the Halberd of Defense I had about 10% life left after the battle. With the axe/shield, I had about 95% left. Seems pretty clear which is better.

And, yes, they were the exact same mob combos in the same exact place and there were no significant differences in hit/miss ratios.
#4 Jan 06 2005 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
Don't know if this'll make you happy or angrier...
Freeport Guardians get a shield when completing their hallmark quest.

As for me and the stance of the 2hander... I solo a lot so my mileage differs. Fighting groups of green mobs (3-4), I have no problems either way (shield or without). I've fought in similar situations as what you described and have had no more than half my life taken away. In fact, the only time I ever got into trouble was when I had some difficulty in taking down the caster (I always go for caster first) and he would be able to whittle my health to one tick in yellow. Once the caster dies, the other gnolls would hardly touch me and I'd regen back to green. 2 casters are a different story. They get me to orange sometimes. A lot more in mid yellow.

However, I don't use the Halberd of Defense. I use a pristine carbonite greatsword. *shrug*
#5 Jan 06 2005 at 7:40 PM Rating: Default
omg people stop whining about the guardian rewad its not that bad its pretty cool i mean wtf buy a shield if your gonna cry so much
you can still tank without a shield
its just lvl 20 your a noob lol
go die about it
#6 Jan 06 2005 at 7:53 PM Rating: Good
82 posts
Thanks, Mokuba, for your stimulating contribution to a discussion between your betters.

Take your playground language to your sister's room and have it out with her. She probably has your doll still.
#7REDACTED, Posted: Jan 06 2005 at 9:31 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) As if the poster who post ANOTHER topic about this on a forum with only 2 pages isn't bad enough?
#8 Jan 07 2005 at 1:14 AM Rating: Default
umm i dont think how i post has anything to do with it... jeez

just because i talk like a normal person my age and dont try to make it perfect and impress all the uber eq robots

ive seen like a million of these posts and really if people would just think about it for a second instead of just thinking 'im a guardian how can i go on living without a shield' while they dont really need one

instead of thinking about what i said like 'hmmm maybe he is right ill consider something else' or maybe im just old fashioned

Edited, Fri Jan 7 01:20:56 2005 by mokuba
#9 Jan 07 2005 at 5:26 AM Rating: Decent
98 posts
Ravaillac wrote:
I can certainly see the benefit a few more points of damage will do to annoy mobs, but a few counterpoints:

1) I routinely use all my taunts throughout a group battle to maintain aggro
2) I do not care about the damage I deal, only the damage I take
3) After dinging 20 I went out and fought 2 groups of 4 green Gnolls (1 caster, 3 fighters), once with Halberd and once with axe/tower shield combo. There was no differnce to the amount of power I used in both fights, but with the Halberd of Defense I had about 10% life left after the battle. With the axe/shield, I had about 95% left. Seems pretty clear which is better.

And, yes, they were the exact same mob combos in the same exact place and there were no significant differences in hit/miss ratios.

I'm not suggesting that a two-hander increases your DPS. In fact, in some cases, it simply maintains your DPS (you hit slower, but for a larger amount). I'm suggesting that a two-hander generates more *pure aggro* than a single-hander.

Again, to my knowledge there are no formal stats on this in EQ2. But there *are* back in EQ1, and the reason the MT typically went with a two-hander was to maintain aggro, not to increase DPS.

Now the fact is that in EQ2 we have *many* more tools to accomplish aggro management than merely weapon selection and mashing the "taunt" key every time it refreshes :) So, the overall effect is probably a minimal one. Many things in EQ2 seem, so far, to simply come down to a matter of personal style. I can pick up a two-handed sword and be just as effective as when I use my usual two-handed hammer. That is quite impossible in EQ1 unless you've been maintaining those skills.
#10 Jan 07 2005 at 5:50 AM Rating: Default
2h is one of the if not the worst weapon type for guardian, but the quest reward is a tiny part of the game and when you use it it really doesnt matter cause the mobs are weak
#11 Jan 07 2005 at 7:42 AM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
At the lower levels it's all about AC and staying alive so a shield and 1H works for me. Took a bit of getting used to after years of duel wield in EQ1 though.

I was disappointed in the 2H weapon as well.
#12 Jan 07 2005 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
Ravaillac, I think this was a good post.
So, here is my 2 cents on your topic.

1) This comes down to what you feel comfortable with. If you perfer to use a shield and a 1hand weapon then that is what you use. If you are like alot of fighters out there which are using the Duel weapons or a 2hand. it is personal choice.

2) If you are a player that like to solo and looks for Max damage this is what I do.
Inventory :
1 hand
2 duel type weapons.

If I am fighting a group with a caster. Out comes the shield with my one hand. This is good for Bashing (stopping spell casting). and the extra AC is good when you have the Mob fighters on you. Once the caster is down I change to the 2 duel weapons and beat them down.

just my 2 cents.. Sorry i don't have change for a dim ;)

\,,/, Rock ,\,,/
#13 Jan 07 2005 at 12:14 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
back in EQ1, and the reason the MT typically went with a two-hander was to maintain aggro, not to increase DPS.
All the Warriors i know used 2 fast, 1 hand procing weapons to hold aggro.
#14 Jan 07 2005 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
98 posts
tarv of the Seven Seas wrote:
back in EQ1, and the reason the MT typically went with a two-hander was to maintain aggro, not to increase DPS.
All the Warriors i know used 2 fast, 1 hand procing weapons to hold aggro.

And that wasn't always true. Keep in mind that EQ1 was a totally different game before some of the expansions they have now (as EQ2 is currently a completely different game than it will be 5 years from now).

#15 Jan 07 2005 at 3:42 PM Rating: Decent
RussoEQ keeps stating how in EQ1 the MTs used 2-handers to keep aggro. Umm did you even play EQ1? I can't remember the last time I saw a warrior with a 2-handed weapon. Warriors dual wield and that's the way they liked it. Pals/SKs may have used 2handers but that was only because they were not afforded the luxury of dual wield.

5 year Veteran of EQ1,
#16 Jan 07 2005 at 4:56 PM Rating: Default
you obviously dont know what your talking about any warrior past 55 should have a 2h hander on them

Edited, Fri Jan 7 16:57:56 2005 by mokuba
#17 Jan 07 2005 at 7:24 PM Rating: Decent
98 posts
RussoEQ keeps stating how in EQ1 the MTs used 2-handers to keep aggro. Umm did you even play EQ1? I can't remember the last time I saw a warrior with a 2-handed weapon. Warriors dual wield and that's the way they liked it. Pals/SKs may have used 2handers but that was only because they were not afforded the luxury of dual wield.

5 year Veteran of EQ1,


Look Mr. "5 year Veteran of EQ1".... I'm not going to argue with you over something academic. Rather than spin my wheels, here's a link to a web site that *just maybe* you ought to think about checking out if you want some *real* information about an EQ1 warrior.

The thread I just linked is *the definitive* Steel Warrior "aggro weapon" thread.

I'll keep checking back in eager anticipation of you admitting you were a dumbass.

The subject is practically at a level of a holy war, but nevertheless, the general concensus is that 2H weapons generate a helluva lot more aggro. You know...kinda like I've been saying?

Edited, Fri Jan 7 19:26:24 2005 by RussoEQ
#18 Jan 07 2005 at 9:22 PM Rating: Default
/cheer russo
#19 Jan 08 2005 at 3:01 AM Rating: Decent
Interesting, the guardian rant has turned into flaming about EQlive warriors aggro. Lemmie just throw my two-cents in from my experience as the main tank from an elemental guild. I tanked every elemental raid mob in PoP, and more than once.

Two handed weapons became fashionable for warriors when pop first came out because of the problem that mobs in PoP had a very mean riposte. SOE nerfed this and dual weild became popular again for warriors. Alot of it had to do with the fact that all of the hate producing weapons were 1-handed. BoC, Bloodfrenzy, etc. PoP introduced the BoWar, SEWS, etc. 2handers that produced good hate. The problem with these were they were difficult to obtain. My guild killed RZtW about 15 times and only had 1 BoW drop ever, I know thats not a typical drop rate we just got screwed. Oddly the best warrior weapon from PoP was the one hander Dark Blade of the Warlord from Time.

I can say that in my experience all of the top warriors on the server were dual weild. 2 handers were fun because you could get really good dps with them, the ratio on some of them became rediculous, of course that paled in comparison with the dps of other classes. Umm any warrior over 55 should be using a 2 hander? I think I'll hold aggro better with my BoC and another procing weapon of some sort. Believe me, I could tell the difference in aggro when I tanked mobs like Magmaton for the first time using 2 weapons instead of 1. Instead of losing a rogue here or there, or a SK using his sews, the results became a flawless victory. I'm just speaking from personal experience.

As for the guardian class, well I haven't been able to figure out all the nuances of it yet, but again it's a new game and level 20 is still very low. I would think the guardian becomes much more relevant at 30 and up.

#20 Jan 08 2005 at 3:16 AM Rating: Decent
you made a new account just to say that?
#21 Jan 08 2005 at 4:06 AM Rating: Default

Umm any warrior over 55 should be using a 2 hander?

..umm i said have not only use
#22 Jan 08 2005 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
98 posts
mechasean wrote:
Interesting, the guardian rant has turned into flaming about EQlive warriors aggro. Lemmie just throw my two-cents in from my experience as the main tank from an elemental guild. I tanked every elemental raid mob in PoP, and more than once.

Two handed weapons became fashionable for warriors when pop first came out because of the problem that mobs in PoP had a very mean riposte. SOE nerfed this and dual weild became popular again for warriors. Alot of it had to do with the fact that all of the hate producing weapons were 1-handed. BoC, Bloodfrenzy, etc. PoP introduced the BoWar, SEWS, etc. 2handers that produced good hate. The problem with these were they were difficult to obtain. My guild killed RZtW about 15 times and only had 1 BoW drop ever, I know thats not a typical drop rate we just got screwed. Oddly the best warrior weapon from PoP was the one hander Dark Blade of the Warlord from Time.

I can say that in my experience all of the top warriors on the server were dual weild. 2 handers were fun because you could get really good dps with them, the ratio on some of them became rediculous, of course that paled in comparison with the dps of other classes. Umm any warrior over 55 should be using a 2 hander? I think I'll hold aggro better with my BoC and another procing weapon of some sort. Believe me, I could tell the difference in aggro when I tanked mobs like Magmaton for the first time using 2 weapons instead of 1. Instead of losing a rogue here or there, or a SK using his sews, the results became a flawless victory. I'm just speaking from personal experience.

As for the guardian class, well I haven't been able to figure out all the nuances of it yet, but again it's a new game and level 20 is still very low. I would think the guardian becomes much more relevant at 30 and up.

Oh ok. I guess all the warriors over at The Steel Warrior are mistaken, then. We'll all take your word for it ;)

#23 Jan 08 2005 at 3:51 PM Rating: Default
well i think i will. i have 3 freinds in eq1 (2 of them in eq2) but they all agread they were disapointed with the weapon the qeynos gaurdians get. most of them dont use a 2hd weapon as the ability to hold agro decreese with it. this was same in eq1 i played and pally and on ever raid i was on if the warrior used a 2h weapon the agro would shift around and usaly end up on me or a healer. i am curently in a guild called "paradox warriors" we arnt all that big but we have 2 gaurdians in the group. 1 of them uses a 2h weapon and every one in the guild doesent want to group with him if he wil lbe mt. mostly becasue he cant hold the agro very well useing a 2h weapon. so if your a bezerker or A gaurdian dual weild or use a sheild. just my 2cp
#24 Jan 08 2005 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
I had a warrior on EQ1, and I used two handers. It kinda doesn't matter. They both hold aggro well. And taunt kinda helps =p. But I preferred the 2hander because it just isn't as good when hitting for 40 as it is for 290. =p
#25 Jan 08 2005 at 10:40 PM Rating: Decent
No, you misunderstood. I said from in my experience that is what I had seen on my server. Personally I could care less what the steel warrior boards have to say. I rarely went there and I know a majority of the top warriors on my server ignored them as well, they actually joked about the steel warrior. The site was good for interesting little stats, but strategies were something you had to figure out for yourself, there were just too many differing opinions about them to be useful. It was like trying to wade through miles of crap to find something useful in that sense. The only reason I made a reply is because I saw something I felt was in error, simple enough. Not a flame, not a rant, just an honest resonse.

Again though, who cares really. This about the guardian in eq2, a new game and a new but similar class. I didn't mind the weapon as a reward, it worked out well when I got it and still is pretty decent. Personally I would've liked a BP or something, with plenty of stats to keep it desireble through the higher 20's. I didn't design the game so no biggie. Any reward was nice IMO.
#26 Jan 08 2005 at 11:56 PM Rating: Decent
I love my Aegis of the Guardian though =D
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