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Only 4 characters ? This is an outrage !Follow

#27 Jan 06 2005 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
I was wondering what happens if you sign up for the access pass but in a few months you cant afford / dont want both games . So now 4 months later you cancel the all access pass , what happens to your 4 char slots ? Do they delete your chars ? , ask you to do it ? Do you just get to keep all 8 even tho you no longer have the all access pass ? I would hate to see someone pay for the extra slots for over a year but have to give them up later if they cant or dont want to pay for both games.

I wonder how they are going to deal with that ?
#28 Jan 06 2005 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
3,293 posts
I was wondering what happens if you sign up for the access pass but in a few months you cant afford / dont want both games . So now 4 months later you cancel the all access pass , what happens to your 4 char slots ? Do they delete your chars ? , ask you to do it ? Do you just get to keep all 8 even tho you no longer have the all access pass ? I would hate to see someone pay for the extra slots for over a year but have to give them up later if they cant or dont want to pay for both games.

I wonder how they are going to deal with that ?

You keep the four most recent characters you have played. The rest are gone.
#29 Jan 06 2005 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks Kouranx
#30 Jan 06 2005 at 1:17 PM Rating: Default
Its an absolute outrage they did that unbelievable they planned it though the jerks just to try and soak more people out of more money. And believe it or not this is the last sony product I will ever purchase because of this!
#31 Jan 06 2005 at 1:23 PM Rating: Default
The only people that say otherwise than its an outrage are a bunch of Sony loyalist's fangirl's!
#32 Jan 06 2005 at 1:37 PM Rating: Default
My personal choice of a solution would be to allow 8 total, but limit the number per server to say 4. This would allow flexibility to explore more classes and crafts, prevent people from becoming their own supplier for all tradeskill products and give you characters to play on another server if one or more servers goes down and you are effected.
#33 Jan 06 2005 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
85 posts
I actually don't know why I'm replying to this thread, I'm just bored at work and have nothing better to do( well, I guess I could be doing work...) but in anycase, I'm not a SOE lackey, fanboy, loyalist, or whatever, but I just really don't care, I'm happy with 4 slots, if they gave us more, I wouldn't complain.

This is just my thinking, but, I can almost assure you the amount of data stored on their servers for just a single character is more than 1 meg, probably somewhere between 5-10 lets say, on the top end, that char info takes up maybe 10 meg, so say you use all 4, thats 40 meg per customer, on each server, we'll say 5000 with 4 chars, comes out to 200,000 Meg or roughly 200 gig of information, 27 servers, and that comes out to somewhere between 4-5 terabytes of information. thats a lot of friggin data, could you imagine the degrag time for all those drives? or restoration time for all of that information...I'm sure thats part of the reason the servers were down for so long when they had the huge problem a few weeks ago.

I know the game was still fairly new and not that many characters are out there, but imagine as it grows and the player base expands, if people were to have 10, 20, or more characters...sure it's annoying for some people, others don't care, and some will shell out more flow for more chars (and get called all kinds of names for feeding into SOE's insidius plot to swindle money out of us, the innocent consumers). all I can say is Que sera sera, I'm going to do want I want, you're going to do want you want, and SOE will do as they wish to. I say we should organize a raid and storm the SOE offices and have a rally for more character slots. I'll be there, you'll recognize me as the guy standing outside selling refreshments.

edit- no free refills, and I'll be charging for the cup, the beverage, and disposal fees.

Edited, Thu Jan 6 15:38:51 2005 by Bawls

-damn misplacement of edit

Edited, Thu Jan 6 15:56:15 2005 by Bawls
#34 Jan 06 2005 at 4:21 PM Rating: Good
900 posts
Only 4 characters is an outrage?

I think 4 is perfect. I come from FFXI where you only got one. Each additional was more money.

Sony gets off saying that you can only have 4 because it is their product. Storage space costs money. So does the on-going developement that they do (not just fixing bugs, but adding content). Bandwidth costs money. Admins cost money. Real Estate costs money. Have you ever seen an electric bill from a data center? I is not pretty. Not to mention the money they spent in developement and they did not have any subscribers to EQ2.

Sony is a business, they are there to make money. They try to make people happy because that is where they make there money. However, there is a point where a company has to draw the line before making someone happy costs them money.

If you are quiting a game because you only get 4 Toons...can I have your stuff?

#35 Jan 06 2005 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
"...o'er the laaaand of the timid, and the hoooome of the brainwashed!"

The new players' National Anthem of Norrath.

My GAWD people, wake up and read what you are posting! This a UhMARKa - well - I'm gonna get it from Canadians and Europeans and Australians (and Australiens - hello, I know about you all), and New Zealanders and etc. and etc. and etc. But I assume most of you posters are American. And I'm STUNNED by your brazen acceptance of slave mentality. STUNNED!

Don't you remember your Revolutionary War history, like when Patrick Henry famously typed: "/ooc GIVE ME MORE FREE CHARACTER SLOTS, OR GIVE ME DEATH!" Or the great patriot, Nathan Hale, who, as the Evil Sony Management goons put the noose around his neck, said, "I regret that I have but one account to stop paying for to protest you flaming, greed-bloated cretins."

What has happened to you good people?

Is it chemicals in the water? Have they really been tampering with our precious bodily fluids? Do evil school-teachers somehow imprint us to blindly follow what obvious Evil Empire Corporations tell us to do? Maybe it's the talking puppets in Sesame Street?! Or have you all succomed to groupie mindset (I love EQ, therefore I love Sony, therefore if I always act as their lapdog I might, I just might get to have cybersex with Antonia Bayle)???

Yes, that must be it. Groupie mindset. Our precious bodily fluids are indeed no longer pure. Mssr. Sony killed Lady Liberty in the parlor in a rit of fealous jage! "And we sang dirges in the dark the day the mmo died - and we were singin' 'Bye bye to the tactics and spells, wanted more slots than the four slots but was told go to hell, them Sony boys was ringin' cash register bells, singing what a bunch of maleable sheep - what a buncha maleable sheep...'"

Being dead serious, if we transfered the mindset of you good posters who say "who needs more than 4 slots" "I'd be perfectly happy with only one slot" "you should have read the FAQs! Should have read the FAQs, brawk!" -- if we transfered your mindset back in time, the American colonists would not have minded the Tax Act or the yoke of taxation w/out representation - after all the British Empire took care of them and had paid for the French and Indian War - what right did our ancestors have to rebel against a perfectly reasonable and wonderful King, George III? The American Revolution would never have happened, there would be no USA, EQ and EQ2 would never have been invented - and I'd have a life instead of firing off in stupid cyberboards about an idiotic game! HAH!

#36 Jan 06 2005 at 4:32 PM Rating: Good
1,930 posts
Well that logic sounds decent enough but it's a little flawed. First of all a character prolly takes less than a MB because all it is, is a DB entry. If you have item X it puts a check in that spot on the tablespace. That check is a binary 1 or a binary no check binary 0. That binary 1 or 0 is 1 bit. 1 bit is not alot. 8 bits = 1 byte, 1024 bytes = 1 kilobyte, 1024 kilobytes = 1 megabyte. Which means there are 8,388,608 bits available in one MB.... Well certainly there aren't that many items that you can use.. Now some entries use more than one bit of course. But it still leaves plenty of space.

The point is SOE is simply being being cheap and overly capitalistic(is that a word?). I like the game, but I play WoW also and I can have 10 chars per server. I think currently there are like 40 servers. That's 400 characters. Now we all know that nobody is going to use that many, but they allow it because there is no reason to disallow it. Which SOE does... FOR NO REASON.. :-(
#37 Jan 06 2005 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
Always a fan of your replies, Evilgnome.. but that last one said everything i was going to say before i had the chance. Everyone should listen to this evil midget, he speaks the truth! <rates up> I say we protest! Down with limited character slots, in with tequilla shots! and so on... anyway.. lets all try to find a way of protesting that dosnt involve the termination of my beloved EQ2 account. :)

And thats all i have to say about that... yep.. for now..
#38 Jan 06 2005 at 4:44 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Over-react much Evil? maybe is because you ar so small, small gnome syndrome perhaps?

All in all 8 charicter slots are enough for me. It sucks having to pay extra for them but if i was worried over £7 per month quite frankly i would be looking for a new job.

it amounts to 0.0033 of my monthly wage and i can't get excited about it to be honest. I hope that adds a little perspective to the issue, hell i spend more than that on magazines a month.
#39 Jan 06 2005 at 4:45 PM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Well that logic sounds decent enough but it's a little flawed. First of all a character prolly takes less than a MB because all it is, is a DB entry. If you have item X it puts a check in that spot on the tablespace. That check is a binary 1 or a binary no check binary 0. That binary 1 or 0 is 1 bit. 1 bit is not alot. 8 bits = 1 byte, 1024 bytes = 1 kilobyte, 1024 kilobytes = 1 megabyte. Which means there are 8,388,608 bits available in one MB.... Well certainly there aren't that many items that you can use.. Now some entries use more than one bit of course. But it still leaves plenty of space.

I seriously doubt their database is using a structure anything like that. In EQ every item had a unique identifier. The item table would be cross-referenced to a player table. No way would you have a table of all possible items for each player. They are also able to track individual items through trades and transfers to follow a specific piece of gear from player to player. That implies detailed transactional logging. Internal storage would be a function of the database management software.

However the point remains that even if it took terabytes to store that must have been in the plans from day one. Storage is cheap. They made a decision to limit to 4 characters because their forecasts showed that to be the most profitable. It may also incidentally give them a chance to guage loading in the early months and allow them to issue more later. Somehow I doubt it.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#40 Jan 06 2005 at 4:57 PM Rating: Good
1,930 posts
Buzz is right, bandwidth does cost money. But since you only use 1 char at a time, then it doesn't matter and bandwidth is not an issue. Space is not an issue either. Sorry but if SOE sold 300,000 copies at 45 a piece that's 13.5 million dollars. There is no way that a server farm costs that much.

Now take that 300,000 and trim it down to say 250,000 and charge 15.00 a month. That's 3.75 million A MONTH. Trust me, thier employees don't make that much.. SOE is doing well enough to allow more characters. They are just being cheap. PERIOD...
#41 Jan 06 2005 at 4:59 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
Now now, SKDude, let's be nice. The only thing throwing out silly little pseudo-insults is gonna do is make people angry. Not *everyone* is a... how did you say it? "loyalist fangirl"? Some of them are boys too, you must realize. And why place such a negative connotation being a fan of anything anyway?

Meh, I want a soda. Let's be nice :)
#42 Jan 06 2005 at 5:01 PM Rating: Good
1,930 posts
Well good point Cobra. I was trying to keep it simple for the purposes of the forum. I would certainly hope that they would have more than one large tablespace :-) but that could explain the attrocius(sp?) zone times :-)

At any rate it was just an example to show how many bits there are in a MB, and how it is perfectly feasable to expect a char to only take a little space..
#43 Jan 06 2005 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
Whoa! Hold on there, Diminuative One of Wickedness! I know you're making a point through the use of humor... but I'm thinking you're being a tad bit overzealous. Just because I haven't as much an issue with the fact that I only have four slots as the next guy doesn't make me a braindead conformist. It means I am only playing two characters at a time and feel no burning need to fill up my slots. I am *gasp* not interested in crafting nor do make much use of online selling. Being active duty military I am naturally a casual player... though I'd like to have the time *not* to be. I do not disagree that there *should* be more slots... but, frankly, there are currently no more than that unless you pay for them.

Also... if we're talking about space... doesn't each character's living quarters ( and all the little Barbie and Ken Dreamhouse furniture within those abodes ) take up a bit of digital space? Simply curious... I don't see why this whole mess had become such a big deal?

And, dammit, I keep pointing this out: there are cute, furry anthropomorphic rats in the game, fer cryin' out sakes! That's enough to keep me happy!

Edited, Thu Jan 6 17:19:37 2005 by Dezi
#44 Jan 06 2005 at 5:20 PM Rating: Good
259 posts
i suspect that, while it's likely the character doesnt take up much space, the transaction and quest logs associated with each character might take up quite a bit :x. transaction logs of any kind are datamunching monsters, in my experience.

note: this statement is an opinion, and unfounded, at that, except for the fact that i'm a web-based software and db developer... i do not have any idea what their table structure is, nor does it really matter to me much. just a thought that occurred to me when i read other posts. yall be nice :).
EQ: Runyaessz, 5 Monk, Phinigel
EVE: Runym/Runyn/Runyl, 43M SP each
SWTOR: Pardoric, 22 Merc, on vaca
EQ: Runyariel Varyuvantel, 65 Enchanter, Tarew Marr, on vaca
LoTRO: Runyarian, 38 hunter, Vilya, on vaca
WoW: Runyarian, 70 hunter, Muradin, on sabbatical
EQ2: Runylala, 25 Troll Bard, Qey, Blackburrow, retired
WAR: Runyael, 30 DiscO Khaine, Ironfist,retired.
CoH: Hissing Chicken, 16 Scrapper, Pinnacle, retired
#45 Jan 07 2005 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
198 posts
I stand corrected. There are 88 WoW servers. Also, the game is sold out everywhere. No one has it in stock and they don't think they will be getting any till end of the month.

I guess I will be playing EQII till the end of the month... WoW is now like trying to buy the X850 XT PE.

This feels just like when 3DFX were the king of the hill and slacked off and stuck to what they were doing. "This is how its supposed to be done". Nvidia bought them and they are now gone. Now Nvidia is having the same problem with ATI. The X850 is now the king of the hill. It even beats out Nvidia's SLI with certain games. Even DIII that is made to use the Nvidia cards doesn't beat out the X850 by that much... even in SLI mode.

I think SOE got arrogant and is now feeling the pain of being second fiddle to WoW. Not that EQII has no subscribers... Its just not the king of the hill it thought it would be.

Um... What? I guess I had a rant in me that I didn't even realize. Sorry!
#46 Jan 07 2005 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
1,930 posts
ooops, 88 servers. That makes it even worse for the space argument. As far as I know there is no limit impsed by Blizzard, which means I can have 880 characters. SOE screwed this up. But hey it's still a kick-*** game.. It just doesn't have my undivided attention right now..
#47 Jan 07 2005 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
85 posts
880 characters?!?!?! I'm going to go out right now and buy WoW. in the time that I have to play, in about a week or so I should be able to create all 880, and then in about 9-10 months or so I should be able to have them all up to lvl 5....maybe even 6
#48 Jan 07 2005 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
1,930 posts
Hey that sounds fun. I'll help you out.. No really.

Everyone knows that nobody is going to create that many so that's why there is no use in putting a limit on it.. It does however give you the ability to creat a Dwarf with every possible job, a human with every possible job, blah blah blah.

So you could actually get a better understanding of what works best for you..
#49 Jan 07 2005 at 5:33 PM Rating: Default
198 posts
880 characters?!?!?! I'm going to go out right now and buy WoW. in the time that I have to play, in about a week or so I should be able to create all 880, and then in about 9-10 months or so I should be able to have them all up to lvl 5....maybe even 6

Its not about the 880, its about the perception of no limits. That you can do what you want even if you only have 1 main and 2 alts you still 'feel' you can do whatever you want. I doubt that anyone will ever make that many characters but the fact that you can is what empowers you. Not the feeling of "Wth? I only get 4... per account?!?!?!" Again, even if you only ever play 1 main and 2 alts and have 1 slot left over, the perception that if you 'wanted' to create more you would have to pay more is what is restricting.

Although to many players, like myself, 4 really is restricting. I think Blizzard learned how to really work them spreadsheets with Diablo 2. I had over 50 characters in that game and made more each week. I loved the feeling of creating a new character and using new abilities I had never used before. I hear that WoW is close to that but a bit slower than Diablo on the leveling aspect. If this is the case, I will be creating dozens of characters in WoW.

I still don't understand the mentality behind trying to force you into playing 1 main. If you only play 1 class your entire time in a game you are going to get bored. Besides, you are missing out on so much of the game by being this 1 class. I think Blizzard took a lot from Diablo 2 and implemented it into a MMORPG. That's why they need the 88 servers they have.

Now I just have to wait and buy WoW. Hopefully my friends weren't lying to me when they said it was just like EQII, but fun. I know I used to stick up for EQII and defend it against WoW players... Its the WoW community I am not too thrilled about. Well, some of it. If I can play WoW like I played D2, with a good guild, solo or with my friends when they log in, then WoW will be good for me. I'm still upset that I made the mistake of paying for the 6 month subscription after the 30 days...

Thanks for reading! >_<
#50 Jan 07 2005 at 7:11 PM Rating: Default
1,463 posts
"Its not about the 880, its about the perception of no limits."

Amen, Toco! I'm with you 100% on that one. If I'm going to pay good money to go escape into an alternate reality, I too wanna have fun instead of feeling the designers' leash constantly jerking my neck.

Even worse, I suspect that this 4-slot nonsense is some form of SoE beancounter profit-maxing plot. I can't prove it, but it sure smells like one.

I don't mean to hype WoW or irrationally trash EQ2 w/ what I'm about to say, but I just got an email that WoW is completely sold out. Yes, completely sold out - in stores, on line, everywhere. Smiley: jawdrop

I haven't comfirmed this, but this is what I just read on their email. This person can't find it anywhere for sale except on Ebay for twice the original price. A week ago we had an empty character slot on one of our EQ2 accounts, and I occasionally peeked at server health. They were all down a full click - none were FULL any more. Many were green (light load).

Well, maybe it wasn't such a bad thing that we bought 6 months of eq2 or whatever it was we did. If this is true, SoE has got to be shocked. So far they are losing big-time to Blizzard. And it is only true fear like this Smiley: yikes that will force them to face reality and make the game better (and do it fast). Maybe some of the idiots who sucked the fun, life and innovation out of EQ2 (see the game they launched was nothing like the innovated "next generation of mmo" they promised in the hype months earlier) will get fired and have to go work for cel phone companies or something - and maybe with regime change we'll get a really good game - if the very real and chilling (Smiley: clown) fact of having lost to Blizard doesn't do that right away. Here's hoping! Smiley: clap <-- that's us clapping for u, Moorgard - come on - really fix EQ2 this time - lose the tightness - be a little more generous - and make it FUN - u can do it!

Edited, Fri Jan 7 19:19:11 2005 by EvilGnomes

Edited, Fri Jan 7 19:16:04 2005 by EvilGnomes
#51 Jan 08 2005 at 12:15 AM Rating: Decent
85 posts
...another slightly off topic post, but I am in the Beta 2 for a new MMO called Wish, I couldn't even bring myself to play it long enough to get to the mmo part, I played for all of about 10 minutes and had to log. I'm hoping it's just really bad right now and that as the beta progresses it will get better( I don't actually forsee this happening though), but for's just bad. The one thing that really turned me off it point and click movement.
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